path: root/ghc/compiler/utils/Outputable.lhs
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Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/compiler/utils/Outputable.lhs')
1 files changed, 318 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/Outputable.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/Outputable.lhs
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+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/Outputable.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1995
+\section[Outputable]{Classes for pretty-printing}
+Defines classes for pretty-printing and forcing, both forms of
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module Outputable (
+ NamedThing(..), -- class
+ ExportFlag(..),
+ isExported, getLocalName, ltLexical,
+ Outputable(..), -- class
+ PprStyle(..), -- style-ry (re-exported)
+ interppSP, interpp'SP,
+--UNUSED: ifPprForUser,
+ ifnotPprForUser,
+ ifPprDebug, --UNUSED: ifnotPprDebug,
+ ifPprShowAll, ifnotPprShowAll,
+ ifPprInterface, --UNUSED: ifnotPprInterface,
+--UNUSED: ifPprForC, ifnotPprForC,
+--UNUSED: ifPprUnfolding, ifnotPprUnfolding,
+ isOpLexeme, pprOp, pprNonOp,
+ isConop, isAconop, isAvarid, isAvarop, --UNUSED: isAconid,
+ -- and to make the interface self-sufficient...
+ Pretty(..), GlobalSwitch,
+ PrettyRep, UniType, Unique, SrcLoc
+ ) where
+import AbsUniType ( UniType,
+ TyCon, Class, TyVar, TyVarTemplate -- for SPECIALIZing
+ )
+import Id ( Id ) -- for specialising
+import NameTypes -- for specialising
+import ProtoName -- for specialising
+import Pretty
+import SrcLoc ( SrcLoc )
+import Unique ( Unique )
+import Util
+%* *
+\subsection[NamedThing-class]{The @NamedThing@ class}
+%* *
+class NamedThing a where
+ getExportFlag :: a -> ExportFlag
+ isLocallyDefined :: a -> Bool
+ getOrigName :: a -> (FAST_STRING{-module-}, FAST_STRING{-name therein-})
+ getOccurrenceName :: a -> FAST_STRING
+ getInformingModules :: a -> [FAST_STRING]
+ getSrcLoc :: a -> SrcLoc
+ getTheUnique :: a -> Unique
+ hasType :: a -> Bool
+ getType :: a -> UniType
+ fromPreludeCore :: a -> Bool
+ -- see also friendly functions that follow...
+Whether the thing is defined in this module or not.
+Gets the name by which a thing is known in this module (e.g., if
+renamed, or whatever)...
+Gets the name of the modules that told me about this @NamedThing@.
+\item[@hasType@ and @getType@:]
+In pretty-printing @AbsSyntax@, we need to query if a datatype has
+types attached yet or not. We use @hasType@ to see if there are types
+available; and @getType@ if we want to grab one... (Ugly but effective)
+Tests a quite-delicate property: it is \tr{True} iff the entity is
+actually defined in \tr{PreludeCore} (or \tr{PreludeBuiltin}), or if
+it is re-exported by \tr{PreludeCore}. See the @FullName@ type in
+module \tr{NameTypes}.
+NB: Some of the types in, e.g., \tr{PreludeGlaST} {\em fail} this test.
+This is a bummer for types that are wired into the compiler.
+Some functions to go with:
+isExported a
+ = case (getExportFlag a) of
+ NotExported -> False
+ _ -> True
+getLocalName :: (NamedThing a) => a -> FAST_STRING
+getLocalName = snd . getOrigName
+{-# SPECIALIZE isExported :: Class -> Bool #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE isExported :: Id -> Bool #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE isExported :: TyCon -> Bool #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE getLocalName :: ShortName -> FAST_STRING #-}
+@ltLexical@ is used for sorting things into lexicographical order, so
+as to canonicalize interfaces. [Regular @(<)@ should be used for fast
+a `ltLexical` b
+ = BIND isLocallyDefined a _TO_ a_local ->
+ BIND isLocallyDefined b _TO_ b_local ->
+ BIND getOrigName a _TO_ (a_mod, a_name) ->
+ BIND getOrigName b _TO_ (b_mod, b_name) ->
+ if a_local || b_local then
+ a_name < b_name -- can't compare module names
+ else
+ case _CMP_STRING_ a_mod b_mod of
+ LT_ -> True
+ EQ_ -> a_name < b_name
+ GT__ -> False
+{-# SPECIALIZE ltLexical :: Class -> Class -> Bool #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE ltLexical :: Id -> Id -> Bool #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE ltLexical :: TyCon -> TyCon -> Bool #-}
+%* *
+\subsection[ExportFlag-datatype]{The @ExportFlag@ datatype}
+%* *
+The export flag @ExportAll@ means `export all there is', so there are
+times when it is attached to a class or data type which has no
+ops/constructors (if the class/type was imported abstractly). In
+fact, @ExportAll@ is attached to everything except to classes/types
+which are being {\em exported} abstractly, regardless of how they were
+data ExportFlag
