path: root/ghc/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
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1 files changed, 39 insertions, 312 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
index 561de22a3d..0bf40e64de 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
@@ -11,18 +11,14 @@ free variables.
module RnExpr (
- rnMatchGroup, rnMatch, rnGRHSs, rnLExpr, rnExpr, rnStmts,
- checkPrecMatch, checkTH
+ rnLExpr, rnExpr, rnStmts
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
-import {-# SOURCE #-} RnSource ( rnSrcDecls, rnBindGroupsAndThen, rnBindGroups, rnSplice )
--- RnSource imports RnBinds.rnTopMonoBinds, RnExpr.rnExpr
--- RnBinds imports RnExpr.rnMatch, etc
--- RnExpr imports [boot] RnSource.rnSrcDecls, RnSource.rnBinds
+import RnSource ( rnSrcDecls, rnSplice, checkTH )
+import RnBinds ( rnLocalBindsAndThen, rnValBinds,
+ rnMatchGroup, trimWith )
import HsSyn
import RnHsSyn
import TcRnMonad
@@ -30,10 +26,10 @@ import RnEnv
import OccName ( plusOccEnv )
import RnNames ( getLocalDeclBinders, extendRdrEnvRn )
import RnTypes ( rnHsTypeFVs, rnLPat, rnOverLit, rnPatsAndThen, rnLit,
- dupFieldErr, precParseErr, sectionPrecErr, patSigErr,
- checkTupSize )
-import DynFlags ( DynFlag(..) )
-import BasicTypes ( Fixity(..), FixityDirection(..), negateFixity, compareFixity )
+ mkOpFormRn, mkOpAppRn, mkNegAppRn, checkSectionPrec,
+ dupFieldErr, checkTupSize )
+import DynFlags ( DynFlag(..) )
+import BasicTypes ( FixityDirection(..) )
import PrelNames ( hasKey, assertIdKey, assertErrorName,
loopAName, choiceAName, appAName, arrAName, composeAName, firstAName,
negateName, thenMName, bindMName, failMName )
@@ -48,90 +44,13 @@ import Util ( isSingleton )
import ListSetOps ( removeDups )
import Maybes ( fromJust )
import Outputable
-import SrcLoc ( Located(..), unLoc, getLoc, combineLocs, cmpLocated )
+import SrcLoc ( Located(..), unLoc, getLoc, cmpLocated )
import FastString
import List ( unzip4 )
-* *
-* *
-rnMatchGroup :: HsMatchContext Name -> MatchGroup RdrName -> RnM (MatchGroup Name, FreeVars)
-rnMatchGroup ctxt (MatchGroup ms _)
- = mapFvRn (rnMatch ctxt) ms `thenM` \ (new_ms, ms_fvs) ->
- returnM (MatchGroup new_ms placeHolderType, ms_fvs)
-rnMatch :: HsMatchContext Name -> LMatch RdrName -> RnM (LMatch Name, FreeVars)
-rnMatch ctxt = wrapLocFstM (rnMatch' ctxt)
-rnMatch' ctxt match@(Match pats maybe_rhs_sig grhss)
- =
- -- Deal with the rhs type signature
- bindPatSigTyVarsFV rhs_sig_tys $
- doptM Opt_GlasgowExts `thenM` \ opt_GlasgowExts ->
- (case maybe_rhs_sig of
- Nothing -> returnM (Nothing, emptyFVs)
- Just ty | opt_GlasgowExts -> rnHsTypeFVs doc_sig ty `thenM` \ (ty', ty_fvs) ->
- returnM (Just ty', ty_fvs)
- | otherwise -> addLocErr ty patSigErr `thenM_`
- returnM (Nothing, emptyFVs)
- ) `thenM` \ (maybe_rhs_sig', ty_fvs) ->
- -- Now the main event
- rnPatsAndThen ctxt pats $ \ pats' ->
- rnGRHSs ctxt grhss `thenM` \ (grhss', grhss_fvs) ->
- returnM (Match pats' maybe_rhs_sig' grhss', grhss_fvs `plusFV` ty_fvs)
- -- The bindPatSigTyVarsFV and rnPatsAndThen will remove the bound FVs
- where
