path: root/ghc/docs/users_guide
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+%* *
+\section[glasgow-exts]{Glasgow extensions to Haskell}
+\index{Haskell, Glasgow extensions}
+\index{extensions, Glasgow Haskell}
+%* *
+As with all known Haskell systems, GHC implements some extensions to
+the language.
+To use them, you'll need to give
+a \tr{-fglasgow-exts}%
+\index{-fglasgow-exts option} option.
+Virtually all of the Glasgow extensions serve to give you access to the
+underlying facilities with which we implement Haskell. Thus, you can
+get at the Raw Iron, if you are willing to write some non-standard
+code at a more primitive level. You need not be ``stuck'' on
+performance because of the implementation costs of Haskell's
+``high-level'' features---you can always code ``under'' them. In an
+extreme case, you can write all your time-critical code in C, and then
+just glue it together with Haskell!
+Executive summary of our extensions:
+\item[Unboxed types and primitive operations:] You can get right down
+to the raw machine types and operations; included in this are
+``primitive arrays'' (direct access to Big Wads of Bytes).
+Please see \Sectionref{glasgow-unboxed} and following.
+%\item[Synchronising variables---\tr{_IVar}s, \tr{_MVar}s:]
+%These are used when reads and writes need to be coordinated,
+%e.g., if the readers and writers are different concurrent threads.
+%Please see \Sectionref{ivars-mvars}.
+\item[Calling out to C:] Just what it sounds like. We provide {\em
+lots} of rope that you can dangle around your neck.
+Please see \Sectionref{glasgow-ccalls}.
+\item[``Monadic I/O:''] This stuff will be coming to you For Real
+with Haskell~1.3, whenever that is.
+Please see \Sectionref{io-1-3} (the ``1.3 I/O'' section).
+\item[``HBC-ish'' extensions:] Extensions implemented because people said,
+``HBC does Y. Could you teach GHC to do the same?'' Please see
+\Sectionref{glasgow-hbc-exts} for a quick list.
+Before you get too carried away working at the lowest level (e.g.,
+sloshing \tr{MutableByteArray#}s around your program), you may wish to
+check if there are system libraries that provide a ``Haskellised
+veneer'' over the features you want. See \Sectionref{syslibs}.
+The definitive guide for many of the low-level facilities in GHC is
+the ``state interface document'' (distributed in
+\tr{ghc/docs/state-interface.dvi}). We do not repeat its details here.
+%Pieter Hartel led an interesting comparison-of-many-compilers (and
+%many languages) in which GHC got to show off its extensions. We did
+%very well! For the full details, check out
+%\tr{pub/computer-systems/functional/packages/pseudoknot.tar.Z} on \tr{}.
+%Good clean fun!
+%* *
+\subsection[glasgow-unboxed]{Unboxed types}
+\index{Unboxed types (Glasgow extension)}
+%* *
+These types correspond to the ``raw machine'' types you would use in
+C: \tr{Int#} (long int), \tr{Double#} (double),
+\tr{Addr#} (void *), etc. The {\em primitive
+operations} (PrimOps) on these types are what you might expect; e.g.,
+\tr{(+#)} is addition on \tr{Int#}s, and is the machine-addition that
+we all know and love---usually one instruction.
+A numerically-intensive program using unboxed types can go a {\em lot}
+faster than its ``standard'' counterpart---we saw a threefold speedup
+on one example.
+Please see the very first part of the ``state interface document''
+(distributed in \tr{ghc/docs/state-interface.dvi}) for the details of
+unboxed types and the operations on them.
+%* *
+\subsection[glasgow-ST-monad]{Primitive state-transformer monad}
+\index{state transformers (Glasgow extensions)}
+%* *
+This monad underlies our implementation of arrays, mutable and immutable,
+and our implementation of I/O, including ``C calls''.
+You probably won't use the monad directly, but you might use all those
+other things!
+The ``state interface document'' defines the state-related types in
+sections~1.4 and~1.5, and the monad itself in section~2.1.
+%* *
+\subsection[glasgow-prim-arrays]{Primitive arrays, mutable and otherwise}
+\index{primitive arrays (Glasgow extension)}
+\index{arrays, primitive (Glasgow extension)}
+%* *
+GHC knows about quite a few flavours of Large Swathes of Bytes.
+First, GHC distinguishes between primitive arrays of (boxed) Haskell
+objects (type \tr{Array# obj}) and primitive arrays of bytes (type
+Second, it distinguishes between...
+Arrays that do not change (as with ``standard'' Haskell arrays); you
+can only read from them. Obviously, they do not need the care and
+attention of the state-transformer monad.
+Arrays that may be changed or ``mutated.'' All the operations on them
+live within the state-transformer monad and the updates happen {\em
+\item[``Static'' (in C land):]
+A C~routine may pass an \tr{Addr#} pointer back into Haskell land.
+There are then primitive operations with which you may merrily grab
+values over in C land, by indexing off the ``static'' pointer.
+\item[``Stable'' pointers:]
+If, for some reason, you wish to hand a Haskell pointer (i.e., {\em
+not} an unboxed value) to a C~routine, you first make the pointer
+``stable,'' so that the garbage collector won't forget that it exists.
+That is, GHC provides a safe way to pass Haskell pointers to C.
+Please see \Sectionref{glasgow-stablePtrs} for more details.
+\item[``Malloc'' pointers:]
+A ``malloc'' pointer is a safe way to pass a C~pointer to Haskell and
+have Haskell do the Right Thing when it no longer references the
+object. So, for example, C could pass a large bitmap over to Haskell
+and say ``please free this memory when you're done with it.''
+Please see \Sectionref{glasgow-mallocPtrs} for more details.
+See sections~1.4 and~1.6 of the ``state interface document'' for the
+details of all these ``primitive array'' types and the operations on
+%* *
+\subsection[glasgow-ccalls]{Calling~C directly from Haskell}
+\index{C calls (Glasgow extension)}
+\index{_ccall_ (Glasgow extension)}
+\index{_casm_ (Glasgow extension)}
+%* *
+%Besides using a \tr{-fglasgow-exts} flag, your modules need to include...
+%import PreludePrimIO
+SINCE VERSION 0.22: ``Literal-literals'', e.g., \tr{``NULL''}, can now
+be any `boxed-primitive' type---they are not automatically taken to be
+\tr{_Addr}s. This is cool, except you may sometimes have to put in
+a type signature to force the desired type.
+SINCE VERSION 0.19: \tr{ccall} and \tr{casm} have been renamed to
+\tr{_ccall_} and \tr{_casm_} and \tr{veryDangerousCcall} and
+\tr{veryDangerousCasm} have been removed. It is no longer necessary
+(nor legal!) to unbox/rebox the arguments and results to @_ccall_@.
+GHC does the unboxing/reboxing for you.
+GOOD ADVICE: Because this stuff is not Entirely Stable as far as names
+and things go, you would be well-advised to keep your C-callery
+corraled in a few modules, rather than sprinkled all over your code.
+It will then be quite easy to update later on.
+WARNING AS OF 0.26: Yes, the \tr{_ccall_} stuff probably {\em will
+change}, to something better, of course! We are only at the
+musing-about-it stage, however.
+%* *
+\subsubsection[ccall-intro]{\tr{_ccall_} and \tr{_casm_}: an introduction}
+%* *
+The simplest way to use a simple C function
+double fooC( FILE *in, char c, int i, double d, unsigned int u )
+is to provide a Haskell wrapper
+fooH :: Char -> Int -> Double -> _Word -> PrimIO Double
+fooH c i d w = _ccall_ fooC ``stdin'' c i d w
+The function @fooH@ will unbox all of its arguments, call the C
+function \tr{fooC} and box the corresponding arguments.
+So, if you want to do C-calling, you have to confront the underlying
+Glasgow I/O system. It's just your typical monad whatnot.
+%The code in \tr{ghc/lib/glaExts/*.lhs} is not too obtuse.
+%That code, plus \tr{lib/prelude/Builtin.hs}, give examples
+%of its use. The latter includes the implementations of \tr{error} and
+One of the annoyances about \tr{_ccall_}s is when the C types don't quite
+match the Haskell compiler's ideas. For this, the \tr{_casm_} variant
+may be just the ticket (NB: {\em no chance} of such code going through
+a native-code generator):
+oldGetEnv name
+ = _casm_ ``%r = getenv((char *) %0);'' name `thenPrimIO` \ litstring@(A# str#) ->
+ returnPrimIO (
+ if (litstring == ``NULL'') then
+ Failure (SearchError ("GetEnv:"++name))
+ else
+ Str (unpackCString# str#)
+ )
+The first literal-literal argument to a \tr{_casm_} is like a
+\tr{printf} format: \tr{%r} is replaced with the ``result,''
+\tr{%0}--\tr{%n-1} are replaced with the 1st--nth arguments. As you
+can see above, it is an easy way to do simple C~casting. Everything
+said about \tr{_ccall_} goes for \tr{_casm_} as well.
+%* *
+\subsubsection[glasgow-foreign-headers]{Using function headers}
+\index{C calls---function headers}
+%* *
+When generating C (using the \tr{-fvia-C} directive), one can assist
+the C compiler in detecting type errors by using the \tr{-#include}
+directive to provide \tr{.h} files containing function headers.
+For example,
+typedef unsigned long *StgMallocPtr;
+typedef long StgInt;
+extern void initialiseEFS PROTO( (StgInt size) );
+extern StgInt terminateEFS ();
+extern StgMallocPtr emptyEFS();
+extern StgMallocPtr updateEFS PROTO( (StgMallocPtr a, StgInt i, StgInt x) );
+extern StgInt lookupEFS PROTO( (StgMallocPtr a, StgInt i) );
+You can find appropriate definitions for \tr{StgInt},
+\tr{StgMallocPtr}, etc using \tr{gcc} on your architecture by
+consulting \tr{ghc/includes/StgTypes.lh}. The following table
+summarises the relationship between Haskell types and C types.
+C type name & Haskell Type \\ \hline
+%----- & ---------------
+\tr{StgChar} & \tr{Char#}\\
+\tr{StgInt} & \tr{Int#}\\
+\tr{StgWord} & \tr{Word#}\\
+\tr{StgAddr} & \tr{Addr#}\\
+\tr{StgFloat} & \tr{Float#}\\
+\tr{StgDouble} & \tr{Double#}\\
+\tr{StgArray} & \tr{Array#}\\
+\tr{StgByteArray} & \tr{ByteArray#}\\
+\tr{StgArray} & \tr{MutableArray#}\\
+\tr{StgByteArray} & \tr{MutableByteArray#}\\
+\tr{StgStablePtr} & \tr{StablePtr#}\\
+\tr{StgMallocPtr} & \tr{MallocPtr#}
+Note that this approach is only {\em essential\/} for returning
+\tr{float}s (or if \tr{sizeof(int) != sizeof(int *)} on your
+architecture) but is a Good Thing for anyone who cares about writing
+solid code. You're crazy not to do it.
+%* *
+\subsubsection[glasgow-stablePtrs]{Subverting automatic unboxing with ``stable pointers''}
+\index{stable pointers (Glasgow extension)}
+%* *
+The arguments of a \tr{_ccall_} are automatically unboxed before the
+call. There are two reasons why this is usually the Right Thing to do:
+C is a strict language: it would be excessively tedious to pass
+unevaluated arguments and require the C programmer to force their
+evaluation before using them.
+\item Boxed values are stored on the Haskell heap and may be moved
+within the heap if a garbage collection occurs --- that is, pointers
+to boxed objects are not {\em stable\/}.
+It is possible to subvert the unboxing process by creating a ``stable
+pointer'' to a value and passing the stable pointer instead. (To use
+stable pointers, you must \tr{import PreludeGlaMisc}.) For example, to
+pass/return an integer lazily to C functions \tr{storeC} and
+\tr{fetchC}, one might write:
+storeH :: Int -> PrimIO ()
+storeH x = makeStablePtr x `thenPrimIO` \ stable_x ->
+ _ccall_ storeC stable_x
+fetchH :: PrimIO Int
+fetchH x = _ccall_ fetchC `thenPrimIO` \ stable_x ->
+ deRefStablePtr stable_x `thenPrimIO` \ x ->
+ freeStablePtr stable_x `seqPrimIO`
+ returnPrimIO x
+The garbage collector will refrain from throwing a stable pointer away
+until you explicitly call one of the following from C or Haskell.
+void freeStablePointer( StgStablePtr stablePtrToToss )
+freeStablePtr :: _StablePtr a -> PrimIO ()
+As with the use of \tr{free} in C programs, GREAT CARE SHOULD BE
+EXERCISED to ensure these functions are called at the right time: too
+early and you get dangling references (and, if you're lucky, an error
+message from the runtime system); too late and you get space leaks.
+%Doesn't work in ghc-0.23 - best to just keep quiet about them.
+%And to force evaluation of the argument within \tr{fooC}, one would
+%call one of the following C functions (according to type of argument).
+%void performIO ( StgStablePtr stableIndex /* _StablePtr s (PrimIO ()) */ );
+%StgInt enterInt ( StgStablePtr stableIndex /* _StablePtr s Int */ );
+%StgFloat enterFloat ( StgStablePtr stableIndex /* _StablePtr s Float */ );
+%ToDo ADR: test these functions!
+%Note Bene: \tr{_ccall_GC_} must be used if any of these functions are used.
+%* *
+\subsubsection[glasgow-mallocPtrs]{Pointing outside the Haskell heap}
+\index{malloc pointers (Glasgow extension)}
+%* *
+There are two types that \tr{ghc} programs can use to reference
+(heap-allocated) objects outside the Haskell world: \tr{_Addr} and
+\tr{_MallocPtr}. (You must import \tr{PreludeGlaMisc} to use
+If you use \tr{_Addr}, it is up to you to the programmer to arrange
+allocation and deallocation of the objects.
+If you use \tr{_MallocPtr}, \tr{ghc}'s garbage collector will
+call the user-supplied C function
+void FreeMallocPtr( StgMallocPtr garbageMallocPtr )
+when the Haskell world can no longer access the object. Since
+\tr{_MallocPtr}s only get released when a garbage collection occurs,
+we provide ways of triggering a garbage collection from within C and
+from within Haskell.
+void StgPerformGarbageCollection()
+performGC :: PrimIO ()
+%* *
+\subsubsection[glasgow-avoiding-monads]{Avoiding monads}
+\index{C calls to `pure C'}
+\index{unsafePerformPrimIO (PreludeGlaST)}
+%* *
+The \tr{_ccall_} construct is part of the \tr{PrimIO} monad because 9
+out of 10 uses will be to call imperative functions with side effects
+such as \tr{printf}. Use of the monad ensures that these operations
+happen in a predictable order in spite of laziness and compiler
+There are three situations where one might like to use
+@unsafePerformPrimIO@ to avoid the monad:
+Calling a function with no side-effects:
+atan2d :: Double -> Double -> Double
+atan2d y x = unsafePerformPrimIO (_ccall_ atan2d y x)
+sincosd :: Double -> (Double, Double)
+sincosd x = unsafePerformPrimIO (
+ newDoubleArray (0, 1) `thenPrimIO` \ da ->
+ _casm_ ``sincosd( %0, &((double *)%1[0]), &((double *)%1[1]) );'' x da
+ `seqPrimIO`
+ readDoubleArray da 0 `thenPrimIO` \ s ->
+ readDoubleArray da 1 `thenPrimIO` \ c ->
+ returnPrimIO (s, c)
+ )
+\item Calling a set of functions which have side-effects but which can
+be used in a purely functional manner.
+For example, an imperative implementation of a purely functional
+lookup-table might be accessed using the following functions.
+empty :: EFS x
+update :: EFS x -> Int -> x -> EFS x
+lookup :: EFS a -> Int -> a
+empty = unsafePerformPrimIO (_ccall_ emptyEFS)
+update a i x = unsafePerformPrimIO (
+ makeStablePtr x `thenPrimIO` \ stable_x ->
+ _ccall_ updateEFS a i stable_x
+ )
+lookup a i = unsafePerformPrimIO (
+ _ccall_ lookupEFS a i `thenPrimIO` \ stable_x ->
+ deRefStablePtr stable_x
+ )
+You will almost always want to use \tr{_MallocPtr}s with this.
+\item Calling a side-effecting function even though the results will
+be unpredictable. For example the \tr{trace} function is defined by:
+trace :: String -> a -> a
+trace string expr = unsafePerformPrimIO (
+ appendChan# ``stderr'' "Trace On:\n" `seqPrimIO`
+ appendChan# ``stderr'' string `seqPrimIO`
+ appendChan# ``stderr'' "\nTrace Off.\n" `seqPrimIO`
+ returnPrimIO expr )
+(This kind of use is not highly recommended --- it is only really
+useful in debugging code.)
+%* *
+\subsubsection[ccall-gotchas]{C-calling ``gotchas'' checklist}
+\index{C call dangers}
+%* *
+And some advice, too.
+\tr{_ccall_} is part of the \tr{PrimIO} monad --- not the 1.3 \tr{IO} Monad.
+Use the function
+primIOToIO :: PrimIO a -> IO a
+to promote a \tr{_ccall_} to the \tr{IO} monad.
+For modules that use \tr{_ccall_}s, etc., compile with \tr{-fvia-C}.\index{-fvia-C option}
+You don't have to, but you should.
+Also, use the \tr{-#include "prototypes.h"} flag (hack) to inform the
+C compiler of the fully-prototyped types of all the C functions you
+call. (\Sectionref{glasgow-foreign-headers} says more about this...)
+This scheme is the {\em only} way that you will get {\em any}
+typechecking of your \tr{_ccall_}s. (It shouldn't be that way,
+Try to avoid \tr{_ccall_}s to C~functions that take \tr{float}
+arguments or return \tr{float} results. Reason: if you do, you will
+become entangled in (ANSI?) C's rules for when arguments/results are
+promoted to \tr{doubles}. It's a nightmare and just not worth it.
+Use \tr{doubles} if possible.
+If you do use \tr{floats}, check and re-check that the right thing is
+happening. Perhaps compile with \tr{-keep-hc-file-too} and look at
+the intermediate C (\tr{.hc} file).
+The compiler uses two non-standard type-classes when
+type-checking the arguments and results of \tr{_ccall_}: the arguments
+(respectively result) of \tr{_ccall_} must be instances of the class
+\tr{_CCallable} (respectively \tr{_CReturnable}. (Neither class
+defines any methods --- their only function is to keep the
+type-checker happy.)
+The type checker must be able to figure out just which of the
+C-callable/returnable types is being used. If it can't, you have to
+add type signatures. For example,
+f x = _ccall_ foo x
+is not good enough, because the compiler can't work out what type @x@ is, nor
+what type the @_ccall_@ returns. You have to write, say:
+f :: Int -> PrimIO Double
+f x = _ccall_ foo x
+This table summarises the standard instances of these classes.
+% ToDo: check this table against implementation!
+Type &CCallable&CReturnable & Which is probably... \\ \hline
+%------ ---------- ------------ -------------
+\tr{Char} & Yes & Yes & \tr{unsigned char} \\
+\tr{Int} & Yes & Yes & \tr{long int} \\
+\tr{_Word} & Yes & Yes & \tr{unsigned long int} \\
+\tr{_Addr} & Yes & Yes & \tr{char *} \\
+\tr{Float} & Yes & Yes & \tr{float} \\
+\tr{Double} & Yes & Yes & \tr{double} \\
+\tr{()} & No & Yes & \tr{void} \\
+\tr{[Char]} & Yes & No & \tr{char *} (null-terminated) \\
+\tr{Array} & Yes & No & \tr{unsigned long *}\\
+\tr{_ByteArray} & Yes & No & \tr{unsigned long *}\\
+\tr{_MutableArray} & Yes & No & \tr{unsigned long *}\\
+\tr{_MutableByteArray} & Yes & No & \tr{unsigned long *}\\
+\tr{_State} & Yes & Yes & nothing!\\
+\tr{_StablePtr} & Yes & Yes & \tr{unsigned long *}\\
+\tr{_MallocPtr} & Yes & Yes & see later\\
+The brave and careful programmer can add their own instances of these
+classes for the following types:
+A {\em boxed-primitive} type may be made an instance of both
+\tr{_CCallable} and \tr{_CReturnable}.
+A boxed primitive type is any data type with a
+single unary constructor with a single primitive argument. For
+example, the following are all boxed primitive types:
+data XDisplay = XDisplay Addr#
+data EFS a = EFS# MallocPtr#
+instance _CCallable (EFS a)
+instance _CReturnable (EFS a)
+\item Any datatype with a single nullary constructor may be made an
+instance of \tr{_CReturnable}. For example:
+data MyVoid = MyVoid
+instance _CReturnable MyVoid
+\item As at version 0.26, \tr{String} (i.e., \tr{[Char]}) is still
+not a \tr{_CReturnable} type.
+Also, the now-builtin type \tr{_PackedString} is neither
+\tr{_CCallable} nor \tr{_CReturnable}. (But there are functions in
+the PackedString interface to let you get at the necessary bits...)
+The code-generator will complain if you attempt to use \tr{%r}
+in a \tr{_casm_} whose result type is \tr{PrimIO ()}; or if you don't
+use \tr{%r} {\em precisely\/} once for any other result type. These
+messages are supposed to be helpful and catch bugs---please tell us
+if they wreck your life.
+If you call out to C code which may trigger the Haskell garbage
+collector (examples of this later...), then you must use the
+\tr{_ccall_GC_} or \tr{_casm_GC_} variant of C-calls. (This does not
+work with the native code generator - use \tr{\fvia-C}.) This stuff is
+hairy with a capital H!
+%* *
+%\subsubsection[ccall-good-practice]{C-calling ``good practice'' checklist}
+%* *
+%* *
+\subsection[glasgow-hbc-exts]{``HBC-ish'' extensions implemented by GHC}
+\index{HBC-like Glasgow extensions}
+\index{extensions, HBC-like}
+%* *
+\item[@fromInt@ method in class @Num@:]
+It's there. Converts from an \tr{Int} to the type.
+\item[@toInt@ method in class @Integral@:]
+Converts from type type to an \tr{Int}.
+\item[Overlapping instance declarations:]
+\index{overlapping instances}
+\index{instances, overlapping}
+In \tr{instance <context> => Class (T x1 ... xn)}, the \tr{xi}s can be
+{\em types}, rather than just {\em type variables}.
+Thus, you can have an instance \tr{instance Foo [Char]}, as well as
+the more general \tr{instance Foo [a]}; the former will be used in
+preference to the latter, where applicable.
+As Lennart says, ``This is a dubious feature and should not be used
+See also: \tr{SPECIALIZE instance} pragmas, in \Sectionref{faster}.
+\item[Signal-handling I/O request:]
+\index{signal handling (extension)}
+\index{SigAction I/O request}
+The Haskell-1.2 I/O request \tr{SigAction n act} installs a signal handler for signal
+\tr{n :: Int}. The number is the usual UNIX signal number. The action
+is of this type:
+data SigAct
+ = SAIgnore
+ | SADefault
+ | SACatch Dialogue
+The corresponding continuation-style I/O function is the unsurprising:
+sigAction :: Int -> SigAct -> FailCont -> SuccCont -> Dialogue
+When a signal handler is installed with \tr{SACatch}, receipt of the
+signal causes the current top-level computation to be abandoned, and
+the specified dialogue to be executed instead. The abandoned
+computation may leave some partially evaluated expressions in a
+non-resumable state. If you believe that your top-level computation
+and your signal handling dialogue may share subexpressions, you should
+execute your program with the \tr{-N} RTS option, to prevent
+The \tr{-N} option is not available with concurrent/parallel programs,
+so great care should be taken to avoid shared subexpressions between
+the top-level computation and any signal handlers when using threads.
+%\item[Simple time-out mechanism, in ``monadic I/O'':]
+%\index{time-outs (extension)}
+%This function is available:
+%timeoutIO :: Int -> IO Void -> IO (IO Void)
+%Wait that many seconds, then abandon the current computation and
+%perform the given I/O operation (second argument). Uses the
+%signal-handling, so it returns the previous signal-handler (in case
+%you want to re-install it). As above, you may need to execute your
+%program with the RTS flag \tr{-N}, to prevent black-holing.
+%* *
+%\subsection[glasgow-compiler-namespace]{Fiddlings the compiler's built-in namespaces}
+%* *
+%This is really only used for compiling the prelude. It's turgid and
+%will probably change.
+% \begin{description}
+% \item[\tr{-no-implicit-prelude}:]
+% \index{-no-implicit-prelude option}
+% ???? (Tells the parser not to read \tr{Prelude.hi}).
+% \item[\tr{-fhide-builtin-names}:]
+% \index{-fhide-builtin-names option}
+% This hides {\em all} Prelude names built-in to the compiler.
+% \item[\tr{-fmin-builtin-names}:]
+% \index{-fmin-builtin-names option}
+% This hides all but a few of the Prelude names that are built-in to the
+% compiler. @:@ (cons) is an example of one that would remain visible.
+% \item[\tr{-fhide-builtin-instances}:]
+% \index{-fhide-builtin-instances option}
+% This suppresses the compiler's own ideas about what instances already
+% exist (e.g., \tr{instance Eq Int}).
+% This flag is used when actually compiling the various instance
+% declarations in the Prelude.
+% \end{description}
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+%* *
+\section[wrong]{What to do when something goes wrong}
+%* *
+If you still have a problem after consulting this section, then you
+may have found a {\em bug}---please report it! See
+\Sectionref{bug-reports} for a list of things we'd like to know about
+your bug. If in doubt, send a report---we love mail from irate users :-!
+(\Sectionref{vs-Haskell-defn}, which describes Glasgow Haskell's
+shortcomings vs.~the Haskell language definition, may also be of
+%* *
+\subsection[wrong-compiler]{When the compiler ``does the wrong thing''}
+\index{compiler problems}
+\index{problems with the compiler}
+%* *
+\item[``Help! The compiler crashed (or `panic'd)!'']
+These events are {\em always} bugs in the GHC system---please report
+%Known compiler ``panics'':
+%\item[From SPARC native-code generator:] These tend to say something
+%like ``unknown PrimOp;'' you can avoid it by compiling that module
+%with \tr{-fvia-C}.\index{-fvia-C option}
+\item[``The compiler ran out of heap (or stack) when compiling itself!'']
+It happens. We try to supply reasonable \tr{-H<n>} flags for
+\tr{ghc/compiler/} and \tr{ghc/lib/}, but GHC's memory consumption
+can vary by platform (e.g., on a 64-bit machine).
+Just say \tr{make all EXTRA_HC_OPTS=-H<a reasonable number>} and see
+how you get along.
+\item[``The compiler died with a pattern-matching error.'']
+This is a bug just as surely as a ``panic.'' Please report it.
+\item[``Some confusion about a value specialised to a type...'' Huh???]
+(A deeply obscure and unfriendly error message.)
+This message crops up when the typechecker is sees a reference in an
+interface pragma to a specialisation of an overloaded value
+(function); for example, \tr{elem} specialised for type \tr{[Char]}
+(\tr{String}). The problem is: it doesn't {\em know} that such a
+specialisation exists!
