path: root/ghc/compiler/rename/RnPass3.lhs
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Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/compiler/rename/RnPass3.lhs')
1 files changed, 620 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnPass3.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnPass3.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996
+\section[RnPass3]{Third of the renaming passes}
+The business of this pass is to:
+\item find all the things declared at top level,
+\item assign uniques to them
+\item return an association list mapping their @ProtoName@s to
+ freshly-minted @Names@ for them.
+No attempt is made to discover whether the same thing is declared
+twice: that is up to the caller to sort out.
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module RnPass3 (
+ rnModule3,
+ initRn3, Rn3M(..) -- re-exported from monad
+ -- for completeness
+ ) where
+import Ubiq{-uitous-}
+import RnMonad3
+import HsSyn
+import RdrHsSyn
+import Bag ( emptyBag, listToBag, unionBags, unionManyBags,
+ unitBag, snocBag, elemBag, bagToList, Bag
+ )
+import ErrUtils
+import HsPragmas ( DataPragmas(..) )
+import Name ( Name(..) )
+import NameTypes ( fromPrelude, FullName{-instances-} )
+import Pretty
+import ProtoName ( cmpByLocalName, ProtoName(..) )
+import RnUtils ( mkGlobalNameFun,
+ GlobalNameMappers(..), GlobalNameMapper(..),
+ PreludeNameMappers(..), PreludeNameMapper(..),
+ dupNamesErr
+ )
+import SrcLoc ( SrcLoc{-instance-} )
+import Util ( isIn, removeDups, cmpPString, panic )
+* *
+\subsection{Type declarations}
+* *
+type BagAssoc = Bag (ProtoName, Name) -- Bag version
+type NameSpaceAssoc = [(ProtoName, Name)] -- List version
+* *
+\subsection{Main function: @rnModule3@}
+* *
+rnModule3 :: PreludeNameMappers
+ -> Bag FAST_STRING -- list of imported module names
+ -> ProtoNameHsModule
+ -> Rn3M ( NameSpaceAssoc, NameSpaceAssoc,
+ GlobalNameMapper, GlobalNameMapper,
+ Bag Error )
+rnModule3 pnfs@(val_pnf, tc_pnf) imported_mod_names
+ (HsModule mod_name exports imports _ ty_decls _ class_decls
+ inst_decls _ _ binds sigs _)
+ = putInfoDownM3 {- ???pnfs -} mod_name exports (
+ doTyDecls3 ty_decls `thenRn3` \ (constrs, tycons) ->
+ doClassDecls3 class_decls `thenRn3` \ (ops, classes) ->
+ doBinds3 binds `thenRn3` \ val_binds ->
+ doIntSigs3 sigs `thenRn3` \ val_sigs ->
+ let val_namespace = constrs `unionBags` ops `unionBags` val_binds
+ `unionBags` val_sigs
+ tc_namespace = tycons `unionBags` classes
+ (var_alist, var_dup_errs) = deal_with_dups "variable" val_pnf (bagToList val_namespace)
+ (tc_alist, tc_dup_errs) = deal_with_dups "type or class" tc_pnf (bagToList tc_namespace)
+ v_gnf = mkGlobalNameFun mod_name val_pnf var_alist
+ tc_gnf = mkGlobalNameFun mod_name tc_pnf tc_alist
+ in
+ verifyExports v_gnf tc_gnf (imported_mod_names `snocBag` mod_name) exports
+ `thenRn3` \ export_errs ->
+ verifyImports v_gnf tc_gnf imports `thenRn3` \ import_errs ->
+ returnRn3 ( var_alist, tc_alist,
+ v_gnf, tc_gnf,
+ var_dup_errs `unionBags` tc_dup_errs `unionBags`
+ export_errs `unionBags` import_errs
+ ))
+ where
+ deal_with_dups :: String -> PreludeNameMapper -> NameSpaceAssoc
+ -> (NameSpaceAssoc, Bag Error)
+ deal_with_dups kind_str pnf alist
+ = (goodies,
+ listToBag (map mk_dup_err dup_lists) `unionBags`
+ listToBag (map mk_prel_dup_err prel_dups)
+ )
+ where
+ goodies :: [(ProtoName,Name)] --NameSpaceAssoc
+ dup_lists :: [[(ProtoName, Name)]]
+ -- Find all the names which are defined twice.
