path: root/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgVarInfo.lhs
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1 files changed, 790 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgVarInfo.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgVarInfo.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1995
+\section[StgVarInfo]{Sets free/live variable info in STG syntax}
+And, as we have the info in hand, we may convert some lets to
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module StgVarInfo ( setStgVarInfo ) where
+IMPORT_Trace -- ToDo: rm (debugging only)
+import Pretty
+import Outputable
+import StgSyn
+import Id ( getIdArity, externallyVisibleId )
+import IdInfo -- ( arityMaybe, ArityInfo )
+import IdEnv
+import Maybes ( maybeToBool, Maybe(..) )
+import UniqSet
+import Util
+infixr 9 `thenLne`, `thenLne_`
+%* *
+%* *
+(There is other relevant documentation in codeGen/CgLetNoEscape.)
+The actual Stg datatype is decorated with {\em live variable}
+information, as well as {\em free variable} information. The two are
+{\em not} the same. Liveness is an operational property rather than a
+semantic one. A variable is live at a particular execution point if
+it can be referred to {\em directly} again. In particular, a dead
+variable's stack slot (if it has one):
+should be stubbed to avoid space leaks, and
+may be reused for something else.
+There ought to be a better way to say this. Here are some examples:
+ let v = [q] \[x] -> e
+ in
+ ...v... (but no q's)
+Just after the `in', v is live, but q is dead. If the whole of that
+let expression was enclosed in a case expression, thus:
+ case (let v = [q] \[x] -> e in ...v...) of
+ alts[...q...]
+(ie @alts@ mention @q@), then @q@ is live even after the `in'; because
+we'll return later to the @alts@ and need it.
+Let-no-escapes make this a bit more interesting:
+ let-no-escape v = [q] \ [x] -> e
+ in
+ ...v...
+Here, @q@ is still live at the `in', because @v@ is represented not by
+a closure but by the current stack state. In other words, if @v@ is
+live then so is @q@. Furthermore, if @e@ mentions an enclosing
+let-no-escaped variable, then {\em its} free variables are also live
+if @v@ is.
+%* *
+\subsection[binds-StgVarInfo]{Setting variable info: top-level, binds, RHSs}
+%* *
+setStgVarInfo :: Bool -- True <=> do let-no-escapes
+ -> [PlainStgBinding] -- input
+ -> [PlainStgBinding] -- result
+setStgVarInfo want_LNEs pgm
+ = pgm'
+ where
+ (pgm', _) = initLne want_LNEs (varsTopBinds pgm)
+For top-level guys, we basically aren't worried about this
+live-variable stuff; we do need to keep adding to the environment
+as we step through the bindings (using @extendVarEnv@).
+varsTopBinds :: [PlainStgBinding] -> LneM ([PlainStgBinding], FreeVarsInfo)
+varsTopBinds [] = returnLne ([], emptyFVInfo)
+varsTopBinds (bind:binds)
+ = extendVarEnv env_extension (
+ varsTopBinds binds `thenLne` \ (binds', fv_binds) ->
+ varsTopBind fv_binds bind `thenLne` \ (bind', fv_bind) ->
+ returnLne ((bind' : binds'),
+ (fv_binds `unionFVInfo` fv_bind) `minusFVBinders` binders
+ )
+ )
+ where
+ env_extension = [(b, LetrecBound
+ True {- top level -}
+ (rhsArity rhs)
+ emptyUniqSet)
+ | (b,rhs) <- pairs]
+ pairs = case bind of
+ StgNonRec binder rhs -> [(binder,rhs)]
+ StgRec pairs -> pairs
+ binders = [b | (b,_) <- pairs]
+varsTopBind :: FreeVarsInfo -- Info about the body
+ -> PlainStgBinding
+ -> LneM (PlainStgBinding, FreeVarsInfo)
+varsTopBind body_fvs (StgNonRec binder rhs)
+ = varsRhs body_fvs (binder,rhs) `thenLne` \ (rhs2, fvs, _) ->
+ returnLne (StgNonRec binder rhs2, fvs)
+varsTopBind body_fvs (StgRec pairs)
+ = let