+ = ExportAll -- export with all constructors/methods
+ | ExportAbs -- export abstractly
+ | NotExported
+%* *
+\subsection[Outputable-class]{The @Outputable@ class}
+%* *
+class Outputable a where
+ ppr :: PprStyle -> a -> Pretty
+-- the ppSep in the ppInterleave puts in the spaces
+-- Death to ppSep! (WDP 94/11)
+interppSP :: Outputable a => PprStyle -> [a] -> Pretty
+interppSP sty xs = ppIntersperse ppSP (map (ppr sty) xs)
+interpp'SP :: Outputable a => PprStyle -> [a] -> Pretty
+interpp'SP sty xs
+ = ppInterleave sep (map (ppr sty) xs)
+ where
+ sep = ppBeside ppComma ppSP
+{-# SPECIALIZE interppSP :: PprStyle -> [Id] -> Pretty #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE interppSP :: PprStyle -> [TyVar] -> Pretty #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE interpp'SP :: PprStyle -> [(Id, Id)] -> Pretty #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE interpp'SP :: PprStyle -> [Id] -> Pretty #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE interpp'SP :: PprStyle -> [ProtoName] -> Pretty #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE interpp'SP :: PprStyle -> [TyVarTemplate] -> Pretty #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE interpp'SP :: PprStyle -> [TyVar] -> Pretty #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE interpp'SP :: PprStyle -> [UniType] -> Pretty #-}
+--UNUSED: ifPprForUser sty p = case sty of PprForUser -> p ; _ -> ppNil
+ifPprDebug sty p = case sty of PprDebug -> p ; _ -> ppNil
+ifPprShowAll sty p = case sty of PprShowAll -> p ; _ -> ppNil
+ifPprInterface sty p = case sty of PprInterface _ -> p ; _ -> ppNil
+--UNUSED: ifPprForC sty p = case sty of PprForC _ -> p ; _ -> ppNil
+--UNUSED: ifPprUnfolding sty p = case sty of PprUnfolding _ -> p ; _ -> ppNil
+ifnotPprForUser sty p = case sty of PprForUser -> ppNil ; _ -> p
+--UNUSED: ifnotPprDebug sty p = case sty of PprDebug -> ppNil ; _ -> p
+ifnotPprShowAll sty p = case sty of PprShowAll -> ppNil ; _ -> p
+--UNUSED: ifnotPprInterface sty p = case sty of PprInterface _ -> ppNil; _ -> p
+--UNUSED: ifnotPprForC sty p = case sty of PprForC _ -> ppNil; _ -> p
+--UNUSED: ifnotPprUnfolding sty p = case sty of PprUnfolding _ -> ppNil; _ -> p
+These functions test strings to see if they fit the lexical categories
+defined in the Haskell report. Normally applied as in, e.g.,
+@isConop (getOccurrenceName foo)@... [just for pretty-printing]
+isConop, isAconop, isAvarid, isAvarop :: FAST_STRING -> Bool
+isConop cs
+ | _NULL_ cs = False
+ | c == '_' = isConop (_TAIL_ cs) -- allow for leading _'s
+ | otherwise = isUpper c || c == ':'
+ where
+ c = _HEAD_ cs
+isAconid [] = False
+isAconid ('_':cs) = isAconid cs
+isAconid (c:cs) = isUpper c
+isAconop cs
+ | _NULL_ cs = False
+ | otherwise = c == ':'
+ where
+ c = _HEAD_ cs
+isAvarid cs
+ | _NULL_ cs = False
+ | c == '_' = isAvarid (_TAIL_ cs) -- allow for leading _'s
+ | otherwise = isLower c
+ where
+ c = _HEAD_ cs
+isAvarop cs
+ | _NULL_ cs = False
+ | isLower c = False -- shortcut
+ | isUpper c = False -- ditto
+ | otherwise = c `elem` "!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|~-" -- symbol or minus
+ where
+ c = _HEAD_ cs
+And one ``higher-level'' interface to those:
+isOpLexeme :: NamedThing a => a -> Bool
+isOpLexeme v
+ = let str = getOccurrenceName v in isAvarop str || isAconop str
+-- print `vars`, (op) correctly
+pprOp, pprNonOp :: (NamedThing name, Outputable name) => PprStyle -> name -> Pretty
+pprOp sty var
+ = if isOpLexeme var
+ then ppr sty var
+ else ppBesides [ppChar '`', ppr sty var, ppChar '`']
+pprNonOp sty var
+ = if isOpLexeme var
+ then ppBesides [ppLparen, ppr sty var, ppRparen]
+ else ppr sty var
+{-# SPECIALIZE isOpLexeme :: Id -> Bool #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE pprNonOp :: PprStyle -> Id -> Pretty #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE pprNonOp :: PprStyle -> TyCon -> Pretty #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE pprOp :: PprStyle -> Id -> Pretty #-}
+instance Outputable Bool where
+ ppr sty True = ppPStr SLIT("True")
+ ppr sty False = ppPStr SLIT("False")
+instance (Outputable a) => Outputable [a] where
+ ppr sty xs =
+ ppBesides [ ppLbrack, ppInterleave ppComma (map (ppr sty) xs), ppRbrack ]
+instance (Outputable a, Outputable b) => Outputable (a, b) where
+ ppr sty (x,y) =
+ ppHang (ppBesides [ppLparen, ppr sty x, ppComma]) 4 (ppBeside (ppr sty y) ppRparen)
+-- ToDo: may not be used
+instance (Outputable a, Outputable b, Outputable c) => Outputable (a, b, c) where
+ ppr sty (x,y,z) =
+ ppSep [ ppBesides [ppLparen, ppr sty x, ppComma],
+ ppBeside (ppr sty y) ppComma,
+ ppBeside (ppr sty z) ppRparen ]