path: root/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Subst.lhs
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1 files changed, 827 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Subst.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Subst.lhs
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index 0000000000..f5fad7fc24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Subst.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1995
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module Subst (
+ Subst, SubstResult(..), -- Subst is an abstract data type
+ mkEmptySubst, extendSubst,
+--not exported: applySubstToTauTy,
+ applySubstToTy,
+ applySubstToThetaTy, applySubstToTyVar,
+ getSubstTyVarUniques, getSubstTyVarUnique,
+ pushSubstUndos, combineSubstUndos, undoSubstUndos,
+ -- pruneSubst,
+ -- and to make the interface self-sufficient...
+ TyVar, UniType
+ ) where
+import AbsUniType -- lots of stuff, plus...
+import UniType -- UniType(..) -- *********** YOW!!! ********
+import Bag ( emptyBag, unionBags, snocBag,
+ bagToList, filterBag, unitBag, Bag )
+import Maybes ( Maybe(..), maybeToBool )
+import Outputable
+import Unique
+import Util
+%* *
+\subsection[Subst-magic-importst]{Funny imports to support magic implementation}
+%* *
+Or lack thereof.
+If we are compiling with Glasgow Haskell we can use mutable
+arrays to implement the substitution ...
+#ifndef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__
+import LiftMonad
+#else {- __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ -}
+import PreludeGlaST
+type STWorld = _State _RealWorld
+newWorld (S# real_world) = S# real_world
+#endif {- __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ -}
+%* *
+\subsection[Subst-common]{@Subst@: common implementation-independent bits}
+%* *
+data SubstResult
+ = SubstOK
+ | OccursCheck TyVar
+ TauType
+ | AlreadyBound TauType -- The variable is already bound
+ -- to this type. The type is *not*
+ -- necessarily a fixed pt of the
+ -- substitution
+Common signatures of major functions.
+mkEmptySubst :: Int -> Subst
+@extendSubst@: Add a single binding to the substitution. We have to:
+apply the existing bindings to the new one;
+check whether we are adding a trivial substitution of a type
+variable to itself (if so, do nothing);
+perform an occurs check on the right-hand side of the new binding;
+We do not apply the new binding to all the existing ones. This is
+delayed until the substitution is applied.
+extendSubst :: TyVar -- Tyvar to bind
+ -> TauType -- Type to bind it to; NB can be a synonym
+ -> SubstM SubstResult
+Apply a substitution to a given type.
+ {\em The type returned is guaranteed to be
+ a fixed point of the substitution.}
+Hence, we have to traverse the type determining the type mapped to
+tyvars. The type mapped must be recusively traversed as the substition
+is not stored idempotently.
+@applySubstToTauTy@ does not expect to meet a dict or forall type.
+@applySubstToTy@ may encounter these, but complains if the forall
+binds a variable which is in the domain of the substitution.
+applySubstToTy :: Subst -> UniType -> (Subst, UniType)
+applySubstToTauTy :: Subst -> TauType -> (Subst, TauType)
+applySubstToThetaTy :: Subst -> ThetaType -> (Subst, ThetaType)
+applySubstToTyVar :: Subst -> TyVar -> (Subst, TauType)
+These functions are only used by the type checker. We know that
+all the for-all'd type variables are fixed points of the substitution,
+so it's quite safe just to apply the substitution inside foralls.
+Sorta obvious.
+getSubstTyVarUnique :: Subst -> (Subst, Unique)
+getSubstTyVarUniques :: Int -> Subst -> (Subst, [Unique])
+@pushSubstUndos@ starts a new subst undo scope, saving the old scopes.
+It also saves the current unique supply so that it can be restored if
+the typecheck fails.
+@combineSubstUndos@ is called after a successful typecheck. It
+combines the current undos with the previos ones in case we fail in an
+outer scope. If no previous undos exist the undos are thrown away as
+we must have succeeded at the top level. The unique supply of the
+successful scope is returned to the unique supply of the current
+@undoSubstUndos@ is called when a typecheck failed. The any
+substitution modifications are undone and the undo information
+discarded. The saved unique supply of the enclosing scope is restored.
+pushSubstUndos, combineSubstUndos, undoSubstUndos :: Subst -> Subst
+%* *
+\subsection[Subst-Arrays]{@Subst@ with mutable @Arrays@ !!!}
+%* *
+Depends on....
+%* *
+\subsubsection{@Subst@: specification and representation}
+%* *
+{\em Specification:}
+* When new bindings are added to the substitution, an occurs check is performed.
