path: root/ghc/compiler/stranal/WwLib.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1995
+\section[WwLib]{A library for the ``worker/wrapper'' back-end to the strictness analyser}
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module WwLib (
+ WwBinding(..),
+ mkWwBodies, mAX_WORKER_ARGS,
+ -- our friendly worker/wrapper monad:
+ WwM(..),
+ returnWw, thenWw, mapWw,
+ getUniqueWw, uniqSMtoWwM,
+ -- and to make the interface self-sufficient...
+ GlobalSwitch, CoreBinding, CoreExpr, PlainCoreBinding(..),
+ PlainCoreExpr(..), Id, Demand, MaybeErr,
+ TyVar, UniType, Unique, SplitUniqSupply, SUniqSM(..)
+ IF_ATTACK_PRAGMAS(COMMA splitUniqSupply COMMA getSUnique)
+ ) where
+import Outputable -- ToDo: rm (debugging)
+import Pretty
+import AbsPrel ( aBSENT_ERROR_ID, mkFunTy )
+import AbsUniType ( mkTyVarTy, isPrimType, getUniDataTyCon_maybe,
+ quantifyTy, TyVarTemplate
+ )
+import CmdLineOpts ( GlobalSwitch(..) )
+import Id ( mkWorkerId, mkSysLocal, getIdUniType,
+ getInstantiatedDataConSig, getIdInfo,
+ replaceIdInfo, addIdStrictness, DataCon(..)
+ )
+import IdInfo -- lots of things
+import Maybes ( maybeToBool, Maybe(..), MaybeErr )
+import PlainCore
+import SaLib
+import SrcLoc ( mkUnknownSrcLoc )
+import SplitUniq
+import Unique
+import Util
+infixr 9 `thenWw`
+%* *
+\subsection[datatype-WwLib]{@WwBinding@: a datatype for worker/wrapper-ing}
+%* *
+In the worker/wrapper stuff, we want to carry around @CoreBindings@ in
+an ``intermediate form'' that can later be turned into a \tr{let} or
+\tr{case} (depending on strictness info).
+data WwBinding
+ = WwLet [PlainCoreBinding]
+ | WwCase (PlainCoreExpr -> PlainCoreExpr)
+ -- the "case" will be a "strict let" of the form:
+ --
+ -- case rhs of
+ -- <blah> -> body
+ --
+ -- (instead of "let <blah> = rhs in body")
+ --
+ -- The expr you pass to the function is "body" (the
+ -- expression that goes "in the corner").
+%* *
+%* *
+ ************ WARNING ******************
+ these comments are rather out of date
+ *****************************************
+@mkWrapperAndWorker@ is given:
+The {\em original function} \tr{f}, of the form:
+f = /\ tyvars -> \ args -> body
+The original-binder \tr{f}, the \tr{tyvars}, \tr{args}, and \tr{body}
+are given separately.
+We use the Id \tr{f} mostly to get its type.
+Strictness information about \tr{f}, in the form of a list of
+A @UniqueSupply@.
+@mkWrapperAndWorker@ produces (A BIT OUT-OF-DATE...):
+Maybe @Nothing@: no worker/wrappering going on in this case. This can
+happen (a)~if the strictness info says that there is nothing
+interesting to do or (b)~if *any* of the argument types corresponding
+to ``active'' arg postitions is abstract or will be to the outside
+world (i.e., {\em this} module can see the constructors, but nobody
+else will be able to). An ``active'' arg position is one which the
+wrapper has to unpack. An importing module can't do this unpacking,
+so it simply has to give up and call the wrapper only.
+Maybe \tr{Just (wrapper_Id, wrapper_body, worker_Id, worker_body)}.
+The @wrapper_Id@ is just the one that was passed in, with its
+strictness IdInfo updated.
+The \tr{body} of the original function may not be given (i.e., it's
+BOTTOM), in which case you'd jolly well better not tug on the
+worker-body output!
