path: root/ghc/lib/glaExts/PreludeGlaST.lhs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/lib/glaExts/PreludeGlaST.lhs')
1 files changed, 712 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/lib/glaExts/PreludeGlaST.lhs b/ghc/lib/glaExts/PreludeGlaST.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4db1d2f24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/lib/glaExts/PreludeGlaST.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,712 @@
+% (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1994
+\section[PreludeGlaST]{Basic ``state transformer'' monad, mutable arrays and variables}
+See state-interface.verb, from which this is taken directly.
+#include "../../includes/platform.h"
+#include "../../includes/GhcConstants.h"
+module PreludeGlaST (
+ PreludeGlaST.. ,
+ _MutableArray(..),
+ _MutableByteArray(..),
+ ST(..), -- it's a known GHC infelicity that synonyms must
+ MutableVar(..), -- be listed separately.
+ --!! because this interface is now the "everything state-transformer"ish
+ --!! interface, here is all the PreludePrimIO stuff
+ -- PrimIO(..): no, the compiler already knows about it
+ fixPrimIO,
+ listPrimIO,
+ mapAndUnzipPrimIO,
+ mapPrimIO,
+ returnPrimIO,
+ seqPrimIO,
+ thenPrimIO,
+ unsafePerformPrimIO,
+ unsafeInterleavePrimIO,
+ forkPrimIO,
+ -- all the Stdio stuff (this is how you get to it)
+ -- (well, why not?)
+ fclose, fdopen, fflush, fopen, fread, freopen,
+ fwrite, _FILE(..),
+ -- backward compatibility -- don't use!
+ readChanPrimIO,
+ appendChanPrimIO,
+ appendFilePrimIO,
+ getArgsPrimIO,
+ --!! end of PreludePrimIO
+ _ByteArray(..), Array(..) -- reexport *unabstractly*
+ ) where
+import PreludePrimIO (
+ fixPrimIO,
+ listPrimIO,
+ mapAndUnzipPrimIO,
+ mapPrimIO,
+ returnPrimIO,
+ seqPrimIO,
+ thenPrimIO,
+ unsafePerformPrimIO,
+ unsafeInterleavePrimIO,
+-- forkPrimIO,
+ readChanPrimIO,
+ appendChanPrimIO,
+ appendFilePrimIO,
+ getArgsPrimIO
+ )
+import Stdio
+import Cls
+import Core
+import IInt
+import ITup2
+import List ( map, null, foldr, (++) )
+import PS ( _PackedString, _unpackPS )
+import TyArray ( Array(..), _ByteArray(..) )
+import Text
+infixr 9 `thenST`, `thenStrictlyST`, `seqST`, `seqStrictlyST`
+type IPr = (Int, Int)
+%* *
+\subsection[PreludeGlaST-ST-monad]{The state-transformer proper}
+%* *
+--BUILT-IN: type _ST s a -- State transformer
+type ST s a = _ST s a -- so you don't need -fglasgow-exts
+{-# INLINE returnST #-}
+{-# INLINE returnStrictlyST #-}
+{-# INLINE thenStrictlyST #-}
+{-# INLINE seqStrictlyST #-}
+returnST, returnStrictlyST :: a -> _ST s a
+returnST a s = (a, s)
+thenST, thenStrictlyST :: _ST s a -> (a -> _ST s b) -> _ST s b
+thenST m k s = let (r,new_s) = m s
+ in
+ k r new_s
+fixST :: (a -> _ST s a) -> _ST s a
+fixST k s = let ans = k r s
+ (r,new_s) = ans
+ in
+ ans
+-- BUILT-IN: _runST (see Builtin.hs)
+unsafeInterleaveST :: _ST s a -> _ST s a -- ToDo: put in state-interface.tex
+unsafeInterleaveST m s
+ = let
+ (r, new_s) = m s
+ in
+ (r, s)
+seqST, seqStrictlyST :: _ST s a -> _ST s b -> _ST s b
