path: root/ghc/compiler/stgSyn
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10 files changed, 2717 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/CoreToStg.hi b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/CoreToStg.hi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2aace5e401
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/CoreToStg.hi
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+interface CoreToStg where
+import BasicLit(BasicLit)
+import CoreSyn(CoreAtom, CoreBinding, CoreCaseAlternatives, CoreExpr)
+import CostCentre(CostCentre)
+import Id(Id, IdDetails)
+import IdInfo(IdInfo)
+import PrimOps(PrimOp)
+import SplitUniq(SplitUniqSupply)
+import StgSyn(StgAtom, StgBinderInfo, StgBinding, StgExpr, StgRhs, UpdateFlag)
+import TyVar(TyVar)
+import UniType(UniType)
+import Unique(Unique)
+data CoreBinding a b {-# GHC_PRAGMA CoNonRec a (CoreExpr a b) | CoRec [(a, CoreExpr a b)] #-}
+data CoreExpr a b {-# GHC_PRAGMA CoVar b | CoLit BasicLit | CoCon Id [UniType] [CoreAtom b] | CoPrim PrimOp [UniType] [CoreAtom b] | CoLam [a] (CoreExpr a b) | CoTyLam TyVar (CoreExpr a b) | CoApp (CoreExpr a b) (CoreAtom b) | CoTyApp (CoreExpr a b) UniType | CoCase (CoreExpr a b) (CoreCaseAlternatives a b) | CoLet (CoreBinding a b) (CoreExpr a b) | CoSCC CostCentre (CoreExpr a b) #-}
+data Id {-# GHC_PRAGMA Id Unique UniType IdInfo IdDetails #-}
+data SplitUniqSupply {-# GHC_PRAGMA MkSplitUniqSupply Int SplitUniqSupply SplitUniqSupply #-}
+data StgBinderInfo {-# GHC_PRAGMA NoStgBinderInfo | StgBinderInfo Bool Bool Bool Bool Bool #-}
+data StgBinding a b {-# GHC_PRAGMA StgNonRec a (StgRhs a b) | StgRec [(a, StgRhs a b)] #-}
+data StgRhs a b {-# GHC_PRAGMA StgRhsClosure CostCentre StgBinderInfo [b] UpdateFlag [a] (StgExpr a b) | StgRhsCon CostCentre Id [StgAtom b] #-}
+topCoreBindsToStg :: SplitUniqSupply -> [CoreBinding Id Id] -> [StgBinding Id Id]
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(ALA)S" {_A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/CoreToStg.lhs b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/CoreToStg.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b21fb3a2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/CoreToStg.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,698 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1995
+%* *
+\section[CoreToStg]{Converting core syntax to STG syntax}
+%* *
+Convert a @CoreSyntax@ program to a @StgSyntax@ program.
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module CoreToStg (
+ topCoreBindsToStg,
+ -- and to make the interface self-sufficient...
+ SplitUniqSupply, Id, CoreExpr, CoreBinding, StgBinding,
+ StgRhs, StgBinderInfo
+ ) where
+import PlainCore -- input
+import AnnCoreSyn -- intermediate form on which all work is done
+import StgSyn -- output
+import SplitUniq
+import Unique -- the UniqueSupply monadery used herein
+import AbsPrel ( unpackCStringId, stringTy,
+ integerTy, rationalTy, ratioDataCon,
+ PrimOp(..), -- For Int2IntegerOp etc
+ integerZeroId, integerPlusOneId, integerMinusOneId
+ )
+import AbsUniType ( isPrimType, isLeakFreeType, getUniDataTyCon )
+import Bag -- Bag operations
+import BasicLit ( mkMachInt, BasicLit(..), PrimKind ) -- ToDo: its use is ugly...
+import CostCentre ( noCostCentre, CostCentre )
+import Id ( mkSysLocal, getIdUniType, isBottomingId
+ IF_ATTACK_PRAGMAS(COMMA bottomIsGuaranteed)
+ )
+import IdEnv
+import Maybes ( Maybe(..), catMaybes )
+import Outputable ( isExported )
+import Pretty -- debugging only!
+import SpecTyFuns ( mkSpecialisedCon )
+import SrcLoc ( SrcLoc, mkUnknownSrcLoc )
+import Util
+ *************** OVERVIEW *********************
+The business of this pass is to convert Core to Stg. On the way:
+* We discard type lambdas and applications. In so doing we discard
+ "trivial" bindings such as
+ x = y t1 t2
+ where t1, t2 are types
+* We make the representation of NoRep literals explicit, and
+ float their bindings to the top level
+* We do *not* pin on the correct free/live var info; that's done later.
+ Instead we use bOGUS_LVS and _FVS as a placeholder.
+* We convert case x of {...; x' -> ...x'...}
+ to
+ case x of {...; _ -> ...x... }
+ See notes in SimplCase.lhs, near simplDefault for the reasoning here.
+%* *
+\subsection[coreToStg-programs]{Converting a core program and core bindings}
+%* *
+Because we're going to come across ``boring'' bindings like
+\tr{let x = /\ tyvars -> y in ...}, we want to keep a small
+environment, so we can just replace all occurrences of \tr{x}
+with \tr{y}.
+type StgEnv = IdEnv PlainStgAtom
+No free/live variable information is pinned on in this pass; it's added
+later. For this pass
+we use @bOGUS_LVs@ and @bOGUS_FVs@ as placeholders.
+bOGUS_LVs :: PlainStgLiveVars
+bOGUS_LVs = panic "bOGUS_LVs"
+bOGUS_FVs :: [Id]
+bOGUS_FVs = panic "bOGUS_FVs"
+topCoreBindsToStg :: SplitUniqSupply -- name supply
+ -> [PlainCoreBinding] -- input
+ -> [PlainStgBinding] -- output
+topCoreBindsToStg us core_binds
+ = case (initSUs us (binds_to_stg nullIdEnv core_binds)) of
+ (_, stuff) -> stuff
+ where
+ binds_to_stg :: StgEnv -> [PlainCoreBinding] -> SUniqSM [PlainStgBinding]
+ binds_to_stg env [] = returnSUs []
+ binds_to_stg env (b:bs)
+ = do_top_bind env b `thenSUs` \ (new_b, new_env, float_binds) ->
+ binds_to_stg new_env bs `thenSUs` \ new_bs ->
+ returnSUs (bagToList float_binds ++ -- Literals
+ new_b ++
+ new_bs)
+ do_top_bind env bind@(CoRec pairs)
+ = coreBindToStg env bind
+ do_top_bind env bind@(CoNonRec var rhs)
+ = coreBindToStg env bind `thenSUs` \ (stg_binds, new_env, float_binds) ->
+ case stg_binds of
+ [StgNonRec var (StgRhsClosure cc bi fvs u [] rhs_body)] ->
+ -- Mega-special case; there's still a binding there
+ -- no fvs (of course), *no args*, "let" rhs
+ let
+ (extra_float_binds, rhs_body') = seek_liftable [] rhs_body
+ in
+ returnSUs (extra_float_binds ++
+ [StgNonRec var (StgRhsClosure cc bi fvs u [] rhs_body')],
+ new_env,
+ float_binds)
+ other -> returnSUs (stg_binds, new_env, float_binds)
+ --------------------
+ -- HACK: look for very simple, obviously-liftable bindings
+ -- that can come up to the top level; those that couldn't
+ -- 'cause they were big-lambda constrained in the Core world.
+ seek_liftable :: [PlainStgBinding] -- accumulator...
+ -> PlainStgExpr -- look for top-lev liftables
+ -> ([PlainStgBinding], PlainStgExpr) -- result
+ seek_liftable acc expr@(StgLet inner_bind body)
+ | is_liftable inner_bind
+ = seek_liftable (inner_bind : acc) body
+ seek_liftable acc other_expr = (reverse acc, other_expr) -- Finished
+ --------------------
+ is_liftable (StgNonRec binder (StgRhsClosure _ _ _ _ args body))
+ = not (null args) -- it's manifestly a function...
+ || isLeakFreeType [] (getIdUniType binder)
+ || is_whnf body
+ -- ToDo: use a decent manifestlyWHNF function for STG?
+ where
+ is_whnf (StgConApp _ _ _) = True
+ is_whnf (StgApp (StgVarAtom v) _ _) = isBottomingId v
+ is_whnf other = False
+ is_liftable (StgRec [(_, StgRhsClosure _ _ _ _ args body)])
+ = not (null args) -- it's manifestly a (recursive) function...
+ is_liftable anything_else = False
+%* *
+\subsection[coreToStg-binds]{Converting bindings}
+%* *
+coreBindToStg :: StgEnv
+ -> PlainCoreBinding
+ -> SUniqSM ([PlainStgBinding], -- Empty or singleton
+ StgEnv, -- New envt
+ Bag PlainStgBinding) -- Floats
+coreBindToStg env (CoNonRec binder rhs)
+ = coreRhsToStg env rhs `thenSUs` \ (stg_rhs, rhs_binds) ->
+ let
+ -- Binds to return if RHS is trivial
+ triv_binds = if isExported binder then
+ [StgNonRec binder stg_rhs] -- Retain it
+ else
+ [] -- Discard it
+ in
+ case stg_rhs of
+ StgRhsClosure cc bi fvs upd [] (StgApp atom [] lvs) ->
+ -- Trivial RHS, so augment envt, and ditch the binding
+ returnSUs (triv_binds, new_env, rhs_binds)
+ where
+ new_env = addOneToIdEnv env binder atom
+ StgRhsCon cc con_id [] ->
+ -- Trivial RHS, so augment envt, and ditch the binding
+ returnSUs (triv_binds, new_env, rhs_binds)
+ where
+ new_env = addOneToIdEnv env binder (StgVarAtom con_id)
+ other -> -- Non-trivial RHS, so don't augment envt
+ returnSUs ([StgNonRec binder stg_rhs], env, rhs_binds)
+coreBindToStg env (CoRec pairs)
+ -- (possibly ToDo)
+ let
+ (binders, rhss) = unzip pairs
+ in
+ mapAndUnzipSUs (coreRhsToStg env) rhss `thenSUs` \ (stg_rhss, rhs_binds) ->
+ returnSUs ([StgRec (binders `zip` stg_rhss)], env, unionManyBags rhs_binds)
+%* *
+\subsection[coreToStg-rhss]{Converting right hand sides}
+%* *
+coreRhsToStg :: StgEnv -> PlainCoreExpr -> SUniqSM (PlainStgRhs, Bag PlainStgBinding)
+coreRhsToStg env core_rhs
+ = coreExprToStg env core_rhs `thenSUs` \ (stg_expr, stg_binds) ->
+ let stg_rhs = case stg_expr of
+ StgLet (StgNonRec var1 rhs) (StgApp (StgVarAtom var2) [] _)
+ | var1 == var2 -> rhs
+ -- This curious stuff is to unravel what a lambda turns into
+ -- We have to do it this way, rather than spot a lambda in the
+ -- incoming rhs
+ StgConApp con args _ -> StgRhsCon noCostCentre con args
+ other -> StgRhsClosure noCostCentre -- No cost centre (ToDo?)
+ stgArgOcc -- safe
+ Updatable -- Be pessimistic
+ []
+ stg_expr
+ in
+ returnSUs (stg_rhs, stg_binds)
+%* *
+\subsection[coreToStg-lits]{Converting literals}
+%* *
+Literals: the NoRep kind need to be de-no-rep'd.
+We always replace them with a simple variable, and float a suitable
+binding out to the top level.
+If an Integer is small enough (Haskell implementations must support
+Ints in the range $[-2^29+1, 2^29-1]$), wrap it up in @int2Integer@;
+otherwise, wrap with @litString2Integer@.
+tARGET_MIN_INT = -536870912
+tARGET_MAX_INT = 536870912
+litToStgAtom :: BasicLit -> SUniqSM (PlainStgAtom, Bag PlainStgBinding)
+litToStgAtom (NoRepStr s)
+ = newStgVar stringTy `thenSUs` \ var ->
+ let
+ rhs = StgRhsClosure noCostCentre -- No cost centre (ToDo?)
+ stgArgOcc -- safe
+ Updatable -- OLD: ReEntrant (see note below)
+ [] -- No arguments
+ val
+-- We used not to update strings, so that they wouldn't clog up the heap,
+-- but instead be unpacked each time. But on some programs that costs a lot
+-- [eg hpg], so now we update them.
+ val = StgApp (StgVarAtom unpackCStringId)
+ [StgLitAtom (MachStr s)]
+ in
+ returnSUs (StgVarAtom var, unitBag (StgNonRec var rhs))
+litToStgAtom (NoRepInteger i)
+ -- extremely convenient to look out for a few very common
+ -- Integer literals!
+ | i == 0 = returnSUs (StgVarAtom integerZeroId, emptyBag)
+ | i == 1 = returnSUs (StgVarAtom integerPlusOneId, emptyBag)
+ | i == (-1) = returnSUs (StgVarAtom integerMinusOneId, emptyBag)
+ | otherwise
+ = newStgVar integerTy `thenSUs` \ var ->
+ let
+ rhs = StgRhsClosure noCostCentre -- No cost centre (ToDo?)
+ stgArgOcc -- safe
+ Updatable -- Update an integer
+ [] -- No arguments
+ val
+ val
+ | i > tARGET_MIN_INT && i < tARGET_MAX_INT
+ = -- Start from an Int
+ StgPrimApp Int2IntegerOp [StgLitAtom (mkMachInt i)] bOGUS_LVs
+ | otherwise
+ = -- Start from a string
+ StgPrimApp Addr2IntegerOp [StgLitAtom (MachStr (_PK_ (show i)))] bOGUS_LVs
+ in
+ returnSUs (StgVarAtom var, unitBag (StgNonRec var rhs))
+litToStgAtom (NoRepRational r)
+ = litToStgAtom (NoRepInteger (numerator r)) `thenSUs` \ (num_atom, binds1) ->
+ litToStgAtom (NoRepInteger (denominator r)) `thenSUs` \ (denom_atom, binds2) ->
+ newStgVar rationalTy `thenSUs` \ var ->
+ let
+ rhs = StgRhsCon noCostCentre -- No cost centre (ToDo?)
+ ratioDataCon -- Constructor
+ [num_atom, denom_atom]
+ in
+ returnSUs (StgVarAtom var, binds1 `unionBags`
+ binds2 `unionBags`
+ unitBag (StgNonRec var rhs))
+litToStgAtom other_lit = returnSUs (StgLitAtom other_lit, emptyBag)
+%* *
+\subsection[coreToStg-atoms{Converting atoms}
+%* *
+coreAtomToStg :: StgEnv -> PlainCoreAtom -> SUniqSM (PlainStgAtom, Bag PlainStgBinding)
+coreAtomToStg env (CoVarAtom var) = returnSUs (stgLookup env var, emptyBag)
+coreAtomToStg env (CoLitAtom lit) = litToStgAtom lit
+There's not anything interesting we can ASSERT about \tr{var} if it
+isn't in the StgEnv. (WDP 94/06)
+stgLookup :: StgEnv -> Id -> PlainStgAtom
+stgLookup env var = case (lookupIdEnv env var) of
+ Nothing -> StgVarAtom var
+ Just atom -> atom
+%* *
+\subsection[coreToStg-exprs]{Converting core expressions}
+%* *
+coreExprToStg :: StgEnv
+ -> PlainCoreExpr
+ -> SUniqSM (PlainStgExpr, -- Result
+ Bag PlainStgBinding) -- Float these to top level
+coreExprToStg env (CoLit lit)
+ = litToStgAtom lit `thenSUs` \ (atom, binds) ->
+ returnSUs (StgApp atom [] bOGUS_LVs, binds)
+coreExprToStg env (CoVar var)
+ = returnSUs (StgApp (stgLookup env var) [] bOGUS_LVs, emptyBag)
+coreExprToStg env (CoCon con types args)
+ = mapAndUnzipSUs (coreAtomToStg env) args `thenSUs` \ (stg_atoms, stg_binds) ->
+ returnSUs (StgConApp spec_con stg_atoms bOGUS_LVs, unionManyBags stg_binds)
+ where
+ spec_con = mkSpecialisedCon con types
+coreExprToStg env (CoPrim op tys args)
+ = mapAndUnzipSUs (coreAtomToStg env) args `thenSUs` \ (stg_atoms, stg_binds) ->
+ returnSUs (StgPrimApp op stg_atoms bOGUS_LVs, unionManyBags stg_binds)
+%* *
+\subsubsection[coreToStg-type-stuff]{Type application and abstraction}
+%* *
+This type information dies in this Core-to-STG translation.
+coreExprToStg env (CoTyLam tyvar expr) = coreExprToStg env expr
+coreExprToStg env (CoTyApp expr ty) = coreExprToStg env expr
+%* *
+\subsubsection[coreToStg-lambdas]{Lambda abstractions}
+%* *
+coreExprToStg env expr@(CoLam binders body)
+ = coreExprToStg env body `thenSUs` \ (stg_body, binds) ->
+ newStgVar (typeOfCoreExpr expr) `thenSUs` \ var ->
+ returnSUs (StgLet (StgNonRec var (StgRhsClosure noCostCentre
+ stgArgOcc
+ ReEntrant -- binders is non-empty
+ binders
+ stg_body))
+ (StgApp (StgVarAtom var) [] bOGUS_LVs),
+ binds)
+%* *
+%* *
+coreExprToStg env expr@(CoApp _ _)
+ = -- Deal with the arguments
+ mapAndUnzipSUs (coreAtomToStg env) args `thenSUs` \ (stg_args, arg_binds) ->
+ -- Now deal with the function
+ case fun of
+ CoVar fun_id -> returnSUs (StgApp (stgLookup env fun_id) stg_args bOGUS_LVs,
+ unionManyBags arg_binds)
+ other -> -- A non-variable applied to things; better let-bind it.
+ newStgVar (typeOfCoreExpr fun) `thenSUs` \ fun_id ->
+ coreExprToStg env fun `thenSUs` \ (stg_fun, fun_binds) ->
+ let
+ fun_rhs = StgRhsClosure noCostCentre -- No cost centre (ToDo?)
+ stgArgOcc
+ SingleEntry -- Only entered once
+ []
+ stg_fun
+ in
+ returnSUs (StgLet (StgNonRec fun_id fun_rhs)
+ (StgApp (StgVarAtom fun_id) stg_args bOGUS_LVs),
+ unionManyBags arg_binds `unionBags`
+ fun_binds)
+ where
+ (fun,args) = collect_args expr []
+ -- Collect arguments, discarding type applications
+ collect_args (CoApp fun arg) args = collect_args fun (arg:args)
+ collect_args (CoTyApp e t) args = collect_args e args
+ collect_args fun args = (fun, args)
+%* *
+\subsubsection[coreToStg-cases]{Case expressions}
+%* *
+At this point, we *mangle* cases involving fork# and par# in the
+discriminant. The original templates for these primops (see
+@PrelVals.lhs@) constructed case expressions with boolean results
+solely to fool the strictness analyzer, the simplifier, and anyone
+else who might want to fool with the evaluation order. Now, we
+believe that once the translation to STG code is performed, our
+evaluation order is safe. Therefore, we convert expressions of the
+ case par# e of
+ True -> rhs
+ False -> parError#
+ case par# e of
+ _ -> rhs
+coreExprToStg env (CoCase discrim@(CoPrim op tys args) alts)
+ | funnyParallelOp op =
+ getSUnique `thenSUs` \ uniq ->
+ coreExprToStg env discrim `thenSUs` \ (stg_discrim, discrim_binds) ->
+ alts_to_stg alts `thenSUs` \ (stg_alts, alts_binds) ->
+ returnSUs (
+ StgCase stg_discrim
+ uniq
+ stg_alts,
+ discrim_binds `unionBags` alts_binds
+ )
+ where
+ funnyParallelOp SeqOp = True
+ funnyParallelOp ParOp = True
+ funnyParallelOp ForkOp = True
+ funnyParallelOp _ = False
+ discrim_ty = typeOfCoreExpr discrim
+ alts_to_stg (CoPrimAlts _ (CoBindDefault binder rhs))
+ = coreExprToStg env rhs `thenSUs` \ (stg_rhs, rhs_binds) ->
+ let
+ stg_deflt = StgBindDefault binder False stg_rhs
+ in
+ returnSUs (StgPrimAlts discrim_ty [] stg_deflt, rhs_binds)
+-- OK, back to real life...