+The cause of this problem is (please report any other cases...): The
+compiler has imported pragmatic info for the value in question from
+more than one interface, and the multiple interfaces did not agree
+{\em exactly} about the value's pragmatic info. Since the compiler
+doesn't know whom to believe, it believes none of them.
+The cure is to re-compile the modules that {\em re-export} the
+offending value (after possibly re-compiling its defining module).
+Now the pragmatic info should be exactly the same in every case, and
+things should be fine.
+\item[``Can't see the data constructors for a ccall/casm'' Huh?]
+GHC ``unboxes'' C-call arguments and ``reboxes'' C-call results for you.
+To do this, it {\\em has} to be able to see the types fully;
+abstract types won't do!
+Thus, if you say \tr{data Foo = Foo Int#}
+(a cool ``boxed primitive'' type), but then make it abstract
+(only \tr{data Foo} appears in the interface), then GHC can't figure
+out what to do with \tr{Foo} arguments/results to C-calls.
+Solutions: either make the type unabstract, or compile with \tr{-O}.
+With the latter, the constructor info will be passed along in
+the interface pragmas.
+\item[``This is a terrible error message.'']
+If you think that GHC could have produced a better error message,
+please report it as a bug.
+\item[``What about these `trace' messages from GHC?'']
+Almost surely not a problem. About some specific cases...
+\item[Simplifier still going after N iterations:]
+Sad, but harmless. You can change the number with a
+\tr{-fmax-simplifier-iterations<N>}\index{-fmax-simplifier-iterations<N> option} option (no space);
+and you can see what actions took place in each iteration by
+turning on the \tr{-fshow-simplifier-progress}
+\index{-fshow-simplifier-progress option} option.
+If the simplifier definitely seems to be ``looping,'' please report
+\item[``What about this warning from the C compiler?'']
+For example: ``...warning: `Foo' declared `static' but never defined.''
+Unsightly, but not a problem.
+\item[Sensitivity to \tr{.hi} interface files:]
+GHC is very sensitive about interface files. For example, if it picks
+up a non-standard \tr{Prelude.hi} file, pretty terrible things will
+happen. If you turn on
+\tr{-fno-implicit-prelude}\index{-fno-implicit-prelude option}, the
+compiler will almost surely die, unless you know what you are doing.
+Furthermore, as sketched below, you may have big problems
+running programs compiled using unstable interfaces.
+\item[``I think GHC is producing incorrect code'':]
+Unlikely :-) A useful be-more-paranoid option to give to GHC is
+\tr{-dcore-lint}\index{-dcore-lint option}; this causes a ``lint'' pass to
+check for errors (notably type errors) after each Core-to-Core
+transformation pass. We run with \tr{-dcore-lint} on all the time; it
+costs about 5\% in compile time. (Or maybe 25\%; who knows?)
+%\item[``Can I use HBC-produced \tr{.hi} interface files?'']
+%Yes, though you should keep compiling until you have a stable set of
+%GHC-produced ones.
+\item[``Why did I get a link error?'']
+If the linker complains about not finding \tr{_<something>_fast}, then
+your interface files haven't settled---keep on compiling! (In
+particular, this error means that arity information, which you can see
+in any \tr{.hi} file, has changed.)
+%If the linker complains about not finding \tr{SpA}, \tr{SuA}, and
+%other such things, then you've tried to link ``unregisterised'' object
+%code (produced with \tr{-O0}) with the normal registerised stuff.
+%If you get undefined symbols that look anything like (for example)
+%\tr{J3C_Interact$__writeln}, \tr{C_Prelude$__$2B$2B},
+%\tr{VC_Prelude$__map}, etc., then you are trying to link HBC-produced
+%object files with GHC.
+\item[``What's a `consistency error'?'']
+(These are reported just after linking your program.)
+You tried to link incompatible object files, e.g., normal ones
+(registerised, Appel garbage-collector) with profiling ones (two-space
+collector). Or those compiled by a previous version of GHC
+with an incompatible newer version.
+If you run \tr{nm -o *.o | egrep 't (cc|hsc)\.'} (or, on
+unregisterised files: \tr{what *.o}), you'll see all the consistency
+tags/strings in your object files. They must all be the same!
+(ToDo: tell you what they mean...)
+\item[``Is this line number right?'']
+On this score, GHC usually does pretty well, especially
+if you ``allow'' it to be off by one or two. In the case of an
+instance or class declaration, the line number
+may only point you to the declaration, not to a specific method.
+Please report line-number errors that you find particularly unhelpful.
+%* *
+\subsection[wrong-compilee]{When your program ``does the wrong thing''}
+\index{problems running your program}
+%* *
+(For advice about overly slow or memory-hungry Haskell programs,
+please see \sectionref{sooner-faster-quicker}).
+\item[``Help! My program crashed!'']
+(e.g., a `segmentation fault' or `core dumped')
+If your program has no @_ccall_@s/@_casm_@s in it, then a crash is always
+a BUG in the GHC system, except in one case: If your program is made
+of several modules, each module must have been compiled with a stable
+group of interface (\tr{.hi}) files.
+For example, if an interface is lying about the type of an imported
+value then GHC may well generate duff code for the importing module.
+{\em This applies to pragmas inside interfaces too!} If the pragma is
+lying (e.g., about the ``arity'' of a value), then duff code may result.
+Furthermore, arities may change even if types do not.
+In short, if you compile a module and its interface changes, then all
+the modules that import that interface {\em must} be re-compiled.
+A useful option to alert you when interfaces change is
+\tr{-hi-diffs}\index{-hi-diffs option}. It will run \tr{diff} on the
+changed interface file, before and after, when applicable.
+If you are using \tr{make}, a useful tool to make sure that every
+module {\em is} up-to-date with respect to its imported interfaces is
+\tr{mkdependHS} (which comes with GHC). Please see
+If you are down to your last-compile-before-a-bug-report, we
+would recommend that you add a \tr{-dcore-lint} option (for
+extra checking) to your compilation options.
+So, before you report a bug because of a core dump, you should probably:
+% rm *.o # scrub your object files
+% make my_prog # re-make your program; use -hi-diffs to highlight changes
+% ./my_prog ... # retry...
+Of course, if you have @_ccall_@s/@_casm_@s in your program then all bets
+are off, because you can trash the heap, the stack, or whatever.
+If you are interested in hard-core debugging of a crashing
+GHC-compiled program, please see \sectionref{hard-core-debug}.
+% (If you have an ``unregisterised'' arity-checking
+% (\tr{-O0 -darity-checks}) around [as we sometimes do at Glasgow], then you
+% might recompile with \tr{-darity-checks}\index{-darity-checks option},
+% which will definitely detect arity-compatibility errors.)
+\item[``My program entered an `absent' argument.'']
+This is definitely caused by a bug in GHC. Please report it.
+\item[``What's with this `arithmetic (or `floating') exception' ''?]
+@Int@, @Float@, and @Double@ arithmetic is {\em unchecked}. Overflows
+and underflows are {\em silent}. Divide-by-zero {\em may} cause an
+untrapped exception (please report it if it does). I suppose other
+arithmetic uncheckiness might cause an exception, too...
+%* *
+\subsection[bug-reports]{How to report a bug in the GHC system}
+\index{bug reports}
+%* *
+Glasgow Haskell is a changing system so there are sure to be bugs in
+it. Please report them to
+\tr{}! (However, please check
+the earlier part of this section to be sure it's not a known
+not-really-a problem.)
+The name of the bug-reporting game is: facts, facts, facts.
+Don't omit them because ``Oh, they won't be interested...''
+What kind of machine are you running on, and exactly what version of the
+operating system are you using? (\tr{cat /etc/motd} often shows the desired
+What version of GCC are you using? \tr{gcc -v} will tell you.
+Run the sequence of compiles/runs that caused the offending behaviour,
+capturing all the input/output in a ``script'' (a UNIX command) or in
+an Emacs shell window. We'd prefer to see the whole thing.
+Be sure any Haskell compilations are run with a \tr{-v} (verbose)
+flag, so we can see exactly what was run, what versions of things you
+have, etc.
+What is the program behaviour that is wrong, in your opinion?
+If practical, please send enough source files/interface files for us
+to duplicate the problem.
+If you are a Hero and track down the problem in the compilation-system
+sources, please send us {\em whole files} (by e-mail or FTP) that we
+can compare against some base release.
+%* *
+\subsection[hard-core-debug]{Hard-core debugging of GHC-compiled programs}
+\index{debugging, hard-core}
+%* *
+If your program is crashing, you should almost surely file a bug
+report, as outlined in previous sections.
+This section suggests ways to Make Further Progress Anyway.
+The first thing to establish is: Is it a garbage-collection (GC) bug?
+Try your program with a very large heap and a \tr{-Sstderr} RTS
+If it crashes {\em without} garbage-collecting, then it is
+definitely {\em not} a GC bug.
+If you can make it crash with one heap size but not with another, then
+it {\em probably is} a GC bug.
+If it crashes with the normal
+collector, but not when you force two-space collection (\tr{-F2s}
+runtime flag), then it {\em probably is} a GC bug.
+If it {\em is} a GC bug, you may be able to avoid it by using a
+particular heap size or by using a \tr{-F2s} runtime flag. (But don't
+forget to report the bug!!!)
+ToDo: more here?
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+\section[invoking-GHC]{Invoking GHC: Command-line options}
+\index{command-line options}
+\index{options, GHC command-line}
+Command-line arguments are either options or file names.
+Command-line options begin with \tr{-}. They may {\em not} be
+grouped: \tr{-vO} is different from \tr{-v -O}.
+Options need not precede filenames: e.g., \tr{ghc *.o -o foo}.
+All options are processed
+and then apply to all files; you cannot, for example,
+invoke \tr{ghc -c -O1 Foo.hs -O2 Bar.hs} to apply different
+optimisation levels to the files \tr{Foo.hs} and \tr{Bar.hs}. For
+conflicting options, e.g., \tr{-c -S}, we reserve the right to do
+anything we want. (Usually, the last one applies.)
+Options related to profiling, Glasgow extensions to Haskell (e.g.,
+unboxed values), Concurrent and Parallel Haskell are
+described in \sectionref{profiling}, \sectionref{glasgow-exts}, and
+\sectionref{concurrent-and-parallel}, respectively.
+%* *
+\subsection[file-suffixes]{Meaningful file suffixes}
+\index{suffixes, file}
+\index{file suffixes for GHC}
+%* *
+File names with ``meaningful'' suffixes (e.g., \tr{.lhs} or \tr{.o})
+cause the ``right thing'' to happen to those files.
+\index{lhs suffix@.lhs suffix}
+A ``literate Haskell'' module.
+A not-so-literate Haskell module.
+A Haskell interface file, probably compiler-generated.
+Intermediate C file produced by the Haskell compiler.
+A C~file not produced by the Haskell compiler.
+% \item[\tr{.i}:]
+% C code after it has be preprocessed by the C compiler (using the
+% \tr{-E} flag).
+An assembly-language source file, usually
+produced by the compiler.
+An object file, produced by an assembler.
+Files with other suffixes (or without suffixes) are passed straight
+to the linker.
+%* *
+\subsection[options-help]{Help and verbosity options}
+\index{help options (GHC)}
+\index{verbose option (GHC)}
+%* *
+A good option to start with is the \tr{-help} (or \tr{-?}) option.
+\index{-help option}
+\index{-? option}
+GHC spews a long message to standard output and then exits.
+The \tr{-v}\index{-v option} option makes GHC {\em verbose}: it
+reports its version number and shows (on stderr) exactly how it invokes each
+phase of the compilation system. Moreover, it passes
+the \tr{-v} flag to most phases; each reports
+its version number (and possibly some other information).
+Please, oh please, use the \tr{-v} option when reporting bugs!
+Knowing that you ran the right bits in the right order is always the
+first thing we want to verify.
+%* *
+\subsection[options-order]{Running the right phases in the right order}
+\index{order of passes in GHC}
+\index{pass ordering in GHC}
+%* *
+The basic task of the \tr{ghc} driver is to run each input file
+through the right phases (parsing, linking, etc.).
+The first phase to run is determined by the input-file suffix, and the
+last phase is determined by a flag. If no relevant flag is present,
+then go all the way through linking. This table summarises:
+phase of the & suffix saying & flag saying & (suffix of) \\
+compilation system & ``start here''& ``stop after''& output file \\ \hline
+literate pre-processor & .lhs & - & - \\
+C pre-processor (opt.) & - & - & - \\
+Haskell parser & .hs & - & - \\
+Haskell compiler & - & -C, -S & .hc, .s \\
+C compiler (opt.) & .hc or .c & -S & .s \\
+assembler & .s & -c & .o \\
+linker & other & - & a.out \\
+\index{-C option}
+\index{-S option}
+\index{-c option}
+Thus, a common invocation would be: \tr{ghc -c Foo.hs}
+Note: What the Haskell compiler proper produces depends on whether a
+native-code generator is used (producing assembly language) or not
+(producing C).
+%The suffix information may be overridden with a \tr{-lang <suf>}
+%\index{-lang <suf> option} option. This says: process all inputs
+%files as if they had suffix \pl{<suf>}. [NOT IMPLEMENTED YET]
+The option \tr{-cpp}\index{-cpp option} must be given for the C
+pre-processor phase to be run.
+The option \tr{-E}\index{-E option} runs just the C-preprocessor part
+of the C-compiling phase, sending the result to stdout [I think]. (For
+debugging, usually.)
+%* *
+\subsection[options-optimise]{Optimisation (code improvement)}
+\index{optimisation (GHC)}
+\index{improvement, code (GHC)}
+%* *
+The \tr{-O*} options specify convenient ``packages'' of optimisation
+flags; the \tr{-f*} options described later on specify {\em individual}
+optimisations to be turned on/off; the \tr{-m*} options specify {\em
+machine-specific} optimisations to be turned on/off.
+\subsubsection[optimise-pkgs]{\tr{-O*}: convenient ``packages'' of optimisation flags.}
+\index{-O options (GHC)}
+There are {\em many} options that affect the quality of code produced by
+GHC. Most people only have a general goal, something like ``Compile
+quickly'' or ``Make my program run like greased lightning.'' The
+following ``packages'' of optimisations (or lack thereof) should suffice.
+Once you choose a \tr{-O*} ``package,'' stick with it---don't chop and
+change. Modules' interfaces {\em will} change with a shift to a new
+\tr{-O*} option, and you will have to recompile all importing modules
+before your program can again be run safely.
+\item[No \tr{-O*}-type option specified:]
+\index{-O* not specified}
+This is taken to mean: ``Please compile quickly; I'm not over-bothered
+about compiled-code quality.'' So, for example: \tr{ghc -c Foo.hs}
+\item[\tr{-O} or \tr{-O1}:]
+\index{-O option}
+\index{-O1 option}
+\index{optimise normally}
+Means: ``Generate good-quality code without taking too long about it.''
+Thus, for example: \tr{ghc -c -O Main.lhs}
+\index{-O2 option}
+\index{optimise aggressively}
+Means: ``Apply every non-dangerous optimisation, even if it means
+significantly longer compile times.''
+The avoided ``dangerous'' optimisations are those that can make
+runtime or space {\em worse} if you're unlucky. They are
+normally turned on or off individually.
+As of version~0.26, \tr{-O2} is {\em unlikely} to produce
+better code than \tr{-O}.
+% \item[\tr{-O0}:]
+% \index{-O0 option}
+% \index{optimise minimally}
+% [``Oh zero''] Means: ``Turn {\em off} as many optimisations (e.g.,
+% simplifications) as possible.'' This is the only optimisation level
+% at which the GCC-register-trickery is turned off. {\em You can't use
+% it unless you have a suitably-built Prelude to match.} Intended for
+% hard-core debugging.
+\index{-fvia-C option}
+Compile via C, and don't use the native-code generator.
+(There are many cases when GHC does this on its own.) You might
+pick up a little bit of speed by compiling via C. If you use
+\tr{_ccall_}s or \tr{_casm_}s, you probably {\em have to} use
+\index{-O2-for-C option}
+Says to run GCC with \tr{-O2}, which may be worth a few percent in
+execution speed. Don't forget \tr{-fvia-C}, lest you use the
+native-code generator and bypass GCC altogether!
+\index{-Onot option}
+\index{optimising, reset}
+This option will make GHC ``forget'' any -Oish options it has seen
+so far. Sometimes useful; for example: \tr{make all EXTRA_HC_OPTS=-Onot}.
+\item[\tr{-Ofile <file>}:]
+\index{-Ofile <file> option}
+\index{optimising, customised}
+For those who need {\em absolute} control over {\em exactly} what
+options are used (e.g., compiler writers, sometimes :-), a list of
+options can be put in a file and then slurped in with \tr{-Ofile}.
+In that file, comments are of the \tr{#}-to-end-of-line variety; blank
+lines and most whitespace is ignored.
+Please ask if you are baffled and would like an example of \tr{-Ofile}!
+At Glasgow, we don't use a \tr{-O*} flag for day-to-day work. We use
+\tr{-O} to get respectable speed; e.g., when we want to measure
+something. When we want to go for broke, we tend to use
+\tr{-O -fvia-C -O2-for-C} (and we go for lots of coffee breaks).
+%Here is a table to summarise whether pragmatic interface information
+%is used or not, whether the native-code generator is used (if
+%available), and whether we use GCC register tricks (for speed!) on the
+%generated C code:
+%\tr{-O*} & Interface & Native code & `Registerised' C \\
+% & pragmas? & (if avail.) & (if avail.) \\ \hline
+%\pl{<none>} & no & yes & yes, only if \tr{-fvia-C} \\
+%\tr{-O,-O1} & yes & yes & yes, only if \tr{-fvia-C} \\
+%\tr{-O2} & yes & no & yes \\
+%\tr{-Ofile} & yes & yes & yes, only if \tr{-fvia-C} \\
+The easiest way to see what \tr{-O} (etc) ``really mean'' is to run
+with \tr{-v}, then stand back in amazement.
+Alternatively, just look at the
+\tr{@HsC_minus<blah>} lists in the \tr{ghc} driver script.
+\subsubsection{\tr{-f*}: platform-independent flags}
+\index{-f* options (GHC)}
+\index{-fno-* options (GHC)}
+Flags can be turned {\em off} individually. (NB: I hope
+you have a good reason for doing this....) To turn off the \tr{-ffoo}
+flag, just use the \tr{-fno-foo} flag.\index{-fno-<opt> anti-option}
+So, for example, you can say
+\tr{-O2 -fno-strictness}, which will then drop out any running of the
+strictness analyser.
+The options you are most likely to want to turn off are:
+\tr{-fno-update-analysis}\index{-fno-update-analysis option} [because
+it is sometimes slow],
+\tr{-fno-strictness}\index{-fno-strictness option} (strictness
+analyser [because it is sometimes slow]),
+\tr{-fno-specialise}\index{-fno-specialise option} (automatic
+specialisation of overloaded functions [because it makes your code
+bigger]) [US spelling also accepted],
+\tr{-fno-foldr-build}\index{-fno-foldr-build option} [because no-one
+knows what Andy Gill made it do].
+Should you wish to turn individual flags {\em on}, you are advised to
+use the \tr{-Ofile} option, described above. Because the order in
+which optimisation passes are run is sometimes crucial, it's quite
+hard to do with command-line options.
+Here are some ``dangerous'' optimisations you {\em might} want to try:
+(Default: 30) By raising or lowering this number, you can raise or lower the
+amount of pragmatic junk that gets spewed into interface files.
+(An unfolding has a ``size'' that reflects the cost in terms of ``code
+bloat'' of expanding that unfolding in another module. A bigger
+Core expression would be assigned a bigger cost.)
+(Default: 3) By raising or lowering this number, you can make the
+compiler more or less keen to expand unfoldings.
+OK, folks, these magic numbers `30' and `3' are mildly arbitrary; they
+are of the ``seem to be OK'' variety. The `3' is the more critical
+one; it's what determines how eager GHC is about expanding unfoldings.
+(Default: 8) [Pretty obscure]
+When deciding what unfoldings from a module should be made available
+to the rest of the world (via this module's interface), the compiler
+normally likes ``small'' expressions.
+For example, if it sees \tr{foo = bar}, it will decide that the very
+small expression \tr{bar} is a great unfolding for \tr{foo}. But if
+\tr{bar} turns out to be \tr{(True,False,True)}, we would probably
+prefer {\em that} for the unfolding for \tr{foo}.
+Should we ``override'' the initial small unfolding from \tr{foo=bar}
+with the bigger-but-better one? Yes, if the bigger one's ``size'' is
+still under the ``override threshold.'' You can use this flag to
+adjust this threshold (why, I'm not sure).
+(Default: 12) [Vastly obscure: NOT IMPLEMENTED YET]
+``Case liberation'' lifts evaluation out of recursive functions; it
+does this by duplicating code. Done without constraint, you can get
+serious code bloat; so we only do it if the ``size'' of the duplicated
+code is smaller than some ``threshold.'' This flag can fiddle that
+This option (which {\em does not work} with the native-code generator)
+tells the compiler to add extra code to test for already-evaluated
+values. You win if you have lots of such values during a run of your
+program, you lose otherwise. (And you pay in extra code space.)
+We have not played with \tr{-fsemi-tagging} enough to recommend it.
+(For all we know, it doesn't even work in 0.26. Sigh.)
+% \subsubsection[optimise-simplifier]{Controlling ``simplification'' in the Haskell compiler.}
+%Almost everyone turns program transformation
+% (a.k.a. ``simplification'') on/off via one of the ``packages'' above,
+%but you can exert absolute control if you want to. Do a \tr{ghc -v -O ...},
+%and you'll see there are plenty of knobs to turn!
+%The Core-to-Core and STG-to-STG passes can be run multiple times, and
+%in varying orders (though you may live to regret it). The on-or-off
+%global flags, however, are simply, well, on or off.
+%The best way to give an exact list of options is the \tr{-Ofile}
+%option, described elsewhere.
+% [Check out \tr{ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCore.lhs} and
+%\tr{simplStg/SimplStg.lhs} if you {\em really} want to see every
+%possible Core-to-Core and STG-to-STG pass, respectively. The
+%on-or-off global flags that effect what happens {\em within} one of
+%these passes are defined by the \tr{GlobalSwitch} datatype in
+\subsubsection{\tr{-m*}: platform-specific flags}
+\index{-m* options (GHC)}
+\index{platform-specific options}
+\index{machine-specific options}
+Some flags only make sense for particular target platforms.
+(HPPA machines)\index{-mlong-calls option (HPPA only)}
+Means to pass the like-named option to GCC. Required for Very Big
+modules, maybe. (Probably means you're in trouble...)
+(iX86 machines)\index{-monly-N-regs option (iX86 only)}
+GHC tries to ``steal'' five registers from GCC, for performance
+reasons; it almost always works. However, when GCC is compiling some
+modules with five stolen registers, it will crash, probably saying:
+Foo.hc:533: fixed or forbidden register was spilled.
+This may be due to a compiler bug or to impossible asm
+statements or clauses.
+Just give some registers back with \tr{-monly-N-regs}. Try `4' first,
+then `3', then `2'. If `2' doesn't work, please report the bug to us.
+\subsubsection[optimise-C-compiler]{Code improvement by the C compiler.}
+\index{optimisation by GCC}
+\index{GCC optimisation}
+The C~compiler, normally GCC, is run with \tr{-O} turned on. (It has
+to be, actually.)
+If you want to run GCC with \tr{-O2}---which may be worth a few
+percent in execution speed---you can give a
+\tr{-O2-for-C}\index{-O2-for-C option} option.
+%If you are brave or foolish, you might want to omit some checking code
+% (e.g., for stack-overflow checks), as sketched in
+%* *
+\subsection[options-sanity]{Sanity-checking options}
+\index{sanity-checking options}
+%* *
+If you would like GHC to check that every top-level value has a type
+signature, use the \tr{-fsignatures-required}
+option.\index{-fsignatures-required option}
+If you would like to disallow ``name shadowing,'' i.e., an inner-scope
+value has the same name as an outer-scope value, then use the
+option.\index{-fname-shadowing-not-ok option}
+This option catches typographical errors that turn into hard-to-find
+bugs, e.g., in the inadvertent cyclic definition \tr{let x = ... x ... in}.
+Consequently, this option does {\em not} allow cyclic recursive
+If you're feeling really paranoid, the \tr{-dcore-lint}
+option\index{-dcore-lint option} is a good choice. It turns on
+heavyweight intra-pass sanity-checking within GHC. (It checks GHC's
+sanity, not yours.)
+%* *
+\subsection[options-output]{Re-directing the compilation output(s)}
+\index{output-directing options}
+%* *
+When compiling a Haskell module, GHC may produce several files of
+output (usually two).
+One file is usually an {\em interface file}. If compiling
+\tr{bar/Foo.hs}, the interface file would normally be \tr{bar/Foo.hi}.
+The interface output may be directed to another file
+\tr{bar2/Wurble.iface} with the option
+\tr{-ohi bar2/Wurble.iface}\index{-ohi <file> option}.
+To avoid generating an interface file at all, use a \tr{-nohi}
+option.\index{-nohi option}
+The compiler does not overwrite an existing \tr{.hi} interface file if
+the new one is byte-for-byte the same as the old one; this is friendly to
+\tr{make}. When an interface does change, it is often enlightening to
+be informed. The \tr{-hi-diffs}\index{-hi-diffs option} option will
+make \tr{ghc} run \tr{diff} on the old and new \tr{.hi} files.
+GHC's non-interface output normally goes into a \tr{.hc}, \tr{.o},
+etc., file, depending on the last-run compilation phase. The option
+\tr{-o foo}\index{-o option} re-directs the output of that last-run
+phase to file \tr{foo}.
+Note: this ``feature'' can be counterintuitive:
+\tr{ghc -C -o foo.o foo.hs} will put the intermediate C code in the
+file \tr{foo.o}, name notwithstanding!
+EXOTICA: But the \tr{-o} option isn't much use if you have {\em
+several} input files... Non-interface output files are normally put
+in the same directory as their corresponding input file came from.
+You may specify that they be put in another directory using the
+\tr{-odir <dir>}\index{-odir <dir> option} (the ``Oh, dear'' option).
+For example:
+% ghc -c parse/Foo.hs parse/Bar.hs gurgle/Bumble.hs -odir `arch`
+The output files, \tr{Foo.o}, \tr{Bar.o}, and \tr{Bumble.o} would be
+put into a subdirectory named after the architecture of the executing
+machine (\tr{sun4}, \tr{mips}, etc). The directory must already
+exist; it won't be created.
+Note that the \tr{-odir} option does {\em not} affect where the
+interface files are put. In the above example, they would still be
+put in \tr{parse/Foo.hi}, \tr{parse/Bar.hi}, and
+MORE EXOTICA: The \tr{-osuf <suffix>}\index{-osuf <suffix> option}
+will change the \tr{.o} file suffix for object files to whatever
+you specify. (We use this in compiling the prelude.)
+Similarly, the \tr{-hisuf <suffix>}\index{-hisuf <suffix> option} will
+change the \tr{.hi} file suffix for non-system interface files. This
+can be useful when you are trying to compile a program several ways,
+all in the same directory. The suffix given is used for {\em all}
+interfaces files written, {\em and} for all non-system interface files
+that your read.