+* The applySubst function guarantees to return a fixed point of the substitution.
+{\em Representation:}
+A substitution binds type variables to tau-types, that is @UniType@s without
+any @UniForall@ or @UniDict@ constructors.
+It is represented as an array, indexed on Int, with a world
+token, and a stack of type variables whos subst may be undone. The
+array is extended (by copying) if it overflows. The supply of
+Ints and the size of the array are linked so the substitution
+is also responsible for allocating the supply of uniques.
+The undo information is a stack of bags of the nested modifications to
+the substitution. If the typecheck fails the modifications to the
+substition are undone. If it succeeds the current undos are combined
+with the undos in the enclosing scope so that they would be undone if
+the enclsing scope typecheck fails.
+The unique supply is also stacked so that it can be restored if a
+typecheck fails.
+NOTE: The uniqueness of the world token, and hence the substitution,
+is critical as the 'worldSEQ' operation is unsafe if the token can be
+type SubstArray = _MutableArray _RealWorld Int (Maybe TauType)
+type SubstArrayIndex = Int -- Allocated within this module, single-threadedly
+data Subst
+ = MkSubst SubstArray -- Mapping for allocated tyvars
+ [(SubstArrayIndex, Bag (SubstArrayIndex, Maybe TauType))]
+ -- Stack to be undone if we fail, plus next free
+ -- slot when reverting. All the undos are for
+ -- slots earlier than the corresp "next free" index.
+ --
+ -- The "bag" is a lie: it's really a sequence, with
+ -- the most recently performed write appearing first.
+ STWorld -- State token
+ SubstArrayIndex -- Next free slot
+Here's a local monad for threading the substitution around:
+type SubstM a = Subst -> (Subst,a)
+returnSubstM x = \s -> (s,x)
+thenSubstM m k = \s -> case m s of { (s1, r) -> k r s1 }
+mapSubstM f [] = returnSubstM []
+mapSubstM f (x:xs) = f x `thenSubstM` \ r ->
+ mapSubstM f xs `thenSubstM` \ rs ->
+ returnSubstM (r:rs)
+-- Breaks the ST abstraction. But we have to do so somewhere...
+doST :: STWorld -> ST _RealWorld a -> (a, STWorld)
+doST w st = st w
+%* *
+\subsubsection{@Subst@: the array}
+%* *
+writeSubst :: SubstArrayIndex -> Maybe TauType -> SubstM ()
+ -- writeSubst writes in such a way that we can undo it later
+writeSubst index new_val
+ (MkSubst arr undo_stack@((checkpoint, undos):rest_undo_stack)
+ world next_free)
+ | index < checkpoint -- Record in undos
+ = let
+ (old, new_world) = doST world (
+ readArray arr index `thenStrictlyST` \ old_val ->
+ writeArray arr index new_val `seqStrictlyST`
+ returnStrictlyST old_val
+ )
+ new_undos = unitBag (index,old) `unionBags` undos
+ -- The order is significant! The right most thing
+ -- gets undone last
+ in
+ (MkSubst arr ((checkpoint, new_undos) : rest_undo_stack) new_world next_free, ())
+writeSubst index new_val (MkSubst arr undo_stack world next_free)
+ -- No need to record in undos: undo_stack is empty,
+ -- or index is after checkpoint
+ = let
+ (_, new_world) = doST world (writeArray arr index new_val)
+ in
+ (MkSubst arr undo_stack new_world next_free, ())
+readSubst :: SubstArrayIndex -> SubstM (Maybe TauType)
+readSubst index (MkSubst arr undos world supplies)
+ = let
+ (result, new_world) = doST world (readArray arr index)
+ in
+ (MkSubst arr undos new_world supplies, result)
+tyVarToIndex :: TyVar -> SubstArrayIndex
+tyVarToIndex tyvar = unpkUnifiableTyVarUnique (getTheUnique tyvar)
+%* *
+\subsubsection{@Subst@: building them}
+%* *
+The function @mkEmptySubst@ used to be a CAF containing a mutable
+array. The imperative world had a name for this kind of thing:
+``global variable'' and has observed that using these ``global variables''
+leads to something they call ``side effects''.
+These ``side effects'' never caused a problem for @hsc@ because empty
+substitutions are only used in one place (the typechecker) and only
+used once in every program run. In \tr{ghci} however, we might use the
+typechecker several times---in which case we'd like to have a
+different (fresh) substitution each time. The easy way (HACK) to
+achieve this is to deCAFinate so that a fresh substitution will be
+created each time the typechecker runs.
