path: root/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHiFiles.lhs
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Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/compiler/rename/RnHiFiles.lhs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 731 deletions
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-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
-\section{Dealing with interface files}
-module RnHiFiles (
- readIface, loadInterface, loadHomeInterface,
- loadOrphanModules,
- loadOldIface,
- ParsedIface(..)
- ) where
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-import DriverState ( v_GhcMode, isCompManagerMode )
-import DriverUtil ( replaceFilenameSuffix )
-import CmdLineOpts ( DynFlag(..) )
-import Parser ( parseIface )
-import HscTypes ( ModIface(..), emptyModIface,
- ExternalPackageState(..), noDependencies,
- VersionInfo(..), Usage(..),
- lookupIfaceByModName, RdrExportItem,
- IsBootInterface,
- DeclsMap, GatedDecl, IfaceInsts, IfaceRules, mkIfaceDecls,
- AvailInfo, GenAvailInfo(..), ParsedIface(..), IfaceDeprecs,
- Avails, availNames, availName, Deprecations(..)
- )
-import HsSyn ( TyClDecl(..), InstDecl(..), RuleDecl(..), ConDecl(..),
- hsTyVarNames, splitHsInstDeclTy, tyClDeclName, tyClDeclNames
- )
-import RdrHsSyn ( RdrNameTyClDecl, RdrNameInstDecl, RdrNameRuleDecl )
-import RnHsSyn ( RenamedInstDecl, RenamedRuleDecl, RenamedTyClDecl,
- extractHsTyNames_s )
-import BasicTypes ( Version, FixitySig(..), Fixity(..), FixityDirection(..) )
-import RnSource ( rnIfaceRuleDecl, rnTyClDecl, rnInstDecl )
-import RnTypes ( rnHsType )
-import RnEnv
-import TcRnMonad
-import PrelNames ( gHC_PRIM_Name, gHC_PRIM )
-import PrelInfo ( ghcPrimExports )
-import Name ( Name {-instance NamedThing-},
- nameModule, isInternalName )
-import NameEnv
-import NameSet
-import Id ( idName )
-import MkId ( seqId )
-import Packages ( basePackage )
-import Module ( Module, ModuleName, ModLocation(ml_hi_file),
- moduleName, isHomeModule, mkPackageModule,
- extendModuleEnv, lookupModuleEnvByName
- )
-import RdrName ( RdrName, mkRdrUnqual, rdrNameOcc, nameRdrName )
-import OccName ( OccName, mkClassTyConOcc, mkClassDataConOcc,
- mkSuperDictSelOcc, mkGenOcc1, mkGenOcc2,
- mkDataConWrapperOcc, mkDataConWorkerOcc )
-import TyCon ( DataConDetails(..) )
-import SrcLoc ( noSrcLoc, mkSrcLoc )
-import Maybes ( maybeToBool )
-import StringBuffer ( hGetStringBuffer )
-import FastString ( mkFastString )
-import ErrUtils ( Message )
-import Finder ( findModule, findPackageModule,
- hiBootExt, hiBootVerExt )
-import Lexer
-import FiniteMap
-import ListSetOps ( minusList )
-import Outputable
-import Bag
-import BinIface ( readBinIface )
-import Panic
-import EXCEPTION as Exception
-import DATA_IOREF ( readIORef )
-import Directory
-%* *
-\subsection{Loading a new interface file}
-%* *
-loadHomeInterface :: SDoc -> Name -> TcRn m ModIface
-loadHomeInterface doc_str name
- = ASSERT2( not (isInternalName name), ppr name <+> parens doc_str )
- loadInterface doc_str (moduleName (nameModule name)) ImportBySystem
-loadOrphanModules :: [ModuleName] -> TcRn m ()
-loadOrphanModules mods
- | null mods = returnM ()
- | otherwise = traceRn (text "Loading orphan modules:" <+>
- fsep (map ppr mods)) `thenM_`
- mappM_ load mods `thenM_`
- returnM ()
- where
- load mod = loadInterface (mk_doc mod) mod ImportBySystem
- mk_doc mod = ppr mod <+> ptext SLIT("is a orphan-instance module")
-loadInterface :: SDoc -> ModuleName -> WhereFrom -> TcRn m ModIface
- -- Returns Nothing if failed
- -- If we can't find an interface file, and we are doing ImportForUsage,
- -- just fail in the monad, and modify anything else
- -- Otherwise, if we can't find an interface file,
- -- add an error message to the monad (the first time only)
- -- and return emptyIface
- -- The "first time only" part is done by modifying the PackageIfaceTable
- -- to have an empty entry
- --
- -- The ImportForUsage case is because when we read the usage information from
- -- an interface file, we try to read the interfaces it mentions.