+The \tr{-hisuf}/\tr{-osuf} game is useful if you want to compile a
+program with both GHC and HBC (say) in the same directory. Let HBC
+use the standard \tr{.hi}/\tr{.o} suffixes; add
+\tr{-hisuf _g.hi -osuf _g.o} to your \tr{make} rule for GHC compiling...
+% If you want to change the suffix looked for on system-supplied
+% interface files (notably the \tr{Prelude.hi} file), use the
+% \tr{-hisuf-prelude <suffix>}\index{-hisuf-prelude <suffix> option}
+% option. (This may be useful if you've built GHC in various funny
+% ways, and you are running tests in even more funny ways. It happens.)
+FURTHER EXOTICA: If you are doing a normal \tr{.hs}-to-\tr{.o} compilation
+but would like to hang onto the intermediate \tr{.hc} C file, just
+throw in a \tr{-keep-hc-file-too} option\index{-keep-hc-file-too option}.
+If you would like to look at the assembler output, toss in a
+\tr{-keep-s-file-too},\index{-keep-hc-file-too option} too.
+SAVING GHC STDERR OUTPUT: Sometimes, you may cause GHC to be rather
+chatty on standard error; with \tr{-fshow-import-specs}, for example.
+You can instruct GHC to {\em append} this output to a particular log
+file with a \tr{-odump <blah>}\index{-odump <blah> option} option.
+TEMPORARY FILES: If you have trouble because of running out of space
+in \tr{/tmp/} (or wherever your installation thinks temporary files
+should go), you may use the \tr{-tmpdir <dir>}\index{-tmpdir <dir> option}
+option to specify an alternate directory. For example, \tr{-tmpdir .}
+says to put temporary files in the current working directory.
+variable.\index{TMPDIR environment variable} Set it to the name of
+the directory where temporary files should be put. GCC and other
+programs will honour the \tr{TMPDIR} variable as well.
+EVEN BETTER IDEA: Configure GHC with \tr{--with-tmpdir=<mumble>} when
+you build it, and never worry about \tr{TMPDIR} again.
+%* *
+\subsection[options-finding-imports-etc]{For finding interface files, etc.}
+\index{interface files, finding them}
+\index{finding interface files}
+%* *
+In your program, you import a module \tr{Foo} by saying
+\tr{import Foo}. GHC goes looking for an interface file, \tr{Foo.hi}.
+It has a builtin list of directories (notably including \tr{.}) where
+it looks.
+The \tr{-i<dirs>} option\index{-i<dirs> option} prepends a
+colon-separated list of \tr{dirs} to the ``import directories'' list.
+A plain \tr{-i} resets the ``import directories'' list back to nothing.
+GHC normally imports \tr{PreludeCore.hi} and \tr{Prelude.hi} files for
+you. If you'd rather it didn't, then give it a
+\tr{-fno-implicit-prelude} option\index{-fno-implicit-prelude option}.
+(Sadly, it still has to {\em find} a \tr{PreludeNull_.hi} file; it
+just won't feed it into the compiler proper.) You are unlikely to get
+very far without a Prelude, but, hey, it's a free country.
+If you are using a system-supplied non-Prelude library (e.g., the HBC
+library), just use a \tr{-syslib hbc}\index{-syslib <lib> option}
+option (for example). The right interface files should then be
+Once a Haskell module has been compiled to C (\tr{.hc} file), you may
+wish to specify where GHC tells the C compiler to look for \tr{.h}
+files. (Or, if you are using the \tr{-cpp} option\index{-cpp option},
+where it tells the C pre-processor to look...) For this purpose, use
+a \tr{-I<dir>}\index{-I<dir> option} in the usual C-ish way.
+Pragmas: Interface files are normally jammed full of
+compiler-produced {\em pragmas}, which record arities, strictness
+info, etc. If you think these pragmas are messing you up (or you are
+doing some kind of weird experiment), you can tell GHC to ignore them
+with the \tr{-fignore-interface-pragmas}\index{-fignore-interface-pragmas option}
+See also \sectionref{options-linker}, which describes how the linker
+finds standard Haskell libraries.
+%* *
+%\subsection[options-names]{Fiddling with namespaces}
+%* *
+%-split-objs and -fglobalise-toplev-names. You don't need them and you
+%don't want to know; used for the prelude (ToDo).
+%* *
+\subsection[options-CPP]{Related to the C pre-processor}
+\index{C pre-processor options}
+\index{pre-processor (cpp) options}
+%* *
+The C pre-processor \tr{cpp} is run over your Haskell code only if the
+\tr{-cpp} option \index{-cpp option} is given. Unless you are
+building a large system with significant doses of conditional
+compilation, you really shouldn't need it.
+\index{-D<name> option}
+Define macro \tr{<foo>} in the usual way. NB: does {\em not} affect
+\tr{-D} macros passed to the C~compiler when compiling via C! For
+those, use the \tr{-optc-Dfoo} hack...
+\index{-U<name> option}
+Undefine macro \tr{<foo>} in the usual way.
+\index{-I<dir> option}
+Specify a directory in which to look for \tr{#include} files, in
+the usual UNIX/C way.
+The \tr{ghc} driver pre-defines several macros:
+\index{__HASKELL1__ macro}
+If defined to $n$, that means GHC supports the
+Haskell language defined in the Haskell report version $1.n$.
+Currently 2.
+NB: This macro is set both when pre-processing Haskell source and
+when pre-processing generated C (\tr{.hc}) files.
+If you give the \tr{-fhaskell-1.3} flag\index{-fhaskell-1.3 option},
+then \tr{__HASKELL1__} is set to 3. Obviously.
+\index{__GLASGOW_HASKELL__ macro}
+For version $n$ of the GHC system, this will be \tr{#define}d to
+$100 \times n$. So, for version~0.26, it is 26.
+This macro is {\em only} set when pre-processing Haskell source.
+({\em Not} when pre-processing generated C.)
+With any luck, \tr{__GLASGOW_HASKELL__} will be undefined in all other
+implementations that support C-style pre-processing.
+(For reference: the comparable symbols for other systems are:
+\tr{__YALE_HASKELL__} for Yale Haskell, \tr{__HBC__} for Chalmers
+HBC, and \tr{__GOFER__} for Gofer [I think].)
+\index{__CONCURRENT_HASKELL__ macro}
+Only defined when \tr{-concurrent} is in use!
+This symbol is
+defined when pre-processing Haskell (input) and pre-processing C (GHC
+\index{__PARALLEL_HASKELL__ macro}
+Only defined when \tr{-parallel} is in use! This symbol is defined when
+pre-processing Haskell (input) and pre-processing C (GHC output).
+Options other than the above can be forced through to the C
+pre-processor with the \tr{-opt} flags (see
+A small word of warning: \tr{-cpp} is not friendly to
+``string gaps''.\index{-cpp vs string gaps}\index{string gaps vs -cpp}
+%* *
+\subsection[options-C-compiler]{Options affecting the C compiler (if applicable)}
+\index{C compiler options}
+\index{GCC options}
+%* *
+At the moment, quite a few common C-compiler options are passed on
+quietly to the C compilation of Haskell-compiler-generated C files.
+THIS MAY CHANGE. Meanwhile, options so sent are:
+\tr{-Wall} & get all warnings from GCC \\
+\tr{-ansi} & do ANSI C (not K\&R) \\
+\tr{-pedantic} & be so\\
+\tr{-dgcc-lint} & (hack) short for ``make GCC very paranoid''\\
+\index{-Wall option (for GCC)}
+\index{-ansi option (for GCC)}
+\index{-pedantic option (for GCC)}
+\index{-dgcc-lint option (GCC paranoia)}
+If you are compiling with lots of \tr{ccalls}, etc., you may need to
+tell the C~compiler about some \tr{#include} files. There is no
+pretty way to do this, but you can use this hack from the
+% ghc -c '-#include <X/Xlib.h>' Xstuff.lhs
+\index{-#include <file> option}
+%* *
+%\subsection[options-native-code]{Options affecting the native-code generator(s)}
+%* *
+%The only option is to select the target architecture. Right now,
+%you have only at most one choice: \tr{-fasm-sparc}.\index{-fasm-<target> option}
+%EXPECT this native-code stuff to change in the future.
+%* *
+\subsection[options-linker]{Linking and consistency-checking}
+\index{linker options}
+\index{ld options}
+%* *
+GHC has to link your code with various libraries, possibly including:
+user-supplied, GHC-supplied, and system-supplied (\tr{-lm} math
+library, for example).
+\index{-l<lib> option}
+Link in a library named \tr{lib<FOO>.a} which resides somewhere on the
+library directories path.
+Because of the sad state of most UNIX linkers, the order of such
+options does matter. Thus: \tr{ghc -lbar *.o} is almost certainly
+wrong, because it will search \tr{libbar.a} {\em before} it has
+collected unresolved symbols from the \tr{*.o} files.
+\tr{ghc *.o -lbar} is probably better.
+The linker will of course be informed about some GHC-supplied
+libraries automatically; these are:
+-l equivalent & description \\ \hline
+-lHSrts,-lHSclib & basic runtime libraries \\
+-lHS & standard Prelude library \\
+-lgmp & GNU multi-precision library (for Integers)\\
+\index{-lHS library}
+\index{-lHSrts library}
+\index{-lgmp library}
+\item[\tr{-syslib <name>}:]
+\index{-syslib <name> option}
+If you are using an optional GHC-supplied library (e.g., the HBC
+library), just use the \tr{-syslib hbc} option, and the correct code
+should be linked in.
+Please see \sectionref{syslibs} for information about optional
+GHC-supplied libraries.
+\index{-L<dir> option}
+Where to find user-supplied libraries... Prepend the directory
+\tr{<dir>} to the library directories path.
+\index{-static option}
+Tell the linker to avoid shared libraries.
+\item[\tr{-no-link-chk} and \tr{-link-chk}:]
+\index{-no-link-chk option}
+\index{-link-chk option}
+\index{consistency checking of executables}
+By default, immediately after linking an executable, GHC verifies that
+the pieces that went into it were compiled with compatible flags; a
+``consistency check''.
+(This is to avoid mysterious failures caused by non-meshing of
+incompatibly-compiled programs; e.g., if one \tr{.o} file was compiled
+for a parallel machine and the others weren't.) You may turn off this
+check with \tr{-no-link-chk}. You can turn it (back) on with
+\tr{-link-chk} (the default).
+%* *
+\subsection[options-compiler-RTS]{For the compiler's RTS: heap, stack sizes, etc.}
+\index{heap-size options (for GHC)}
+\index{stack-size options (for GHC)}
+%* *
+The compiler is itself a Haskell program, so it has a tweakable
+runtime-system (RTS), just like any other Haskell program.
+\item[\tr{-H<size>} or \tr{-Rmax-heapsize <size>}:]
+\index{-H<size> option}
+\index{-Rmax-heapsize <size> option}
+Don't use more than \tr{<size>} {\em bytes} for heap space. If more
+than one of these arguments is given, the largest will be taken.
+A size of zero can be used to reset the heap size downwards. For
+example, to run GHC with a heap of 250KB (the default is 6MB), do
+\tr{-H0 -H250k}.
+\item[\tr{-K<size>} or \tr{-Rmax-stksize <size>}:]
+\index{-K<size> option}
+\index{-Rmax-stksize <size> option}
+Set the stack space to \tr{<size>} bytes. If you have to set it very
+high [a megabyte or two, say], the compiler is probably looping, which
+is a BUG (please report).
+A size of zero can be used to rest the stack size downwards, as above.
+\index{-Rscale-sizes<factor> option}
+Multiply the given (or default) heap and stack sizes by \tr{<factor>}.
+For example, on a DEC Alpha (a 64-bit machine), you might want to
+double those space sizes; just use \tr{-Rscale-sizes2}.
+A non-integral factor is OK, too: \tr{-Rscale-sizes1.2}.
+\index{-Rghc-timing option}
+Reports a one-line useful collection of time- and space- statistics
+for a module's compilation.
+\index{-Rgc-stats option}
+Report garbage-collection statistics. It will create a
+\tr{<foo>.stat} file, in some obvious place (I hope).
+Alternatively, if you'd rather the GC stats went straight to standard
+error, you can ``cheat'' by using, instead: \tr{-optCrts-Sstderr}.
+\index{-Rhbc option}
+Tell the compiler it has an HBC-style RTS; i.e., it was compiled with
+HBC. Not used in Real Life.
+\index{-Rghc option}
+Tell the compiler it has a GHC-style RTS; i.e., it was compiled with
+GHC. Not used in Real Life.
+For all \tr{<size>}s: If the last character of \tr{size} is a K,
+multiply by 1000; if an M, by 1,000,000; if a G, by 1,000,000,000.
+Sizes are always in {\em bytes}, not words. Good luck on the G's (I
+think the counter is still only 32-bits [WDP])!
+%* *
+%\subsection[options-cross-compiling]{For cross-compiling to another architecture}
+%* *
+% (We do this for GRIP at Glasgow; it's hacked in---not proper
+%cross-compiling support. But you could do the same, if required...)
+%The \tr{-target <arch>} option\index{-target <arch> option} says to
+%generate code for the \tr{<arch>} architecture.
+%* *
+\subsection[options-parallel]{For Concurrent and Parallel Haskell}
+%* *
+For the full story on using GHC for concurrent \& parallel Haskell
+programming, please see \Sectionref{concurrent-and-parallel}.
+%The \tr{-fparallel} option\index{-fparallel option} tells the compiler
+%to generate code for parallel execution. The \tr{-mgrip}
+%option\index{-mgrip option} says that the code should be explicitly
+%suitable for the GRIP multiprocessor (the one in our Glasgow basement).
+%* *
+\subsection[options-experimental]{For experimental purposes}
+\index{experimental options}
+%* *
+From time to time, we provide GHC options for ``experimenting.'' Easy
+come, easy go. In version~0.26, the ``experimental'' options are:
+\item[\tr{-firrefutable-tuples} option:]
+\index{-firrefutable-tuples option (experimental)}
+Pretend that every tuple pattern is irrefutable; i.e., has a
+``twiddle'' (\tr{~}) in front of it.
+Some parts of the GHC system {\em depend} on strictness properties which
+\tr{-firrefutable-tuples} may undo, notably the low-level state-transformer
+stuff, which includes I/O (!). You're on your own...
+\item[\tr{-fall-strict} option:]
+\index{-fall-strict option (experimental)}
+(DOESN'T REALLY WORK, I THINK) Changes the strictness analyser so
+that, when it asks the question ``Is this function argument certain to
+be evaluated?'', the answer is always ``yes''.
+Compilation is changed in no other way.
+% -firrefutable-everything
+% -fall-demanded
+%* *
+\subsection[options-debugging]{For debugging the compiler}
+\index{debugging options (for GHC)}
+%* *
+(You were warned.)
+\subsubsection[replacing-phases]{Replacing the program for one or more phases.}
+\index{GHC phases, changing}
+\index{phases, changing GHC}
+You may specify that a different program
+be used for one of the phases of the compilation system, in place of
+whatever the driver \tr{ghc} has wired into it. For example, you
+might want to test a replacement parser. The
+\tr{-pgm<phase-code><program-name>}\index{-pgm<phase><stuff> option} option to
+\tr{ghc} will cause it to use \pl{<program-name>} for phase
+\pl{<phase-code>}, where the codes to indicate the phases are:
+code & phase \\ \hline
+L & literate pre-processor \\
+P & C pre-processor (if -cpp only) \\
+p & parser \\
+C & Haskell compiler \\
+cO & C compiler for `optimised' (normal) compiling \\
+c & C compiler for `unregisterised' compiling \\
+a & assembler \\
+l & linker \\
+If you use the ambiguous \tr{-pgmcOle}, it will take it to mean
+``use program \tr{le} for optimised C compiling.''
+\subsubsection[forcing-options-through]{Forcing options to a particular phase.}
+\index{forcing GHC-phase options}
+The preceding sections describe driver options that are mostly
+applicable to one particular phase. You may also {\em force} a
+specific option \tr{<option>} to be passed to a particular phase
+\tr{<phase-code>} by feeding the driver the option
+\tr{-opt<phase-code><option>}.\index{-opt<phase><stuff> option} The
+codes to indicate the phases are the same as in the previous section.
+So, for example, to force an \tr{-Ewurble} option to the assembler, you
+would tell the driver \tr{-opta-Ewurble} (the dash before the E is
+Besides getting options to the Haskell compiler with \tr{-optC<blah>},
+you can get options through to its runtime system with
+\tr{-optCrts<blah>}\index{-optCrts<blah> option}.
+So, for example: when I want to use my normal driver but with my
+profiled compiler binary, I use this script:
+#! /bin/sh
+exec /local/grasp_tmp3/partain/ghc-BUILDS/working-alpha/ghc/driver/ghc \
+ -pgmC/local/grasp_tmp3/partain/ghc-BUILDS/working-hsc-prof/hsc \
+ -optCrts-i0.5 \
+ -optCrts-PT \
+ "$@"
+\subsubsection[dumping-output]{Dumping out compiler intermediate structures}
+\index{dumping GHC intermediates}
+\index{intermediate passes, output}
+\index{-noC option}
+Don't bother generating C output {\em or} an interface file. Usually
+used in conjunction with one or more of the \tr{-ddump-*} options; for
+example: \tr{ghc -noC -ddump-simpl Foo.hs}
+\index{-hi option}
+{\em Do} generate an interface file. This would normally be used in
+conjunction with \tr{-noC}, which turns off interface generation;
+thus: \tr{-noC -hi}.
+\index{-ddump-parser option}
+This debugging option shows the exact prefix-form Haskell that is fed
+into the Haskell compiler proper.
+\index{-ddump-<pass> options}
+Make a debugging dump after pass \tr{<pass>} (may be common enough to
+need a short form...). Some of the most useful ones are:
+\tr{-ddump-rif2hs} & reader output (earliest stuff in the compiler) \\
+\tr{-ddump-rn4} & renamer output \\
+\tr{-ddump-tc} & typechecker output \\
+\tr{-ddump-deriv} & derived instances \\
+\tr{-ddump-ds} & desugarer output \\
+\tr{-ddump-simpl} & simplifer output (Core-to-Core passes) \\
+ & (and don't forget \tr{-O}, too!) \\
+\tr{-ddump-stranal} & strictness analyser output \\
+ & (only works in conjunction with -ddump-simpl)\\
+\tr{-ddump-occur-anal} & `occurrence analysis' output \\
+ & (only works in conjunction with -ddump-simpl)\\
+\tr{-ddump-spec} & dump specialisation info \\
+\tr{-ddump-stg} & output of STG-to-STG passes \\
+\tr{-ddump-absC} & {\em un}flattened Abstract~C \\
+\tr{-ddump-flatC} & {\em flattened} Abstract~C \\
+\tr{-ddump-realC} & same as what goes to the C compiler \\
+\tr{-ddump-asm} & assembly language from the native-code generator \\
+\index{-ddump-rif2hs option}%
+\index{-ddump-rn4 option}%
+\index{-ddump-tc option}%
+\index{-ddump-deriv option}%
+\index{-ddump-ds option}%
+\index{-ddump-simpl option}%
+\index{-ddump-stranal option}%
+\index{-ddump-occur-anal option}%
+\index{-ddump-spec option}%
+\index{-ddump-stg option}%
+\index{-ddump-absC option}%
+\index{-ddump-flatC option}%
+\index{-ddump-realC option}%
+\index{-ddump-asm option}
+%For any other \tr{-ddump-*} options: consult the source, notably
+\item[\tr{-dverbose-simpl} and \tr{-dverbose-stg}:]
+\index{-dverbose-simpl option}
+\index{-dverbose-stg option}
+Show the output of the intermediate Core-to-Core and STG-to-STG
+passes, respectively. ({\em Lots} of output!) So: when we're
+really desperate:
+% ghc -noC -O -ddump-simpl -dverbose-simpl -dcore-lint Foo.hs
+\index{-dppr-user option}
+\index{-dppr-debug option}
+\index{-dppr-all option}
+Debugging output is in one of several ``styles.'' Take the printing
+of types, for example. In the ``user'' style, the compiler's internal
+ideas about types are presented in Haskell source-level syntax,
+insofar as possible. In the ``debug'' style (which is the default for
+debugging output), the types are printed in the most-often-desired
+form, with explicit foralls, etc. In the ``show all'' style, very
+verbose information about the types (e.g., the Uniques on the
+individual type variables) is displayed.
+\index{-ddump-raw-asm option}
+Dump out the assembly-language stuff, before the ``mangler'' gets it.
+\index{-dgc-debug option}
+Enables some debugging code related to the garbage-collector.
+%ToDo: -ddump-asm-insn-counts
+\subsubsection[arity-checking]{Options to insert arity-checking code}
+\index{arity checking}
+The \tr{-darity-checks}\index{-darity-checks option} option inserts
+code to check for arity violations. Unfortunately, it's not that
+simple: you have to link with a prelude that was also built with arity
+checks. If you have one, then great; otherwise...
+The \tr{-darity-checks-C-only}\index{-darity-checks-C-only option}
+option inserts the self-same arity checking code into \tr{.hc} files,
+but doesn't compile it into the \tr{.o} files. We use this flag with
+the \tr{-keep-hc-file-too}\index{-keep-hc-file-too option}, where we
+are keeping \tr{.hc} files around for debugging purposes.
+\subsubsection[omit-checking]{Options to omit checking code}
+\index{omitting runtime checks}
+By default, the GHC system emits all possible not-too-expensive
+runtime checking code. If you are brave or experimenting, you might
+want to turn off some of this (not recommended):
+-dno-black-holing & won't buy you much (even if it works) \\
+-dno-updates & you're crazy if you do this \\
+-dno-stk-stubbing & omit stack stubbing (NOT DONE YET) \\
+\index{-dno-black-holing option}%
+\index{-dno-updates option}%
+\index{-dno-stk-stubbing option}
+Warning: all very lightly tested, if at all...
+%% %************************************************************************
+%% %* *
+%% \subsection[options-GC]{Choosing a garbage collector}
+%% %* *
+%% %************************************************************************
+%% (Note: you need a Good Reason before launching into this territory.)
+%% There are up to four garbage collectors to choose from (it depends how
+%% your local system was built); the Appel-style generational collector
+%% is the default.
+%% If you choose a non-default collector, you must specify it both when
+%% compiling the modules and when linking them together into an
+%% executable. Also, the native-code generator only works with the
+%% default collector (a small point to bear in mind).
+%% \begin{description}
+%% \item[\tr{-gc-ap} option:]
+%% \index{-gc-ap option}
+%% Appel-like generational collector (the default).
+%% \item[\tr{-gc-2s} option:]
+%% \index{-gc-2s option}
+%% Two-space copying collector.
+%% \item[\tr{-gc-1s} option:]
+%% \index{-gc-1s option}
+%% One-space compacting collector.
+%% \item[\tr{-gc-du} option:]
+%% \index{-gc-du option}
+%% Dual-mode collector (swaps between copying and compacting).
+%% \end{description}
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+% $Header: /srv/cvs/,v 1.1 1996/01/08 20:25:10 partain Exp $
+\section[introduction-GHC]{Introduction to GHC}
+This is a guide to using the Glasgow Haskell compilation (GHC) system.
+It is a batch compiler for the Haskell~1.2 language, with support for
+various extensions, including the DRAFT 1.3 I/O proposal.
+Many people will use GHC very simply: compile some
+modules---\tr{ghc -c -O Foo.hs Bar.hs}; and link them---
+\tr{ghc -o wiggle -O Foo.o Bar.o}.
+But if you need to do something more complicated, GHC can do that,
+ghc -c -O -fno-foldr-build -dcore-lint -fvia-C -ddump-simpl Foo.lhs
+Stay tuned---all will be revealed!
+In this document, we assume that GHC has been installed at your
+site as \tr{ghc}.
+If you are unfamiliar with the conventions of UNIX compilers, the
+material in \sectionref{compiler-tutorial} may help.
+\section[mailing-lists-GHC]{Knowing us, knowing you: Web sites, mailing lists, etc.}
+\index{mailing lists, Glasgow Haskell}
+\index{Glasgow Haskell mailing lists}
+On the World-Wide Web, there are several URLs of likely interest:
+GHC home page --
+Glasgow FP group page --
+comp.lang.functional FAQ --
+programming language research page --
+We run two mailing lists about Glasgow Haskell. We encourage you to
+join, as you feel is appropriate.
+This list is for GHC users to chat among themselves. Subscribe by
+sending mail to \tr{}.
+Messages for the list go to \tr{glasgow-haskell-users}.
+Send bug reports for GHC to this address! The sad and lonely people
+who subscribe to this list will muse upon what's wrong and what you
+might do about it.
+Subscribe via \tr{}.
+There is also the general Haskell mailing list. Subscribe by sending
+email to \tr{} or
+\tr{}, whichever is geographically closer
+to you.
+Some Haskell-related discussion takes place in the Usenet newsgroup
+\tr{comp.lang.functional}. (But note: news propagation to Glasgow can
+be terrible. That's one reason Glaswegians aren't too active in
+The main anonymous-FTP site for Glasgow Haskell is
+\tr{}, in \tr{pub/haskell/glasgow/}.
+``Important'' bits are mirrored at other Haskell archive sites (and we
+have their stuff, too).
diff --git a/ghc/docs/users_guide/libraries.lit b/ghc/docs/users_guide/libraries.lit
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dbe7b00a1b
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+++ b/ghc/docs/users_guide/libraries.lit
@@ -0,0 +1,1047 @@
+%* *
+\section[syslibs]{System libraries}
+\index{system libraries}
+\index{libraries, system}
+%* *
+We intend to provide more and more ready-to-use Haskell code, so that
+every program doesn't have to invent everything from scratch.
+At the moment, we supply a part of the HBC library, as well as the
+beginnings of one of our own (``GHC library'').
+If you provide a \tr{-syslib <name>}\index{-syslib <name> option} option,
+then the interfaces for that library will come into scope (and may be
+\tr{import}ed), and the code will be added in at link time.
+%* *
+\subsection[GHC-library]{The GHC system library}
+\index{library, GHC}
+\index{GHC library}
+%* *
+We have started to put together a ``GHC system library.''
+At the moment, the library is made of generally-useful bits of the
+compiler itself.
+To use this library, just give a \tr{-syslib ghc}\index{-syslib ghc option}
+option to GHC, both for compiling and linking.
+%* *
+\subsubsection[Bag]{The @Bag@ type}
+\index{Bag module (GHC syslib)}
+%* *
+A {\em bag} is an unordered collection of elements which may contain
+duplicates. To use, \tr{import Bag}.