+coreExprToStg env (CoCase discrim alts)
+ = coreExprToStg env discrim `thenSUs` \ (stg_discrim, discrim_binds) ->
+ alts_to_stg discrim alts `thenSUs` \ (stg_alts, alts_binds) ->
+ getSUnique `thenSUs` \ uniq ->
+ returnSUs (
+ StgCase stg_discrim
+ uniq
+ stg_alts,
+ discrim_binds `unionBags` alts_binds
+ )
+ where
+ discrim_ty = typeOfCoreExpr discrim
+ (_, discrim_ty_args, _) = getUniDataTyCon discrim_ty
+ alts_to_stg discrim (CoAlgAlts alts deflt)
+ = default_to_stg discrim deflt `thenSUs` \ (stg_deflt, deflt_binds) ->
+ mapAndUnzipSUs boxed_alt_to_stg alts `thenSUs` \ (stg_alts, alts_binds) ->
+ returnSUs (StgAlgAlts discrim_ty stg_alts stg_deflt,
+ deflt_binds `unionBags` unionManyBags alts_binds)
+ where
+ boxed_alt_to_stg (con, bs, rhs)
+ = coreExprToStg env rhs `thenSUs` \ (stg_rhs, rhs_binds) ->
+ returnSUs ((spec_con, bs, [ True | b <- bs ]{-bogus use mask-}, stg_rhs),
+ rhs_binds)
+ where
+ spec_con = mkSpecialisedCon con discrim_ty_args
+ alts_to_stg discrim (CoPrimAlts alts deflt)
+ = default_to_stg discrim deflt `thenSUs` \ (stg_deflt,deflt_binds) ->
+ mapAndUnzipSUs unboxed_alt_to_stg alts `thenSUs` \ (stg_alts, alts_binds) ->
+ returnSUs (StgPrimAlts discrim_ty stg_alts stg_deflt,
+ deflt_binds `unionBags` unionManyBags alts_binds)
+ where
+ unboxed_alt_to_stg (lit, rhs)
+ = coreExprToStg env rhs `thenSUs` \ (stg_rhs, rhs_binds) ->
+ returnSUs ((lit, stg_rhs), rhs_binds)
+#ifdef DPH
+ alts_to_stg (CoParAlgAlts tycon ctxt params alts deflt)
+ = default_to_stg deflt `thenSUs` \ stg_deflt ->
+ mapSUs boxed_alt_to_stg alts `thenSUs` \ stg_alts ->
+ returnSUs (StgParAlgAlts discrim_ty ctxt params stg_alts stg_deflt)
+ where
+ boxed_alt_to_stg (con, rhs)
+ = coreExprToStg env rhs `thenSUs` \ stg_rhs ->
+ returnSUs (con, stg_rhs)
+ alts_to_stg (CoParPrimAlts tycon ctxt alts deflt)
+ = default_to_stg deflt `thenSUs` \ stg_deflt ->
+ mapSUs unboxed_alt_to_stg alts `thenSUs` \ stg_alts ->
+ returnSUs (StgParPrimAlts discrim_ty ctxt stg_alts stg_deflt)
+ where
+ unboxed_alt_to_stg (lit, rhs)
+ = coreExprToStg env rhs `thenSUs` \ stg_rhs ->
+ returnSUs (lit, stg_rhs)
+#endif {- Data Parallel Haskell -}
+ default_to_stg discrim CoNoDefault
+ = returnSUs (StgNoDefault, emptyBag)
+ default_to_stg discrim (CoBindDefault binder rhs)
+ = coreExprToStg new_env rhs `thenSUs` \ (stg_rhs, rhs_binds) ->
+ returnSUs (StgBindDefault binder True{-used? no it is lying-} stg_rhs,
+ rhs_binds)
+ where
+ -- We convert case x of {...; x' -> ...x'...}
+ -- to
+ -- case x of {...; _ -> ...x... }
+ --
+ -- See notes in SimplCase.lhs, near simplDefault for the reasoning.
+ -- It's quite easily done: simply extend the environment to bind the
+ -- default binder to the scrutinee.
+ --
+ new_env = case discrim of
+ CoVar v -> addOneToIdEnv env binder (StgVarAtom v)
+ other -> env
+%* *
+\subsubsection[coreToStg-let(rec)]{Let and letrec expressions}
+%* *
+coreExprToStg env (CoLet bind body)
+ = coreBindToStg env bind `thenSUs` \ (stg_binds, new_env, float_binds1) ->
+ coreExprToStg new_env body `thenSUs` \ (stg_body, float_binds2) ->
+ returnSUs (mkStgLets stg_binds stg_body, float_binds1 `unionBags` float_binds2)
+%* *
+\subsubsection[coreToStg-scc]{SCC expressions}
+%* *
+Covert core @scc@ expression directly to STG @scc@ expression.
+coreExprToStg env (CoSCC cc expr)
+ = coreExprToStg env expr `thenSUs` \ (stg_expr, binds) ->
+ returnSUs (StgSCC (typeOfCoreExpr expr) cc stg_expr, binds)
+%* *
+\subsubsection[coreToStg-dataParallel]{Data Parallel expressions}
+%* *
+#ifdef DPH
+coreExprToStg env (_, AnnCoParCon con ctxt types args)
+ = mapAndUnzipSUs (arg2stg env) args `thenSUs` \ (stg_atoms, stg_binds) ->
+ returnSUs (mkStgLets (catMaybes stg_binds)
+ (StgParConApp con ctxt stg_atoms bOGUS_LVs))
+coreExprToStg env (_,AnnCoParComm ctxt expr comm)
+ = coreExprToStg env expr `thenSUs` \ stg_expr ->
+ annComm_to_stg comm `thenSUs` \ (stg_comm,stg_binds) ->
+ returnSUs (mkStgLets (catMaybes stg_binds)
+ (StgParComm ctxt stg_expr stg_comm))
+ ))
+ where
+ annComm_to_stg (AnnCoParSend args)
+ = mapAndUnzipSUs (arg2stg env) args `thenSUs` \ (stg_atoms, stg_binds) ->
+ returnSUs (StgParSend stg_atoms,stg_binds)
+ annComm_to_stg (AnnCoParFetch args)
+ = mapAndUnzipSUs (arg2stg env) args `thenSUs` \ (stg_atoms, stg_binds) ->
+ returnSUs (StgParFetch stg_atoms,stg_binds)
+ annComm_to_stg (AnnCoToPodized)
+ = returnSUs (StgToPodized,[])
+ annComm_to_stg (AnnCoFromPodized)
+ = returnSUs (StgFromPodized,[])
+#endif {- Data Parallel Haskell -}
+coreExprToStg env other = panic "coreExprToStg: it really failed here"
+%* *
+\subsection[coreToStg-misc]{Miscellaneous helping functions}
+%* *
+Invent a fresh @Id@:
+newStgVar :: UniType -> SUniqSM Id
+newStgVar ty
+ = getSUnique `thenSUs` \ uniq ->
+ returnSUs (mkSysLocal SLIT("stg") uniq ty mkUnknownSrcLoc)
+mkStgLets :: [PlainStgBinding]
+ -> PlainStgExpr -- body of let
+ -> PlainStgExpr
+mkStgLets binds body = foldr StgLet body binds
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/Jmakefile b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/Jmakefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..32b8199f6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/Jmakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+/* this is a standalone Jmakefile; NOT part of ghc "make world" */
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgFuns.hi b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgFuns.hi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83ce7be440
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgFuns.hi
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+interface StgFuns where
+import Id(Id)
+import StgSyn(StgRhs)
+mapStgBindeesRhs :: (Id -> Id) -> StgRhs Id Id -> StgRhs Id Id
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 21 _N_ _S_ "LS" _N_ _N_ #-}
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgFuns.lhs b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgFuns.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8dd3f877c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgFuns.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1995
+\section[StgFuns]{Utility functions for @STG@ programs}
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module StgFuns (
+ mapStgBindeesRhs
+ ) where
+import StgSyn
+import UniqSet
+import Unique
+import Util
+This utility function simply applies the given function to every
+bindee in the program.
+mapStgBindeesBind :: (Id -> Id) -> PlainStgBinding -> PlainStgBinding
+mapStgBindeesBind fn (StgNonRec b rhs) = StgNonRec b (mapStgBindeesRhs fn rhs)
+mapStgBindeesBind fn (StgRec pairs) = StgRec [ (b, mapStgBindeesRhs fn r) | (b, r) <- pairs ]
+mapStgBindeesRhs :: (Id -> Id) -> PlainStgRhs -> PlainStgRhs
+mapStgBindeesRhs fn (StgRhsClosure cc bi fvs u args expr)
+ = StgRhsClosure
+ cc bi
+ (map fn fvs)
+ u
+ (map fn args)
+ (mapStgBindeesExpr fn expr)
+mapStgBindeesRhs fn (StgRhsCon cc con atoms)
+ = StgRhsCon cc con (map (mapStgBindeesAtom fn) atoms)
+mapStgBindeesExpr :: (Id -> Id) -> PlainStgExpr -> PlainStgExpr
+mapStgBindeesExpr fn (StgApp f args lvs)
+ = StgApp (mapStgBindeesAtom fn f)
+ (map (mapStgBindeesAtom fn) args)
+ (mapUniqSet fn lvs)
+mapStgBindeesExpr fn (StgConApp con atoms lvs)
+ = StgConApp con (map (mapStgBindeesAtom fn) atoms) (mapUniqSet fn lvs)
+mapStgBindeesExpr fn (StgPrimApp op atoms lvs)
+ = StgPrimApp op (map (mapStgBindeesAtom fn) atoms) (mapUniqSet fn lvs)
+mapStgBindeesExpr fn (StgLet bind expr)
+ = StgLet (mapStgBindeesBind fn bind) (mapStgBindeesExpr fn expr)
+mapStgBindeesExpr fn (StgLetNoEscape lvs rhss_lvs bind body)
+ = StgLetNoEscape (mapUniqSet fn lvs) (mapUniqSet fn rhss_lvs)
+ (mapStgBindeesBind fn bind) (mapStgBindeesExpr fn body)
+mapStgBindeesExpr fn (StgSCC ty label expr)
+ = StgSCC ty label (mapStgBindeesExpr fn expr)
+mapStgBindeesExpr fn (StgCase expr lvs1 lvs2 uniq alts)
+ = StgCase (mapStgBindeesExpr fn expr)
+ (mapUniqSet fn lvs1)
+ (mapUniqSet fn lvs2)
+ uniq
+ (mapStgBindeesAlts alts)
+ where
+ mapStgBindeesAlts (StgAlgAlts ty alts deflt)
+ = StgAlgAlts ty (map mapStgBindeesBoxed_alt alts) (mapStgBindeesDeflt deflt)
+ where
+ mapStgBindeesBoxed_alt (c,ps,use_mask,expr) = (c,ps,use_mask,mapStgBindeesExpr fn expr)
+ mapStgBindeesAlts (StgPrimAlts ty alts deflt)
+ = StgPrimAlts ty (map mapStgBindeesunboxed_alt alts) (mapStgBindeesDeflt deflt)
+ where
+ mapStgBindeesunboxed_alt (l,expr) = (l,mapStgBindeesExpr fn expr)
+ mapStgBindeesDeflt StgNoDefault = StgNoDefault
+ mapStgBindeesDeflt (StgBindDefault b used expr) = StgBindDefault b used (mapStgBindeesExpr fn expr)
+mapStgBindeesAtom :: (Id -> Id) -> PlainStgAtom -> PlainStgAtom
+mapStgBindeesAtom fn a@(StgLitAtom _) = a
+mapStgBindeesAtom fn a@(StgVarAtom id) = StgVarAtom (fn id)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.hi b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.hi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0bf1754525
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.hi
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+interface StgLint where
+import CmdLineOpts(GlobalSwitch)
+import Id(Id, IdDetails)
+import IdInfo(IdInfo)
+import Pretty(PprStyle)
+import StgSyn(PlainStgBinding(..), StgBinding, StgRhs)
+import UniType(UniType)
+import Unique(Unique)
+data Id {-# GHC_PRAGMA Id Unique UniType IdInfo IdDetails #-}
+data PprStyle {-# GHC_PRAGMA PprForUser | PprDebug | PprShowAll | PprInterface (GlobalSwitch -> Bool) | PprForC (GlobalSwitch -> Bool) | PprUnfolding (GlobalSwitch -> Bool) | PprForAsm (GlobalSwitch -> Bool) Bool ([Char] -> [Char]) #-}
+type PlainStgBinding = StgBinding Id Id
+data StgBinding a b {-# GHC_PRAGMA StgNonRec a (StgRhs a b) | StgRec [(a, StgRhs a b)] #-}
+lintStgBindings :: PprStyle -> [Char] -> [StgBinding Id Id] -> [StgBinding Id Id]
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 3 _U_ 212 _N_ _S_ "LLS" _N_ _N_ #-}
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.lhs b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f1e5ba651
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1995
+\section[StgLint]{A ``lint'' pass to check for Stg correctness}
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module StgLint (
+ lintStgBindings,
+ PprStyle, StgBinding, PlainStgBinding(..), Id
+ ) where
+import AbsPrel ( typeOfPrimOp, mkFunTy, PrimOp(..), PrimKind
+ )
+import AbsUniType
+import Bag
+import BasicLit ( typeOfBasicLit, BasicLit )
+import Id ( getIdUniType, isNullaryDataCon, isDataCon,
+ isBottomingId,
+ getInstantiatedDataConSig, Id
+ IF_ATTACK_PRAGMAS(COMMA bottomIsGuaranteed)
+ )
+import Maybes
+import Outputable
+import Pretty
+import SrcLoc ( SrcLoc )
+import StgSyn
+import UniqSet
+import Util
+infixr 9 `thenL`, `thenL_`, `thenMaybeL`, `thenMaybeL_`
+Checks for
+ (a) *some* type errors
+ (b) locally-defined variables used but not defined
+%* *
+\subsection{``lint'' for various constructs}
+%* *
+@lintStgBindings@ is the top-level interface function.
+lintStgBindings :: PprStyle -> String -> [PlainStgBinding] -> [PlainStgBinding]
+lintStgBindings sty whodunnit binds
+ = BSCC("StgLint")
+ case (initL (lint_binds binds)) of
+ Nothing -> binds
+ Just msg -> pprPanic "" (ppAboves [
+ ppStr ("*** Stg Lint Errors: in "++whodunnit++" ***"),
+ msg sty,
+ ppStr "*** Offending Program ***",
+ ppAboves (map (pprPlainStgBinding sty) binds),
+ ppStr "*** End of Offense ***"])
+ where
+ lint_binds :: [PlainStgBinding] -> LintM ()
+ lint_binds [] = returnL ()
+ lint_binds (bind:binds)
+ = lintStgBinds bind `thenL` \ binders ->
+ addInScopeVars binders (
+ lint_binds binds
+ )
+lintStgAtom :: PlainStgAtom -> LintM (Maybe UniType)
+lintStgAtom (StgLitAtom lit) = returnL (Just (typeOfBasicLit lit))
+lintStgAtom a@(StgVarAtom v)
+ = checkInScope v `thenL_`
+ returnL (Just (getIdUniType v))
+lintStgBinds :: PlainStgBinding -> LintM [Id] -- Returns the binders
+lintStgBinds (StgNonRec binder rhs)
+ = lint_binds_help (binder,rhs) `thenL_`
+ returnL [binder]
+lintStgBinds (StgRec pairs)
+ = addInScopeVars binders (
+ mapL lint_binds_help pairs `thenL_`
+ returnL binders
+ )
+ where
+ binders = [b | (b,_) <- pairs]
+lint_binds_help (binder, rhs)
+ = addLoc (RhsOf binder) (
+ -- Check the rhs
+ lintStgRhs rhs `thenL` \ maybe_rhs_ty ->
+ -- Check match to RHS type
+ (case maybe_rhs_ty of
+ Nothing -> returnL ()
+ Just rhs_ty -> checkTys (getIdUniType binder)
+ rhs_ty
+ (mkRhsMsg binder rhs_ty)
+ ) `thenL_`
+ returnL ()
+ )
+lintStgRhs :: PlainStgRhs -> LintM (Maybe UniType)
+lintStgRhs (StgRhsClosure _ _ _ _ binders expr)
+ = addLoc (LambdaBodyOf binders) (
+ addInScopeVars binders (
+ lintStgExpr expr `thenMaybeL` \ body_ty ->
+ returnL (Just (foldr (mkFunTy . getIdUniType) body_ty binders))
+ ))
+lintStgRhs (StgRhsCon _ con args)
+ = mapMaybeL lintStgAtom args `thenL` \ maybe_arg_tys ->
+ case maybe_arg_tys of
+ Nothing -> returnL Nothing
+ Just arg_tys -> checkFunApp con_ty arg_tys (mkRhsConMsg con_ty arg_tys)
+ where
+ con_ty = getIdUniType con
+lintStgExpr :: PlainStgExpr -> LintM (Maybe UniType) -- Nothing if error found
+lintStgExpr e@(StgApp fun args _)
+ = lintStgAtom fun `thenMaybeL` \ fun_ty ->
+ mapMaybeL lintStgAtom args `thenL` \ maybe_arg_tys ->
+ case maybe_arg_tys of
+ Nothing -> returnL Nothing
+ Just arg_tys -> checkFunApp fun_ty arg_tys (mkFunAppMsg fun_ty arg_tys e)
+lintStgExpr e@(StgConApp con args _)
+ = mapMaybeL lintStgAtom args `thenL` \ maybe_arg_tys ->
+ case maybe_arg_tys of
+ Nothing -> returnL Nothing
+ Just arg_tys -> checkFunApp con_ty arg_tys (mkFunAppMsg con_ty arg_tys e)
+ where
+ con_ty = getIdUniType con
+lintStgExpr e@(StgPrimApp op args _)
+ = mapMaybeL lintStgAtom args `thenL` \ maybe_arg_tys ->
+ case maybe_arg_tys of
+ Nothing -> returnL Nothing
+ Just arg_tys -> checkFunApp op_ty arg_tys (mkFunAppMsg op_ty arg_tys e)
+ where
+ op_ty = typeOfPrimOp op
+lintStgExpr (StgLet binds body)
+ = lintStgBinds binds `thenL` \ binders ->
+ addLoc (BodyOfLetRec binders) (
+ addInScopeVars binders (
+ lintStgExpr body
+ ))
+lintStgExpr (StgLetNoEscape _ _ binds body)
+ = lintStgBinds binds `thenL` \ binders ->
+ addLoc (BodyOfLetRec binders) (
+ addInScopeVars binders (
+ lintStgExpr body
+ ))
+lintStgExpr (StgSCC _ _ expr) = lintStgExpr expr
+lintStgExpr e@(StgCase scrut _ _ _ alts)
+ = lintStgExpr scrut `thenMaybeL` \ _ ->
+ -- Check that it is a data type
+ case getUniDataTyCon_maybe scrut_ty of
+ Nothing -> addErrL (mkCaseDataConMsg e) `thenL_`
+ returnL Nothing
+ Just (tycon, _, _)
+ -> lintStgAlts alts scrut_ty tycon
+ where
+ scrut_ty = get_ty alts
+ get_ty (StgAlgAlts ty _ _) = ty
+ get_ty (StgPrimAlts ty _ _) = ty
+lintStgAlts :: PlainStgCaseAlternatives
+ -> UniType -- Type of scrutinee
+ -> TyCon -- TyCon pinned on the case
+ -> LintM (Maybe UniType) -- Type of alternatives
+lintStgAlts alts scrut_ty case_tycon
+ = (case alts of
+ StgAlgAlts _ alg_alts deflt ->
+ chk_non_abstract_type case_tycon `thenL_`
+ mapL (lintAlgAlt scrut_ty) alg_alts `thenL` \ maybe_alt_tys ->
+ lintDeflt deflt scrut_ty `thenL` \ maybe_deflt_ty ->
+ returnL (maybe_deflt_ty : maybe_alt_tys)
+ StgPrimAlts _ prim_alts deflt ->
+ mapL (lintPrimAlt scrut_ty) prim_alts `thenL` \ maybe_alt_tys ->
+ lintDeflt deflt scrut_ty `thenL` \ maybe_deflt_ty ->
+ returnL (maybe_deflt_ty : maybe_alt_tys)
+ ) `thenL` \ maybe_result_tys ->
+ -- Check the result types
+ case catMaybes (maybe_result_tys) of
+ [] -> returnL Nothing
+ (first_ty:tys) -> mapL check tys `thenL_`
+ returnL (Just first_ty)
+ where
+ check ty = checkTys first_ty ty (mkCaseAltMsg alts)
+ where
+ chk_non_abstract_type tycon
+ = case (getTyConFamilySize tycon) of
+ Nothing -> addErrL (mkCaseAbstractMsg tycon)
+ Just _ -> returnL () -- that's cool
+lintAlgAlt scrut_ty (con, args, _, rhs)
+ = (case getUniDataTyCon_maybe scrut_ty of
+ Nothing ->
+ addErrL (mkAlgAltMsg1 scrut_ty)
+ Just (tycon, tys_applied, cons) ->
+ let
+ (_, arg_tys, _) = getInstantiatedDataConSig con tys_applied
+ in
+ checkL (con `elem` cons) (mkAlgAltMsg2 scrut_ty con) `thenL_`
+ checkL (length arg_tys == length args) (mkAlgAltMsg3 con args)
+ `thenL_`
+ mapL check (arg_tys `zipEqual` args) `thenL_`
+ returnL ()
+ ) `thenL_`
+ addInScopeVars args (
+ lintStgExpr rhs
+ )
+ where
+ check (ty, arg) = checkTys ty (getIdUniType arg) (mkAlgAltMsg4 ty arg)
+ -- elem: yes, the elem-list here can sometimes be long-ish,
+ -- but as it's use-once, probably not worth doing anything different
+ -- We give it its own copy, so it isn't overloaded.