- -- But it's OK to fail; perhaps the module has changed, and that interface
- -- is no longer used.
-loadInterface doc_str mod_name from
- = getHpt `thenM` \ hpt ->
- getModule `thenM` \ this_mod ->
- getImports `thenM` \ import_avails ->
- getEps `thenM` \ eps@(EPS { eps_PIT = pit }) ->
- case lookupIfaceByModName hpt pit mod_name of {
- Just iface | case from of
- ImportByUser src_imp -> src_imp == mi_boot iface
- ImportForUsage src_imp -> src_imp == mi_boot iface
- ImportBySystem -> True
- -> returnM iface ; -- Already loaded
- -- The not (mi_boot iface) test checks that the already-loaded
- -- interface isn't a boot iface. This can conceivably happen,
- -- if the version checking happened to load a boot interface
- -- before we got to real imports.
- other ->
- let
- mod_map = imp_dep_mods import_avails
- mod_info = lookupModuleEnvByName mod_map mod_name
- hi_boot_file
- = case (from, mod_info) of
- (ImportByUser is_boot, _) -> is_boot
- (ImportForUsage is_boot, _) -> is_boot
- (ImportBySystem, Just (_, is_boot)) -> is_boot
- (ImportBySystem, Nothing) -> False
- -- We're importing a module we know absolutely
- -- nothing about, so we assume it's from
- -- another package, where we aren't doing
- -- dependency tracking. So it won't be a hi-boot file.
- redundant_source_import
- = case (from, mod_info) of
- (ImportByUser True, Just (_, False)) -> True
- other -> False
- in
- -- Issue a warning for a redundant {- SOURCE -} import
- -- NB that we arrange to read all the ordinary imports before
- -- any of the {- SOURCE -} imports
- warnIf redundant_source_import
- (warnRedundantSourceImport mod_name) `thenM_`
- -- Check that we aren't importing ourselves.
- -- That only happens in Rename.checkOldIface,
- -- which doesn't call loadInterface
- warnIf
- (isHomeModule this_mod && moduleName this_mod == mod_name)
- (warnSelfImport this_mod) `thenM_`
- findAndReadIface doc_str mod_name hi_boot_file
- `thenM` \ read_result ->
- case read_result of {
- Left err
- | case from of { ImportForUsage _ -> True ; other -> False }
- -> failM -- Fail with no error messages
- | otherwise
- -> let -- Not found, so add an empty export env to
- -- the EPS map so that we don't look again
- fake_mod = mkPackageModule mod_name
- fake_iface = emptyModIface fake_mod
- new_eps = eps { eps_PIT = extendModuleEnv pit fake_mod fake_iface }
- in
- setEps new_eps `thenM_`
- addErr (elaborate err) `thenM_`
- returnM fake_iface
- where
- elaborate err = hang (ptext SLIT("Failed to load interface for") <+>
- quotes (ppr mod_name) <> colon) 4 err
- ;
- -- Found and parsed!
- Right (mod, iface) ->
- -- NB: *first* we do loadDecl, so that the provenance of all the locally-defined
- --- names is done correctly (notably, whether this is an .hi file or .hi-boot file).