+emptyBag :: Bag elt
+unitBag :: elt -> Bag elt
+unionBags :: Bag elt -> Bag elt -> Bag elt
+unionManyBags :: [Bag elt] -> Bag elt
+snocBag :: Bag elt -> elt -> Bag elt
+elemBag :: Eq elt => elt -> Bag elt -> Bool
+isEmptyBag :: Bag elt -> Bool
+filterBag :: (elt -> Bool) -> Bag elt -> Bag elt
+partitionBag :: (elt -> Bool) -> Bag elt-> (Bag elt, Bag elt)
+ -- returns the elements that do/don't satisfy the predicate
+listToBag :: [elt] -> Bag elt
+bagToList :: Bag elt -> [elt]
+%* *
+\subsubsection[BitSet]{The @BitSet@ type}
+\index{BitSet module (GHC syslib)}
+%* *
+Bit sets are a fast implementation of sets of integers ranging from 0
+to one less than the number of bits in a machine word (typically 31).
+If any element exceeds the maximum value for a particular machine
+architecture, the results of these operations are undefined. You have
+been warned. [``If you put any safety checks in this code, I will have
+to kill you.'' --JSM]
+mkBS :: [Int] -> BitSet
+listBS :: BitSet -> [Int]
+emptyBS :: BitSet
+singletonBS :: Int -> BitSet
+unionBS :: BitSet -> BitSet -> BitSet
+minusBS :: BitSet -> BitSet -> BitSet
+elementBS :: Int -> BitSet -> Bool
+intersectBS :: BitSet -> BitSet -> BitSet
+isEmptyBS :: BitSet -> Bool
+%* *
+\subsubsection[FiniteMap]{The @FiniteMap@ type}
+\index{FiniteMap module (GHC syslib)}
+%* *
+What functional programmers call a {\em finite map}, everyone else
+calls a {\em lookup table}.
+Out code is derived from that in this paper:
+S Adams
+"Efficient sets: a balancing act"
+Journal of functional programming 3(4) Oct 1993, pages 553-562
+Guess what? The implementation uses balanced trees.
+emptyFM :: FiniteMap key elt
+singletonFM :: key -> elt -> FiniteMap key elt
+listToFM :: Ord key => [(key,elt)] -> FiniteMap key elt
+ -- In the case of duplicates, the last is taken
+ -- Throws away any previous binding
+ -- In the list case, the items are added starting with the
+ -- first one in the list
+addToFM :: Ord key => FiniteMap key elt -> key -> elt -> FiniteMap key elt
+addListToFM :: Ord key => FiniteMap key elt -> [(key,elt)] -> FiniteMap key elt
+ -- Combines with previous binding
+addToFM_C :: Ord key => (elt -> elt -> elt)
+ -> FiniteMap key elt -> key -> elt
+ -> FiniteMap key elt
+addListToFM_C :: Ord key => (elt -> elt -> elt)
+ -> FiniteMap key elt -> [(key,elt)]
+ -> FiniteMap key elt
+ -- Deletion doesn't complain if you try to delete something
+ -- which isn't there
+delFromFM :: Ord key => FiniteMap key elt -> key -> FiniteMap key elt
+delListFromFM :: Ord key => FiniteMap key elt -> [key] -> FiniteMap key elt
+ -- Bindings in right argument shadow those in the left
+plusFM :: Ord key => FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt
+ -> FiniteMap key elt
+ -- Combines bindings for the same thing with the given function
+plusFM_C :: Ord key => (elt -> elt -> elt)
+ -> FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt
+minusFM :: Ord key => FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt
+ -- (minusFM a1 a2) deletes from a1 any bindings which are bound in a2
+intersectFM :: Ord key => FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt
+intersectFM_C :: Ord key => (elt -> elt -> elt)
+ -> FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt
+foldFM :: (key -> elt -> a -> a) -> a -> FiniteMap key elt -> a
+mapFM :: (key -> elt1 -> elt2) -> FiniteMap key elt1 -> FiniteMap key elt2
+filterFM :: Ord key => (key -> elt -> Bool)
+ -> FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt
+sizeFM :: FiniteMap key elt -> Int
+isEmptyFM :: FiniteMap key elt -> Bool
+elemFM :: Ord key => key -> FiniteMap key elt -> Bool
+lookupFM :: Ord key => FiniteMap key elt -> key -> Maybe elt
+ :: Ord key => FiniteMap key elt -> elt -> key -> elt
+ -- lookupWithDefaultFM supplies a "default" elt
+ -- to return for an unmapped key
+fmToList :: FiniteMap key elt -> [(key,elt)]
+keysFM :: FiniteMap key elt -> [key]
+eltsFM :: FiniteMap key elt -> [elt]
+%* *
+\subsubsection[ListSetOps]{The @ListSetOps@ type}
+\index{ListSetOps module (GHC syslib)}
+%* *
+Just a few set-sounding operations on lists. If you want sets, use
+the \tr{Set} module.
+unionLists :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+intersectLists :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+minusList :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+disjointLists :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
+intersectingLists :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
+%* *
+\subsubsection[Maybes]{The @Maybes@ type}
+\index{Maybes module (GHC syslib)}
+%* *
+Note: a \tr{Maybe} type is nearly inevitable in Haskell~1.3.
+You should use this module with \tr{-fhaskell-1.3}.
+Two non-abstract types:
+data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a -- Prelude; re-exported
+data MaybeErr val err = Succeeded val | Failed err
+Some operations to do with \tr{Maybe} (some commentary follows):
+maybeToBool :: Maybe a -> Bool -- Nothing => False; Just => True
+catMaybes :: [Maybe a] -> [a]
+allMaybes :: [Maybe a] -> Maybe [a]
+firstJust :: [Maybe a] -> Maybe a
+findJust :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> Maybe b
+assocMaybe :: Eq a => [(a,b)] -> a -> Maybe b
+mkLookupFun :: (key -> key -> Bool) -- Equality predicate
+ -> [(key,val)] -- The assoc list
+ -> (key -> Maybe val) -- A lookup fun to use
+ -- a monad thing
+thenMaybe :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
+returnMaybe :: a -> Maybe a
+failMaybe :: Maybe a
+mapMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> Maybe [b]
+@catMaybes@ takes a list of @Maybe@s and returns a list of the
+contents of all the @Just@s in it.
+@allMaybes@ collects a list of @Justs@ into a single @Just@, returning
+@Nothing@ if there are any @Nothings@.
+@firstJust@ takes a list of @Maybes@ and returns the
+first @Just@ if there is one, or @Nothing@ otherwise.
+@assocMaybe@ looks up in an association list, returning
+@Nothing@ if it fails.
+Now, some operations to do with \tr{MaybeErr} (comments follow):
+ -- a monad thing (surprise, surprise)
+thenMaB :: MaybeErr a err -> (a -> MaybeErr b err) -> MaybeErr b err
+returnMaB :: val -> MaybeErr val err
+failMaB :: err -> MaybeErr val err
+listMaybeErrs :: [MaybeErr val err] -> MaybeErr [val] [err]
+foldlMaybeErrs :: (acc -> input -> MaybeErr acc err)
+ -> acc
+ -> [input]
+ -> MaybeErr acc [err]
+@listMaybeErrs@ takes a list of @MaybeErrs@ and, if they all succeed,
+returns a @Succeeded@ of a list of their values. If any fail, it
+returns a @Failed@ of the list of all the errors in the list.
+@foldlMaybeErrs@ works along a list, carrying an accumulator; it
+applies the given function to the accumulator and the next list item,
+accumulating any errors that occur.
+%* *
+\subsubsection[PackedString]{The @_PackedString@ type}
+\index{PackedString module (GHC syslib)}
+%* *
+The type \tr{_PackedString} is built-in, i.e., no
+special action (other than a \tr{-fglasgow-exts} flag) is required to
+use it.
+The documentation here describes the {\em built-in} functions.
+You may also access this code as a system library and {\em not} use
+the \tr{-fglasgow-exts} flag. Just do \tr{import PackedString},
+heave in your \tr{-syslib ghc}, and drop off the leading underscores
+which you see here.
+We still may change this interface (again).
+The basic type and functions which are available are:
+data _PackedString
+_packString :: [Char] -> _PackedString
+_packStringST :: [Char] -> _ST s _PackedString
+_packCString :: _Addr -> _PackedString
+_packCBytes :: Int -> _Addr -> _PackedString
+_packCBytesST :: Int -> _Addr -> _ST s _PackedString
+_packBytesForC :: [Char] -> _ByteArray Int
+_packBytesForCST :: [Char] -> _ST s (_ByteArray Int)
+_byteArrayToPS :: _ByteArray Int -> _PackedString
+_psToByteArray :: _PackedString -> _ByteArray Int
+_unpackPS :: _PackedString -> [Char]
+We also provide a wad of list-manipulation-like functions:
+_nilPS :: _PackedString
+_consPS :: Char -> _PackedString -> _PackedString
+_headPS :: _PackedString -> Char
+_tailPS :: _PackedString -> _PackedString
+_nullPS :: _PackedString -> Bool
+_appendPS :: _PackedString -> _PackedString -> _PackedString
+_lengthPS :: _PackedString -> Int
+_indexPS :: _PackedString -> Int -> Char
+ -- 0-origin indexing into the string
+_mapPS :: (Char -> Char) -> _PackedString -> _PackedString {-or String?-}
+_filterPS :: (Char -> Bool) -> _PackedString -> _PackedString {-or String?-}
+_foldlPS :: (a -> Char -> a) -> a -> _PackedString -> a
+_foldrPS :: (Char -> a -> a) -> a -> _PackedString -> a
+_takePS :: Int -> _PackedString -> _PackedString
+_dropPS :: Int -> _PackedString -> _PackedString
+_splitAtPS :: Int -> _PackedString -> (_PackedString, _PackedString)
+_takeWhilePS:: (Char -> Bool) -> _PackedString -> _PackedString
+_dropWhilePS:: (Char -> Bool) -> _PackedString -> _PackedString
+_spanPS :: (Char -> Bool) -> _PackedString -> (_PackedString, _PackedString)
+_breakPS :: (Char -> Bool) -> _PackedString -> (_PackedString, _PackedString)
+_linesPS :: _PackedString -> [_PackedString]
+_wordsPS :: _PackedString -> [_PackedString]
+_reversePS :: _PackedString -> _PackedString
+_concatPS :: [_PackedString] -> _PackedString
+_substrPS :: _PackedString -> Int -> Int -> _PackedString
+ -- pluck out a piece of a _PS
+ -- start and end chars you want; both 0-origin-specified
+%* *
+\subsubsection[Pretty]{The @Pretty@ type}
+\index{Pretty module (GHC syslib)}
+%* *
+This is the pretty-printer that we use in GHC.
+type Pretty
+ppShow :: Int{-width-} -> Pretty -> [Char]
+pp'SP :: Pretty -- "comma space"
+ppComma :: Pretty -- ,
+ppEquals :: Pretty -- =
+ppLbrack :: Pretty -- [
+ppLparen :: Pretty -- (
+ppNil :: Pretty -- nothing
+ppRparen :: Pretty -- )
+ppRbrack :: Pretty -- ]
+ppSP :: Pretty -- space
+ppSemi :: Pretty -- ;
+ppChar :: Char -> Pretty
+ppDouble :: Double -> Pretty
+ppFloat :: Float -> Pretty
+ppInt :: Int -> Pretty
+ppInteger :: Integer -> Pretty
+ppRational :: Rational -> Pretty
+ppStr :: [Char] -> Pretty
+ppAbove :: Pretty -> Pretty -> Pretty
+ppAboves :: [Pretty] -> Pretty
+ppBeside :: Pretty -> Pretty -> Pretty
+ppBesides :: [Pretty] -> Pretty
+ppCat :: [Pretty] -> Pretty
+ppHang :: Pretty -> Int -> Pretty -> Pretty
+ppInterleave :: Pretty -> [Pretty] -> Pretty -- spacing between
+ppIntersperse :: Pretty -> [Pretty] -> Pretty -- no spacing between
+ppNest :: Int -> Pretty -> Pretty
+ppSep :: [Pretty] -> Pretty
+%* *
+\subsubsection[Set]{The @Set@ type}
+\index{Set module (GHC syslib)}
+%* *
+Our implementation of {\em sets} (key property: no duplicates) is just
+a variant of the \tr{FiniteMap} module.
+mkSet :: Ord a => [a] -> Set a
+setToList :: Set a -> [a]
+emptySet :: Set a
+singletonSet :: a -> Set a
+union :: Ord a => Set a -> Set a -> Set a
+unionManySets :: Ord a => [Set a] -> Set a
+intersect :: Ord a => Set a -> Set a -> Set a
+minusSet :: Ord a => Set a -> Set a -> Set a
+mapSet :: Ord a => (b -> a) -> Set b -> Set a
+elementOf :: Ord a => a -> Set a -> Bool
+isEmptySet :: Set a -> Bool
+%* *
+\subsubsection[Util]{The @Util@ type}
+\index{Util module (GHC syslib)}
+%* *
+Stuff that has been useful to use in writing the compiler. Don't be
+too surprised if this stuff moves/gets-renamed/etc.
+-- general list processing
+forall :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
+exists :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
+zipEqual :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]
+nOfThem :: Int -> a -> [a]
+lengthExceeds :: [a] -> Int -> Bool
+isSingleton :: [a] -> Bool
+-- association lists
+assoc :: Eq a => String -> [(a, b)] -> a -> b
+-- duplicate handling
+hasNoDups :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool
+equivClasses :: (a -> a -> _CMP_TAG) -> [a] -> [[a]]
+runs :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
+removeDups :: (a -> a -> _CMP_TAG) -> [a] -> ([a], [[a]])
+-- sorting (don't complain of no choice...)
+quicksort :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
+sortLt :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
+stableSortLt :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
+mergesort :: (a -> a -> _CMP_TAG) -> [a] -> [a]
+mergeSort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
+naturalMergeSort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
+mergeSortLe :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
+naturalMergeSortLe :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
+-- transitive closures
+transitiveClosure :: (a -> [a]) -- Successor function
+ -> (a -> a -> Bool) -- Equality predicate
+ -> [a]
+ -> [a] -- The transitive closure
+-- accumulating (Left, Right, Bi-directional)
+mapAccumL :: (acc -> x -> (acc, y))
+ -- Function of elt of input list and
+ -- accumulator, returning new accumulator and
+ -- elt of result list
+ -> acc -- Initial accumulator
+ -> [x] -- Input list
+ -> (acc, [y]) -- Final accumulator and result list
+mapAccumR :: (acc -> x -> (acc, y)) -> acc -> [x] -> (acc, [y])
+mapAccumB :: (accl -> accr -> x -> (accl, accr,y))
+ -> accl -> accr -> [x]
+ -> (accl, accr, [y])
+-- comparisons
+cmpString :: String -> String -> _CMP_TAG
+-- this type is built-in
+data _CMP_TAG = _LT | _EQ | _GT
+-- pairs
+applyToPair :: ((a -> c), (b -> d)) -> (a, b) -> (c, d)
+applyToFst :: (a -> c) -> (a, b) -> (c, b)
+applyToSnd :: (b -> d) -> (a, b) -> (a, d)
+foldPair :: (a->a->a, b->b->b) -> (a, b) -> [(a, b)] -> (a, b)
+unzipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [(a, b)] -> [c]
+%* *
+\subsection[C-interfaces]{Interfaces to C libraries}
+\index{C library interfaces}
+\index{interfaces, C library}
+%* *
+The GHC system library (\tr{-syslib ghc}) also provides interfaces to
+several useful C libraries, mostly from the GNU project.
+%* *
+\subsubsection[Readline]{The @Readline@ interface}
+\index{Readline library (GHC syslib)}
+\index{command-line editing library}
+%* *
+(Darren Moffat supplied the \tr{Readline} interface.)
+The \tr{Readline} module is a straightforward interface to the GNU
+Readline library. As such, you will need to look at the GNU
+documentation (and have a \tr{libreadline.a} file around somewhere...)
+You'll need to link any Readlining program with \tr{-lreadline -ltermcap},
+besides the usual \tr{-syslib ghc} (and \tr{-fhaskell-1.3}).
+The main function you'll use is:
+readline :: String{-the prompt-} -> IO String
+If you want to mess around with Full Readline G(l)ory, we also
+rlInitialize, addHistory,
+rlBindKey, rlAddDefun, RlCallbackFunction(..),
+rlGetLineBuffer, rlSetLineBuffer, rlGetPoint, rlSetPoint, rlGetEnd,
+rlSetEnd, rlGetMark, rlSetMark, rlSetDone, rlPendingInput,
+rlPrompt, rlTerminalName, rlSetReadlineName, rlGetReadlineName
+(All those names are just Haskellised versions of what you
+will see in the GNU readline documentation.)
+%* *
+\subsubsection[Regexp]{The @Regexp@ and @MatchPS@ interfaces}
+\index{Regex library (GHC syslib)}
+\index{MatchPS library (GHC syslib)}
+\index{regular-expressions library}
+%* *
+(Sigbjorn Finne supplied the regular-expressions interface.)
+The \tr{Regex} library provides quite direct interface to the GNU
+regular-expression library, for doing manipulation on
+\tr{_PackedString}s. You probably need to see the GNU documentation
+if you are operating at this level.
+The datatypes and functions that \tr{Regex} provides are:
+data PatBuffer # just a bunch of bytes (mutable)
+data REmatch
+ = REmatch (Array Int GroupBounds) -- for $1, ... $n
+ GroupBounds -- for $` (everything before match)
+ GroupBounds -- for $& (entire matched string)
+ GroupBounds -- for $' (everything after)
+ GroupBounds -- for $+ (matched by last bracket)
+-- GroupBounds hold the interval where a group
+-- matched inside a string, e.g.
+-- matching "reg(exp)" "a regexp" returns the pair (5,7) for the
+-- (exp) group. (_PackedString indices start from 0)
+type GroupBounds = (Int, Int)
+ :: _PackedString -- pattern to compile
+ -> Bool -- True <=> assume single-line mode
+ -> Bool -- True <=> case-insensitive
+ -> PrimIO PatBuffer
+re_match :: PatBuffer -- compiled regexp
+ -> _PackedString -- string to match
+ -> Int -- start position
+ -> Bool -- True <=> record results in registers
+ -> PrimIO (Maybe REmatch)
+-- Matching on 2 strings is useful when you're dealing with multiple
+-- buffers, which is something that could prove useful for
+-- PackedStrings, as we don't want to stuff the contents of a file
+-- into one massive heap chunk, but load (smaller chunks) on demand.
+re_match2 :: PatBuffer -- 2-string version
+ -> _PackedString
+ -> _PackedString
+ -> Int
+ -> Int
+ -> Bool
+ -> PrimIO (Maybe REmatch)
+re_search :: PatBuffer -- compiled regexp
+ -> _PackedString -- string to search
+ -> Int -- start index
+ -> Int -- stop index
+ -> Bool -- True <=> record results in registers
+ -> PrimIO (Maybe REmatch)
+re_search2 :: PatBuffer -- Double buffer search
+ -> _PackedString
+ -> _PackedString
+ -> Int -- start index
+ -> Int -- range (?)
+ -> Int -- stop index
+ -> Bool -- True <=> results in registers
+ -> PrimIO (Maybe REmatch)
+The \tr{MatchPS} module provides Perl-like ``higher-level'' facilities
+to operate on \tr{_PackedStrings}. The regular expressions in
+question are in Perl syntax. The ``flags'' on various functions can
+include: \tr{i} for case-insensitive, \tr{s} for single-line mode, and
+\tr{g} for global. (It's probably worth your time to peruse the
+source code...)
+matchPS :: _PackedString -- regexp
+ -> _PackedString -- string to match
+ -> [Char] -- flags
+ -> Maybe REmatch -- info about what matched and where
+searchPS :: _PackedString -- regexp
+ -> _PackedString -- string to match
+ -> [Char] -- flags
+ -> Maybe REmatch
+-- Perl-like match-and-substitute:
+substPS :: _PackedString -- regexp
+ -> _PackedString -- replacement
+ -> [Char] -- flags
+ -> _PackedString -- string
+ -> _PackedString
+-- same as substPS, but no prefix and suffix:
+replacePS :: _PackedString -- regexp
+ -> _PackedString -- replacement
+ -> [Char] -- flags
+ -> _PackedString -- string
+ -> _PackedString
+match2PS :: _PackedString -- regexp
+ -> _PackedString -- string1 to match
+ -> _PackedString -- string2 to match
+ -> [Char] -- flags
+ -> Maybe REmatch
+search2PS :: _PackedString -- regexp
+ -> _PackedString -- string to match
+ -> _PackedString -- string to match
+ -> [Char] -- flags
+ -> Maybe REmatch
+-- functions to pull the matched pieces out of an REmatch:
+getMatchesNo :: REmatch -> Int
+getMatchedGroup :: REmatch -> Int -> _PackedString -> _PackedString
+getWholeMatch :: REmatch -> _PackedString -> _PackedString
+getLastMatch :: REmatch -> _PackedString -> _PackedString
+getAfterMatch :: REmatch -> _PackedString -> _PackedString
+-- (reverse) brute-force string matching;
+-- Perl equivalent is index/rindex:
+findPS, rfindPS :: _PackedString -> _PackedString -> Maybe Int
+-- Equivalent to Perl "chop" (off the last character, if any):
+chopPS :: _PackedString -> _PackedString
+-- matchPrefixPS: tries to match as much as possible of strA starting
+-- from the beginning of strB (handy when matching fancy literals in
+-- parsers):
+matchPrefixPS :: _PackedString -> _PackedString -> Int
+%* *
+\subsubsection[Socket]{Network-interface toolkit---@Socket@ and @SocketPrim@}
+\index{SocketPrim interface (GHC syslib)}
+\index{Socket interface (GHC syslib)}
+\index{network-interface library}
+\index{sockets library}
+\index{BSD sockets library}
+%* *
+(Darren Moffat supplied the network-interface toolkit.)
+Your best bet for documentation is to look at the code---really!---
+normally in \tr{ghc/lib/ghc/{BSD,Socket,SocketPrim}.lhs}.
+The \tr{BSD} module provides functions to get at system-database info;
+pretty straightforward if you're into this sort of thing:
+getHostName :: IO String
+getServiceByName :: ServiceName -> IO ServiceEntry
+getServicePortNumber:: ServiceName -> IO PortNumber
+getServiceEntry :: IO ServiceEntry
+setServiceEntry :: Bool -> IO ()
+endServiceEntry :: IO ()
+getProtocolByName :: ProtocolName -> IO ProtocolEntry
+getProtocolByNumber :: ProtocolNumber -> IO ProtcolEntry
+getProtocolNumber :: ProtocolName -> ProtocolNumber
+getProtocolEntry :: IO ProtocolEntry
+setProtocolEntry :: Bool -> IO ()
+endProtocolEntry :: IO ()
+getHostByName :: HostName -> IO HostEntry
+getHostByAddr :: Family -> HostAddress -> IO HostEntry
+getHostEntry :: IO HostEntry
+setHostEntry :: Bool -> IO ()
+endHostEntry :: IO ()
+The \tr{SocketPrim} interface provides quite direct access to the
+socket facilities in a BSD Unix system, including all the
+complications. We hope you don't need to use it! See the source if
+The \tr{Socket} interface is a ``higher-level'' interface to sockets,
+and it is what we recommend. Please tell us if the facilities it
+offers are inadequate to your task!
+The interface is relatively modest:
+connectTo :: Hostname -> PortID -> IO Handle
+listenOn :: PortID -> IO Socket
+accept :: Socket -> IO (Handle, HostName)
+sendTo :: Hostname -> PortID -> String -> IO ()
+recvFrom :: Hostname -> PortID -> IO String
+socketPort :: Socket -> IO PortID
+data PortID -- PortID is a non-abstract type
+ = Service String -- Service Name eg "ftp"
+ | PortNumber Int -- User defined Port Number
+ | UnixSocket String -- Unix family socket in file system
+type Hostname = String
+Various examples of networking Haskell code are provided in
+\tr{ghc/misc/examples/}, notably the \tr{net???/Main.hs} programs.
+%* *
+\subsection[HBC-library]{The HBC system library}
+\index{HBC system library}
+\index{system library, HBC}
+%* *
+This documentation is stolen directly from the HBC distribution. The
+modules that GHC does not support (because they require HBC-specific
+extensions) are omitted.
+\index{Either module (HBC library)}%
+A binary sum data type:
+data Either a b = Left a | Right b
+The constructor \tr{Left} is typically used for errors; it can be
+renamed to \tr{Wrong} on import.
+\index{Maybe module (HBC library)}%
+A type for failure or success:
+data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
+thenM :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
+ -- apply a function that may fail
+\index{Option module (HBC library)}%
+An alias for \tr{Maybe}:
+data Option a = None | Some a
+thenO :: Option a -> (a -> Option b) -> Option b
+\index{ListUtil module (HBC library)}%
+Various useful functions involving lists that are missing from the
+assoc :: (Eq c) => (a -> b) -> b -> [(c, a)] -> c -> b
+ -- assoc f d l k looks for k in the association list l, if it
+ -- is found f is applied to the value, otherwise d is returned.
+concatMap :: (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b]
+ -- flattening map (LML's concmap)
+unfoldr :: (a -> (b, a)) -> (a -> Bool) -> a -> [b]
+ -- unfoldr f p x repeatedly applies f to x until (p x) holds.
+ -- (f x) should give a list element and a new x.
+mapAccuml :: (a -> b -> (a, c)) -> a -> [b] -> (a, [c])
+ -- mapAccuml f s l maps f over l, but also threads the state s
+ -- through (LML's mapstate).
+union :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+ -- union of two lists
+intersection :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+ -- intersection of two lists
+chopList :: ([a] -> (b, [a])) -> [a] -> [b]
+ -- LMLs choplist
+assocDef :: (Eq a) => [(a, b)] -> b -> a -> b
+ -- LMLs assocdef
+lookup :: (Eq a) => [(a, b)] -> a -> Option b
+ -- lookup l k looks for the key k in the association list l
+ -- and returns an optional value
+tails :: [a] -> [[a]]
+ -- return all the tails of a list
+rept :: (Integral a) => a -> b -> [b]
+ -- repeat a value a number of times
+groupEq :: (a->a->Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
+ -- group list elements according to an equality predicate
+group :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [[a]]
+ -- group according to} ==
+readListLazily :: (Text a) => String -> [a]
+ -- read a list in a lazy fashion
+\index{Pretty module (HBC library)}%
+John Hughes's pretty printing library.
+type Context = (Bool, Int, Int, Int)
+type IText = Context -> [String]
+text :: String -> IText -- just text
+(~.) :: IText -> IText -> IText -- horizontal composition
+(^.) :: IText -> IText -> IText -- vertical composition
+separate :: [IText] -> IText -- separate by spaces
+nest :: Int -> IText -> IText -- indent
+pretty :: Int -> Int -> IText -> String -- format it
+\index{QSort module (HBC library)}%
+A sort function using quicksort.
+sortLe :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
+ -- sort le l sorts l with le as less than predicate
+sort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
+ -- sort l sorts l using the Ord class
+\index{Random module (HBC library)}%
+Random numbers.
+randomInts :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
+ -- given two seeds gives a list of random Int
+randomDoubles :: Int -> Int -> [Double]
+ -- random Double with uniform distribution in (0,1)
+normalRandomDoubles :: Int -> Int -> [Double]
+ -- random Double with normal distribution, mean 0, variance 1
+Simple tracing. (Note: This comes with GHC anyway.)