+ elem _ [] = False
+ elem x (y:ys) = x==y || elem x ys
+lintPrimAlt scrut_ty alt@(lit,rhs)
+ = checkTys (typeOfBasicLit lit) scrut_ty (mkPrimAltMsg alt) `thenL_`
+ lintStgExpr rhs
+lintDeflt StgNoDefault scrut_ty = returnL Nothing
+lintDeflt deflt@(StgBindDefault binder _ rhs) scrut_ty
+ = checkTys (getIdUniType binder) scrut_ty (mkDefltMsg deflt) `thenL_`
+ addInScopeVars [binder] (
+ lintStgExpr rhs
+ )
+%* *
+\subsection[lint-monad]{The Lint monad}
+%* *
+type LintM a = [LintLocInfo] -- Locations
+ -> UniqSet Id -- Local vars in scope
+ -> Bag ErrMsg -- Error messages so far
+ -> (a, Bag ErrMsg) -- Result and error messages (if any)
+type ErrMsg = PprStyle -> Pretty
+data LintLocInfo
+ = RhsOf Id -- The variable bound
+ | LambdaBodyOf [Id] -- The lambda-binder
+ | BodyOfLetRec [Id] -- One of the binders
+instance Outputable LintLocInfo where
+ ppr sty (RhsOf v)
+ = ppBesides [ppr sty (getSrcLoc v), ppStr ": [RHS of ", pp_binders sty [v], ppStr "]"]
+ ppr sty (LambdaBodyOf bs)
+ = ppBesides [ppr sty (getSrcLoc (head bs)),
+ ppStr ": [in body of lambda with binders ", pp_binders sty bs, ppStr "]"]
+ ppr sty (BodyOfLetRec bs)
+ = ppBesides [ppr sty (getSrcLoc (head bs)),
+ ppStr ": [in body of letrec with binders ", pp_binders sty bs, ppStr "]"]
+pp_binders :: PprStyle -> [Id] -> Pretty
+pp_binders sty bs
+ = ppInterleave ppComma (map pp_binder bs)
+ where
+ pp_binder b
+ = ppCat [ppr sty b, ppStr "::", ppr sty (getIdUniType b)]
+initL :: LintM a -> Maybe ErrMsg
+initL m
+ = case (m [] emptyUniqSet emptyBag) of { (_, errs) ->
+ if isEmptyBag errs then
+ Nothing
+ else
+ Just ( \ sty ->
+ ppAboves [ msg sty | msg <- bagToList errs ]
+ )
+ }
+returnL :: a -> LintM a
+returnL r loc scope errs = (r, errs)
+thenL :: LintM a -> (a -> LintM b) -> LintM b
+thenL m k loc scope errs
+ = case m loc scope errs of
+ (r, errs') -> k r loc scope errs'
+thenL_ :: LintM a -> LintM b -> LintM b
+thenL_ m k loc scope errs
+ = case m loc scope errs of
+ (_, errs') -> k loc scope errs'
+thenMaybeL :: LintM (Maybe a) -> (a -> LintM (Maybe b)) -> LintM (Maybe b)
+thenMaybeL m k loc scope errs
+ = case m loc scope errs of
+ (Nothing, errs2) -> (Nothing, errs2)
+ (Just r, errs2) -> k r loc scope errs2
+thenMaybeL_ :: LintM (Maybe a) -> LintM (Maybe b) -> LintM (Maybe b)
+thenMaybeL_ m k loc scope errs
+ = case m loc scope errs of
+ (Nothing, errs2) -> (Nothing, errs2)
+ (Just _, errs2) -> k loc scope errs2
+mapL :: (a -> LintM b) -> [a] -> LintM [b]
+mapL f [] = returnL []
+mapL f (x:xs)
+ = f x `thenL` \ r ->
+ mapL f xs `thenL` \ rs ->
+ returnL (r:rs)
+mapMaybeL :: (a -> LintM (Maybe b)) -> [a] -> LintM (Maybe [b])
+ -- Returns Nothing if anything fails
+mapMaybeL f [] = returnL (Just [])
+mapMaybeL f (x:xs)
+ = f x `thenMaybeL` \ r ->
+ mapMaybeL f xs `thenMaybeL` \ rs ->
+ returnL (Just (r:rs))
+checkL :: Bool -> ErrMsg -> LintM ()
+checkL True msg loc scope errs = ((), errs)
+checkL False msg loc scope errs = ((), addErr errs msg loc)
+addErrL :: ErrMsg -> LintM ()
+addErrL msg loc scope errs = ((), addErr errs msg loc)
+addErr :: Bag ErrMsg -> ErrMsg -> [LintLocInfo] -> Bag ErrMsg
+addErr errs_so_far msg locs
+ = errs_so_far `snocBag` ( \ sty ->
+ ppHang (ppr sty (head locs)) 4 (msg sty)
+ )
+addLoc :: LintLocInfo -> LintM a -> LintM a
+addLoc extra_loc m loc scope errs
+ = m (extra_loc:loc) scope errs
+addInScopeVars :: [Id] -> LintM a -> LintM a
+addInScopeVars ids m loc scope errs
+ = -- We check if these "new" ids are already
+ -- in scope, i.e., we have *shadowing* going on.
+ -- For now, it's just a "trace"; we may make
+ -- a real error out of it...
+ let
+ new_set = mkUniqSet ids
+ shadowed = scope `intersectUniqSets` new_set
+ in
+-- After adding -fliberate-case, Simon decided he likes shadowed
+-- names after all. WDP 94/07
+-- (if isEmptyUniqSet shadowed
+-- then id
+-- else pprTrace "Shadowed vars:" (ppr PprDebug (uniqSetToList shadowed))) (
+ m loc (scope `unionUniqSets` new_set) errs
+-- )
+checkFunApp :: UniType -- The function type
+ -> [UniType] -- The arg type(s)
+ -> ErrMsg -- Error messgae
+ -> LintM (Maybe UniType) -- The result type
+checkFunApp fun_ty arg_tys msg loc scope errs
+ = cfa res_ty expected_arg_tys arg_tys
+ where
+ (_, expected_arg_tys, res_ty) = splitTypeWithDictsAsArgs fun_ty
+ cfa res_ty expected [] -- Args have run out; that's fine
+ = (Just (glueTyArgs expected res_ty), errs)
+ cfa res_ty [] arg_tys -- Expected arg tys ran out first;
+ -- first see if res_ty is a tyvar template;
+ -- otherwise, maybe res_ty is a
+ -- dictionary type which is actually a function?
+ | isTyVarTemplateTy res_ty
+ = (Just res_ty, errs)
+ | otherwise
+ = case splitTyArgs (unDictifyTy res_ty) of
+ ([], _) -> (Nothing, addErr errs msg loc) -- Too many args
+ (new_expected, new_res) -> cfa new_res new_expected arg_tys
+ cfa res_ty (expected_arg_ty:expected_arg_tys) (arg_ty:arg_tys)
+ = case (sleazy_cmp_ty expected_arg_ty arg_ty) of
+ EQ_ -> cfa res_ty expected_arg_tys arg_tys
+ _ -> (Nothing, addErr errs msg loc) -- Arg mis-match
+checkInScope :: Id -> LintM ()
+checkInScope id loc scope errs
+ = if isLocallyDefined id && not (isDataCon id) && not (id `elementOfUniqSet` scope) then
+ ((), addErr errs (\ sty -> ppCat [ppr sty id, ppStr "is out of scope"]) loc)
+ else
+ ((), errs)
+checkTys :: UniType -> UniType -> ErrMsg -> LintM ()
+checkTys ty1 ty2 msg loc scope errs
+ = case (sleazy_cmp_ty ty1 ty2) of
+ EQ_ -> ((), errs)
+ other -> ((), addErr errs msg loc)
+mkCaseAltMsg :: PlainStgCaseAlternatives -> ErrMsg
+mkCaseAltMsg alts sty
+ = ppAbove (ppStr "In some case alternatives, type of alternatives not all same:")
+ -- LATER: (ppr sty alts)
+ (panic "mkCaseAltMsg")
+mkCaseDataConMsg :: PlainStgExpr -> ErrMsg
+mkCaseDataConMsg expr sty
+ = ppAbove (ppStr "A case scrutinee not a type-constructor type:")
+ (pp_expr sty expr)
+mkCaseAbstractMsg :: TyCon -> ErrMsg
+mkCaseAbstractMsg tycon sty
+ = ppAbove (ppStr "An algebraic case on an abstract type:")
+ (ppr sty tycon)
+mkDefltMsg :: PlainStgCaseDefault -> ErrMsg
+mkDefltMsg deflt sty
+ = ppAbove (ppStr "Binder in default case of a case expression doesn't match type of scrutinee:")
+ --LATER: (ppr sty deflt)
+ (panic "mkDefltMsg")
+mkFunAppMsg :: UniType -> [UniType] -> PlainStgExpr -> ErrMsg
+mkFunAppMsg fun_ty arg_tys expr sty
+ = ppAboves [ppStr "In a function application, function type doesn't match arg types:",
+ ppHang (ppStr "Function type:") 4 (ppr sty fun_ty),
+ ppHang (ppStr "Arg types:") 4 (ppAboves (map (ppr sty) arg_tys)),
+ ppHang (ppStr "Expression:") 4 (pp_expr sty expr)]
+mkRhsConMsg :: UniType -> [UniType] -> ErrMsg
+mkRhsConMsg fun_ty arg_tys sty
+ = ppAboves [ppStr "In a RHS constructor application, con type doesn't match arg types:",
+ ppHang (ppStr "Constructor type:") 4 (ppr sty fun_ty),
+ ppHang (ppStr "Arg types:") 4 (ppAboves (map (ppr sty) arg_tys))]
+mkUnappTyMsg :: Id -> UniType -> ErrMsg
+mkUnappTyMsg var ty sty
+ = ppAboves [ppStr "Variable has a for-all type, but isn't applied to any types.",
+ ppBeside (ppStr "Var: ") (ppr sty var),
+ ppBeside (ppStr "Its type: ") (ppr sty ty)]
+mkAlgAltMsg1 :: UniType -> ErrMsg
+mkAlgAltMsg1 ty sty
+ = ppAbove (ppStr "In some case statement, type of scrutinee is not a data type:")
+ (ppr sty ty)
+mkAlgAltMsg2 :: UniType -> Id -> ErrMsg
+mkAlgAltMsg2 ty con sty
+ = ppAboves [
+ ppStr "In some algebraic case alternative, constructor is not a constructor of scrutinee type:",
+ ppr sty ty,
+ ppr sty con
+ ]
+mkAlgAltMsg3 :: Id -> [Id] -> ErrMsg
+mkAlgAltMsg3 con alts sty
+ = ppAboves [
+ ppStr "In some algebraic case alternative, number of arguments doesn't match constructor:",
+ ppr sty con,
+ ppr sty alts
+ ]
+mkAlgAltMsg4 :: UniType -> Id -> ErrMsg
+mkAlgAltMsg4 ty arg sty
+ = ppAboves [
+ ppStr "In some algebraic case alternative, type of argument doesn't match data constructor:",
+ ppr sty ty,
+ ppr sty arg
+ ]
+mkPrimAltMsg :: (BasicLit, PlainStgExpr) -> ErrMsg
+mkPrimAltMsg alt sty
+ = ppAbove (ppStr "In a primitive case alternative, type of literal doesn't match type of scrutinee:")
+ (ppr sty alt)
+mkRhsMsg :: Id -> UniType -> ErrMsg
+mkRhsMsg binder ty sty
+ = ppAboves [ppCat [ppStr "The type of this binder doesn't match the type of its RHS:",
+ ppr sty binder],
+ ppCat [ppStr "Binder's type:", ppr sty (getIdUniType binder)],
+ ppCat [ppStr "Rhs type:", ppr sty ty]
+ ]
+pp_expr :: PprStyle -> PlainStgExpr -> Pretty
+pp_expr sty expr = ppr sty expr
+sleazy_cmp_ty ty1 ty2
+ -- NB: probably severe overkill (WDP 95/04)
+ = case (splitTypeWithDictsAsArgs ty1) of { (_,tyargs1,tyres1) ->
+ case (splitTypeWithDictsAsArgs ty2) of { (_,tyargs2,tyres2) ->
+ let
+ ty11 = glueTyArgs tyargs1 tyres1
+ ty22 = glueTyArgs tyargs2 tyres2
+ in
+ cmpUniType False{-!!!NOT PROPERLY!!!-} ty11 ty22
+ }}
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgSyn.hi b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgSyn.hi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31c584eeb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgSyn.hi
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+interface StgSyn where
+import Bag(Bag)
+import BasicLit(BasicLit, isLitLitLit)
+import CharSeq(CSeq)
+import Class(Class, ClassOp, cmpClass)
+import CmdLineOpts(GlobalSwitch)
+import CostCentre(CcKind, CostCentre, IsCafCC, IsDupdCC)
+import HsBinds(Bind, Binds, Sig)
+import HsExpr(ArithSeqInfo, Expr, Qual)
+import HsLit(Literal)
+import HsMatches(GRHS, GRHSsAndBinds, Match)
+import HsPat(InPat)
+import HsTypes(PolyType)
+import Id(Id, IdDetails)
+import IdEnv(IdEnv(..))
+import IdInfo(ArgUsageInfo, ArityInfo, DeforestInfo, DemandInfo, FBTypeInfo, IdInfo, SpecEnv, StrictnessInfo, UpdateInfo)
+import Inst(Inst)
+import InstEnv(InstTemplate)
+import Maybes(Labda)
+import Name(Name)
+import NameTypes(FullName, Provenance, ShortName)
+import Outputable(ExportFlag, NamedThing(..), Outputable(..))
+import PreludePS(_PackedString)
+import PreludeRatio(Ratio(..))
+import Pretty(Delay, PprStyle, Pretty(..), PrettyRep)
+import PrimKind(PrimKind)
+import PrimOps(PrimOp)
+import SimplEnv(UnfoldingDetails)
+import SrcLoc(SrcLoc)
+import TyCon(TyCon, cmpTyCon)
+import TyVar(TyVar, TyVarTemplate, cmpTyVar)
+import TyVarEnv(TyVarEnv(..))
+import UniType(SigmaType(..), TauType(..), ThetaType(..), UniType, cmpUniType)
+import UniqFM(UniqFM)
+import UniqSet(UniqSet(..))
+import Unique(Unique)
+class NamedThing a where
+ getExportFlag :: a -> ExportFlag
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA {-meth-} _A_ 1 _U_ 12 _N_ _S_ "S" _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 1 1 C 2 _/\_ u0 -> \ (u1 :: (u0 -> ExportFlag, u0 -> Bool, u0 -> (_PackedString, _PackedString), u0 -> _PackedString, u0 -> [_PackedString], u0 -> SrcLoc, u0 -> Unique, u0 -> Bool, u0 -> UniType, u0 -> Bool)) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ _TUP_10 (u2 :: u0 -> ExportFlag) (u3 :: u0 -> Bool) (u4 :: u0 -> (_PackedString, _PackedString)) (u5 :: u0 -> _PackedString) (u6 :: u0 -> [_PackedString]) (u7 :: u0 -> SrcLoc) (u8 :: u0 -> Unique) (u9 :: u0 -> Bool) (ua :: u0 -> UniType) (ub :: u0 -> Bool) -> u2; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_
+ {-defm-} _A_ 2 _U_ 02 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 1 2 XX 3 _/\_ u0 -> \ (u1 :: {{NamedThing u0}}) (u2 :: u0) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ patError# { (u0 -> ExportFlag) } [ _NOREP_S_ "%DOutputable.NamedThing.getExportFlag\"", u2 ] _N_ #-}
+ isLocallyDefined :: a -> Bool
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA {-meth-} _A_ 1 _U_ 12 _N_ _S_ "S" _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 1 1 C 2 _/\_ u0 -> \ (u1 :: (u0 -> ExportFlag, u0 -> Bool, u0 -> (_PackedString, _PackedString), u0 -> _PackedString, u0 -> [_PackedString], u0 -> SrcLoc, u0 -> Unique, u0 -> Bool, u0 -> UniType, u0 -> Bool)) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ _TUP_10 (u2 :: u0 -> ExportFlag) (u3 :: u0 -> Bool) (u4 :: u0 -> (_PackedString, _PackedString)) (u5 :: u0 -> _PackedString) (u6 :: u0 -> [_PackedString]) (u7 :: u0 -> SrcLoc) (u8 :: u0 -> Unique) (u9 :: u0 -> Bool) (ua :: u0 -> UniType) (ub :: u0 -> Bool) -> u3; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_
+ {-defm-} _A_ 2 _U_ 02 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 1 2 XX 3 _/\_ u0 -> \ (u1 :: {{NamedThing u0}}) (u2 :: u0) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ patError# { (u0 -> Bool) } [ _NOREP_S_ "%DOutputable.NamedThing.isLocallyDefined\"", u2 ] _N_ #-}
+ getOrigName :: a -> (_PackedString, _PackedString)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA {-meth-} _A_ 1 _U_ 12 _N_ _S_ "S" _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 1 1 C 2 _/\_ u0 -> \ (u1 :: (u0 -> ExportFlag, u0 -> Bool, u0 -> (_PackedString, _PackedString), u0 -> _PackedString, u0 -> [_PackedString], u0 -> SrcLoc, u0 -> Unique, u0 -> Bool, u0 -> UniType, u0 -> Bool)) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ _TUP_10 (u2 :: u0 -> ExportFlag) (u3 :: u0 -> Bool) (u4 :: u0 -> (_PackedString, _PackedString)) (u5 :: u0 -> _PackedString) (u6 :: u0 -> [_PackedString]) (u7 :: u0 -> SrcLoc) (u8 :: u0 -> Unique) (u9 :: u0 -> Bool) (ua :: u0 -> UniType) (ub :: u0 -> Bool) -> u4; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_
+ {-defm-} _A_ 2 _U_ 02 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 1 2 XX 3 _/\_ u0 -> \ (u1 :: {{NamedThing u0}}) (u2 :: u0) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ patError# { (u0 -> (_PackedString, _PackedString)) } [ _NOREP_S_ "%DOutputable.NamedThing.getOrigName\"", u2 ] _N_ #-}
+ getOccurrenceName :: a -> _PackedString
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA {-meth-} _A_ 1 _U_ 12 _N_ _S_ "S" _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 1 1 C 2 _/\_ u0 -> \ (u1 :: (u0 -> ExportFlag, u0 -> Bool, u0 -> (_PackedString, _PackedString), u0 -> _PackedString, u0 -> [_PackedString], u0 -> SrcLoc, u0 -> Unique, u0 -> Bool, u0 -> UniType, u0 -> Bool)) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ _TUP_10 (u2 :: u0 -> ExportFlag) (u3 :: u0 -> Bool) (u4 :: u0 -> (_PackedString, _PackedString)) (u5 :: u0 -> _PackedString) (u6 :: u0 -> [_PackedString]) (u7 :: u0 -> SrcLoc) (u8 :: u0 -> Unique) (u9 :: u0 -> Bool) (ua :: u0 -> UniType) (ub :: u0 -> Bool) -> u5; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_
+ {-defm-} _A_ 2 _U_ 02 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 1 2 XX 3 _/\_ u0 -> \ (u1 :: {{NamedThing u0}}) (u2 :: u0) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ patError# { (u0 -> _PackedString) } [ _NOREP_S_ "%DOutputable.NamedThing.getOccurrenceName\"", u2 ] _N_ #-}
+ getInformingModules :: a -> [_PackedString]
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA {-meth-} _A_ 1 _U_ 12 _N_ _S_ "S" _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 1 1 C 2 _/\_ u0 -> \ (u1 :: (u0 -> ExportFlag, u0 -> Bool, u0 -> (_PackedString, _PackedString), u0 -> _PackedString, u0 -> [_PackedString], u0 -> SrcLoc, u0 -> Unique, u0 -> Bool, u0 -> UniType, u0 -> Bool)) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ _TUP_10 (u2 :: u0 -> ExportFlag) (u3 :: u0 -> Bool) (u4 :: u0 -> (_PackedString, _PackedString)) (u5 :: u0 -> _PackedString) (u6 :: u0 -> [_PackedString]) (u7 :: u0 -> SrcLoc) (u8 :: u0 -> Unique) (u9 :: u0 -> Bool) (ua :: u0 -> UniType) (ub :: u0 -> Bool) -> u6; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_
+ {-defm-} _A_ 2 _U_ 02 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 1 2 XX 3 _/\_ u0 -> \ (u1 :: {{NamedThing u0}}) (u2 :: u0) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ patError# { (u0 -> [_PackedString]) } [ _NOREP_S_ "%DOutputable.NamedThing.getInformingModules\"", u2 ] _N_ #-}
+ getSrcLoc :: a -> SrcLoc
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA {-meth-} _A_ 1 _U_ 12 _N_ _S_ "S" _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 1 1 C 2 _/\_ u0 -> \ (u1 :: (u0 -> ExportFlag, u0 -> Bool, u0 -> (_PackedString, _PackedString), u0 -> _PackedString, u0 -> [_PackedString], u0 -> SrcLoc, u0 -> Unique, u0 -> Bool, u0 -> UniType, u0 -> Bool)) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ _TUP_10 (u2 :: u0 -> ExportFlag) (u3 :: u0 -> Bool) (u4 :: u0 -> (_PackedString, _PackedString)) (u5 :: u0 -> _PackedString) (u6 :: u0 -> [_PackedString]) (u7 :: u0 -> SrcLoc) (u8 :: u0 -> Unique) (u9 :: u0 -> Bool) (ua :: u0 -> UniType) (ub :: u0 -> Bool) -> u7; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_
+ {-defm-} _A_ 2 _U_ 02 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 1 2 XX 3 _/\_ u0 -> \ (u1 :: {{NamedThing u0}}) (u2 :: u0) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ patError# { (u0 -> SrcLoc) } [ _NOREP_S_ "%DOutputable.NamedThing.getSrcLoc\"", u2 ] _N_ #-}
+ getTheUnique :: a -> Unique
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA {-meth-} _A_ 1 _U_ 12 _N_ _S_ "S" _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 1 1 C 2 _/\_ u0 -> \ (u1 :: (u0 -> ExportFlag, u0 -> Bool, u0 -> (_PackedString, _PackedString), u0 -> _PackedString, u0 -> [_PackedString], u0 -> SrcLoc, u0 -> Unique, u0 -> Bool, u0 -> UniType, u0 -> Bool)) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ _TUP_10 (u2 :: u0 -> ExportFlag) (u3 :: u0 -> Bool) (u4 :: u0 -> (_PackedString, _PackedString)) (u5 :: u0 -> _PackedString) (u6 :: u0 -> [_PackedString]) (u7 :: u0 -> SrcLoc) (u8 :: u0 -> Unique) (u9 :: u0 -> Bool) (ua :: u0 -> UniType) (ub :: u0 -> Bool) -> u8; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_
+ {-defm-} _A_ 2 _U_ 02 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 1 2 XX 3 _/\_ u0 -> \ (u1 :: {{NamedThing u0}}) (u2 :: u0) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ patError# { (u0 -> Unique) } [ _NOREP_S_ "%DOutputable.NamedThing.getTheUnique\"", u2 ] _N_ #-}
+ hasType :: a -> Bool
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA {-meth-} _A_ 1 _U_ 12 _N_ _S_ "S" _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 1 1 C 2 _/\_ u0 -> \ (u1 :: (u0 -> ExportFlag, u0 -> Bool, u0 -> (_PackedString, _PackedString), u0 -> _PackedString, u0 -> [_PackedString], u0 -> SrcLoc, u0 -> Unique, u0 -> Bool, u0 -> UniType, u0 -> Bool)) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ _TUP_10 (u2 :: u0 -> ExportFlag) (u3 :: u0 -> Bool) (u4 :: u0 -> (_PackedString, _PackedString)) (u5 :: u0 -> _PackedString) (u6 :: u0 -> [_PackedString]) (u7 :: u0 -> SrcLoc) (u8 :: u0 -> Unique) (u9 :: u0 -> Bool) (ua :: u0 -> UniType) (ub :: u0 -> Bool) -> u9; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_
+ {-defm-} _A_ 2 _U_ 02 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 1 2 XX 3 _/\_ u0 -> \ (u1 :: {{NamedThing u0}}) (u2 :: u0) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ patError# { (u0 -> Bool) } [ _NOREP_S_ "%DOutputable.NamedThing.hasType\"", u2 ] _N_ #-}
+ getType :: a -> UniType
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA {-meth-} _A_ 1 _U_ 12 _N_ _S_ "S" _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 1 1 C 2 _/\_ u0 -> \ (u1 :: (u0 -> ExportFlag, u0 -> Bool, u0 -> (_PackedString, _PackedString), u0 -> _PackedString, u0 -> [_PackedString], u0 -> SrcLoc, u0 -> Unique, u0 -> Bool, u0 -> UniType, u0 -> Bool)) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ _TUP_10 (u2 :: u0 -> ExportFlag) (u3 :: u0 -> Bool) (u4 :: u0 -> (_PackedString, _PackedString)) (u5 :: u0 -> _PackedString) (u6 :: u0 -> [_PackedString]) (u7 :: u0 -> SrcLoc) (u8 :: u0 -> Unique) (u9 :: u0 -> Bool) (ua :: u0 -> UniType) (ub :: u0 -> Bool) -> ua; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_
+ {-defm-} _A_ 2 _U_ 02 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 1 2 XX 3 _/\_ u0 -> \ (u1 :: {{NamedThing u0}}) (u2 :: u0) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ patError# { (u0 -> UniType) } [ _NOREP_S_ "%DOutputable.NamedThing.getType\"", u2 ] _N_ #-}
+ fromPreludeCore :: a -> Bool
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA {-meth-} _A_ 1 _U_ 12 _N_ _S_ "S" _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 1 1 C 2 _/\_ u0 -> \ (u1 :: (u0 -> ExportFlag, u0 -> Bool, u0 -> (_PackedString, _PackedString), u0 -> _PackedString, u0 -> [_PackedString], u0 -> SrcLoc, u0 -> Unique, u0 -> Bool, u0 -> UniType, u0 -> Bool)) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ _TUP_10 (u2 :: u0 -> ExportFlag) (u3 :: u0 -> Bool) (u4 :: u0 -> (_PackedString, _PackedString)) (u5 :: u0 -> _PackedString) (u6 :: u0 -> [_PackedString]) (u7 :: u0 -> SrcLoc) (u8 :: u0 -> Unique) (u9 :: u0 -> Bool) (ua :: u0 -> UniType) (ub :: u0 -> Bool) -> ub; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_