+Here's an example. The original function is:
+g :: forall a . Int -> [a] -> a
+g = /\ a -> \ x ys ->
+ case x of
+ 0 -> head ys
+ _ -> head (tail ys)
+From this, we want to produce:
+-- wrapper (an unfolding)
+g :: forall a . Int -> [a] -> a
+g = /\ a -> \ x ys ->
+ case x of
+ I# x# -> g.wrk a x# ys
+ -- call the worker; don't forget the type args!
+-- worker
+g.wrk :: forall a . Int# -> [a] -> a
+g.wrk = /\ a -> \ x# ys ->
+ let
+ x = I# x#
+ in
+ case x of -- note: body of g moved intact
+ 0 -> head ys
+ _ -> head (tail ys)
+Something we have to be careful about: Here's an example:
+-- "f" strictness: U(P)U(P)
+f (I# a) (I# b) = a +# b
+g = f -- "g" strictness same as "f"
+\tr{f} will get a worker all nice and friendly-like; that's good.
+{\em But we don't want a worker for \tr{g}}, even though it has the
+same strictness as \tr{f}. Doing so could break laziness, at best.
+Consequently, we insist that the number of strictness-info items is
+exactly the same as the number of lambda-bound arguments. (This is
+probably slightly paranoid, but OK in practice.) If it isn't the
+same, we ``revise'' the strictness info, so that we won't propagate
+the unusable strictness-info into the interfaces.
+Here's the real fun... The wrapper's ``deconstructing'' of arguments
+and the worker's putting them back together again are ``duals'' in
+some sense.
+What we do is walk along the @Demand@ list, producing two
+expressions (one for wrapper, one for worker...), each with a ``hole''
+in it, where we will later plug in more information. For our previous
+example, the expressions-with-HOLES are:
+\ x ys -> -- wrapper
+ case x of
+ I# x# -> <<HOLE>> x# ys
+\ x# ys -> -- worker
+ let
+ x = I# x#
+ in
+ <<HOLE>>
+(Actually, we add the lambda-bound arguments at the end...) (The big
+Lambdas are added on the front later.)
+ :: UniType -- Type of the *body* of the orig
+ -- function; i.e. /\ tyvars -> \ vars -> body
+ -> [TyVar] -- Type lambda vars of original function
+ -> [Id] -- Args of original function
+ -> [Demand] -- Strictness info for those args
+ -> SUniqSM (Maybe -- Nothing iff (a) no interesting split possible
+ -- (b) any unpack on abstract type
+ (Id -> PlainCoreExpr, -- Wrapper expr w/
+ -- hole for worker id
+ PlainCoreExpr -> PlainCoreExpr, -- Worker expr w/ hole
+ -- for original fn body
+ StrictnessInfo, -- Worker strictness info
+ UniType -> UniType) -- Worker type w/ hole
+ ) -- for type of original fn body
+mkWwBodies body_ty tyvars args arg_infos
+ = ASSERT(length args == length arg_infos)
+ -- or you can get disastrous user/definer-module mismatches
+ if (all_absent_args_and_unboxed_value body_ty arg_infos)
+ then returnSUs Nothing
+ else -- the rest...
+ mk_ww_arg_processing args arg_infos (mAX_WORKER_ARGS - nonAbsentArgs arg_infos)
+ `thenUsMaybe` \ (wrap_frag, work_args_info, work_frag) ->
+ let
+ (work_args, wrkr_demands) = unzip work_args_info
+ wrkr_strictness = mkStrictnessInfo wrkr_demands Nothing -- no worker-of-worker...
+ wrapper_w_hole = \ worker_id ->
+ mkCoTyLam tyvars (
+ mkCoLam args (
+ wrap_frag (
+ mkCoTyApps (CoVar worker_id) (map mkTyVarTy tyvars)
+ )))
+ worker_w_hole = \ orig_body ->
+ mkCoTyLam tyvars (
+ mkCoLam work_args (
+ work_frag orig_body
+ ))
+ worker_ty_w_hole = \ body_ty ->
+ snd (quantifyTy tyvars (
+ foldr mkFunTy body_ty (map getIdUniType work_args)
+ ))
+ in
+ returnSUs (Just (wrapper_w_hole, worker_w_hole, wrkr_strictness, worker_ty_w_hole))
+ where
+ -- "all_absent_args_and_unboxed_value":
+ -- check for the obscure case of "\ x y z ... -> body" where
+ -- (a) *all* of the args x, y, z,... are absent, and
+ -- (b) the type of body is unboxed
+ -- If these conditions are true, we must *not* play worker/wrapper games!