+seqST m1 m2 = m1 `thenST` (\ _ -> m2)
+returnStrictlyST a s@(S# _) = (a, s)
+thenStrictlyST m k s -- @(S# _) Omitted SLPJ [May95] no need to evaluate the state
+ = case (m s) of { (r, new_s) ->
+ k r new_s }
+seqStrictlyST m k s -- @(S# _) Omitted SLPJ [May95] no need to evaluate the state
+ = case (m s) of { (_, new_s) ->
+ k new_s }
+listST :: [_ST s a] -> _ST s [a]
+listST [] = returnST []
+listST (m:ms) = m `thenST` \ x ->
+ listST ms `thenST` \ xs ->
+ returnST (x:xs)
+mapST :: (a -> _ST s b) -> [a] -> _ST s [b]
+mapST f ms = listST (map f ms)
+mapAndUnzipST :: (a -> _ST s (b,c)) -> [a] -> _ST s ([b],[c])
+mapAndUnzipST f [] = returnST ([], [])
+mapAndUnzipST f (m:ms)
+ = f m `thenST` \ ( r1, r2) ->
+ mapAndUnzipST f ms `thenST` \ (rs1, rs2) ->
+ returnST (r1:rs1, r2:rs2)
+-- not exported
+forkST :: ST s () -> ST s ()
+forkST x = x
+forkST action s
+ = let
+ (_, new_s) = action s
+ in
+ new_s `_fork_` ((), s)
+ where
+ _fork_ x y = case (fork# x) of { 0# -> parError#; _ -> y }
+#endif {- __CONCURRENT_HASKELL__ -}
+forkPrimIO :: PrimIO () -> PrimIO ()
+forkPrimIO = forkST
+%* *
+\subsection[PreludeGlaST-arrays]{Mutable arrays}
+%* *
+Idle ADR question: What's the tradeoff here between flattening these
+datatypes into @_MutableArray ix ix (MutableArray# s elt)@ and using
+it as is? As I see it, the former uses slightly less heap and
+provides faster access to the individual parts of the bounds while the
+code used has the benefit of providing a ready-made @(lo, hi)@ pair as
+required by many array-related functions. Which wins? Is the
+difference significant (probably not).
+Idle AJG answer: When I looked at the outputted code (though it was 2
+years ago) it seems like you often needed the tuple, and we build
+it frequently. Now we've got the overloading specialiser things
+might be different, though.
+data _MutableArray s ix elt = _MutableArray (ix,ix) (MutableArray# s elt)
+data _MutableByteArray s ix = _MutableByteArray (ix,ix) (MutableByteArray# s)
+instance _CCallable (_MutableByteArray s ix)
+newArray :: Ix ix => (ix,ix) -> elt -> _ST s (_MutableArray s ix elt)
+newCharArray, newIntArray, newAddrArray, newFloatArray, newDoubleArray
+ :: Ix ix => (ix,ix) -> _ST s (_MutableByteArray s ix)
+{-# SPECIALIZE newArray :: IPr -> elt -> _ST s (_MutableArray s Int elt),
+ (IPr,IPr) -> elt -> _ST s (_MutableArray s IPr elt)
+ #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE newCharArray :: IPr -> _ST s (_MutableByteArray s Int) #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE newIntArray :: IPr -> _ST s (_MutableByteArray s Int) #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE newAddrArray :: IPr -> _ST s (_MutableByteArray s Int) #-}
+--NO:{-# SPECIALIZE newFloatArray :: IPr -> _ST s (_MutableByteArray s Int) #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE newDoubleArray :: IPr -> _ST s (_MutableByteArray s Int) #-}
+newArray ixs@(ix_start, ix_end) init (S# s#)
+ = let n# = case (if null (range ixs)
+ then 0
