path: root/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs
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Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs')
1 files changed, 480 insertions, 781 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs
index 396f021ab0..649391dd4d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs
@@ -7,866 +7,565 @@
#include "HsVersions.h"
module RnIfaces (
- cachedIface,
- cachedDecl, CachingResult(..),
- rnIfaces,
- IfaceCache, initIfaceCache
+ getInterfaceExports,
+ getImportedInstDecls,
+ getSpecialInstModules,
+ getDecl, getWiredInDecl,
+ getImportVersions,
+ checkUpToDate,
+ getDeclBinders,
+ mkSearchPath
) where
-import PreludeGlaST ( thenPrimIO, newVar, readVar, writeVar, SYN_IE(MutableVar) )
-#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 200
-# define ST_THEN `stThen`
-# define TRY_IO tryIO
-# define ST_THEN `thenPrimIO`
-# define TRY_IO try
-import HsSyn
-import HsPragmas ( noGenPragmas )
-import RdrHsSyn
-import RnHsSyn
+import HsSyn ( HsDecl(..), TyDecl(..), ClassDecl(..), HsTyVar, Bind, HsExpr, Sig(..),
+ HsBinds(..), MonoBinds, DefaultDecl, ConDecl(..), HsType, BangType, IfaceSig(..),
+ FixityDecl(..), Fixity, Fake, InPat, InstDecl(..), SYN_IE(Version), HsIdInfo
+ )
+import HsPragmas ( noGenPragmas )
+import RdrHsSyn ( SYN_IE(RdrNameHsDecl), SYN_IE(RdrNameInstDecl),
+ RdrName, rdrNameOcc
+ )
+import RnEnv ( newGlobalName, lookupRn, addImplicitOccsRn, availNames )
+import RnSource ( rnHsType )
import RnMonad
-import RnSource ( rnTyDecl, rnClassDecl, rnInstDecl, rnPolyType )
-import RnUtils ( SYN_IE(RnEnv), emptyRnEnv, lookupRnEnv, lookupTcRnEnv, extendGlobalRnEnv )
import ParseIface ( parseIface )
-import ParseUtils ( ParsedIface(..), RdrIfaceDecl(..), RdrIfaceInst(..),
- VersionsMap(..), UsagesMap(..)
- )
-import Bag ( emptyBag, unitBag, consBag, snocBag,
- unionBags, unionManyBags, isEmptyBag, bagToList )
import ErrUtils ( SYN_IE(Error), SYN_IE(Warning) )
-import FiniteMap ( emptyFM, lookupFM, addToFM, addToFM_C, plusFM, eltsFM,
- fmToList, delListFromFM, sizeFM, foldFM, unitFM,
- plusFM_C, addListToFM{-, keysFM ToDo:rm-}, FiniteMap
- )
-import Maybes ( maybeToBool, MaybeErr(..) )
-import Name ( origName, moduleOf, nameOf, qualToOrigName, OrigName(..),
- isLexCon, RdrName(..), Name{-instance NamedThing-} )
---import PprStyle -- ToDo:rm
---import Outputable -- ToDo:rm
-import PrelInfo ( builtinNameMaps, builtinKeysMap, builtinTcNamesMap, SYN_IE(BuiltinNames) )
+import FiniteMap ( FiniteMap, emptyFM, unitFM, lookupFM, addToFM, addListToFM, fmToList )
+import Name ( Name {-instance NamedThing-}, Provenance, OccName(..),
+ modAndOcc, occNameString, moduleString, pprModule,
+ NameSet(..), emptyNameSet, unionNameSets, nameSetToList,
+ minusNameSet, mkNameSet,
+ isWiredInName, maybeWiredInTyConName, maybeWiredInIdName
+ )
+import Id ( GenId, Id(..), idType, dataConTyCon, isDataCon )
+import TyCon ( TyCon, tyConDataCons, isSynTyCon, getSynTyConDefn )
+import Type ( namesOfType )
+import TyVar ( GenTyVar )
+import SrcLoc ( mkIfaceSrcLoc )
+import PrelMods ( gHC__ )
+import Bag
+import Maybes ( MaybeErr(..), expectJust, maybeToBool )
+import ListSetOps ( unionLists )
import Pretty
-import UniqFM ( emptyUFM )
-import UniqSupply ( splitUniqSupply )
-import Util ( sortLt, removeDups, cmpPString, startsWith,
- panic, pprPanic, assertPanic{-, pprTrace ToDo:rm-} )
-type ModuleToIfaceContents = FiniteMap Module ParsedIface
-type ModuleToIfaceFilePath = FiniteMap Module FilePath
-#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 200
-# define REAL_WORLD RealWorld
-# define REAL_WORLD _RealWorld
-data IfaceCache
- = IfaceCache
- Module -- the name of the module being compiled
- BuiltinNames -- so we can avoid going after things
- -- the compiler already knows about
- (MutableVar REAL_WORLD
- (ModuleToIfaceContents, -- interfaces for individual interface files
- ModuleToIfaceContents, -- merged interfaces based on module name
- -- used for extracting info about original names
- ModuleToIfaceFilePath))
-initIfaceCache mod hi_files
- = newVar (emptyFM,emptyFM,hi_files) ST_THEN \ iface_var ->
- return (IfaceCache mod builtinNameMaps iface_var)
+import PprStyle ( PprStyle(..) )
+import Util ( pprPanic )
-* *
-\subsection{Reading interface files}
-* *
-Return cached info about a Module's interface; otherwise,
-read the interface (using our @ModuleToIfaceFilePath@ map
-to decide where to look).
-Note: we have two notions of interface
- * the interface for a particular file name
- * the (combined) interface for a particular module name
-The idea is that two source files may declare a module
-with the same name with the declarations being merged.
-This allows us to have file PreludeList.hs producing
-PreludeList.hi but defining part of module Prelude.
-When PreludeList is imported its contents will be
-added to Prelude. In this way all the original names
-for a particular module will be available the imported
-decls are renamed.
-ToDo: Check duplicate definitons are the same.
-ToDo: Check/Merge duplicate pragmas.
+%* *
+\subsection{Loading a new interface file}
+%* *
-cachedIface :: IfaceCache
- -> Bool -- True => want merged interface for original name
- -- False => want file interface only
- -> FAST_STRING -- item that prompted search (debugging only!)