- rhs_sig_tys = case maybe_rhs_sig of
- Nothing -> []
- Just ty -> [ty]
- doc_sig = text "In a result type-signature"
-%* *
-\subsubsection{Guarded right-hand sides (GRHSs)}
-%* *
-rnGRHSs :: HsMatchContext Name -> GRHSs RdrName -> RnM (GRHSs Name, FreeVars)
--- gaw 2004
-rnGRHSs ctxt (GRHSs grhss binds)
- = rnBindGroupsAndThen binds $ \ binds' ->
- mapFvRn (rnGRHS ctxt) grhss `thenM` \ (grhss', fvGRHSs) ->
- returnM (GRHSs grhss' binds', fvGRHSs)
-rnGRHS :: HsMatchContext Name -> LGRHS RdrName -> RnM (LGRHS Name, FreeVars)
-rnGRHS ctxt = wrapLocFstM (rnGRHS' ctxt)
-rnGRHS' ctxt (GRHS guards rhs)
- = do { opt_GlasgowExts <- doptM Opt_GlasgowExts
- ; checkM (opt_GlasgowExts || is_standard_guard guards)
- (addWarn (nonStdGuardErr guards))
- ; ((guards', rhs'), fvs) <- rnStmts (PatGuard ctxt) guards $
- rnLExpr rhs
- ; return (GRHS guards' rhs', fvs) }
- where
- -- Standard Haskell 1.4 guards are just a single boolean
- -- expression, rather than a list of qualifiers as in the
- -- Glasgow extension
- is_standard_guard [] = True
- is_standard_guard [L _ (ExprStmt _ _ _)] = True
- is_standard_guard other = False
%* *
@@ -266,7 +185,7 @@ rnExpr (HsCase expr matches)
returnM (HsCase new_expr new_matches, e_fvs `plusFV` ms_fvs)
rnExpr (HsLet binds expr)
- = rnBindGroupsAndThen binds $ \ binds' ->
+ = rnLocalBindsAndThen binds $ \ binds' ->
rnLExpr expr `thenM` \ (expr',fvExpr) ->
returnM (HsLet binds' expr', fvExpr)
@@ -391,36 +310,6 @@ rnExpr (HsArrForm op fixity cmds)
rnExpr other = pprPanic "rnExpr: unexpected expression" (ppr other)
-- DictApp, DictLam, TyApp, TyLam
--- Deal with fixity (cf mkOpAppRn for the method)
-mkOpFormRn :: LHsCmdTop Name -- Left operand; already rearranged
- -> LHsExpr Name -> Fixity -- Operator and fixity
- -> LHsCmdTop Name -- Right operand (not an infix)
- -> RnM (HsCmd Name)
--- (e11 `op1` e12) `op2` e2
-mkOpFormRn a1@(L loc (HsCmdTop (L _ (HsArrForm op1 (Just fix1) [a11,a12])) _ _ _))
- op2 fix2 a2
- | nofix_error
- = addErr (precParseErr (ppr_op op1,fix1) (ppr_op op2,fix2)) `thenM_`
- returnM (HsArrForm op2 (Just fix2) [a1, a2])
- | associate_right
- = mkOpFormRn a12 op2 fix2 a2 `thenM` \ new_c ->
- returnM (HsArrForm op1 (Just fix1)
- [a11, L loc (HsCmdTop (L loc new_c) [] placeHolderType [])])
- -- TODO: locs are wrong
- where
- (nofix_error, associate_right) = compareFixity fix1 fix2
--- Default case
-mkOpFormRn arg1 op fix arg2 -- Default case, no rearrangment
- = returnM (HsArrForm op (Just fix) [arg1, arg2])
@@ -721,22 +610,20 @@ rnStmt ctxt (BindStmt pat expr _ _) thing_inside
-- but it does not matter because the names are unique
rnStmt ctxt (LetStmt binds) thing_inside
- = do { checkErr (ok ctxt binds) (badIpBinds binds)
- ; rnBindGroupsAndThen binds $ \ binds' -> do
+ = do { checkErr (ok ctxt binds)
+ (badIpBinds (ptext SLIT("a parallel list comprehension:")) binds)
+ ; rnLocalBindsAndThen binds $ \ binds' -> do
{ (thing, fvs) <- thing_inside
; return ((LetStmt binds', thing), fvs) }}
-- We do not allow implicit-parameter bindings in a parallel
-- list comprehension. I'm not sure what it might mean.