+mkEmptySubst aRRAY_SIZE
+ = let
+ world = newWorld (S# realWorld#)
+ (arr, new_world) = doST world (newArray (aRRAY_START,aRRAY_SIZE) Nothing)
+ in
+ MkSubst arr [] new_world aRRAY_START
+extendSubstArr :: Subst
+ -> Subst
+extendSubstArr (MkSubst old_arr undos world next_free)
+ = let
+ -- these "sizes" are really end-limits (WDP 94/11)
+ cur_size = case (boundsOfArray old_arr) of { (_, x) -> x }
+ new_size = (cur_size * 2) + 1
+ (new_arr, new_world) = doST world (
+ newArray (aRRAY_START,new_size) Nothing `thenStrictlyST` \ new_arr ->
+ let
+ copyArr pos
+ | pos > cur_size = returnStrictlyST ()
+ | otherwise
+ = readArray old_arr pos `thenStrictlyST` \ ele ->
+ writeArray new_arr pos ele `seqStrictlyST`
+ copyArr (pos + 1)
+ in
+ copyArr aRRAY_START `seqStrictlyST`
+ returnStrictlyST new_arr
+ )
+ in
+ MkSubst new_arr undos new_world next_free
+extendSubst tyvar tau_ty
+ = readSubst index `thenSubstM` \ maybe_ty ->
+ case maybe_ty of
+ Just exist_ty -> -- Bound already
+ returnSubstM (AlreadyBound exist_ty)
+ Nothing -> -- Not already bound
+ apply_rep_to_ty tau_ty `thenSubstM` \ new_tau_ty ->
+ case expandVisibleTySyn new_tau_ty of
+ UniTyVar tv | tv `eqTyVar` tyvar ->
+ -- Trivial new binding of a type variable to itself;
+ -- return old substition
+ returnSubstM SubstOK
+ other | tyvar `is_elem` (extractTyVarsFromTy new_tau_ty) ->
+ -- Occurs check finds error
+ returnSubstM (OccursCheck tyvar new_tau_ty)
+ | otherwise ->
+ -- OK to bind
+ writeSubst index (Just new_tau_ty) `thenSubstM` \ _ ->
+ returnSubstM SubstOK
+ where
+ index = tyVarToIndex tyvar
+ is_elem = isIn "extendSubst"
+%* *
+\subsubsection{@Subst@: lookup}
+%* *
+All of them use the underlying function, @apply_rep_to_ty@, which
+ensures that an idempotent result is returned.
+applySubstToTy subst ty = apply_rep_to_ty ty subst
+applySubstToTauTy subst tau_ty = apply_rep_to_ty tau_ty subst
+applySubstToTyVar subst tyvar = apply_rep_to_ty (mkTyVarTy tyvar) subst
+applySubstToThetaTy subst theta_ty
+ = let
+ do_one (clas, ty) = apply_rep_to_ty ty `thenSubstM` \ new_ty ->
+ returnSubstM (clas, new_ty)
+ in
+ mapSubstM do_one theta_ty subst
+And now down to serious business...
+apply_rep_to_ty :: UniType -> SubstM UniType
+apply_rep_to_ty (UniTyVar tyvar)
+ = readSubst index `thenSubstM` \ maybe_ty ->
+ case maybe_ty of
+ Nothing -> -- Not found, so return a trivial type
+ returnSubstM (mkTyVarTy tyvar)
+ Just ty -> -- Found, so recursively apply the subst the result to
+ -- maintain idempotence!
+ apply_rep_to_ty ty `thenSubstM` \ new_ty ->
+ -- The mapping for this tyvar is then updated with the
+ -- result to reduce the number of subsequent lookups
+ writeSubst index (Just new_ty) `thenSubstM` \ _ ->
+ returnSubstM new_ty
+ where
+ index = tyVarToIndex tyvar
+apply_rep_to_ty (UniFun t1 t2)
+ = apply_rep_to_ty t1 `thenSubstM` \ new_t1 ->
+ apply_rep_to_ty t2 `thenSubstM` \ new_t2 ->
+ returnSubstM (UniFun new_t1 new_t2)
+apply_rep_to_ty (UniData con args)
+ = mapSubstM apply_rep_to_ty args `thenSubstM` \ new_args ->
+ returnSubstM (UniData con new_args)
+apply_rep_to_ty (UniSyn con args ty)
+ = mapSubstM apply_rep_to_ty args `thenSubstM` \ new_args ->
+ apply_rep_to_ty ty `thenSubstM` \ new_ty ->
+ returnSubstM (UniSyn con new_args new_ty)
+apply_rep_to_ty (UniDict clas ty)
+ = apply_rep_to_ty ty `thenSubstM` \ new_ty ->
+ returnSubstM (UniDict clas new_ty)
+apply_rep_to_ty (UniForall v ty)
+ = apply_rep_to_ty ty `thenSubstM` \ new_ty ->
+ returnSubstM (UniForall v new_ty)
+apply_rep_to_ty ty@(UniTyVarTemplate v) = returnSubstM ty
+%* *
+\subsubsection{Allocating @TyVarUniques@}
+%* *
+The array is extended if the allocated type variables would cause an
+out of bounds error.
