path: root/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgSyn.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1995
+\section[StgSyn]{Shared term graph (STG) syntax for spineless-tagless code generation}
+This data type represents programs just before code generation
+(conversion to @AbstractC@): basically, what we have is a stylised
+form of @CoreSyntax@, the style being one that happens to be ideally
+suited to spineless tagless code generation.
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module StgSyn (
+ StgAtom(..),
+ StgLiveVars(..),
+ StgBinding(..), StgExpr(..), StgRhs(..),
+ StgCaseAlternatives(..), StgCaseDefault(..),
+#ifdef DPH
+ StgParCommunicate(..),
+#endif {- Data Parallel Haskell -}
+ UpdateFlag(..),
+ StgBinderInfo(..),
+ stgArgOcc, stgUnsatOcc, stgStdHeapOcc, stgNoUpdHeapOcc,
+ stgNormalOcc, stgFakeFunAppOcc,
+ combineStgBinderInfo,
+ -- a set of synonyms for the most common (only :-) parameterisation
+ PlainStgAtom(..), PlainStgLiveVars(..), PlainStgProgram(..),
+ PlainStgBinding(..), PlainStgExpr(..), PlainStgRhs(..),
+ PlainStgCaseAlternatives(..), PlainStgCaseDefault(..),
+ pprPlainStgBinding,
+--UNUSED: fvsFromAtoms,
+ getAtomKind,
+ isLitLitStgAtom,
+ stgArity,
+ collectExportedStgBinders,
+ -- and to make the interface self-sufficient...
+ Outputable(..), NamedThing(..), Pretty(..),
+ Unique, ExportFlag, SrcLoc, PprStyle, PrettyRep,
+ BasicLit, Class, ClassOp,
+ Binds, Expr, GRHS, GRHSsAndBinds, InPat,
+ Id, IdInfo, Maybe, Name, FullName, ShortName,
+ PrimKind, PrimOp, CostCentre, TyCon, TyVar,
+ UniqSet(..), UniqFM, Bag,
+ TyVarTemplate, UniType, TauType(..),
+ ThetaType(..), SigmaType(..),
+ TyVarEnv(..), IdEnv(..)
+ ) where
+import AbsPrel ( getPrimOpResultInfo, PrimOpResultInfo(..),
+ PrimOp, PrimKind
+ )
+import AbsSyn ( Binds, Expr, GRHS, GRHSsAndBinds, InPat )
+import AbsUniType
+import BasicLit ( typeOfBasicLit, kindOfBasicLit, isLitLitLit,
+ BasicLit(..) -- (..) for pragmas
+ )
+import Id ( getIdUniType, getIdKind, toplevelishId,
+ isTopLevId, Id, IdInfo
+ )
+import Maybes ( Maybe(..), catMaybes )
+import Outputable
+import Pretty
+import PrimKind ( PrimKind )
+import CostCentre ( showCostCentre, CostCentre )
+import UniqSet
+import Unique
+import Util
+%* *
+%* *
+As usual, expressions are interesting; other things are boring. Here
+are the boring things [except note the @StgRhs@], parameterised with
+respect to binder and bindee information (just as in @CoreSyntax@):
+data StgBinding binder bindee
+ = StgNonRec binder (StgRhs binder bindee)
+ | StgRec [(binder, StgRhs binder bindee)]
+An @StgProgram@ is just a list of @StgBindings@; the
+properties/restrictions-on this list are the same as for a
+@CoreProgram@ (a list of @CoreBindings@).
+--type StgProgram binder bindee = [StgBinding binder bindee]
+%* *
+%* *
+data StgAtom bindee
+ = StgVarAtom bindee
+ | StgLitAtom BasicLit
+getAtomKind (StgVarAtom local) = getIdKind local
+getAtomKind (StgLitAtom lit) = kindOfBasicLit lit
+{- UNUSED happily
+fvsFromAtoms :: [PlainStgAtom] -> (UniqSet Id) -- ToDo: this looks like a HACK to me (WDP)
+fvsFromAtoms as = mkUniqSet [ id | (StgVarAtom id) <- as, not (toplevelishId id) ]
+isLitLitStgAtom (StgLitAtom x) = isLitLitLit x
+isLitLitStgAtom _ = False
+%* *
+\subsection[StgExpr]{STG expressions}
+%* *
+The @StgExpr@ data type is parameterised on binder and bindee info, as
+%* *
+\subsubsection[StgExpr-application]{@StgExpr@ application}
+%* *
+An application is of a function to a list of atoms [not expressions].