- ok (ParStmtCtxt _) binds = not (any is_ip_bind binds)
- ok _ _ = True
- is_ip_bind (HsIPBinds _) = True
- is_ip_bind _ = False
+ ok (ParStmtCtxt _) (HsIPBinds _) = False
+ ok _ _ = True
rnStmt ctxt (RecStmt rec_stmts _ _ _ _) thing_inside
- = bindLocatedLocalsRn doc (collectLStmtsBinders rec_stmts) $ \ _ ->
- rn_rec_stmts rec_stmts `thenM` \ segs ->
+ = bindLocatedLocalsRn doc (collectLStmtsBinders rec_stmts) $ \ bndrs ->
+ rn_rec_stmts bndrs rec_stmts `thenM` \ segs ->
thing_inside `thenM` \ (thing, fvs) ->
segs_w_fwd_refs = addFwdRefs segs
@@ -829,7 +716,7 @@ rnMDoStmts stmts thing_inside
= -- Step1: bring all the binders of the mdo into scope
-- Remember that this also removes the binders from the
-- finally-returned free-vars
- bindLocatedLocalsRn doc (collectLStmtsBinders stmts) $ \ _ ->
+ bindLocatedLocalsRn doc (collectLStmtsBinders stmts) $ \ bndrs ->
do {
-- Step 2: Rename each individual stmt, making a
-- singleton segment. At this stage the FwdRefs field
@@ -837,7 +724,7 @@ rnMDoStmts stmts thing_inside
-- for which it's the fwd refs within the bind itself
-- (This set may not be empty, because we're in a recursive
-- context.)
- segs <- rn_rec_stmts stmts
+ segs <- rn_rec_stmts bndrs stmts
; (thing, fvs_later) <- thing_inside
@@ -864,20 +751,24 @@ rnMDoStmts stmts thing_inside
doc = text "In a recursive mdo-expression"
+rn_rec_stmts :: [Name] -> [LStmt RdrName] -> RnM [Segment (LStmt Name)]
+rn_rec_stmts bndrs stmts = mappM (rn_rec_stmt bndrs) stmts `thenM` \ segs_s ->
+ returnM (concat segs_s)
-rn_rec_stmt :: LStmt RdrName -> RnM [Segment (LStmt Name)]
+rn_rec_stmt :: [Name] -> LStmt RdrName -> RnM [Segment (LStmt Name)]
-- Rename a Stmt that is inside a RecStmt (or mdo)
-- Assumes all binders are already in scope
-- Turns each stmt into a singleton Stmt
-rn_rec_stmt (L loc (ExprStmt expr _ _))
+rn_rec_stmt all_bndrs (L loc (ExprStmt expr _ _))
= rnLExpr expr `thenM` \ (expr', fvs) ->
lookupSyntaxName thenMName `thenM` \ (then_op, fvs1) ->
returnM [(emptyNameSet, fvs `plusFV` fvs1, emptyNameSet,
L loc (ExprStmt expr' then_op placeHolderType))]
-rn_rec_stmt (L loc (BindStmt pat expr _ _))
+rn_rec_stmt all_bndrs (L loc (BindStmt pat expr _ _))
= rnLExpr expr `thenM` \ (expr', fv_expr) ->
rnLPat pat `thenM` \ (pat', fv_pat) ->
lookupSyntaxName bindMName `thenM` \ (bind_op, fvs1) ->
@@ -889,24 +780,22 @@ rn_rec_stmt (L loc (BindStmt pat expr _ _))
returnM [(bndrs, fvs, bndrs `intersectNameSet` fvs,
L loc (BindStmt pat' expr' bind_op fail_op))]
-rn_rec_stmt (L loc (LetStmt binds))
- = rnBindGroups binds `thenM` \ (binds', du_binds) ->
+rn_rec_stmt all_bndrs (L loc (LetStmt binds@(HsIPBinds _)))
+ = do { addErr (badIpBinds (ptext SLIT("an mdo expression")) binds)
+ ; failM }
+rn_rec_stmt all_bndrs (L loc (LetStmt (HsValBinds binds)))
+ = rnValBinds (trimWith all_bndrs) binds `thenM` \ (binds', du_binds) ->
returnM [(duDefs du_binds, duUses du_binds,
- emptyNameSet, L loc (LetStmt binds'))]
+ emptyNameSet, L loc (LetStmt (HsValBinds binds')))]
-rn_rec_stmt (L loc (RecStmt stmts _ _ _ _)) -- Flatten Rec inside Rec
- = rn_rec_stmts stmts
+rn_rec_stmt all_bndrs (L loc (RecStmt stmts _ _ _ _)) -- Flatten Rec inside Rec
+ = rn_rec_stmts all_bndrs stmts
-rn_rec_stmt stmt@(L _ (ParStmt _)) -- Syntactically illegal in mdo
+rn_rec_stmt all_bndrs stmt@(L _ (ParStmt _)) -- Syntactically illegal in mdo
= pprPanic "rn_rec_stmt" (ppr stmt)
-rn_rec_stmts :: [LStmt RdrName] -> RnM [Segment (LStmt Name)]
-rn_rec_stmts stmts = mappM rn_rec_stmt stmts `thenM` \ segs_s ->
- returnM (concat segs_s)
addFwdRefs :: [Segment a] -> [Segment a]
-- So far the segments only have forward refs *within* the Stmt
-- (which happens for bind: x <- ...x...)