+ {-defm-} _A_ 2 _U_ 02 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 1 2 XX 3 _/\_ u0 -> \ (u1 :: {{NamedThing u0}}) (u2 :: u0) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ patError# { (u0 -> Bool) } [ _NOREP_S_ "%DOutputable.NamedThing.fromPreludeCore\"", u2 ] _N_ #-}
+class Outputable a where
+ ppr :: PprStyle -> a -> Int -> Bool -> PrettyRep
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA {-meth-} _A_ 1 _U_ 12222 _N_ _S_ "S" _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 1 1 X 1 _/\_ u0 -> \ (u1 :: PprStyle -> u0 -> Int -> Bool -> PrettyRep) -> u1 _N_
+ {-defm-} _A_ 5 _U_ 02222 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 1 5 XXXXX 6 _/\_ u0 -> \ (u1 :: {{Outputable u0}}) (u2 :: PprStyle) (u3 :: u0) (u4 :: Int) (u5 :: Bool) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ patError# { (PprStyle -> u0 -> Int -> Bool -> PrettyRep) } [ _NOREP_S_ "%DOutputable.Outputable.ppr\"", u2, u3, u4, u5 ] _N_ #-}
+data Bag a {-# GHC_PRAGMA EmptyBag | UnitBag a | TwoBags (Bag a) (Bag a) | ListOfBags [Bag a] #-}
+data BasicLit {-# GHC_PRAGMA MachChar Char | MachStr _PackedString | MachAddr Integer | MachInt Integer Bool | MachFloat (Ratio Integer) | MachDouble (Ratio Integer) | MachLitLit _PackedString PrimKind | NoRepStr _PackedString | NoRepInteger Integer | NoRepRational (Ratio Integer) #-}
+data Class {-# GHC_PRAGMA MkClass Unique FullName TyVarTemplate [Class] [Id] [ClassOp] [Id] [Id] [(UniType, InstTemplate)] [(Class, [Class])] #-}
+data ClassOp {-# GHC_PRAGMA MkClassOp _PackedString Int UniType #-}
+data CostCentre {-# GHC_PRAGMA NoCostCentre | NormalCC CcKind _PackedString _PackedString IsDupdCC IsCafCC | CurrentCC | SubsumedCosts | AllCafsCC _PackedString _PackedString | AllDictsCC _PackedString _PackedString IsDupdCC | OverheadCC | PreludeCafsCC | PreludeDictsCC IsDupdCC | DontCareCC #-}
+data Binds a b {-# GHC_PRAGMA EmptyBinds | ThenBinds (Binds a b) (Binds a b) | SingleBind (Bind a b) | BindWith (Bind a b) [Sig a] | AbsBinds [TyVar] [Id] [(Id, Id)] [(Inst, Expr a b)] (Bind a b) #-}
+data Expr a b {-# GHC_PRAGMA Var a | Lit Literal | Lam (Match a b) | App (Expr a b) (Expr a b) | OpApp (Expr a b) (Expr a b) (Expr a b) | SectionL (Expr a b) (Expr a b) | SectionR (Expr a b) (Expr a b) | CCall _PackedString [Expr a b] Bool Bool UniType | SCC _PackedString (Expr a b) | Case (Expr a b) [Match a b] | If (Expr a b) (Expr a b) (Expr a b) | Let (Binds a b) (Expr a b) | ListComp (Expr a b) [Qual a b] | ExplicitList [Expr a b] | ExplicitListOut UniType [Expr a b] | ExplicitTuple [Expr a b] | ExprWithTySig (Expr a b) (PolyType a) | ArithSeqIn (ArithSeqInfo a b) | ArithSeqOut (Expr a b) (ArithSeqInfo a b) | TyLam [TyVar] (Expr a b) | TyApp (Expr a b) [UniType] | DictLam [Id] (Expr a b) | DictApp (Expr a b) [Id] | ClassDictLam [Id] [Id] (Expr a b) | Dictionary [Id] [Id] | SingleDict Id #-}
+data GRHS a b {-# GHC_PRAGMA GRHS (Expr a b) (Expr a b) SrcLoc | OtherwiseGRHS (Expr a b) SrcLoc #-}
+data GRHSsAndBinds a b {-# GHC_PRAGMA GRHSsAndBindsIn [GRHS a b] (Binds a b) | GRHSsAndBindsOut [GRHS a b] (Binds a b) UniType #-}
+data InPat a {-# GHC_PRAGMA WildPatIn | VarPatIn a | LitPatIn Literal | LazyPatIn (InPat a) | AsPatIn a (InPat a) | ConPatIn a [InPat a] | ConOpPatIn (InPat a) a (InPat a) | ListPatIn [InPat a] | TuplePatIn [InPat a] | NPlusKPatIn a Literal #-}
+data Id {-# GHC_PRAGMA Id Unique UniType IdInfo IdDetails #-}
+type IdEnv a = UniqFM a
+data IdInfo {-# GHC_PRAGMA IdInfo ArityInfo DemandInfo SpecEnv StrictnessInfo UnfoldingDetails UpdateInfo DeforestInfo ArgUsageInfo FBTypeInfo SrcLoc #-}
+data Labda a {-# GHC_PRAGMA Hamna | Ni a #-}
+data Name {-# GHC_PRAGMA Short Unique ShortName | WiredInTyCon TyCon | WiredInVal Id | PreludeVal Unique FullName | PreludeTyCon Unique FullName Int Bool | PreludeClass Unique FullName | OtherTyCon Unique FullName Int Bool [Name] | OtherClass Unique FullName [Name] | OtherTopId Unique FullName | ClassOpName Unique Name _PackedString Int | Unbound _PackedString #-}
+data FullName {-# GHC_PRAGMA FullName _PackedString _PackedString Provenance ExportFlag Bool SrcLoc #-}
+data ShortName {-# GHC_PRAGMA ShortName _PackedString SrcLoc #-}
+data ExportFlag {-# GHC_PRAGMA ExportAll | ExportAbs | NotExported #-}
+type PlainStgAtom = StgAtom Id
+type PlainStgBinding = StgBinding Id Id
+type PlainStgCaseAlternatives = StgCaseAlternatives Id Id
+type PlainStgCaseDefault = StgCaseDefault Id Id
+type PlainStgExpr = StgExpr Id Id
+type PlainStgLiveVars = UniqFM Id
+type PlainStgProgram = [StgBinding Id Id]
+type PlainStgRhs = StgRhs Id Id
+data PprStyle {-# GHC_PRAGMA PprForUser | PprDebug | PprShowAll | PprInterface (GlobalSwitch -> Bool) | PprForC (GlobalSwitch -> Bool) | PprUnfolding (GlobalSwitch -> Bool) | PprForAsm (GlobalSwitch -> Bool) Bool ([Char] -> [Char]) #-}
+type Pretty = Int -> Bool -> PrettyRep
+data PrettyRep {-# GHC_PRAGMA MkPrettyRep CSeq (Delay Int) Bool Bool #-}
+data PrimKind {-# GHC_PRAGMA PtrKind | CodePtrKind | DataPtrKind | RetKind | InfoPtrKind | CostCentreKind | CharKind | IntKind | WordKind | AddrKind | FloatKind | DoubleKind | MallocPtrKind | StablePtrKind | ArrayKind | ByteArrayKind | VoidKind #-}
+data PrimOp
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA CharGtOp | CharGeOp | CharEqOp | CharNeOp | CharLtOp | CharLeOp | IntGtOp | IntGeOp | IntEqOp | IntNeOp | IntLtOp | IntLeOp | WordGtOp | WordGeOp | WordEqOp | WordNeOp | WordLtOp | WordLeOp | AddrGtOp | AddrGeOp | AddrEqOp | AddrNeOp | AddrLtOp | AddrLeOp | FloatGtOp | FloatGeOp | FloatEqOp | FloatNeOp | FloatLtOp | FloatLeOp | DoubleGtOp | DoubleGeOp | DoubleEqOp | DoubleNeOp | DoubleLtOp | DoubleLeOp | OrdOp | ChrOp | IntAddOp | IntSubOp | IntMulOp | IntQuotOp | IntDivOp | IntRemOp | IntNegOp | IntAbsOp | AndOp | OrOp | NotOp | SllOp | SraOp | SrlOp | ISllOp | ISraOp | ISrlOp | Int2WordOp | Word2IntOp | Int2AddrOp | Addr2IntOp | FloatAddOp | FloatSubOp | FloatMulOp | FloatDivOp | FloatNegOp | Float2IntOp | Int2FloatOp | FloatExpOp | FloatLogOp | FloatSqrtOp | FloatSinOp | FloatCosOp | FloatTanOp | FloatAsinOp | FloatAcosOp | FloatAtanOp | FloatSinhOp | FloatCoshOp | FloatTanhOp | FloatPowerOp | DoubleAddOp | DoubleSubOp | DoubleMulOp | DoubleDivOp | DoubleNegOp | Double2IntOp | Int2DoubleOp | Double2FloatOp | Float2DoubleOp | DoubleExpOp | DoubleLogOp | DoubleSqrtOp | DoubleSinOp | DoubleCosOp | DoubleTanOp | DoubleAsinOp | DoubleAcosOp | DoubleAtanOp | DoubleSinhOp | DoubleCoshOp | DoubleTanhOp | DoublePowerOp | IntegerAddOp | IntegerSubOp | IntegerMulOp | IntegerQuotRemOp | IntegerDivModOp | IntegerNegOp | IntegerCmpOp | Integer2IntOp | Int2IntegerOp | Word2IntegerOp | Addr2IntegerOp | FloatEncodeOp | FloatDecodeOp | DoubleEncodeOp | DoubleDecodeOp | NewArrayOp | NewByteArrayOp PrimKind | SameMutableArrayOp | SameMutableByteArrayOp | ReadArrayOp | WriteArrayOp | IndexArrayOp | ReadByteArrayOp PrimKind | WriteByteArrayOp PrimKind | IndexByteArrayOp PrimKind | IndexOffAddrOp PrimKind | UnsafeFreezeArrayOp | UnsafeFreezeByteArrayOp | NewSynchVarOp | TakeMVarOp | PutMVarOp | ReadIVarOp | WriteIVarOp | MakeStablePtrOp | DeRefStablePtrOp | CCallOp _PackedString Bool Bool [UniType] UniType | ErrorIOPrimOp | ReallyUnsafePtrEqualityOp | SeqOp | ParOp | ForkOp | DelayOp | WaitOp #-}
+data SrcLoc {-# GHC_PRAGMA SrcLoc _PackedString _PackedString | SrcLoc2 _PackedString Int# #-}
+data StgAtom a = StgVarAtom a | StgLitAtom BasicLit
+data StgBinderInfo = NoStgBinderInfo | StgBinderInfo Bool Bool Bool Bool Bool
+data StgBinding a b = StgNonRec a (StgRhs a b) | StgRec [(a, StgRhs a b)]
+data StgCaseAlternatives a b = StgAlgAlts UniType [(Id, [a], [Bool], StgExpr a b)] (StgCaseDefault a b) | StgPrimAlts UniType [(BasicLit, StgExpr a b)] (StgCaseDefault a b)
+data StgCaseDefault a b = StgNoDefault | StgBindDefault a Bool (StgExpr a b)
+data StgExpr a b = StgApp (StgAtom b) [StgAtom b] (UniqFM b) | StgConApp Id [StgAtom b] (UniqFM b) | StgPrimApp PrimOp [StgAtom b] (UniqFM b) | StgCase (StgExpr a b) (UniqFM b) (UniqFM b) Unique (StgCaseAlternatives a b) | StgLet (StgBinding a b) (StgExpr a b) | StgLetNoEscape (UniqFM b) (UniqFM b) (StgBinding a b) (StgExpr a b) | StgSCC UniType CostCentre (StgExpr a b)
+type StgLiveVars a = UniqFM a
+data StgRhs a b = StgRhsClosure CostCentre StgBinderInfo [b] UpdateFlag [a] (StgExpr a b) | StgRhsCon CostCentre Id [StgAtom b]
+data TyCon {-# GHC_PRAGMA SynonymTyCon Unique FullName Int [TyVarTemplate] UniType Bool | DataTyCon Unique FullName Int [TyVarTemplate] [Id] [Class] Bool | TupleTyCon Int | PrimTyCon Unique FullName Int ([PrimKind] -> PrimKind) | SpecTyCon TyCon [Labda UniType] #-}
+data TyVar {-# GHC_PRAGMA PrimSysTyVar Unique | PolySysTyVar Unique | OpenSysTyVar Unique | UserTyVar Unique ShortName #-}
+data TyVarTemplate {-# GHC_PRAGMA SysTyVarTemplate Unique _PackedString | UserTyVarTemplate Unique ShortName #-}
+type TyVarEnv a = UniqFM a
+type SigmaType = UniType
+type TauType = UniType
+type ThetaType = [(Class, UniType)]
+data UniType {-# GHC_PRAGMA UniTyVar TyVar | UniFun UniType UniType | UniData TyCon [UniType] | UniSyn TyCon [UniType] UniType | UniDict Class UniType | UniTyVarTemplate TyVarTemplate | UniForall TyVarTemplate UniType #-}
+data UniqFM a {-# GHC_PRAGMA EmptyUFM | LeafUFM Int# a | NodeUFM Int# Int# (UniqFM a) (UniqFM a) #-}
+type UniqSet a = UniqFM a
+data Unique {-# GHC_PRAGMA MkUnique Int# #-}
+data UpdateFlag = ReEntrant | Updatable | SingleEntry
+isLitLitLit :: BasicLit -> Bool
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "S" _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 C 12 \ (u0 :: BasicLit) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ BasicLit MachLitLit (u1 :: _PackedString) (u2 :: PrimKind) -> _!_ True [] []; (u3 :: BasicLit) -> _!_ False [] [] } _N_ #-}
+cmpClass :: Class -> Class -> Int#
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(U(P)AAAAAAAAA)U(U(P)AAAAAAAAA)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+cmpTyCon :: TyCon -> TyCon -> Int#
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ #-}
+cmpTyVar :: TyVar -> TyVar -> Int#
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ #-}
+cmpUniType :: Bool -> UniType -> UniType -> Int#
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 3 _U_ 222 _N_ _S_ "LSS" _N_ _N_ #-}
+collectExportedStgBinders :: [StgBinding Id Id] -> [Id]
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "S" _N_ _N_ #-}
+combineStgBinderInfo :: StgBinderInfo -> StgBinderInfo -> StgBinderInfo
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ #-}
+getAtomKind :: StgAtom Id -> PrimKind
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "S" _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 C 6 \ (u0 :: StgAtom Id) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ StgSyn StgVarAtom (u1 :: Id) -> _APP_ _ORIG_ Id getIdKind [ u1 ]; _ORIG_ StgSyn StgLitAtom (u2 :: BasicLit) -> _APP_ _ORIG_ BasicLit kindOfBasicLit [ u2 ]; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_ #-}
+isLitLitStgAtom :: StgAtom a -> Bool
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "S" _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 1 1 C 5 _/\_ u0 -> \ (u1 :: StgAtom u0) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ StgSyn StgVarAtom (u2 :: u0) -> _!_ False [] []; _ORIG_ StgSyn StgLitAtom (u3 :: BasicLit) -> _APP_ _ORIG_ BasicLit isLitLitLit [ u3 ]; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_ #-}
+pprPlainStgBinding :: PprStyle -> StgBinding Id Id -> Int -> Bool -> PrettyRep
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 2122 _N_ _S_ "LS" _N_ _N_ #-}
+stgArgOcc :: StgBinderInfo
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+stgArity :: StgRhs Id Id -> Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "S" _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 C 6 \ (u0 :: StgRhs Id Id) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ StgSyn StgRhsCon (u1 :: CostCentre) (u2 :: Id) (u3 :: [StgAtom Id]) -> _!_ I# [] [0#]; _ORIG_ StgSyn StgRhsClosure (u4 :: CostCentre) (u5 :: StgBinderInfo) (u6 :: [Id]) (u7 :: UpdateFlag) (u8 :: [Id]) (u9 :: StgExpr Id Id) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ _ORIG_ PreludeList length { Id } [ u8 ]; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_ #-}
+stgFakeFunAppOcc :: StgBinderInfo
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+stgNoUpdHeapOcc :: StgBinderInfo
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+stgNormalOcc :: StgBinderInfo
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+stgStdHeapOcc :: StgBinderInfo
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+stgUnsatOcc :: StgBinderInfo
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Eq BasicLit
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ BasicLit {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 3 _!_ _TUP_2 [(BasicLit -> BasicLit -> Bool), (BasicLit -> BasicLit -> Bool)] [_CONSTM_ Eq (==) (BasicLit), _CONSTM_ Eq (/=) (BasicLit)] _N_
+ (==) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ (/=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Eq Class
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ Class {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 3 _!_ _TUP_2 [(Class -> Class -> Bool), (Class -> Class -> Bool)] [_CONSTM_ Eq (==) (Class), _CONSTM_ Eq (/=) (Class)] _N_
+ (==) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(U(P)AAAAAAAAA)U(U(P)AAAAAAAAA)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XX 1 \ (u0 :: Int#) (u1 :: Int#) -> _#_ eqInt# [] [u0, u1] _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 CC 5 \ (u0 :: Class) (u1 :: Class) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Class MkClass (u2 :: Unique) (u3 :: FullName) (u4 :: TyVarTemplate) (u5 :: [Class]) (u6 :: [Id]) (u7 :: [ClassOp]) (u8 :: [Id]) (u9 :: [Id]) (ua :: [(UniType, InstTemplate)]) (ub :: [(Class, [Class])]) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Class MkClass (uc :: Unique) (ud :: FullName) (ue :: TyVarTemplate) (uf :: [Class]) (ug :: [Id]) (uh :: [ClassOp]) (ui :: [Id]) (uj :: [Id]) (uk :: [(UniType, InstTemplate)]) (ul :: [(Class, [Class])]) -> case u2 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Unique MkUnique (um :: Int#) -> case uc of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Unique MkUnique (un :: Int#) -> _#_ eqInt# [] [um, un]; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_,
+ (/=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(U(P)AAAAAAAAA)U(U(P)AAAAAAAAA)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XX 5 \ (u0 :: Int#) (u1 :: Int#) -> case _#_ eqInt# [] [u0, u1] of { _ALG_ True -> _!_ False [] []; False -> _!_ True [] []; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 CC 5 \ (u0 :: Class) (u1 :: Class) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Class MkClass (u2 :: Unique) (u3 :: FullName) (u4 :: TyVarTemplate) (u5 :: [Class]) (u6 :: [Id]) (u7 :: [ClassOp]) (u8 :: [Id]) (u9 :: [Id]) (ua :: [(UniType, InstTemplate)]) (ub :: [(Class, [Class])]) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Class MkClass (uc :: Unique) (ud :: FullName) (ue :: TyVarTemplate) (uf :: [Class]) (ug :: [Id]) (uh :: [ClassOp]) (ui :: [Id]) (uj :: [Id]) (uk :: [(UniType, InstTemplate)]) (ul :: [(Class, [Class])]) -> _APP_ _CONSTM_ Eq (/=) (Unique) [ u2, uc ]; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_ #-}
+instance Eq ClassOp
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ Class {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 3 _!_ _TUP_2 [(ClassOp -> ClassOp -> Bool), (ClassOp -> ClassOp -> Bool)] [_CONSTM_ Eq (==) (ClassOp), _CONSTM_ Eq (/=) (ClassOp)] _N_
+ (==) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(AU(P)A)U(AU(P)A)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XX 1 \ (u0 :: Int#) (u1 :: Int#) -> _#_ eqInt# [] [u0, u1] _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 CC 5 \ (u0 :: ClassOp) (u1 :: ClassOp) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Class MkClassOp (u2 :: _PackedString) (u3 :: Int) (u4 :: UniType) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Class MkClassOp (u5 :: _PackedString) (u6 :: Int) (u7 :: UniType) -> case u3 of { _ALG_ I# (u8 :: Int#) -> case u6 of { _ALG_ I# (u9 :: Int#) -> _#_ eqInt# [] [u8, u9]; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_,
+ (/=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(AU(P)A)U(AU(P)A)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XX 1 \ (u0 :: Int#) (u1 :: Int#) -> _#_ eqInt# [] [u0, u1] _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 CC 5 \ (u0 :: ClassOp) (u1 :: ClassOp) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Class MkClassOp (u2 :: _PackedString) (u3 :: Int) (u4 :: UniType) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Class MkClassOp (u5 :: _PackedString) (u6 :: Int) (u7 :: UniType) -> case u3 of { _ALG_ I# (u8 :: Int#) -> case u6 of { _ALG_ I# (u9 :: Int#) -> _#_ eqInt# [] [u8, u9]; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_ #-}
+instance Eq Id
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ Id {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 3 _!_ _TUP_2 [(Id -> Id -> Bool), (Id -> Id -> Bool)] [_CONSTM_ Eq (==) (Id), _CONSTM_ Eq (/=) (Id)] _N_
+ (==) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(U(P)AAA)U(U(P)AAA)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XX 5 \ (u0 :: Int#) (u1 :: Int#) -> case _APP_ _WRKR_ _ORIG_ Id cmpId [ u0, u1 ] of { _PRIM_ 0# -> _!_ True [] []; (u2 :: Int#) -> _!_ False [] [] } _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XX 5 \ (u0 :: Id) (u1 :: Id) -> case _APP_ _ORIG_ Id cmpId [ u0, u1 ] of { _PRIM_ 0# -> _!_ True [] []; (u2 :: Int#) -> _!_ False [] [] } _N_,
+ (/=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(U(P)AAA)U(U(P)AAA)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XX 5 \ (u0 :: Int#) (u1 :: Int#) -> case _APP_ _WRKR_ _ORIG_ Id cmpId [ u0, u1 ] of { _PRIM_ 0# -> _!_ False [] []; (u2 :: Int#) -> _!_ True [] [] } _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XX 5 \ (u0 :: Id) (u1 :: Id) -> case _APP_ _ORIG_ Id cmpId [ u0, u1 ] of { _PRIM_ 0# -> _!_ False [] []; (u2 :: Int#) -> _!_ True [] [] } _N_ #-}
+instance Eq PrimKind
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ PrimKind {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 3 _!_ _TUP_2 [(PrimKind -> PrimKind -> Bool), (PrimKind -> PrimKind -> Bool)] [_CONSTM_ Eq (==) (PrimKind), _CONSTM_ Eq (/=) (PrimKind)] _N_
+ (==) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "EE" _N_ _N_,
+ (/=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "EE" _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Eq PrimOp
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ PrimOps {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 3 _!_ _TUP_2 [(PrimOp -> PrimOp -> Bool), (PrimOp -> PrimOp -> Bool)] [_CONSTM_ Eq (==) (PrimOp), _CONSTM_ Eq (/=) (PrimOp)] _N_
+ (==) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "SS" _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XX 5 \ (u0 :: PrimOp) (u1 :: PrimOp) -> case _APP_ _ORIG_ PrimOps tagOf_PrimOp [ u0 ] of { _PRIM_ (u2 :: Int#) -> case _APP_ _ORIG_ PrimOps tagOf_PrimOp [ u1 ] of { _PRIM_ (u3 :: Int#) -> _#_ eqInt# [] [u2, u3] } } _N_,
+ (/=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Eq TyCon
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ TyCon {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 3 _!_ _TUP_2 [(TyCon -> TyCon -> Bool), (TyCon -> TyCon -> Bool)] [_CONSTM_ Eq (==) (TyCon), _CONSTM_ Eq (/=) (TyCon)] _N_
+ (==) = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XX 5 \ (u0 :: TyCon) (u1 :: TyCon) -> case _APP_ _ORIG_ TyCon cmpTyCon [ u0, u1 ] of { _PRIM_ 0# -> _!_ True [] []; (u2 :: Int#) -> _!_ False [] [] } _N_,
+ (/=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XX 5 \ (u0 :: TyCon) (u1 :: TyCon) -> case _APP_ _ORIG_ TyCon cmpTyCon [ u0, u1 ] of { _PRIM_ 0# -> _!_ False [] []; (u2 :: Int#) -> _!_ True [] [] } _N_ #-}
+instance Eq TyVar
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ TyVar {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 3 _!_ _TUP_2 [(TyVar -> TyVar -> Bool), (TyVar -> TyVar -> Bool)] [_CONSTM_ Eq (==) (TyVar), _CONSTM_ Eq (/=) (TyVar)] _N_
+ (==) = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XX 5 \ (u0 :: TyVar) (u1 :: TyVar) -> case _APP_ _ORIG_ TyVar cmpTyVar [ u0, u1 ] of { _PRIM_ 0# -> _!_ True [] []; (u2 :: Int#) -> _!_ False [] [] } _N_,
+ (/=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XX 5 \ (u0 :: TyVar) (u1 :: TyVar) -> case _APP_ _ORIG_ TyVar cmpTyVar [ u0, u1 ] of { _PRIM_ 0# -> _!_ False [] []; (u2 :: Int#) -> _!_ True [] [] } _N_ #-}
+instance Eq TyVarTemplate
