path: root/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
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Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
index 2b91305d9b..a0dbf46b18 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ module RnNames (
#include "HsVersions.h"
import CmdLineOpts ( opt_NoImplicitPrelude, opt_WarnDuplicateExports,
- opt_SourceUnchanged
+ opt_SourceUnchanged, opt_WarnUnusedBinds
import HsSyn ( HsModule(..), ImportDecl(..), HsDecl(..), TyClDecl(..),
@@ -20,14 +20,12 @@ import HsSyn ( HsModule(..), ImportDecl(..), HsDecl(..), TyClDecl(..),
FixitySig(..), Sig(..),
-import RdrHsSyn ( RdrName(..), RdrNameIE, RdrNameImportDecl,
- RdrNameHsModule, RdrNameHsDecl,
- rdrNameOcc, ieOcc
+import RdrHsSyn ( RdrNameIE, RdrNameImportDecl,
+ RdrNameHsModule, RdrNameHsDecl
import RnIfaces ( getInterfaceExports, getDeclBinders, getImportedFixities,
recordSlurp, checkUpToDate, loadHomeInterface
-import BasicTypes ( IfaceFlavour(..) )
import RnEnv
import RnMonad
@@ -36,7 +34,9 @@ import PrelMods
import UniqFM ( lookupUFM )
import Bag ( bagToList )
import Maybes ( maybeToBool )
+import NameSet
import Name
+import RdrName ( RdrName, rdrNameOcc, mkRdrQual, mkRdrUnqual )
import SrcLoc ( SrcLoc )
import NameSet ( elemNameSet, emptyNameSet )
import Outputable
@@ -70,16 +70,17 @@ getGlobalNames (HsModule this_mod _ exports imports decls mod_loc)
fixRn (\ ~(rec_rn_env, _) ->
rec_unqual_fn :: Name -> Bool -- Is this chap in scope unqualified?
- rec_unqual_fn = mkPrintUnqualFn rec_rn_env
+ rec_unqual_fn = unQualInScope rec_rn_env
+ setOmitQualFn rec_unqual_fn $
-- Do these *first* so that the correct provenance gets
-- into the global name cache.
importsFromLocalDecls this_mod rec_exp_fn decls `thenRn` \ (local_gbl_env, local_mod_avails) ->
- mapAndUnzipRn (importsFromImportDecl this_mod rec_unqual_fn)
- all_imports `thenRn` \ (imp_gbl_envs, imp_avails_s) ->
+ mapAndUnzipRn importsFromImportDecl all_imports `thenRn` \ (imp_gbl_envs, imp_avails_s) ->
-- We put the local env second, so that a local provenance
@@ -147,13 +148,12 @@ getGlobalNames (HsModule this_mod _ exports imports decls mod_loc)
| otherwise = [ImportDecl pRELUDE
False {- Not qualified -}
- HiFile {- Not source imported -}
Nothing {- No "as" -}
Nothing {- No import list -}
- = not (null [ () | (ImportDecl mod qual _ _ _ _) <- imports, mod == pRELUDE ])
+ = not (null [ () | (ImportDecl mod qual _ _ _) <- imports, mod == pRELUDE ])
@@ -181,15 +181,13 @@ checkEarlyExit mod
-importsFromImportDecl :: Module -- The module being compiled
- -> (Name -> Bool) -- True => print unqualified
- -> RdrNameImportDecl
+importsFromImportDecl :: RdrNameImportDecl
-> RnMG (GlobalRdrEnv,
-importsFromImportDecl this_mod rec_unqual_fn (ImportDecl imp_mod qual_only as_source as_mod import_spec iloc)
+importsFromImportDecl (ImportDecl imp_mod qual_only as_mod import_spec iloc)
= pushSrcLocRn iloc $
- getInterfaceExports imp_mod as_source `thenRn` \ avails ->
+ getInterfaceExports imp_mod `thenRn` \ avails ->
if null avails then
-- If there's an error in getInterfaceExports, (e.g. interface
@@ -206,12 +204,6 @@ importsFromImportDecl this_mod rec_unqual_fn (ImportDecl imp_mod qual_only as_so
home_modules = [name | avail <- filtered_avails,
-- Doesn't take account of hiding, but that doesn't matter
- -- Drop NotAvailables.