+Operationally, we want to push the arguments on the stack and call the
+function. (If the arguments were expressions, we would have to build
+their closures first.)
+There is no constructor for a lone variable; it would appear as
+@StgApp var [] _@.
+type StgLiveVars bindee = UniqSet bindee
+data StgExpr binder bindee
+ = StgApp
+ (StgAtom bindee) -- function
+ [StgAtom bindee] -- arguments
+ (StgLiveVars bindee) -- Live vars in continuation; ie not
+ -- including the function and args
+ -- NB: a literal is: StgApp <lit-atom> [] ...
+%* *
+\subsubsection[StgExpr-apps]{@StgConApp@ and @StgPrimApp@---saturated applications}
+%* *
+There are two specialised forms of application, for
+constructors and primitives.
+ | StgConApp -- always saturated
+ Id -- data constructor
+ [StgAtom bindee]
+ (StgLiveVars bindee) -- Live vars in continuation; ie not
+ -- including the constr and args
+ | StgPrimApp -- always saturated
+ PrimOp
+ [StgAtom bindee]
+ (StgLiveVars bindee) -- Live vars in continuation; ie not
+ -- including the op and args
+These forms are to do ``inline versions,'' as it were.
+An example might be: @f x = x:[]@.
+%* *
+\subsubsection[StgExpr-case]{@StgExpr@: case-expressions}
+%* *
+This has the same boxed/unboxed business as Core case expressions.
+ | StgCase
+ (StgExpr binder bindee)
+ -- the thing to examine
+ (StgLiveVars bindee) -- Live vars of whole case
+ -- expression; i.e., those which mustn't be
+ -- overwritten
+ (StgLiveVars bindee) -- Live vars of RHSs;
+ -- i.e., those which must be saved before eval.
+ --
+ -- note that an alt's constructor's
+ -- binder-variables are NOT counted in the
+ -- free vars for the alt's RHS
+ Unique -- Occasionally needed to compile case
+ -- statements, as the uniq for a local
+ -- variable to hold the tag of a primop with
+ -- algebraic result
+ (StgCaseAlternatives binder bindee)
+%* *
+\subsubsection[StgExpr-lets]{@StgExpr@: @let(rec)@-expressions}
+%* *
+The various forms of let(rec)-expression encode most of the
+interesting things we want to do.
+let-closure x = [free-vars] expr [args]
+in e
+is equivalent to
+let x = (\free-vars -> \args -> expr) free-vars
+\tr{args} may be empty (and is for most closures). It isn't under
+circumstances like this:
+let x = (\y -> y+z)
+This gets mangled to
+let-closure x = [z] [y] (y+z)
+The idea is that we compile code for @(y+z)@ in an environment in which
+@z@ is bound to an offset from \tr{Node}, and @y@ is bound to an
+offset from the stack pointer.
+(A let-closure is an @StgLet@ with a @StgRhsClosure@ RHS.)
+let-constructor x = Constructor [args]
+in e
+(A let-constructor is an @StgLet@ with a @StgRhsCon@ RHS.)
+Letrec-expressions are essentially the same deal as
+let-closure/let-constructor, so we use a common structure and
+distinguish between them with an @is_recursive@ boolean flag.
+let-unboxed u = an arbitrary arithmetic expression in unboxed values
+in e
+All the stuff on the RHS must be fully evaluated. No function calls either!
+(We've backed away from this toward case-expressions with
+suitably-magical alts ...)
+~[Advanced stuff here! Not to start with, but makes pattern matching
+generate more efficient code.]
+let-escapes-not fail = expr
+in e'
+Here the idea is that @e'@ guarantees not to put @fail@ in a data structure,
+or pass it to another function. All @e'@ will ever do is tail-call @fail@.
+Rather than build a closure for @fail@, all we need do is to record the stack
+level at the moment of the @let-escapes-not@; then entering @fail@ is just
+a matter of adjusting the stack pointer back down to that point and entering
+the code for it.
+Another example:
+f x y = let z = huge-expression in
+ if y==1 then z else
+ if y==2 then z else
+ 1
+(A let-escapes-not is an @StgLetNoEscape@.)