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ TyVar {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 3 _!_ _TUP_2 [(TyVarTemplate -> TyVarTemplate -> Bool), (TyVarTemplate -> TyVarTemplate -> Bool)] [_CONSTM_ Eq (==) (TyVarTemplate), _CONSTM_ Eq (/=) (TyVarTemplate)] _N_
+ (==) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ (/=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Eq UniType
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ UniType {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 3 _!_ _TUP_2 [(UniType -> UniType -> Bool), (UniType -> UniType -> Bool)] [_CONSTM_ Eq (==) (UniType), _CONSTM_ Eq (/=) (UniType)] _N_
+ (==) = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ (/=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Eq Unique
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ Unique {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 3 _!_ _TUP_2 [(Unique -> Unique -> Bool), (Unique -> Unique -> Bool)] [_CONSTM_ Eq (==) (Unique), _CONSTM_ Eq (/=) (Unique)] _N_
+ (==) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XX 1 \ (u0 :: Int#) (u1 :: Int#) -> _#_ eqInt# [] [u0, u1] _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 CC 3 \ (u0 :: Unique) (u1 :: Unique) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Unique MkUnique (u2 :: Int#) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Unique MkUnique (u3 :: Int#) -> _#_ eqInt# [] [u2, u3]; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_,
+ (/=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XX 5 \ (u0 :: Int#) (u1 :: Int#) -> case _#_ eqInt# [] [u0, u1] of { _ALG_ True -> _!_ False [] []; False -> _!_ True [] []; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 CC 7 \ (u0 :: Unique) (u1 :: Unique) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Unique MkUnique (u2 :: Int#) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Unique MkUnique (u3 :: Int#) -> case _#_ eqInt# [] [u2, u3] of { _ALG_ True -> _!_ False [] []; False -> _!_ True [] []; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_ #-}
+instance Ord BasicLit
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ BasicLit {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 9 _!_ _TUP_8 [{{Eq BasicLit}}, (BasicLit -> BasicLit -> Bool), (BasicLit -> BasicLit -> Bool), (BasicLit -> BasicLit -> Bool), (BasicLit -> BasicLit -> Bool), (BasicLit -> BasicLit -> BasicLit), (BasicLit -> BasicLit -> BasicLit), (BasicLit -> BasicLit -> _CMP_TAG)] [_DFUN_ Eq (BasicLit), _CONSTM_ Ord (<) (BasicLit), _CONSTM_ Ord (<=) (BasicLit), _CONSTM_ Ord (>=) (BasicLit), _CONSTM_ Ord (>) (BasicLit), _CONSTM_ Ord max (BasicLit), _CONSTM_ Ord min (BasicLit), _CONSTM_ Ord _tagCmp (BasicLit)] _N_
+ (<) = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ (<=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ (>=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ (>) = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ max = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ min = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ _tagCmp = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Ord Class
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ Class {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 9 _!_ _TUP_8 [{{Eq Class}}, (Class -> Class -> Bool), (Class -> Class -> Bool), (Class -> Class -> Bool), (Class -> Class -> Bool), (Class -> Class -> Class), (Class -> Class -> Class), (Class -> Class -> _CMP_TAG)] [_DFUN_ Eq (Class), _CONSTM_ Ord (<) (Class), _CONSTM_ Ord (<=) (Class), _CONSTM_ Ord (>=) (Class), _CONSTM_ Ord (>) (Class), _CONSTM_ Ord max (Class), _CONSTM_ Ord min (Class), _CONSTM_ Ord _tagCmp (Class)] _N_
+ (<) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(U(P)AAAAAAAAA)U(U(P)AAAAAAAAA)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XX 1 \ (u0 :: Int#) (u1 :: Int#) -> _#_ ltInt# [] [u0, u1] _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 CC 5 \ (u0 :: Class) (u1 :: Class) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Class MkClass (u2 :: Unique) (u3 :: FullName) (u4 :: TyVarTemplate) (u5 :: [Class]) (u6 :: [Id]) (u7 :: [ClassOp]) (u8 :: [Id]) (u9 :: [Id]) (ua :: [(UniType, InstTemplate)]) (ub :: [(Class, [Class])]) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Class MkClass (uc :: Unique) (ud :: FullName) (ue :: TyVarTemplate) (uf :: [Class]) (ug :: [Id]) (uh :: [ClassOp]) (ui :: [Id]) (uj :: [Id]) (uk :: [(UniType, InstTemplate)]) (ul :: [(Class, [Class])]) -> case u2 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Unique MkUnique (um :: Int#) -> case uc of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Unique MkUnique (un :: Int#) -> _#_ ltInt# [] [um, un]; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_,
+ (<=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(U(P)AAAAAAAAA)U(U(P)AAAAAAAAA)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XX 1 \ (u0 :: Int#) (u1 :: Int#) -> _#_ leInt# [] [u0, u1] _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 CC 5 \ (u0 :: Class) (u1 :: Class) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Class MkClass (u2 :: Unique) (u3 :: FullName) (u4 :: TyVarTemplate) (u5 :: [Class]) (u6 :: [Id]) (u7 :: [ClassOp]) (u8 :: [Id]) (u9 :: [Id]) (ua :: [(UniType, InstTemplate)]) (ub :: [(Class, [Class])]) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Class MkClass (uc :: Unique) (ud :: FullName) (ue :: TyVarTemplate) (uf :: [Class]) (ug :: [Id]) (uh :: [ClassOp]) (ui :: [Id]) (uj :: [Id]) (uk :: [(UniType, InstTemplate)]) (ul :: [(Class, [Class])]) -> case u2 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Unique MkUnique (um :: Int#) -> case uc of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Unique MkUnique (un :: Int#) -> _#_ leInt# [] [um, un]; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_,
+ (>=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(U(P)AAAAAAAAA)U(U(P)AAAAAAAAA)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XX 5 \ (u0 :: Int#) (u1 :: Int#) -> case _#_ ltInt# [] [u0, u1] of { _ALG_ True -> _!_ False [] []; False -> _!_ True [] []; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 CC 5 \ (u0 :: Class) (u1 :: Class) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Class MkClass (u2 :: Unique) (u3 :: FullName) (u4 :: TyVarTemplate) (u5 :: [Class]) (u6 :: [Id]) (u7 :: [ClassOp]) (u8 :: [Id]) (u9 :: [Id]) (ua :: [(UniType, InstTemplate)]) (ub :: [(Class, [Class])]) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Class MkClass (uc :: Unique) (ud :: FullName) (ue :: TyVarTemplate) (uf :: [Class]) (ug :: [Id]) (uh :: [ClassOp]) (ui :: [Id]) (uj :: [Id]) (uk :: [(UniType, InstTemplate)]) (ul :: [(Class, [Class])]) -> _APP_ _CONSTM_ Ord (>=) (Unique) [ u2, uc ]; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_,
+ (>) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(U(P)AAAAAAAAA)U(U(P)AAAAAAAAA)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XX 5 \ (u0 :: Int#) (u1 :: Int#) -> case _#_ leInt# [] [u0, u1] of { _ALG_ True -> _!_ False [] []; False -> _!_ True [] []; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 CC 5 \ (u0 :: Class) (u1 :: Class) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Class MkClass (u2 :: Unique) (u3 :: FullName) (u4 :: TyVarTemplate) (u5 :: [Class]) (u6 :: [Id]) (u7 :: [ClassOp]) (u8 :: [Id]) (u9 :: [Id]) (ua :: [(UniType, InstTemplate)]) (ub :: [(Class, [Class])]) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Class MkClass (uc :: Unique) (ud :: FullName) (ue :: TyVarTemplate) (uf :: [Class]) (ug :: [Id]) (uh :: [ClassOp]) (ui :: [Id]) (uj :: [Id]) (uk :: [(UniType, InstTemplate)]) (ul :: [(Class, [Class])]) -> _APP_ _CONSTM_ Ord (>) (Unique) [ u2, uc ]; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_,
+ max = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_,
+ min = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_,
+ _tagCmp = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(U(P)AAAAAAAAA)U(U(P)AAAAAAAAA)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Ord ClassOp
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ Class {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 9 _!_ _TUP_8 [{{Eq ClassOp}}, (ClassOp -> ClassOp -> Bool), (ClassOp -> ClassOp -> Bool), (ClassOp -> ClassOp -> Bool), (ClassOp -> ClassOp -> Bool), (ClassOp -> ClassOp -> ClassOp), (ClassOp -> ClassOp -> ClassOp), (ClassOp -> ClassOp -> _CMP_TAG)] [_DFUN_ Eq (ClassOp), _CONSTM_ Ord (<) (ClassOp), _CONSTM_ Ord (<=) (ClassOp), _CONSTM_ Ord (>=) (ClassOp), _CONSTM_ Ord (>) (ClassOp), _CONSTM_ Ord max (ClassOp), _CONSTM_ Ord min (ClassOp), _CONSTM_ Ord _tagCmp (ClassOp)] _N_
+ (<) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(AU(P)A)U(AU(P)A)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XX 1 \ (u0 :: Int#) (u1 :: Int#) -> _#_ ltInt# [] [u0, u1] _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 CC 5 \ (u0 :: ClassOp) (u1 :: ClassOp) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Class MkClassOp (u2 :: _PackedString) (u3 :: Int) (u4 :: UniType) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Class MkClassOp (u5 :: _PackedString) (u6 :: Int) (u7 :: UniType) -> case u3 of { _ALG_ I# (u8 :: Int#) -> case u6 of { _ALG_ I# (u9 :: Int#) -> _#_ ltInt# [] [u8, u9]; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_,
+ (<=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(AU(P)A)U(AU(P)A)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XX 1 \ (u0 :: Int#) (u1 :: Int#) -> _#_ leInt# [] [u0, u1] _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 CC 5 \ (u0 :: ClassOp) (u1 :: ClassOp) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Class MkClassOp (u2 :: _PackedString) (u3 :: Int) (u4 :: UniType) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Class MkClassOp (u5 :: _PackedString) (u6 :: Int) (u7 :: UniType) -> case u3 of { _ALG_ I# (u8 :: Int#) -> case u6 of { _ALG_ I# (u9 :: Int#) -> _#_ leInt# [] [u8, u9]; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_,
+ (>=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(AU(P)A)U(AU(P)A)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XX 1 \ (u0 :: Int#) (u1 :: Int#) -> _#_ geInt# [] [u0, u1] _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 CC 5 \ (u0 :: ClassOp) (u1 :: ClassOp) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Class MkClassOp (u2 :: _PackedString) (u3 :: Int) (u4 :: UniType) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Class MkClassOp (u5 :: _PackedString) (u6 :: Int) (u7 :: UniType) -> case u3 of { _ALG_ I# (u8 :: Int#) -> case u6 of { _ALG_ I# (u9 :: Int#) -> _#_ geInt# [] [u8, u9]; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_,
+ (>) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(AU(P)A)U(AU(P)A)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XX 1 \ (u0 :: Int#) (u1 :: Int#) -> _#_ gtInt# [] [u0, u1] _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 CC 5 \ (u0 :: ClassOp) (u1 :: ClassOp) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Class MkClassOp (u2 :: _PackedString) (u3 :: Int) (u4 :: UniType) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Class MkClassOp (u5 :: _PackedString) (u6 :: Int) (u7 :: UniType) -> case u3 of { _ALG_ I# (u8 :: Int#) -> case u6 of { _ALG_ I# (u9 :: Int#) -> _#_ gtInt# [] [u8, u9]; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_,
+ max = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_,
+ min = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_,
+ _tagCmp = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Ord Id
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ Id {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 9 _!_ _TUP_8 [{{Eq Id}}, (Id -> Id -> Bool), (Id -> Id -> Bool), (Id -> Id -> Bool), (Id -> Id -> Bool), (Id -> Id -> Id), (Id -> Id -> Id), (Id -> Id -> _CMP_TAG)] [_DFUN_ Eq (Id), _CONSTM_ Ord (<) (Id), _CONSTM_ Ord (<=) (Id), _CONSTM_ Ord (>=) (Id), _CONSTM_ Ord (>) (Id), _CONSTM_ Ord max (Id), _CONSTM_ Ord min (Id), _CONSTM_ Ord _tagCmp (Id)] _N_
+ (<) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(U(P)AAA)U(U(P)AAA)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_,
+ (<=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(U(P)AAA)U(U(P)AAA)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_,
+ (>=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(U(P)AAA)U(U(P)AAA)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_,
+ (>) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(U(P)AAA)U(U(P)AAA)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_,
+ max = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_,
+ min = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_,
+ _tagCmp = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(U(P)AAA)U(U(P)AAA)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Ord PrimKind
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ PrimKind {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 9 _!_ _TUP_8 [{{Eq PrimKind}}, (PrimKind -> PrimKind -> Bool), (PrimKind -> PrimKind -> Bool), (PrimKind -> PrimKind -> Bool), (PrimKind -> PrimKind -> Bool), (PrimKind -> PrimKind -> PrimKind), (PrimKind -> PrimKind -> PrimKind), (PrimKind -> PrimKind -> _CMP_TAG)] [_DFUN_ Eq (PrimKind), _CONSTM_ Ord (<) (PrimKind), _CONSTM_ Ord (<=) (PrimKind), _CONSTM_ Ord (>=) (PrimKind), _CONSTM_ Ord (>) (PrimKind), _CONSTM_ Ord max (PrimKind), _CONSTM_ Ord min (PrimKind), _CONSTM_ Ord _tagCmp (PrimKind)] _N_
+ (<) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "EE" _N_ _N_,
+ (<=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "EE" _N_ _N_,
+ (>=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "EE" _N_ _N_,
+ (>) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "EE" _N_ _N_,
+ max = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "EE" _N_ _N_,
+ min = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "EE" _N_ _N_,
+ _tagCmp = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "EE" _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Ord TyCon
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ TyCon {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 9 _!_ _TUP_8 [{{Eq TyCon}}, (TyCon -> TyCon -> Bool), (TyCon -> TyCon -> Bool), (TyCon -> TyCon -> Bool), (TyCon -> TyCon -> Bool), (TyCon -> TyCon -> TyCon), (TyCon -> TyCon -> TyCon), (TyCon -> TyCon -> _CMP_TAG)] [_DFUN_ Eq (TyCon), _CONSTM_ Ord (<) (TyCon), _CONSTM_ Ord (<=) (TyCon), _CONSTM_ Ord (>=) (TyCon), _CONSTM_ Ord (>) (TyCon), _CONSTM_ Ord max (TyCon), _CONSTM_ Ord min (TyCon), _CONSTM_ Ord _tagCmp (TyCon)] _N_
+ (<) = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ (<=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ (>=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ (>) = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ max = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_,
+ min = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_,
+ _tagCmp = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Ord TyVar
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ TyVar {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 9 _!_ _TUP_8 [{{Eq TyVar}}, (TyVar -> TyVar -> Bool), (TyVar -> TyVar -> Bool), (TyVar -> TyVar -> Bool), (TyVar -> TyVar -> Bool), (TyVar -> TyVar -> TyVar), (TyVar -> TyVar -> TyVar), (TyVar -> TyVar -> _CMP_TAG)] [_DFUN_ Eq (TyVar), _CONSTM_ Ord (<) (TyVar), _CONSTM_ Ord (<=) (TyVar), _CONSTM_ Ord (>=) (TyVar), _CONSTM_ Ord (>) (TyVar), _CONSTM_ Ord max (TyVar), _CONSTM_ Ord min (TyVar), _CONSTM_ Ord _tagCmp (TyVar)] _N_
+ (<) = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ (<=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ (>=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ (>) = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ max = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_,
+ min = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_,
+ _tagCmp = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Ord TyVarTemplate
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ TyVar {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 9 _!_ _TUP_8 [{{Eq TyVarTemplate}}, (TyVarTemplate -> TyVarTemplate -> Bool), (TyVarTemplate -> TyVarTemplate -> Bool), (TyVarTemplate -> TyVarTemplate -> Bool), (TyVarTemplate -> TyVarTemplate -> Bool), (TyVarTemplate -> TyVarTemplate -> TyVarTemplate), (TyVarTemplate -> TyVarTemplate -> TyVarTemplate), (TyVarTemplate -> TyVarTemplate -> _CMP_TAG)] [_DFUN_ Eq (TyVarTemplate), _CONSTM_ Ord (<) (TyVarTemplate), _CONSTM_ Ord (<=) (TyVarTemplate), _CONSTM_ Ord (>=) (TyVarTemplate), _CONSTM_ Ord (>) (TyVarTemplate), _CONSTM_ Ord max (TyVarTemplate), _CONSTM_ Ord min (TyVarTemplate), _CONSTM_ Ord _tagCmp (TyVarTemplate)] _N_
+ (<) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ (<=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ (>=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ (>) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ max = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_,
+ min = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_,
+ _tagCmp = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Ord Unique
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ Unique {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 9 _!_ _TUP_8 [{{Eq Unique}}, (Unique -> Unique -> Bool), (Unique -> Unique -> Bool), (Unique -> Unique -> Bool), (Unique -> Unique -> Bool), (Unique -> Unique -> Unique), (Unique -> Unique -> Unique), (Unique -> Unique -> _CMP_TAG)] [_DFUN_ Eq (Unique), _CONSTM_ Ord (<) (Unique), _CONSTM_ Ord (<=) (Unique), _CONSTM_ Ord (>=) (Unique), _CONSTM_ Ord (>) (Unique), _CONSTM_ Ord max (Unique), _CONSTM_ Ord min (Unique), _CONSTM_ Ord _tagCmp (Unique)] _N_
+ (<) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XX 1 \ (u0 :: Int#) (u1 :: Int#) -> _#_ ltInt# [] [u0, u1] _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 CC 3 \ (u0 :: Unique) (u1 :: Unique) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Unique MkUnique (u2 :: Int#) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Unique MkUnique (u3 :: Int#) -> _#_ ltInt# [] [u2, u3]; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_,
+ (<=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XX 1 \ (u0 :: Int#) (u1 :: Int#) -> _#_ leInt# [] [u0, u1] _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 CC 3 \ (u0 :: Unique) (u1 :: Unique) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Unique MkUnique (u2 :: Int#) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Unique MkUnique (u3 :: Int#) -> _#_ leInt# [] [u2, u3]; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_,
+ (>=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XX 5 \ (u0 :: Int#) (u1 :: Int#) -> case _#_ ltInt# [] [u0, u1] of { _ALG_ True -> _!_ False [] []; False -> _!_ True [] []; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 CC 7 \ (u0 :: Unique) (u1 :: Unique) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Unique MkUnique (u2 :: Int#) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Unique MkUnique (u3 :: Int#) -> case _#_ ltInt# [] [u2, u3] of { _ALG_ True -> _!_ False [] []; False -> _!_ True [] []; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_,
+ (>) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XX 5 \ (u0 :: Int#) (u1 :: Int#) -> case _#_ leInt# [] [u0, u1] of { _ALG_ True -> _!_ False [] []; False -> _!_ True [] []; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 CC 7 \ (u0 :: Unique) (u1 :: Unique) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Unique MkUnique (u2 :: Int#) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Unique MkUnique (u3 :: Int#) -> case _#_ leInt# [] [u2, u3] of { _ALG_ True -> _!_ False [] []; False -> _!_ True [] []; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_,
+ max = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_,
+ min = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_,
+ _tagCmp = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance NamedThing Class
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ Class {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 11 _!_ _TUP_10 [(Class -> ExportFlag), (Class -> Bool), (Class -> (_PackedString, _PackedString)), (Class -> _PackedString), (Class -> [_PackedString]), (Class -> SrcLoc), (Class -> Unique), (Class -> Bool), (Class -> UniType), (Class -> Bool)] [_CONSTM_ NamedThing getExportFlag (Class), _CONSTM_ NamedThing isLocallyDefined (Class), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getOrigName (Class), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getOccurrenceName (Class), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getInformingModules (Class), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getSrcLoc (Class), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getTheUnique (Class), _CONSTM_ NamedThing hasType (Class), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getType (Class), _CONSTM_ NamedThing fromPreludeCore (Class)] _N_