+ all_absent_args_and_unboxed_value body_ty arg_infos
+ = not (null arg_infos)
+ && all is_absent_arg arg_infos
+ && isPrimType body_ty
+ is_absent_arg (WwLazy True) = True
+ is_absent_arg _ = False
+Important: mk_ww_arg_processing doesn't check
+for an "interesting" split. It just races ahead and makes the
+split, even if there's no unpacking at all. This is important for
+when it calls itself recursively.
+It returns Nothing only if it encounters an abstract type in mid-flight.
+mAX_WORKER_ARGS :: Int -- ToDo: set via flag
+mAX_WORKER_ARGS = 6 -- Hmm... but this is an everything-must-
+ -- be-compiled-with-the-same-val thing...
+ :: [Id] -- Args of original function
+ -> [Demand] -- Strictness info for those args
+ -- must be at least as long as args
+ -> Int -- Number of extra args we are prepared to add.
+ -- This prevents over-eager unpacking, leading
+ -- to huge-arity functions.
+ -> SUniqSM (Maybe -- Nothing iff any unpack on abstract type
+ (PlainCoreExpr -> PlainCoreExpr, -- Wrapper expr w/
+ -- hole for worker id
+ -- applied to types
+ [(Id,Demand)], -- Worker's args
+ -- and their strictness info
+ PlainCoreExpr -> PlainCoreExpr) -- Worker body expr w/ hole
+ ) -- for original fn body
+mk_ww_arg_processing [] _ _ = returnSUs (Just (id, [], id))
+mk_ww_arg_processing (arg : args) (WwLazy True : infos) max_extra_args
+ = -- Absent argument
+ -- So, finish args to the right...
+ --pprTrace "Absent; num_wrkr_args=" (ppInt num_wrkr_args) (
+ let
+ arg_ty = getIdUniType arg
+ in
+ mk_ww_arg_processing args infos max_extra_args
+ -- we've already discounted for absent args,
+ -- so we don't change max_extra_args
+ `thenUsMaybe` \ (wrap_rest, work_args_info, work_rest) ->
+ -- wrapper doesn't pass this arg to worker:
+ returnSUs (Just (
+ -- wrapper:
+ \ hole -> wrap_rest hole,
+ -- worker:
+ work_args_info, -- NB: no argument added
+ \ hole -> mk_absent_let arg arg_ty (work_rest hole)
+ ))
+ --)
+ where
+ mk_absent_let arg arg_ty body
+ = if not (isPrimType arg_ty) then
+ CoLet (CoNonRec arg (mkCoTyApp (CoVar aBSENT_ERROR_ID) arg_ty))
+ body
+ else -- quite horrible
+ panic "WwLib: haven't done mk_absent_let for primitives yet"
+mk_ww_arg_processing (arg : args) (WwUnpack cmpnt_infos : infos) max_extra_args
+ | new_max_extra_args > 0 -- Check that we are prepared to add arguments
+ = -- this is the complicated one.