- -- If we do loadExport first the wrong info gets into the cache (unless we
- -- explicitly tag each export which seems a bit of a bore)
- -- Sanity check. If we're system-importing a module we know nothing at all
- -- about, it should be from a different package to this one
- WARN( not (maybeToBool mod_info) &&
- case from of { ImportBySystem -> True; other -> False } &&
- isHomeModule mod,
- ppr mod )
- initRn (InterfaceMode mod) $
- -- Set the module, for use when looking up occurrences
- -- of names in interface decls and rules
- loadDecls mod (eps_decls eps) (pi_decls iface) `thenM` \ (decls_vers, new_decls) ->
- loadRules mod (eps_rules eps) (pi_rules iface) `thenM` \ (rule_vers, new_rules) ->
- loadInstDecls mod (eps_insts eps) (pi_insts iface) `thenM` \ new_insts ->
- loadExports (pi_exports iface) `thenM` \ (export_vers, avails) ->
- loadFixDecls (pi_fixity iface) `thenM` \ fix_env ->
- loadDeprecs (pi_deprecs iface) `thenM` \ deprec_env ->
- let
- version = VersionInfo { vers_module = pi_vers iface,
- vers_exports = export_vers,
- vers_rules = rule_vers,
- vers_decls = decls_vers }
- -- Now add info about this module to the PIT
- -- Even home modules loaded by this route (which only
- -- happens in OneShot mode) are put in the PIT
- has_orphans = pi_orphan iface
- new_pit = extendModuleEnv pit mod mod_iface
- mod_iface = ModIface { mi_module = mod, mi_package = pi_pkg iface,
- mi_version = version,
- mi_orphan = has_orphans, mi_boot = hi_boot_file,
- mi_exports = avails,
- mi_fixities = fix_env, mi_deprecs = deprec_env,
- mi_deps = pi_deps iface,
- mi_usages = panic "No mi_usages in PIT",
- mi_decls = panic "No mi_decls in PIT",
- mi_globals = Nothing
- }
- new_eps = eps { eps_PIT = new_pit,
- eps_decls = new_decls,
- eps_insts = new_insts,
- eps_rules = new_rules }
- in
- setEps new_eps `thenM_`
- returnM mod_iface
- }}
--- Loading the export list
-loadExports :: (Version, [RdrExportItem]) -> TcRn m (Version, [(ModuleName,Avails)])
-loadExports (vers, items)
- = mappM loadExport items `thenM` \ avails_s ->
- returnM (vers, avails_s)
-loadExport :: RdrExportItem -> TcRn m (ModuleName, Avails)
-loadExport (mod, entities)
- = mappM (load_entity mod) entities `thenM` \ avails ->
- returnM (mod, avails)
- where
- load_entity mod (Avail occ)
- = newGlobalName2 mod occ `thenM` \ name ->
- returnM (Avail name)
- load_entity mod (AvailTC occ occs)
- = newGlobalName2 mod occ `thenM` \ name ->
- mappM (newGlobalName2 mod) occs `thenM` \ names ->
- returnM (AvailTC name names)
--- Loading type/class/value decls
-loadDecls :: Module
- -> DeclsMap
- -> [(Version, RdrNameTyClDecl)]
- -> TcRn m (NameEnv Version, DeclsMap)
-loadDecls mod (decls_map, n_slurped) decls
- = foldlM (loadDecl mod) (emptyNameEnv, decls_map) decls `thenM` \ (vers, decls_map') ->
- returnM (vers, (decls_map', n_slurped))
-loadDecl mod (version_map, decls_map) (version, decl)
- = maybeStripPragmas decl `thenM` \ decl ->
- getTyClDeclBinders mod decl `thenM` \ avail ->
- getSysBinders mod decl `thenM` \ sys_names ->
- let
- full_avail = case avail of
- Avail n -> avail
- AvailTC n ns -> AvailTC n (sys_names ++ ns)
- main_name = availName full_avail
- new_decls_map = extendNameEnvList decls_map stuff
- stuff = [ (name, (full_avail, name==main_name, (mod, decl)))
- | name <- availNames full_avail]
- new_version_map = extendNameEnv version_map main_name version
- in
--- traceRn (text "Loading" <+> ppr full_avail) `thenM_`
- returnM (new_version_map, new_decls_map)
-maybeStripPragmas sig@(IfaceSig {tcdIdInfo = idinfo})
- = doptM Opt_IgnoreInterfacePragmas `thenM` \ ignore_prags ->
- if ignore_prags
- then returnM sig{ tcdIdInfo = [] }
- else returnM sig
-maybeStripPragmas other
- = returnM other
-getTyClDeclBinders :: Module -> RdrNameTyClDecl -> TcRn m AvailInfo
-getTyClDeclBinders mod (IfaceSig {tcdName = var, tcdLoc = src_loc})
- = newTopBinder mod var src_loc `thenM` \ var_name ->
- returnM (Avail var_name)
-getTyClDeclBinders mod tycl_decl
- = mapM new (tyClDeclNames tycl_decl) `thenM` \ names@(main_name:_) ->
- returnM (AvailTC main_name names)
- where
- new (nm,loc) = newTopBinder mod nm loc
--- The "system names" are extra implicit names *bound* by the decl.