+We may eventually want:
+let-literal x = BasicLit
+in e
+(ToDo: is this obsolete?)
+And so the code for let(rec)-things:
+ | StgLet
+ (StgBinding binder bindee) -- right hand sides (see below)
+ (StgExpr binder bindee) -- body
+ | StgLetNoEscape -- remember: ``advanced stuff''
+ (StgLiveVars bindee) -- Live in the whole let-expression
+ -- Mustn't overwrite these stack slots
+ -- *Doesn't* include binders of the let(rec).
+ (StgLiveVars bindee) -- Live in the right hand sides (only)
+ -- These are the ones which must be saved on
+ -- the stack if they aren't there already
+ -- *Does* include binders of the let(rec) if recursive.
+ (StgBinding binder bindee) -- right hand sides (see below)
+ (StgExpr binder bindee) -- body
+%* *
+\subsubsection[StgExpr-scc]{@StgExpr@: @scc@ expressions}
+%* *
+Finally for @scc@ expressions we introduce a new STG construct.
+ | StgSCC
+ UniType -- the type of the body
+ CostCentre -- label of SCC expression
+ (StgExpr binder bindee) -- scc expression
+%* *
+\subsection[DataParallel]{Data parallel extensions to STG syntax}
+%* *
+#ifdef DPH
+ | StgParConApp -- saturated parallel constructor
+ Id
+ Int -- What parallel context
+ [StgAtom bindee]
+ (StgLiveVars bindee)
+ | StgParComm
+ Int
+ (StgExpr binder bindee) -- The thing we are communicating
+ (StgParCommunicate binder bindee)
+#endif {- Data Parallel Haskell -}
+ -- end of StgExpr
+%* *
+\subsection[StgRhs]{STG right-hand sides}
+%* *
+Here's the rest of the interesting stuff for @StgLet@s; the first
+flavour is for closures:
+data StgRhs binder bindee
+ = StgRhsClosure
+ CostCentre -- cost centre to be attached (default is CCC)
+ StgBinderInfo -- Info about how this binder is used (see below)
+ [bindee] -- non-global free vars; a list, rather than
+ -- a set, because order is important
+ UpdateFlag -- ReEntrant | Updatable | SingleEntry
+ [binder] -- arguments; if empty, then not a function;
+ -- as above, order is important
+ (StgExpr binder bindee) -- body
+An example may be in order. Consider:
+let t = \x -> \y -> ... x ... y ... p ... q in e
+Pulling out the free vars and stylising somewhat, we get the equivalent:
+let t = (\[p,q] -> \[x,y] -> ... x ... y ... p ...q) p q
+Stg-operationally, the @[x,y]@ are on the stack, the @[p,q]@ are
+offsets from @Node@ into the closure, and the code ptr for the closure
+will be exactly that in parentheses above.
+The second flavour of right-hand-side is for constructors (simple but important):
+ | StgRhsCon
+ CostCentre -- Cost centre to be attached (default is CCC).
+ -- Top-level (static) ones will end up with
+ -- DontCareCC, because we don't count static
+ -- data in heap profiles, and we don't set CCC
+ -- from static closure.
+ Id -- constructor
+ [StgAtom bindee] -- args
+Here's the @StgBinderInfo@ type, and its combining op:
+data StgBinderInfo
+ = NoStgBinderInfo
+ | StgBinderInfo
+ Bool -- At least one occurrence as an argument
+ Bool -- At least one occurrence in an unsaturated application
+ Bool -- This thing (f) has at least occurrence of the form:
+ -- x = [..] \u [] -> f a b c
+ -- where the application is saturated
+ Bool -- Ditto for non-updatable x.
+ Bool -- At least one fake application occurrence, that is
+ -- an StgApp f args where args is an empty list
+ -- This is due to the fact that we do not have a
+ -- StgVar constructor.
+ -- Used by the lambda lifter.
+ -- True => "at least one unsat app" is True too
+stgArgOcc = StgBinderInfo True False False False False
+stgUnsatOcc = StgBinderInfo False True False False False
+stgStdHeapOcc = StgBinderInfo False False True False False
+stgNoUpdHeapOcc = StgBinderInfo False False False True False
+stgNormalOcc = StgBinderInfo False False False False False
+-- [Andre] can't think of a good name for the last one.