+ getExportFlag = _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AU(AAAEAA)AAAAAAAA)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 1 \ (u0 :: ExportFlag) -> u0 _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 C 3 \ (u0 :: Class) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Class MkClass (u1 :: Unique) (u2 :: FullName) (u3 :: TyVarTemplate) (u4 :: [Class]) (u5 :: [Id]) (u6 :: [ClassOp]) (u7 :: [Id]) (u8 :: [Id]) (u9 :: [(UniType, InstTemplate)]) (ua :: [(Class, [Class])]) -> case u2 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ NameTypes FullName (ub :: _PackedString) (uc :: _PackedString) (ud :: Provenance) (ue :: ExportFlag) (uf :: Bool) (ug :: SrcLoc) -> ue; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_,
+ isLocallyDefined = _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AU(AASAAA)AAAAAAAA)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_,
+ getOrigName = _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AU(LLAAAA)AAAAAAAA)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XX 3 \ (u0 :: _PackedString) (u1 :: _PackedString) -> _!_ _TUP_2 [_PackedString, _PackedString] [u0, u1] _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 C 5 \ (u0 :: Class) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Class MkClass (u1 :: Unique) (u2 :: FullName) (u3 :: TyVarTemplate) (u4 :: [Class]) (u5 :: [Id]) (u6 :: [ClassOp]) (u7 :: [Id]) (u8 :: [Id]) (u9 :: [(UniType, InstTemplate)]) (ua :: [(Class, [Class])]) -> case u2 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ NameTypes FullName (ub :: _PackedString) (uc :: _PackedString) (ud :: Provenance) (ue :: ExportFlag) (uf :: Bool) (ug :: SrcLoc) -> _!_ _TUP_2 [_PackedString, _PackedString] [ub, uc]; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_,
+ getOccurrenceName = _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AU(ALSAAA)AAAAAAAA)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_,
+ getInformingModules = _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AU(AASAAA)AAAAAAAA)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_,
+ getSrcLoc = _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AU(AAAAAS)AAAAAAAA)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 1 \ (u0 :: SrcLoc) -> u0 _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 C 3 \ (u0 :: Class) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Class MkClass (u1 :: Unique) (u2 :: FullName) (u3 :: TyVarTemplate) (u4 :: [Class]) (u5 :: [Id]) (u6 :: [ClassOp]) (u7 :: [Id]) (u8 :: [Id]) (u9 :: [(UniType, InstTemplate)]) (ua :: [(Class, [Class])]) -> case u2 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ NameTypes FullName (ub :: _PackedString) (uc :: _PackedString) (ud :: Provenance) (ue :: ExportFlag) (uf :: Bool) (ug :: SrcLoc) -> ug; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_,
+ getTheUnique = _A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 3 \ (u0 :: Class) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ _ORIG_ Util panic { (Class -> Unique) } [ _NOREP_S_ "NamedThing.Class.getTheUnique", u0 ] _N_,
+ hasType = _A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 3 \ (u0 :: Class) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ _ORIG_ Util panic { (Class -> Bool) } [ _NOREP_S_ "NamedThing.Class.hasType", u0 ] _N_,
+ getType = _A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 3 \ (u0 :: Class) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ _ORIG_ Util panic { (Class -> UniType) } [ _NOREP_S_ "NamedThing.Class.getType", u0 ] _N_,
+ fromPreludeCore = _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AU(AASAAA)AAAAAAAA)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance NamedThing a => NamedThing (InPat a)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ HsPat {-dfun-} _A_ 1 _U_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance NamedThing Id
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ Id {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 11 _!_ _TUP_10 [(Id -> ExportFlag), (Id -> Bool), (Id -> (_PackedString, _PackedString)), (Id -> _PackedString), (Id -> [_PackedString]), (Id -> SrcLoc), (Id -> Unique), (Id -> Bool), (Id -> UniType), (Id -> Bool)] [_CONSTM_ NamedThing getExportFlag (Id), _CONSTM_ NamedThing isLocallyDefined (Id), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getOrigName (Id), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getOccurrenceName (Id), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getInformingModules (Id), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getSrcLoc (Id), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getTheUnique (Id), _CONSTM_ NamedThing hasType (Id), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getType (Id), _CONSTM_ NamedThing fromPreludeCore (Id)] _N_
+ getExportFlag = _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AAAS)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_,
+ isLocallyDefined = _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AAAS)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_,
+ getOrigName = _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(LAAS)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 12 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_,
+ getOccurrenceName = _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(LAAS)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 12 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_,
+ getInformingModules = _A_ 1 _U_ 0 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 2 \ (u0 :: Id) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ _ORIG_ Util panic { [_PackedString] } [ _NOREP_S_ "getInformingModule:Id" ] _N_,
+ getSrcLoc = _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AALS)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_,
+ getTheUnique = _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(U(P)AAA)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 2 \ (u0 :: Int#) -> _!_ _ORIG_ Unique MkUnique [] [u0] _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 C 2 \ (u0 :: Id) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Id Id (u1 :: Unique) (u2 :: UniType) (u3 :: IdInfo) (u4 :: IdDetails) -> u1; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_,
+ hasType = _A_ 1 _U_ 0 _N_ _S_ "A" {_A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 1 _!_ True [] [] _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 1 \ (u0 :: Id) -> _!_ True [] [] _N_,
+ getType = _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(ASAA)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 1 \ (u0 :: UniType) -> u0 _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 C 2 \ (u0 :: Id) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ Id Id (u1 :: Unique) (u2 :: UniType) (u3 :: IdInfo) (u4 :: IdDetails) -> u2; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_,
+ fromPreludeCore = _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AAAS)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance NamedThing FullName
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ NameTypes {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 11 _!_ _TUP_10 [(FullName -> ExportFlag), (FullName -> Bool), (FullName -> (_PackedString, _PackedString)), (FullName -> _PackedString), (FullName -> [_PackedString]), (FullName -> SrcLoc), (FullName -> Unique), (FullName -> Bool), (FullName -> UniType), (FullName -> Bool)] [_CONSTM_ NamedThing getExportFlag (FullName), _CONSTM_ NamedThing isLocallyDefined (FullName), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getOrigName (FullName), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getOccurrenceName (FullName), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getInformingModules (FullName), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getSrcLoc (FullName), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getTheUnique (FullName), _CONSTM_ NamedThing hasType (FullName), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getType (FullName), _CONSTM_ NamedThing fromPreludeCore (FullName)] _N_
+ getExportFlag = _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AAAEAA)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 1 \ (u0 :: ExportFlag) -> u0 _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 C 2 \ (u0 :: FullName) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ NameTypes FullName (u1 :: _PackedString) (u2 :: _PackedString) (u3 :: Provenance) (u4 :: ExportFlag) (u5 :: Bool) (u6 :: SrcLoc) -> u4; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_,
+ isLocallyDefined = _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AASAAA)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 C 11 \ (u0 :: Provenance) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ NameTypes ThisModule -> _!_ True [] []; _ORIG_ NameTypes InventedInThisModule -> _!_ True [] []; _ORIG_ NameTypes HereInPreludeCore -> _!_ True [] []; (u1 :: Provenance) -> _!_ False [] [] } _N_} _N_ _N_,
+ getOrigName = _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(LLAAAA)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XX 3 \ (u0 :: _PackedString) (u1 :: _PackedString) -> _!_ _TUP_2 [_PackedString, _PackedString] [u0, u1] _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 C 4 \ (u0 :: FullName) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ NameTypes FullName (u1 :: _PackedString) (u2 :: _PackedString) (u3 :: Provenance) (u4 :: ExportFlag) (u5 :: Bool) (u6 :: SrcLoc) -> _!_ _TUP_2 [_PackedString, _PackedString] [u1, u2]; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_,
+ getOccurrenceName = _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(ALSAAA)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XC 10 \ (u0 :: _PackedString) (u1 :: Provenance) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ NameTypes OtherPrelude (u2 :: _PackedString) -> u2; _ORIG_ NameTypes OtherModule (u3 :: _PackedString) (u4 :: [_PackedString]) -> u3; (u5 :: Provenance) -> u0 } _N_} _N_ _N_,
+ getInformingModules = _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AASAAA)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_,
+ getSrcLoc = _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AAAAAS)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 1 \ (u0 :: SrcLoc) -> u0 _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 C 2 \ (u0 :: FullName) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ NameTypes FullName (u1 :: _PackedString) (u2 :: _PackedString) (u3 :: Provenance) (u4 :: ExportFlag) (u5 :: Bool) (u6 :: SrcLoc) -> u6; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_,
+ getTheUnique = _A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 3 \ (u0 :: FullName) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ patError# { (FullName -> Unique) } [ _NOREP_S_ "%DOutputable.NamedThing.getTheUnique\"", u0 ] _N_,
+ hasType = _A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 3 \ (u0 :: FullName) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ patError# { (FullName -> Bool) } [ _NOREP_S_ "%DOutputable.NamedThing.hasType\"", u0 ] _N_,
+ getType = _A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 3 \ (u0 :: FullName) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ patError# { (FullName -> UniType) } [ _NOREP_S_ "%DOutputable.NamedThing.getType\"", u0 ] _N_,
+ fromPreludeCore = _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AASAAA)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 C 10 \ (u0 :: Provenance) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ NameTypes ExportedByPreludeCore -> _!_ True [] []; _ORIG_ NameTypes HereInPreludeCore -> _!_ True [] []; (u1 :: Provenance) -> _!_ False [] [] } _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance NamedThing ShortName
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ NameTypes {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 11 _!_ _TUP_10 [(ShortName -> ExportFlag), (ShortName -> Bool), (ShortName -> (_PackedString, _PackedString)), (ShortName -> _PackedString), (ShortName -> [_PackedString]), (ShortName -> SrcLoc), (ShortName -> Unique), (ShortName -> Bool), (ShortName -> UniType), (ShortName -> Bool)] [_CONSTM_ NamedThing getExportFlag (ShortName), _CONSTM_ NamedThing isLocallyDefined (ShortName), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getOrigName (ShortName), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getOccurrenceName (ShortName), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getInformingModules (ShortName), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getSrcLoc (ShortName), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getTheUnique (ShortName), _CONSTM_ NamedThing hasType (ShortName), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getType (ShortName), _CONSTM_ NamedThing fromPreludeCore (ShortName)] _N_
+ getExportFlag = _A_ 1 _U_ 0 _N_ _S_ "A" {_A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 1 _!_ _ORIG_ Outputable NotExported [] [] _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 1 \ (u0 :: ShortName) -> _!_ _ORIG_ Outputable NotExported [] [] _N_,
+ isLocallyDefined = _A_ 1 _U_ 0 _N_ _S_ "A" {_A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 1 _!_ True [] [] _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 1 \ (u0 :: ShortName) -> _!_ True [] [] _N_,
+ getOrigName = _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(LA)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_,
+ getOccurrenceName = _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(SA)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 1 \ (u0 :: _PackedString) -> u0 _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 C 2 \ (u0 :: ShortName) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ NameTypes ShortName (u1 :: _PackedString) (u2 :: SrcLoc) -> u1; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_,
+ getInformingModules = _A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 3 \ (u0 :: ShortName) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ patError# { (ShortName -> [_PackedString]) } [ _NOREP_S_ "%DOutputable.NamedThing.getInformingModules\"", u0 ] _N_,
+ getSrcLoc = _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AS)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 1 \ (u0 :: SrcLoc) -> u0 _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 C 2 \ (u0 :: ShortName) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ NameTypes ShortName (u1 :: _PackedString) (u2 :: SrcLoc) -> u2; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_,
+ getTheUnique = _A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 3 \ (u0 :: ShortName) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ patError# { (ShortName -> Unique) } [ _NOREP_S_ "%DOutputable.NamedThing.getTheUnique\"", u0 ] _N_,
+ hasType = _A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 3 \ (u0 :: ShortName) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ patError# { (ShortName -> Bool) } [ _NOREP_S_ "%DOutputable.NamedThing.hasType\"", u0 ] _N_,
+ getType = _A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 3 \ (u0 :: ShortName) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ patError# { (ShortName -> UniType) } [ _NOREP_S_ "%DOutputable.NamedThing.getType\"", u0 ] _N_,
+ fromPreludeCore = _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AA)" {_A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 1 _!_ False [] [] _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 C 2 \ (u0 :: ShortName) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ NameTypes ShortName (u1 :: _PackedString) (u2 :: SrcLoc) -> _!_ False [] []; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_ #-}
+instance NamedThing TyCon
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ TyCon {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 11 _!_ _TUP_10 [(TyCon -> ExportFlag), (TyCon -> Bool), (TyCon -> (_PackedString, _PackedString)), (TyCon -> _PackedString), (TyCon -> [_PackedString]), (TyCon -> SrcLoc), (TyCon -> Unique), (TyCon -> Bool), (TyCon -> UniType), (TyCon -> Bool)] [_CONSTM_ NamedThing getExportFlag (TyCon), _CONSTM_ NamedThing isLocallyDefined (TyCon), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getOrigName (TyCon), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getOccurrenceName (TyCon), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getInformingModules (TyCon), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getSrcLoc (TyCon), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getTheUnique (TyCon), _CONSTM_ NamedThing hasType (TyCon), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getType (TyCon), _CONSTM_ NamedThing fromPreludeCore (TyCon)] _N_
+ getExportFlag = _A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _S_ "S" _N_ _N_,
+ isLocallyDefined = _A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _S_ "S" _N_ _N_,
+ getOrigName = _A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _S_ "S" _N_ _N_,
+ getOccurrenceName = _A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _S_ "S" _N_ _N_,
+ getInformingModules = _A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _S_ "S" _N_ _N_,
+ getSrcLoc = _A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _S_ "S" _N_ _N_,
+ getTheUnique = _A_ 1 _U_ 0 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 2 \ (u0 :: TyCon) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ _ORIG_ Util panic { Unique } [ _NOREP_S_ "NamedThing.TyCon.getTheUnique" ] _N_,
+ hasType = _A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 3 \ (u0 :: TyCon) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ _ORIG_ Util panic { (TyCon -> Bool) } [ _NOREP_S_ "NamedThing.TyCon.hasType", u0 ] _N_,
+ getType = _A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 3 \ (u0 :: TyCon) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ _ORIG_ Util panic { (TyCon -> UniType) } [ _NOREP_S_ "NamedThing.TyCon.getType", u0 ] _N_,
+ fromPreludeCore = _A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _S_ "S" _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance NamedThing TyVar
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ TyVar {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 11 _!_ _TUP_10 [(TyVar -> ExportFlag), (TyVar -> Bool), (TyVar -> (_PackedString, _PackedString)), (TyVar -> _PackedString), (TyVar -> [_PackedString]), (TyVar -> SrcLoc), (TyVar -> Unique), (TyVar -> Bool), (TyVar -> UniType), (TyVar -> Bool)] [_CONSTM_ NamedThing getExportFlag (TyVar), _CONSTM_ NamedThing isLocallyDefined (TyVar), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getOrigName (TyVar), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getOccurrenceName (TyVar), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getInformingModules (TyVar), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getSrcLoc (TyVar), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getTheUnique (TyVar), _CONSTM_ NamedThing hasType (TyVar), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getType (TyVar), _CONSTM_ NamedThing fromPreludeCore (TyVar)] _N_
+ getExportFlag = _A_ 1 _U_ 0 _N_ _S_ "A" {_A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 1 _!_ _ORIG_ Outputable NotExported [] [] _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 1 \ (u0 :: TyVar) -> _!_ _ORIG_ Outputable NotExported [] [] _N_,
+ isLocallyDefined = _A_ 1 _U_ 0 _N_ _S_ "A" {_A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 1 _!_ True [] [] _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 1 \ (u0 :: TyVar) -> _!_ True [] [] _N_,
+ getOrigName = _A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _S_ "S" _N_ _N_,
+ getOccurrenceName = _A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _S_ "S" _N_ _N_,
+ getInformingModules = _A_ 1 _U_ 0 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 2 \ (u0 :: TyVar) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ _ORIG_ Util panic { [_PackedString] } [ _NOREP_S_ "getInformingModule:TyVar" ] _N_,
+ getSrcLoc = _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "S" _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 C 7 \ (u0 :: TyVar) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ TyVar UserTyVar (u1 :: Unique) (u2 :: ShortName) -> case u2 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ NameTypes ShortName (u3 :: _PackedString) (u4 :: SrcLoc) -> u4; _NO_DEFLT_ }; (u5 :: TyVar) -> _ORIG_ SrcLoc mkUnknownSrcLoc } _N_,