+ -- By "name" here, we mean "string"; that is, we are looking
+ -- for places where two strings are bound to different Names
+ -- in the top-level scope of this module.
+ (singles, dup_lists) = removeDups cmp alist
+ -- We want to compare their *local* names; the removeDups thing
+ -- is checking for whether two objects have the same local name.
+ cmp (a, _) (b, _) = cmpByLocalName a b
+ -- Anything in alist with a Unk name is defined right here in
+ -- this module; hence, it should not be a prelude name. We
+ -- need to check this separately, because the prelude is
+ -- imported only implicitly, via the PrelNameFuns argument
+ (goodies, prel_dups) = if fromPrelude mod_name then
+ (singles, []) -- Compiling the prelude, so ignore this check
+ else
+ partition local_def_of_prelude_thing singles
+ local_def_of_prelude_thing (Unk s, _)
+ = case pnf s of
+ Just _ -> False -- Eek! It's a prelude name
+ Nothing -> True -- It isn't; all is ok
+ local_def_of_prelude_thing other = True
+ mk_dup_err :: [(ProtoName, Name)] -> Error
+ mk_dup_err dups_of_name
+ = let
+ dup_pnames_w_src_loc = [ (pn, getSrcLoc name) | (pn,name) <- dups_of_name ]
+ in
+ dupNamesErr kind_str dup_pnames_w_src_loc
+ -- This module defines a prelude thing
+ mk_prel_dup_err :: (ProtoName, Name) -> Error
+ mk_prel_dup_err (pn, name)
+ = dupPreludeNameErr kind_str (pn, getSrcLoc name)
+* *
+\subsection{Type and class declarations}
+* *
+doTyDecls3 :: [ProtoNameTyDecl] -> Rn3M (BagAssoc, BagAssoc)
+doTyDecls3 [] = returnRn3 (emptyBag, emptyBag)
+doTyDecls3 (tyd:tyds)
+ = andRn3 combiner (do_decl tyd) (doTyDecls3 tyds)
+ where
+ combiner (cons1, tycons1) (cons2, tycons2)
+ = (cons1 `unionBags` cons2, tycons1 `unionBags` tycons2)
+ do_decl (TyData context tycon tyvars condecls _ pragmas src_loc)
+ = newFullNameM3 tycon src_loc True{-tycon-ish-} Nothing
+ `thenRn3` \ (uniq, tycon_name) ->
+ let
+ exp_flag = getExportFlag tycon_name
+ -- we want to force all data cons to have the very
+ -- same export flag as their type constructor
+ in
+ doConDecls3 False{-not invisibles-} exp_flag condecls `thenRn3` \ data_cons ->
+ do_data_pragmas exp_flag pragmas `thenRn3` \ pragma_data_cons ->
+ returnRn3 (data_cons `unionBags` pragma_data_cons,
+ unitBag (tycon, TyConName uniq tycon_name (length tyvars)
+ True -- indicates data/newtype tycon
+ [ c | (_,c) <- bagToList data_cons ]))
+ do_decl (TyNew context tycon tyvars condecl _ pragmas src_loc)
+ = newFullNameM3 tycon src_loc True{-tycon-ish-} Nothing
+ `thenRn3` \ (uniq, tycon_name) ->
+ let
+ exp_flag = getExportFlag tycon_name
+ -- we want to force all data cons to have the very
+ -- same export flag as their type constructor
+ in
+ doConDecls3 False{-not invisibles-} exp_flag condecl `thenRn3` \ data_con ->
+ do_data_pragmas exp_flag pragmas `thenRn3` \ pragma_data_con ->
+ returnRn3 (data_con `unionBags` pragma_data_con,
+ unitBag (tycon, TyConName uniq tycon_name (length tyvars)
+ True -- indicates data/newtype tycon
+ [ c | (_,c) <- bagToList data_con ]))
+ do_decl (TySynonym tycon tyvars monoty src_loc)
+ = newFullNameM3 tycon src_loc True{-tycon-ish-} Nothing
+ `thenRn3` \ (uniq, tycon_name) ->
+ returnRn3 (emptyBag,
+ unitBag (tycon, TyConName uniq tycon_name (length tyvars) False bottom))
+ -- Flase indicates type tycon
+ where
+ bottom = panic "do_decl: data cons on synonym?"