@@ -1009,151 +898,6 @@ segsToStmts ((defs, uses, fwds, ss) : segs) fvs_later
%* *
-\subsubsection{Precedence Parsing}
-%* *
-@mkOpAppRn@ deals with operator fixities. The argument expressions
-are assumed to be already correctly arranged. It needs the fixities
-recorded in the OpApp nodes, because fixity info applies to the things
-the programmer actually wrote, so you can't find it out from the Name.
-Furthermore, the second argument is guaranteed not to be another
-operator application. Why? Because the parser parses all
-operator appications left-associatively, EXCEPT negation, which
-we need to handle specially.
-mkOpAppRn :: LHsExpr Name -- Left operand; already rearranged
- -> LHsExpr Name -> Fixity -- Operator and fixity
- -> LHsExpr Name -- Right operand (not an OpApp, but might
- -- be a NegApp)
- -> RnM (HsExpr Name)
--- (e11 `op1` e12) `op2` e2
-mkOpAppRn e1@(L _ (OpApp e11 op1 fix1 e12)) op2 fix2 e2
- | nofix_error
- = addErr (precParseErr (ppr_op op1,fix1) (ppr_op op2,fix2)) `thenM_`
- returnM (OpApp e1 op2 fix2 e2)
- | associate_right
- = mkOpAppRn e12 op2 fix2 e2 `thenM` \ new_e ->
- returnM (OpApp e11 op1 fix1 (L loc' new_e))
- where
- loc'= combineLocs e12 e2
- (nofix_error, associate_right) = compareFixity fix1 fix2
--- (- neg_arg) `op` e2
-mkOpAppRn e1@(L _ (NegApp neg_arg neg_name)) op2 fix2 e2
- | nofix_error
- = addErr (precParseErr (pp_prefix_minus,negateFixity) (ppr_op op2,fix2)) `thenM_`
- returnM (OpApp e1 op2 fix2 e2)
- | associate_right
- = mkOpAppRn neg_arg op2 fix2 e2 `thenM` \ new_e ->
- returnM (NegApp (L loc' new_e) neg_name)
- where
- loc' = combineLocs neg_arg e2
- (nofix_error, associate_right) = compareFixity negateFixity fix2
--- e1 `op` - neg_arg
-mkOpAppRn e1 op1 fix1 e2@(L _ (NegApp neg_arg _)) -- NegApp can occur on the right
- | not associate_right -- We *want* right association
- = addErr (precParseErr (ppr_op op1, fix1) (pp_prefix_minus, negateFixity)) `thenM_`
- returnM (OpApp e1 op1 fix1 e2)
- where
- (_, associate_right) = compareFixity fix1 negateFixity
--- Default case
-mkOpAppRn e1 op fix e2 -- Default case, no rearrangment
- = ASSERT2( right_op_ok fix (unLoc e2),
- ppr e1 $$ text "---" $$ ppr op $$ text "---" $$ ppr fix $$ text "---" $$ ppr e2
- )
- returnM (OpApp e1 op fix e2)
--- Parser left-associates everything, but
--- derived instances may have correctly-associated things to
--- in the right operarand. So we just check that the right operand is OK
-right_op_ok fix1 (OpApp _ _ fix2 _)
- = not error_please && associate_right
- where
- (error_please, associate_right) = compareFixity fix1 fix2
-right_op_ok fix1 other
- = True
--- Parser initially makes negation bind more tightly than any other operator
--- And "deriving" code should respect this (use HsPar if not)
-mkNegAppRn :: LHsExpr id -> SyntaxExpr id -> RnM (HsExpr id)
-mkNegAppRn neg_arg neg_name
- = ASSERT( not_op_app (unLoc neg_arg) )
- returnM (NegApp neg_arg neg_name)