+trace :: String -> a -> a -- trace x y prints x and returns y
+\index{Miranda module (HBC library)}%
+Functions found in the Miranda library.
+(Note: Miranda is a registered trade mark of Research Software Ltd.)
+\index{Word module (HBC library)}
+Bit manipulation. (GHC doesn't implement absolutely all of this.
+And don't count on @Word@ being 32 bits on a Alpha...)
+class Bits a where
+ bitAnd :: a -> a -> a -- bitwise and
+ bitOr :: a -> a -> a -- bitwise or
+ bitXor :: a -> a -> a -- bitwise xor
+ bitCompl :: a -> a -- bitwise negation
+ bitRsh :: a -> Int -> a -- bitwise right shift
+ bitLsh :: a -> Int -> a -- bitwise left shift
+ bitSwap :: a -> a -- swap word halves
+ bit0 :: a -- word with least significant bit set
+ bitSize :: a -> Int -- number of bits in a word
+data Byte -- 8 bit quantity
+data Short -- 16 bit quantity
+data Word -- 32 bit quantity
+instance Bits Byte, Bits Short, Bits Word
+instance Eq Byte, Eq Short, Eq Word
+instance Ord Byte, Ord Short, Ord Word
+instance Text Byte, Text Short, Text Word
+instance Num Byte, Num Short, Num Word
+wordToShorts :: Word -> [Short] -- convert a Word to two Short
+wordToBytes :: Word -> [Byte] -- convert a Word to four Byte
+bytesToString :: [Byte] -> String -- convert a list of Byte to a String (bit by bit)
+wordToInt :: Word -> Int -- convert a Word to Int
+shortToInt :: Short -> Int -- convert a Short to Int
+byteToInt :: Byte -> Int -- convert a Byte to Int
+\index{Time module (HBC library)}%
+Manipulate time values (a Double with seconds since 1970).
+-- year mon day hour min sec dec-sec weekday
+data Time = Time Int Int Int Int Int Int Double Int
+dblToTime :: Double -> Time -- convert a Double to a Time
+timeToDbl :: Time -> Double -- convert a Time to a Double
+timeToString :: Time -> String -- convert a Time to a readable String
+\index{Hash module (HBC library)}%
+Hashing functions.
+class Hashable a where
+ hash :: a -> Int -- hash a value, return an Int
+-- instances for all Prelude types
+hashToMax :: (Hashable a) => Int -> a -> Int -- hash into interval [0..x-1]
+\index{NameSupply module (HBC library)}%
+Functions to generate unique names (Int).
+type Name = Int
+initialNameSupply :: NameSupply
+ -- The initial name supply (may be different every
+ -- time the program is run.
+splitNameSupply :: NameSupply -> (NameSupply,NameSupply)
+ -- split the namesupply into two
+getName :: NameSupply -> Name
+ -- get the name associated with a name supply
+\index{Parse module (HBC library)}%
+Higher order functions to build parsers. With a little care these
+combinators can be used to build efficient parsers with good error
+infixr 8 +.+ , ..+ , +..
+infix 6 `act` , >>> , `into` , .>
+infixr 4 ||| , ||! , |!!
+data ParseResult a b
+type Parser a b = a -> Int -> ParseResult a b
+(|||) :: Parser a b -> Parser a b -> Parser a b
+ -- Alternative
+(||!) :: Parser a b -> Parser a b -> Parser a b
+ -- Alternative, but with committed choice
+(|!!) :: Parser a b -> Parser a b -> Parser a b
+ -- Alternative, but with committed choice
+(+.+) :: Parser a b -> Parser a c -> Parser a (b,c)
+ -- Sequence
+(..+) :: Parser a b -> Parser a c -> Parser a c
+ -- Sequence, throw away first part
+(+..) :: Parser a b -> Parser a c -> Parser a b
+ -- Sequence, throw away second part
+act :: Parser a b -> (b->c) -> Parser a c
+ -- Action
+(>>>) :: Parser a (b,c) -> (b->c->d) -> Parser a d
+ -- Action on two items
+(.>) :: Parser a b -> c -> Parse a c
+ -- Action ignoring value
+into :: Parser a b -> (b -> Parser a c) -> Parser a c
+ -- Use a produced value in a parser.
+succeed b :: Parser a b
+ -- Always succeeds without consuming a token
+failP :: Parser a b
+ -- Always fails.
+many :: Parser a b -> Parser a [b]
+ -- Kleene star
+many1 :: Parser a b -> Parser a [b]
+ -- Kleene plus
+count :: Parser a b -> Int -> Parser a [b]
+ -- Parse an exact number of items
+sepBy1 :: Parser a b -> Parser a c -> Parser a [b]
+ -- Non-empty sequence of items separated by something
+sepBy :: Parser a b -> Parser a c -> Parser a [b]
+ -- Sequence of items separated by something
+lit :: (Eq a, Text a) => a -> Parser [a] a
+ -- Recognise a literal token from a list of tokens
+litp :: String -> (a->Bool) -> Parser [a] a
+ -- Recognise a token with a predicate.
+ -- The string is a description for error messages.
+testp :: String -> (a -> Bool) -> (Parser b a) -> Parser b a
+ -- Test a semantic value.
+token :: (a -> Either String (b, a)) -> Parser a b
+ -- General token recogniser.
+parse :: Parser a b -> a -> Either ([String], a) [(b, a)]
+ -- Do a parse. Return either error (possible tokens and rest
+ -- of tokens) or all possible parses.
+sParse :: (Text a) => (Parser [a] b) -> [a] -> Either String b
+ -- Simple parse. Return error message or result.
+%%%simpleLex :: String -> [String] -- A simple (but useful) lexical analyzer
+\index{Native module (HBC library)}%
+Functions to convert the primitive types \tr{Int}, \tr{Float}, and \tr{Double} to
+their native representation as a list of bytes (\tr{Char}). If such a list
+is read/written to a file it will have the same format as when, e.g.,
+C read/writes the same kind of data.
+type Bytes = [Char] -- A byte stream is just a list of characters
+class Native a where
+ showBytes :: a -> Bytes -> Bytes
+ -- prepend the representation of an item the a byte stream
+ listShowBytes :: [a] -> Bytes -> Bytes
+ -- prepend the representation of a list of items to a stream
+ -- (may be more efficient than repeating showBytes).
+ readBytes :: Bytes -> Maybe (a, Bytes)
+ -- get an item from the stream and return the rest,
+ -- or fail if the stream is to short.
+ listReadBytes :: Int -> Bytes -> Maybe ([a], Bytes)
+ -- read n items from a stream.
+instance Native Int
+instance Native Float
+instance Native Double
+instance (Native a, Native b) => Native (a,b)
+ -- juxtaposition of the two items
+instance (Native a, Native b, Native c) => Native (a, b, c)
+ -- juxtaposition of the three items
+instance (Native a) => Native [a]
+ -- an item count in an Int followed by the items
+shortIntToBytes :: Int -> Bytes -> Bytes
+ -- Convert an Int to what corresponds to a short in C.
+bytesToShortInt :: Bytes -> Maybe (Int, Bytes)
+ -- Get a short from a byte stream and convert to an Int.
+showB :: (Native a) => a -> Bytes -- Simple interface to showBytes.
+readB :: (Native a) => Bytes -> a -- Simple interface to readBytes.
+\index{Number module (HBC library)}%
+Simple numbers that belong to all numeric classes and behave like
+a naive user would expect (except that printing is still ugly).
+(NB: GHC does not provide a magic way to use \tr{Numbers} everywhere,
+but you should be able to do it with normal \tr{import}ing and
+data Number -- The type itself.
+instance ... -- All reasonable instances.
+isInteger :: Number -> Bool -- Test if a Number is an integer.
diff --git a/ghc/docs/users_guide/parallel.lit b/ghc/docs/users_guide/parallel.lit
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..335e8febcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/docs/users_guide/parallel.lit
@@ -0,0 +1,662 @@
+% both concurrent and parallel
+%* *
+\section[concurrent-and-parallel]{Concurrent and Parallel Haskell}
+\index{Concurrent Haskell}
+\index{Parallel Haskell}
+%* *
+Concurrent and Parallel Haskell are Glasgow extensions to Haskell
+which let you structure your program as a group of independent
+Concurrent and Parallel Haskell have very different purposes.
+Concurrent Haskell is for applications which have an inherent
+structure of interacting, concurrent tasks (i.e. `threads'). Threads
+in such programs may be {\em required}. For example, if a concurrent
+thread has been spawned to handle a mouse click, it isn't
+optional---the user wants something done!
+A Concurrent Haskell program implies multiple `threads' running within
+a single Unix process on a single processor.
+Simon Peyton Jones and Sigbjorn Finne have a paper available,
+``Concurrent Haskell: preliminary version.''
+(draft available via \tr{ftp}
+from \tr{}).
+Parallel Haskell is about {\em speed}---spawning threads onto multiple
+processors so that your program will run faster. The `threads'
+are always {\em advisory}---if the runtime system thinks it can
+get the job done more quickly by sequential execution, then fine.
+A Parallel Haskell program implies multiple processes running on
+multiple processors, under a PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine) framework.
+Parallel Haskell is new with GHC 0.26; it is more about ``research
+fun'' than about ``speed.'' That will change. There is no paper about
+Parallel Haskell. That will change, too.
+Some details about Concurrent and Parallel Haskell follow.
+%* *
+\subsection{Concurrent and Parallel Haskell---language features}
+\index{Concurrent Haskell---features}
+\index{Parallel Haskell---features}
+%* *
+%* *
+\subsubsection{Features specific to Concurrent Haskell}
+%* *
+%* *
+\subsubsubsection{The \tr{Concurrent} interface (recommended)}
+\index{Concurrent interface}
+%* *
+GHC provides a \tr{Concurrent} module, a common interface to a
+collection of useful concurrency abstractions, including those
+mentioned in the ``concurrent paper''.
+Just put \tr{import Concurrent} into your modules, and away you go.
+NB: intended for use with the \tr{-fhaskell-1.3} flag.
+To create a ``required thread'':
+forkIO :: IO a -> IO a
+The \tr{Concurrent} interface also provides access to ``I-Vars''
+and ``M-Vars'', which are two flavours of {\em synchronising variables}.
+\index{synchronising variables (Glasgow extension)}
+\index{concurrency -- synchronising variables}
+\tr{_IVars}\index{_IVars (Glasgow extension)} are write-once
+variables. They start out empty, and any threads that attempt to read
+them will block until they are filled. Once they are written, any
+blocked threads are freed, and additional reads are permitted.
+Attempting to write a value to a full \tr{_IVar} results in a runtime
+error. Interface:
+type IVar a = _IVar a -- more convenient name
+newIVar :: IO (_IVar a)
+readIVar :: _IVar a -> IO a
+writeIVar :: _IVar a -> a -> IO ()
+\tr{_MVars}\index{_MVars (Glasgow extension)} are rendezvous points,
+mostly for concurrent threads. They begin empty, and any attempt to
+read an empty \tr{_MVar} blocks. When an \tr{_MVar} is written, a
+single blocked thread may be freed. Reading an \tr{_MVar} toggles its
+state from full back to empty. Therefore, any value written to an
+\tr{_MVar} may only be read once. Multiple reads and writes are
+allowed, but there must be at least one read between any two
+writes. Interface:
+type MVar a = _MVar a -- more convenient name
+newEmptyMVar :: IO (_MVar a)
+newMVar :: a -> IO (_MVar a)
+takeMVar :: _MVar a -> IO a
+putMVar :: _MVar a -> a -> IO ()
+readMVar :: _MVar a -> IO a
+swapMVar :: _MVar a -> a -> IO a
+A {\em channel variable} (@CVar@) is a one-element channel, as
+described in the paper:
+data CVar a
+newCVar :: IO (CVar a)
+putCVar :: CVar a -> a -> IO ()
+getCVar :: CVar a -> IO a
+A @Channel@ is an unbounded channel:
+data Chan a
+newChan :: IO (Chan a)
+putChan :: Chan a -> a -> IO ()
+getChan :: Chan a -> IO a
+dupChan :: Chan a -> IO (Chan a)
+unGetChan :: Chan a -> a -> IO ()
+getChanContents :: Chan a -> IO [a]
+General and quantity semaphores:
+data QSem
+newQSem :: Int -> IO QSem
+waitQSem :: QSem -> IO ()
+signalQSem :: QSem -> IO ()
+data QSemN
+newQSemN :: Int -> IO QSemN
+signalQSemN :: QSemN -> Int -> IO ()
+waitQSemN :: QSemN -> Int -> IO ()
+Merging streams---binary and n-ary:
+mergeIO :: [a] -> [a] -> IO [a]
+nmergeIO :: [[a]] -> IO [a]
+A {\em Sample variable} (@SampleVar@) is slightly different from a
+normal @_MVar@:
+\item Reading an empty @SampleVar@ causes the reader to block
+ (same as @takeMVar@ on empty @_MVar@).
+\item Reading a filled @SampleVar@ empties it and returns value.
+ (same as @takeMVar@)
+\item Writing to an empty @SampleVar@ fills it with a value, and
+potentially, wakes up a blocked reader (same as for @putMVar@ on empty @_MVar@).
+\item Writing to a filled @SampleVar@ overwrites the current value.
+ (different from @putMVar@ on full @_MVar@.)
+type SampleVar a = _MVar (Int, _MVar a)
+emptySampleVar :: SampleVar a -> IO ()
+newSampleVar :: IO (SampleVar a)
+readSample :: SampleVar a -> IO a
+writeSample :: SampleVar a -> a -> IO ()
+Finally, there are operations to delay a concurrent thread, and to
+make one wait:\index{delay a concurrent thread}
+\index{wait for a file descriptor}
+threadDelay :: Int -> IO () -- delay rescheduling for N microseconds
+threadWait :: Int -> IO () -- wait for input on specified file descriptor
+%* *
+\subsubsection{Features specific to Parallel Haskell}
+%* *
+%* *
+\subsubsubsection{The \tr{Parallel} interface (recommended)}
+\index{Parallel interface}
+%* *
+GHC provides two functions for controlling parallel execution, through
+the \tr{Parallel} interface:
+interface Parallel where
+infixr 0 `par`
+infixr 1 `seq`
+par :: a -> b -> b
+seq :: a -> b -> b
+The expression \tr{(x `par` y)} {\em sparks} the evaluation of \tr{x}
+(to weak head normal form) and returns \tr{y}. Sparks are queued for
+execution in FIFO order, but are not executed immediately. At the
+next heap allocation, the currently executing thread will yield
+control to the scheduler, and the scheduler will start a new thread
+(until reaching the active thread limit) for each spark which has not
+already been evaluated to WHNF.
+The expression \tr{(x `seq` y)} evaluates \tr{x} to weak head normal
+form and then returns \tr{y}. The \tr{seq} primitive can be used to
+force evaluation of an expression beyond WHNF, or to impose a desired
+execution sequence for the evaluation of an expression.
+For example, consider the following parallel version of our old
+nemesis, \tr{nfib}:
+import Parallel
+nfib :: Int -> Int
+nfib n | n <= 1 = 1
+ | otherwise = par n1 (seq n2 (n1 + n2 + 1))
+ where n1 = nfib (n-1)
+ n2 = nfib (n-2)
+For values of \tr{n} greater than 1, we use \tr{par} to spark a thread
+to evaluate \tr{nfib (n-1)}, and then we use \tr{seq} to force the
+parent thread to evaluate \tr{nfib (n-2)} before going on to add
+together these two subexpressions. In this divide-and-conquer
+approach, we only spark a new thread for one branch of the computation
+(leaving the parent to evaluate the other branch). Also, we must use
+\tr{seq} to ensure that the parent will evaluate \tr{n2} {\em before}
+\tr{n1} in the expression \tr{(n1 + n2 + 1)}. It is not sufficient to
+reorder the expression as \tr{(n2 + n1 + 1)}, because the compiler may
+not generate code to evaluate the addends from left to right.
+%* *
+\subsubsubsection{Underlying functions and primitives}
+\index{parallelism primitives}
+\index{primitives for parallelism}
+%* *
+The functions \tr{par} and \tr{seq} are really just renamings:
+par a b = _par_ a b
+seq a b = _seq_ a b
+The functions \tr{_par_} and \tr{_seq_} are built into GHC, and unfold
+into uses of the \tr{par#} and \tr{seq#} primitives, respectively. If
+you'd like to see this with your very own eyes, just run GHC with the
+\tr{-ddump-simpl} option. (Anything for a good time...)
+You can use \tr{_par_} and \tr{_seq_} in Concurrent Haskell, though
+I'm not sure why you would want to.
+%* *
+\subsubsection{Features common to Concurrent and Parallel Haskell}
+%* *
+Actually, you can use the \tr{`par`} and \tr{`seq`} combinators
+(really for Parallel Haskell) in Concurrent Haskell as well.
+But doing things like ``\tr{par} to \tr{forkIO} many required threads''
+counts as ``jumping out the 9th-floor window, just to see what happens.''
+%* *
+\subsubsubsection{Scheduling policy for concurrent/parallel threads}
+\index{Concurrent/parallel scheduling}
+%* *
+Runnable threads are scheduled in round-robin fashion. Context
+switches are signalled by the generation of new sparks or by the
+expiry of a virtual timer (the timer interval is configurable with the
+\tr{-C[<num>]}\index{-C<num> RTS option (concurrent, parallel)} RTS option).
+However, a context switch doesn't really happen until the next heap
+allocation. If you want extremely short time slices, the \tr{-C} RTS
+option can be used to force a context switch at each and every heap
+When a context switch occurs, pending sparks which have not already
+been reduced to weak head normal form are turned into new threads.
+However, there is a limit to the number of active threads (runnable or
+blocked) which are allowed at any given time. This limit can be
+adjusted with the \tr{-t<num>}\index{-t <num> RTS option (concurrent, parallel)}
+RTS option (the default is 32). Once the
+thread limit is reached, any remaining sparks are deferred until some
+of the currently active threads are completed.
+%* *
+\subsection{How to use Concurrent and Parallel Haskell}
+%* *
+[You won't get far unless your GHC system was configured/built with
+concurrency and/or parallelism enabled. (They require separate
+library modules.) The relevant section of the installation guide says
+how to do this.]
+%* *
+\subsubsection{Using Concurrent Haskell}
+\index{Concurrent Haskell---use}
+%* *
+To compile a program as Concurrent Haskell, use the \tr{-concurrent}
+option,\index{-concurrent option} both when compiling {\em and
+linking}. You will probably need the \tr{-fglasgow-exts} option, too.
+Three RTS options are provided for modifying the behaviour of the
+threaded runtime system. See the descriptions of \tr{-C[<us>]}, \tr{-q},
+and \tr{-t<num>} in \Sectionref{parallel-rts-opts}.
+%* *
+\subsubsubsection[concurrent-problems]{Potential problems with Concurrent Haskell}
+\index{Concurrent Haskell problems}
+\index{problems, Concurrent Haskell}
+%* *
+The main thread in a Concurrent Haskell program is given its own
+private stack space, but all other threads are given stack space from
+the heap. Stack space for the main thread can be
+adjusted as usual with the \tr{-K} RTS
+option,\index{-K RTS option (concurrent, parallel)} but if this
+private stack space is exhausted, the main thread will switch to stack
+segments in the heap, just like any other thread. Thus, problems
+which would normally result in stack overflow in ``sequential Haskell''
+can be expected to result in heap overflow when using threads.
+The concurrent runtime system uses black holes as synchronisation
+points for subexpressions which are shared among multiple threads. In
+``sequential Haskell'', a black hole indicates a cyclic data
+dependency, which is a fatal error. However, in concurrent execution, a
+black hole may simply indicate that the desired expression is being
+evaluated by another thread. Therefore, when a thread encounters a
+black hole, it simply blocks and waits for the black hole to be
+updated. Cyclic data dependencies will result in deadlock, and the
+program will fail to terminate.
+Because the concurrent runtime system uses black holes as
+synchronisation points, it is not possible to disable black-holing
+with the \tr{-N} RTS option.\index{-N RTS option} Therefore, the use
+of signal handlers (including timeouts) with the concurrent runtime
+system can lead to problems if a thread attempts to enter a black hole
+that was created by an abandoned computation. The use of signal
+handlers in conjunction with threads is strongly discouraged.
+%* *
+\subsubsection{Using Parallel Haskell}
+\index{Parallel Haskell---use}
+%* *
+[You won't be able to execute parallel Haskell programs unless PVM3
+(Parallel Virtual Machine, version 3) is installed at your site.]
+To compile a Haskell program for parallel execution under PVM, use the
+\tr{-parallel} option,\index{-parallel option} both when compiling
+{\em and linking}. You will probably want to \tr{import Parallel}
+into your Haskell modules.
+To run your parallel program, once PVM is going, just invoke it ``as
+normal''. The main extra RTS option is \tr{-N<n>}, to say how many
+PVM ``processors'' your program to run on. (For more details of
+all relevant RTS options, please see \sectionref{parallel-rts-opts}.)
+In truth, running Parallel Haskell programs and getting information
+out of them (e.g., activity profiles) is a battle with the vagaries of
+PVM, detailed in the following sections.
+For example: the stdout and stderr from your parallel program run will
+appear in a log file, called something like \tr{/tmp/pvml.NNN}.
+%* *
+\subsubsubsection{Dummy's guide to using PVM}
+\index{PVM, how to use}
+\index{Parallel Haskell---PVM use}
+%* *
+Before you can run a parallel program under PVM, you must set the
+required environment variables (PVM's idea, not ours); something like,
+probably in your \tr{.cshrc} or equivalent:
+setenv PVM_ROOT /wherever/you/put/it
+setenv PVM_ARCH `$PVM_ROOT/lib/pvmgetarch`
+setenv PVM_DPATH $PVM_ROOT/lib/pvmd
+Creating and/or controlling your ``parallel machine'' is a purely-PVM
+business; nothing specific to Parallel Haskell.
+You use the \tr{pvm}\index{pvm command} command to start PVM on your
+machine. You can then do various things to control/monitor your
+``parallel machine;'' the most useful being:
+\tr{Control-D} & exit \tr{pvm}, leaving it running \\
+\tr{halt} & kill off this ``parallel machine'' \& exit \\
+\tr{add <host>} & add \tr{<host>} as a processor \\
+\tr{delete <host>} & delete \tr{<host>} \\
+\tr{reset} & kill what's going, but leave PVM up \\
+\tr{conf} & list the current configuration \\
+\tr{ps} & report processes' status \\
+\tr{pstat <pid>} & status of a particular process \\
+The PVM documentation can tell you much, much more about \tr{pvm}!
+%* *
+\subsubsection{Parallelism profiles}
+\index{parallelism profiles}
+\index{profiles, parallelism}
+\index{visualisation tools}
+%* *
+With Parallel Haskell programs, we usually don't care about the
+results---only with ``how parallel'' it was! We want pretty pictures.
+Parallelism profiles (\`a la \tr{hbcpp}) can be generated with the
+\tr{-q}\index{-q RTS option (concurrent, parallel)} RTS option. The
+per-processor profiling info is dumped into files {\em in your home
+directory} named \tr{<program>.gr}. These are then munged into a
+PostScript picture, which you can then display. For example,
+to run your program \tr{a.out} on 8 processors, then view the
+parallelism profile, do:
+% ./a.out +RTS -N8 -q
+% cd # to home directory
+% grs2gr *.???.gr # combine the 8 .gr files into one
+% gr2ps -O # cvt to .ps; output in
+% ghostview -seascape # look at it!
+The scripts for processing the parallelism profiles are distributed
+in \tr{ghc/utils/parallel/}.
+%* *
+\subsubsection{Activity profiles}
+\index{activity profiles}
+\index{profiles, activity}
+\index{visualisation tools}
+%* *
+You can also use the standard GHC ``cost-centre'' profiling to see how
+much time each PVM ``processor'' spends
+No special compilation flags beyond \tr{-parallel} are required to get
+this basic four-activity profile. Just use the \tr{-P} RTS option,
+./a.out +RTS -N7 -P # 7 processors
+The above will create files named \tr{<something>.prof} and/or
+\tr{<something>.time} {\em in your home directory}. You can
+process the \tr{.time} files into PostScript using \tr{hp2ps},
+as described elsewhere in this guide. The only thing is:
+because of the weird file names, you probably need to use
+\tr{hp2ps} as a filter; so:
+% hp2ps < fooo.001.time >
+%$$ The first line of the
+%$$ \tr{.qp} file contains the name of the program executed, along with
+%$$ any program arguments and thread-specific RTS options. The second
+%$$ line contains the date and time of program execution. The third
+%$$ and subsequent lines contain information about thread state transitions.
+%$$ The thread state transition lines have the following format:
+%$$ \begin{verbatim}
+%$$ time transition thread-id thread-name [thread-id thread-name]
+%$$ \end{verbatim}
+%$$ The \tr{time} is the virtual time elapsed since the program started
+%$$ execution, in milliseconds. The \tr{transition} is a two-letter code
+%$$ indicating the ``from'' queue and the ``to'' queue, where each queue
+%$$ is one of:
+%$$ \begin{itemize}
+%$$ \item[\tr{*}] Void: Thread creation or termination.
+%$$ \item[\tr{G}] Green: Runnable (or actively running, with \tr{-qv}) threads.
+%$$ \item[\tr{A}] Amber: Runnable threads (\tr{-qv} only).
+%$$ \item[\tr{R}] Red: Blocked threads.
+%$$ \end{itemize}
+%$$ The \tr{thread-id} is a unique integer assigned to each thread. The
+%$$ \tr{thread-name} is currently the address of the thread's root closure
+%$$ (in hexadecimal). In the future, it will be the name of the function
+%$$ associated with the root of the thread.
+%$$ The first \tr{(thread-id, thread-name)} pair identifies the thread
+%$$ involved in the indicated transition. For \tr{RG} and \tr{RA} transitions
+%$$ only, there is a second \tr{(thread-id, thread-name)} pair which identifies
+%$$ the thread that released the blocked thread.
+%$$ Provided with the GHC distribution is a perl script, \tr{qp2pp}, which
+%$$ will convert \tr{.qp} files to \tr{hbcpp}'s \tr{.pp} format, so that
+%$$ you can use the \tr{hbcpp} profiling tools, such as \tr{pp2ps92}. The
+%$$ \tr{.pp} format has undergone many changes, so the conversion script
+%$$ is not compatible with earlier releases of \tr{hbcpp}. Note that GHC
+%$$ and \tr{hbcpp} use different thread scheduling policies (in
+%$$ particular, \tr{hbcpp} threads never move from the green queue to the
+%$$ amber queue). For compatibility, the \tr{qp2pp} script eliminates the
+%$$ GHC amber queue, so there is no point in using the verbose (\tr{-qv})
+%$$ option if you are only interested in using the \tr{hbcpp} profiling
+%$$ tools.
+%* *
+\subsubsection[parallel-rts-opts]{RTS options for Concurrent/Parallel Haskell}
+\index{RTS options, concurrent}
+\index{RTS options, parallel}
+\index{Concurrent Haskell---RTS options}
+\index{Parallel Haskell---RTS options}
+%* *
+Besides the usual runtime system (RTS) options
+(\sectionref{runtime-control}), there are a few options particularly
+for concurrent/parallel execution.