- -> Module
- -> IO (MaybeErr ParsedIface Error)
-cachedIface (IfaceCache _ _ iface_var) want_orig_iface item modname
- = readVar iface_var ST_THEN \ (iface_fm, orig_fm, file_fm) ->
- case (lookupFM iface_fm modname) of
- Just iface -> return (want_iface iface orig_fm)
- Nothing ->
- case (lookupFM file_fm modname) of
- Nothing -> return (Failed (noIfaceErr modname))
- Just file ->
- readIface file modname item >>= \ read_iface ->
- case read_iface of
- Failed err -> -- pprTrace "module-file map:\n" (ppAboves [ppCat [ppPStr m, ppStr f] | (m,f) <- fmToList file_fm]) $
- return (Failed err)
- Succeeded iface ->
- let
- iface_fm' = addToFM iface_fm modname iface
- orig_fm' = addToFM_C mergeIfaces orig_fm (iface_mod iface) iface
- in
- writeVar iface_var (iface_fm', orig_fm', file_fm) ST_THEN \ _ ->
- return (want_iface iface orig_fm')
- where
- want_iface iface orig_fm
- | want_orig_iface
- = case lookupFM orig_fm modname of
- Nothing -> Failed (noOrigIfaceErr modname)
- Just orig_iface -> Succeeded orig_iface
- | otherwise
- = Succeeded iface
- iface_mod (ParsedIface mod _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = mod
-mergeIfaces (ParsedIface mod1 (_, files1) _ _ _ _ _ _ fixes1 tdefs1 vdefs1 idefs1 prags1)
- (ParsedIface mod2 (_, files2) _ _ _ _ _ _ fixes2 tdefs2 vdefs2 idefs2 prags2)
- = --pprTrace "mergeIfaces:" (ppCat [ppStr "import", ppCat (map ppPStr (bagToList files2)),
- -- ppStr "merged with", ppPStr mod1]) $
- ASSERT(mod1 == mod2)
- ParsedIface mod1
- (True, unionBags files2 files1)
- (panic "mergeIface: module version numbers")
- (panic "mergeIface: source version numbers") -- Version numbers etc must be extracted from
- (panic "mergeIface: usage version numbers") -- the merged file interfaces named above
- (panic "mergeIface: decl version numbers")
- (panic "mergeIface: exports")
- (panic "mergeIface: instance modules")
- (plusFM_C (dup_merge {-"fixity" (ppr PprDebug . fixDeclName)-}) fixes1 fixes2)
- (plusFM_C (dup_merge {-"tycon/class" (ppr PprDebug . idecl_nm)-}) tdefs1 tdefs2)
- (plusFM_C (dup_merge {-"value" (ppr PprDebug . idecl_nm)-}) vdefs1 vdefs2)
- (unionBags idefs1 idefs2)
- (plusFM_C (dup_merge {-"pragma" ppStr-}) prags1 prags2)
- where
- dup_merge {-str ppr_dup-} dup1 dup2
- = --pprTrace "mergeIfaces:"
- -- (ppCat [ppPStr mod1, ppPStr mod2, ppStr ": dup", ppStr str, ppStr "decl",
- -- ppr_dup dup1, ppr_dup dup2]) $
- dup2
- idecl_nm (TypeSig n _ _) = n
- idecl_nm (NewTypeSig n _ _ _) = n
- idecl_nm (DataSig n _ _ _ _) = n
- idecl_nm (ClassSig n _ _ _) = n
- idecl_nm (ValSig n _ _) = n
-data CachingResult
- = CachingFail Error -- tried to find a decl, something went wrong
- | CachingHit RdrIfaceDecl -- got it
- | CachingAvoided (Maybe (Either RnName RnName))
- -- didn't look in the interface
- -- file(s); Nothing => the thing
- -- *should* be in the source module;
- -- Just (Left ...) => builtin val name;
- -- Just (Right ..) => builtin tc name
-cachedDecl :: IfaceCache
- -> Bool -- True <=> tycon or class name
- -> OrigName
- -> IO CachingResult
-cachedDecl iface_cache@(IfaceCache this_mod (b_val_names,b_tc_names) _)
- class_or_tycon name@(OrigName mod str)
- = -- pprTrace "cachedDecl:" (ppr PprDebug name) $
- if mod == this_mod then -- some i/face has made a reference
- return (CachingAvoided Nothing) -- to something from this module
- else
+loadInterface :: Pretty -> Module -> RnMG Ifaces
+loadInterface doc_str load_mod
+ = getIfacesRn `thenRn` \ ifaces ->
- b_env = if class_or_tycon then b_tc_names else b_val_names
+ Ifaces this_mod mod_vers_map export_env_map vers_map decls_map inst_map inst_mods = ifaces
- case (lookupFM b_env name) of
- Just rn -> -- in builtins!
- return (CachingAvoided (Just ((if class_or_tycon then Right else Left) rn)))
- Nothing ->
- cachedIface iface_cache True str mod >>= \ maybe_iface ->
- case maybe_iface of
- Failed err -> --pprTrace "cachedDecl:fail:" (ppr PprDebug orig) $
- return (CachingFail err)
- Succeeded (ParsedIface _ _ _ _ _ _ exps _ _ tdefs vdefs _ _) ->
- case (lookupFM (if class_or_tycon then tdefs else vdefs) str) of
- Just decl -> return (CachingHit decl)
- Nothing -> return (CachingFail (noDeclInIfaceErr mod str))
-cachedDeclByType :: IfaceCache
- -> RnName{-NB: diff type than cachedDecl -}
- -> IO CachingResult
-cachedDeclByType iface_cache rn
- -- the idea is: check that, e.g., if we're given an
- -- RnClass, then we really get back a ClassDecl from
- -- the cache (not an RnData, or something silly)
- = cachedDecl iface_cache (isRnTyConOrClass rn) (origName "cachedDeclByType" rn) >>= \ maybe_decl ->
+ if maybeToBool (lookupFM export_env_map load_mod)
+ then
+ returnRn ifaces -- Already in the cache; don't re-read it
+ else
+ findAndReadIface doc_str load_mod `thenRn` \ read_result ->
+ case read_result of {
+ -- Check for not found
+ Nothing -> -- Not found, so add an empty export env to the Ifaces map
+ -- so that we don't look again
+ let
+ new_export_env_map = addToFM export_env_map load_mod ([],[])
+ new_ifaces = Ifaces this_mod mod_vers_map
+ new_export_env_map
+ vers_map decls_map inst_map inst_mods
+ in
+ setIfacesRn new_ifaces `thenRn_`
+ failWithRn new_ifaces (noIfaceErr load_mod) ;
+ -- Found and parsed!