+ else (index ixs ix_end) + 1) of { I# x -> x }
+ -- size is one bigger than index of last elem
+ in
+ case (newArray# n# init s#) of { StateAndMutableArray# s2# arr# ->
+ (_MutableArray ixs arr#, S# s2#)}
+newCharArray ixs@(ix_start, ix_end) (S# s#)
+ = let n# = case (if null (range ixs)
+ then 0
+ else ((index ixs ix_end) + 1)) of { I# x -> x }
+ in
+ case (newCharArray# n# s#) of { StateAndMutableByteArray# s2# barr# ->
+ (_MutableByteArray ixs barr#, S# s2#)}
+newIntArray ixs@(ix_start, ix_end) (S# s#)
+ = let n# = case (if null (range ixs)
+ then 0
+ else ((index ixs ix_end) + 1)) of { I# x -> x }
+ in
+ case (newIntArray# n# s#) of { StateAndMutableByteArray# s2# barr# ->
+ (_MutableByteArray ixs barr#, S# s2#)}
+newAddrArray ixs@(ix_start, ix_end) (S# s#)
+ = let n# = case (if null (range ixs)
+ then 0
+ else ((index ixs ix_end) + 1)) of { I# x -> x }
+ in
+ case (newAddrArray# n# s#) of { StateAndMutableByteArray# s2# barr# ->
+ (_MutableByteArray ixs barr#, S# s2#)}
+newFloatArray ixs@(ix_start, ix_end) (S# s#)
+ = let n# = case (if null (range ixs)
+ then 0
+ else ((index ixs ix_end) + 1)) of { I# x -> x }
+ in
+ case (newFloatArray# n# s#) of { StateAndMutableByteArray# s2# barr# ->
+ (_MutableByteArray ixs barr#, S# s2#)}
+newDoubleArray ixs@(ix_start, ix_end) (S# s#)
+ = let n# = case (if null (range ixs)
+ then 0
+ else ((index ixs ix_end) + 1)) of { I# x -> x }
+ in
+-- trace ("newDoubleArray:"++(show (I# n#))) (
+ case (newDoubleArray# n# s#) of { StateAndMutableByteArray# s2# barr# ->
+ (_MutableByteArray ixs barr#, S# s2#)}
+-- )
+boundsOfArray :: Ix ix => _MutableArray s ix elt -> (ix, ix)
+boundsOfByteArray :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> (ix, ix)
+{-# SPECIALIZE boundsOfArray :: _MutableArray s Int elt -> IPr #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE boundsOfByteArray :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> IPr #-}
+boundsOfArray (_MutableArray ixs _) = ixs
+boundsOfByteArray (_MutableByteArray ixs _) = ixs
+readArray :: Ix ix => _MutableArray s ix elt -> ix -> _ST s elt
+readCharArray :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> ix -> _ST s Char
+readIntArray :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> ix -> _ST s Int
+readAddrArray :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> ix -> _ST s _Addr
+--NO:readFloatArray :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> ix -> _ST s Float
+readDoubleArray :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> ix -> _ST s Double
+{-# SPECIALIZE readArray :: _MutableArray s Int elt -> Int -> _ST s elt,
+ _MutableArray s IPr elt -> IPr -> _ST s elt
+ #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE readCharArray :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> Int -> _ST s Char #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE readIntArray :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> Int -> _ST s Int #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE readAddrArray :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> Int -> _ST s _Addr #-}