+ --pprTrace "Unpack; num_wrkr_args=" (ppCat [ppInt num_wrkr_args, ppStr "; new_max=", ppInt new_num_wrkr_args, ppStr "; arg=", ppr PprDebug arg, ppr PprDebug (WwUnpack cmpnt_infos)]) (
+ case getUniDataTyCon_maybe arg_ty of
+ Nothing -> -- Not a data type
+ panic "mk_ww_arg_processing: not datatype"
+ Just (_, _, []) -> -- An abstract type
+ -- We have to give up on the whole idea
+ returnSUs Nothing
+ Just (_, _, (_:_:_)) -> -- Two or more constructors; that's odd
+ panic "mk_ww_arg_processing: multi-constr"
+ Just (arg_tycon, tycon_arg_tys, [data_con]) ->
+ -- The main event: a single-constructor data type
+ let
+ (_,inst_con_arg_tys,_)
+ = getInstantiatedDataConSig data_con tycon_arg_tys
+ in
+ getSUniques (length inst_con_arg_tys) `thenSUs` \ uniqs ->
+ let unpk_args = zipWith (\ u t -> mkSysLocal SLIT("upk") u t mkUnknownSrcLoc)
+ uniqs inst_con_arg_tys
+ in
+ -- In processing the rest, push the sub-component args
+ -- and infos on the front of the current bunch
+ mk_ww_arg_processing (unpk_args ++ args) (cmpnt_infos ++ infos) new_max_extra_args
+ `thenUsMaybe` \ (wrap_rest, work_args_info, work_rest) ->
+ returnSUs (Just (
+ -- wrapper: unpack the value
+ \ hole -> mk_unpk_case arg unpk_args
+ data_con arg_tycon
+ (wrap_rest hole),
+ -- worker: expect the unpacked value;
+ -- reconstruct the orig value with a "let"
+ work_args_info,
+ \ hole -> work_rest (mk_pk_let arg data_con tycon_arg_tys unpk_args hole)
+ ))
+ --)
+ where
+ arg_ty = getIdUniType arg
+ new_max_extra_args
+ = max_extra_args
+ + 1 -- We won't pass the original arg now
+ - nonAbsentArgs cmpnt_infos -- But we will pass an arg for each cmpt
+ mk_unpk_case arg unpk_args boxing_con boxing_tycon body
+ = CoCase (CoVar arg) (
+ CoAlgAlts [(boxing_con, unpk_args, body)]
+ CoNoDefault
+ )
+ mk_pk_let arg boxing_con con_tys unpk_args body
+ = CoLet (CoNonRec arg (CoCon boxing_con con_tys [CoVarAtom a | a <- unpk_args]))
+ body
+mk_ww_arg_processing (arg : args) (arg_demand : infos) max_extra_args
+ | otherwise
+ = -- For all others at the moment, we just
+ -- pass them to the worker unchanged.
+ --pprTrace "Other; num_wrkr_args=" (ppCat [ppInt num_wrkr_args, ppStr ";arg=", ppr PprDebug arg, ppr PprDebug arg_demand]) (
+ -- Finish args to the right...
+ mk_ww_arg_processing args infos max_extra_args
+ `thenUsMaybe` \ (wrap_rest, work_args_info, work_rest) ->
+ returnSUs (Just (
+ -- wrapper:
+ \ hole -> wrap_rest (CoApp hole (CoVarAtom arg)),
+ -- worker:
+ (arg, arg_demand) : work_args_info,
+ \ hole -> work_rest hole
+ ))
+ --)
+%* *
+\subsection[monad-WwLib]{Simple monad for worker/wrapper}
+%* *
+In this monad, we thread a @UniqueSupply@, and we carry a
+@GlobalSwitch@-lookup function downwards.
+type WwM result
+ = SplitUniqSupply
+ -> (GlobalSwitch -> Bool)
+ -> result
+{-# INLINE thenWw #-}
+{-# INLINE returnWw #-}
+returnWw :: a -> WwM a
+thenWw :: WwM a -> (a -> WwM b) -> WwM b
+mapWw :: (a -> WwM b) -> [a] -> WwM [b]
+returnWw expr ns sw = expr
+thenWw m k us sw_chk
+ = case splitUniqSupply us of { (s1, s2) ->
+ case (m s1 sw_chk) of { m_res ->
+ k m_res s2 sw_chk }}
+mapWw f [] = returnWw []
+mapWw f (x:xs)
+ = f x `thenWw` \ x' ->
+ mapWw f xs `thenWw` \ xs' ->
+ returnWw (x':xs')
+getUniqueWw :: WwM Unique
+uniqSMtoWwM :: SUniqSM a -> WwM a
+getUniqueWw us sw_chk = getSUnique us
+uniqSMtoWwM u_obj us sw_chk = u_obj us
+thenUsMaybe :: SUniqSM (Maybe a) -> (a -> SUniqSM (Maybe b)) -> SUniqSM (Maybe b)
+thenUsMaybe m k
+ = m `thenSUs` \ result ->
+ case result of
+ Nothing -> returnSUs Nothing
+ Just x -> k x