path: root/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs
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diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed2794dc17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs
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+module TcType (
+ TcTyVar(..),
+ newTcTyVar,
+ newTyVarTy, -- Kind -> NF_TcM s (TcType s)
+ newTyVarTys, -- Int -> Kind -> NF_TcM s [TcType s]
+ TcTyVarSet(..),
+ -----------------------------------------
+ TcType(..), TcMaybe(..),
+ TcTauType(..), TcThetaType(..), TcRhoType(..),
+ -- Find the type to which a type variable is bound
+ tcWriteTyVar, -- :: TcTyVar s -> TcType s -> NF_TcM (TcType s)
+ tcReadTyVar, -- :: TcTyVar s -> NF_TcM (TcMaybe s)
+ tcInstTyVar, -- TyVar -> NF_TcM s (TcTyVar s)
+ tcInstType, tcInstTcType, tcInstTheta,
+-- zonkTcType, -- TcType s -> NF_TcM s (TcType s)
+-- zonkTcTheta, -- TcThetaType s -> NF_TcM s (TcThetaType s)
+ zonkTcTyVars, -- TcTyVarSet s -> NF_TcM s (TcTyVarSet s)
+ zonkTcType, -- TcType s -> NF_TcM s (TcType s)
+ zonkTcTypeToType, -- TcType s -> NF_TcM s Type
+ zonkTcTyVarToTyVar -- TcTyVar s -> NF_TcM s TyVar
+ ) where
+-- friends:
+import Type ( Type(..), ThetaType(..), GenType(..), tyVarsOfTypes, getTyVar_maybe )
+import TyVar ( TyVar(..), GenTyVar(..), TyVarSet(..), GenTyVarSet(..),
+ tyVarSetToList
+ )
+-- others:
+import Kind ( Kind )
+import Usage ( Usage(..), GenUsage, UVar(..), duffUsage )
+import Class ( GenClass )
+import TcKind ( TcKind )
+import TcMonad
+import Ubiq
+import Unique ( Unique )
+import UniqFM ( UniqFM )
+import Name ( getNameShortName )
+import Maybes ( assocMaybe )
+import Util ( panic )
+Data types
+type TcType s = GenType (TcTyVar s) UVar -- Used during typechecker
+ -- Invariant on ForAllTy in TcTypes:
+ -- forall a. T
+ -- a cannot occur inside a MutTyVar in T; that is,
+ -- T is "flattened" before quantifying over a
+type TcThetaType s = [(Class, TcType s)]
+type TcRhoType s = TcType s -- No ForAllTys
+type TcTauType s = TcType s -- No DictTys or ForAllTys
+type Box s = MutableVar s (TcMaybe s)
+data TcMaybe s = UnBound
+ | BoundTo (TcType s)
+-- Interestingly, you can't use (Maybe (TcType s)) instead of (TcMaybe s),
+-- because you get a synonym loop if you do!
+type TcTyVar s = GenTyVar (Box s)
+type TcTyVarSet s = GenTyVarSet (Box s)
+tcTyVarToTyVar :: TcTyVar s -> TyVar
+tcTyVarToTyVar (TyVar uniq kind name _) = TyVar uniq kind name duffUsage
+Type instantiation
+newTcTyVar :: Maybe ShortName -> Kind -> NF_TcM s (TcTyVar s)
+newTcTyVar name kind
+ = tcGetUnique `thenNF_Tc` \ uniq ->
+ tcNewMutVar UnBound `thenNF_Tc` \ box ->
+ returnNF_Tc (TyVar uniq kind name box)
+newTyVarTy :: Kind -> NF_TcM s (TcType s)
+newTyVarTy kind
+ = newTcTyVar Nothing kind `thenNF_Tc` \ tc_tyvar ->
+ returnNF_Tc (TyVarTy tc_tyvar)
+newTyVarTys :: Int -> Kind -> NF_TcM s [TcType s]
+newTyVarTys n kind = mapNF_Tc newTyVarTy (take n (repeat kind))
+tcInstTyVar :: TyVar -> NF_TcM s (TcTyVar s)
+tcInstTyVar tyvar@(TyVar uniq kind name _)
+ = newTcTyVar name kind
+@tcInstType@ and @tcInstTcType@ both create a fresh instance of a
+type, returning a @TcType@. All inner for-alls are instantiated with
+fresh TcTyVars.
+There are two versions, one for instantiating a @Type@, and one for a @TcType@.
+The former must instantiate everything; all tyvars must be bound either
+by a forall or by an environment passed in. The latter can do some sharing,
+and is happy with free tyvars (which is vital when instantiating the type
+of local functions). In the future @tcInstType@ may try to be clever about not
+instantiating constant sub-parts.