+stgFakeFunAppOcc = StgBinderInfo False True False False True
+combineStgBinderInfo :: StgBinderInfo -> StgBinderInfo -> StgBinderInfo
+combineStgBinderInfo NoStgBinderInfo info2 = info2
+combineStgBinderInfo info1 NoStgBinderInfo = info1
+combineStgBinderInfo (StgBinderInfo arg1 unsat1 std_heap1 upd_heap1 fkap1)
+ (StgBinderInfo arg2 unsat2 std_heap2 upd_heap2 fkap2)
+ = StgBinderInfo (arg1 || arg2)
+ (unsat1 || unsat2)
+ (std_heap1 || std_heap2)
+ (upd_heap1 || upd_heap2)
+ (fkap1 || fkap2)
+%* *
+\subsection[Stg-case-alternatives]{STG case alternatives}
+%* *
+Just like in @CoreSyntax@ (except no type-world stuff).
+data StgCaseAlternatives binder bindee
+ = StgAlgAlts UniType -- so we can find out things about constructor family
+ [(Id, -- alts: data constructor,
+ [binder], -- constructor's parameters,
+ [Bool], -- "use mask", same length as
+ -- parameters; a True in a
+ -- param's position if it is
+ -- used in the ...
+ StgExpr binder bindee)] -- ...right-hand side.
+ (StgCaseDefault binder bindee)
+ | StgPrimAlts UniType -- so we can find out things about constructor family
+ [(BasicLit, -- alts: unboxed literal,
+ StgExpr binder bindee)] -- rhs.
+ (StgCaseDefault binder bindee)
+#ifdef DPH
+ | StgParAlgAlts
+ UniType
+ Int -- What context we are in
+ [binder]
+ [(Id,StgExpr binder bindee)]
+ (StgCaseDefault binder bindee)
+ | StgParPrimAlts UniType
+ Int -- What context we are in
+ [(BasicLit, -- alts: unboxed literal,
+ StgExpr binder bindee)] -- rhs.
+ (StgCaseDefault binder bindee)
+#endif {- Data Parallel Haskell -}
+data StgCaseDefault binder bindee
+ = StgNoDefault -- small con family: all
+ -- constructor accounted for
+ | StgBindDefault binder -- form: var -> expr
+ Bool -- True <=> var is used in rhs
+ -- i.e., False <=> "_ -> expr"
+ (StgExpr binder bindee)
+%* *
+\subsection[Stg-parComummunicate]{Communication operations}
+%* *
+#ifdef DPH
+data StgParCommunicate binder bindee
+ = StgParSend
+ [StgAtom bindee] -- Sending PODs
+ | StgParFetch
+ [StgAtom bindee] -- Fetching PODs
+ | StgToPodized -- Convert a POD to the podized form
+ | StgFromPodized -- Convert a POD from the podized form
+#endif {- Data Parallel Haskell -}
+%* *
+\subsection[PlainStg]{The Plain STG parameterisation}
+%* *
+This happens to be the only one we use at the moment.
+type PlainStgProgram = [StgBinding Id Id]
+type PlainStgBinding = StgBinding Id Id
+type PlainStgAtom = StgAtom Id
+type PlainStgLiveVars= UniqSet Id
+type PlainStgExpr = StgExpr Id Id
+type PlainStgRhs = StgRhs Id Id
+type PlainStgCaseAlternatives = StgCaseAlternatives Id Id
+type PlainStgCaseDefault = StgCaseDefault Id Id
+%* *
+%* *
+This is also used in @LambdaFormInfo@ in the @ClosureInfo@ module.
+data UpdateFlag = ReEntrant | Updatable | SingleEntry
+instance Outputable UpdateFlag where
+ ppr sty u
+ = ppChar (case u of { ReEntrant -> 'r'; Updatable -> 'u'; SingleEntry -> 's' })
+%* *
+\subsection[Stg-utility-functions]{Utility functions}
+%* *
+For doing interfaces, we want the exported top-level Ids from the
+final pre-codegen STG code, so as to be sure we have the
+latest/greatest pragma info.