+ Just (ParsedIface _ mod_vers usages exports rd_inst_mods fixs decls insts) ->
+ -- LOAD IT INTO Ifaces
+ mapRn loadExport exports `thenRn` \ avails ->
+ foldlRn (loadDecl load_mod) (decls_map,vers_map) decls `thenRn` \ (new_decls_map, new_vers_map) ->
+ foldlRn (loadInstDecl load_mod) inst_map insts `thenRn` \ new_insts_map ->
- return_maybe_decl = return maybe_decl
- return_failed msg = return (CachingFail msg)
+ export_env = (avails, fixs)
+ -- Exclude this module from the "special-inst" modules
+ new_inst_mods = inst_mods `unionLists` (filter (/= this_mod) rd_inst_mods)
+ new_ifaces = Ifaces this_mod
+ (addToFM mod_vers_map load_mod mod_vers)
+ (addToFM export_env_map load_mod export_env)
+ new_vers_map
+ new_decls_map
+ new_insts_map
+ new_inst_mods
- case maybe_decl of
- CachingAvoided _ -> return_maybe_decl
- CachingFail io_msg -> return_failed (ifaceIoErr io_msg rn)
- CachingHit if_decl ->
- case rn of
- WiredInId _ -> return_failed (ifaceLookupWiredErr "value" rn)
- WiredInTyCon _ -> return_failed (ifaceLookupWiredErr "type constructor" rn)
- RnUnbound _ -> panic "cachedDeclByType:" -- (ppr PprDebug rn)
- RnSyn _ -> return_maybe_decl
- RnData _ _ _ -> return_maybe_decl
- RnImplicitTyCon _ -> if is_tycon_decl if_decl
- then return_maybe_decl
- else return_failed (badIfaceLookupErr "type constructor" rn if_decl)
- RnClass _ _ -> return_maybe_decl
- RnImplicitClass _ -> if is_class_decl if_decl
- then return_maybe_decl
- else return_failed (badIfaceLookupErr "class" rn if_decl)
- RnName _ -> return_maybe_decl
- RnConstr _ _ -> return_maybe_decl
- RnField _ _ -> return_maybe_decl
- RnClassOp _ _ -> return_maybe_decl
- RnImplicit _ -> if is_val_decl if_decl
- then return_maybe_decl
- else return_failed (badIfaceLookupErr "value" rn if_decl)
+ setIfacesRn new_ifaces `thenRn_`
+ returnRn new_ifaces
+ }
+loadExport :: ExportItem -> RnMG AvailInfo
+loadExport (mod, occ, occs)
+ = new_name occ `thenRn` \ name ->
+ mapRn new_name occs `thenRn` \ names ->
+ returnRn (Avail name names)
+ where
+ new_name occ = newGlobalName mod occ
+loadVersion :: Module -> VersionMap -> (OccName,Version) -> RnMG VersionMap
+loadVersion mod vers_map (occ, version)
+ = newGlobalName mod occ `thenRn` \ name ->
+ returnRn (addToFM vers_map name version)
+loadDecl :: Module -> (DeclsMap, VersionMap)
+ -> (Version, RdrNameHsDecl)
+ -> RnMG (DeclsMap, VersionMap)
+loadDecl mod (decls_map, vers_map) (version, decl)
+ = getDeclBinders new_implicit_name decl `thenRn` \ avail@(Avail name _) ->
+ returnRn (addListToFM decls_map
+ [(name,(avail,decl)) | name <- availNames avail],
+ addToFM vers_map name version
+ )
- is_tycon_decl (TypeSig _ _ _) = True
- is_tycon_decl (NewTypeSig _ _ _ _) = True
- is_tycon_decl (DataSig _ _ _ _ _) = True
- is_tycon_decl _ = False
- is_class_decl (ClassSig _ _ _ _) = True
- is_class_decl _ = False
- is_val_decl (ValSig _ _ _) = True
- is_val_decl (DataSig _ _ _ _ _) = True -- may be a constr or field
- is_val_decl (NewTypeSig _ _ _ _) = True -- may be a constr
- is_val_decl (ClassSig _ _ _ _) = True -- may be a method
- is_val_decl _ = False
+ new_implicit_name rdr_name loc = newGlobalName mod (rdrNameOcc rdr_name)
+loadInstDecl :: Module -> Bag IfaceInst -> RdrNameInstDecl -> RnMG (Bag IfaceInst)
+loadInstDecl mod_name insts decl@(InstDecl inst_ty binds uprags dfun_name src_loc)
+ = initRnMS emptyRnEnv mod_name InterfaceMode $
+ -- Find out what type constructors and classes are mentioned in the
+ -- instance declaration. We have to be a bit clever.
+ --
+ -- We want to rename the type so that we can find what
+ -- (free) type constructors are inside it. But we must *not* thereby
+ -- put new occurrences into the global pool because otherwise we'll force
+ -- them all to be loaded. We kill two birds with ones stone by renaming
+ -- with a fresh occurrence pool.
+ findOccurrencesRn (rnHsType inst_ty) `thenRn` \ ty_names ->
+ returnRn ((ty_names, mod_name, decl) `consBag` insts)
-readIface :: FilePath -> Module -> FAST_STRING -> IO (MaybeErr ParsedIface Error)
-readIface file modname item
- = --hPutStr stderr (" reading "++file++" ("++ _UNPK_ item ++")") >>
- TRY_IO (readFile file) >>= \ read_result ->
+%* *
+\subsection{Loading usage information}
+%* *
+checkUpToDate :: Module -> RnMG Bool -- True <=> no need to recompile
+checkUpToDate mod_name
+ = findAndReadIface doc_str mod_name `thenRn` \ read_result ->
case read_result of
- Left err -> return (Failed (cannaeReadErr file err))
- Right contents -> --hPutStr stderr ".." >>
- let parsed = parseIface contents in
- --hPutStr stderr "..\n" >>
- return (
- case parsed of
- Failed _ -> parsed
- Succeeded p -> Succeeded (init_merge modname p)
- )
+ Nothing -> -- Old interface file not found, so we'd better bale out
+ traceRn (ppSep [ppStr "Didnt find old iface", pprModule PprDebug mod_name]) `thenRn_`
+ returnRn False
+ Just (ParsedIface _ _ usages _ _ _ _ _)
+ -> -- Found it, so now check it
+ checkModUsage usages
- init_merge this (ParsedIface mod _ v sv us vs exps insts fixes tdefs vdefs idefs prags)
- = ParsedIface mod (False, unitBag this) v sv us vs exps insts fixes tdefs vdefs idefs prags
+ -- Only look in current directory, with suffix .hi
+ doc_str = ppSep [ppStr "Need usage info from", pprModule PprDebug mod_name]
-rnIfaces :: IfaceCache -- iface cache (mutvar)
- -> [Module] -- directly imported modules
- -> UniqSupply
- -> RnEnv -- defined (in the source) name env
- -> RnEnv -- mentioned (in the source) name env
- -> RenamedHsModule -- module to extend with iface decls
- -> [RnName] -- imported names required (really the
- -- same info as in mentioned name env)
- -- Also, all the things we may look up
- -- later by key (Unique).
- -> IO (RenamedHsModule, -- extended module
- RnEnv, -- final env (for renaming derivings)
- ImplicitEnv, -- implicit names used (for usage info)
- (UsagesMap,VersionsMap,[Module]), -- usage info
- (Bag Error, Bag Warning))
-rnIfaces iface_cache imp_mods us
- def_env@((dqual, dunqual, dtc_qual, dtc_unqual), dstack)
- occ_env@((qual, unqual, tc_qual, tc_unqual), stack)
- rn_module@(HsModule modname iface_version exports imports fixities
- typedecls typesigs classdecls instdecls instsigs
- defdecls binds sigs src_loc)
- todo
- = {-
- pprTrace "rnIfaces:going after:" (ppCat (map (ppr PprDebug) todo)) $