+ getTheUnique = _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "S" _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 C 8 \ (u0 :: TyVar) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ TyVar PolySysTyVar (u1 :: Unique) -> u1; _ORIG_ TyVar PrimSysTyVar (u2 :: Unique) -> u2; _ORIG_ TyVar OpenSysTyVar (u3 :: Unique) -> u3; _ORIG_ TyVar UserTyVar (u4 :: Unique) (u5 :: ShortName) -> u4; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_,
+ hasType = _A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 3 \ (u0 :: TyVar) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ patError# { (TyVar -> Bool) } [ _NOREP_S_ "%DOutputable.NamedThing.hasType\"", u0 ] _N_,
+ getType = _A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 3 \ (u0 :: TyVar) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ patError# { (TyVar -> UniType) } [ _NOREP_S_ "%DOutputable.NamedThing.getType\"", u0 ] _N_,
+ fromPreludeCore = _A_ 1 _U_ 0 _N_ _S_ "A" {_A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 1 _!_ False [] [] _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 1 \ (u0 :: TyVar) -> _!_ False [] [] _N_ #-}
+instance NamedThing TyVarTemplate
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ TyVar {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 11 _!_ _TUP_10 [(TyVarTemplate -> ExportFlag), (TyVarTemplate -> Bool), (TyVarTemplate -> (_PackedString, _PackedString)), (TyVarTemplate -> _PackedString), (TyVarTemplate -> [_PackedString]), (TyVarTemplate -> SrcLoc), (TyVarTemplate -> Unique), (TyVarTemplate -> Bool), (TyVarTemplate -> UniType), (TyVarTemplate -> Bool)] [_CONSTM_ NamedThing getExportFlag (TyVarTemplate), _CONSTM_ NamedThing isLocallyDefined (TyVarTemplate), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getOrigName (TyVarTemplate), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getOccurrenceName (TyVarTemplate), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getInformingModules (TyVarTemplate), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getSrcLoc (TyVarTemplate), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getTheUnique (TyVarTemplate), _CONSTM_ NamedThing hasType (TyVarTemplate), _CONSTM_ NamedThing getType (TyVarTemplate), _CONSTM_ NamedThing fromPreludeCore (TyVarTemplate)] _N_
+ getExportFlag = _A_ 1 _U_ 0 _N_ _S_ "A" {_A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 1 _!_ _ORIG_ Outputable NotExported [] [] _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 1 \ (u0 :: TyVarTemplate) -> _!_ _ORIG_ Outputable NotExported [] [] _N_,
+ isLocallyDefined = _A_ 1 _U_ 0 _N_ _S_ "A" {_A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 1 _!_ True [] [] _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 1 \ (u0 :: TyVarTemplate) -> _!_ True [] [] _N_,
+ getOrigName = _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "S" _N_ _N_,
+ getOccurrenceName = _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "S" _N_ _N_,
+ getInformingModules = _A_ 1 _U_ 0 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 2 \ (u0 :: TyVarTemplate) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ _ORIG_ Util panic { [_PackedString] } [ _NOREP_S_ "getInformingModule:TyVarTemplate" ] _N_,
+ getSrcLoc = _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "S" _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 C 5 \ (u0 :: TyVarTemplate) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ TyVar SysTyVarTemplate (u1 :: Unique) (u2 :: _PackedString) -> _ORIG_ SrcLoc mkUnknownSrcLoc; _ORIG_ TyVar UserTyVarTemplate (u3 :: Unique) (u4 :: ShortName) -> case u4 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ NameTypes ShortName (u5 :: _PackedString) (u6 :: SrcLoc) -> u6; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_,
+ getTheUnique = _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "S" _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 C 4 \ (u0 :: TyVarTemplate) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ TyVar SysTyVarTemplate (u1 :: Unique) (u2 :: _PackedString) -> u1; _ORIG_ TyVar UserTyVarTemplate (u3 :: Unique) (u4 :: ShortName) -> u3; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_,
+ hasType = _A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 3 \ (u0 :: TyVarTemplate) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ patError# { (TyVarTemplate -> Bool) } [ _NOREP_S_ "%DOutputable.NamedThing.hasType\"", u0 ] _N_,
+ getType = _A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 3 \ (u0 :: TyVarTemplate) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ patError# { (TyVarTemplate -> UniType) } [ _NOREP_S_ "%DOutputable.NamedThing.getType\"", u0 ] _N_,
+ fromPreludeCore = _A_ 1 _U_ 0 _N_ _S_ "A" {_A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 1 _!_ False [] [] _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 1 \ (u0 :: TyVarTemplate) -> _!_ False [] [] _N_ #-}
+instance (Outputable a, Outputable b) => Outputable (a, b)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ Outputable {-dfun-} _A_ 4 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "LLLS" _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance (Outputable a, Outputable b, Outputable c) => Outputable (a, b, c)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ Outputable {-dfun-} _A_ 5 _U_ 222 _N_ _S_ "LLLLU(LLL)" _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Outputable BasicLit
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ BasicLit {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 1 _CONSTM_ Outputable ppr (BasicLit) _N_
+ ppr = _A_ 0 _U_ 2122 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Outputable Bool
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ Outputable {-dfun-} _A_ 4 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 1 _CONSTM_ Outputable ppr (Bool) _N_
+ ppr = _A_ 4 _U_ 0120 _N_ _S_ "AELA" {_A_ 2 _U_ 12 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Outputable Class
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ Class {-dfun-} _A_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 1 _CONSTM_ Outputable ppr (Class) _N_
+ ppr = _A_ 2 _U_ 2122 _N_ _S_ "SU(AU(LLLLAA)AAAAAAAA)" {_A_ 5 _U_ 2222222 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Outputable ClassOp
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ Class {-dfun-} _A_ 2 _N_ _N_ _S_ "SU(LAL)" {_A_ 3 _U_ 22222 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_
+ ppr = _A_ 2 _U_ 2122 _N_ _S_ "SU(LAL)" {_A_ 3 _U_ 22222 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance (NamedThing a, Outputable a, NamedThing b, Outputable b) => Outputable (Binds a b)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ HsBinds {-dfun-} _A_ 4 _U_ 2222 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance (NamedThing a, Outputable a, NamedThing b, Outputable b) => Outputable (Expr a b)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ HsExpr {-dfun-} _A_ 4 _U_ 2222 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance (NamedThing a, Outputable a, NamedThing b, Outputable b) => Outputable (GRHS a b)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ HsMatches {-dfun-} _A_ 8 _U_ 2222 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 2 8 XXXXXXXX 4 _/\_ u0 u1 -> \ (u2 :: {{NamedThing u0}}) (u3 :: {{Outputable u0}}) (u4 :: {{NamedThing u1}}) (u5 :: {{Outputable u1}}) (u6 :: PprStyle) (u7 :: GRHS u0 u1) (u8 :: Int) (u9 :: Bool) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ _ORIG_ Util panic { (Int -> Bool -> PrettyRep) } [ _NOREP_S_ "ppr: GRHSs", u8, u9 ] _N_ #-}
+instance (NamedThing a, Outputable a, NamedThing b, Outputable b) => Outputable (GRHSsAndBinds a b)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ HsMatches {-dfun-} _A_ 8 _U_ 2222 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 2 8 XXXXXXXX 4 _/\_ u0 u1 -> \ (u2 :: {{NamedThing u0}}) (u3 :: {{Outputable u0}}) (u4 :: {{NamedThing u1}}) (u5 :: {{Outputable u1}}) (u6 :: PprStyle) (u7 :: GRHSsAndBinds u0 u1) (u8 :: Int) (u9 :: Bool) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ _ORIG_ Util panic { (Int -> Bool -> PrettyRep) } [ _NOREP_S_ "ppr:GRHSsAndBinds", u8, u9 ] _N_ #-}
+instance Outputable a => Outputable (InPat a)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ HsPat {-dfun-} _A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Outputable Id
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ Id {-dfun-} _A_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_
+ ppr = _A_ 2 _U_ 2222 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Outputable FullName
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ NameTypes {-dfun-} _A_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 1 _CONSTM_ Outputable ppr (FullName) _N_
+ ppr = _A_ 2 _U_ 2122 _N_ _S_ "SU(LLLLAA)" {_A_ 5 _U_ 2222222 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Outputable ShortName
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ NameTypes {-dfun-} _A_ 4 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 1 _CONSTM_ Outputable ppr (ShortName) _N_
+ ppr = _A_ 4 _U_ 0120 _N_ _S_ "AU(LA)LA" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Outputable PrimKind
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ PrimKind {-dfun-} _A_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 1 _CONSTM_ Outputable ppr (PrimKind) _N_
+ ppr = _A_ 2 _U_ 0120 _N_ _S_ "AL" {_A_ 1 _U_ 120 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Outputable PrimOp
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ PrimOps {-dfun-} _A_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 1 _ORIG_ PrimOps pprPrimOp _N_
+ ppr = _A_ 2 _U_ 2222 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 1 _ORIG_ PrimOps pprPrimOp _N_ #-}
+instance Outputable a => Outputable (StgAtom a)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ StgSyn {-dfun-} _A_ 3 _U_ 2 _N_ _S_ "LLS" _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 1 3 XXC 8 _/\_ u0 -> \ (u1 :: {{Outputable u0}}) (u2 :: PprStyle) (u3 :: StgAtom u0) -> case u3 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ StgSyn StgVarAtom (u4 :: u0) -> _APP_ u1 [ u2, u4 ]; _ORIG_ StgSyn StgLitAtom (u5 :: BasicLit) -> _APP_ _CONSTM_ Outputable ppr (BasicLit) [ u2, u5 ]; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_ #-}
+instance (Outputable a, Outputable b, Ord b) => Outputable (StgBinding a b)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ StgSyn {-dfun-} _A_ 3 _U_ 222 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance (Outputable a, Outputable b, Ord b) => Outputable (StgExpr a b)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ StgSyn {-dfun-} _A_ 3 _U_ 222 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance (Outputable a, Outputable b, Ord b) => Outputable (StgRhs a b)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ StgSyn {-dfun-} _A_ 5 _U_ 222 _N_ _S_ "LLLLS" _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Outputable UpdateFlag
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ StgSyn {-dfun-} _A_ 4 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 1 _CONSTM_ Outputable ppr (UpdateFlag) _N_
+ ppr = _A_ 4 _U_ 0120 _N_ _S_ "ALLA" {_A_ 2 _U_ 12 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Outputable TyCon
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ TyCon {-dfun-} _A_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 1 _CONSTM_ Outputable ppr (TyCon) _N_
+ ppr = _A_ 2 _U_ 2222 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Outputable TyVar
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ TyVar {-dfun-} _A_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 1 _CONSTM_ Outputable ppr (TyVar) _N_
+ ppr = _A_ 2 _U_ 1122 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Outputable TyVarTemplate
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ TyVar {-dfun-} _A_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 1 _CONSTM_ Outputable ppr (TyVarTemplate) _N_
+ ppr = _A_ 2 _U_ 0122 _N_ _S_ "AS" {_A_ 1 _U_ 122 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Outputable UniType
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ UniType {-dfun-} _A_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 1 _ORIG_ UniTyFuns pprUniType _N_
+ ppr = _A_ 2 _U_ 2222 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 1 _ORIG_ UniTyFuns pprUniType _N_ #-}
+instance Outputable a => Outputable [a]
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ Outputable {-dfun-} _A_ 3 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Text Unique
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ Unique {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 5 _!_ _TUP_4 [(Int -> [Char] -> [(Unique, [Char])]), (Int -> Unique -> [Char] -> [Char]), ([Char] -> [([Unique], [Char])]), ([Unique] -> [Char] -> [Char])] [_CONSTM_ Text readsPrec (Unique), _CONSTM_ Text showsPrec (Unique), _CONSTM_ Text readList (Unique), _CONSTM_ Text showList (Unique)] _N_
+ readsPrec = _A_ 2 _U_ 02 _N_ _S_ _!_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XX 3 \ (u0 :: Int) (u1 :: [Char]) -> _APP_ _TYAPP_ _ORIG_ Util panic { ([Char] -> [(Unique, [Char])]) } [ _NOREP_S_ "no readsPrec for Unique", u1 ] _N_,
+ showsPrec = _A_ 3 _U_ 010 _N_ _S_ "AU(P)A" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 3 XXX 5 \ (u0 :: Int) (u1 :: Unique) (u2 :: [Char]) -> let {(u3 :: _PackedString) = _APP_ _ORIG_ Unique showUnique [ u1 ]} in _APP_ _ORIG_ PreludePS _unpackPS [ u3 ] _N_,
+ readList = _A_ 0 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_,
+ showList = _A_ 0 _U_ 12 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgSyn.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..577498d63d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgSyn.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,882 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1995
+\section[StgSyn]{Shared term graph (STG) syntax for spineless-tagless code generation}
+This data type represents programs just before code generation
+(conversion to @AbstractC@): basically, what we have is a stylised
+form of @CoreSyntax@, the style being one that happens to be ideally
+suited to spineless tagless code generation.
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module StgSyn (
+ StgAtom(..),
+ StgLiveVars(..),
+ StgBinding(..), StgExpr(..), StgRhs(..),
+ StgCaseAlternatives(..), StgCaseDefault(..),
+#ifdef DPH
+ StgParCommunicate(..),
+#endif {- Data Parallel Haskell -}
+ UpdateFlag(..),
+ StgBinderInfo(..),
+ stgArgOcc, stgUnsatOcc, stgStdHeapOcc, stgNoUpdHeapOcc,
+ stgNormalOcc, stgFakeFunAppOcc,
+ combineStgBinderInfo,
+ -- a set of synonyms for the most common (only :-) parameterisation
+ PlainStgAtom(..), PlainStgLiveVars(..), PlainStgProgram(..),
+ PlainStgBinding(..), PlainStgExpr(..), PlainStgRhs(..),
+ PlainStgCaseAlternatives(..), PlainStgCaseDefault(..),
+ pprPlainStgBinding,
+--UNUSED: fvsFromAtoms,
+ getAtomKind,
+ isLitLitStgAtom,
+ stgArity,
+ collectExportedStgBinders,
+ -- and to make the interface self-sufficient...
+ Outputable(..), NamedThing(..), Pretty(..),
+ Unique, ExportFlag, SrcLoc, PprStyle, PrettyRep,
+ BasicLit, Class, ClassOp,
+ Binds, Expr, GRHS, GRHSsAndBinds, InPat,
+ Id, IdInfo, Maybe, Name, FullName, ShortName,
+ PrimKind, PrimOp, CostCentre, TyCon, TyVar,
+ UniqSet(..), UniqFM, Bag,
+ TyVarTemplate, UniType, TauType(..),
+ ThetaType(..), SigmaType(..),
+ TyVarEnv(..), IdEnv(..)
+ ) where
+import AbsPrel ( getPrimOpResultInfo, PrimOpResultInfo(..),
+ PrimOp, PrimKind
+ )
+import AbsSyn ( Binds, Expr, GRHS, GRHSsAndBinds, InPat )
+import AbsUniType
+import BasicLit ( typeOfBasicLit, kindOfBasicLit, isLitLitLit,
+ BasicLit(..) -- (..) for pragmas
+ )
+import Id ( getIdUniType, getIdKind, toplevelishId,
+ isTopLevId, Id, IdInfo
+ )
+import Maybes ( Maybe(..), catMaybes )
+import Outputable
+import Pretty
+import PrimKind ( PrimKind )
+import CostCentre ( showCostCentre, CostCentre )
+import UniqSet
+import Unique
+import Util
+%* *
+%* *
+As usual, expressions are interesting; other things are boring. Here
+are the boring things [except note the @StgRhs@], parameterised with
+respect to binder and bindee information (just as in @CoreSyntax@):
+data StgBinding binder bindee
+ = StgNonRec binder (StgRhs binder bindee)
+ | StgRec [(binder, StgRhs binder bindee)]
+An @StgProgram@ is just a list of @StgBindings@; the
+properties/restrictions-on this list are the same as for a
+@CoreProgram@ (a list of @CoreBindings@).
+--type StgProgram binder bindee = [StgBinding binder bindee]
+%* *
+%* *
+data StgAtom bindee
+ = StgVarAtom bindee
+ | StgLitAtom BasicLit
+getAtomKind (StgVarAtom local) = getIdKind local
+getAtomKind (StgLitAtom lit) = kindOfBasicLit lit
+{- UNUSED happily
+fvsFromAtoms :: [PlainStgAtom] -> (UniqSet Id) -- ToDo: this looks like a HACK to me (WDP)
+fvsFromAtoms as = mkUniqSet [ id | (StgVarAtom id) <- as, not (toplevelishId id) ]
+isLitLitStgAtom (StgLitAtom x) = isLitLitLit x
+isLitLitStgAtom _ = False
+%* *
+\subsection[StgExpr]{STG expressions}
+%* *
+The @StgExpr@ data type is parameterised on binder and bindee info, as
+%* *
+\subsubsection[StgExpr-application]{@StgExpr@ application}
+%* *
+An application is of a function to a list of atoms [not expressions].
+Operationally, we want to push the arguments on the stack and call the
+function. (If the arguments were expressions, we would have to build
+their closures first.)
+There is no constructor for a lone variable; it would appear as
+@StgApp var [] _@.
+type StgLiveVars bindee = UniqSet bindee
+data StgExpr binder bindee
+ = StgApp
+ (StgAtom bindee) -- function
+ [StgAtom bindee] -- arguments
+ (StgLiveVars bindee) -- Live vars in continuation; ie not
+ -- including the function and args
+ -- NB: a literal is: StgApp <lit-atom> [] ...
+%* *
+\subsubsection[StgExpr-apps]{@StgConApp@ and @StgPrimApp@---saturated applications}
+%* *
+There are two specialised forms of application, for
+constructors and primitives.
+ | StgConApp -- always saturated
+ Id -- data constructor
+ [StgAtom bindee]
+ (StgLiveVars bindee) -- Live vars in continuation; ie not
+ -- including the constr and args
+ | StgPrimApp -- always saturated
+ PrimOp
+ [StgAtom bindee]
+ (StgLiveVars bindee) -- Live vars in continuation; ie not
+ -- including the op and args
+These forms are to do ``inline versions,'' as it were.
+An example might be: @f x = x:[]@.
+%* *
+\subsubsection[StgExpr-case]{@StgExpr@: case-expressions}
+%* *
+This has the same boxed/unboxed business as Core case expressions.
+ | StgCase
+ (StgExpr binder bindee)
+ -- the thing to examine
+ (StgLiveVars bindee) -- Live vars of whole case
+ -- expression; i.e., those which mustn't be
+ -- overwritten
+ (StgLiveVars bindee) -- Live vars of RHSs;
+ -- i.e., those which must be saved before eval.
+ --
+ -- note that an alt's constructor's
+ -- binder-variables are NOT counted in the
+ -- free vars for the alt's RHS
+ Unique -- Occasionally needed to compile case
+ -- statements, as the uniq for a local
+ -- variable to hold the tag of a primop with
+ -- algebraic result
+ (StgCaseAlternatives binder bindee)
+%* *
+\subsubsection[StgExpr-lets]{@StgExpr@: @let(rec)@-expressions}
+%* *
+The various forms of let(rec)-expression encode most of the
+interesting things we want to do.
+let-closure x = [free-vars] expr [args]
+in e
+is equivalent to
+let x = (\free-vars -> \args -> expr) free-vars
+\tr{args} may be empty (and is for most closures). It isn't under
+circumstances like this:
+let x = (\y -> y+z)
+This gets mangled to
+let-closure x = [z] [y] (y+z)
+The idea is that we compile code for @(y+z)@ in an environment in which
+@z@ is bound to an offset from \tr{Node}, and @y@ is bound to an
+offset from the stack pointer.
+(A let-closure is an @StgLet@ with a @StgRhsClosure@ RHS.)
+let-constructor x = Constructor [args]
+in e
+(A let-constructor is an @StgLet@ with a @StgRhsCon@ RHS.)
+Letrec-expressions are essentially the same deal as
+let-closure/let-constructor, so we use a common structure and
+distinguish between them with an @is_recursive@ boolean flag.
+let-unboxed u = an arbitrary arithmetic expression in unboxed values
+in e
+All the stuff on the RHS must be fully evaluated. No function calls either!
+(We've backed away from this toward case-expressions with
+suitably-magical alts ...)
+~[Advanced stuff here! Not to start with, but makes pattern matching
+generate more efficient code.]
+let-escapes-not fail = expr
+in e'
+Here the idea is that @e'@ guarantees not to put @fail@ in a data structure,
+or pass it to another function. All @e'@ will ever do is tail-call @fail@.
