path: root/ghc/compiler/utils/BitSet.lhs
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1 files changed, 197 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/BitSet.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/BitSet.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eb6b52396f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/BitSet.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP Project, Glasgow University, 1994-1995
+\section[BitSet]{An implementation of very small sets}
+Bit sets are a fast implementation of sets of integers ranging from 0
+to one less than the number of bits in a machine word (typically 31).
+If any element exceeds the maximum value for a particular machine
+architecture, the results of these operations are undefined. You have
+been warned. If you put any safety checks in this code, I will have
+to kill you.
+Note: the Yale Haskell implementation won't provide a full 32 bits.
+However, if you can handle the performance loss, you could change to
+Integer and get virtually unlimited sets.
+module BitSet (
+ BitSet, -- abstract type
+ mkBS, listBS, emptyBS, singletonBS,
+ unionBS, minusBS
+#if ! defined(COMPILING_GHC)
+ , elementBS, intersectBS, isEmptyBS
+ ) where
+-- nothing to import
+#elif defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
+{-hide import from mkdependHS-}
+ LogOpPrims
+{-hide import from mkdependHS-}
+ Word
+data BitSet = MkBS Word#
+emptyBS :: BitSet
+emptyBS = MkBS (int2Word# 0#)
+mkBS :: [Int] -> BitSet
+mkBS xs = foldr (unionBS . singletonBS) emptyBS xs
+singletonBS :: Int -> BitSet
+singletonBS x = case x of
+ I# i# -> MkBS ((int2Word# 1#) `shiftL#` i#)
+unionBS :: BitSet -> BitSet -> BitSet
+unionBS (MkBS x#) (MkBS y#) = MkBS (x# `or#` y#)
+minusBS :: BitSet -> BitSet -> BitSet
+minusBS (MkBS x#) (MkBS y#) = MkBS (x# `and#` (not# y#))
+#if ! defined(COMPILING_GHC)
+-- not used in GHC
+isEmptyBS :: BitSet -> Bool
+isEmptyBS (MkBS s#) =
+ case word2Int# s# of
+ 0# -> True
+ _ -> False
+intersectBS :: BitSet -> BitSet -> BitSet
+intersectBS (MkBS x#) (MkBS y#) = MkBS (x# `and#` y#)
+elementBS :: Int -> BitSet -> Bool
+elementBS x (MkBS s#) = case x of
+ I# i# -> case word2Int# (((int2Word# 1#) `shiftL#` i#) `and#` s#) of
+ 0# -> False
+ _ -> True
+listBS :: BitSet -> [Int]
+listBS s = listify s 0
+ where listify (MkBS s#) n =
+ case word2Int# s# of
+ 0# -> []
+ _ -> let s' = (MkBS (s# `shiftr` 1#))
+ more = listify s' (n + 1)
+ in case word2Int# (s# `and#` (int2Word# 1#)) of
+ 0# -> more
+ _ -> n : more
+# if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 23
+ shiftr x y = shiftRL# x y
+# else
+ shiftr x y = shiftR# x y
+# endif
+#elif defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
+data BitSet = MkBS Int
+emptyBS :: BitSet
+emptyBS = MkBS 0
+mkBS :: [Int] -> BitSet
+mkBS xs = foldr (unionBS . singletonBS) emptyBS xs
+singletonBS :: Int -> BitSet
+singletonBS x = MkBS (1 `ashInt` x)
+unionBS :: BitSet -> BitSet -> BitSet
+unionBS (MkBS x) (MkBS y) = MkBS (x `logiorInt` y)
+#if ! defined(COMPILING_GHC)
+-- not used in GHC
+isEmptyBS :: BitSet -> Bool
+isEmptyBS (MkBS s) =
+ case s of
+ 0 -> True
+ _ -> False
+intersectBS :: BitSet -> BitSet -> BitSet
+intersectBS (MkBS x) (MkBS y) = MkBS (x `logandInt` y)
+elementBS :: Int -> BitSet -> Bool
+elementBS x (MkBS s) =
+ case logbitpInt x s of
+ 0 -> False
+ _ -> True
+minusBS :: BitSet -> BitSet -> BitSet
+minusBS (MkBS x) (MkBS y) = MkBS (x `logandc2Int` y)
+-- rewritten to avoid right shifts (which would give nonsense on negative
+-- values.
+listBS :: BitSet -> [Int]
+listBS (MkBS s) = listify s 0 1
+ where listify s n m =
+ case s of
+ 0 -> []
+ _ -> let n' = n+1; m' = m+m in
+ case logbitpInt s m of
+ 0 -> listify s n' m'
+ _ -> n : listify (s `logandc2Int` m) n' m'
+#else /* HBC, perhaps? */
+data BitSet = MkBS Word
+emptyBS :: BitSet
+emptyBS = MkBS 0
+mkBS :: [Int] -> BitSet
+mkBS xs = foldr (unionBS . singletonBS) emptyBS xs
+singletonBS :: Int -> BitSet
+singletonBS x = MkBS (1 `bitLsh` x)
+unionBS :: BitSet -> BitSet -> BitSet
+unionBS (MkBS x) (MkBS y) = MkBS (x `bitOr` y)
+#if ! defined(COMPILING_GHC)
+-- not used in GHC
+isEmptyBS :: BitSet -> Bool
+isEmptyBS (MkBS s) =
+ case s of
+ 0 -> True
+ _ -> False
+intersectBS :: BitSet -> BitSet -> BitSet
+intersectBS (MkBS x) (MkBS y) = MkBS (x `bitAnd` y)
+elementBS :: Int -> BitSet -> Bool
+elementBS x (MkBS s) =
+ case (1 `bitLsh` x) `bitAnd` s of
+ 0 -> False
+ _ -> True
+minusBS :: BitSet -> BitSet -> BitSet
+minusBS (MkBS x) (MkBS y) = MkBS (x `bitAnd` (bitCompl y))
+listBS :: BitSet -> [Int]
+listBS (MkBS s) = listify s 0
+ where listify s n =
+ case s of
+ 0 -> []
+ _ -> let s' = s `bitRsh` 1
+ more = listify s' (n + 1)
+ in case (s `bitAnd` 1) of
+ 0 -> more
+ _ -> n : more