- pprTrace "rnIfaces:qual:" (ppCat [ppBesides[ppPStr m,ppChar '.',ppPStr n] | (n,m) <- keysFM qual]) $
- pprTrace "rnIfaces:unqual:" (ppCat (map ppPStr (keysFM unqual))) $
- pprTrace "rnIfaces:tc_qual:" (ppCat [ppBesides[ppPStr m,ppChar '.',ppPStr n] | (n,m) <- keysFM tc_qual]) $
- pprTrace "rnIfaces:tc_unqual:" (ppCat (map ppPStr (keysFM tc_unqual))) $
- pprTrace "rnIfaces:dqual:" (ppCat [ppBesides[ppPStr m,ppChar '.',ppPStr n] | (n,m) <- keysFM dqual]) $
- pprTrace "rnIfaces:dunqual:" (ppCat (map ppPStr (keysFM dunqual))) $
- pprTrace "rnIfaces:dtc_qual:" (ppCat [ppBesides[ppPStr m,ppChar '.',ppPStr n] | (n,m) <- keysFM dtc_qual]) $
- pprTrace "rnIfaces:dtc_unqual:"(ppCat (map ppPStr (keysFM dtc_unqual))) $
- -}
- -- do transitive closure to bring in all needed names/defns and insts:
- decls_and_insts todo def_env occ_env empty_return us
- >>= \ (((if_typedecls, if_classdecls, if_instdecls, if_sigs),
- if_implicits,
- if_errs_warns),
- if_final_env) ->
- -- finalize what we want to say we learned about the
- -- things we used
- finalIfaceInfo iface_cache modname if_final_env if_instdecls {-all_imports_used imp_mods-} >>=
- \ usage_stuff@(usage_info, version_info, instance_mods) ->
- return (HsModule modname iface_version exports imports fixities
- (typedecls ++ if_typedecls)
- typesigs
- (classdecls ++ if_classdecls)
- (instdecls ++ if_instdecls)
- instsigs defdecls binds
- (sigs ++ if_sigs)
- src_loc,
- if_final_env,
- if_implicits,
- usage_stuff,
- if_errs_warns)
- where
- decls_and_insts todo def_env occ_env to_return us
- = let
- (us1,us2) = splitUniqSupply us
- in
- do_decls todo -- initial batch of names to process
- (def_env, occ_env, us1) -- init stuff down
- to_return -- acc results
- >>= \ (decls_return,
- decls_def_env,
- decls_occ_env) ->
- cacheInstModules iface_cache imp_mods >>= \ errs ->
- do_insts decls_def_env decls_occ_env emptyRnEnv emptyFM
- (add_errs errs decls_return) us2
- --------
- do_insts def_env occ_env prev_env done_insts to_return us
- | size_tc_env occ_env == size_tc_env prev_env
- = return (to_return, occ_env)
- | otherwise
- = rnIfaceInstStuff iface_cache modname us1 occ_env done_insts to_return
- >>= \ (insts_return,
- new_insts,
- insts_occ_env,
- new_unknowns) ->
- do_decls new_unknowns -- new batch of names to process
- (def_env, insts_occ_env, us2) -- init stuff down
- insts_return -- acc results
- >>= \ (decls_return,
- decls_def_env,
- decls_occ_env) ->
- do_insts decls_def_env decls_occ_env occ_env new_insts decls_return us3
- where
- (us1,us') = splitUniqSupply us
- (us2,us3) = splitUniqSupply us'
- size_tc_env ((_, _, qual, unqual), _)
- = sizeFM qual + sizeFM unqual
- do_decls :: [RnName] -- Names we're looking for; we keep adding/deleting
- -- from this list; we're done when empty (nothing
- -- more needs to be looked for)
- -> Go_Down -- see defn below
- -> To_Return -- accumulated result
- -> IO (To_Return,
- RnEnv, -- extended decl env
- RnEnv) -- extended occ env
- do_decls to_find@[] down to_return
- = return (to_return, defenv down, occenv down)
- do_decls to_find@(n:ns) down to_return
- = case (lookup_defd down n) of
- Just _ -> -- previous processing must've found the stuff for this name;
- -- continue with the rest:
- -- pprTrace "do_decls:done:" (ppr PprDebug n) $
- do_decls ns down to_return
- Nothing
- | moduleOf (origName "do_decls" n) == modname ->
- -- avoid looking in interface for the module being compiled
- --pprTrace "do_decls:this module error:" (ppr PprDebug n) $
- do_decls ns down (add_warn (thisModImplicitWarn modname n) to_return)
- | otherwise ->
- -- OK, see what the cache has for us...
- cachedDeclByType iface_cache n >>= \ maybe_ans ->
- case maybe_ans of
- CachingAvoided _ ->
- --pprTrace "do_decls:caching avoided:" (ppr PprDebug n) $
- do_decls ns down to_return
- CachingFail err -> -- add the error, but keep going:
- --pprTrace "do_decls:cache error:" (ppr PprDebug n) $
- do_decls ns down (add_err err to_return)
- CachingHit iface_decl -> -- something needing renaming!
- let
- (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply (uniqsupply down)
- in
- case (initRn False{-iface-} modname (occenv down) us1 (
- setExtraRn emptyUFM{-no fixities-} $
- rnIfaceDecl iface_decl)) of {
- ((if_decl, if_defd, if_implicits), if_errs, if_warns) ->
- let
- new_unknowns = eltsFM (fst if_implicits) ++ eltsFM (snd if_implicits)
- in
- {-
- pprTrace "do_decls:renamed:" (ppAboves [ppr PprDebug n
- , ppCat [ppStr "new unknowns:", interpp'SP PprDebug new_unknowns]
- , ppCat [ppStr "defd vals:", interpp'SP PprDebug [n | (_,n) <- fst if_defd] ]
- , ppCat [ppStr "defd tcs:", interpp'SP PprDebug [n | (_,n) <- snd if_defd] ]
- ]) $
- -}
- do_decls (new_unknowns ++ ns)
- (add_occs if_defd if_implicits $
- new_uniqsupply us2 down)
- (add_decl if_decl $
- add_implicits if_implicits $
- add_errs if_errs $
- add_warns if_warns to_return)
- }
-type Go_Down = (RnEnv, -- stuff we already have defns for;
- -- to check quickly if we've already
- -- found something for the name under consideration,
- -- due to previous processing.
- -- It starts off just w/ the defns for
- -- the things in this module.
- RnEnv, -- occurrence env; this gets added to as
- -- we process new iface decls. It includes
- -- entries for *all* occurrences, including those
- -- for which we have definitions.
- UniqSupply -- the obvious
- )
-lookup_defd (def_env, _, _) n
- = (if isRnTyConOrClass n then lookupTcRnEnv else lookupRnEnv) def_env
- (case (origName "lookup_defd" n) of { OrigName m s -> Qual m s })
- -- this is hack because we are reusing the RnEnv technology
-defenv (def_env, _, _) = def_env
-occenv (_, occ_env, _) = occ_env
-uniqsupply (_, _, us) = us
-new_uniqsupply us (def_env, occ_env, _) = (def_env, occ_env, us)
-add_occs (val_defds, tc_defds) (val_imps, tc_imps) (def_env, occ_env, us)
- = case (extendGlobalRnEnv def_env val_defds tc_defds) of { (new_def_env, def_dups) ->
- --(if isEmptyBag def_dups then \x->x else pprTrace "add_occs:" (ppCat [ppr PprDebug n | (n,_,_) <- bagToList def_dups])) $
--- ASSERT(isEmptyBag def_dups)
- let
- de_orig imps = [ (Qual m n, v) | (OrigName m n, v) <- fmToList imps ]
- -- again, this hackery because we are reusing the RnEnv technology
+checkModUsage [] = returnRn True -- Yes! Everything is up to date!