+ do_data_pragmas exp_flag (DataPragmas con_decls specs)
+ = doConDecls3 True{-invisibles-} exp_flag con_decls
+doConDecls3 :: Bool -- True <=> mk invisible FullNames
+ -> ExportFlag -- Export flag of the TyCon; we want
+ -- to force its use.
+ -> [ProtoNameConDecl]
+ -> Rn3M BagAssoc
+doConDecls3 _ _ [] = returnRn3 emptyBag
+doConDecls3 want_invisibles exp_flag (cd:cds)
+ = andRn3 unionBags (do_decl cd) (doConDecls3 want_invisibles exp_flag cds)
+ where
+ mk_name = if want_invisibles then newInvisibleNameM3 else newFullNameM3
+ do_decl (ConDecl con tys src_loc)
+ = mk_name con src_loc True{-tycon-ish-} (Just exp_flag) `thenRn3` \ (uniq, con_name) ->
+ returnRn3 (unitBag (con, ValName uniq con_name))
+ do_decl (ConOpDecl ty1 op ty2 src_loc)
+ = mk_name op src_loc True{-tycon-ish-} (Just exp_flag) `thenRn3` \ (uniq, con_name) ->
+ returnRn3 (unitBag (op, ValName uniq con_name))
+ do_decl (NewConDecl con ty src_loc)
+ = mk_name con src_loc True{-tycon-ish-} (Just exp_flag) `thenRn3` \ (uniq, con_name) ->
+ returnRn3 (unitBag (con, ValName uniq con_name))
+ do_decl (RecConDecl con fields src_loc)
+ = _trace "doConDecls3:RecConDecl:nothing for fields\n" $
+ mk_name con src_loc True{-tycon-ish-} (Just exp_flag) `thenRn3` \ (uniq, con_name) ->
+ returnRn3 (unitBag (con, ValName uniq con_name))
+@doClassDecls3@ uses the `name function' to map local class names into
+original names, calling @doClassOps3@ to do the same for the
+class operations. @doClassDecls3@ is used to process module
+class declarations.
+doClassDecls3 :: [ProtoNameClassDecl] -> Rn3M (BagAssoc, BagAssoc)
+doClassDecls3 [] = returnRn3 (emptyBag, emptyBag)
+doClassDecls3 (cd:cds)
+ = andRn3 combiner (do_decl cd) (doClassDecls3 cds)
+ where
+ combiner (ops1, classes1) (ops2, classes2)
+ = (ops1 `unionBags` ops2, classes1 `unionBags` classes2)
+ do_decl (ClassDecl context cname@(Prel c) tyvar sigs defaults pragmas src_loc)
+ = doClassOps3 c 1 sigs `thenRn3` \ (_, ops) ->
+ returnRn3 (ops, unitBag (cname, c))
+ do_decl (ClassDecl context cname tyvar sigs defaults pragmas src_loc)
+ = newFullNameM3 cname src_loc True{-tycon-ish-} Nothing
+ `thenRn3` \ (uniq, class_name) ->
+ fixRn3 ( \ ~(clas_ops,_) ->
+ let
+ class_Name = ClassName uniq class_name
+ [ o | (_,o) <- bagToList clas_ops ]
+ in
+ doClassOps3 class_Name 1 sigs `thenRn3` \ (_, ops) ->
+ returnRn3 (ops, class_Name)
+ ) `thenRn3` \ (ops, class_Name) ->
+ returnRn3 (ops, unitBag (cname, class_Name))
+We stitch on a class-op tag to each class operation. They are guaranteed
+to be done in left-to-right order.
+doClassOps3 :: Name{-class-} -> Int -> [ProtoNameSig] -> Rn3M (Int, BagAssoc)
+doClassOps3 clas tag [] = returnRn3 (tag, emptyBag)
+doClassOps3 clas tag (sig:rest)
+ = do_op sig `thenRn3` \ (tag1, bag1) ->
+ doClassOps3 clas tag1 rest `thenRn3` \ (tagr, bagr) ->
+ returnRn3 (tagr, bag1 `unionBags` bagr)
+ where
+{- LATER: NB: OtherVal is a Name, not a ProtoName
+ do_op (ClassOpSig op@(OtherVal uniq name) ty pragma src_loc)
+ = -- A classop whose unique is pre-ordained, so the type checker
+ -- can look it up easily
+ let
+ op_name = ClassOpName uniq clas (snd (getOrigName name)) tag
+ in
+ returnRn3 (tag+1, unitBag (op, op_name))
+ do_op (ClassOpSig op ty pragma src_loc)
+ = newFullNameM3 op src_loc False{-not tyconish-} Nothing `thenRn3` \ (uniq, _) ->
+ let
+ op_name = ClassOpName uniq clas (get_str op) tag
+ in
+ returnRn3 (tag+1, unitBag (op, op_name))
+ where
+ -- A rather yukky function to get the original name out of a
+ -- class operation. The "snd (getOrigName ...)" in the other
+ -- ClassOpSig case does the corresponding yukky thing.