+--NO:{-# SPECIALIZE readFloatArray :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> Int -> _ST s Float #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE readDoubleArray :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> Int -> _ST s Double #-}
+readArray (_MutableArray ixs arr#) n (S# s#)
+ = case (index ixs n) of { I# n# ->
+ case readArray# arr# n# s# of { StateAndPtr# s2# r ->
+ (r, S# s2#)}}
+readCharArray (_MutableByteArray ixs barr#) n (S# s#)
+ = case (index ixs n) of { I# n# ->
+ case readCharArray# barr# n# s# of { StateAndChar# s2# r# ->
+ (C# r#, S# s2#)}}
+readIntArray (_MutableByteArray ixs barr#) n (S# s#)
+ = case (index ixs n) of { I# n# ->
+ case readIntArray# barr# n# s# of { StateAndInt# s2# r# ->
+ (I# r#, S# s2#)}}
+readAddrArray (_MutableByteArray ixs barr#) n (S# s#)
+ = case (index ixs n) of { I# n# ->
+ case readAddrArray# barr# n# s# of { StateAndAddr# s2# r# ->
+ (A# r#, S# s2#)}}
+readFloatArray (_MutableByteArray ixs barr#) n (S# s#)
+ = case (index ixs n) of { I# n# ->
+ case readFloatArray# barr# n# s# of { StateAndFloat# s2# r# ->
+ (F# r#, S# s2#)}}
+readDoubleArray (_MutableByteArray ixs barr#) n (S# s#)
+ = case (index ixs n) of { I# n# ->
+-- trace ("readDoubleArray:"++(show (I# n#))) (
+ case readDoubleArray# barr# n# s# of { StateAndDouble# s2# r# ->
+ (D# r#, S# s2#)}}
+Indexing of ordinary @Arrays@ is standard Haskell and isn't defined here.
+indexCharArray :: Ix ix => _ByteArray ix -> ix -> Char
+indexIntArray :: Ix ix => _ByteArray ix -> ix -> Int
+indexAddrArray :: Ix ix => _ByteArray ix -> ix -> _Addr
+indexFloatArray :: Ix ix => _ByteArray ix -> ix -> Float
+indexDoubleArray :: Ix ix => _ByteArray ix -> ix -> Double
+{-# SPECIALIZE indexCharArray :: _ByteArray Int -> Int -> Char #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE indexIntArray :: _ByteArray Int -> Int -> Int #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE indexAddrArray :: _ByteArray Int -> Int -> _Addr #-}
+--NO:{-# SPECIALIZE indexFloatArray :: _ByteArray Int -> Int -> Float #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE indexDoubleArray :: _ByteArray Int -> Int -> Double #-}
+indexCharArray (_ByteArray ixs barr#) n
+ = case (index ixs n) of { I# n# ->
+ case indexCharArray# barr# n# of { r# ->
+ (C# r#)}}
+indexIntArray (_ByteArray ixs barr#) n
+ = case (index ixs n) of { I# n# ->
+ case indexIntArray# barr# n# of { r# ->
+ (I# r#)}}
+indexAddrArray (_ByteArray ixs barr#) n
+ = case (index ixs n) of { I# n# ->
+ case indexAddrArray# barr# n# of { r# ->
+ (A# r#)}}
+indexFloatArray (_ByteArray ixs barr#) n
+ = case (index ixs n) of { I# n# ->
+ case indexFloatArray# barr# n# of { r# ->
+ (F# r#)}}
+indexDoubleArray (_ByteArray ixs barr#) n
+ = case (index ixs n) of { I# n# ->
+-- trace ("indexDoubleArray:"++(show (I# n#))) (
+ case indexDoubleArray# barr# n# of { r# ->
+ (D# r#)}}
+Indexing off @_Addrs@ is similar, and therefore given here.