-getSysBinders :: Module -> TyClDecl RdrName -> TcRn m [Name]
--- Similar to tyClDeclNames, but returns the "implicit"
--- or "system" names of the declaration. And it only works
--- on RdrNames, returning OccNames
-getSysBinders mod (ClassDecl {tcdName = cname, tcdCtxt = cxt, tcdLoc = loc})
- = mapM (new_sys_bndr mod loc) sys_occs
- where
- -- C.f. TcClassDcl.tcClassDecl1
- sys_occs = tc_occ : data_occ : dwrap_occ : dwork_occ : sc_sel_occs
- cls_occ = rdrNameOcc cname
- data_occ = mkClassDataConOcc cls_occ
- dwrap_occ = mkDataConWrapperOcc data_occ
- dwork_occ = mkDataConWorkerOcc data_occ
- tc_occ = mkClassTyConOcc cls_occ
- sc_sel_occs = [mkSuperDictSelOcc n cls_occ | n <- [1..length cxt]]
-getSysBinders mod (TyData {tcdName = tc_name, tcdCons = DataCons cons,
- tcdGeneric = Just want_generic, tcdLoc = loc})
- -- The 'Just' is because this is an interface-file decl
- -- so it will say whether to derive generic stuff for it or not
- = mapM (new_sys_bndr mod loc) (gen_occs ++ concatMap mk_con_occs cons)
- where
- new = new_sys_bndr
- -- c.f. TcTyDecls.tcTyDecl
- tc_occ = rdrNameOcc tc_name
- gen_occs | want_generic = [mkGenOcc1 tc_occ, mkGenOcc2 tc_occ]
- | otherwise = []
- mk_con_occs (ConDecl name _ _ _ _)
- = [mkDataConWrapperOcc con_occ, mkDataConWorkerOcc con_occ]
- where
- con_occ = rdrNameOcc name -- The "source name"
-getSysBinders mod decl = returnM []
-new_sys_bndr mod loc occ = newTopBinder mod (mkRdrUnqual occ) loc
--- Loading fixity decls
-loadFixDecls decls
- = mappM loadFixDecl decls `thenM` \ to_add ->
- returnM (mkNameEnv to_add)
-loadFixDecl (FixitySig rdr_name fixity loc)
- = lookupGlobalOccRn rdr_name `thenM` \ name ->
- returnM (name, FixitySig name fixity loc)
--- Loading instance decls
-loadInstDecls :: Module -> IfaceInsts
- -> [RdrNameInstDecl]
- -> RnM IfaceInsts
-loadInstDecls mod (insts, n_slurped) decls
- = foldlM (loadInstDecl mod) insts decls `thenM` \ insts' ->
- returnM (insts', n_slurped)
-loadInstDecl mod insts decl@(InstDecl inst_ty _ _ _ _)
- = -- Find out what type constructors and classes are "gates" for the
- -- instance declaration. If all these "gates" are slurped in then
- -- we should slurp the instance decl too.
- --
- -- We *don't* want to count names in the context part as gates, though.
- -- For example:
- -- instance Foo a => Baz (T a) where ...
- --
- -- Here the gates are Baz and T, but *not* Foo.
- --
- -- HOWEVER: functional dependencies make things more complicated
- -- class C a b | a->b where ...
- -- instance C Foo Baz where ...
- -- Here, the gates are really only C and Foo, *not* Baz.