- val_occs = val_defds ++ de_orig val_imps
- tc_occs = tc_defds ++ de_orig tc_imps
+checkModUsage ((mod, old_mod_vers, old_local_vers) : rest)
+ = loadInterface doc_str mod `thenRn` \ ifaces ->
+ let
+ Ifaces _ mod_vers_map _ new_vers_map _ _ _ = ifaces
+ maybe_new_mod_vers = lookupFM mod_vers_map mod
+ Just new_mod_vers = maybe_new_mod_vers
- case (extendGlobalRnEnv occ_env val_occs tc_occs) of { (new_occ_env, occ_dups) ->
+ -- If we can't find a version number for the old module then
+ -- bale out saying things aren't up to date
+ if not (maybeToBool maybe_new_mod_vers) then
+ returnRn False
+ else
+ -- If the module version hasn't changed, just move on
+ if new_mod_vers == old_mod_vers then
+ traceRn (ppSep [ppStr "Module version unchanged:", pprModule PprDebug mod]) `thenRn_`
+ checkModUsage rest
+ else
+ traceRn (ppSep [ppStr "Module version has changed:", pprModule PprDebug mod]) `thenRn_`
--- ASSERT(isEmptyBag occ_dups)
--- False because we may get a dup on the name we just shoved in
+ -- New module version, so check entities inside
+ checkEntityUsage mod new_vers_map old_local_vers `thenRn` \ up_to_date ->
+ if up_to_date then
+ traceRn (ppStr "...but the bits I use havn't.") `thenRn_`
+ checkModUsage rest -- This one's ok, so check the rest
+ else
+ returnRn False -- This one failed, so just bail out now
+ where
+ doc_str = ppSep [ppStr "need version info for", pprModule PprDebug mod]
- (new_def_env, new_occ_env, us) }}
-type To_Return = (([RenamedTyDecl], [RenamedClassDecl], [RenamedInstDecl], [RenamedSig]),
- ImplicitEnv, -- new names used implicitly
- (Bag Error, Bag Warning)
- )
-empty_return :: To_Return
-empty_return = (([],[],[],[]), emptyImplicitEnv, (emptyBag,emptyBag))
-add_decl decl ((tydecls, classdecls, instdecls, sigs), implicit, msgs)
- = case decl of
- AddedTy t -> ((t:tydecls, classdecls, instdecls, sigs), implicit, msgs)
- AddedClass c -> ((tydecls, c:classdecls, instdecls, sigs), implicit, msgs)
- AddedSig s -> ((tydecls, classdecls, instdecls, s:sigs), implicit, msgs)
-add_insts is ((tydecls, classdecls, instdecls, sigs), implicit, msgs)
- = ((tydecls, classdecls, is ++ instdecls, sigs), implicit, msgs)
-add_implicits (val_imps, tc_imps) (decls, (val_fm, tc_fm), msgs)
- = (decls, (val_fm `plusFM` val_imps, tc_fm `plusFM` tc_imps), msgs)
-add_err err (decls,implicit,(errs,warns)) = (decls,implicit,(errs `snocBag` err,warns))
-add_errs ers (decls,implicit,(errs,warns)) = (decls,implicit,(errs `unionBags` ers,warns))
-add_warn wrn (decls,implicit,(errs,warns)) = (decls,implicit,(errs, warns `snocBag` wrn))
-add_warns ws (decls,implicit,(errs,warns)) = (decls,implicit,(errs, warns `unionBags` ws))
+checkEntityUsage mod new_vers_map []
+ = returnRn True -- Yes! All up to date!
+checkEntityUsage mod new_vers_map ((occ_name,old_vers) : rest)
+ = newGlobalName mod occ_name `thenRn` \ name ->
+ case lookupFM new_vers_map name of
+ Nothing -> -- We used it before, but it ain't there now
+ traceRn (ppSep [ppStr "...and this no longer exported:", ppr PprDebug name]) `thenRn_`
+ returnRn False
+ Just new_vers -> -- It's there, but is it up to date?
+ if new_vers == old_vers then
+ -- Up to date, so check the rest
+ checkEntityUsage mod new_vers_map rest
+ else
+ traceRn (ppSep [ppStr "...and this is out of date:", ppr PprDebug name]) `thenRn_`
+ returnRn False -- Out of date, so bale out
-data AddedDecl -- purely local
- = AddedTy RenamedTyDecl
- | AddedClass RenamedClassDecl
- | AddedSig RenamedSig
-rnIfaceDecl :: RdrIfaceDecl
- -> RnM_Fixes REAL_WORLD
- (AddedDecl, -- the resulting decl to add to the pot
- ([(RdrName,RnName)], [(RdrName,RnName)]),
- -- new val/tycon-class names that have
- -- *been defined* while processing this decl
- ImplicitEnv -- new implicit val/tycon-class names that we
- -- stumbled into
- )
-rnIfaceDecl (TypeSig tc _ decl)
- = rnTyDecl decl `thenRn` \ rn_decl ->
- lookupTyCon tc `thenRn` \ rn_tc ->
- getImplicitUpRn `thenRn` \ mentioned ->
- let
- defds = ([], [(tc, rn_tc)])
- implicits = mentioned `sub` defds
- in
- returnRn (AddedTy rn_decl, defds, implicits)
-rnIfaceDecl (NewTypeSig tc dc _ decl)
- = rnTyDecl decl `thenRn` \ rn_decl ->
- lookupTyCon tc `thenRn` \ rn_tc ->
- lookupValue dc `thenRn` \ rn_dc ->
- getImplicitUpRn `thenRn` \ mentioned ->
- let
- defds = ([(dc, rn_dc)], [(tc, rn_tc)])
- implicits = mentioned `sub` defds
- in
- returnRn (AddedTy rn_decl, defds, implicits)
-rnIfaceDecl (DataSig tc dcs fcs _ decl)
- = rnTyDecl decl `thenRn` \ rn_decl ->
- lookupTyCon tc `thenRn` \ rn_tc ->
- mapRn lookupValue dcs `thenRn` \ rn_dcs ->
- mapRn lookupValue fcs `thenRn` \ rn_fcs ->
- getImplicitUpRn `thenRn` \ mentioned ->
- let
- defds = (zip dcs rn_dcs ++ zip fcs rn_fcs , [(tc, rn_tc)])
- implicits = mentioned `sub` defds
- in
- returnRn (AddedTy rn_decl, defds, implicits)
+%* *
+\subsection{Getting in a declaration}
+%* *
-rnIfaceDecl (ClassSig clas ops _ decl)
- = rnClassDecl decl `thenRn` \ rn_decl ->
- lookupClass clas `thenRn` \ rn_clas ->
- mapRn (lookupClassOp rn_clas) ops `thenRn` \ rn_ops ->
- getImplicitUpRn `thenRn` \ mentioned ->
- let
- defds = (ops `zip` rn_ops, [(clas, rn_clas)])
- implicits = mentioned `sub` defds
- in
- returnRn (AddedClass rn_decl, defds, implicits)
-rnIfaceDecl (ValSig f src_loc ty)
- -- should rename_sig in RnBinds be used here? ToDo
- = lookupValue f `thenRn` \ rn_f ->
- -- pprTrace "rnIfaceDecl:ValSig:" (ppr PprDebug ty) $
- rnPolyType nullTyVarNamesEnv ty `thenRn` \ rn_ty ->
- getImplicitUpRn `thenRn` \ mentioned ->
- let
- defds = ([(f, rn_f)], [])
- implicits = mentioned `sub` defds
- in
- returnRn (AddedSig (Sig rn_f rn_ty noGenPragmas src_loc), defds, implicits)
+getDecl :: Name -> RnMG (AvailInfo, RdrNameHsDecl)
+getDecl name
+ = traceRn doc_str `thenRn_`
+ loadInterface doc_str mod `thenRn` \ (Ifaces _ _ _ _ decls_map _ _) ->
+ case lookupFM decls_map name of
-sub :: ImplicitEnv -> ([(RdrName,RnName)], [(RdrName,RnName)]) -> ImplicitEnv
+ Just avail_w_decl -> returnRn avail_w_decl
-sub (val_ment, tc_ment) (val_defds, tc_defds)
- = (delListFromFM val_ment (map (qualToOrigName . fst) val_defds),
- delListFromFM tc_ment (map (qualToOrigName . fst) tc_defds))
+ Nothing -> -- Can happen legitimately for "Optional" occurrences
+ returnRn (NotAvailable, ValD EmptyBinds)
+ where
+ (mod,_) = modAndOcc name
+ doc_str = ppSep [ppStr "Need decl for", ppr PprDebug name]
-% ------------------------------
+@getWiredInDecl@ maps a wired-in @Name@ to what it makes available.