-not_op_app (OpApp _ _ _ _) = False
-not_op_app other = True
-checkPrecMatch :: Bool -> Name -> MatchGroup Name -> RnM ()
- -- True indicates an infix lhs
- -- See comments with rnExpr (OpApp ...) about "deriving"
-checkPrecMatch False fn match
- = returnM ()
-checkPrecMatch True op (MatchGroup ms _)
- = mapM_ check ms
- where
- check (L _ (Match (p1:p2:_) _ _))
- = checkPrec op (unLoc p1) False `thenM_`
- checkPrec op (unLoc p2) True
- check _ = panic "checkPrecMatch"
-checkPrec op (ConPatIn op1 (InfixCon _ _)) right
- = lookupFixityRn op `thenM` \ op_fix@(Fixity op_prec op_dir) ->
- lookupFixityRn (unLoc op1) `thenM` \ op1_fix@(Fixity op1_prec op1_dir) ->
- let
- inf_ok = op1_prec > op_prec ||
- (op1_prec == op_prec &&
- (op1_dir == InfixR && op_dir == InfixR && right ||
- op1_dir == InfixL && op_dir == InfixL && not right))
- info = (ppr_op op, op_fix)
- info1 = (ppr_op op1, op1_fix)
- (infol, infor) = if right then (info, info1) else (info1, info)
- in
- checkErr inf_ok (precParseErr infol infor)
-checkPrec op pat right
- = returnM ()
--- Check precedence of (arg op) or (op arg) respectively
--- If arg is itself an operator application, then either
--- (a) its precedence must be higher than that of op
--- (b) its precedency & associativity must be the same as that of op
-checkSectionPrec :: FixityDirection -> HsExpr RdrName
- -> LHsExpr Name -> LHsExpr Name -> RnM ()
-checkSectionPrec direction section op arg
- = case unLoc arg of
- OpApp _ op fix _ -> go_for_it (ppr_op op) fix
- NegApp _ _ -> go_for_it pp_prefix_minus negateFixity
- other -> returnM ()
- where
- L _ (HsVar op_name) = op
- go_for_it pp_arg_op arg_fix@(Fixity arg_prec assoc)
- = lookupFixityRn op_name `thenM` \ op_fix@(Fixity op_prec _) ->
- checkErr (op_prec < arg_prec
- || op_prec == arg_prec && direction == assoc)
- (sectionPrecErr (ppr_op op_name, op_fix)
- (pp_arg_op, arg_fix) section)
-%* *
\subsubsection{Assertion utils}
%* *
@@ -1177,30 +921,13 @@ mkAssertErrorExpr
-ppr_op op = quotes (ppr op) -- Here, op can be a Name or a (Var n), where n is a Name
-pp_prefix_minus = ptext SLIT("prefix `-'")
-nonStdGuardErr guard
- = hang (ptext
- SLIT("accepting non-standard pattern guards (-fglasgow-exts to suppress this message)")
- ) 4 (ppr guard)
patSynErr e
= sep [ptext SLIT("Pattern syntax in expression context:"),
nest 4 (ppr e)]
-#ifdef GHCI
-checkTH e what = returnM () -- OK
-checkTH e what -- Raise an error in a stage-1 compiler
- = addErr (vcat [ptext SLIT("Template Haskell") <+> text what <+>
- ptext SLIT("illegal in a stage-1 compiler"),
- nest 2 (ppr e)])
parStmtErr = addErr (ptext SLIT("Illegal parallel list comprehension: use -fglasgow-exts"))
-badIpBinds binds
- = hang (ptext SLIT("Implicit-parameter bindings illegal in a parallel list comprehension:")) 4
- (ppr binds)
+badIpBinds what binds
+ = hang (ptext SLIT("Implicit-parameter bindings illegal in") <+> what)
+ 2 (ppr binds)