+ get_str :: ProtoName -> FAST_STRING
+ get_str (Unk s) = s
+ get_str (Qunk _ s) = s
+ get_str (Imp _ d _ _) = d
+Remember, interface signatures don't have user-pragmas, etc., in them.
+doIntSigs3 :: [ProtoNameSig] -> Rn3M BagAssoc
+doIntSigs3 [] = returnRn3 emptyBag
+doIntSigs3 (s:ss)
+ = andRn3 unionBags (do_sig s) (doIntSigs3 ss)
+ where
+ do_sig (Sig v ty pragma src_loc)
+ = newFullNameM3 v src_loc False{-distinctly untycon-ish-} Nothing
+ `thenRn3` \ (uniq, v_fname) ->
+ returnRn3 (unitBag (v, ValName uniq v_fname))
+* *
+* *
+doBinds3 :: ProtoNameHsBinds -> Rn3M BagAssoc
+doBinds3 EmptyBinds = returnRn3 emptyBag
+doBinds3 (ThenBinds binds1 binds2)
+ = andRn3 unionBags (doBinds3 binds1) (doBinds3 binds2)
+doBinds3 (SingleBind bind) = doBind3 bind
+doBinds3 (BindWith bind sigs) = doBind3 bind
+doBind3 :: ProtoNameBind -> Rn3M BagAssoc
+doBind3 EmptyBind = returnRn3 emptyBag
+doBind3 (NonRecBind mbind) = doMBinds3 mbind
+doBind3 (RecBind mbind) = doMBinds3 mbind
+doMBinds3 :: ProtoNameMonoBinds -> Rn3M BagAssoc
+doMBinds3 EmptyMonoBinds = returnRn3 emptyBag
+doMBinds3 (PatMonoBind pat grhss_and_binds locn) = doPat3 locn pat
+doMBinds3 (FunMonoBind p_name _ locn) = doTopLevName locn p_name
+doMBinds3 (AndMonoBinds mbinds1 mbinds2)
+ = andRn3 unionBags (doMBinds3 mbinds1) (doMBinds3 mbinds2)
+Fold over a list of patterns:
+doPats3 locn [] = returnRn3 emptyBag
+doPats3 locn (pat:pats)
+ = andRn3 unionBags (doPat3 locn pat) (doPats3 locn pats)
+doPat3 :: SrcLoc -> ProtoNamePat -> Rn3M BagAssoc
+doPat3 locn WildPatIn = returnRn3 emptyBag
+doPat3 locn (LitPatIn _) = returnRn3 emptyBag
+doPat3 locn (LazyPatIn pat) = doPat3 locn pat
+doPat3 locn (VarPatIn n) = doTopLevName locn n
+doPat3 locn (ListPatIn pats) = doPats3 locn pats
+doPat3 locn (TuplePatIn pats) = doPats3 locn pats
+doPat3 locn (AsPatIn p_name pat)
+ = andRn3 unionBags (doTopLevName locn p_name) (doPat3 locn pat)
+doPat3 locn (ConPatIn name pats) = doPats3 locn pats
+doPat3 locn (ConOpPatIn pat1 name pat2)
+ = andRn3 unionBags (doPat3 locn pat1) (doPat3 locn pat2)
+doTopLevName :: SrcLoc -> ProtoName -> Rn3M BagAssoc
+doTopLevName locn pn
+ = newFullNameM3 pn locn False{-un-tycon-ish-} Nothing `thenRn3` \ (uniq, name) ->
+ returnRn3 (unitBag (pn, ValName uniq name))
+Have to check that export/imports lists aren't too drug-crazed.