+ (binders, rhss) = unzip pairs
+ in
+ fixLne (\ ~(_, rec_rhs_fvs) ->
+ let
+ scope_fvs = unionFVInfo body_fvs rec_rhs_fvs
+ in
+ mapAndUnzip3Lne (varsRhs scope_fvs) pairs `thenLne` \ (rhss2, fvss, _) ->
+ let
+ fvs = unionFVInfos fvss
+ in
+ returnLne (StgRec (binders `zip` rhss2), fvs)
+ )
+varsRhs :: FreeVarsInfo -- Free var info for the scope of the binding
+ -> (Id,PlainStgRhs)
+ -> LneM (PlainStgRhs, FreeVarsInfo, EscVarsSet)
+varsRhs scope_fv_info (binder, StgRhsCon cc con args)
+ = varsAtoms args `thenLne` \ fvs ->
+ returnLne (StgRhsCon cc con args, fvs, getFVSet fvs)
+varsRhs scope_fv_info (binder, StgRhsClosure cc _ _ upd args body)
+ = extendVarEnv [ (a, LambdaBound) | a <- args ] (
+ do_body args body `thenLne` \ (body2, body_fvs, body_escs) ->
+ let
+ set_of_args = mkUniqSet args
+ rhs_fvs = body_fvs `minusFVBinders` args
+ rhs_escs = body_escs `minusUniqSet` set_of_args
+ binder_info = lookupFVInfo scope_fv_info binder
+ in
+ returnLne (StgRhsClosure cc binder_info (getFVs rhs_fvs) upd args body2,
+ rhs_fvs, rhs_escs)
+ )
+ where
+ -- Pick out special case of application in body of thunk
+ do_body [] (StgApp (StgVarAtom f) args _) = varsApp (Just upd) f args
+ do_body _ other_body = varsExpr other_body
+varsAtoms :: [PlainStgAtom]
+ -> LneM FreeVarsInfo
+varsAtoms atoms
+ = mapLne var_atom atoms `thenLne` \ fvs_lists ->
+ returnLne (unionFVInfos fvs_lists)
+ where
+ var_atom a@(StgLitAtom _) = returnLne emptyFVInfo
+ var_atom a@(StgVarAtom v)
+ = lookupVarEnv v `thenLne` \ how_bound ->
+ returnLne (singletonFVInfo v how_bound stgArgOcc)
+%* *
+\subsection[expr-StgVarInfo]{Setting variable info on expressions}
+%* *
+@varsExpr@ carries in a monad-ised environment, which binds each
+let(rec) variable (ie non top level, not imported, not lambda bound,
+not case-alternative bound) to:
+ - its STG arity, and
+ - its set of live vars.
+For normal variables the set of live vars is just the variable
+itself. For let-no-escaped variables, the set of live vars is the set
+live at the moment the variable is entered. The set is guaranteed to
+have no further let-no-escaped vars in it.
+varsExpr :: PlainStgExpr
+ -> LneM (PlainStgExpr, -- Decorated expr
+ FreeVarsInfo, -- Its free vars (NB free, not live)
+ EscVarsSet) -- Its escapees, a subset of its free vars;
+ -- also a subset of the domain of the envt
+ -- because we are only interested in the escapees
+ -- for vars which might be turned into
+ -- let-no-escaped ones.
+The second and third components can be derived in a simple bottom up pass, not
+dependent on any decisions about which variables will be let-no-escaped or
+not. The first component, that is, the decorated expression, may then depend
+on these components, but it in turn is not scrutinised as the basis for any
+decisions. Hence no black holes.
+varsExpr (StgApp lit@(StgLitAtom _) args _)
+ = --(if null args then id else (trace (ppShow 80 (ppr PprShowAll args)))) (
+ returnLne (StgApp lit [] emptyUniqSet, emptyFVInfo, emptyUniqSet)
+ --)
+varsExpr (StgApp fun@(StgVarAtom f) args _) = varsApp Nothing f args
+varsExpr (StgConApp con args _)
+ = getVarsLiveInCont `thenLne` \ live_in_cont ->
+ varsAtoms args `thenLne` \ args_fvs ->
+ returnLne (StgConApp con args live_in_cont, args_fvs, getFVSet args_fvs)
+varsExpr (StgPrimApp op args _)
+ = getVarsLiveInCont `thenLne` \ live_in_cont ->
+ varsAtoms args `thenLne` \ args_fvs ->
+ returnLne (StgPrimApp op args live_in_cont, args_fvs, getFVSet args_fvs)
+varsExpr (StgSCC ty label expr)
+ = varsExpr expr `thenLne` ( \ (expr2, fvs, escs) ->
+ returnLne (StgSCC ty label expr2, fvs, escs) )
+Cases require a little more real work.