+ :: [PlainStgBinding] -- input: PlainStgProgram
+ -> [Id] -- exported top-level Ids
+collectExportedStgBinders binds
+ = exported_from_here [] binds
+ where
+ exported_from_here es [] = es
+ exported_from_here es ((StgNonRec b _) : binds)
+ = if not (isExported b) then
+ exported_from_here es binds
+ else
+ exported_from_here (b:es) binds
+ exported_from_here es ((StgRec []) : binds)
+ = exported_from_here es binds
+ exported_from_here es ((StgRec ((b, rhs) : pairs)) : binds)
+ = exported_from_here
+ es
+ (StgNonRec b rhs : (StgRec pairs : binds))
+ -- OK, a total hack; laziness rules
+%* *
+%* *
+Robin Popplestone asked for semi-colon separators on STG binds; here's
+hoping he likes terminators instead... Ditto for case alternatives.
+pprStgBinding :: (Outputable bndr, Outputable bdee, Ord bdee) =>
+ PprStyle -> StgBinding bndr bdee -> Pretty
+pprStgBinding sty (StgNonRec binder rhs)
+ = ppHang (ppCat [ppr sty binder, ppEquals])
+ 4 (ppBeside (ppr sty rhs) ppSemi)
+pprStgBinding sty (StgRec pairs)
+ = ppAboves ((ifPprDebug sty (ppStr "{- StgRec -}")) :
+ (map (ppr_bind sty) pairs))
+ where
+ ppr_bind sty (binder, expr)
+ = ppHang (ppCat [ppr sty binder, ppEquals])
+ 4 (ppBeside (ppr sty expr) ppSemi)
+pprPlainStgBinding :: PprStyle -> PlainStgBinding -> Pretty
+pprPlainStgBinding sty b = pprStgBinding sty b
+instance (Outputable bdee) => Outputable (StgAtom bdee) where
+ ppr = pprStgAtom
+instance (Outputable bndr, Outputable bdee, Ord bdee)
+ => Outputable (StgBinding bndr bdee) where
+ ppr = pprStgBinding
+instance (Outputable bndr, Outputable bdee, Ord bdee)
+ => Outputable (StgExpr bndr bdee) where
+ ppr = pprStgExpr
+{- OLD:
+instance (Outputable bndr, Outputable bdee, Ord bdee)
+ => Outputable (StgCaseDefault bndr bdee) where
+ ppr sty deflt = panic "ppr:StgCaseDefault"
+instance (Outputable bndr, Outputable bdee, Ord bdee)
+ => Outputable (StgRhs bndr bdee) where
+ ppr sty rhs = pprStgRhs sty rhs
+pprStgAtom :: (Outputable bdee) => PprStyle -> StgAtom bdee -> Pretty
+pprStgAtom sty (StgVarAtom var) = ppr sty var
+pprStgAtom sty (StgLitAtom lit) = ppr sty lit
+pprStgExpr :: (Outputable bndr, Outputable bdee, Ord bdee) =>
+ PprStyle -> StgExpr bndr bdee -> Pretty
+-- special case
+pprStgExpr sty (StgApp func [] lvs)
+ = ppBeside (ppr sty func) (pprStgLVs sty lvs)
+-- general case
+pprStgExpr sty (StgApp func args lvs)
+ = ppHang (ppBeside (ppr sty func) (pprStgLVs sty lvs))
+ 4 (ppSep (map (ppr sty) args))
+pprStgExpr sty (StgConApp con args lvs)
+ = ppBesides [ ppBeside (ppr sty con) (pprStgLVs sty lvs),
+ ppStr "! [", interppSP sty args, ppStr "]" ]
+pprStgExpr sty (StgPrimApp op args lvs)
+ = ppBesides [ ppr sty op, ppChar '#', pprStgLVs sty lvs,
+ ppStr " [", interppSP sty args, ppStr "]" ]
+-- special case: let v = <very specific thing>
+-- in
+-- let ...
+-- in
+-- ...
+-- Very special! Suspicious! (SLPJ)
+pprStgExpr sty (StgLet (StgNonRec binder (StgRhsClosure cc bi free_vars upd_flag args rhs))
+ expr@(StgLet _ _))
+ = ppAbove
+ (ppHang (ppBesides [ppStr "let { ", ppr sty binder, ppStr " = ",
+ ppStr (showCostCentre sty True{-as string-} cc),
+ pp_binder_info sty bi,
+ ppStr " [", ifPprDebug sty (interppSP sty free_vars), ppStr "] \\",
+ ppr sty upd_flag, ppStr " [",
+ interppSP sty args, ppStr "]"])
+ 8 (ppSep [ppCat [ppr sty rhs, ppStr "} in"]]))
+ (ppr sty expr)
+-- special case: let ... in let ...