+tcInstType :: [(TyVar,TcType s)] -> Type -> NF_TcM s (TcType s)
+tcInstType tenv ty_to_inst
+ = do [(uniq,ty) | (TyVar uniq _ _ _, ty) <- tenv] ty_to_inst
+ where
+ do env (TyConTy tycon usage) = returnNF_Tc (TyConTy tycon usage)
+ do env (SynTy tycon tys ty) = mapNF_Tc (do env) tys `thenNF_Tc` \ tys' ->
+ do env ty `thenNF_Tc` \ ty' ->
+ returnNF_Tc (SynTy tycon tys' ty')
+ do env (FunTy arg res usage) = do env arg `thenNF_Tc` \ arg' ->
+ do env res `thenNF_Tc` \ res' ->
+ returnNF_Tc (FunTy arg' res' usage)
+ do env (AppTy fun arg) = do env fun `thenNF_Tc` \ fun' ->
+ do env arg `thenNF_Tc` \ arg' ->
+ returnNF_Tc (AppTy fun' arg')
+ do env (DictTy clas ty usage)= do env ty `thenNF_Tc` \ ty' ->
+ returnNF_Tc (DictTy clas ty' usage)
+ do env (TyVarTy (TyVar uniq kind name _))
+ = case assocMaybe env uniq of
+ Just tc_ty -> returnNF_Tc tc_ty
+ Nothing -> panic "tcInstType"
+ do env (ForAllTy (TyVar uniq kind name _) ty)
+ = newTcTyVar name kind `thenNF_Tc` \ tc_tyvar ->
+ let
+ new_env = (uniq, TyVarTy tc_tyvar) : env
+ in
+ do new_env ty `thenNF_Tc` \ ty' ->
+ returnNF_Tc (ForAllTy tc_tyvar ty')
+ -- ForAllUsage impossible
+tcInstTheta :: [(TyVar,TcType s)] -> ThetaType -> NF_TcM s (TcThetaType s)
+tcInstTheta tenv theta
+ = mapNF_Tc go theta
+ where
+ go (clas,ty) = tcInstType tenv ty `thenNF_Tc` \ tc_ty ->
+ returnNF_Tc (clas, tc_ty)
+tcInstTcType :: [(TcTyVar s,TcType s)] -> TcType s -> NF_TcM s (TcType s)
+tcInstTcType tenv ty_to_inst
+ = do [(uniq,ty) | (TyVar uniq _ _ _, ty) <- tenv] ty_to_inst
+ where
+ do env ty@(TyConTy tycon usage) = returnNF_Tc ty
+-- Could do clever stuff here to avoid instantiating constant types
+ do env (SynTy tycon tys ty) = mapNF_Tc (do env) tys `thenNF_Tc` \ tys' ->
+ do env ty `thenNF_Tc` \ ty' ->
+ returnNF_Tc (SynTy tycon tys' ty')
+ do env (FunTy arg res usage) = do env arg `thenNF_Tc` \ arg' ->
+ do env res `thenNF_Tc` \ res' ->
+ returnNF_Tc (FunTy arg' res' usage)
+ do env (AppTy fun arg) = do env fun `thenNF_Tc` \ fun' ->
+ do env arg `thenNF_Tc` \ arg' ->
+ returnNF_Tc (AppTy fun' arg')
+ do env (DictTy clas ty usage)= do env ty `thenNF_Tc` \ ty' ->
+ returnNF_Tc (DictTy clas ty' usage)
+ do env ty@(TyVarTy (TyVar uniq kind name _))
+ = case assocMaybe env uniq of
+ Just tc_ty -> returnNF_Tc tc_ty
+ Nothing -> returnNF_Tc ty
+ do env (ForAllTy (TyVar uniq kind name _) ty)
+ = newTcTyVar name kind `thenNF_Tc` \ tc_tyvar ->
+ let
+ new_env = (uniq, TyVarTy tc_tyvar) : env
+ in
+ do new_env ty `thenNF_Tc` \ ty' ->
+ returnNF_Tc (ForAllTy tc_tyvar ty')
+ -- ForAllUsage impossible
+Reading and writing TcTyVars
+tcWriteTyVar :: TcTyVar s -> TcType s -> NF_TcM s ()
+tcReadTyVar :: TcTyVar s -> NF_TcM s (TcMaybe s)
+Writing is easy:
+tcWriteTyVar (TyVar uniq kind name box) ty = tcWriteMutVar box (BoundTo ty)
+Reading is more interesting. The easy thing to do is just to read, thus:
+tcReadTyVar (TyVar uniq kind name box) = tcReadMutVar box
+But it's more fun to short out indirections on the way: If this
+version returns a TyVar, then that TyVar is unbound. If it returns
+any other type, then there might be bound TyVars embedded inside it.