+\index{-N<N> RTS option (parallel)}
+(PARALLEL ONLY) Use \tr{<N>} PVM processors to run this program;
+the default is 2.
+\index{-C<us> RTS option}
+Sets the context switch interval to \pl{<us>} microseconds. A context
+switch will occur at the next heap allocation after the timer expires.
+With \tr{-C0} or \tr{-C}, context switches will occur as often as
+possible (at every heap allocation). By default, context switches
+occur every 10 milliseconds. Note that many interval timers are only
+capable of 10 millisecond granularity, so the default setting may be
+the finest granularity possible, short of a context switch at every
+heap allocation.
+\index{-q RTS option}
+Produce a quasi-parallel profile of thread activity, in the file
+\tr{<program>.qp}. In the style of \tr{hbcpp}, this profile records
+the movement of threads between the green (runnable) and red (blocked)
+queues. If you specify the verbose suboption (\tr{-qv}), the green
+queue is split into green (for the currently running thread only) and
+amber (for other runnable threads). We do not recommend that you use
+the verbose suboption if you are planning to use the \tr{hbcpp}
+profiling tools or if you are context switching at every heap check
+(with \tr{-C}).
+\index{-t<num> RTS option}
+Limit the number of concurrent threads per processor to \pl{<num>}.
+The default is 32. Each thread requires slightly over 1K {\em words}
+in the heap for thread state and stack objects. (For 32-bit machines,
+this translates to 4K bytes, and for 64-bit machines, 8K bytes.)
+\index{-d RTS option (parallel)}
+(PARALLEL ONLY) Turn on debugging. It pops up one xterm (or GDB, or
+something...) per PVM processor. We use the standard \tr{debugger}
+script that comes with PVM3, but we sometimes meddle with the
+\tr{debugger2} script. We include ours in the GHC distribution,
+in \tr{ghc/utils/pvm/}.
+%* *
+\subsubsubsection[parallel-problems]{Potential problems with Parallel Haskell}
+\index{Parallel Haskell---problems}
+\index{problems, Parallel Haskell}
+%* *
+The ``Potential problems'' for Concurrent Haskell also apply for
+Parallel Haskell. Please see \Sectionref{concurrent-problems}.
+%$$ \subsubsubsection[par-notes]{notes for 0.26}
+%$$ \begin{verbatim}
+%$$ Install PVM somewhere, as it says. We use 3.3
+%$$ pvm.h : can do w/ a link from ghc/includes to its true home (???)
+%$$ ghc -gum ... => a.out
+%$$ a.out goes to $PVM_ROOT/bin/$PVM_ARCH/$PE
+%$$ (profiling outputs go to ~/$PE.<process-num>.<suffix>)
+%$$ trinder scripts in: ~trinder/bin/any/instPHIL
+%$$ To run:
+%$$ Then:
+%$$ SysMan [-] N (PEs) args-to-program...
+%$$ - ==> debug mode
+%$$ mattson setup: GDB window per task
+%$$ /local/grasp_tmp5/mattson/pvm3/lib/debugger{,2}
+%$$ to set breakpoint, etc, before "run", just modify debugger2
+%$$ stderr and stdout are directed to /tmp/pvml.NNN
+%$$ Visualisation stuff (normal _mp build):
+%$$ +RTS -q gransim-like profiling
+%$$ (should use exactly-gransim RTS options)
+%$$ -qb binary dumps : not tried, not recommended: hosed!
+%$$ ascii dump : same info as gransim, one extra line at top w/
+%$$ start time; all times are ms since then
+%$$ dumps appear in $HOME/<program>
+%$$ ~mattson/ == combine lots into one (fixing times)
+%$$ /local/grasp/hwloidl/GrAn/bin/ is where scripts are.
+%$$ gr2ps == activity profile (bash script)
+%$$ ~mattson/bin/`arch`/gr2qp must be picked up prior to hwloidl's for
+%$$ things to work...
+%$$ +RTS -[Pp] (parallel) 4-cost-centre "profiling" (gc,MAIN,msg,idle)
+%$$ ToDos: time-profiles from hp2ps: something about zeroth sample;
+%$$ \end{verbatim}
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+++ b/ghc/docs/users_guide/prof-compiler-options.lit
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+% Included by prof-options.lit and how_to_run.lit
+To make use of the cost centre profiling system {\em all} modules must
+be compiled and linked with the \tr{-prof} option.\index{-prof option}
+Any \tr{_scc_} constructs you've put in your source will spring to life.
+Without a \tr{-prof} option, your \tr{_scc_}s are ignored; so you can
+compiled \tr{_scc_}-laden code without changing it.
+There are a few other profiling-related compilation options. Use them
+{\em in addition to} \tr{-prof}. These do not have to be used
+consistently for all modules in a program.
+\index{-auto option}
+GHC will automatically add \tr{_scc_} constructs for
+all top-level, exported functions.
+\index{-auto-all option}
+{\em All} top-level functions, exported or not, will be automatically
+% secret!
+%\index{-caf-all option}
+%The costs of all CAFs in a module are usually attributed to one
+%``big'' CAF cost-centre. With this option, all CAFs get their own cost-centre.
+%\index{-dict-all option}
+%Similarly, this option means that all ``dictionaries'' (internal
+%constructs to support Haskell overloading) should get their own
+%cost-centre. (Again, the costs are usually attributed to one ``big''
+%DICT cost-centre.)
+%Incidentally, something is probably Bad Wrong (i.e., a GHC bug) if you
+%see big costs attributed to dictionaries.
+\index{-ignore-scc option}
+Ignore any \tr{_scc_} constructs,
+so a module which already has \tr{_scc_}s can be
+compiled for profiling with the annotations ignored.
+\index{-G<group> option}
+Specifies the \pl{<group>} to be attached to all the cost-centres
+declared in the module. If no group is specified it defaults to the
+module name.
+%Alternative profiling semantics have also been implemented. To use
+%these the runtime system and prelude libraries must have been built
+%for the alternative profiling setup. This is done using a particular
+%UserWay setup. If your system has this been built for this profiling
+%system the alternative profiling system will normally be invoked using
+%the options:
+%\index{-eval option}
+%for lexical profiling.
+%\index{-eval option}
+%for evaluation profiling.
+%All modules must be consistently compiled with the \tr{-lex} or
+%\tr{-eval} option instead of the \tr{-prof} option. The other
+%profiling options are still applicable.
+%Finally we note that the options which dump the program source during
+%compilation may be useful to determine exactly what code is being
+%profiled. Useful options are:
+%\item[\tr{-ddump-ds}:] dump after desugaring. Any automatic \tr{_scc_}
+%annotations will have been added.
+%\item[\tr{-ddump-simpl}:] dump after simplification.
+%\item[\tr{-ddump-stg}:] dump the STG-code immediately before code
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+++ b/ghc/docs/users_guide/prof-options.lit
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+%* *
+\subsection[prof-compiler-options]{Compiling programs for profiling}
+\index{profiling options}
+\index{options, for profiling}
+%* *
+%* *
+\subsection[prof-rts-options]{Controlling the profiler at runtime}
+\index{profiling RTS options}
+\index{RTS options, for profiling}
+%* *
+%* *
+\subsection[prof-graphs]{Producing graphical heap profiles}
+\index{heap profiles, producing}
+%* *
diff --git a/ghc/docs/users_guide/prof-post-processors.lit b/ghc/docs/users_guide/prof-post-processors.lit
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/docs/users_guide/prof-post-processors.lit
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+% Included by prof-options.lit
+Utility programs which produce graphical profiles.
+\subsubsection[hp2ps]{\tr{hp2ps}--heap profile to PostScript}
+\index{hp2ps (utility)}
+\index{heap profiles}
+\index{PostScript, from heap profiles}
+USAGE: \tr{hp2ps} [flags] [\pl{<file>}[\tr{.stat}]]
+The program \tr{hp2ps}\index{hp2ps} converts a heap profile as
+produced by the \tr{-h<break-down>}\index{-h<break-down> RTS option}
+runtime option into a PostScript graph of the heap profile. By
+convention, the file to be processed by \tr{hp2ps} has a \tr{.hp}
+extension. The PostScript output is written to \pl{<file>}\tr{.ps}. If
+\pl{<file>} is omitted entirely, then the program behaves as a filter.
+\tr{hp2ps} is distributed in \tr{ghc/utils/hp2ps}. It was originally
+developed by Dave Wakeling as part of the HBC/LML heap
+The flags are:
+In order to make graphs more readable, \tr{hp2ps} sorts the shaded
+bands for each identifier. The default sort ordering is for the bands
+with the largest area to be stacked on top of the smaller ones. The
+\tr{-d} option causes rougher bands (those representing series of
+values with the largest standard deviations) to be stacked on top of
+smoother ones.
+Normally, \tr{hp2ps} puts the title of the graph in a small box at the
+top of the page. However, if the JOB string is too long to fit in a
+small box (more than 35 characters), then
+\tr{hp2ps} will choose to use a big box instead. The \tr{-b}
+option forces \tr{hp2ps} to use a big box.
+Generate encapsulated PostScript suitable for inclusion in LaTeX
+documents. Usually, the PostScript graph is drawn in landscape mode
+in an area 9 inches wide by 6 inches high, and \tr{hp2ps} arranges
+for this area to be approximately centred on a sheet of a4 paper.
+This format is convenient of studying the graph in detail, but it is
+unsuitable for inclusion in LaTeX documents. The \tr{-e} option
+causes the graph to be drawn in portrait mode, with float specifying
+the width in inches, millimetres or points (the default). The
+resulting PostScript file conforms to the Encapsulated PostScript
+(EPS) convention, and it can be included in a LaTeX document using
+Rokicki's dvi-to-PostScript converter \tr{dvips}.
+Create output suitable for the \tr{gs} PostScript previewer (or
+similar). In this case the graph is printed in portrait mode without
+scaling. The output is unsuitable for a laser printer.
+Normally a profile is limited to 20 bands with additional identifiers
+being grouped into an \tr{OTHER} band. The \tr{-l} flag removes this
+20 band and limit, producing as many bands as necessary. No key is
+produced as it won't fit!. It is useful for creation time profiles
+with many bands.
+Normally a profile is limited to 20 bands with additional identifiers
+being grouped into an \tr{OTHER} band. The \tr{-m} flag specifies an
+alternative band limit (the maximum is 20).
+\tr{-m0} requests the band limit to be removed. As many bands as
+necessary are produced. However no key is produced as it won't fit! It
+is useful for displaying creation time profiles with many bands.
+Use previous parameters. By default, the PostScript graph is
+automatically scaled both horizontally and vertically so that it fills
+the page. However, when preparing a series of graphs for use in a
+presentation, it is often useful to draw a new graph using the same
+scale, shading and ordering as a previous one. The \tr{-p} flag causes
+the graph to be drawn using the parameters determined by a previous
+run of \tr{hp2ps} on \pl{file}. These are extracted from
+\item[\tr{-s}] Use a small box for the title.
+Normally trace elements which sum to a total of less than 1\% of the
+profile are removed from the profile. The \tr{-t} option allows this
+percentage to be modified (maximum 5\%).
+\tr{-t0} requests no trace elements to be removed from the profile,
+ensuring that all the data will be displayed.
+\item[\tr{-?}] Print out usage information.
+\subsubsection[stat2resid]{\tr{stat2resid}---residency info from GC stats}
+\index{stat2resid (utility)}
+\index{GC stats---residency info}
+\index{residency, from GC stats}
+USAGE: \tr{stat2resid} [\pl{<file>}[\tr{.stat}] [\pl{<outfile>}]]
+The program \tr{stat2resid}\index{stat2resid} converts a detailed
+garbage collection statistics file produced by the
+\tr{-S}\index{-S RTS option} runtime option into a PostScript heap
+residency graph. The garbage collection statistics file can be
+produced without compiling your program for profiling.
+By convention, the file to be processed by \tr{stat2resid} has a
+\tr{.stat} extension. If the \pl{<outfile>} is not specified the
+PostScript will be written to \pl{<file>}\tr{}. If
+\pl{<file>} is omitted entirely, then the program behaves as a filter.
+The plot can not be produced from the statistics file for a
+generational collector, though a suitable stats file can be produced
+using the \tr{-F2s}\index{-F2s RTS option} runtime option when the
+program has been compiled for generational garbage collection (the
+\tr{stat2resid} is distributed in \tr{ghc/utils/stat2resid}.
diff --git a/ghc/docs/users_guide/prof-reports.lit b/ghc/docs/users_guide/prof-reports.lit
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd0abfb104
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/docs/users_guide/prof-reports.lit
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+What the bits of a profiling report mean.
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/docs/users_guide/prof-rts-options.lit
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+% Included by prof-options.lit and runtime_control.lit
+It isn't enough to compile your program for profiling with \tr{-prof}!
+When you {\em run} your profiled program, you must tell the runtime system (RTS)
+what you want to profile (e.g., time and/or space), and how you wish
+the collected data to be reported. You also may wish to set the
+sampling interval used in time profiling.
+Executive summary: \tr{./a.out +RTS -p} produces a time profile in
+\tr{}; \tr{./a.out +RTS -hC} produces space-profiling
+info which can be mangled by \tr{hp2ps} and viewed with \tr{ghostview}
+(or equivalent).
+Profiling runtime flags are passed to your program between the usual
+\tr{+RTS} and \tr{-RTS} options.
+\item[\tr{-p<sort>} or \tr{-P<sort>}:]
+\index{-p<sort> RTS option (profiling)}
+\index{-P<sort> RTS option (profiling)}
+\index{time profile}
+\index{serial time profile}
+The \tr{-p} option produces a standard {\em time profile} report.
+It is written into the file \pl{<program>}\tr{.prof}.
+The \tr{-P} option produces a more detailed report containing the
+actual time and allocation data as well. (Not used much.)
+The \tr{-P} option also produces {\em serial time-profiling}
+information, in the file \pl{<program>}\tr{.time}. This can be
+converted into a (somewhat unsatisfactory) PostScript graph using
+\tr{hp2ps} (see \Sectionref{hp2ps}).
+???? -F2s needed for serial time profile??? ToDo
+The \pl{<sort>} indicates how the cost centres are to be sorted in the
+report. Valid \pl{<sort>} options are:
+\item[\tr{T}:] by time, largest first (the default);
+\item[\tr{A}:] by bytes allocated, largest first;
+\item[\tr{C}:] alphabetically by group, module and cost centre.
+\index{-i<secs> RTS option (profiling)}
+Set the profiling (sampling) interval to \tr{<secs>} seconds (the
+default is 1~second).
+\index{-h<break-down> RTS option (profiling)}
+\index{heap profile}
+Produce a detailed {\em space profile} of the heap occupied by live
+closures. The profile is written to the file \pl{<program>}\tr{.hp}
+from which a PostScript graph can be produced using \tr{hp2ps} (see
+The heap space profile may be broken down by different criteria:
+\item[\tr{-hC}:] cost centre which produced the closure (the default).
+\item[\tr{-hM}:] cost centre module which produced the closure.
+\item[\tr{-hG}:] cost centre group which produced the closure.
+\item[\tr{-hD}:] closure description --- a string describing the closure.
+\item[\tr{-hY}:] closure type --- a string describing the closure's type.
+\item[\tr{-hT<ints>,<start>}:] the time interval the closure was
+created. \tr{<ints>} specifies the no. of interval bands plotted
+(default 18) and \tr{<start>} the number of seconds after which the
+reported intervals start (default 0.0).
+By default all live closures in the heap are profiled, but particular
+closures of interest can be selected (see below).
+Heap (space) profiling uses hash tables. If these tables
+should fill the run will abort. The
+\tr{-z<tbl><size>}\index{-z<tbl><size> RTS option (profiling)} option is used to
+increase the size of the relevant hash table (\tr{C}, \tr{M},
+\tr{G}, \tr{D} or \tr{Y}, defined as for \pl{<break-down>} above). The
+actual size used is the next largest power of 2.
+The heap profile can be restricted to particular closures of interest.
+The closures of interest can selected by the attached cost centre
+(module:label, module and group), closure category (description, type,
+and kind) and closure age using the following options:
+\index{-c{<lab>} RTS option (profiling)}
+Selects individual cost centre(s).
+\index{-m{<mod>} RTS option (profiling)}
+Selects all cost centres from the module(s) specified.
+\index{-g{<grp>} RTS option (profiling)}
+Selects all cost centres from the groups(s) specified.
+\index{-d{<des>} RTS option (profiling)}
+Selects closures which have one of the specified descriptions.
+\index{-y{<typ>} RTS option (profiling)}
+Selects closures which have one of the specified type descriptions.
+\index{-k{<knd>} RTS option (profiling)}
+Selects closures which are of one of the specified closure kinds.
+Valid closure kinds are \tr{CON} (constructor), \tr{FN} (manifest
+function), \tr{PAP} (partial application), \tr{BH} (black hole) and
+\tr{THK} (thunk).
+\index{-a<age> RTS option (profiling)}
+Selects closures which have survived \pl{<age>} complete intervals.
+The space occupied by a closure will be reported in the heap profile
+if the closure satisfies the following logical expression:
+([-c] or [-m] or [-g]) and ([-d] or [-y] or [-k]) and [-a]
+where a particular option is true if the closure (or its attached cost
+centre) is selected by the option (or the option is not specified).
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+\title{The Glorious Haskell Compilation System\\ Profiling Guide}
+\author{The AQUA Team (Patrick M. Sansom)\\
+Department of Computing Science\\
+University of Glasgow\\
+Glasgow, Scotland\\
+G12 8QQ\\
+Email: glasgow-haskell-\{bugs,request\}\}
+\section[profiling]{Profiling Haskell programs}
+\index{profiling, with cost-centres}
+\index{cost-centre profiling}
+Glasgow Haskell comes with a time and space profiling system. Its
+purpose is to help you improve your understanding of your program's
+execution behaviour, so you can improve it.
+%This profiling system is still under development.
+%Please e-mail reports of any bugs you discover to
+Any comments, suggestions and/or improvements you have to are welcome.
+Recommended ``profiling tricks'' would be especially cool!
+\subsection[profiling-intro]{How to profile a Haskell program}
+The GHC approach to profiling is very simple: annotate the expressions
+you consider ``interesting'' with {\em cost centre} labels (strings);
+so, for example, you might have:
+f x y
+ = let
+ output1 = _scc_ "Pass1" ( pass1 x )
+ output2 = _scc_ "Pass2" ( pass2 output1 y )
+ output3 = _scc_ "Pass3" ( pass3 (output2 `zip` [1 .. ]) )
+ in concat output3
+The costs of the evaluating the expressions bound to \tr{output1},
+\tr{output2} and \tr{output3} will be attributed to the ``cost
+centres'' \tr{Pass1}, \tr{Pass2} and \tr{Pass3}, respectively.
+The costs of evaluating other expressions, e.g., \tr{concat output4},
+will be inherited by the scope which referenced the function \tr{f}.
+You can put in cost-centres via \tr{_scc_} constructs by hand, as in
+the example above. Perfectly cool. That's probably what you {\em
+would} do if your program divided into obvious ``passes'' or
+``phases'', or whatever.
+If your program is large or you have no clue what might be gobbling
+all the time, you can get GHC to mark all functions with \tr{_scc_}
+constructs, automagically. Add an \tr{-auto} compilation flag to the
+usual \tr{-prof} option.
+Once you start homing in on the Guilty Suspects, you may well switch
+from automagically-inserted cost-centres to a few well-chosen ones of
+your own.
+To use profiling, you must {\em compile} and {\em run} with special
+options. (We usually forget the ``run'' magic!---Do as we say, not as
+we do...) Details follow.
+If you're serious about this profiling game, you should probably read
+one or more of the Sansom/Peyton Jones papers about the GHC profiling
+system. Just visit the Glasgow FP Web page...
+%* *
+\subsection[prof-compiler-options]{Compiling programs for profiling}
+\index{profiling options}
+\index{options, for profiling}
+%* *
+%* *
+\subsection[prof-rts-options]{How to control your profiled program at runtime}
+\index{profiling RTS options}
+\index{RTS options, for profiling}
+%* *
+%* *
+\subsection[prof-graphs]{Producing graphical heap profiles}
+\index{heap profiles, producing}
+%* *
+% \subsection[cost-centres]{Profiling by Cost Centres}
+% Problems with lazy evaluation
+% The central idea is to identify particular source code expressions of
+% interest. These expressions are annotated with a {\em cost
+% centre}\index{cost centre} label. Execution and allocation costs are
+% attributed to the cost centre label which encloses the expression
+% incurring the costs.
+% Simple example
+% (Note: the paper in \tr{ghc/docs/papers/} may have some
+% decent examples...)
+% Costs are attribution to one cost centre.
+% Inheritance of un-profiled costs.
+% Degree of evaluation
+% Unevaluated arguments
+% Optimisation and transformation
+% Evaluation of instances
+% escaping functions: evaluation vs lexical
+% \subsection[prof-annotations]{Annotating your Haskell source}
+% Explicit annotations
+% Automatic annotation
+% \subsection[prof-information]{Profiling information}
+% Cost Centre Label,Module,Group
+% Example time/alloc profile
+% Description of heap profile
+% Closure Description, Type and Kind
+% \subsection[limitations]{Limitations of the current profiling system}
+% There are a number of limitations and shortcomings of the current
+% profiling system. Any comments on the impact of these and any
+% suggested improvements would be greatly appreciated.
+% \begin{onlylatex}
+% \subsubsection*{Explicit \tr{_scc_} annotations}
+% \end{onlylatex}
+% \begin{onlyinfo}
+% Explicit \tr{_scc_} annotations:
+% \end{onlyinfo}
+% The explicit \tr{_scc_} source annotations cannot annotate entire
+% function declarations as the clauses, pattern matching are not part of
+% the expression syntax --- they are syntactic sugar. It is possible to
+% remove the syntactic sugar by hand, translating to a simple
+% declaration with case expressions on the rhs, but this is very
+% tiresome.
+% We propose to introduce an additional annotation to enable a \tr{_scc_}
+% annotation to be placed around an entire declaration.
+% To further ease the explicit annotation process we also propose to
+% provide annotations which instruct the compiler to annotate all the
+% declarations in a particular \tr{let} or \tr{where} clause with the
+% name of the declaration.
+% Other annotation schemes are feasible. Any suggestions / requests?
+% \begin{onlylatex}
+% \subsubsection*{Closure descriptions}
+% \end{onlylatex}
+% \begin{onlyinfo}
+% Closure descriptions:
+% \end{onlyinfo}
+% The closure descriptions are by no means perfect ...
+% The descriptions for expressions are somewhat tedious as they reflect
+% some of the structure of the transformed STG code. This is largely to
+% provide additional information so use of the STG code can be made if
+% required (use the compiler option \tr{-ddump-stg}). This may be
+% removed if the name of the \pl{corner} is considered sufficient.
+% Local bindings introduced by the compiler have a name \tr{?<tag>}.
+% Most of these are not related to the source in any meaningful way. For
+% example, the \tr{?stg} names are introduced during the CoreToStg pass.
+% Some other arbitrary compiler introduced names are: \tr{?ds},
+% \tr{?tpl}, \tr{?si}, \tr{?cs}, \tr{?ll}, and \tr{?sat}. Please let us
+% know if any of these turn out to be a problem. We could introduce a
+% more meaningful naming scheme into the compiler which assigns names
+% that reflect the nearest enclosing source binding. Another possibility
+% is to add the unique identifier so they aren't all clumped together as
+% one indistinguishable description.
+% There is only one closure description and type for all black holes,
+% ``BH''. It might be useful to record the closure that is currently
+% being evaluated as part of the black hole description.
+% Similarly there is only one partial application description, ``PAP''.
+% It might be useful to record the function being applied in the partial
+% application as part of the partial application description.
+% \begin{onlylatex}
+% \subsubsection*{Garbage collection and paging}
+% \end{onlylatex}
+% \begin{onlyinfo}
+% Garbage collection and paging:
+% \end{onlyinfo}
+% Currently the profiling implementation requires the two-space
+% (\tr{-gc-2s}) garbage collector to be used. When using the \tr{-prof}
+% options a particular garbage collector should not be specified. This
+% imposes particular paging characteristics which may be different from
+% the garbage collector your program normally uses. These paging
+% characteristics may distort the user time profiling results, though we
+% do not believe this is a significant problem.
+% \subsection[references]{Papers describing this work}
+% A discussion of our initial ideas are described in the paper
+% ``Profiling Lazy Functional Languages'' by Patrick Sansom and Simon
+% Peyton Jones.
+% It is in the GHC distribution in \tr{ghc/docs/papers/},
+% or it can be retrieved using ftp from
+% \tr{} (\tr{[]})
+% in the file
+% \tr{pub/glasgow-fp/papers/}.
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+%* *
+\section[runtime-control]{Controlling the run-time behaviour of your programs}
+\index{runtime control of Haskell programs}
+\index{RTS options}
+%* *
+To make an executable program, the GHC system compiles your code and
+then links it with a non-trivial runtime system (RTS), which handles
+storage management, profiling, etc.
+You have some control over the behaviour of the RTS, by giving special
+command-line arguments to your program.
+%You have some control over the behavior of the runtime system, either
+%by giving special command-line arguments to your program (the usual) or by
+%building in your own defaults at compile time (the exotic).
+When your Haskell program starts up, its RTS extracts
+command-line arguments bracketed between \tr{+RTS}\index{+RTS option}
+and \tr{-RTS}\index{-RTS option} as its own. For example:
+% ./a.out -f +RTS -p -S -RTS -h foo bar
+The RTS will snaffle \tr{-p -S} for itself,
+and the remaining arguments \tr{-f -h foo bar} will be handed
+to your program when it does a @GetArgs@ I/O request.
+No \tr{-RTS} option is required if the runtime-system options extend
+to the end of the command line, as in this example:
+% hls -ltr /usr/etc +RTS -H5m
+If you absolutely positively want all the rest of the options in a
+command line to go to the program (and not the RTS), use a
+\tr{--RTS}\index{--RTS option}.
+As always, for RTS options that take \tr{<size>}s: If the last
+character of \tr{size} is a K or k, multiply by 1000; if an M or m, by
+1,000,000; if a G or G, by 1,000,000,000. (And any wraparound in the
+counters is {\em your} fault!)
+Giving a \tr{+RTS -f}\index{-f RTS option} option will print out the
+RTS options actually available in your program (which vary, depending
+on how you compiled).
+%* *
+\subsection{Generally-available RTS options}
+\index{RTS options, general}
+%* *
+The most important RTS options are:
+\index{-H<size> RTS option}
+Set the heap size to \pl{<size>} bytes
+[default: 4M].
+\index{-K<size> RTS option}
+Set the stack size to \pl{<size>} bytes [default: 64K].
+For concurrent/parallel programs, it is the stack size of the main
+thread; generally speaking, c/p stacks are in heap.
+Note: if your program seems to be consuming infinite stack space, it
+is probably in a loop :-) Of course, if stacks are in the heap, make
+that infinite {\em heap} space...