+pprStgExpr sty (StgLet bind expr@(StgLet _ _))
+ = ppAbove
+ (ppSep [ppHang (ppStr "let {") 2 (ppCat [pprStgBinding sty bind, ppStr "} in"])])
+ (ppr sty expr)
+-- general case
+pprStgExpr sty (StgLet bind expr)
+ = ppSep [ppHang (ppStr "let {") 2 (pprStgBinding sty bind),
+ ppHang (ppStr "} in ") 2 (ppr sty expr)]
+pprStgExpr sty (StgLetNoEscape lvs_whole lvs_rhss bind expr)
+ = ppSep [ppHang (ppStr "let-no-escape {")
+ 2 (pprStgBinding sty bind),
+ ppHang (ppBeside (ppStr "} in ")
+ (ifPprDebug sty (
+ ppNest 4 (
+ ppBesides [ppStr "-- lvs: [", interppSP sty (uniqSetToList lvs_whole),
+ ppStr "]; rhs lvs: [", interppSP sty (uniqSetToList lvs_rhss),
+ ppStr "]"]))))
+ 2 (ppr sty expr)]
+pprStgExpr sty (StgSCC ty cc expr)
+ = ppSep [ ppCat [ppStr "_scc_", ppStr (showCostCentre sty True{-as string-} cc)],
+ pprStgExpr sty expr ]
+pprStgExpr sty (StgCase expr lvs_whole lvs_rhss uniq alts)
+ = ppSep [ppSep [ppStr "case",
+ ppNest 4 (ppCat [pprStgExpr sty expr,
+ ifPprDebug sty (ppBeside (ppStr "::") (pp_ty alts))]),
+ ppStr "of {"],
+ ifPprDebug sty (
+ ppNest 4 (
+ ppBesides [ppStr "-- lvs: [", interppSP sty (uniqSetToList lvs_whole),
+ ppStr "]; rhs lvs: [", interppSP sty (uniqSetToList lvs_rhss),
+ ppStr "]; uniq: ", pprUnique uniq])),
+ ppNest 2 (ppr_alts sty alts),
+ ppStr "}"]
+ where
+ pp_ty (StgAlgAlts ty _ _) = ppr sty ty
+ pp_ty (StgPrimAlts ty _ _) = ppr sty ty
+ ppr_alts sty (StgAlgAlts ty alts deflt)
+ = ppAboves [ ppAboves (map (ppr_bxd_alt sty) alts),
+ ppr_default sty deflt ]
+ where
+ ppr_bxd_alt sty (con, params, use_mask, expr)
+ = ppHang (ppCat [ppr_con sty con, interppSP sty params, ppStr "->"])
+ 4 (ppBeside (ppr sty expr) ppSemi)
+ where
+ ppr_con sty con
+ = if isOpLexeme con
+ then ppBesides [ppLparen, ppr sty con, ppRparen]
+ else ppr sty con
+ ppr_alts sty (StgPrimAlts ty alts deflt)
+ = ppAboves [ ppAboves (map (ppr_ubxd_alt sty) alts),
+ ppr_default sty deflt ]
+ where
+ ppr_ubxd_alt sty (lit, expr)
+ = ppHang (ppCat [ppr sty lit, ppStr "->"])
+ 4 (ppBeside (ppr sty expr) ppSemi)
+#ifdef DPH
+ ppr_alts sty (StgParAlgAlts ty dim params alts deflt)
+ = ppAboves [ ppBeside (ppCat (map (ppr sty) params))
+ (ppCat [ppStr "|" , ppr sty dim , ppStr "|"]),
+ ppAboves (map (ppr_bxd_alt sty) alts),
+ ppr_default sty deflt ]
+ where
+ ppr_bxd_alt sty (con, expr)
+ = ppHang (ppCat [ppStr "\\/", ppr_con sty con, ppStr "->"])
+ 4 (ppr sty expr)
+ where
+ ppr_con sty con
+ = if isOpLexeme con
+ then ppBesides [ppLparen, ppr sty con, ppRparen]
+ else ppr sty con
+ ppr_alts sty (StgParPrimAlts ty dim alts deflt)
+ = ppAboves [ ifPprShowAll sty (ppr sty ty),
+ ppCat [ppStr "|" , ppr sty dim , ppStr "|"],
+ ppAboves (map (ppr_ubxd_alt sty) alts),
+ ppr_default sty deflt ]
+ where
+ ppr_ubxd_alt sty (lit, expr)