- -- That is, if C and Foo are visible, even if Baz isn't, we must
- -- slurp the decl.
- --
- -- Rather than take fundeps into account "properly", we just slurp
- -- if C is visible and *any one* of the Names in the types
- -- This is a slightly brutal approximation, but most instance decls
- -- are regular H98 ones and it's perfect for them.
- --
- -- NOTICE that we rename the type before extracting its free
- -- variables. The free-variable finder for a renamed HsType
- -- does the Right Thing for built-in syntax like [] and (,).
- rnHsType (text "In an interface instance decl") inst_ty `thenM` \ inst_ty' ->
- let
- (tvs,_,cls,tys) = splitHsInstDeclTy inst_ty'
- free_tcs = nameSetToList (extractHsTyNames_s tys) `minusList` hsTyVarNames tvs
- gate_fn vis_fn = vis_fn cls && (null free_tcs || any vis_fn free_tcs)
- -- The 'vis_fn' returns True for visible names
- -- Here is the implementation of HOWEVER above
- -- (Note that we do let the inst decl in if it mentions
- -- no tycons at all. Hence the null free_ty_names.)
- in
--- traceRn ((text "Load instance for" <+> ppr inst_ty') $$ ppr free_tcs) `thenM_`
- returnM ((gate_fn, (mod, decl)) `consBag` insts)
--- Loading Rules
-loadRules :: Module
- -> IfaceRules
- -> (Version, [RdrNameRuleDecl])
- -> RnM (Version, IfaceRules)
-loadRules mod (rule_bag, n_slurped) (version, rules)
- = doptM Opt_IgnoreInterfacePragmas `thenM` \ ignore_prags ->
- if null rules || ignore_prags
- then returnM (version, (rule_bag, n_slurped))
- else mappM (loadRule mod) rules `thenM` \ new_rules ->
- returnM (version, (rule_bag `unionBags`
- listToBag new_rules, n_slurped))
-loadRule :: Module -> RdrNameRuleDecl -> RnM (GatedDecl RdrNameRuleDecl)
--- "Gate" the rule simply by whether the rule variable is
--- needed. We can refine this later.
-loadRule mod decl@(IfaceRule _ _ _ var _ _ src_loc)
- = lookupGlobalOccRn var `thenM` \ var_name ->
- returnM (\vis_fn -> vis_fn var_name, (mod, decl))
--- Loading Deprecations
-loadDeprecs :: IfaceDeprecs -> RnM Deprecations
-loadDeprecs Nothing = returnM NoDeprecs
-loadDeprecs (Just (Left txt)) = returnM (DeprecAll txt)
-loadDeprecs (Just (Right prs)) = foldlM loadDeprec emptyNameEnv prs `thenM` \ env ->
- returnM (DeprecSome env)
-loadDeprec deprec_env (n, txt)
- = lookupGlobalOccRn n `thenM` \ name ->
--- traceRn (text "Loaded deprecation(s) for" <+> ppr name <> colon <+> ppr txt) `thenM_`
- returnM (extendNameEnv deprec_env name (name,txt))
-%* *
- Load the ParsedIface for the *current* module
- into a ModIface; then it can be checked
- for up-to-date-ness
-%* *
-loadOldIface :: ParsedIface -> RnM ModIface
-loadOldIface iface
- = loadHomeDecls (pi_decls iface) `thenM` \ (decls_vers, new_decls) ->
- loadHomeRules (pi_rules iface) `thenM` \ (rule_vers, new_rules) ->
- loadHomeInsts (pi_insts iface) `thenM` \ new_insts ->
- mappM loadHomeUsage (pi_usages iface) `thenM` \ usages ->
- loadExports (pi_exports iface) `thenM` \ (export_vers, avails) ->
- loadFixDecls (pi_fixity iface) `thenM` \ fix_env ->
- loadDeprecs (pi_deprecs iface) `thenM` \ deprec_env ->
- getModeRn `thenM` \ (InterfaceMode mod) ->
- -- Caller sets the module before the call; also needed
- -- by the newGlobalName stuff in some of the loadHomeX calls
- let
- version = VersionInfo { vers_module = pi_vers iface,