+\item[\tr{-s<file>} or \tr{-S<file>}:]
+\index{-S<file> RTS option}
+\index{-s<file> RTS option}
+Write modest (\tr{-s}) or verbose (\tr{-S}) garbage-collector
+statistics into file \pl{<file>}. The default \pl{<file>} is
+\pl{<program>}\tr{.stat}. The \pl{<file>} \tr{stderr} is treated
+specially, with the output really being sent to \tr{stderr}.
+%Note that \tr{stdout} is flushed before each garbage collection so the
+%interleaving of \tr{stdout} and the garbage collection statistics will
+%be accurate.
+%Note that the same program will typically allocate more space with a
+%generational collector than with a non-generational collector.
+The amount of heap allocation will typically increase as the total heap
+size is reduced. The reason for this odd behaviour is that updates of
+promoted-to-old-generation objects may require the extra allocation of a new-generation
+object to ensure that there are never any pointers from the old
+generation to the new generation.
+For some garbage collectors (not including the default one, sadly),
+you can convert the \tr{-S} output into a residency graph (in
+PostScript), using the \tr{stat2resid}\index{stat2resid} utility in
+the GHC distribution (\tr{ghc/utils/stat2resid}).
+\index{-N RTS option}
+Normally, the garbage collector black-holes closures which are being
+evaluated, as a space-saving measure. That's exactly what you want
+for ordinary Haskell programs.
+When signal handlers are present, however, a computation may be
+abandoned prematurely, leaving black holes behind. If the signal
+handler shares one of these black-holed closures, disaster can result.
+Use the \tr{-N} option to prevent black-holing by the garbage
+collector if you suspect that your signal handlers may share {\em any}
+subexpressions with the top-level computation. Expect your heap usage
+to increase, since the lifetimes of some closures may be extended.
+%* *
+\subsection{RTS options to control the garbage-collector}
+\index{RTS options, garbage-collection}
+%* *
+Besides the \tr{-H} (set heap size) and \tr{-S}/\tr{-s} (GC stats) RTS
+options, there are several options to give you precise control over
+garbage collection.
+\index{-M<n> RTS option}
+Minimum \% \pl{<n>} of heap which must be available for allocation.
+The default is 3\%.
+\index{-A<size> RTS option}
+Sets a limit on the size of the allocation area for generational
+garbage collection to \pl{<size>} bytes (\tr{-A} gives default of 64k). If
+a negative size is given the size of the allocation is fixed to
+-\pl{<size>}. For non-generational collectors, it fixes the minimum
+heap which must be available after a collection, overriding the
+\tr{-M<n>} RTS option.
+\index{-G<size> RTS option}
+Sets the percentage of free space to be promoted before a major
+collection is invoked to \pl{<size>}\%. The default is 66\%. If a
+negative size is given it fixes the size of major generation threshold
+to -\pl{<size>} bytes.
+\index{-F2s RTS option}
+Forces a program compiled for generational GC to use two-space copying
+collection. The two-space collector may outperform the generational
+collector for programs which have a very low heap residency. It can
+also be used to generate a statistics file from which a basic heap
+residency profile can be produced (see Section \ref{stat2resid}).
+There will still be a small execution overhead imposed by the
+generational compilation as the test for old generation updates will
+still be executed (of course none will actually happen). This
+overhead is typically less than 1\%.
+\index{-j<size> RTS option}
+Force a major garbage collection every \pl{<size>} bytes. (Normally
+used because you're keen on getting major-GC stats, notably heap residency
+%* *
+\subsection{RTS options for profiling and Concurrent/Parallel Haskell}
+%* *
+The RTS options related to profiling are described in
+and those for concurrent/parallel stuff, in \Sectionref{parallel-rts-opts}.
+%* *
+\subsection{RTS options for hackers, debuggers, and over-interested souls}
+\index{RTS options, hacking/debugging}
+%* *
+These RTS options might be used (a)~to avoid a GHC bug, (b)~to see
+``what's really happening'', or (c)~because you feel like it. Not
+recommended for everyday use!
+\index{-B RTS option}
+Sound the bell at the start of each (major) garbage collection.
+[Why anyone would do this, I cannot imagine.]
+Use the ``debugging mini-interpreter'' with sanity-checking; you have
+to have an appropriately-compiled version of the prelude, etc.
+Goes together nicely with GDB (GNU debugger)...
+\index{-r <file> RTS option}
+Produce ``ticky-ticky'' statistics at the end of the program run.
+The \tr{<file>} business works just like on the \tr{-S} RTS option (above).
+``Ticky-ticky'' statistics are counts of various program actions
+(updates, enters, etc.)
+The program must have been compiled using
+\tr{-fstg-reduction-counts}\index{-fstg-reduction-counts option}
+(a.k.a. ``ticky-ticky profiling''), and, for it to be really useful,
+linked with suitable system libraries. Not a trivial undertaking:
+consult the installation guide on how to set things up for
+easy ``ticky-ticky'' profiling.
+\index{-T RTS option}
+An RTS debugging flag; varying quantities of output depending on which bits
+are set in \pl{<num>}.
+\index{-Z RTS option}
+Turn {\em off} ``update-frame squeezing'' at garbage-collection time.
+(There's no particularly good reason to turn it off.)
+%* *
+\subsection[rts-hooks]{``Hooks'' to change RTS failure messages}
+\index{hooks, RTS}
+\index{RTS hooks}
+%* *
+GHC lets you exercise rudimentary control over the messages printed
+when the runtime system ``blows up,'' e.g., on stack overflow.
+Simply write some of the following procedures in C and then make sure
+they get linked in, in preference to those in the RTS library:
+\item[\tr{void ErrorHdrHook (FILE *)}:]
+What's printed out before the message from \tr{error}.
+\item[\tr{void OutOfHeapHook (unsigned long, unsigned long)}:]
+The heap-overflow message.
+\item[\tr{void StackOverflowHook (long int)}:]
+The stack-overflow message.
+\item[\tr{void MallocFailHook (long int)}:]
+The message printed if \tr{malloc} fails.
+\item[\tr{void PatErrorHdrHook (FILE *)}:]
+The message printed if a pattern-match fails (the failures
+that were not handled by the Haskell programmer).
+\item[\tr{void PreTraceHook (FILE *)}:]
+What's printed out before a \tr{trace} message.
+\item[\tr{void PostTraceHook (FILE *)}:]
+What's printed out after a \tr{trace} message.
+For example, here is the ``hooks'' code used by GHC itself:
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define W_ unsigned long int
+#define I_ long int
+ErrorHdrHook (where)
+ FILE *where;
+ fprintf(where, "\n"); /* no "Fail: " */
+OutOfHeapHook (request_size, heap_size)
+ W_ request_size; /* in bytes */
+ W_ heap_size; /* in bytes */
+ fprintf(stderr, "GHC's heap exhausted;\nwhile trying to
+ allocate %lu bytes in a %lu-byte heap;\nuse the `-H<size>'
+ option to increase the total heap size.\n",
+ request_size,
+ heap_size);
+StackOverflowHook (stack_size)
+ I_ stack_size; /* in bytes */
+ fprintf(stderr, "GHC stack-space overflow: current size
+ %ld bytes.\nUse the `-K<size>' option to increase it.\n",
+ stack_size);
+PatErrorHdrHook (where)
+ FILE *where;
+ fprintf(where, "\n*** Pattern-matching error within GHC!\n\n
+ This is a compiler bug; please report it to
+\n\nFail: ");
+PreTraceHook (where)
+ FILE *where;
+ fprintf(where, "\n"); /* not "Trace On" */
+PostTraceHook (where)
+ FILE *where;
+ fprintf(where, "\n"); /* not "Trace Off" */
+%* *
+%\subsection[rts-control-shell-scripts]{Hiding the runtime-control mess with a shell script}
+%* *
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+%* *
+\section[sooner-faster-quicker]{Advice on: sooner, faster, smaller, stingier}
+%* *
+Please advise us of other ``helpful hints'' that should go here!
+%* *
+\subsection[sooner]{Sooner: producing a program more quickly}
+\index{compiling faster}
+\index{faster compiling}
+%* *
+\item[Don't use \tr{-O} or (especially) \tr{-O2}:]
+By using them, you are telling GHC that you are willing to suffer
+longer compilation times for better-quality code.
+GHC is surprisingly zippy for normal compilations without \tr{-O}!
+\item[Use more memory:]
+Within reason, more memory for heap space means less garbage
+collection for GHC, which means less compilation time. If you use
+the \tr{-Rgc-stats} option, you'll get a garbage-collector report.
+(Again, you can use the cheap-and-nasty \tr{-optCrts-Sstderr} option to
+send the GC stats straight to standard error.)
+If it says you're using more than 20\% of total time in garbage
+collecting, then more memory would help.
+You ask for more heap with the \tr{-H<size>}\index{-H<size> option}
+option; e.g.: \tr{ghc -c -O -H16m Foo.hs}.
+If GHC persists in being a bad memory citizen, please report it as a
+\item[Don't use too much memory!]
+As soon as GHC plus its ``fellow citizens'' (other processes on your machine) start
+using more than the {\em real memory} on your machine, and the machine
+starts ``thrashing,'' {\em the party is over}. Compile times will be
+worse than terrible! Use something like the csh-builtin \tr{time}
+command to get a report on how many page faults you're getting.
+If you don't know what virtual memory, thrashing, and page faults are,
+or you don't know the memory configuration of your machine, {\em
+don't} try to be clever about memory use: you'll just make your life a
+misery (and for other people, too, probably).
+\item[Try to use local disks when linking:]
+Because Haskell objects and libraries tend to be large, it can take
+many real seconds to slurp the bits to/from an NFS filesystem (say).
+It would be quite sensible to {\em compile} on a fast machine using
+remotely-mounted disks; then {\em link} on a slow machine that had
+your disks directly mounted.
+\item[Don't derive \tr{read} for \tr{Text} unnecessarily:]
+When doing \tr{deriving Text},
+use \tr{-fomit-derived-read}\index{-fomit-derived-read option}
+to derive only the \tr{showsPrec} method. Quicker, smaller code.
+\item[Don't re-export instance declarations:]
+(Note: This recommendation totally violates the Haskell language
+The Haskell module system dictates that instance declarations are
+exported and re-exported into interface files with considerable gusto.
+In a large system, especially one with mutually-recursive modules,
+this tendency makes your interface files bigger (bad) and decreases
+the chances that changes will be propagated incorrectly (bad).
+If you wish, you may use a language-violating option,
+\index{-fomit-reexported-instances option}
+to get just the effect you might expect. It can't help but
+speed things up.
+\item[GHC compiles some program constructs slowly:]
+Deeply-nested list comprehensions seem to be one such; in the past,
+very large constant tables were bad, too.
+We'd rather you reported such behaviour as a bug, so that we can try
+to correct it.
+The parts of the compiler that seem most prone to wandering off for a
+long time are the abstract interpreters (strictness and update
+analysers). You can turn these off individually with
+\tr{-fno-strictness}\index{-fno-strictness anti-option} and
+\tr{-fno-update-analysis}.\index{-fno-update-analysis anti-option}
+If \tr{-ddump-simpl} produces output after a reasonable time, but
+\tr{-ddump-stg} doesn't, then it's probably the update analyser
+slowing you down.
+If your module has big wads of constant data, GHC may produce a huge
+basic block that will cause the native-code generator's register
+allocator to founder.
+If \tr{-ddump-absC} produces output after a reasonable time, but
+nothing after that---it's probably the native-code generator. Bring
+on \tr{-fvia-C}\index{-fvia-C option} (not that GCC will be that quick about it, either).
+\item[Avoid the consistency-check on linking:]
+Use \tr{-no-link-chk}\index{-no-link-chk}; saves effort. This is probably
+safe in a I-only-compile-things-one-way setup.
+\item[Explicit \tr{import} declarations:]
+Instead of saying \tr{import Foo}, say
+\tr{import Foo (...stuff I want...)}.
+Truthfully, the reduction on compilation time will be very small.
+However, judicious use of \tr{import} declarations can make a
+program easier to understand, so it may be a good idea anyway.
+%* *
+\subsection[faster]{Faster: producing a program that runs quicker}
+\index{faster programs, how to produce}
+%* *
+The key tool to use in making your Haskell program run faster are
+GHC's profiling facilities, described separately in
+\sectionref{profiling}. There is {\em no substitute} for finding
+where your program's time/space is {\em really} going, as opposed
+to where you imagine it is going.
+Another point to bear in mind: By far the best way to improve a
+program's performance {\em dramatically} is to use better algorithms.
+Once profiling has thrown the spotlight on the guilty
+time-consumer(s), it may be better to re-think your program than to
+try all the tweaks listed below.
+Another extremely efficient way to make your program snappy is to use
+library code that has been Seriously Tuned By Someone Else. You {\em might} be able
+to write a better quicksort than the one in the HBC library, but it
+will take you much longer than typing \tr{import QSort}.
+(Incidentally, it doesn't hurt if the Someone Else is Lennart
+Please report any overly-slow GHC-compiled programs. The current
+definition of ``overly-slow'' is ``the HBC-compiled version ran
+\item[Optimise, using \tr{-O} or \tr{-O2}:] This is the most basic way
+to make your program go faster. Compilation time will be slower,
+especially with \tr{-O2}.
+At version~0.26, \tr{-O2} is nearly indistinguishable from \tr{-O}.
+\item[Compile via C and crank up GCC:] Even with \tr{-O}, GHC tries to
+use a native-code generator, if available. But the native
+code-generator is designed to be quick, not mind-bogglingly clever.
+Better to let GCC have a go, as it tries much harder on register
+allocation, etc.
+So, when we want very fast code, we use: \tr{-O -fvia-C -O2-for-C}.
+\item[Overloaded functions are not your friend:]
+Haskell's overloading (using type classes) is elegant, neat, etc.,
+etc., but it is death to performance if left to linger in an inner
+loop. How can you squash it?
+\item[Give explicit type signatures:]
+Signatures are the basic trick; putting them on exported, top-level
+functions is good software-engineering practice, anyway.
+The automatic specialisation of overloaded functions should take care
+of overloaded local and/or unexported functions.
+\item[Use \tr{SPECIALIZE} pragmas:]
+\index{SPECIALIZE pragma}
+\index{overloading, death to}
+(UK spelling also accepted.) For key overloaded functions, you can
+create extra versions (NB: more code space) specialised to particular
+types. Thus, if you have an overloaded function:
+hammeredLookup :: Ord key => [(key, value)] -> key -> value
+If it is heavily used on lists with \tr{Widget} keys, you could
+specialise it as follows:
+{-# SPECIALIZE hammeredLookup :: [(Widget, value)] -> Widget -> value #-}
+To get very fancy, you can also specify a named function to use for
+the specialised value, by adding \tr{= blah}, as in:
+{-# SPECIALIZE hammeredLookup :: before... = blah #-}
+It's {\em Your Responsibility} to make sure that \tr{blah} really
+behaves as a specialised version of \tr{hammeredLookup}!!!
+An example in which the \tr{= blah} form will Win Big:
+toDouble :: Real a => a -> Double
+toDouble = fromRational . toRational
+{-# SPECIALIZE toDouble :: Int -> Double = i2d #-}
+i2d (I# i) = D# (int2Double# i) -- uses Glasgow prim-op directly
+The \tr{i2d} function is virtually one machine instruction; the
+default conversion---via an intermediate \tr{Rational}---is obscenely
+expensive by comparison.
+By using the US spelling, your \tr{SPECIALIZE} pragma will work with
+HBC, too. Note that HBC doesn't support the \tr{= blah} form.
+A \tr{SPECIALIZE} pragma for a function can be put anywhere its type
+signature could be put.
+\item[Use \tr{SPECIALIZE instance} pragmas:]
+Same idea, except for instance declarations. For example:
+instance (Eq a) => Eq (Foo a) where { ... usual stuff ... }
+{-# SPECIALIZE instance Eq (Foo [(Int, Bar)] #-}
+Compatible with HBC, by the way.
+See also: overlapping instances, in \Sectionref{glasgow-hbc-exts}.
+They are to \tr{SPECIALIZE instance} pragmas what \tr{= blah}
+hacks are to \tr{SPECIALIZE} (value) pragmas...
+\item[``How do I know what's happening with specialisations?'':]
+The \tr{-fshow-specialisations}\index{-fshow-specialisations option}
+will show the specialisations that actually take place.
+The \tr{-fshow-import-specs}\index{-fshow-import-specs option} will
+show the specialisations that GHC {\em wished} were available, but
+were not. You can add the relevant pragmas to your code if you wish.
+You're a bit stuck if the desired specialisation is of a Prelude
+function. If it's Really Important, you can just snap a copy of the
+Prelude code, rename it, and then SPECIALIZE that to your heart's
+\item[``But how do I know where overloading is creeping in?'':]
+A low-tech way: grep (search) your interface files for overloaded
+type signatures; e.g.,:
+% egrep '^[a-z].*::.*=>' *.hi
+Note: explicit export lists sometimes ``mask'' overloaded top-level
+functions; i.e., you won't see anything about them in the interface
+file. I sometimes remove my export list temporarily, just to see what
+pops out.
+\item[Strict functions are your dear friends:]
+and, among other things, lazy pattern-matching is your enemy.
+(If you don't know what a ``strict function'' is, please consult a
+functional-programming textbook. A sentence or two of
+explanation here probably would not do much good.)
+Consider these two code fragments:
+f (Wibble x y) = ... # strict
+f arg = let { (Wibble x y) = arg } in ... # lazy
+The former will result in far better code.
+A less contrived example shows the use of \tr{cases} instead
+of \tr{lets} to get stricter code (a good thing):
+f (Wibble x y) # beautiful but slow
+ = let
+ (a1, b1, c1) = unpackFoo x
+ (a2, b2, c2) = unpackFoo y
+ in ...
+f (Wibble x y) # ugly, and proud of it
+ = case (unpackFoo x) of { (a1, b1, c1) ->
+ case (unpackFoo y) of { (a2, b2, c2) ->
+ ...
+ }}
+\item[GHC loves single-constructor data-types:]
+It's all the better if a function is strict in a single-constructor
+type (a type with only one data-constructor; for example, tuples are
+single-constructor types).
+\item[``How do I find out a function's strictness?'']
+Don't guess---look it up.
+Look for your function in the interface file, then for the third field
+in the pragma; it should say \tr{_S_ <string>}. The \tr{<string>}
+gives the strictness of the function's arguments. \tr{L} is lazy
+(bad), \tr{S} and \tr{E} are strict (good), \tr{P} is ``primitive'' (good),
+\tr{U(...)} is strict and
+``unpackable'' (very good), and \tr{A} is absent (very good).
+If the function isn't exported, just compile with the extra flag \tr{-ddump-simpl};
+next to the signature for any binder, it will print the self-same
+pragmatic information as would be put in an interface file.
+(Besides, Core syntax is fun to look at!)
+\item[Force key functions to be \tr{INLINE}d (esp. monads):]
+GHC (with \tr{-O}, as always) tries to inline (or ``unfold'')
+functions/values that are ``small enough,'' thus avoiding the call
+overhead and possibly exposing other more-wonderful optimisations.
+You will probably see these unfoldings (in Core syntax) in your
+interface files.
+Normally, if GHC decides a function is ``too expensive'' to inline, it
+will not do so, nor will it export that unfolding for other modules to
+The sledgehammer you can bring to bear is the
+\tr{INLINE}\index{INLINE pragma} pragma, used thusly:
+key_function :: Int -> String -> (Bool, Double)
+{-# INLINE key_function #-}
+(You don't need to do the C pre-processor carry-on unless you're going
+to stick the code through HBC---it doesn't like \tr{INLINE} pragmas.)
+The major effect of an \tr{INLINE} pragma is to declare a function's
+``cost'' to be very low. The normal unfolding machinery will then be
+very keen to inline it.
+An \tr{INLINE} pragma for a function can be put anywhere its type
+signature could be put.
+\tr{INLINE} pragmas are a particularly good idea for the
+\tr{then}/\tr{return} (or \tr{bind}/\tr{unit}) functions in a monad.
+For example, in GHC's own @UniqueSupply@ monad code, we have:
+{-# INLINE thenUs #-}
+{-# INLINE returnUs #-}
+GHC reserves the right to {\em disallow} any unfolding, even if you
+explicitly asked for one. That's because a function's body may
+become {\em unexportable}, because it mentions a non-exported value,
+to which any importing module would have no access.
+If you want to see why candidate unfoldings are rejected, use the
+\item[Don't let GHC ignore pragmatic information:]
+Sort-of by definition, GHC is allowed to ignore pragmas in interfaces.
+Your program should still work, if not as well.
+Normally, GHC {\em will} ignore an unfolding pragma in an interface if
+it cannot figure out all the names mentioned in the unfolding. (A
+very much hairier implementation could make sure This Never Happens,
+but life is too short to wage constant battle with Haskell's module
+If you want to prevent such ignorings, give GHC a
+option.\index{-fshow-pragma-name-errs option}
+It will then treat any unresolved names in pragmas as {\em
+errors}, rather than inconveniences.
+\item[Explicit \tr{export} list:]
+If you do not have an explicit export list in a module, GHC must
+assume that everything in that module will be exported. This has
+various pessimising effect. For example, if a bit of code is actually
+{\em unused} (perhaps because of unfolding effects), GHC will not be
+able to throw it away, because it is exported and some other module
+may be relying on its existence.
+GHC can be quite a bit more aggressive with pieces of code if it knows
+they are not exported.
+\item[Look at the Core syntax!]
+(The form in which GHC manipulates your code.) Just run your
+compilation with \tr{-ddump-simpl} (don't forget the \tr{-O}).
+If profiling has pointed the finger at particular functions, look at
+their Core code. \tr{lets} are bad, \tr{cases} are good, dictionaries
+(\tr{d.<Class>.<Unique>}) [or anything overloading-ish] are bad,
+nested lambdas are bad, explicit data constructors are good, primitive
+operations (e.g., \tr{eqInt#}) are good, ...
+\item[Use unboxed types (a GHC extension):]
+When you are {\em really} desperate for speed, and you want to
+get right down to the ``raw bits.''
+Please see \sectionref{glasgow-unboxed} for some information about
+using unboxed types.
+\item[Use \tr{_ccall_s} (a GHC extension) to plug into fast libraries:]
+This may take real work, but... There exist piles of
+massively-tuned library code, and the best thing is not
+to compete with it, but link with it.
+\Sectionref{glasgow-ccalls} says a little about how to use C calls.
+\item[Don't use \tr{Float}s:]
+We don't provide specialisations of Prelude functions for \tr{Float}
+(but we do for \tr{Double}). If you end up executing overloaded
+code, you will lose on performance, perhaps badly.
+\tr{Floats} (probably 32-bits) are almost always a bad idea, anyway,
+unless you Really Know What You Are Doing. Use Doubles. There's
+rarely a speed disadvantage---modern machines will use the same
+floating-point unit for both. With \tr{Doubles}, you are much less
+likely to hang yourself with numerical errors.
+\item[Use a bigger heap!]
+If your program's GC stats (\tr{-S}\index{-S RTS option} RTS option)
+indicate that it's doing lots of garbage-collection (say, more than
+20\% of execution time), more memory might help---with the
+\tr{-H<size>}\index{-H<size> RTS option} RTS option.
+\item[Use a smaller heap!]
+Some programs with a very small heap residency (toy programs, usually)
+actually benefit from running the heap size way down. The
+\tr{-H<size>} RTS option, as above.
+\item[Use a smaller ``allocation area'':]
+If you can get the garbage-collector's youngest generation to fit
+entirely in your machine's cache, it may make quite a difference.
+The effect is {\em very machine dependent}. But, for example,
+a \tr{+RTS -A128k}\index{-A<size> RTS option} option on one of our
+DEC Alphas was worth an immediate 5\% performance boost.
+%* *
+\subsection[smaller]{Smaller: producing a program that is smaller}
+\index{smaller programs, how to produce}
+%* *
+Decrease the ``go-for-it'' threshold for unfolding smallish expressions.
+Give a \tr{-funfolding-use-threshold0}\index{-funfolding-use-threshold0 option}
+option for the extreme case. (``Only unfoldings with zero cost should proceed.'')
+(Note: I have not been too successful at producing code smaller
+than that which comes out with \tr{-O}. WDP 94/12)
+Use \tr{-fomit-derived-read} if you are using a lot of derived
+instances of \tr{Text} (and don't need the read methods).
+Use \tr{strip} on your executables.
+%* *
+\subsection[stingier]{Stingier: producing a program that gobbles less heap space}
+\index{memory, using less heap}
+\index{space-leaks, avoiding}
+\index{heap space, using less}
+%* *
+``I think I have a space leak...'' Re-run your program with
+\tr{+RTS -Sstderr},\index{-Sstderr RTS option} and remove all doubt!
+(You'll see the heap usage get bigger and bigger...) [Hmmm... this
+might be even easier with the \tr{-F2s}\index{-F2s RTS option} RTS
+option; so... \tr{./a.out +RTS -Sstderr -F2s}...]
+Once again, the profiling facilities (\sectionref{profiling}) are the
+basic tool for demystifying the space behaviour of your program.
+Strict functions are good to space usage, as they are for time, as
+discussed in the previous section. Strict functions get right down to
+business, rather than filling up the heap with closures (the system's
+notes to itself about how to evaluate something, should it eventually
+be required).
+If you have a true blue ``space leak'' (your program keeps gobbling up
+memory and never ``lets go''), then 7 times out of 10 the problem is
+related to a {\em CAF} (constant applicative form). Real people call
+them ``top-level values that aren't functions.'' Thus, for example:
+x = (1 :: Int)
+f y = x
+ones = [ 1, (1 :: Float), .. ]
+\tr{x} and \tr{ones} are CAFs; \tr{f} is not.
+The GHC garbage collectors are not clever about CAFs. The part of the
+heap reachable from a CAF is never collected. In the case of
+\tr{ones} in the example above, it's {\em disastrous}. For this
+reason, the GHC ``simplifier'' tries hard to avoid creating CAFs, but
+it cannot subvert the will of a determined CAF-writing programmer (as
+in the case above).
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+%* *
+\section[ticky-ticky]{Using ``ticky-ticky'' profiling (for implementors)}
+\index{ticky-ticky profiling (implementors)}
+%* *
+(ToDo: document properly.)
+It is possible to compile Glasgow Haskell programs so that they will
+count lots and lots of interesting things, e.g., number of updates,
+number of data constructors entered, etc., etc. We call this
+``ticky-ticky'' profiling,\index{ticky-ticky profiling}%
+\index{profiling, ticky-ticky} because that's the sound a Sun4 makes
+when it is running up all those counters ({\em slowly}).
+Ticky-ticky profiling is mainly intended for implementors; it is quite
+separate from the main ``cost-centre'' profiling system, intended for
+all users everywhere.
+To be able to use ticky-ticky profiling, you will need to have built
+appropriate libraries and things when you made the system. See
+``Customising what libraries to build,'' in the installation guide.
+To get your compiled program to spit out the ticky-ticky numbers, use
+a \tr{-r} RTS option\index{-r RTS option}.