+verifyExports :: GlobalNameMapper -> GlobalNameMapper
+ -> Bag FAST_STRING -- module names that might appear
+ -- in an export list; includes the
+ -- name of this module
+ -> Maybe [IE ProtoName] -- export list
+ -> Rn3M (Bag Error)
+verifyExports _ _ _ Nothing{-no export list-} = returnRn3 emptyBag
+verifyExports v_gnf tc_gnf imported_mod_names export_list@(Just exports)
+ = mapRn3 verify exports `thenRn3` \ errs ->
+ chk_exp_dups export_list `thenRn3` \ dup_errs ->
+ returnRn3 (unionManyBags (errs ++ dup_errs))
+ where
+ ok = returnRn3 emptyBag
+ naughty nm msg = returnRn3 (unitBag (badExportNameErr (_UNPK_ nm) msg))
+ undef_name nm = naughty nm "is not defined."
+ dup_name (nm:_)= naughty nm "occurs more than once."
+ undef_name :: FAST_STRING -> Rn3M (Bag Error)
+ dup_name :: [FAST_STRING] -> Rn3M (Bag Error)
+ ----------------
+ chk_exp_dups :: Maybe [IE ProtoName] -> Rn3M [Bag Error]
+ chk_exp_dups exports
+ = let
+ export_strs = [ nm | (nm, _) <- fst (getRawExportees exports) ]
+ (_, dup_lists) = removeDups cmpByLocalName{-????-} export_strs
+ in
+ mapRn3 dup_name [map getOccurrenceName dl | dl <- dup_lists]
+ ---------------- the more serious checking
+ verify :: IE ProtoName -> Rn3M (Bag Error)
+ verify (IEVar v)
+ = case (v_gnf v) of { Nothing -> undef_name (getOccurrenceName v); _ -> ok }
+ verify (IEModuleContents mod)
+ = if not (mod `elemBag` imported_mod_names) then undef_name mod else ok
+ verify (IEThingAbs tc)
+ = case (tc_gnf tc) of
+ Nothing -> undef_name (getOccurrenceName tc)
+ Just nm -> let
+ naughty_tc = naughty (getOccurrenceName tc)
+ in
+ case nm of
+ TyConName _ _ _ False{-syn-} _
+ -> naughty_tc "must be exported with a `(..)' -- it's a synonym."
+ ClassName _ _ _
+ -> naughty_tc "cannot be exported \"abstractly\" (it's a class)."
+ _ -> ok
+ verify (IEThingAll tc)
+ = case (tc_gnf tc) of
+ Nothing -> undef_name (getOccurrenceName tc)
+ Just nm -> let
+ naughty_tc = naughty (getOccurrenceName tc)
+ in
+ case nm of
+ TyConName _ _ _ True{-data or newtype-} [{-no cons-}]
+ -> naughty_tc "can't be exported with a `(..)' -- it was imported abstractly."
+ _ -> ok
+{- OLD:
+ verify (IEConWithCons tc cs)
+ = case (tc_gnf tc) of
+ Nothing -> undef_name tc
+ Just nm -> mapRn3 verify (map IEVar cs) `thenRn3` \ errs ->
+ returnRn3 (unionManyBags errs)
+ -- ToDo: turgid checking which we don't care about (WDP 94/10)
+ verify (IEClsWithOps c ms)
+ = case (tc_gnf c) of
+ Nothing -> undef_name c
+ Just _ -> mapRn3 verify (map IEVar ms) `thenRn3` \ errs ->
+ returnRn3 (unionManyBags errs)
+ -- ToDo: turgid checking which we don't care about (WDP 94/10)
+Note: we're not too particular about whether something mentioned in an
+import list is in {\em that} interface... (ToDo? Probably not.)