+It behaves exactly as if the wired in decl were actually in an interface file.
+ * if the wired-in name is a data type constructor or a data constructor,
+ it brings in the type constructor and all the data constructors; and
+ marks as "occurrences" any free vars of the data con.
-@cacheInstModules@: cache instance modules specified in imports
+ * similarly for synonum type constructor
-cacheInstModules :: IfaceCache -> [Module] -> IO (Bag Error)
+ * if the wired-in name is another wired-in Id, it marks as "occurrences"
+ the free vars of the Id's type.
-cacheInstModules iface_cache@(IfaceCache _ _ iface_var) imp_mods
- = readVar iface_var ST_THEN \ (iface_fm, _, _) ->
- let
- imp_ifaces = [ iface | Just iface <- map (lookupFM iface_fm) imp_mods ]
- (imp_imods, _) = removeDups cmpPString (bagToList (unionManyBags (map get_ims imp_ifaces)))
- get_ims (ParsedIface _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ims _ _ _ _ _) = ims
- in
- --pprTrace "cacheInstModules:" (ppCat (map ppPStr imp_imods)) $
- accumulate (map (cachedIface iface_cache False SLIT("instance_modules")) imp_imods) >>= \ err_or_ifaces ->
+ * it loads the interface file for the wired-in thing for the
+ sole purpose of making sure that its instance declarations are available
- -- Sanity Check:
- -- Assert that instance modules given by direct imports contains
- -- instance modules extracted from all visited modules
+All this is necessary so that we know all types that are "in play", so
+that we know just what instances to bring into scope.
+getWiredInDecl :: Name -> RnMG AvailInfo
+getWiredInDecl name
+ = -- Force in the home module in case it has instance decls for
+ -- the thing we are interested in
+ (if mod == gHC__ then
+ returnRn () -- Mini hack; GHC is guaranteed not to have
+ -- instance decls, so it's a waste of time
+ -- to read it
+ else
+ loadInterface doc_str mod `thenRn_`
+ returnRn ()
+ ) `thenRn_`
+ if (maybeToBool maybe_wired_in_tycon) then
+ get_wired_tycon the_tycon
+ else -- Must be a wired-in-Id
+ if (isDataCon the_id) then -- ... a wired-in data constructor
+ get_wired_tycon (dataConTyCon the_id)
+ else -- ... a wired-in non data-constructor
+ get_wired_id the_id
+ where
+ doc_str = ppSep [ppStr "Need home module for wired in thing", ppr PprDebug name]
+ (mod,_) = modAndOcc name
+ maybe_wired_in_tycon = maybeWiredInTyConName name
+ maybe_wired_in_id = maybeWiredInIdName name
+ Just the_tycon = maybe_wired_in_tycon
+ Just the_id = maybe_wired_in_id
+get_wired_id id
+ = addImplicitOccsRn (nameSetToList id_mentioned) `thenRn_`
+ returnRn (Avail (getName id) [])
+ where
+ id_mentioned = namesOfType (idType id)
- readVar iface_var ST_THEN \ (all_iface_fm, _, _) ->
- let
- all_ifaces = eltsFM all_iface_fm
- (all_imods, _) = removeDups cmpPString (bagToList (unionManyBags (map get_ims (all_ifaces))))
- in
- ASSERT(sortLt (<) imp_imods == sortLt (<) all_imods)
+get_wired_tycon tycon
+ | isSynTyCon tycon
+ = addImplicitOccsRn (nameSetToList mentioned) `thenRn_`
+ returnRn (Avail (getName tycon) [])
+ where
+ (tyvars,ty) = getSynTyConDefn tycon
+ mentioned = namesOfType ty `minusNameSet` mkNameSet (map getName tyvars)
- return (bag_errs err_or_ifaces)
+get_wired_tycon tycon
+ | otherwise -- data or newtype
+ = addImplicitOccsRn (nameSetToList mentioned) `thenRn_`
+ returnRn (Avail (getName tycon) (map getName data_cons))
- bag_errs [] = emptyBag
- bag_errs (Failed err :rest) = err `consBag` bag_errs rest
- bag_errs (Succeeded _:rest) = bag_errs rest
+ data_cons = tyConDataCons tycon
+ mentioned = foldr (unionNameSets . namesOfType . idType) emptyNameSet data_cons
-@rnIfaceInstStuff@: Deal with instance declarations from interface files.
+%* *
+\subsection{Getting other stuff}
+%* *
-type InstanceEnv = FiniteMap (OrigName, OrigName) Int
- :: IfaceCache -- all about ifaces we've read
- -> Module
- -> UniqSupply
- -> RnEnv -- current occ env
- -> InstanceEnv -- instances for these tycon/class pairs done
- -> To_Return
- -> IO (To_Return,
- InstanceEnv, -- extended instance env
- RnEnv, -- final occ env
- [RnName]) -- new unknown names
-rnIfaceInstStuff iface_cache@(IfaceCache _ _ iface_var) modname us occ_env done_inst_env to_return
- = -- all the instance decls we might even want to consider
- -- are in the ParsedIfaces that are in our cache
- readVar iface_var ST_THEN \ (_, orig_iface_fm, _) ->
- let
- all_ifaces = eltsFM orig_iface_fm
- all_insts = concat (map get_insts all_ifaces)
- interesting_insts = filter want_inst all_insts
+getInterfaceExports :: Module -> RnMG (Avails, [(OccName,Fixity)])
+getInterfaceExports mod
+ = loadInterface doc_str mod `thenRn` \ (Ifaces _ _ export_envs _ _ _ _) ->
+ case lookupFM export_envs mod of
+ Nothing -> -- Not there; it must be that the interface file wasn't found;
+ -- the error will have been reported already.
+ -- (Actually loadInterface should put the empty export env in there
+ -- anyway, but this does no harm.)
+ returnRn ([],[])
+ Just stuff -> returnRn stuff
+ where
+ doc_str = ppSep [pprModule PprDebug mod, ppStr "is directly imported"]
- -- Sanity Check:
- -- Assert that there are no more instances for the done instances
- claim_done = filter is_done_inst all_insts
- claim_done_env = foldr add_done_inst emptyFM claim_done
+getImportedInstDecls :: RnMG [IfaceInst]
+ = -- First load any special-instance modules that aren't aready loaded
+ getSpecialInstModules `thenRn` \ inst_mods ->
+ mapRn load_it inst_mods `thenRn_`
- has_val fm (k,i) = case lookupFM fm k of { Nothing -> False; Just v -> i == v }
+ -- Now we're ready to grab the instance declarations
+ getIfacesRn `thenRn` \ ifaces ->
+ let
+ Ifaces _ _ _ _ _ insts _ = ifaces
- {-
- pprTrace "all_insts:\n" (ppr_insts (bagToList all_insts)) $
- pprTrace "interesting_insts:\n" (ppr_insts interesting_insts) $
- -}
- ASSERT(sizeFM done_inst_env == sizeFM claim_done_env)
- ASSERT(all (has_val claim_done_env) (fmToList done_inst_env))
- case (initRn False{-iface-} modname occ_env us (
- setExtraRn emptyUFM{-no fixities-} $
- mapRn rnIfaceInst interesting_insts `thenRn` \ insts ->
- getImplicitUpRn `thenRn` \ implicits ->
- returnRn (insts, implicits))) of {
- ((if_insts, if_implicits), if_errs, if_warns) ->
- return (add_insts if_insts $
- add_implicits if_implicits $
- add_errs if_errs $
- add_warns if_warns to_return,
- foldr add_done_inst done_inst_env interesting_insts,
- add_imp_occs if_implicits occ_env,
- eltsFM (fst if_implicits) ++ eltsFM (snd if_implicits))
- }
+ returnRn (bagToList insts)
- get_insts (ParsedIface imod _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ insts _) = [(imod, inst) | inst <- bagToList insts]
- tycon_class clas tycon = (qualToOrigName clas, qualToOrigName tycon)
- add_done_inst (_, InstSig clas tycon _ _) inst_env
- = addToFM_C (+) inst_env (tycon_class clas tycon) 1
- is_done_inst (_, InstSig clas tycon _ _)
- = maybeToBool (lookupFM done_inst_env (tycon_class clas tycon))
- add_imp_occs (val_imps, tc_imps) occ_env
- = case (extendGlobalRnEnv occ_env (de_orig val_imps) (de_orig tc_imps)) of
- (ext_occ_env, occ_dups) -> ASSERT(isEmptyBag occ_dups)
- ext_occ_env
- where
- de_orig imps = [ (Qual m n, v) | (OrigName m n, v) <- fmToList imps ]
- -- again, this hackery because we are reusing the RnEnv technology
- want_inst i@(imod, InstSig clas tycon _ _)
- = -- it's a "good instance" (one to hang onto) if we have a
- -- chance of referring to *both* the class and tycon later on ...