- -- Happens if filterAvail finds something missing
- case avail of
- NotAvailable -> False
- other -> True,
let name = availName avail,
not (isLocallyDefined name || nameModule name == imp_mod)
-- Don't try to load the module being compiled
@@ -231,13 +223,8 @@ importsFromImportDecl this_mod rec_unqual_fn (ImportDecl imp_mod qual_only as_so
-- (b) the print-unqualified field
-- But don't fiddle with wired-in things or we get in a twist
- improve_prov name | isWiredInName name = name
- | otherwise = setNameProvenance name (mk_new_prov name)
- is_explicit name = name `elemNameSet` explicits
- mk_new_prov name = NonLocalDef (UserImport imp_mod iloc (is_explicit name))
- as_source
- (rec_unqual_fn name)
+ improve_prov name = setNameImportReason name (UserImport imp_mod iloc (is_explicit name))
+ is_explicit name = name `elemNameSet` explicits
qualifyImports imp_mod
(not qual_only) -- Maybe want unqualified names
@@ -301,10 +288,10 @@ getLocalDeclBinders new_name (ForD (ForeignDecl nm kind _ dyn _ loc))
= returnRn []
getLocalDeclBinders new_name decl
- = getDeclBinders new_name decl `thenRn` \ avail ->
- case avail of
- NotAvailable -> returnRn [] -- Instance decls and suchlike
- other -> returnRn [avail]
+ = getDeclBinders new_name decl `thenRn` \ maybe_avail ->
+ case maybe_avail of
+ Nothing -> returnRn [] -- Instance decls and suchlike
+ Just avail -> returnRn [avail]
binds_haskell_name (FoImport _) _ = True
binds_haskell_name FoLabel _ = True
@@ -328,9 +315,11 @@ fixitiesFromLocalDecls gbl_env decls
fix_decl acc (FixitySig rdr_name fixity loc)
= -- Check for fixity decl for something not declared
case lookupRdrEnv gbl_env rdr_name of {
- Nothing -> pushSrcLocRn loc $
- addWarnRn (unusedFixityDecl rdr_name fixity) `thenRn_`
- returnRn acc ;
+ Nothing | opt_WarnUnusedBinds
+ -> pushSrcLocRn loc (addWarnRn (unusedFixityDecl rdr_name fixity)) `thenRn_`
+ returnRn acc
+ | otherwise -> returnRn acc ;
Just (name:_) ->
-- Check for duplicate fixity decl
@@ -366,15 +355,18 @@ filterImports mod Nothing imports
= returnRn (imports, [], emptyNameSet)
filterImports mod (Just (want_hiding, import_items)) avails
- = mapRn check_item import_items `thenRn` \ item_avails ->
+ = mapMaybeRn check_item import_items `thenRn` \ avails_w_explicits ->
+ let
+ (item_avails, explicits_s) = unzip avails_w_explicits
+ explicits = foldl addListToNameSet emptyNameSet explicits_s
+ in
if want_hiding
-- All imported; item_avails to be hidden
returnRn (avails, item_avails, emptyNameSet)
-- Just item_avails imported; nothing to be hidden
- returnRn (item_avails, [], availsToNameSet item_avails)
+ returnRn (item_avails, [], explicits)
import_fm :: FiniteMap OccName AvailInfo
import_fm = listToFM [ (nameOccName name, avail)
@@ -382,35 +374,44 @@ filterImports mod (Just (want_hiding, import_items)) avails
name <- availNames avail]
-- Even though availNames returns data constructors too,
-- they won't make any difference because naked entities like T
- -- in an import list map to TCOccs, not VarOccs.
+ -- in an import list map to TcOccs, not VarOccs.