+Rather than build a closure for @fail@, all we need do is to record the stack
+level at the moment of the @let-escapes-not@; then entering @fail@ is just
+a matter of adjusting the stack pointer back down to that point and entering
+the code for it.
+Another example:
+f x y = let z = huge-expression in
+ if y==1 then z else
+ if y==2 then z else
+ 1
+(A let-escapes-not is an @StgLetNoEscape@.)
+We may eventually want:
+let-literal x = BasicLit
+in e
+(ToDo: is this obsolete?)
+And so the code for let(rec)-things:
+ | StgLet
+ (StgBinding binder bindee) -- right hand sides (see below)
+ (StgExpr binder bindee) -- body
+ | StgLetNoEscape -- remember: ``advanced stuff''
+ (StgLiveVars bindee) -- Live in the whole let-expression
+ -- Mustn't overwrite these stack slots
+ -- *Doesn't* include binders of the let(rec).
+ (StgLiveVars bindee) -- Live in the right hand sides (only)
+ -- These are the ones which must be saved on
+ -- the stack if they aren't there already
+ -- *Does* include binders of the let(rec) if recursive.
+ (StgBinding binder bindee) -- right hand sides (see below)
+ (StgExpr binder bindee) -- body
+%* *
+\subsubsection[StgExpr-scc]{@StgExpr@: @scc@ expressions}
+%* *
+Finally for @scc@ expressions we introduce a new STG construct.
+ | StgSCC
+ UniType -- the type of the body
+ CostCentre -- label of SCC expression
+ (StgExpr binder bindee) -- scc expression
+%* *
+\subsection[DataParallel]{Data parallel extensions to STG syntax}
+%* *
+#ifdef DPH
+ | StgParConApp -- saturated parallel constructor
+ Id
+ Int -- What parallel context
+ [StgAtom bindee]
+ (StgLiveVars bindee)
+ | StgParComm
+ Int
+ (StgExpr binder bindee) -- The thing we are communicating
+ (StgParCommunicate binder bindee)
+#endif {- Data Parallel Haskell -}
+ -- end of StgExpr
+%* *
+\subsection[StgRhs]{STG right-hand sides}
+%* *
+Here's the rest of the interesting stuff for @StgLet@s; the first
+flavour is for closures:
+data StgRhs binder bindee
+ = StgRhsClosure
+ CostCentre -- cost centre to be attached (default is CCC)
+ StgBinderInfo -- Info about how this binder is used (see below)
+ [bindee] -- non-global free vars; a list, rather than
+ -- a set, because order is important
+ UpdateFlag -- ReEntrant | Updatable | SingleEntry
+ [binder] -- arguments; if empty, then not a function;
+ -- as above, order is important
+ (StgExpr binder bindee) -- body
+An example may be in order. Consider:
+let t = \x -> \y -> ... x ... y ... p ... q in e
+Pulling out the free vars and stylising somewhat, we get the equivalent:
+let t = (\[p,q] -> \[x,y] -> ... x ... y ... p ...q) p q
+Stg-operationally, the @[x,y]@ are on the stack, the @[p,q]@ are
+offsets from @Node@ into the closure, and the code ptr for the closure
+will be exactly that in parentheses above.
+The second flavour of right-hand-side is for constructors (simple but important):
+ | StgRhsCon
+ CostCentre -- Cost centre to be attached (default is CCC).
+ -- Top-level (static) ones will end up with
+ -- DontCareCC, because we don't count static
+ -- data in heap profiles, and we don't set CCC
+ -- from static closure.
+ Id -- constructor
+ [StgAtom bindee] -- args
+Here's the @StgBinderInfo@ type, and its combining op:
+data StgBinderInfo
+ = NoStgBinderInfo
+ | StgBinderInfo
+ Bool -- At least one occurrence as an argument
+ Bool -- At least one occurrence in an unsaturated application
+ Bool -- This thing (f) has at least occurrence of the form:
+ -- x = [..] \u [] -> f a b c
+ -- where the application is saturated
+ Bool -- Ditto for non-updatable x.
+ Bool -- At least one fake application occurrence, that is
+ -- an StgApp f args where args is an empty list
+ -- This is due to the fact that we do not have a
+ -- StgVar constructor.
+ -- Used by the lambda lifter.
+ -- True => "at least one unsat app" is True too
+stgArgOcc = StgBinderInfo True False False False False
+stgUnsatOcc = StgBinderInfo False True False False False
+stgStdHeapOcc = StgBinderInfo False False True False False
+stgNoUpdHeapOcc = StgBinderInfo False False False True False
+stgNormalOcc = StgBinderInfo False False False False False
+-- [Andre] can't think of a good name for the last one.
+stgFakeFunAppOcc = StgBinderInfo False True False False True
+combineStgBinderInfo :: StgBinderInfo -> StgBinderInfo -> StgBinderInfo
+combineStgBinderInfo NoStgBinderInfo info2 = info2
+combineStgBinderInfo info1 NoStgBinderInfo = info1
+combineStgBinderInfo (StgBinderInfo arg1 unsat1 std_heap1 upd_heap1 fkap1)
+ (StgBinderInfo arg2 unsat2 std_heap2 upd_heap2 fkap2)
+ = StgBinderInfo (arg1 || arg2)
+ (unsat1 || unsat2)
+ (std_heap1 || std_heap2)
+ (upd_heap1 || upd_heap2)
+ (fkap1 || fkap2)
+%* *
+\subsection[Stg-case-alternatives]{STG case alternatives}
+%* *
+Just like in @CoreSyntax@ (except no type-world stuff).
+data StgCaseAlternatives binder bindee
+ = StgAlgAlts UniType -- so we can find out things about constructor family
+ [(Id, -- alts: data constructor,
+ [binder], -- constructor's parameters,
+ [Bool], -- "use mask", same length as
+ -- parameters; a True in a
+ -- param's position if it is
+ -- used in the ...
+ StgExpr binder bindee)] -- ...right-hand side.
+ (StgCaseDefault binder bindee)
+ | StgPrimAlts UniType -- so we can find out things about constructor family
+ [(BasicLit, -- alts: unboxed literal,
+ StgExpr binder bindee)] -- rhs.
+ (StgCaseDefault binder bindee)
+#ifdef DPH
+ | StgParAlgAlts
+ UniType
+ Int -- What context we are in
+ [binder]
+ [(Id,StgExpr binder bindee)]
+ (StgCaseDefault binder bindee)
+ | StgParPrimAlts UniType
+ Int -- What context we are in
+ [(BasicLit, -- alts: unboxed literal,
+ StgExpr binder bindee)] -- rhs.
+ (StgCaseDefault binder bindee)
+#endif {- Data Parallel Haskell -}
+data StgCaseDefault binder bindee
+ = StgNoDefault -- small con family: all
+ -- constructor accounted for
+ | StgBindDefault binder -- form: var -> expr
+ Bool -- True <=> var is used in rhs
+ -- i.e., False <=> "_ -> expr"
+ (StgExpr binder bindee)
+%* *
+\subsection[Stg-parComummunicate]{Communication operations}
+%* *
+#ifdef DPH
+data StgParCommunicate binder bindee
+ = StgParSend
+ [StgAtom bindee] -- Sending PODs
+ | StgParFetch
+ [StgAtom bindee] -- Fetching PODs
+ | StgToPodized -- Convert a POD to the podized form
+ | StgFromPodized -- Convert a POD from the podized form
+#endif {- Data Parallel Haskell -}
+%* *
+\subsection[PlainStg]{The Plain STG parameterisation}
+%* *
+This happens to be the only one we use at the moment.
+type PlainStgProgram = [StgBinding Id Id]
+type PlainStgBinding = StgBinding Id Id
+type PlainStgAtom = StgAtom Id
+type PlainStgLiveVars= UniqSet Id
+type PlainStgExpr = StgExpr Id Id
+type PlainStgRhs = StgRhs Id Id
+type PlainStgCaseAlternatives = StgCaseAlternatives Id Id
+type PlainStgCaseDefault = StgCaseDefault Id Id
+%* *
+%* *
+This is also used in @LambdaFormInfo@ in the @ClosureInfo@ module.
+data UpdateFlag = ReEntrant | Updatable | SingleEntry
+instance Outputable UpdateFlag where
+ ppr sty u
+ = ppChar (case u of { ReEntrant -> 'r'; Updatable -> 'u'; SingleEntry -> 's' })
+%* *
+\subsection[Stg-utility-functions]{Utility functions}
+%* *
+For doing interfaces, we want the exported top-level Ids from the
+final pre-codegen STG code, so as to be sure we have the
+latest/greatest pragma info.
+ :: [PlainStgBinding] -- input: PlainStgProgram
+ -> [Id] -- exported top-level Ids
+collectExportedStgBinders binds
+ = exported_from_here [] binds
+ where
+ exported_from_here es [] = es
+ exported_from_here es ((StgNonRec b _) : binds)
+ = if not (isExported b) then
+ exported_from_here es binds
+ else
+ exported_from_here (b:es) binds
+ exported_from_here es ((StgRec []) : binds)
+ = exported_from_here es binds
+ exported_from_here es ((StgRec ((b, rhs) : pairs)) : binds)
+ = exported_from_here
+ es
+ (StgNonRec b rhs : (StgRec pairs : binds))
+ -- OK, a total hack; laziness rules
+%* *
+%* *
+Robin Popplestone asked for semi-colon separators on STG binds; here's
+hoping he likes terminators instead... Ditto for case alternatives.
+pprStgBinding :: (Outputable bndr, Outputable bdee, Ord bdee) =>
+ PprStyle -> StgBinding bndr bdee -> Pretty
+pprStgBinding sty (StgNonRec binder rhs)
+ = ppHang (ppCat [ppr sty binder, ppEquals])
+ 4 (ppBeside (ppr sty rhs) ppSemi)
+pprStgBinding sty (StgRec pairs)
+ = ppAboves ((ifPprDebug sty (ppStr "{- StgRec -}")) :
+ (map (ppr_bind sty) pairs))
+ where
+ ppr_bind sty (binder, expr)
+ = ppHang (ppCat [ppr sty binder, ppEquals])
+ 4 (ppBeside (ppr sty expr) ppSemi)
+pprPlainStgBinding :: PprStyle -> PlainStgBinding -> Pretty
+pprPlainStgBinding sty b = pprStgBinding sty b
+instance (Outputable bdee) => Outputable (StgAtom bdee) where
+ ppr = pprStgAtom
+instance (Outputable bndr, Outputable bdee, Ord bdee)
+ => Outputable (StgBinding bndr bdee) where
+ ppr = pprStgBinding
+instance (Outputable bndr, Outputable bdee, Ord bdee)
+ => Outputable (StgExpr bndr bdee) where
+ ppr = pprStgExpr
+{- OLD:
+instance (Outputable bndr, Outputable bdee, Ord bdee)
+ => Outputable (StgCaseDefault bndr bdee) where
+ ppr sty deflt = panic "ppr:StgCaseDefault"
+instance (Outputable bndr, Outputable bdee, Ord bdee)
+ => Outputable (StgRhs bndr bdee) where
+ ppr sty rhs = pprStgRhs sty rhs
+pprStgAtom :: (Outputable bdee) => PprStyle -> StgAtom bdee -> Pretty
+pprStgAtom sty (StgVarAtom var) = ppr sty var
+pprStgAtom sty (StgLitAtom lit) = ppr sty lit
+pprStgExpr :: (Outputable bndr, Outputable bdee, Ord bdee) =>
+ PprStyle -> StgExpr bndr bdee -> Pretty
+-- special case
+pprStgExpr sty (StgApp func [] lvs)
+ = ppBeside (ppr sty func) (pprStgLVs sty lvs)
+-- general case
+pprStgExpr sty (StgApp func args lvs)
+ = ppHang (ppBeside (ppr sty func) (pprStgLVs sty lvs))
+ 4 (ppSep (map (ppr sty) args))
+pprStgExpr sty (StgConApp con args lvs)
+ = ppBesides [ ppBeside (ppr sty con) (pprStgLVs sty lvs),
+ ppStr "! [", interppSP sty args, ppStr "]" ]
+pprStgExpr sty (StgPrimApp op args lvs)
+ = ppBesides [ ppr sty op, ppChar '#', pprStgLVs sty lvs,
+ ppStr " [", interppSP sty args, ppStr "]" ]
+-- special case: let v = <very specific thing>
+-- in
+-- let ...
+-- in
+-- ...
+-- Very special! Suspicious! (SLPJ)
+pprStgExpr sty (StgLet (StgNonRec binder (StgRhsClosure cc bi free_vars upd_flag args rhs))
+ expr@(StgLet _ _))
+ = ppAbove
+ (ppHang (ppBesides [ppStr "let { ", ppr sty binder, ppStr " = ",
+ ppStr (showCostCentre sty True{-as string-} cc),
+ pp_binder_info sty bi,
+ ppStr " [", ifPprDebug sty (interppSP sty free_vars), ppStr "] \\",
+ ppr sty upd_flag, ppStr " [",
+ interppSP sty args, ppStr "]"])
+ 8 (ppSep [ppCat [ppr sty rhs, ppStr "} in"]]))
+ (ppr sty expr)
+-- special case: let ... in let ...
+pprStgExpr sty (StgLet bind expr@(StgLet _ _))
+ = ppAbove
+ (ppSep [ppHang (ppStr "let {") 2 (ppCat [pprStgBinding sty bind, ppStr "} in"])])
+ (ppr sty expr)
+-- general case
+pprStgExpr sty (StgLet bind expr)
+ = ppSep [ppHang (ppStr "let {") 2 (pprStgBinding sty bind),
+ ppHang (ppStr "} in ") 2 (ppr sty expr)]
+pprStgExpr sty (StgLetNoEscape lvs_whole lvs_rhss bind expr)
+ = ppSep [ppHang (ppStr "let-no-escape {")
+ 2 (pprStgBinding sty bind),
+ ppHang (ppBeside (ppStr "} in ")
+ (ifPprDebug sty (
+ ppNest 4 (
+ ppBesides [ppStr "-- lvs: [", interppSP sty (uniqSetToList lvs_whole),
+ ppStr "]; rhs lvs: [", interppSP sty (uniqSetToList lvs_rhss),
+ ppStr "]"]))))
+ 2 (ppr sty expr)]
+pprStgExpr sty (StgSCC ty cc expr)
+ = ppSep [ ppCat [ppStr "_scc_", ppStr (showCostCentre sty True{-as string-} cc)],
+ pprStgExpr sty expr ]
+pprStgExpr sty (StgCase expr lvs_whole lvs_rhss uniq alts)
+ = ppSep [ppSep [ppStr "case",
+ ppNest 4 (ppCat [pprStgExpr sty expr,
+ ifPprDebug sty (ppBeside (ppStr "::") (pp_ty alts))]),
+ ppStr "of {"],
+ ifPprDebug sty (
+ ppNest 4 (
+ ppBesides [ppStr "-- lvs: [", interppSP sty (uniqSetToList lvs_whole),
+ ppStr "]; rhs lvs: [", interppSP sty (uniqSetToList lvs_rhss),
+ ppStr "]; uniq: ", pprUnique uniq])),
+ ppNest 2 (ppr_alts sty alts),
+ ppStr "}"]
+ where
+ pp_ty (StgAlgAlts ty _ _) = ppr sty ty
+ pp_ty (StgPrimAlts ty _ _) = ppr sty ty
+ ppr_alts sty (StgAlgAlts ty alts deflt)
+ = ppAboves [ ppAboves (map (ppr_bxd_alt sty) alts),
+ ppr_default sty deflt ]
+ where
+ ppr_bxd_alt sty (con, params, use_mask, expr)
+ = ppHang (ppCat [ppr_con sty con, interppSP sty params, ppStr "->"])
+ 4 (ppBeside (ppr sty expr) ppSemi)
+ where
+ ppr_con sty con
+ = if isOpLexeme con
+ then ppBesides [ppLparen, ppr sty con, ppRparen]
+ else ppr sty con
+ ppr_alts sty (StgPrimAlts ty alts deflt)
+ = ppAboves [ ppAboves (map (ppr_ubxd_alt sty) alts),
+ ppr_default sty deflt ]
+ where
+ ppr_ubxd_alt sty (lit, expr)
+ = ppHang (ppCat [ppr sty lit, ppStr "->"])
+ 4 (ppBeside (ppr sty expr) ppSemi)
+#ifdef DPH
+ ppr_alts sty (StgParAlgAlts ty dim params alts deflt)
+ = ppAboves [ ppBeside (ppCat (map (ppr sty) params))
+ (ppCat [ppStr "|" , ppr sty dim , ppStr "|"]),
+ ppAboves (map (ppr_bxd_alt sty) alts),
+ ppr_default sty deflt ]
+ where
+ ppr_bxd_alt sty (con, expr)
+ = ppHang (ppCat [ppStr "\\/", ppr_con sty con, ppStr "->"])
+ 4 (ppr sty expr)
+ where
+ ppr_con sty con
+ = if isOpLexeme con
+ then ppBesides [ppLparen, ppr sty con, ppRparen]
+ else ppr sty con
+ ppr_alts sty (StgParPrimAlts ty dim alts deflt)
+ = ppAboves [ ifPprShowAll sty (ppr sty ty),
+ ppCat [ppStr "|" , ppr sty dim , ppStr "|"],
+ ppAboves (map (ppr_ubxd_alt sty) alts),
+ ppr_default sty deflt ]
+ where
+ ppr_ubxd_alt sty (lit, expr)
+ = ppHang (ppCat [ppStr "\\/", ppr sty lit, ppStr "->"]) 4 (ppr sty expr)
+#endif {- Data Parallel Haskell -}
+ ppr_default sty StgNoDefault = ppNil
+ ppr_default sty (StgBindDefault binder used expr)
+ = ppHang (ppCat [pp_binder, ppStr "->"]) 4 (ppr sty expr)
+ where
+ pp_binder = if used then ppr sty binder else ppChar '_'
+#ifdef DPH
+pprStgExpr sty (StgParConApp con dim args lvs)
+ = ppBesides [ppr sty con, pprStgLVs sty lvs, ppStr "!<<" ,ppr sty dim ,
+ ppStr ">> [", interppSP sty args, ppStr "]" ]
+pprStgExpr sty (StgParComm dim expr comm)
+ = ppSep [ppSep [ppStr "COMM ",
+ ppNest 2 (pprStgExpr sty expr),ppStr "{"],
+ ppNest 2 (ppr_comm sty comm),
+ ppStr "}"]
+ where
+ ppr_comm sty (StgParSend args)
+ = ppSep [ppStr "SEND [",interppSP sty args, ppStr "]" ]
+ ppr_comm sty (StgParFetch args)
+ = ppSep [ppStr "FETCH [",interppSP sty args, ppStr "]" ]
+ ppr_comm sty (StgToPodized)
+ = ppStr "ToPodized"
+ ppr_comm sty (StgFromPodized)
+ = ppStr "FromPodized"
+#endif {- Data Parallel Haskell -}
+-- pprStgLVs :: PprStyle -> StgLiveVars bindee -> Pretty
+pprStgLVs PprForUser lvs = ppNil
+pprStgLVs sty lvs
+ = if isEmptyUniqSet lvs then
+ ppNil
+ else
+ ppBesides [ppStr "{-lvs:", interpp'SP sty (uniqSetToList lvs), ppStr "-}"]
+pprStgRhs :: (Outputable bndr, Outputable bdee, Ord bdee) =>
+ PprStyle -> StgRhs bndr bdee -> Pretty
+-- special case
+pprStgRhs sty (StgRhsClosure cc bi [free_var] upd_flag [{-no args-}] (StgApp func [] lvs))
+ = ppBesides [ ppStr (showCostCentre sty True{-as String-} cc),
+ pp_binder_info sty bi,
+ ppStr " [", ifPprDebug sty (ppr sty free_var),
+ ppStr "] \\", ppr sty upd_flag, ppStr " [] ", ppr sty func ]
+-- general case
+pprStgRhs sty (StgRhsClosure cc bi free_vars upd_flag args body)
+ = ppHang (ppBesides [ ppStr (showCostCentre sty True{-as String-} cc),
+ pp_binder_info sty bi,
+ ppStr " [", ifPprDebug sty (interppSP sty free_vars),
+ ppStr "] \\", ppr sty upd_flag, ppStr " [", interppSP sty args, ppStr "]"])
+ 4 (ppr sty body)
+pprStgRhs sty (StgRhsCon cc con args)
+ = ppBesides [ ppStr (showCostCentre sty True{-as String-} cc),
+ ppSP, ppr sty con, ppStr " [", interppSP sty args, ppStr "]" ]
+pp_binder_info PprForUser _ = ppNil
+pp_binder_info sty NoStgBinderInfo = ppNil
+-- cases so boring that we print nothing
+pp_binder_info sty (StgBinderInfo True b c d e) = ppNil
+-- general case
+pp_binder_info sty (StgBinderInfo a b c d e)
+ = ppBesides [ppChar '(', ppInterleave ppComma (map pp_bool [a,b,c,d,e]), ppChar ')']
+ where
+ pp_bool x = ppr (panic "pp_bool") x
+Collect @IdInfo@ stuff that is most easily just snaffled straight
+from the STG bindings.
+stgArity :: PlainStgRhs -> Int
+stgArity (StgRhsCon _ _ _) = 0 -- it's a constructor, fully applied
+stgArity (StgRhsClosure _ _ _ _ args _ ) = length args
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/root.lit b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/root.lit
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9842848fd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/root.lit
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+\author{Simon and friends}
+\title{STG Syntax}