+getSubstTyVarUnique subst@(MkSubst arr undo world next_free)
+ | next_free <= size -- The common case; there's a spare slot
+ = (MkSubst arr undo world new_next_free, uniq)
+ | otherwise -- Need more room: Extend first, then re-try
+ = getSubstTyVarUnique (extendSubstArr subst)
+ where
+ size = case (boundsOfArray arr) of { (_, x) -> x }
+ uniq = mkUnifiableTyVarUnique next_free
+ new_next_free = next_free + 1
+getSubstTyVarUniques n subst@(MkSubst arr undo world next_free)
+ | new_next_free - 1 <= size -- The common case; there's a spare slot
+ = (MkSubst arr undo world new_next_free, uniqs)
+ | otherwise -- Need more room: extend, then re-try
+ = getSubstTyVarUniques n (extendSubstArr subst)
+ where
+ size = case (boundsOfArray arr) of { (_, x) -> x }
+ uniqs = [mkUnifiableTyVarUnique (next_free + i) | i <- [0..n-1]]
+ new_next_free = next_free + n
+%* *
+\subsubsection{Undoing substitution on typechecking failure}
+%* *
+pushSubstUndos (MkSubst arr undos world next_free)
+ = MkSubst arr ((next_free,emptyBag):undos) world next_free
+combineSubstUndos (MkSubst arr [_] world next_free)
+ = MkSubst arr [] world next_free -- top level undo ignored
+combineSubstUndos (MkSubst arr ((_,u1):(checkpoint,u2):undo_stack)
+ world next_free)
+ = MkSubst arr ((checkpoint, new_u1 `unionBags` u2):undo_stack) world next_free
+ where
+ -- Keep only undos which apply to indices before checkpoint
+ new_u1 = filterBag (\ (index,val) -> index < checkpoint) u1
+undoSubstUndos (MkSubst arr ((checkpoint,undo_now):undo_stack) world next_free)
+ = MkSubst arr undo_stack new_world checkpoint
+ where
+ (_, new_world) = doST world (perform_undo (bagToList undo_now) `seqStrictlyST`
+ clear_block checkpoint
+ )
+ perform_undo [] = returnStrictlyST ()
+ perform_undo ((index,val):undos) = writeArray arr index val `seqStrictlyST`
+ perform_undo undos
+ -- (clear_block n) clears the array from n up to next_free
+ -- This is necessary because undos beyond supp2 aren't recorded in undos
+ clear_block n | n >= next_free = returnStrictlyST ()
+ | otherwise = writeArray arr n Nothing `seqStrictlyST`
+ clear_block (n+1)
+%* *
+\subsubsection{Pruning a substitution}
+%* *
+ToDo: Implement with array !! Ignore? Restore unique supply?
+@pruneSubst@ prunes a substitution to a given level.
+This is tricky stuff. The idea is that if we
+ (a) catch the current unique supply
+ (b) do some work
+ (c) back-substitute over the results of the work
+ (d) prune the substitution back to the level caught in (a)
+then everything will be fine. Any *subsequent* unifications to
+these just-pruned ones will be added and not subsequently deleted.
+NB: this code relies on the idempotence property, otherwise discarding
+substitions might be dangerous.
+pruneSubst :: TyVarUnique -> Subst -> Subst
+pruneSubst keep_marker (MkSubst subst_rep)
+ = -- BSCC("pruneSubst")
+ MkSubst [(tyvar,ty) | (tyvar,ty) <- subst_rep,
+ getTheUnique tyvar `ltUnique` keep_marker]
+ -- ESCC
+%* *
+\subsection[Subst-Lists]{@Subst@ with poor list implementation}
+%* *
+If don't have Glasgow Haskell we have to revert to list implementation
+of arrays ...