+indexCharOffAddr :: _Addr -> Int -> Char
+indexIntOffAddr :: _Addr -> Int -> Int
+indexAddrOffAddr :: _Addr -> Int -> _Addr
+indexFloatOffAddr :: _Addr -> Int -> Float
+indexDoubleOffAddr :: _Addr -> Int -> Double
+indexCharOffAddr (A# addr#) n
+ = case n of { I# n# ->
+ case indexCharOffAddr# addr# n# of { r# ->
+ (C# r#)}}
+indexIntOffAddr (A# addr#) n
+ = case n of { I# n# ->
+ case indexIntOffAddr# addr# n# of { r# ->
+ (I# r#)}}
+indexAddrOffAddr (A# addr#) n
+ = case n of { I# n# ->
+ case indexAddrOffAddr# addr# n# of { r# ->
+ (A# r#)}}
+indexFloatOffAddr (A# addr#) n
+ = case n of { I# n# ->
+ case indexFloatOffAddr# addr# n# of { r# ->
+ (F# r#)}}
+indexDoubleOffAddr (A# addr#) n
+ = case n of { I# n# ->
+ case indexDoubleOffAddr# addr# n# of { r# ->
+ (D# r#)}}
+writeArray :: Ix ix => _MutableArray s ix elt -> ix -> elt -> _ST s ()
+writeCharArray :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> ix -> Char -> _ST s ()
+writeIntArray :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> ix -> Int -> _ST s ()
+writeAddrArray :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> ix -> _Addr -> _ST s ()
+writeFloatArray :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> ix -> Float -> _ST s ()
+writeDoubleArray :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> ix -> Double -> _ST s ()
+{-# SPECIALIZE writeArray :: _MutableArray s Int elt -> Int -> elt -> _ST s (),
+ _MutableArray s IPr elt -> IPr -> elt -> _ST s ()
+ #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE writeCharArray :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> Int -> Char -> _ST s () #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE writeIntArray :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> Int -> Int -> _ST s () #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE writeAddrArray :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> Int -> _Addr -> _ST s () #-}
+--NO:{-# SPECIALIZE writeFloatArray :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> Int -> Float -> _ST s () #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE writeDoubleArray :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> Int -> Double -> _ST s () #-}
+writeArray (_MutableArray ixs arr#) n ele (S# s#)
+ = case index ixs n of { I# n# ->
+ case writeArray# arr# n# ele s# of { s2# ->
+ ((), S# s2#)}}
+writeCharArray (_MutableByteArray ixs barr#) n (C# ele) (S# s#)
+ = case (index ixs n) of { I# n# ->
+ case writeCharArray# barr# n# ele s# of { s2# ->
+ ((), S# s2#)}}
+writeIntArray (_MutableByteArray ixs barr#) n (I# ele) (S# s#)
+ = case (index ixs n) of { I# n# ->
+ case writeIntArray# barr# n# ele s# of { s2# ->
+ ((), S# s2#)}}
+writeAddrArray (_MutableByteArray ixs barr#) n (A# ele) (S# s#)
+ = case (index ixs n) of { I# n# ->
+ case writeAddrArray# barr# n# ele s# of { s2# ->
+ ((), S# s2#)}}
+writeFloatArray (_MutableByteArray ixs barr#) n (F# ele) (S# s#)
+ = case (index ixs n) of { I# n# ->
+ case writeFloatArray# barr# n# ele s# of { s2# ->
+ ((), S# s2#)}}
+writeDoubleArray (_MutableByteArray ixs barr#) n (D# ele) (S# s#)
+ = case (index ixs n) of { I# n# ->
+-- trace ("writeDoubleArray:"++(show (I# n#))) (
+ case writeDoubleArray# barr# n# ele s# of { s2# ->
+ ((), S# s2#)}}
+freezeArray :: Ix ix => _MutableArray s ix elt -> _ST s (Array ix elt)
+freezeCharArray :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> _ST s (_ByteArray ix)
+freezeIntArray :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> _ST s (_ByteArray ix)
