path: root/ghc/lib/glaExts/PreludeDialogueIO.lhs
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1 files changed, 346 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/lib/glaExts/PreludeDialogueIO.lhs b/ghc/lib/glaExts/PreludeDialogueIO.lhs
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index 0000000000..08de2179b4
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+++ b/ghc/lib/glaExts/PreludeDialogueIO.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1994
+\section{The @Dialogue@ interface}
+module PreludeDialogueIO (
+ requestToPrimIO, -- RTS uses this!
+ processIORequest, -- used in PreludeGlaIO
+ appendChan#, -- used elsewhere in prelude
+ unpackArgv, -- ditto
+ unpackProgName -- ditto
+ ) where
+import PreludeGlaST -- for _ST stuff
+import PreludeGlaMisc -- for stable pointers
+import Cls
+import Core
+import IChar
+import IInt
+import IList
+import IO ( stdout, stdin )
+import List ( (++), reverse, foldr, foldl )
+import PS -- packed strings
+import Prel ( chr, flip )
+import Stdio ( fopen, fclose, fflush, _FILE )
+import Text
+import TyArray ( Array(..) )
+import TyIO
+%* *
+%* *
+We would like to take existing Haskell programs, written with @main@
+of type @Dialogue@, and run them on our system. To do this, our
+system actually evaluates @mainPrimIO@ (rather than @main@ directly).
+@main@ has type @Dialogue@ then @mainPrimIO@ [separate module] is defined
+like this:
+mainPrimIO :: PrimIO ()
+mainPrimIO s = case (requestToPrimIO main s) of
+ ( (), s2) -> ( (), s2 )
+So, here's @requestToPrimIO@:
+requestToPrimIO :: Dialogue -> PrimIO ()
+requestToPrimIO dialogue
+ = newVar (error "HELP! (Forgot to link with -fhaskell-1.3?)\n")
+ `thenPrimIO` \ rsV ->
+ unsafeInterleavePrimIO (readVar rsV) `thenPrimIO` \ rs ->
+ run (dialogue rs) rsV
+run :: [Request] -> MutableVar _RealWorld [Response] -> PrimIO ()
+run [] v = returnPrimIO ()
+run (req:reqs) v
+ = processIORequest req `thenPrimIO` \ r ->
+ newVar (error "GlasgowIO:run:synch") `thenPrimIO` \ rsV ->
+ unsafeInterleavePrimIO (readVar rsV) `thenPrimIO` \ rs ->
+ writeVar v (r:rs) `seqPrimIO`
+ run reqs rsV
+%* *
+%* *
+The guy that really does the business is @processIORequest@. We make
+this available to the intrepid user.
+processIORequest :: Request -> PrimIO Response
+processIORequest (ReadFile name)
+ = fopen name "r" `thenPrimIO` \ file_star ->
+ if (file_star == ``NULL'')
+ then returnPrimIO (Failure (ReadError ("ReadFile: can't read: "++name)))
+ -- ToDo: return SearchErrors when appropriate
+ else readFile# file_star `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
+ returnPrimIO (Str str)
+processIORequest (WriteFile name string)
+ = fopen name "w" `thenPrimIO` \ file_star ->
+ if (file_star == ``NULL'')
+ then returnPrimIO (Failure (WriteError ("WriteFile: open failed: "++name)))
+ else writeFile# file_star string `seqPrimIO`
+ fclose file_star `thenPrimIO` \ status ->
+ returnPrimIO (
+ if status == 0
+ then Success
+ else Failure (WriteError ("WriteFile: closed failed: "++name))
+ )
+processIORequest (AppendFile name string)
+ = fopen name "a+"{-don't create-} `thenPrimIO` \ file_star ->
+ if (file_star == ``NULL'')
+ then returnPrimIO (Failure (WriteError ("AppendFile: open failed: "++name)))
+ else writeFile# file_star string `seqPrimIO`
+ fclose file_star `thenPrimIO` \ status ->
+ returnPrimIO (
+ if status == 0
+ then Success
+ else Failure (WriteError ("AppendFile: closed failed: "++name))
+ )
+processIORequest (DeleteFile name)
+ = _casm_ ``%r = (I_) unlink((char *) %0);'' name `thenPrimIO` \ status ->
+ returnPrimIO (
+ if (status == (0::Int)) then
+ Success