- --pprTrace "want_inst:" (ppCat [ppr PprDebug clas, ppr PprDebug tycon, ppr PprDebug (mentionable tycon), ppr PprDebug (mentionable clas), ppr PprDebug(is_done_inst i)]) $
- mentionable tycon && mentionable clas && not (is_done_inst i)
- where
- mentionable nm
- = case lookupTcRnEnv occ_env nm of
- Just _ -> True
- Nothing -> -- maybe it's builtin
- let orig = qualToOrigName nm in
- case (lookupFM builtinTcNamesMap orig) of
- Just _ -> True
- Nothing -> maybeToBool (lookupFM builtinKeysMap orig)
+ load_it mod = loadInterface (doc_str mod) mod
+ doc_str mod = ppSep [pprModule PprDebug mod, ppStr "is a special-instance module"]
+getSpecialInstModules :: RnMG [Module]
+ = getIfacesRn `thenRn` \ ifaces ->
+ let
+ Ifaces _ _ _ _ _ _ inst_mods = ifaces
+ in
+ returnRn inst_mods
-rnIfaceInst :: (Module, RdrIfaceInst) -> RnM_Fixes REAL_WORLD RenamedInstDecl
+getImportVersions :: [AvailInfo] -- Imported avails
+ -> RnMG (VersionInfo Name) -- Version info for these names
-rnIfaceInst (imod, InstSig _ _ _ inst_decl) = rnInstDecl (inst_decl imod)
+getImportVersions imported_avails
+ = getIfacesRn `thenRn` \ ifaces ->
+ let
+ Ifaces _ mod_versions_map _ version_map _ _ _ = ifaces
+ -- import_versions is harder: we have to group together all the things imported
+ -- from a particular module. We do this with yet another finite map
+ mv_map :: FiniteMap Module [LocalVersion Name]
+ mv_map = foldl add_mv emptyFM imported_avails
+ add_mv mv_map (Avail name _)
+ | isWiredInName name = mv_map -- Don't record versions for wired-in names
+ | otherwise = case lookupFM mv_map mod of
+ Just versions -> addToFM mv_map mod ((name,version):versions)
+ Nothing -> addToFM mv_map mod [(name,version)]
+ where
+ (mod,_) = modAndOcc name
+ version = case lookupFM version_map name of
+ Just v -> v
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "getVersionInfo:" (ppr PprDebug name)
+ import_versions = [ (mod, expectJust "import_versions" (lookupFM mod_versions_map mod), local_versions)
+ | (mod, local_versions) <- fmToList mv_map
+ ]
+ -- Question: should we filter the builtins out of import_versions?
+ in
+ returnRn import_versions
+%* *
+\subsection{Getting binders out of a declaration}
+%* *
+@getDeclBinders@ returns the names for a @RdrNameHsDecl@.
+It's used for both source code (from @availsFromDecl@) and interface files
+(from @loadDecl@).
+It doesn't deal with source-code specific things: ValD, DefD. They
+are handled by the sourc-code specific stuff in RnNames.
-type BigMaps = (FiniteMap Module Version, -- module-version map
- FiniteMap (FAST_STRING,Module) Version) -- ordinary version map
-finalIfaceInfo ::
- IfaceCache -- iface cache
- -> Module -- this module's name
- -> RnEnv
- -> [RenamedInstDecl]
--- -> [RnName] -- all imported names required
--- -> [Module] -- directly imported modules
- -> IO (UsagesMap,
- VersionsMap, -- info about version numbers
- [Module]) -- special instance modules
-finalIfaceInfo iface_cache@(IfaceCache _ _ iface_var) modname if_final_env@((qual, unqual, tc_qual, tc_unqual), stack) if_instdecls
- =
--- pprTrace "usageIf:qual:" (ppCat [ppBesides[ppPStr m,ppChar '.',ppPStr n] | (n,m) <- keysFM qual]) $
--- pprTrace "usageIf:unqual:" (ppCat (map ppPStr (keysFM unqual))) $
--- pprTrace "usageIf:tc_qual:" (ppCat [ppBesides[ppPStr m,ppChar '.',ppPStr n] | (n,m) <- keysFM tc_qual]) $
--- pprTrace "usageIf:tc_unqual:" (ppCat (map ppPStr (keysFM tc_unqual))) $
- readVar iface_var ST_THEN \ (_, orig_iface_fm, _) ->
- let
- all_ifaces = eltsFM orig_iface_fm
- -- all the interfaces we have looked at
+getDeclBinders :: (RdrName -> SrcLoc -> RnMG Name) -- New-name function
+ -> RdrNameHsDecl
+ -> RnMG AvailInfo
- big_maps
- -- combine all the version maps we have seen into maps to
- -- (a) lookup a module-version number, lookup an entity's
- -- individual version number
- = foldr mk_map (emptyFM,emptyFM) all_ifaces
+getDeclBinders new_name (TyD (TyData _ tycon _ condecls _ _ src_loc))
+ = new_name tycon src_loc `thenRn` \ tycon_name ->
+ getConFieldNames new_name condecls `thenRn` \ sub_names ->
+ returnRn (Avail tycon_name sub_names)
- val_stuff@(val_usages, val_versions)
- = foldFM (process_item big_maps) (emptyFM, emptyFM){-init-} qual
+getDeclBinders new_name (TyD (TyNew _ tycon _ (NewConDecl con _ con_loc) _ _ src_loc))
+ = new_name tycon src_loc `thenRn` \ tycon_name ->
+ new_name con src_loc `thenRn` \ con_name ->
+ returnRn (Avail tycon_name [con_name])
- (all_usages, all_versions)
- = foldFM (process_item big_maps) val_stuff{-keep going-} tc_qual
- in
- return (all_usages, all_versions, [])
+getDeclBinders new_name (TyD (TySynonym tycon _ _ src_loc))
+ = new_name tycon src_loc `thenRn` \ tycon_name ->
+ returnRn (Avail tycon_name [])
+getDeclBinders new_name (ClD (ClassDecl _ cname _ sigs _ _ src_loc))
+ = new_name cname src_loc `thenRn` \ class_name ->
+ mapRn (getClassOpNames new_name) sigs `thenRn` \ sub_names ->
+ returnRn (Avail class_name sub_names)
+getDeclBinders new_name (SigD (IfaceSig var ty prags src_loc))
+ = new_name var src_loc `thenRn` \ var_name ->
+ returnRn (Avail var_name [])
+getDeclBinders new_name (DefD _) = returnRn NotAvailable
+getDeclBinders new_name (InstD _) = returnRn NotAvailable
+getConFieldNames new_name (ConDecl con _ src_loc : rest)
+ = new_name con src_loc `thenRn` \ n ->