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+% $Header: /srv/cvs/,v 1.1 1996/01/08 20:25:11 partain Exp $
+\section[compiler-tutorial]{Tutorial material about this compilation system}
+This guide assumes quite a bit of knowledge about UNIX compilers and
+their conventional use. This section has a little extra information
+for those who are new at this racket.
+%* *
+\subsection[batch-system-parts]{The (batch) compilation system components}
+%* *
+The Glorious Haskell Compilation System, as with most UNIX (batch)
+compilation systems, has several interacting parts:
+A {\em driver}\index{driver program} \tr{ghc}\index{ghc}---which you
+usually think of as ``the compiler''---is a program that merely
+invokes/glues-together the other pieces of the system (listed below),
+passing the right options to each, slurping in the right libraries,
+A {\em literate pre-processor}
+\index{literate pre-processor}
+\index{pre-processor, literate}
+\tr{unlit}\index{unlit} that extracts Haskell
+code from a literate script; used if you believe in that sort of
+The {\em Haskellised C pre-processor}
+\index{Haskellised C pre-processor}
+\index{C pre-processor, Haskellised}
+\index{pre-processor, Haskellised C}
+\tr{hscpp},\index{hscpp} only needed by people requiring conditional
+compilation, probably for large systems. The ``Haskellised'' part
+just means that \tr{#line} directives in the output have been
+converted into proper Haskell \tr{{-# LINE ... -}} pragmas.
+You must give an explicit \tr{-cpp} option
+\index{-cpp option} for the C pre-processor to be invoked.
+The {\em Haskell compiler}
+\index{Haskell compiler}
+\index{compiler, Haskell}
+which---in normal use---takes its input from the C pre-processor
+and produces assembly-language output (sometimes: ANSI C output).
+The {\em ANSI~C Haskell high-level assembler :-)}
+\index{ANSI C compiler}
+\index{high-level assembler}
+\index{assembler, high-level}
+compiles \tr{hsc}'s C output into assembly language for a particular
+target architecture. (It doesn't have to be an ANSI C compiler, but
+that's preferred; to go fastest, you need GNU C, version 2.x.)
+The {\em assembler}\index{assembler}---a standard UNIX one, probably
+The {\em linker}\index{linker}---a standard UNIX one, probably
+A {\em runtime system},\index{runtime system} including (most notably)
+a storage manager; the linker links in the code for this.
+The {\em Haskell standard prelude}\index{standard prelude}, a
+large library of standard functions, is linked in as well.
+Parts of other {\em installed libraries} that you have at your site
+may be linked in also.
+%* *
+\subsection[compile-what-really-happens]{What really happens when I ``compile'' a Haskell program?}
+%* *
+You invoke the Glasgow Haskell compilation system through the
+driver program \tr{ghc}.\index{ghc} For example, if you had typed a
+literate ``Hello, world!'' program into \tr{hello.lhs}, and you then
+ghc hello.lhs
+the following would happen:
+The file \tr{hello.lhs} is run through the literate-program
+code extractor \tr{unlit}\index{unlit}, feeding its output to
+The Haskell compiler proper \tr{hsc}\index{hsc}, which produces
+input for
+The assembler (or that ubiquitous ``high-level assembler,'' a C
+compiler), which produces an object file and passes it to
+The linker, which links your code with the appropriate libraries
+(including the standard prelude), producing an executable program in
+the default output file named \tr{a.out}.
+You have considerable control over the compilation process. You feed
+command-line arguments (call them ``options,'' for short) to the
+driver, \tr{ghc}; the ``types'' of the input files (as encoded in
+their names' suffixes) also matter.
+Here's hoping this is enough background so that you can read the rest
+of this guide!
+% The ``style'' of the driver program \tr{ghc} follows that of the GNU C
+% compiler driver \tr{gcc}. The use of environment variables to provide
+% defaults is more extensive in this compilation system.
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+\title{The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System\\ Version~0.26\\ User's Guide}
+\author{The AQUA Team\\
+Department of Computing Science\\
+University of Glasgow\\
+Glasgow, Scotland\\
+G12 8QQ\\
+Email: glasgow-haskell-\{bugs,request\}\}
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+%* *
+\section[utils]{Other Haskell utility programs}
+\index{utilities, Haskell}
+%* *
+This section describes other program(s) which we distribute, that help
+with the Great Haskell Programming Task.
+%* *
+\subsection[mkdependHS]{Makefile dependencies in Haskell: using \tr{mkdependHS}}
+\index{Makefile dependencies}
+\index{dependencies in Makefiles}
+%* *
+It is reasonably straightforward to set up a \tr{Makefile} to use with
+GHC, assuming you name your source files the same as your modules.
+HC = ghc
+HCFLAGS = -fhaskell-1.3 -cpp -hi-diffs $(EXTRA_HC_OPTS)
+SRCS = Main.lhs Foo.lhs Bar.lhs
+OBJS = Main.o Foo.o Bar.o
+.SUFFIXES : .o .lhs
+ $(RM) $@
+ $(HC) -c $< $(HCFLAGS)
+cool_pgm : $(OBJS)
+ $(RM) $@
+ $(HC) -o $@ $(HCFLAGS) $(OBJS)
+The only thing lacking in the above \tr{Makefile} is interface-file
+dependencies. If \tr{Foo.lhs} imports module \tr{Bar} and the
+\tr{Bar} interface changes, then \tr{Foo.lhs} needs to be recompiled.
+Putting dependencies of the form \tr{Foo.o : Bar.hi} into your
+\tr{Makefile} by hand is rather error-prone. Don't worry---never
+fear, \tr{mkdependHS} is here! (and is distributed as part of GHC)
+Add the following to your \tr{Makefile}:
+depend :
+ mkdependHS -- $(HCFLAGS) -- $(SRCS)
+Now, before you start compiling, and any time you change the
+\tr{imports} in your program, do \tr{make depend} before you do
+\tr{make cool_pgm}. \tr{mkdependHS} will append the needed
+dependencies to your \tr{Makefile}.
+A few caveats about this simple scheme: (a)~You may need to compile
+some modules explicitly to create their interfaces in the first place
+(e.g., \tr{make Bar.o} to create \tr{Bar.hi}). (b)~You may have to
+type \tr{make} more than once for the dependencies to have full
+effect. However, a \tr{make} run that does nothing {\em does} mean
+``everything's up-to-date.'' (c) This scheme will work with
+mutually-recursive modules but, again, it may take multiple
+iterations to ``settle.''
+%* *
+\subsection[hstags]{Emacs `TAGS' for Haskell: \tr{hstags}}
+\index{TAGS for Haskell}
+%* *
+`Tags' is a facility for indexing the definitions of
+programming-language things in a multi-file program, and then using
+that index to jump around among these definitions.
+Rather than scratch your head, saying ``Now where did we define
+`foo'?'', you just do (in Emacs) \tr{M-. foo RET}, and You're There!
+Some people go wild over this stuff...
+GHC comes with a program \tr{hstags}, which build Emacs-able TAGS
+files. The invocation syntax is:
+hstags [GHC-options] file [files...]
+The best thing is just to feed it your GHC command-line flags.
+A good Makefile entry might be:
+ $(RM) TAGS
+ hstags $(GHC_FLAGS) *.lhs
+The only flags of its own are: \tr{-v} to be verbose; \tr{-a} to
+**APPEND** to the TAGS file, rather than write to it.
+Shortcomings: (1)~Instance declarations don't get into the TAGS file
+(but the definitions inside them do); as instances aren't named, this
+is probably just as well. (2)~Data-constructor definitions don't get
+in. Go for the corresponding type constructor instead.
+(Actually, GHC also comes with \tr{etags} [for C], and \tr{perltags}
+[for You Know What]. And---I cannot tell a lie---there is Denis
+Howe's \tr{fptags} [for Haskell, etc.] in the \tr{ghc/CONTRIB}
+%* *
+\subsection[happy]{``Yacc for Haskell'': \tr{happy}}
+\index{Yacc for Haskell}
+\index{parser generator for Haskell}
+%* *
+Andy Gill and Simon Marlow have written a parser-generator for
+Haskell, called \tr{happy}.\index{happy parser generator} \tr{Happy}
+is to Haskell what \tr{Yacc} is to C.
+You can get \tr{happy} by FTP from \tr{} in
+\tr{pub/haskell/happy}, the file \tr{happy-0.8.tar.gz}.
+\tr{Happy} is at its shining best when compiled by GHC.
+%* *
+\subsection[pphs]{Pretty-printing Haskell: \tr{pphs}}
+\index{pretty-printing Haskell code}
+%* *
+Andrew Preece has written
+\tr{pphs},\index{pphs}\index{pretty-printing Haskell}
+a utility to pretty-print Haskell code in LaTeX documents.
+Keywords in bolds, variables in italics---that sort of thing. It is
+good at lining up program clauses and equals signs, things that are
+very tiresome to do by hand.
+The code is distributed with GHC in \tr{ghc/CONTRIB/pphs}.
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+%* *
+\section[vs-Haskell-defn]{Haskell~1.2 vs.~Glasgow Haskell~0.26: language non-compliance}
+\index{GHC vs the Haskell 1.2 language}
+\index{Haskell 1.2 language vs GHC}
+%* *
+This section lists Glasgow Haskell infelicities in its implementation
+of Haskell~1.2. See also the ``when things go wrong'' section
+(\sectionref{wrong}) for information about crashes, space leaks, and
+other undesirable phenomena.
+The limitations here are listed in Haskell-Report order (roughly).
+%Limitations related to Glasgow extensions (unboxed numbers, etc.) are
+%given thereafter (\sectionref{infelicities-Glasgow-exts}).
+%* *
+\subsection[infelicities-exprs-pats]{Expressions and patterns}
+%* *
+\item[Some valid irrefutable patterns are rejected:]
+As syntax errors; just put parentheses around them.
+\item[Very long @String@ constants:]
+May not go through. If you add a ``string gap'' every
+few thousand characters, then the strings can be as long
+as you like.
+Bear in mind that string gaps and the \tr{-cpp}\index{-cpp option}
+option don't mix. The C-preprocessor may munch the backslashes.
+\item[Very long literal lists:]
+These may tickle a ``yacc stack overflow'' error in the parser.
+(It depends on the Yacc used to build your parser.)
+%* *
+\subsection[infelicities-decls]{Declarations and bindings}
+%* *
+\item[Contexts on @data@ declarations are ignored:]
+Not that they do much, anyway... This won't wreck your life.
+(We still [vaguely] plan to add them, however.)
+\item[Location of instance declarations is unchecked:]
+We don't check that instance declarations occur either in the module
+where the class is declared or the module where the data type is
+declared. This shouldn't hurt you.
+For better or worse, we {\em do} check if you try to declare a Prelude
+instance (Prelude class, Prelude type; e.g., \tr{instance Num Bool})
+in one of your own modules. For some reason, people like to do this!
+(But it is not legal Haskell.)
+\item[Derived instances of @Text@ for infix constructors:]
+All the carry-on about derived @readsPrec@ and @showsPrec@ for infix
+constructors---we don't do it (yet). We treat them the same way as
+all other constructors.
+\item[Derived instances of @Binary@:]
+We don't. (We don't do anything @Binary@ish.)
+%* *
+\subsection[infelicities-Modules]{Module system and interface files}
+%* *
+\item[Duplicates in a `renaming' list:]
+Are not reported.
+\item[Duplicates in an `import' declaration:]
+These are reported as errors, which some might argue they shouldn't
+be. We reckon it's a feature, not a bug.
+\item[Export of `renamed' class methods:]
+Willnae work. That is: you import a class, renaming one or more
+methods; then export that class---the renaming of the methods {\em
+will not} propagate.
+(Otherwise, `renaming'---disgusting though it may be---should work.)
+\item[Fixities/precedences following `renamed' entities that are exported:]
+No chance.
+\item[\tr{import Foo ()} vs \tr{import Foo}:]
+GHC cannot tell the difference (!).
+Given that the only module on which you might want to do the former is
+\tr{import Prelude ()}, there are probably much bigger gremlins that
+would jump out and bite you if the import {\em did} work. Besides
+which, you can achieve the same result with
+\tr{-fno-implicit-prelude}.\index{-fno-implicit-prelude option}
+\item[Some selective import/export checking not done:]
+On selective import and export of type-constructors/classes in
+which the data-constructors/methods are named explicitly:
+it'll work; it's just that every conceivable paranoia
+check won't be done.
+\item[Some Prelude entities cannot be hidden:]
+For example, this doesn't work:
+import Prelude hiding (readParen)
+That's because there are a few should-be-hideable Prelude entities
+which need to appear by magic for derived instances. They are
+\tr{(&&)}, \tr{(.)}, \tr{lex}, \tr{map}, \tr{not}, \tr{readParen},
+\tr{showParen}, and \tr{showString}. SIGH.
+\item[\tr{M..} exports vs multiply-imported entities:]
+If an entity \tr{foo} is imported from several interfaces, as in...
+import A1 (foo); import A2 (foo); import A3 (foo)
+... and you then do a ``dot dot'' export of \tr{A1} (for example), it
+will be {\em pure luck} if \tr{foo} gets exported. This is very sad.
+Workaround: export \tr{foo} explicitly.
+\item[\tr{M..} with Prelude interfaces:]
+Doing \tr{Prelude<something>..} in an export list; don't even think
+\item[Export of Prelude types/classes must be explicit:]
+If you want to export a data type, type synonym or class from a
+Prelude module (its name starts with `Prelude'), then it must be
+listed explicitly in the export list. If you say:
+module PreludeMeGently ( PreludeMeGently.. , other_stuff ) where ..
+then the classes/types in \tr{PreludeMeGently} will {\em not} be
+exported; just add them to the export list. (This shortcoming is only
+likely to affect people writing their own Prelude modules.)
+\item[Can't export primitives types (e.g., \tr{Int#}):]
+Don't even try...
+\item[Naming errors with \tr{-O} but not without:]
+Documentation by example---Consider a module with these imports:
+... various imports ...
+import Prettyterm -- desired import
+import Pretty -- sadly-needed import
+The \tr{import Pretty} is required because it defines a type
+\tr{Pretty.Doc} which is mentioned in \tr{import Prettyterm}.
+(Extremely sad, but them's the rules.)
+But without \tr{-O}, GHC uses its \tr{-fuse-get-mentioned-vars} hack
+(for speed), trying to avoid looking at parts of interfaces that have
+no relevance to this module. As it happens, the thing in
+\tr{Prettyterm} that mentions \tr{Pretty.Doc} is not used here, so
+this module will go through without \tr{import Pretty}. Nice, but
+%* *
+\subsection[infelicities-numbers]{Numbers, basic types, and built-in classes}
+%* *
+% now in glasgow_exts
+%\item[@fromInt@ method in class @Num@:]
+% (Non-standard.) We support it, as does HBC.
+\item[Very large/small fractional constants:]
+(i.e., with a decimal point somewhere) GHC does not check that these
+are out of range (e.g., for a @Float@), and bad things will inevitably
+follow. To be corrected.
+This problem does {\em not} exist for integral constants.
+For very large/small fractional constants near the limits of your
+floating-point precision, things may go wrong. (It's better than it
+used to be.) Please report any such bugs.
+\item[Unchecked arithmetic:]
+Arguably {\em not} an infelicity, but... Bear in mind that operations
+on \tr{Int}, \tr{Float}, and \tr{Double} numbers are {\em unchecked}
+for overflow, underflow, and other sad occurrences.
+Use \tr{Integer}, \tr{Rational}, etc., numeric types if this stuff keeps you
+awake at night.
+\item[Multiply-defined array elements---not checked:]
+This code fragment {\em should} elicit a fatal error, but it does not:
+main = print (array (1,1) [ 1:=2, 1:=3 ])
+\item[Support for @Binary@ whatnot:]
+We don't.
+%* *
+\subsection[infelicities-IO]{Dialogue I/O}
+%* *
+Dialogue-style I/O---still the default for GHC---is on its way out
+(see the stuff about ``monadic I/O for Haskell~1.3''), so we probably
+won't fix these shortcomings.
+\item[Support for @Dialogue@ I/O:]
+We do not yet support all @Requests@, notably:
+@SetEnv@. Also, we do not support the optional I/O @Requests@.
+\item[@AppendChan@ and @ReadChan@ requests:]
+The former only works for \tr{stdout} and \tr{stderr}; the
+latter only for \tr{stdin}.
+\item[@Echo@ request:]
+We don't do anything at all.
+%* *
+\subsection[infelicities-Prelude]{In Prelude support}
+%* *
+\item[Arbitrary-sized tuples:]
+Plain old tuples of arbitrary size {\em do} work.
+Note that lots
+of overloading can give rise to large tuples ``under the hood'' of
+your program.
+HOWEVER: standard instances for tuples (@Eq@, @Ord@, @Ix@, and
+@Binary@) are available {\em only} up to 5-tuples; except @Binary@,
+which we don't do at all.
+These limitations are easily subvertible, so please ask if you get
+stuck on them.
+%* *
+%\subsection[infelicities-Glasgow-exts]{In Glasgow extensions}
+%* *
+%\item[Glasgow extensions not well ``packaged'':]
+%We would rather give you tidy interfaces to the primitive extensions
+%that GHC provides. For example, instead of your having to muck around
+% ... _ccall_ fflush ``stderr'' `thenIO_Int_#` ...
+%... (all very grimy); you should be able to import a \tr{LibC.hi}, and
+%pretend that @fflush@ is really a Haskell function!
+%This problem will be fixed when Haskell~1.3 comes into existence, and
+%we implement it.
+%\item[@ArrRef@s of @Int#@s, @Float#@s, @Double#@s:]
+%Are not in yet, but will be. (Easy to add if you're desperate.)
+%* *
+\section[vs-Haskell-1.3]{Haskell~1.3 DRAFT vs.~Glasgow Haskell~0.26}
+\index{GHC vs the DRAFT Haskell 1.3 language}
+\index{Haskell 1.3 language DRAFT vs GHC}
+%* *
+There is work afoot on ``Haskell~1.3,'' a substantial revision of
+the Haskell~1.2 language.
+Haskell 1.3 is NOT a standard; it is NOT even a DRAFT standard. As of
+June 1995, there exists a 1.3 PROPOSAL, which will CERTAINLY change.
+Therefore, the ``1.3 things'' we ``support'' may change ARBITRARILY
+much, and we won't even be mildly apologetic about breaking programs
+that use ``1.3'' facilities.
+That said, there are two categories of ``1.3'' things that we commend
+to you.
+Things virtually certain to end up in any 1.3~standard. An example is
+the \tr{Maybe} type.
+Wobblier things which are so much better than their 1.2 equivalents
+that you will want to use them. We mean: monadic I/O.
+The basic I/O functions are ``unlikely'' to change and so are
+reasonably safe to adopt. (But see WARNING above...)
+To use our 1.3 code, you should compile {\em and link} using a
+\tr{-fhaskell-1.3}\index{-fhaskell-1.3 option} flag.
+%* *
+\subsection[duffer-1-3]{Duffer's guide for converting 1.2 I/O to 1.3 I/O}
+\index{I/O---converting 1.2 to 1.3}
+\index{Dialogue I/O--converting to 1.3}
+\index{1.2 I/O---converting to 1.3}
+%* *
+Here is our ``crib sheet'' for converting 1.2 I/O to 1.3. In most cases,
+it's really easy.
+Change \tr{readChan stdin} to \tr{hGetContents stdin}.
+Change \tr{appendChan stdout} to \tr{putStr}, which is equivalent to
+\tr{hPutStr stdout}.
+Change \tr{appendChan stderr} to \tr{hPutStr stderr}.
+You need to \tr{import LibSystem} if you used @getArgs@, @getEnv@,
+or @getProgName@.
+Assuming continuation-style @Dialogue@ code, change \tr{... exit done $}
+to \tr{... >>}. Change \tr{... exit $ \ foo ->} to \tr{... >>= \ foo ->}.
+If you had any functions named \tr{(>>)}, \tr{(>>=)}, or \tr{return},
+change them to something else.
+%* *
+\subsection[nonio-1-3]{Non-I/O things from the 1.3-DRAFT proposal}
+%* *
+Besides the I/O stuff, you also get these things when you use the
+\tr{-fhaskell-1.3}\index{-fhaskell-1.3 option} flag.
+Once again: ANY of thing might CHANGE COMPLETELY before we have ``1.3
+for real.''
+data Either a b = Left a | Right b deriving (Text, Eq, Ord)
+data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a deriving (Eq, Ord, Text)
+thenMaybe :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
+thenMaybe Nothing _ = Nothing
+thenMaybe (Just x) f = f x
+curry :: ((a,b) -> c) -> a -> b -> c
+curry f x y = f (x,y)
+uncurry :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a,b) -> c
+uncurry f (x,y) = f x y
+\index{Maybe type (Haskell 1.3)}
+\index{Either type (Haskell 1.3)}
+\index{curry function (Haskell 1.3)}
+\index{uncurry function (Haskell 1.3)}
+%* *
+\subsection[io-1-3]{Vs~1.3 monadic I/O}
+\index{GHC vs the DRAFT 1.3 I/O proposal}
+\index{DRAFT 1.3 I/O proposal vs GHC}
+%* *
+The most notable improvement in Haskell~1.3 is its I/O, with a shift to
+``monadic-style'' I/O.
+We still offer direct access to the so-called \tr{PrimIO} monad, via
+the \tr{PreludeGlaST} interface. This is NON-STANDARD, an extension.
+This interface is described in \Sectionref{io-1-3-prim-interface}.
+The old \tr{PreludePrimIO} interface is DEAD.
+The even-older \tr{PreludeGlaIO} interface is DEADER.
+%* *
+\subsubsection[io-1-3-shortcomings]{Known shortcomings in monadic I/O}
+%* *
+Before you begin with ``1.3-style'' monadic I/O, you might as well
+know the known shortcomings of our implementation, as at 0.26.
+The error type is called \tr{IOError13}, rather than \tr{IOError}
+\index{IOError13 vs IOError}
+(which is still the 1.2 type). (Prelude types cannot be renamed,
+so...) You probably shouldn't be messing with \tr{IOError} much,
+Some of the 1.3 I/O code, notably the Extremely Cool \tr{LibPosix}
+stuff, is relatively untested. Go for it, but be wary...
+\index{LibPosix bugs}
+\index{bugs, LibPosix}
+%* *
+\subsubsection[io-1-3-main-interface]{1.3-style monadic I/O}
+%* *
+To use our 1.3 I/O, you should compile {\em and link} using a
+\tr{-fhaskell-1.3}\index{-fhaskell-1.3 option} flag.
+You should consult the PROPOSED 1.3-I/O standard. GHC~0.26 implements
+the ``December 1994'' draft, which we distribute in
+Alternatively, you could grab the ``June 1995'' draft, from
+\tr{pub/haskell/report/}, on \tr{}. The main
+December--June change that you need to know about is: many of the I/O
+functions have been removed from \tr{Prelude*} interfaces (no import
+required) and put into \tr{Lib*} interfaces (import required).
+GHC~0.26 still provides the I/O functions via \tr{Prelude.hi} (no
+import required). Ignore the ``June draft'' pleadings for
+\tr{import LibIO}, and you'll be fine.
+{\em There is no guarantee that the final 1.3 proposal will look
+anything like the current DRAFT.} It ain't a standard until the fat
+committee sings.
+For interaction with our non-standard \tr{PrimIO}, including
+\tr{_ccall_}s. we also provide:
+-- impedance matching stuff
+ioToPrimIO :: IO a -> PrimIO a
+%* *
+\subsubsection[io-1-3-prim-interface]{Access to the \tr{PrimIO} monad}
+\index{PrimIO monad (Glasgow extension)}
+\index{I/O, primitive (Glasgow extension)}
+%* *
+In what we have implemented, \tr{PrimIO} is the
+handle-the-errors-yourself monad (NB: used for C-calls and such);
+whereas \tr{IO} is the 1.3-ish we-handle-errors-for-you monad.
+Should you may need to play with the \tr{PrimIO} monad directly, you
+can import \tr{PreludeGlaST}.
+NB: You used to get this stuff from the \tr{PreludePrimIO} interface,
+which is now deceased. As of 0.26, you get all things
+state-transforming from the \tr{PreludeGlaST} interface.
+The usual monadic stuff for \tr{PrimIO}:
+returnPrimIO :: a -> PrimIO a
+thenPrimIO :: PrimIO a -> (a -> PrimIO b) -> PrimIO b
+seqPrimIO :: PrimIO a -> PrimIO b -> PrimIO b
+fixPrimIO :: (a -> PrimIO a) -> PrimIO a
+foldrPrimIO :: (a -> b -> PrimIO b) -> PrimIO b -> [a] -> PrimIO b
+listPrimIO :: [PrimIO a] -> PrimIO [a]
+mapPrimIO :: (a -> PrimIO b) -> [a] -> PrimIO [b]
+mapAndUnzipPrimIO :: (a -> PrimIO (b,c)) -> [a] -> PrimIO ([b],[c])
+forkPrimIO :: PrimIO a -> PrimIO a
+unsafePerformPrimIO :: PrimIO a -> a
+unsafeInterleavePrimIO :: PrimIO a -> PrimIO a
+ -- and they are not called "unsafe" for nothing!
+And some other stuff:
+data _FILE -- corresponds to a "FILE *" in C
+ -- in classes Eq, _CCallable, and _CReturnable
+fclose :: _FILE -> PrimIO Int
+fdopen :: Int -> String -> PrimIO _FILE
+fflush :: _FILE -> PrimIO Int
+fopen :: String -> String -> PrimIO _FILE
+fread :: Int -> Int -> _FILE -> PrimIO (Int, _ByteArray Int)
+freopen :: String -> String -> _FILE -> PrimIO _FILE
+fwrite :: _ByteArray Int -> Int -> Int -> _FILE -> PrimIO Int
+-- please AVOID using these (They will probably die)
+appendChanPrimIO :: String -> String -> PrimIO ()
+appendFilePrimIO :: String -> String -> PrimIO ()
+getArgsPrimIO :: PrimIO [String]
+readChanPrimIO :: String -> PrimIO String
+%* *
+\subsubsection[own-mainPrimIO]{Using your own @mainPrimIO@}
+\index{mainPrimIO, rolling your own}
+%* *
+Normally, the GHC runtime system begins things by called an internal
+function @mainPrimIO :: PrimIO ()@ which, in turn, fires up
+@dialogueToIO :: Dialogue -> IO ()@, linking in {\em your} @Main.main@
+to provide the @Dialogue@.
+(If you give a \tr{-fhaskell-1.3} flag, then a {\em different}
+@mainPrimIO@ will be linked in---that's why it is important to link
+with \tr{-fhaskell-1.3}...)
+To subvert the above process, you need only provide
+a @mainPrimIO :: PrimIO ()@ of your own
+(in a module named \tr{Main}). Do {\em not} use a \tr{-fhaskell-1.3} flag!
+Here's a little example, stolen from Alastair Reid:
+module Main ( mainPrimIO ) where
+import PreludeGlaST
+mainPrimIO :: PrimIO ()
+mainPrimIO =
+ sleep 5 `seqPrimIO`
+ _ccall_ printf "%d\n" (14::Int)
+sleep :: Int -> PrimIO ()
+sleep t = _ccall_ sleep t