+ else if ( (``errno''::Int) == (``ENOENT''::Int) ) then
+ Failure (SearchError ("DeleteFile: no such file: "++name))
+ else
+ Failure (WriteError ("DeleteFile: could not delete: "++name))
+ )
+processIORequest (AppendChan chan str)
+ = case chan of
+ "stdout" ->
+ appendChan# ``stdout'' str `seqPrimIO`
+ fflush ``stdout'' `thenPrimIO` \ status ->
+ returnPrimIO (
+ if status == 0
+ then Success
+ else Failure (WriteError ("AppendChan: flush failed: " ++ chan))
+ )
+ "stderr" ->
+ appendChan# ``stderr'' str `seqPrimIO`
+ fflush ``stderr'' `thenPrimIO` \ status ->
+ returnPrimIO (
+ if status == 0
+ then Success
+ else Failure (WriteError ("AppendChan: flush failed: " ++ chan))
+ )
+ _ -> error "AppendChan: not implemented except for \"stdout\" and \"stderr\"\n"
+processIORequest (ReadChan chan)
+ = case chan of
+ "stdin" -> readChan# ``stdin'' `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
+ returnPrimIO (Str str)
+ _ -> error "ReadChan: not implemented except for \"stdin\"\n"
+processIORequest (Echo False) = returnPrimIO Success
+processIORequest (Echo True)
+ = {- REMOVED: Can't be bothered. WDP: 95/04
+ appendChan# ``stderr'' "Glasgow Haskell doesn't support \"Echo\" requests properly (yet)\n"
+ `seqPrimIO` -} returnPrimIO Success
+processIORequest GetArgs
+ = returnPrimIO (StrList (unpackArgv ``prog_argv'' (``prog_argc''::Int) ))
+processIORequest GetProgName
+ = returnPrimIO (Str (unpackProgName ``prog_argv''))
+processIORequest (GetEnv name)
+ = _casm_ ``%r = getenv((char *) %0);'' name `thenPrimIO` \ litstring ->
+ returnPrimIO (
+ if (eqAddr litstring ``NULL'') then
+ Failure (SearchError ("GetEnv:"++name))
+ else
+ Str (_unpackPS (_packCString litstring)) -- cheaper than it looks
+ )
+ where
+ eqAddr (A# a1) (A# a2) = eqAddr# a1 a2
+processIORequest (SigAction n act)
+ = (case act of
+ SAIgnore -> _ccall_ stg_sig_ignore n (``NULL''::_Addr)
+ SADefault -> _ccall_ stg_sig_default n (``NULL''::_Addr)
+ SACatch dialogue ->
+ let handler :: PrimIO ()
+ handler s = case (requestToPrimIO dialogue s) of
+ ( (), s2@(S# _) ) -> ( (), s2 )
+ in
+ makeStablePtr handler `thenPrimIO` \ sptr ->
+ _ccall_ stg_sig_catch n sptr (``NULL''::_Addr))
+ `thenPrimIO` \ osptr ->
+ returnPrimIO (
+ if osptr >= 0 then Success
+ else Failure (OtherError ("SigAction:" ++ show n)))
+#endif {-!parallel-}
+processIORequest _
+ = error "DialogueToIO.processIORequest: unimplemented I/O request (please report)\n"
+%* *
+\subsection[DialogueIO]{Access to all @Dialogues@ in the IO world}
+%* *
+This is Andy Gill's stuff to make all of @Dialogue@-style IO readily
+available in the monadic IO world.
+%* *
+\subsection{Support bits for all of this}
+%* *
+-- like unpackCString ...
+type CHAR_STAR_STAR = _Addr -- this is all a HACK
+type CHAR_STAR = _Addr
+unpackArgv :: CHAR_STAR_STAR -> Int -> [String] -- argv[1 .. argc-1]
+unpackProgName :: CHAR_STAR_STAR -> String -- argv[0]
+unpackArgv argv argc = unpack 1
+ where
+ unpack :: Int -> [String]
+ unpack n
+ = if (n >= argc)
+ then ([] :: [String])
+ else case (indexAddrOffAddr argv n) of { item ->
+ _unpackPS (_packCString item) : unpack (n + 1)
+ }
+unpackProgName argv
+ = case (indexAddrOffAddr argv 0) of { prog ->
+ de_slash [] (_unpackPS (_packCString prog)) }
+ where
+ -- re-start accumulating at every '/'
+ de_slash :: String -> String -> String
+ de_slash acc [] = reverse acc
+ de_slash acc ('/':xs) = de_slash [] xs
+ de_slash acc (x:xs) = de_slash (x:acc) xs
+Read and append a string from/on a given @FILE *@ stream. @appendChan#@
+and @readChan#@ are well-behaved lazy functions; @writeFile#@ and
+@readFile#@ (which ``know'' they are writing/reading disk files) are
+much stricter.