check_item item@(IEModuleContents _)
= addErrRn (badImportItemErr mod item) `thenRn_`
- returnRn NotAvailable
+ returnRn Nothing
check_item item
| not (maybeToBool maybe_in_import_avails) ||
- (case filtered_avail of { NotAvailable -> True; other -> False })
+ not (maybeToBool maybe_filtered_avail)
= addErrRn (badImportItemErr mod item) `thenRn_`
- returnRn NotAvailable
+ returnRn Nothing
| dodgy_import = addWarnRn (dodgyImportWarn mod item) `thenRn_`
- returnRn filtered_avail
+ returnRn (Just (filtered_avail, explicits))
- | otherwise = returnRn filtered_avail
+ | otherwise = returnRn (Just (filtered_avail, explicits))
- maybe_in_import_avails = lookupFM import_fm (ieOcc item)
+ wanted_occ = rdrNameOcc (ieName item)
+ maybe_in_import_avails = lookupFM import_fm wanted_occ
Just avail = maybe_in_import_avails
- filtered_avail = filterAvail item avail
- dodgy_import = case (item, avail) of
- (IEThingAll _, AvailTC _ [n]) -> True
- -- This occurs when you import T(..), but
- -- only export T abstractly. The single [n]
- -- in the AvailTC is the type or class itself
- other -> False
+ maybe_filtered_avail = filterAvail item avail
+ Just filtered_avail = maybe_filtered_avail
+ explicits | dot_dot = [availName filtered_avail]
+ | otherwise = availNames filtered_avail
+ dot_dot = case item of
+ IEThingAll _ -> True
+ other -> False
+ dodgy_import = case (item, avail) of
+ (IEThingAll _, AvailTC _ [n]) -> True
+ -- This occurs when you import T(..), but
+ -- only export T abstractly. The single [n]
+ -- in the AvailTC is the type or class itself
+ other -> False
@@ -469,16 +470,14 @@ qualifyImports this_mod unqual_imp as_mod hides
| unqual_imp = env2
| otherwise = env1
- env1 = addOneToGlobalRdrEnv env (Qual qual_mod occ err_hif) better_name
- env2 = addOneToGlobalRdrEnv env1 (Unqual occ) better_name
+ env1 = addOneToGlobalRdrEnv env (mkRdrQual qual_mod occ) better_name
+ env2 = addOneToGlobalRdrEnv env1 (mkRdrUnqual occ) better_name
occ = nameOccName name
better_name = improve_prov name
del_avail env avail = foldl delOneFromGlobalRdrEnv env rdr_names
- rdr_names = map (Unqual . nameOccName) (availNames avail)
-err_hif = error "qualifyImports: hif" -- Not needed in key to mapping
+ rdr_names = map (mkRdrUnqual . nameOccName) (availNames avail)
@@ -585,7 +584,7 @@ exportsFromAvail this_mod (Just export_items)
| not enough_avail
- = failWithRn acc (exportItemErr ie export_avail)
+ = failWithRn acc (exportItemErr ie)
| otherwise -- Phew! It's OK! Now to check the occurrence stuff!
= check_occs ie occs export_avail `thenRn` \ occs' ->
@@ -595,10 +594,11 @@ exportsFromAvail this_mod (Just export_items)
rdr_name = ieName ie
maybe_in_scope = lookupFM global_name_env rdr_name
Just (name:dup_names) = maybe_in_scope
- maybe_avail = lookupUFM entity_avail_env name
- Just avail = maybe_avail
- export_avail = filterAvail ie avail
- enough_avail = case export_avail of {NotAvailable -> False; other -> True}
+ maybe_avail = lookupUFM entity_avail_env name
+ Just avail = maybe_avail
+ maybe_export_avail = filterAvail ie avail
+ enough_avail = maybeToBool maybe_export_avail
+ Just export_avail = maybe_export_avail
add_avail avails avail = addToNameEnv_C plusAvail avails (availName avail) avail
@@ -646,13 +646,8 @@ dodgyImportWarn mod (IEThingAll tc)
modExportErr mod
= hsep [ ptext SLIT("Unknown module in export list: module"), quotes (pprModule mod)]
-exportItemErr export_item NotAvailable
- = sep [ ptext SLIT("Export item not in scope:"), quotes (ppr export_item)]
-exportItemErr export_item avail
- = hang (ptext SLIT("Export item not fully in scope:"))
- 4 (vcat [hsep [ptext SLIT("Wanted: "), ppr export_item],
- hsep [ptext SLIT("Available:"), ppr (ieOcc export_item), pprAvail avail]])
+exportItemErr export_item
+ = sep [ ptext SLIT("Bad export item"), quotes (ppr export_item)]
exportClashErr occ_name ie1 ie2
= hsep [ptext SLIT("The export items"), quotes (ppr ie1), ptext SLIT("and"), quotes (ppr ie2),