- vers_exports = export_vers,
- vers_rules = rule_vers,
- vers_decls = decls_vers }
- decls = mkIfaceDecls new_decls new_rules new_insts
- mod_iface = ModIface { mi_module = mod, mi_package = pi_pkg iface,
- mi_version = version, mi_deps = pi_deps iface,
- mi_exports = avails, mi_usages = usages,
- mi_boot = False, mi_orphan = pi_orphan iface,
- mi_fixities = fix_env, mi_deprecs = deprec_env,
- mi_decls = decls,
- mi_globals = Nothing
- }
- in
- returnM mod_iface
-loadHomeDecls :: [(Version, RdrNameTyClDecl)]
- -> RnM (NameEnv Version, [RenamedTyClDecl])
-loadHomeDecls decls = foldlM loadHomeDecl (emptyNameEnv, []) decls
-loadHomeDecl :: (NameEnv Version, [RenamedTyClDecl])
- -> (Version, RdrNameTyClDecl)
- -> RnM (NameEnv Version, [RenamedTyClDecl])
-loadHomeDecl (version_map, decls) (version, decl)
- = rnTyClDecl decl `thenM` \ decl' ->
- returnM (extendNameEnv version_map (tyClDeclName decl') version, decl':decls)
-loadHomeRules :: (Version, [RdrNameRuleDecl])
- -> RnM (Version, [RenamedRuleDecl])
-loadHomeRules (version, rules)
- = mappM rnIfaceRuleDecl rules `thenM` \ rules' ->
- returnM (version, rules')
-loadHomeInsts :: [RdrNameInstDecl]
- -> RnM [RenamedInstDecl]
-loadHomeInsts insts = mappM rnInstDecl insts
-loadHomeUsage :: Usage OccName -> TcRn m (Usage Name)
-loadHomeUsage usage
- = mappM rn_imp (usg_entities usage) `thenM` \ entities' ->
- returnM (usage { usg_entities = entities' })
- where
- mod_name = usg_name usage
- rn_imp (occ,vers) = newGlobalName2 mod_name occ `thenM` \ name ->
- returnM (name,vers)
-%* *
-\subsection{Reading an interface file}
-%* *
-findAndReadIface :: SDoc -> ModuleName
- -> IsBootInterface -- True <=> Look for a .hi-boot file
- -- False <=> Look for .hi file
- -> TcRn m (Either Message (Module, ParsedIface))
- -- Nothing <=> file not found, or unreadable, or illegible
- -- Just x <=> successfully found and parsed
- -- It *doesn't* add an error to the monad, because
- -- sometimes it's ok to fail... see notes with loadInterface
-findAndReadIface doc_str mod_name hi_boot_file
- = traceRn trace_msg `thenM_`
- -- Check for GHC.Prim, and return its static interface
- if mod_name == gHC_PRIM_Name
- then returnM (Right (gHC_PRIM, ghcPrimIface))
- else
- ioToTcRn (findHiFile mod_name hi_boot_file) `thenM` \ maybe_found ->
- case maybe_found of
- Left files ->
- traceRn (ptext SLIT("...not found")) `thenM_`
- getDOpts `thenM` \ dflags ->
- returnM (Left (noIfaceErr dflags mod_name hi_boot_file files))
- Right (wanted_mod, file_path) ->
- traceRn (ptext SLIT("readIFace") <+> text file_path) `thenM_`
- readIface wanted_mod file_path hi_boot_file `thenM` \ read_result ->
- -- Catch exceptions here
- case read_result of
- Left exn -> returnM (Left (badIfaceFile file_path
- (text (showException exn))))
- Right iface -> returnM (Right (wanted_mod, iface))
- where
- trace_msg = sep [hsep [ptext SLIT("Reading"),
- if hi_boot_file then ptext SLIT("[boot]") else empty,
- ptext SLIT("interface for"),
- ppr mod_name <> semi],
- nest 4 (ptext SLIT("reason:") <+> doc_str)]
-findHiFile :: ModuleName -> IsBootInterface
- -> IO (Either [FilePath] (Module, FilePath))
-findHiFile mod_name hi_boot_file
- = do {
- -- In interactive or --make mode, we are *not allowed* to demand-load
- -- a home package .hi file. So don't even look for them.