+#else {- ! __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ -}
+%* *
+\subsubsection{@Subst@: specification and representation}
+%* *
+{\em Specification:}
+* When new bindings are added to the substitution, an occurs check is performed.
+* The applySubst function guarantees to return a fixed point of the substitution.
+{\em Representation:}
+A substitution binds type variables to tau-types, that is @UniType@s without
+any @UniForall@ or @UniDict@ constructors.
+It is represented as an association list, indexed on Uniques
+with a stack of type variable unique markers indicating undo
+checkpoints. The supply of TyVarUniques is also part of the
+The undo information is a stack of tyvar markers. If the typecheck
+fails all extensions to the association list subsequent to (and
+including) the marker are undone. If it succeeds the current marker is
+The unique supply is also stacked so that it can be restored if a
+typecheck fails.
+type SubstRep = [(Unique, TauType)]
+data Subst
+ = MkSubst SubstRep -- mapping for allocated tyvars
+ [Maybe Unique] -- stack of markers to strip off if we fail
+ [UniqueSupply] -- stack of tyvar unique supplies
+mkEmptySubst size = MkSubst [] [] []
+lookup_rep :: SubstRep -> TyVar -> Maybe TauType
+lookup_rep alist tyvar
+ = let
+ key = getTheUnique tyvar
+ lookup [] = Nothing
+ lookup ((u,ty):rest)
+ = case (cmpUnique key u) of { EQ_ -> Just ty; _ -> lookup rest }
+ in
+ lookup alist
+%* *
+\subsubsection{@Subst@: building them}
+%* *
+--OLD? initSubst init = MkSubst [] [] [mkUniqueSupply init]
+extendSubst subst@(MkSubst srep undo supp) tyvar tau_ty
+ = -- BSCC("extendSubst")
+ apply_rep_to_ty srep tau_ty `thenLft` \ new_tau_ty ->
+ case expandVisibleTySyn new_tau_ty of
+ UniTyVar tv | tv `eqTyVar` tyvar ->
+ -- Trivial new binding; return old substition
+ (SubstOK, subst)
+ _ -> let
+ is_elem = isIn "extendSubst2"
+ in
+ if (tyvar `is_elem` (extractTyVarsFromTy new_tau_ty)) then
+ (OccursCheck tyvar new_tau_ty, subst)
+ else
+ case lookup_rep srep tyvar of
+ Just exist_ty ->
+ (AlreadyBound exist_ty, subst)
+ Nothing ->
+ let
+ new_srep = (getTheUnique tyvar, new_tau_ty) : srep
+ new_undo = case undo of
+ [] -> []
+ -- top level undo ignored
+ (Nothing : undos) -> (Just (getTheUnique tyvar)) : undos
+ (Just _ : _ ) -> undo
+ -- only first undo recorded
+ in
+ (SubstOK, MkSubst new_srep new_undo supp)
+ -- ESCC
+%* *
+\subsubsection{@Subst@: lookup}
+%* *
+All of them use the underlying function, @apply_rep_to_ty@, which
+ensures that an idempotent result is returned.
+applySubstToTy subst@(MkSubst srep undo supp) ty
+ = -- BSCC("applySubstToTy")
+ apply_rep_to_ty srep ty `thenLft` \ new_ty ->
+ (subst, new_ty)
+ -- ESCC
+applySubstToTauTy subst@(MkSubst srep undo supp) tauty
+ = -- BSCC("applySubstToTauTy")
+ apply_rep_to_ty srep tauty `thenLft`\ new_tauty ->
+ (subst, new_tauty)
+ -- ESCC
+applySubstToThetaTy subst@(MkSubst srep undo supp) theta
+ = -- BSCC("applySubstToThetaTy")
+ let
+ do_one (clas, ty) = apply_rep_to_ty srep ty `thenLft` \ new_ty ->
+ returnLft (clas, new_ty)
+ in
+ mapLft do_one theta `thenLft` \ new_theta ->
+ (subst, new_theta)
+ -- ESCC
+applySubstToTyVar subst@(MkSubst srep undo supp) tyvar
+ = -- BSCC("applySubstToTyVar")
+ apply_rep_to_ty srep (mkTyVarTy tyvar) `thenLft` \ new_tauty ->
+ (subst, new_tauty)
+ -- ESCC
+And now down to serious business...