+verifyImports :: GlobalNameMapper -> GlobalNameMapper
+ -> [ProtoNameImportedInterface]
+ -> Rn3M (Bag Error)
+verifyImports v_gnf tc_gnf imports
+ = mapRn3 chk_one (map collect imports) `thenRn3` \ errs ->
+ returnRn3 (unionManyBags errs)
+ where
+ -- collect: name/locn, import list
+ collect (ImportMod iff qual asmod details)
+ = (iface iff, imp_list, hide_list)
+ where
+ (imp_list, hide_list)
+ = case details of
+ Nothing -> ([], [])
+ Just (True{-hidden-}, ies) -> ([], ies)
+ Just (_ {-unhidden-}, ies) -> (ies, [])
+ ------------
+ iface (Interface name _ _ _ _ _ _ locn) = (name, locn)
+ ------------
+ chk_one :: ((FAST_STRING, SrcLoc), [IE ProtoName], [IE ProtoName])
+ -> Rn3M (Bag Error)
+ chk_one ((mod_name, locn), import_list, hide_list)
+ = mapRn3 verify import_list `thenRn3` \ errs1 ->
+ chk_imp_dups import_list `thenRn3` \ dup_errs ->
+ -- ToDo: we could check the hiding list more carefully
+ chk_imp_dups hide_list `thenRn3` \ dup_errs2 ->
+ returnRn3 (unionManyBags (errs1 ++ dup_errs ++ dup_errs2))
+ where
+ ok = returnRn3 emptyBag
+ naughty nm msg = returnRn3 (unitBag (badImportNameErr (_UNPK_ mod_name) (_UNPK_ nm) msg locn))
+ undef_name nm = naughty nm "is not defined."
+ dup_name (nm:_) = naughty nm "occurs more than once."
+ undef_name :: FAST_STRING -> Rn3M (Bag Error)
+ dup_name :: [FAST_STRING] -> Rn3M (Bag Error)
+ ----------------
+ chk_imp_dups imports
+ = let
+ import_strs = getRawImportees imports
+ (_, dup_lists) = removeDups _CMP_STRING_ import_strs
+ in
+ mapRn3 dup_name dup_lists
+ ----------------
+ verify :: IE ProtoName -> Rn3M (Bag Error)
+ verify (IEVar v)
+ = case (v_gnf v) of { Nothing -> undef_name (getOccurrenceName v); _ -> ok }
+ verify (IEThingAbs tc)
+ = case (tc_gnf tc) of
+ Nothing -> undef_name (getOccurrenceName tc)
+ Just nm -> let
+ naughty_tc = naughty (getOccurrenceName tc)
+ in
+ case nm of
+ TyConName _ _ _ False{-syn-} _
+ -> naughty_tc "must be imported with a `(..)' -- it's a synonym."
+ ClassName _ _ _
+ -> naughty_tc "cannot be imported \"abstractly\" (it's a class)."
+ _ -> ok
+ verify (IEThingAll tc)
+ = case (tc_gnf tc) of
+ Nothing -> undef_name (getOccurrenceName tc)
+ Just nm -> let
+ naughty_tc = naughty (getOccurrenceName tc)
+ in
+ case nm of
+ TyConName _ _ _ True{-data or newtype-} [{-no cons-}]
+ -> naughty_tc "can't be imported with a `(..)' -- the interface says it's abstract."
+ _ -> ok
+{- OLD:
+ verify (IEConWithCons tc cs)
+ = case (tc_gnf tc) of
+ Nothing -> undef_name (getOccurrenceName tc)
+ Just nm -> mapRn3 verify (map IEVar cs) `thenRn3` \ errs ->
+ returnRn3 (unionManyBags errs)
+ -- One could add a great wad of tedious checking
+ -- here, but I am too lazy to do so. WDP 94/10
+ verify (IEClsWithOps c ms)
+ = case (tc_gnf c) of
+ Nothing -> undef_name (getOccurrenceName c)
+ Just _ -> mapRn3 verify (map IEVar ms) `thenRn3` \ errs ->
+ returnRn3 (unionManyBags errs)
+ -- Ditto about tedious checking. WDP 94/10
+%* *
+\subsection{Error messages}
+%* *
+badExportNameErr name whats_wrong
+ = dontAddErrLoc
+ "Error in the export list" ( \ sty ->
+ ppBesides [ppChar '`', ppStr name, ppStr "' ", ppStr whats_wrong] )
+badImportNameErr mod name whats_wrong locn
+ = addErrLoc locn
+ ("Error in an import list for the module `"++mod++"'") ( \ sty ->
+ ppBesides [ppChar '`', ppStr name, ppStr "' ", ppStr whats_wrong] )
+-- dupNamesErr: from RnUtils
+dupPreludeNameErr descriptor (nm, locn)
+ = addShortErrLocLine locn ( \ sty ->
+ ppBesides [ ppStr "A conflict with a Prelude ", ppStr descriptor,
+ ppStr ": ", ppr sty nm ])