- -- This helps in the case where you are sitting in eg. ghc/lib/std
- -- and start up GHCi - it won't complain that all the modules it tries
- -- to load are found in the home location.
- ghci_mode <- readIORef v_GhcMode ;
- let { home_allowed = hi_boot_file ||
- not (isCompManagerMode ghci_mode) } ;
- maybe_found <- if home_allowed
- then findModule mod_name
- else findPackageModule mod_name ;
- case maybe_found of {
- Left files -> return (Left files) ;
- Right (mod,loc) -> do {
- -- Return the path to M.hi, M.hi-boot, or M.hi-boot-n as appropriate
- let { hi_path = ml_hi_file loc ;
- hi_boot_path = replaceFilenameSuffix hi_path hiBootExt ;
- hi_boot_ver_path = replaceFilenameSuffix hi_path hiBootVerExt
- };
- if not hi_boot_file then
- return (Right (mod, hi_path))
- else do {
- hi_ver_exists <- doesFileExist hi_boot_ver_path ;
- if hi_ver_exists then return (Right (mod, hi_boot_ver_path))
- else return (Right (mod, hi_boot_path))
- }}}}
-@readIface@ tries just the one file.
-readIface :: Module -> String -> IsBootInterface -> TcRn m (Either Exception ParsedIface)
- -- Nothing <=> file not found, or unreadable, or illegible
- -- Just x <=> successfully found and parsed
-readIface mod file_path is_hi_boot_file
- = do dflags <- getDOpts
- ioToTcRn (tryMost (read_iface mod dflags file_path is_hi_boot_file))
-read_iface mod dflags file_path is_hi_boot_file
- | is_hi_boot_file -- Read ascii
- = do { buffer <- hGetStringBuffer file_path ;
- case unP parseIface (mkPState buffer loc dflags) of
- POk _ iface | wanted_mod_name == actual_mod_name
- -> return iface
- | otherwise
- -> throwDyn (ProgramError (showSDoc err))
- -- 'showSDoc' is a bit yukky
- where
- wanted_mod_name = moduleName mod
- actual_mod_name = pi_mod iface
- err = hiModuleNameMismatchWarn wanted_mod_name actual_mod_name
- PFailed loc1 loc2 err ->
- throwDyn (ProgramError (showPFailed loc1 loc2 err))
- }
- | otherwise -- Read binary
- = readBinIface file_path
- where
- loc = mkSrcLoc (mkFastString file_path) 1 0
-%* *
- Wired-in interface for GHC.Prim
-%* *
-ghcPrimIface :: ParsedIface
-ghcPrimIface = ParsedIface {
- pi_mod = gHC_PRIM_Name,
- pi_pkg = basePackage,
- pi_deps = noDependencies,
- pi_vers = 1,
- pi_orphan = False,
- pi_usages = [],
- pi_exports = (1, [(gHC_PRIM_Name, ghcPrimExports)]),
- pi_decls = [],
- pi_fixity = [FixitySig (nameRdrName (idName seqId))
- (Fixity 0 InfixR) noSrcLoc],
- -- seq is infixr 0
- pi_insts = [],
- pi_rules = (1,[]),
- pi_deprecs = Nothing
- }
-%* *
-%* *
-badIfaceFile file err
- = vcat [ptext SLIT("Bad interface file:") <+> text file,
- nest 4 err]
-hiModuleNameMismatchWarn :: ModuleName -> ModuleName -> Message
-hiModuleNameMismatchWarn requested_mod read_mod =
- hsep [ ptext SLIT("Something is amiss; requested module name")
- , ppr requested_mod
- , ptext SLIT("differs from name found in the interface file")
- , ppr read_mod
- ]
-warnRedundantSourceImport mod_name
- = ptext SLIT("Unnecessary {- SOURCE -} in the import of module")
- <+> quotes (ppr mod_name)
-warnSelfImport mod
- = ptext SLIT("Importing my own interface: module") <+> ppr mod