+ = ppHang (ppCat [ppStr "\\/", ppr sty lit, ppStr "->"]) 4 (ppr sty expr)
+#endif {- Data Parallel Haskell -}
+ ppr_default sty StgNoDefault = ppNil
+ ppr_default sty (StgBindDefault binder used expr)
+ = ppHang (ppCat [pp_binder, ppStr "->"]) 4 (ppr sty expr)
+ where
+ pp_binder = if used then ppr sty binder else ppChar '_'
+#ifdef DPH
+pprStgExpr sty (StgParConApp con dim args lvs)
+ = ppBesides [ppr sty con, pprStgLVs sty lvs, ppStr "!<<" ,ppr sty dim ,
+ ppStr ">> [", interppSP sty args, ppStr "]" ]
+pprStgExpr sty (StgParComm dim expr comm)
+ = ppSep [ppSep [ppStr "COMM ",
+ ppNest 2 (pprStgExpr sty expr),ppStr "{"],
+ ppNest 2 (ppr_comm sty comm),
+ ppStr "}"]
+ where
+ ppr_comm sty (StgParSend args)
+ = ppSep [ppStr "SEND [",interppSP sty args, ppStr "]" ]
+ ppr_comm sty (StgParFetch args)
+ = ppSep [ppStr "FETCH [",interppSP sty args, ppStr "]" ]
+ ppr_comm sty (StgToPodized)
+ = ppStr "ToPodized"
+ ppr_comm sty (StgFromPodized)
+ = ppStr "FromPodized"
+#endif {- Data Parallel Haskell -}
+-- pprStgLVs :: PprStyle -> StgLiveVars bindee -> Pretty
+pprStgLVs PprForUser lvs = ppNil
+pprStgLVs sty lvs
+ = if isEmptyUniqSet lvs then
+ ppNil
+ else
+ ppBesides [ppStr "{-lvs:", interpp'SP sty (uniqSetToList lvs), ppStr "-}"]
+pprStgRhs :: (Outputable bndr, Outputable bdee, Ord bdee) =>
+ PprStyle -> StgRhs bndr bdee -> Pretty
+-- special case
+pprStgRhs sty (StgRhsClosure cc bi [free_var] upd_flag [{-no args-}] (StgApp func [] lvs))
+ = ppBesides [ ppStr (showCostCentre sty True{-as String-} cc),
+ pp_binder_info sty bi,
+ ppStr " [", ifPprDebug sty (ppr sty free_var),
+ ppStr "] \\", ppr sty upd_flag, ppStr " [] ", ppr sty func ]
+-- general case
+pprStgRhs sty (StgRhsClosure cc bi free_vars upd_flag args body)
+ = ppHang (ppBesides [ ppStr (showCostCentre sty True{-as String-} cc),
+ pp_binder_info sty bi,
+ ppStr " [", ifPprDebug sty (interppSP sty free_vars),
+ ppStr "] \\", ppr sty upd_flag, ppStr " [", interppSP sty args, ppStr "]"])
+ 4 (ppr sty body)
+pprStgRhs sty (StgRhsCon cc con args)
+ = ppBesides [ ppStr (showCostCentre sty True{-as String-} cc),
+ ppSP, ppr sty con, ppStr " [", interppSP sty args, ppStr "]" ]
+pp_binder_info PprForUser _ = ppNil
+pp_binder_info sty NoStgBinderInfo = ppNil
+-- cases so boring that we print nothing
+pp_binder_info sty (StgBinderInfo True b c d e) = ppNil
+-- general case
+pp_binder_info sty (StgBinderInfo a b c d e)
+ = ppBesides [ppChar '(', ppInterleave ppComma (map pp_bool [a,b,c,d,e]), ppChar ')']
+ where
+ pp_bool x = ppr (panic "pp_bool") x
+Collect @IdInfo@ stuff that is most easily just snaffled straight
+from the STG bindings.
+stgArity :: PlainStgRhs -> Int
+stgArity (StgRhsCon _ _ _) = 0 -- it's a constructor, fully applied
+stgArity (StgRhsClosure _ _ _ _ args _ ) = length args