+varsExpr (StgCase scrut _ _ uniq alts)
+ = getVarsLiveInCont `thenLne` \ live_in_cont ->
+ vars_alts alts `thenLne` \ (alts2, alts_fvs, alts_escs) ->
+ lookupLiveVarsForSet alts_fvs `thenLne` \ alts_lvs ->
+ let
+ live_in_alts = live_in_cont `unionUniqSets` alts_lvs
+ in
+ -- we tell the scrutinee that everything live in the alts
+ -- is live in it, too.
+ setVarsLiveInCont live_in_alts (
+ varsExpr scrut
+ ) `thenLne` \ (scrut2, scrut_fvs, scrut_escs) ->
+ lookupLiveVarsForSet scrut_fvs `thenLne` \ scrut_lvs ->
+ let
+ live_in_whole_case = live_in_alts `unionUniqSets` scrut_lvs
+ in
+ returnLne (
+ StgCase scrut2 live_in_whole_case live_in_alts uniq alts2,
+ scrut_fvs `unionFVInfo` alts_fvs,
+ alts_escs `unionUniqSets` (getFVSet scrut_fvs) -- All free vars in the scrutinee escape
+ )
+ where
+ vars_alts (StgAlgAlts ty alts deflt)
+ = mapAndUnzip3Lne vars_alg_alt alts
+ `thenLne` \ (alts2, alts_fvs_list, alts_escs_list) ->
+ let
+ alts_fvs = unionFVInfos alts_fvs_list
+ alts_escs = unionManyUniqSets alts_escs_list
+ in
+ vars_deflt deflt `thenLne` \ (deflt2, deflt_fvs, deflt_escs) ->
+ returnLne (
+ StgAlgAlts ty alts2 deflt2,
+ alts_fvs `unionFVInfo` deflt_fvs,
+ alts_escs `unionUniqSets` deflt_escs
+ )
+ where
+ vars_alg_alt (con, binders, worthless_use_mask, rhs)
+ = extendVarEnv [(b, CaseBound) | b <- binders] (
+ varsExpr rhs `thenLne` \ (rhs2, rhs_fvs, rhs_escs) ->
+ let
+ good_use_mask = [ b `elementOfFVInfo` rhs_fvs | b <- binders ]
+ -- records whether each param is used in the RHS
+ in
+ returnLne (
+ (con, binders, good_use_mask, rhs2),
+ rhs_fvs `minusFVBinders` binders,
+ rhs_escs `minusUniqSet` mkUniqSet binders -- ToDo: remove the minusUniqSet;
+ -- since escs won't include
+ -- any of these binders
+ ))
+ vars_alts (StgPrimAlts ty alts deflt)
+ = mapAndUnzip3Lne vars_prim_alt alts
+ `thenLne` \ (alts2, alts_fvs_list, alts_escs_list) ->
+ let
+ alts_fvs = unionFVInfos alts_fvs_list
+ alts_escs = unionManyUniqSets alts_escs_list
+ in
+ vars_deflt deflt `thenLne` \ (deflt2, deflt_fvs, deflt_escs) ->
+ returnLne (
+ StgPrimAlts ty alts2 deflt2,
+ alts_fvs `unionFVInfo` deflt_fvs,
+ alts_escs `unionUniqSets` deflt_escs
+ )
+ where
+ vars_prim_alt (lit, rhs)
+ = varsExpr rhs `thenLne` \ (rhs2, rhs_fvs, rhs_escs) ->
+ returnLne ((lit, rhs2), rhs_fvs, rhs_escs)
+ vars_deflt StgNoDefault
+ = returnLne (StgNoDefault, emptyFVInfo, emptyUniqSet)
+ vars_deflt (StgBindDefault binder _ rhs)
+ = extendVarEnv [(binder, CaseBound)] (
+ varsExpr rhs `thenLne` \ (rhs2, rhs_fvs, rhs_escs) ->
+ let
+ used_in_rhs = binder `elementOfFVInfo` rhs_fvs
+ in
+ returnLne (
+ StgBindDefault binder used_in_rhs rhs2,
+ rhs_fvs `minusFVBinders` [binder],
+ rhs_escs `minusUniqSet` singletonUniqSet binder
+ ))
+Lets not only take quite a bit of work, but this is where we convert
+then to let-no-escapes, if we wish.