+ getConFieldNames new_name rest `thenRn` \ ns ->
+ returnRn (n:ns)
+getConFieldNames new_name (NewConDecl con _ src_loc : rest)
+ = new_name con src_loc `thenRn` \ n ->
+ getConFieldNames new_name rest `thenRn` \ ns ->
+ returnRn (n:ns)
+getConFieldNames new_name (ConOpDecl _ con _ src_loc : rest)
+ = new_name con src_loc `thenRn` \ n ->
+ getConFieldNames new_name rest `thenRn` \ ns ->
+ returnRn (n:ns)
+getConFieldNames new_name (RecConDecl con fielddecls src_loc : rest)
+ = mapRn (\n -> new_name n src_loc) (con:fields) `thenRn` \ cfs ->
+ getConFieldNames new_name rest `thenRn` \ ns ->
+ returnRn (cfs ++ ns)
- mk_map (ParsedIface m _ mv _ _ vers _ _ _ _ _ _ _) (mv_map, ver_map)
- = (addToFM mv_map m mv, -- add this module
- addListToFM ver_map [ ((n,m), v) | (n,v) <- fmToList vers ])
- -----------------------
- process_item :: BigMaps
- -> (FAST_STRING,Module) -> RnName -- RnEnv (QualNames) components
- -> (UsagesMap, VersionsMap) -- input
- -> (UsagesMap, VersionsMap) -- output
- process_item (big_mv_map, big_version_map) key@(n,m) rn as_before@(usages, versions)
- | irrelevant rn
- = as_before
- | m == modname -- this module => add to "versions"
- = (usages, addToFM versions n 1{-stub-})
- | otherwise -- from another module => add to "usages"
- = case (add_to_usages usages key) of
- Nothing -> as_before
- Just new_usages -> (new_usages, versions)
- where
- add_to_usages usages key@(n,m)
- = case (lookupFM big_mv_map m) of
- Nothing -> Nothing
- Just mv ->
- case (lookupFM big_version_map key) of
- Nothing -> Nothing
- Just kv ->
- Just $ addToFM usages m (
- case (lookupFM usages m) of
- Nothing -> -- nothing for this module yet...
- (mv, unitFM n kv)
- Just (mversion, mstuff) -> -- the "new" stuff will shadow the old
- ASSERT(mversion == mv)
- (mversion, addToFM mstuff n kv)
- )
- irrelevant (RnConstr _ _) = True -- We don't report these in their
- irrelevant (RnField _ _) = True -- own right in usages/etc.
- irrelevant (RnClassOp _ _) = True
- irrelevant (RnImplicit n) = isLexCon (nameOf (origName "irrelevant" n)) -- really a RnConstr
- irrelevant _ = False
+ fields = concat (map fst fielddecls)
+getConFieldNames new_name [] = returnRn []
+getClassOpNames new_name (ClassOpSig op _ _ src_loc) = new_name op src_loc
+%* *
+\subsection{Reading an interface file}
+%* *
-thisModImplicitWarn mod n sty
- = ppBesides [ppPStr SLIT("An interface has an implicit need of "), ppr sty n, ppPStr SLIT("; assuming this module will provide it.")]
+findAndReadIface :: Pretty -> Module -> RnMG (Maybe ParsedIface)
+ -- Nothing <=> file not found, or unreadable, or illegible
+ -- Just x <=> successfully found and parsed
+findAndReadIface doc_str mod
+ = traceRn trace_msg `thenRn_`
+ getSearchPathRn `thenRn` \ dirs ->
+ try dirs dirs
+ where
+ trace_msg = ppHang (ppBesides [ppStr "Reading interface for ",
+ pprModule PprDebug mod, ppSemi])
+ 4 (ppBesides [ppStr "reason: ", doc_str])
+ try all_dirs [] = traceRn (ppStr "...failed") `thenRn_`
+ returnRn Nothing
+ try all_dirs (dir:dirs)
+ = readIface file_path `thenRn` \ read_result ->
+ case read_result of
+ Nothing -> try all_dirs dirs
+ Just iface -> traceRn (ppStr "...done") `thenRn_`
+ returnRn (Just iface)
+ where
+ file_path = dir ++ "/" ++ moduleString mod ++ ".hi"
-noIfaceErr mod sty
- = ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("Could not find interface for:"), ppPStr mod]
+@readIface@ trys just one file.
-noOrigIfaceErr mod sty
- = ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("Could not find original interface for:"), ppPStr mod]
+readIface :: String -> RnMG (Maybe ParsedIface)
+ -- Nothing <=> file not found, or unreadable, or illegible
+ -- Just x <=> successfully found and parsed
+readIface file_path
+ = ioToRnMG (readFile file_path) `thenRn` \ read_result ->
+ case read_result of
+ Right contents -> case parseIface contents of
+ Failed err -> failWithRn Nothing err
+ Succeeded iface -> returnRn (Just iface)
-noDeclInIfaceErr mod str sty
- = ppBesides [ppPStr SLIT("Could not find interface declaration of: "),
- ppPStr mod, ppStr ".", ppPStr str]
+ Left (NoSuchThing _) -> returnRn Nothing
-cannaeReadErr file err sty
- = ppBesides [ppPStr SLIT("Failed in reading file: "), ppStr file, ppStr "; error=", ppStr (show err)]
+ Left err -> failWithRn Nothing
+ (cannaeReadFile file_path err)
+mkSearchPath takes a string consisting of a colon-separated list of directories, and turns it into
+a list of directories. For example:
+ mkSearchPath "foo:.:baz" = ["foo", ".", "baz"]
+mkSearchPath :: Maybe String -> SearchPath
+mkSearchPath Nothing = ["."]
+mkSearchPath (Just s)
+ = go s
+ where
+ go "" = []
+ go s = first : go (drop 1 rest)
+ where
+ (first,rest) = span (/= ':') s
-ifaceLookupWiredErr msg n sty
- = ppBesides [ppPStr SLIT("Why am I looking up a wired-in "), ppStr msg, ppChar ':', ppr sty n]
+%* *
+%* *
-badIfaceLookupErr msg name decl sty
- = ppBesides [ppPStr SLIT("Expected a "), ppStr msg, ppStr " declaration, but got this: ???"]
+noIfaceErr mod sty
+ = ppBesides [ppStr "Could not find interface for ", ppQuote (pprModule sty mod)]
+-- , ppStr " in"]) 4 (ppAboves (map ppStr dirs))
-ifaceIoErr io_msg rn sty
- = ppBesides [io_msg sty, ppStr "; looking for: ", ppr sty rn]
+cannaeReadFile file err sty
+ = ppBesides [ppPStr SLIT("Failed in reading file: "), ppStr file, ppStr "; error=", ppStr (show err)]