+appendChan#, writeFile# :: _FILE -> String -> PrimIO Bool
+appendChan# stream [] = returnPrimIO True
+appendChan# stream (c : cs)
+ = _ccall_ stg_putc c stream `seqPrimIO` -- stg_putc expands to putc
+ appendChan# stream cs -- (just does some casting stream)
+writeFile# stream [] = returnPrimIO True
+writeFile# stream (c1@(C# _) : c2@(C# _) : c3@(C# _) : c4@(C# _)
+ : c5@(C# _) : c6@(C# _) : c7@(C# _) : c8@(C# _)
+ : c9@(C# _) : c10@(C# _): c11@(C# _): c12@(C# _)
+ : c13@(C# _): c14@(C# _): c15@(C# _): c16@(C# _): cs)
+ = _ccall_ stg_putc c1 stream `seqPrimIO`
+ _ccall_ stg_putc c2 stream `seqPrimIO`
+ _ccall_ stg_putc c3 stream `seqPrimIO`
+ _ccall_ stg_putc c4 stream `seqPrimIO`
+ _ccall_ stg_putc c5 stream `seqPrimIO`
+ _ccall_ stg_putc c6 stream `seqPrimIO`
+ _ccall_ stg_putc c7 stream `seqPrimIO`
+ _ccall_ stg_putc c8 stream `seqPrimIO`
+ _ccall_ stg_putc c9 stream `seqPrimIO`
+ _ccall_ stg_putc c10 stream `seqPrimIO`
+ _ccall_ stg_putc c11 stream `seqPrimIO`
+ _ccall_ stg_putc c12 stream `seqPrimIO`
+ _ccall_ stg_putc c13 stream `seqPrimIO`
+ _ccall_ stg_putc c14 stream `seqPrimIO`
+ _ccall_ stg_putc c15 stream `seqPrimIO`
+ _ccall_ stg_putc c16 stream `seqPrimIO`
+ writeFile# stream cs
+writeFile# stream (c : cs)
+ = _ccall_ stg_putc c stream `seqPrimIO`
+ writeFile# stream cs
+@readChan#@ lazily reads the rest of some stream. Dodgy because two
+uses of.
+ToDo: return fclose status.
+readChan#, readFile# :: _FILE -> PrimIO String
+readChan# stream
+ = let
+ read_rest
+ = _ccall_ stg_getc{-macro-} stream `thenPrimIO` \ ch ->
+ if ch < 0 then -- SIGH: ch ==# ``EOF'' then
+ returnPrimIO []
+ else
+ unsafeInterleavePrimIO read_rest `thenPrimIO` \ rest ->
+ returnPrimIO (chr ch : rest)
+ in
+ unsafeInterleavePrimIO read_rest `thenPrimIO` \ contents ->
+ returnPrimIO contents
+readFile# stream
+ = let
+ read_rest
+ = newCharArray (0::Int, 1023){-malloc!?-} `thenStrictlyST` \ arr# ->
+ -- ToDo: lift newCharArray out of the loop!
+ _ccall_ fread arr# (1::Int) (1024::Int) stream `thenPrimIO` \ num_read ->
+ cvt arr# 0 (num_read - 1) `thenPrimIO` \ chars ->
+ if num_read < 1024 then
+ fclose stream `seqPrimIO`
+ returnPrimIO chars
+ else
+ unsafeInterleavePrimIO read_rest `thenPrimIO` \ rest ->
+ returnPrimIO (chars ++ rest)
+ in
+ unsafeInterleavePrimIO read_rest `thenPrimIO` \ contents ->
+ returnPrimIO contents
+ where
+ cvt :: _MutableByteArray _RealWorld Int
+ -> Int -> Int
+ -> PrimIO [Char]
+ cvt arr# idx last
+ = if idx > last then
+ returnPrimIO []
+ else
+ readCharArray arr# idx `thenPrimIO` \ ch ->
+ cvt arr# (idx + 1) last `thenPrimIO` \ rest ->
+ returnPrimIO (ch : rest)