+We return Nothing iff the original box was unbound.
+tcReadTyVar (TyVar uniq kind name box)
+ = tcReadMutVar box `thenNF_Tc` \ maybe_ty ->
+ case maybe_ty of
+ UnBound -> returnNF_Tc UnBound
+ BoundTo ty -> short_out ty `thenNF_Tc` \ ty' ->
+ tcWriteMutVar box (BoundTo ty') `thenNF_Tc_`
+ returnNF_Tc (BoundTo ty')
+short_out :: TcType s -> NF_TcM s (TcType s)
+short_out ty@(TyVarTy (TyVar uniq kind name box))
+ = tcReadMutVar box `thenNF_Tc` \ maybe_ty ->
+ case maybe_ty of
+ UnBound -> returnNF_Tc ty
+ BoundTo ty' -> short_out ty' `thenNF_Tc` \ ty' ->
+ tcWriteMutVar box (BoundTo ty') `thenNF_Tc_`
+ returnNF_Tc ty'
+short_out other_ty = returnNF_Tc other_ty
+@zonkTcTypeToType@ converts from @TcType@ to @Type@. It follows through all
+the substitutions of course.
+zonkTcTypeToType :: TcType s -> NF_TcM s Type
+zonkTcTypeToType ty = zonk tcTyVarToTyVar ty
+zonkTcType :: TcType s -> NF_TcM s (TcType s)
+zonkTcType ty = zonk (\tyvar -> tyvar) ty
+zonkTcTyVars :: TcTyVarSet s -> NF_TcM s (TcTyVarSet s)
+zonkTcTyVars tyvars
+ = mapNF_Tc (zonk_tv (\tyvar -> tyvar))
+ (tyVarSetToList tyvars) `thenNF_Tc` \ tys ->
+ returnNF_Tc (tyVarsOfTypes tys)
+zonkTcTyVarToTyVar :: TcTyVar s -> NF_TcM s TyVar
+zonkTcTyVarToTyVar tyvar
+ = zonk_tv_to_tv tcTyVarToTyVar tyvar
+zonk tyvar_fn (TyVarTy tyvar)
+ = zonk_tv tyvar_fn tyvar
+zonk tyvar_fn (AppTy ty1 ty2)
+ = zonk tyvar_fn ty1 `thenNF_Tc` \ ty1' ->
+ zonk tyvar_fn ty2 `thenNF_Tc` \ ty2' ->
+ returnNF_Tc (AppTy ty1' ty2')
+zonk tyvar_fn (TyConTy tc u)
+ = returnNF_Tc (TyConTy tc u)
+zonk tyvar_fn (SynTy tc tys ty)
+ = mapNF_Tc (zonk tyvar_fn) tys `thenNF_Tc` \ tys' ->
+ zonk tyvar_fn ty `thenNF_Tc` \ ty' ->
+ returnNF_Tc (SynTy tc tys' ty')
+zonk tyvar_fn (ForAllTy tv ty)
+ = zonk_tv_to_tv tyvar_fn tv `thenNF_Tc` \ tv' ->
+ zonk tyvar_fn ty `thenNF_Tc` \ ty' ->
+ returnNF_Tc (ForAllTy tv' ty')
+zonk tyvar_fn (ForAllUsageTy uv uvs ty)
+ = panic "zonk:ForAllUsageTy"
+zonk tyvar_fn (FunTy ty1 ty2 u)
+ = zonk tyvar_fn ty1 `thenNF_Tc` \ ty1' ->
+ zonk tyvar_fn ty2 `thenNF_Tc` \ ty2' ->
+ returnNF_Tc (FunTy ty1' ty2' u)
+zonk tyvar_fn (DictTy c ty u)
+ = zonk tyvar_fn ty `thenNF_Tc` \ ty' ->
+ returnNF_Tc (DictTy c ty' u)
+zonk_tv tyvar_fn tyvar
+ = tcReadTyVar tyvar `thenNF_Tc` \ maybe_ty ->
+ case maybe_ty of
+ UnBound -> returnNF_Tc (TyVarTy (tyvar_fn tyvar))
+ BoundTo ty -> zonk tyvar_fn ty
+zonk_tv_to_tv tyvar_fn tyvar
+ = zonk_tv tyvar_fn tyvar `thenNF_Tc` \ ty ->
+ case getTyVar_maybe ty of
+ Nothing -> panic "zonk_tv_to_tv"
+ Just tyvar -> returnNF_Tc tyvar