path: root/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.lhs
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Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.lhs')
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.lhs b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.lhs
index 4ef43a4a93..6c2206a116 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.lhs
@@ -57,11 +57,11 @@ lintStgBindings sty whodunnit binds
case (initL (lint_binds binds)) of
Nothing -> binds
Just msg -> pprPanic "" (ppAboves [
- ppStr ("*** Stg Lint Errors: in "++whodunnit++" ***"),
+ ppPStr SLIT("*** Stg Lint Errors: in "),ppStr whodunnit, ppPStr SLIT(" ***"),
msg sty,
- ppStr "*** Offending Program ***",
+ ppPStr SLIT("*** Offending Program ***"),
ppAboves (map (pprPlainStgBinding sty) binds),
- ppStr "*** End of Offense ***"])
+ ppPStr SLIT("*** End of Offense ***")])
lint_binds :: [StgBinding] -> LintM ()
@@ -279,22 +279,22 @@ data LintLocInfo
instance Outputable LintLocInfo where
ppr sty (RhsOf v)
- = ppBesides [ppr sty (getSrcLoc v), ppStr ": [RHS of ", pp_binders sty [v], ppStr "]"]
+ = ppBesides [ppr sty (getSrcLoc v), ppPStr SLIT(": [RHS of "), pp_binders sty [v], ppChar ']']
ppr sty (LambdaBodyOf bs)
= ppBesides [ppr sty (getSrcLoc (head bs)),
- ppStr ": [in body of lambda with binders ", pp_binders sty bs, ppStr "]"]
+ ppPStr SLIT(": [in body of lambda with binders "), pp_binders sty bs, ppChar ']']
ppr sty (BodyOfLetRec bs)
= ppBesides [ppr sty (getSrcLoc (head bs)),
- ppStr ": [in body of letrec with binders ", pp_binders sty bs, ppStr "]"]
+ ppPStr SLIT(": [in body of letrec with binders "), pp_binders sty bs, ppChar ']']
pp_binders :: PprStyle -> [Id] -> Pretty
pp_binders sty bs
= ppInterleave ppComma (map pp_binder bs)
pp_binder b
- = ppCat [ppr sty b, ppStr "::", ppr sty (idType b)]
+ = ppCat [ppr sty b, ppPStr SLIT("::"), ppr sty (idType b)]
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ checkFunApp fun_ty arg_tys msg loc scope errs
checkInScope :: Id -> LintM ()
checkInScope id loc scope errs
= if isLocallyDefined id && not (isDataCon id) && not (id `elementOfIdSet` scope) then
- ((), addErr errs (\ sty -> ppCat [ppr sty id, ppStr "is out of scope"]) loc)
+ ((), addErr errs (\ sty -> ppCat [ppr sty id, ppPStr SLIT("is out of scope")]) loc)
((), errs)
@@ -443,38 +443,38 @@ mkCaseAltMsg alts sty
mkCaseDataConMsg :: StgExpr -> ErrMsg
mkCaseDataConMsg expr sty
- = ppAbove (ppStr "A case scrutinee not a type-constructor type:")
+ = ppAbove (ppPStr SLIT("A case scrutinee not a type-constructor type:"))
(pp_expr sty expr)
mkCaseAbstractMsg :: TyCon -> ErrMsg
mkCaseAbstractMsg tycon sty
- = ppAbove (ppStr "An algebraic case on an abstract type:")
+ = ppAbove (ppPStr SLIT("An algebraic case on an abstract type:"))
(ppr sty tycon)
mkDefltMsg :: StgCaseDefault -> ErrMsg
mkDefltMsg deflt sty
- = ppAbove (ppStr "Binder in default case of a case expression doesn't match type of scrutinee:")
+ = ppAbove (ppPStr SLIT("Binder in default case of a case expression doesn't match type of scrutinee:"))
--LATER: (ppr sty deflt)
(panic "mkDefltMsg")
mkFunAppMsg :: Type -> [Type] -> StgExpr -> ErrMsg
mkFunAppMsg fun_ty arg_tys expr sty
= ppAboves [ppStr "In a function application, function type doesn't match arg types:",
- ppHang (ppStr "Function type:") 4 (ppr sty fun_ty),
- ppHang (ppStr "Arg types:") 4 (ppAboves (map (ppr sty) arg_tys)),
- ppHang (ppStr "Expression:") 4 (pp_expr sty expr)]
+ ppHang (ppPStr SLIT("Function type:")) 4 (ppr sty fun_ty),
+ ppHang (ppPStr SLIT("Arg types:")) 4 (ppAboves (map (ppr sty) arg_tys)),
+ ppHang (ppPStr SLIT("Expression:")) 4 (pp_expr sty expr)]
mkRhsConMsg :: Type -> [Type] -> ErrMsg
mkRhsConMsg fun_ty arg_tys sty
= ppAboves [ppStr "In a RHS constructor application, con type doesn't match arg types:",
- ppHang (ppStr "Constructor type:") 4 (ppr sty fun_ty),
- ppHang (ppStr "Arg types:") 4 (ppAboves (map (ppr sty) arg_tys))]
+ ppHang (ppPStr SLIT("Constructor type:")) 4 (ppr sty fun_ty),
+ ppHang (ppPStr SLIT("Arg types:")) 4 (ppAboves (map (ppr sty) arg_tys))]
mkUnappTyMsg :: Id -> Type -> ErrMsg
mkUnappTyMsg var ty sty
= ppAboves [ppStr "Variable has a for-all type, but isn't applied to any types.",
- ppBeside (ppStr "Var: ") (ppr sty var),
- ppBeside (ppStr "Its type: ") (ppr sty ty)]
+ ppBeside (ppPStr SLIT("Var: ")) (ppr sty var),
+ ppBeside (ppPStr SLIT("Its type: ")) (ppr sty ty)]
mkAlgAltMsg1 :: Type -> ErrMsg
mkAlgAltMsg1 ty sty
@@ -512,10 +512,10 @@ mkPrimAltMsg alt sty
mkRhsMsg :: Id -> Type -> ErrMsg
mkRhsMsg binder ty sty
- = ppAboves [ppCat [ppStr "The type of this binder doesn't match the type of its RHS:",
+ = ppAboves [ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("The type of this binder doesn't match the type of its RHS:"),
ppr sty binder],
- ppCat [ppStr "Binder's type:", ppr sty (idType binder)],
- ppCat [ppStr "Rhs type:", ppr sty ty]
+ ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("Binder's type:"), ppr sty (idType binder)],
+ ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("Rhs type:"), ppr sty ty]
pp_expr :: PprStyle -> StgExpr -> Pretty