+(Meanwhile, we don't expect to see let-no-escapes...)
+varsExpr (StgLetNoEscape _ _ _ _) = panic "varsExpr: unexpected StgLetNoEscape"
+varsExpr (StgLet bind body)
+ = isSwitchSetLne {-StgDoLetNoEscapes-} `thenLne` \ want_LNEs ->
+ (fixLne (\ ~(_, _, _, no_binder_escapes) ->
+ let
+ non_escaping_let = want_LNEs && no_binder_escapes
+ in
+ vars_let non_escaping_let bind body
+ )) `thenLne` \ (new_let, fvs, escs, _) ->
+ returnLne (new_let, fvs, escs)
+#ifdef DPH
+-- rest of varsExpr goes here
+#endif {- Data Parallel Haskell -}
+varsApp :: Maybe UpdateFlag -- Just upd <=> this application is
+ -- the rhs of a thunk binding
+ -- x = [...] \upd [] -> the_app
+ -- with specified update flag
+ -> Id -- Function
+ -> [PlainStgAtom] -- Arguments
+ -> LneM (PlainStgExpr, FreeVarsInfo, EscVarsSet)
+varsApp maybe_thunk_body f args
+ = getVarsLiveInCont `thenLne` \ live_in_cont ->
+ varsAtoms args `thenLne` \ args_fvs ->
+ lookupVarEnv f `thenLne` \ how_bound ->
+ let
+ n_args = length args
+ fun_fvs = singletonFVInfo f how_bound fun_occ
+ fun_occ =
+ case how_bound of
+ LetrecBound _ arity _
+ | n_args == 0 -> stgFakeFunAppOcc -- Function Application
+ -- with no arguments.
+ -- used by the lambda lifter.
+ | arity > n_args -> stgUnsatOcc -- Unsaturated
+ | arity == n_args &&
+ maybeToBool maybe_thunk_body -> -- Exactly saturated,
+ -- and rhs of thunk
+ case maybe_thunk_body of
+ Just Updatable -> stgStdHeapOcc
+ Just SingleEntry -> stgNoUpdHeapOcc
+ other -> panic "varsApp"
+ | otherwise -> stgNormalOcc
+ -- record only that it occurs free
+ other -> NoStgBinderInfo
+ -- uninteresting variable
+ myself = singletonUniqSet f
+ fun_escs = case how_bound of
+ LetrecBound _ arity lvs ->
+ if arity == n_args then
+ emptyUniqSet -- Function doesn't escape
+ else
+ myself -- Inexact application; it does escape
+ other -> emptyUniqSet -- Only letrec-bound escapees
+ -- are interesting
+ -- At the moment of the call:
+ -- either the function is *not* let-no-escaped, in which case
+ -- nothing is live except live_in_cont
+ -- or the function *is* let-no-escaped in which case the
+ -- variables it uses are live, but still the function
+ -- itself is not. PS. In this case, the function's
+ -- live vars should already include those of the
+ -- continuation, but it does no harm to just union the
+ -- two regardless.
+ live_at_call
+ = live_in_cont `unionUniqSets` case how_bound of
+ LetrecBound _ _ lvs -> lvs `minusUniqSet` myself
+ other -> emptyUniqSet
+ in
+ returnLne (
+ StgApp (StgVarAtom f) args live_at_call,
+ fun_fvs `unionFVInfo` args_fvs,
+ fun_escs `unionUniqSets` (getFVSet args_fvs)
+ -- All the free vars of the args are disqualified
+ -- from being let-no-escaped.
+ )
+The magic for lets:
+vars_let :: Bool -- True <=> yes, we are let-no-escaping this let
+ -> PlainStgBinding -- bindings
+ -> PlainStgExpr -- body
+ -> LneM (PlainStgExpr, -- new let
+ FreeVarsInfo, -- variables free in the whole let
+ EscVarsSet, -- variables that escape from the whole let
+ Bool) -- True <=> none of the binders in the bindings
+ -- is among the escaping vars
+vars_let let_no_escape bind body
+ = fixLne (\ ~(_, _, _, rec_bind_lvs, _, rec_body_fvs, _, _) ->
+ -- Do the bindings, setting live_in_cont to empty if
+ -- we ain't in a let-no-escape world
+ getVarsLiveInCont `thenLne` \ live_in_cont ->
+ setVarsLiveInCont
+ (if let_no_escape then live_in_cont else emptyUniqSet)
+ (vars_bind rec_bind_lvs rec_body_fvs bind)
+ `thenLne` \ (bind2, bind_fvs, bind_escs, env_ext) ->
+ -- The live variables of this binding are the ones which are live
+ -- by virtue of being accessible via the free vars of the binding (lvs_from_fvs)
+ -- together with the live_in_cont ones
+ lookupLiveVarsForSet (bind_fvs `minusFVBinders` binders) `thenLne` \ lvs_from_fvs ->
+ let
+ bind_lvs = lvs_from_fvs `unionUniqSets` live_in_cont
+ in
+ -- bind_fvs and bind_escs still include the binders of the let(rec)
+ -- but bind_lvs does not
+ -- Do the body
+ extendVarEnv env_ext (
+ varsExpr body `thenLne` \ (body2, body_fvs, body_escs) ->
+ lookupLiveVarsForSet body_fvs `thenLne` \ body_lvs ->
+ returnLne (bind2, bind_fvs, bind_escs, bind_lvs,
+ body2, body_fvs, body_escs, body_lvs)
+ )) `thenLne` (\ (bind2, bind_fvs, bind_escs, bind_lvs,
+ body2, body_fvs, body_escs, body_lvs) ->
+ -- Compute the new let-expression
+ let
+ new_let = if let_no_escape then
+ -- trace "StgLetNoEscape!" (
+ StgLetNoEscape live_in_whole_let bind_lvs bind2 body2
+ -- )
+ else
+ StgLet bind2 body2
+ free_in_whole_let
+ = (bind_fvs `unionFVInfo` body_fvs) `minusFVBinders` binders
+ live_in_whole_let
+ = bind_lvs `unionUniqSets` (body_lvs `minusUniqSet` set_of_binders)
+ real_bind_escs = if let_no_escape then
+ bind_escs
+ else
+ getFVSet bind_fvs
+ -- Everything escapes which is free in the bindings
+ let_escs = (real_bind_escs `unionUniqSets` body_escs) `minusUniqSet` set_of_binders
+ all_escs = bind_escs `unionUniqSets` body_escs -- Still includes binders of
+ -- this let(rec)
+ no_binder_escapes = isEmptyUniqSet (set_of_binders `intersectUniqSets` all_escs)
+ -- Mustn't depend on the passed-in let_no_escape flag, since
+ -- no_binder_escapes is used by the caller to derive the flag!
+ in
+ returnLne (
+ new_let,
+ free_in_whole_let,
+ let_escs,
+ no_binder_escapes
+ ))
+ where
+ binders = case bind of
+ StgNonRec binder rhs -> [binder]
+ StgRec pairs -> map fst pairs
+ set_of_binders = mkUniqSet binders
+ mk_binding bind_lvs (binder,rhs)
+ = (binder,
+ LetrecBound False -- Not top level
+ (stgArity rhs)
+ live_vars
+ )
+ where
+ live_vars = if let_no_escape then
+ bind_lvs `unionUniqSets` singletonUniqSet binder
+ else
+ singletonUniqSet binder
+ vars_bind :: PlainStgLiveVars
+ -> FreeVarsInfo -- Free var info for body of binding
+ -> PlainStgBinding
+ -> LneM (PlainStgBinding,
+ FreeVarsInfo, EscVarsSet, -- free vars; escapee vars
+ [(Id, HowBound)])
+ -- extension to environment
+ vars_bind rec_bind_lvs rec_body_fvs (StgNonRec binder rhs)
+ = varsRhs rec_body_fvs (binder,rhs) `thenLne` \ (rhs2, fvs, escs) ->
+ let
+ env_ext = [mk_binding rec_bind_lvs (binder,rhs)]
+ in
+ returnLne (StgNonRec binder rhs2, fvs, escs, env_ext)
+ vars_bind rec_bind_lvs rec_body_fvs (StgRec pairs)
+ = let
+ (binders, rhss) = unzip pairs
+ env_ext = map (mk_binding rec_bind_lvs) pairs
+ in
+ extendVarEnv env_ext (
+ fixLne (\ ~(_, rec_rhs_fvs, _, _) ->
+ let
+ rec_scope_fvs = unionFVInfo rec_body_fvs rec_rhs_fvs
+ in
+ mapAndUnzip3Lne (varsRhs rec_scope_fvs) pairs `thenLne` \ (rhss2, fvss, escss) ->
+ let
+ fvs = unionFVInfos fvss
+ escs = unionManyUniqSets escss
+ in
+ returnLne (StgRec (binders `zip` rhss2), fvs, escs, env_ext)
+ ))
+%* *
+\subsection[LNE-monad]{A little monad for this let-no-escaping pass}
+%* *
+There's a lot of stuff to pass around, so we use this @LneM@ monad to
+help. All the stuff here is only passed {\em down}.
+type LneM a = Bool -- True <=> do let-no-escapes
+ -> IdEnv HowBound
+ -> PlainStgLiveVars -- vars live in continuation
+ -> a
+type Arity = Int
+data HowBound
+ = ImportBound
+ | CaseBound
+ | LambdaBound
+ | LetrecBound
+ Bool -- True <=> bound at top level
+ Arity -- Arity
+ PlainStgLiveVars -- Live vars... see notes below
+For a let(rec)-bound variable, x, we record what varibles are live if
+x is live. For "normal" variables that is just x alone. If x is
+a let-no-escaped variable then x is represented by a code pointer and
+a stack pointer (well, one for each stack). So all of the variables
+needed in the execution of x are live if x is, and are therefore recorded
+in the LetrecBound constructor; x itself *is* included.
+The std monad functions:
+initLne :: Bool -> LneM a -> a
+initLne want_LNEs m = m want_LNEs nullIdEnv emptyUniqSet
+{-# INLINE thenLne #-}
+{-# INLINE thenLne_ #-}
+{-# INLINE returnLne #-}
+returnLne :: a -> LneM a
+returnLne e sw env lvs_cont = e
+thenLne :: LneM a -> (a -> LneM b) -> LneM b
+(m `thenLne` k) sw env lvs_cont
+ = case (m sw env lvs_cont) of
+ m_result -> k m_result sw env lvs_cont
+thenLne_ :: LneM a -> LneM b -> LneM b
+(m `thenLne_` k) sw env lvs_cont
+ = case (m sw env lvs_cont) of
+ _ -> k sw env lvs_cont
+mapLne :: (a -> LneM b) -> [a] -> LneM [b]
+mapLne f [] = returnLne []
+mapLne f (x:xs)
+ = f x `thenLne` \ r ->
+ mapLne f xs `thenLne` \ rs ->
+ returnLne (r:rs)
+mapAndUnzipLne :: (a -> LneM (b,c)) -> [a] -> LneM ([b],[c])
+mapAndUnzipLne f [] = returnLne ([],[])
+mapAndUnzipLne f (x:xs)
+ = f x `thenLne` \ (r1, r2) ->
+ mapAndUnzipLne f xs `thenLne` \ (rs1, rs2) ->
+ returnLne (r1:rs1, r2:rs2)
+mapAndUnzip3Lne :: (a -> LneM (b,c,d)) -> [a] -> LneM ([b],[c],[d])
+mapAndUnzip3Lne f [] = returnLne ([],[],[])
+mapAndUnzip3Lne f (x:xs)
+ = f x `thenLne` \ (r1, r2, r3) ->
+ mapAndUnzip3Lne f xs `thenLne` \ (rs1, rs2, rs3) ->
+ returnLne (r1:rs1, r2:rs2, r3:rs3)
+fixLne :: (a -> LneM a) -> LneM a
+fixLne expr sw env lvs_cont = result
+ where
+ result = expr result sw env lvs_cont
+-- ^^^^^^ ------ ^^^^^^
+Functions specific to this monad:
+ifSwitchSetLne :: GlobalSwitch -> LneM a -> LneM a -> LneM a
+ifSwitchSetLne switch then_ else_ switch_checker env lvs_cont
+ = (if switch_checker switch then then_ else else_) switch_checker env lvs_cont
+isSwitchSetLne :: LneM Bool
+isSwitchSetLne want_LNEs env lvs_cont
+ = want_LNEs
+getVarsLiveInCont :: LneM PlainStgLiveVars
+getVarsLiveInCont sw env lvs_cont = lvs_cont
+setVarsLiveInCont :: PlainStgLiveVars -> LneM a -> LneM a
+setVarsLiveInCont new_lvs_cont expr sw env lvs_cont
+ = expr sw env new_lvs_cont
+extendVarEnv :: [(Id, HowBound)] -> LneM a -> LneM a
+extendVarEnv extension expr sw env lvs_cont
+ = expr sw (growIdEnvList env extension) lvs_cont
+lookupVarEnv :: Id -> LneM HowBound
+lookupVarEnv v sw env lvs_cont
+ = returnLne (
+ case (lookupIdEnv env v) of
+ Just xx -> xx
+ Nothing -> --false:ASSERT(not (isLocallyDefined v))
+ ImportBound
+ ) sw env lvs_cont
+-- The result of lookupLiveVarsForSet, a set of live variables, is
+-- only ever tacked onto a decorated expression. It is never used as
+-- the basis of a control decision, which might give a black hole.
+lookupLiveVarsForSet :: FreeVarsInfo -> LneM PlainStgLiveVars
+lookupLiveVarsForSet fvs sw env lvs_cont
+ = returnLne (unionManyUniqSets (map do_one (getFVs fvs)))
+ sw env lvs_cont
+ where
+ do_one v
+ = if isLocallyDefined v then
+ case (lookupIdEnv env v) of
+ Just (LetrecBound _ _ lvs) -> lvs `unionUniqSets` singletonUniqSet v
+ Just _ -> singletonUniqSet v
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "lookupVarEnv/do_one:" (ppr PprShowAll v)
+ else
+ emptyUniqSet
+%* *
+\subsection[Free-var info]{Free variable information}
+%* *
+type FreeVarsInfo = IdEnv (Id, Bool, StgBinderInfo)
+ -- If f is mapped to NoStgBinderInfo, that means
+ -- that f *is* mentioned (else it wouldn't be in the
+ -- IdEnv at all), but only in a saturated applications.
+ --
+ -- All case/lambda-bound things are also mapped to
+ -- NoStgBinderInfo, since we aren't interested in their
+ -- occurence info.
+ --
+ -- The Bool is True <=> the Id is top level letrec bound
+type EscVarsSet = UniqSet Id
+emptyFVInfo :: FreeVarsInfo
+emptyFVInfo = nullIdEnv
+singletonFVInfo :: Id -> HowBound -> StgBinderInfo -> FreeVarsInfo
+singletonFVInfo id ImportBound info = nullIdEnv
+singletonFVInfo id (LetrecBound top_level _ _) info = unitIdEnv id (id, top_level, info)
+singletonFVInfo id other info = unitIdEnv id (id, False, info)
+unionFVInfo :: FreeVarsInfo -> FreeVarsInfo -> FreeVarsInfo
+unionFVInfo fv1 fv2 = combineIdEnvs plusFVInfo fv1 fv2
+unionFVInfos :: [FreeVarsInfo] -> FreeVarsInfo
+unionFVInfos fvs = foldr unionFVInfo emptyFVInfo fvs
+minusFVBinders :: FreeVarsInfo -> [Id] -> FreeVarsInfo
+minusFVBinders fv ids = fv `delManyFromIdEnv` ids
+elementOfFVInfo :: Id -> FreeVarsInfo -> Bool
+elementOfFVInfo id fvs = maybeToBool (lookupIdEnv fvs id)
+lookupFVInfo :: FreeVarsInfo -> Id -> StgBinderInfo
+lookupFVInfo fvs id = case lookupIdEnv fvs id of
+ Nothing -> NoStgBinderInfo
+ Just (_,_,info) -> info
+getFVs :: FreeVarsInfo -> [Id] -- Non-top-level things only
+getFVs fvs = [id | (id,False,_) <- rngIdEnv fvs]
+getFVSet :: FreeVarsInfo -> UniqSet Id
+getFVSet fvs = mkUniqSet (getFVs fvs)
+plusFVInfo (id1,top1,info1) (id2,top2,info2)
+ = ASSERT (id1 == id2 && top1 == top2)
+ (id1, top1, combineStgBinderInfo info1 info2)
+rhsArity :: PlainStgRhs -> Arity
+rhsArity (StgRhsCon _ _ _) = 0
+rhsArity (StgRhsClosure _ _ _ _ args _) = length args