+apply_rep_to_ty :: SubstRep -> UniType -> LiftM UniType
+apply_rep_to_ty srep (UniTyVar tyvar)
+ = case lookup_rep srep tyvar of
+ Nothing -> -- Not found, so return a trivial type
+ returnLft (mkTyVarTy tyvar)
+ Just ty -> -- Found, so recursively apply the subst the result to
+ -- maintain idempotence!
+ apply_rep_to_ty srep ty
+apply_rep_to_ty srep (UniFun t1 t2)
+ = apply_rep_to_ty srep t1 `thenLft` \ new_t1 ->
+ apply_rep_to_ty srep t2 `thenLft` \ new_t2 ->
+ returnLft (UniFun new_t1 new_t2)
+apply_rep_to_ty srep (UniData con args)
+ = mapLft (apply_rep_to_ty srep) args `thenLft` \ new_args ->
+ returnLft (UniData con new_args)
+apply_rep_to_ty srep (UniSyn con args ty)
+ = mapLft (apply_rep_to_ty srep) args `thenLft` \ new_args ->
+ apply_rep_to_ty srep ty `thenLft` \ new_ty ->
+ returnLft (UniSyn con new_args new_ty)
+apply_rep_to_ty srep (UniDict clas ty)
+ = apply_rep_to_ty srep ty `thenLft` \ new_ty ->
+ returnLft (UniDict clas new_ty)
+apply_rep_to_ty srep (UniForall v ty)
+ = apply_rep_to_ty srep ty `thenLft` \ new_ty ->
+ returnLft (UniForall v new_ty)
+apply_rep_to_ty srep ty@(UniTyVarTemplate v) = returnLft ty
+%* *
+\subsubsection{Allocating TyVarUniques}
+%* *
+The array is extended if the allocated type variables would cause an
+out of bounds error.
+getSubstTyVarUnique subst@(MkSubst srep undo (supp:supps))
+ = -- BSCC("allocTyVarUniques")
+ case getUnique supp of
+ (new_supp, uniq) -> (MkSubst srep undo (new_supp:supps), uniq)
+ -- ESCC
+getSubstTyVarUniques n subst@(MkSubst srep undo (supp:supps))
+ = -- BSCC("allocTyVarUniques")
+ case getUniques n supp of
+ (new_supp, uniqs) -> (MkSubst srep undo (new_supp:supps), uniqs)
+ -- ESCC
+%* *
+\subsubsection[Subst-undo]{Undoing substitution on typechecking failure}
+%* *
+pushSubstUndos subst@(MkSubst srep undos (supp:supps))
+ = -- BSCC("pushSubstUndos")
+ MkSubst srep (Nothing:undos) (supp:supp:supps)
+ -- ESCC
+combineSubstUndos subst@(MkSubst srep (u:us) (supp1:supp2:supps))
+ = -- BSCC("combineSubstUndos")
+ MkSubst srep us (supp1:supps)
+ -- ESCC
+undoSubstUndos subst@(MkSubst srep (u:us) (supp1:supp2:supps))
+ = -- BSCC("undoSubstUndos")
+ let
+ strip_to [] key = []
+ strip_to ((u,ty):srep) key
+ = case (cmpUnique u key) of { EQ_ -> srep; _ -> strip_to srep key }
+ perform_undo Nothing srep = srep
+ perform_undo (Just uniq) srep = strip_to srep uniq
+ in
+ MkSubst (perform_undo u srep) us (supp2:supps)
+ -- Note: the saved unique supply is restored from the enclosing scope
+ -- ESCC
+%* *
+\subsubsection{Pruning a substitution}
+%* *
+ToDo: Implement with list !! Ignore? Restore unique supply?
+@pruneSubst@ prunes a substitution to a given level.
+This is tricky stuff. The idea is that if we
+ (a) catch the current unique supply
+ (b) do some work
+ (c) back-substitute over the results of the work
+ (d) prune the substitution back to the level caught in (a)
+then everything will be fine. Any *subsequent* unifications to
+these just-pruned ones will be added and not subsequently deleted.
+NB: this code relies on the idempotence property, otherwise discarding
+substitions might be dangerous.
+pruneSubst :: TyVarUnique -> Subst -> Subst
+pruneSubst keep_marker (MkSubst subst_rep)
+ = -- BSCC("pruneSubst")
+ MkSubst [(tyvar,ty) | (tyvar,ty) <- subst_rep,
+ getTheUnique tyvar `ltUnique` keep_marker]
+ -- ESCC
+#endif {- ! __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ -}