path: root/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs
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1 files changed, 4 insertions, 97 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs
index 0d20ecf8a2..716309ddb3 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs
@@ -9,13 +9,11 @@ module RnHsSyn where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import HsSyn
-import HsCore
-import Class ( FunDep, DefMeth(..) )
-import TyCon ( visibleDataCons, tyConName )
+import Class ( FunDep )
import TysWiredIn ( tupleTyCon, listTyCon, parrTyCon, charTyCon )
import Name ( Name, getName, isTyVarName )
import NameSet
-import BasicTypes ( Boxity, FixitySig )
+import BasicTypes ( Boxity )
import Outputable
@@ -30,7 +28,6 @@ type RenamedRuleDecl = RuleDecl Name
type RenamedTyClDecl = TyClDecl Name
type RenamedDefaultDecl = DefaultDecl Name
type RenamedForeignDecl = ForeignDecl Name
-type RenamedCoreDecl = CoreDecl Name
type RenamedGRHS = GRHS Name
type RenamedGRHSs = GRHSs Name
type RenamedHsBinds = HsBinds Name
@@ -81,12 +78,10 @@ extractHsTyNames ty
get (HsAppTy ty1 ty2) = get ty1 `unionNameSets` get ty2
get (HsListTy ty) = unitNameSet listTyCon_name `unionNameSets` get ty
get (HsPArrTy ty) = unitNameSet parrTyCon_name `unionNameSets` get ty
- get (HsTupleTy con tys) = hsTupConFVs con `unionNameSets` extractHsTyNames_s tys
+ get (HsTupleTy con tys) = extractHsTyNames_s tys
get (HsFunTy ty1 ty2) = get ty1 `unionNameSets` get ty2
get (HsPredTy p) = extractHsPredTyNames p
- get (HsOpTy ty1 tycon ty2) = get ty1 `unionNameSets` get ty2 `unionNameSets`
- case tycon of { HsTyOp n -> unitNameSet n ;
- HsArrow -> emptyNameSet }
+ get (HsOpTy ty1 op ty2) = get ty1 `unionNameSets` get ty2 `unionNameSets` unitNameSet op
get (HsParTy ty) = get ty
get (HsNumTy n) = emptyNameSet
get (HsTyVar tv) = unitNameSet tv
@@ -129,67 +124,14 @@ In all cases this is set up for interface-file declarations:
-impDeclFVs :: RenamedHsDecl -> NameSet
- -- Just the ones that come from imports
-impDeclFVs (InstD d) = instDeclFVs d
-impDeclFVs (TyClD d) = tyClDeclFVs d
-tyClDeclFVs :: RenamedTyClDecl -> NameSet
-tyClDeclFVs (ForeignType {})
- = emptyFVs
-tyClDeclFVs (IfaceSig {tcdType = ty, tcdIdInfo = id_infos})
- = extractHsTyNames ty `plusFV`
- plusFVs (map hsIdInfoFVs id_infos)
-tyClDeclFVs (TyData {tcdCtxt = context, tcdTyVars = tyvars, tcdCons = condecls})
- = delFVs (map hsTyVarName tyvars) $
- extractHsCtxtTyNames context `plusFV`
- plusFVs (map conDeclFVs (visibleDataCons condecls))
-tyClDeclFVs (TySynonym {tcdTyVars = tyvars, tcdSynRhs = ty})
- = delFVs (map hsTyVarName tyvars) (extractHsTyNames ty)
-tyClDeclFVs (ClassDecl {tcdCtxt = context, tcdTyVars = tyvars, tcdFDs = fds,
- tcdSigs = sigs, tcdMeths = maybe_meths})
- = delFVs (map hsTyVarName tyvars) $
- extractHsCtxtTyNames context `plusFV`
- plusFVs (map extractFunDepNames fds) `plusFV`
- hsSigsFVs sigs `plusFV`
- dm_fvs
- where
- dm_fvs = case maybe_meths of
- Nothing -> mkFVs [v | ClassOpSig _ (DefMeth v) _ _ <- sigs]
- -- No method bindings, so this class decl comes from an interface file,
- -- So we want to treat the default-method names as free (they should
- -- be defined somewhere else). [In source code this is not so; the class
- -- decl will bind whatever default-methods are necessary.]
- Just _ -> emptyFVs -- Source code, so the default methods
- -- are *bound* not *free*
hsSigsFVs sigs = plusFVs (map hsSigFVs sigs)
hsSigFVs (Sig v ty _) = extractHsTyNames ty
hsSigFVs (SpecInstSig ty _) = extractHsTyNames ty
hsSigFVs (SpecSig v ty _) = extractHsTyNames ty
-hsSigFVs (ClassOpSig _ _ ty _) = extractHsTyNames ty
hsSigFVs other = emptyFVs
-instDeclFVs (InstDecl inst_ty _ _ maybe_dfun _)
- = extractHsTyNames inst_ty `plusFV`
- (case maybe_dfun of { Just n -> unitFV n; Nothing -> emptyFVs })
-ruleDeclFVs (HsRule _ _ _ _ _ _) = emptyFVs
-ruleDeclFVs (IfaceRuleOut _ _) = emptyFVs
-ruleDeclFVs (IfaceRule _ _ vars _ args rhs _)
- = delFVs (map ufBinderName vars) $
- ufExprFVs rhs `plusFV` plusFVs (map ufExprFVs args)
conDeclFVs (ConDecl _ tyvars context details _)
= delFVs (map hsTyVarName tyvars) $
extractHsCtxtTyNames context `plusFV`
@@ -200,41 +142,6 @@ conDetailsFVs (InfixCon bty1 bty2) = bangTyFVs bty1 `plusFV` bangTyFVs bty2
conDetailsFVs (RecCon flds) = plusFVs [bangTyFVs bty | (_, bty) <- flds]
bangTyFVs bty = extractHsTyNames (getBangType bty)
-hsIdInfoFVs (HsUnfold _ unf) = ufExprFVs unf
-hsIdInfoFVs (HsWorker n a) = unitFV n
-hsIdInfoFVs other = emptyFVs
-ufExprFVs (UfVar n) = unitFV n
-ufExprFVs (UfLit l) = emptyFVs
-ufExprFVs (UfFCall cc ty) = extractHsTyNames ty
-ufExprFVs (UfType ty) = extractHsTyNames ty
-ufExprFVs (UfTuple tc es) = hsTupConFVs tc `plusFV` plusFVs (map ufExprFVs es)
-ufExprFVs (UfLam v e) = ufBndrFVs v (ufExprFVs e)
-ufExprFVs (UfApp e1 e2) = ufExprFVs e1 `plusFV` ufExprFVs e2
-ufExprFVs (UfCase e n as) = ufExprFVs e `plusFV` delFV n (plusFVs (map ufAltFVs as))
-ufExprFVs (UfNote n e) = ufNoteFVs n `plusFV` ufExprFVs e
-ufExprFVs (UfLet (UfNonRec b r) e) = ufExprFVs r `plusFV` ufBndrFVs b (ufExprFVs e)
-ufExprFVs (UfLet (UfRec prs) e) = foldr ufBndrFVs
- (foldr (plusFV . ufExprFVs . snd) (ufExprFVs e) prs)
- (map fst prs)
-ufBndrFVs (UfValBinder n ty) fvs = extractHsTyNames ty `plusFV` delFV n fvs
-ufBndrFVs (UfTyBinder n k) fvs = delFV n fvs
-ufAltFVs (con, vs, e) = ufConFVs con `plusFV` delFVs vs (ufExprFVs e)
-ufConFVs (UfDataAlt n) = unitFV n
-ufConFVs (UfTupleAlt t) = hsTupConFVs t
-ufConFVs other = emptyFVs
-ufNoteFVs (UfCoerce ty) = extractHsTyNames ty
-ufNoteFVs note = emptyFVs
-hsTupConFVs (HsTupCon bx n) = unitFV (tyConName (tupleTyCon bx n))
- -- Always return the TyCon; that'll suck in the data con