+freezeAddrArray :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> _ST s (_ByteArray ix)
+freezeFloatArray :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> _ST s (_ByteArray ix)
+freezeDoubleArray :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> _ST s (_ByteArray ix)
+{-# SPECIALISE freezeArray :: _MutableArray s Int elt -> _ST s (Array Int elt),
+ _MutableArray s IPr elt -> _ST s (Array IPr elt)
+ #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE freezeCharArray :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> _ST s (_ByteArray Int) #-}
+freezeArray (_MutableArray ixs@(ix_start, ix_end) arr#) (S# s#)
+ = let n# = case (if null (range ixs)
+ then 0
+ else (index ixs ix_end) + 1) of { I# x -> x }
+ in
+ case freeze arr# n# s# of { StateAndArray# s2# frozen# ->
+ (_Array ixs frozen#, S# s2#)}
+ where
+ freeze :: MutableArray# s ele -- the thing
+ -> Int# -- size of thing to be frozen
+ -> State# s -- the Universe and everything
+ -> StateAndArray# s ele
+ freeze arr# n# s#
+ = case newArray# n# init s# of { StateAndMutableArray# s2# newarr1# ->
+ case copy 0# n# arr# newarr1# s2# of { StateAndMutableArray# s3# newarr2# ->
+ unsafeFreezeArray# newarr2# s3#
+ }}
+ where
+ init = error "freezeArr: element not copied"
+ copy :: Int# -> Int#
+ -> MutableArray# s ele -> MutableArray# s ele
+ -> State# s
+ -> StateAndMutableArray# s ele
+ copy cur# end# from# to# s#
+ | cur# ==# end#
+ = StateAndMutableArray# s# to#
+ | True
+ = case readArray# from# cur# s# of { StateAndPtr# s1# ele ->
+ case writeArray# to# cur# ele s1# of { s2# ->
+ copy (cur# +# 1#) end# from# to# s2#
+ }}
+freezeCharArray (_MutableByteArray ixs@(ix_start, ix_end) arr#) (S# s#)
+ = let n# = case (if null (range ixs)
+ then 0
+ else ((index ixs ix_end) + 1)) of { I# x -> x }
+ in
+ case freeze arr# n# s# of { StateAndByteArray# s2# frozen# ->
+ (_ByteArray ixs frozen#, S# s2#) }
+ where
+ freeze :: MutableByteArray# s -- the thing
+ -> Int# -- size of thing to be frozen
+ -> State# s -- the Universe and everything
+ -> StateAndByteArray# s
+ freeze arr# n# s#
+ = case (newCharArray# n# s#) of { StateAndMutableByteArray# s2# newarr1# ->
+ case copy 0# n# arr# newarr1# s2# of { StateAndMutableByteArray# s3# newarr2# ->
+ unsafeFreezeByteArray# newarr2# s3#
+ }}
+ where
+ copy :: Int# -> Int#
+ -> MutableByteArray# s -> MutableByteArray# s
+ -> State# s
+ -> StateAndMutableByteArray# s
+ copy cur# end# from# to# s#
+ | cur# ==# end#
+ = StateAndMutableByteArray# s# to#
+ | True
+ = case (readCharArray# from# cur# s#) of { StateAndChar# s1# ele ->
+ case (writeCharArray# to# cur# ele s1#) of { s2# ->
+ copy (cur# +# 1#) end# from# to# s2#
+ }}
+freezeIntArray (_MutableByteArray ixs@(ix_start, ix_end) arr#) (S# s#)
+ = let n# = case (if null (range ixs)
+ then 0
+ else ((index ixs ix_end) + 1)) of { I# x -> x }
+ in
+ case freeze arr# n# s# of { StateAndByteArray# s2# frozen# ->
+ (_ByteArray ixs frozen#, S# s2#) }
+ where
+ freeze :: MutableByteArray# s -- the thing
+ -> Int# -- size of thing to be frozen
+ -> State# s -- the Universe and everything
+ -> StateAndByteArray# s
+ freeze arr# n# s#
+ = case (newIntArray# n# s#) of { StateAndMutableByteArray# s2# newarr1# ->
+ case copy 0# n# arr# newarr1# s2# of { StateAndMutableByteArray# s3# newarr2# ->
+ unsafeFreezeByteArray# newarr2# s3#
+ }}
+ where
+ copy :: Int# -> Int#
+ -> MutableByteArray# s -> MutableByteArray# s
+ -> State# s
+ -> StateAndMutableByteArray# s
+ copy cur# end# from# to# s#
+ | cur# ==# end#
+ = StateAndMutableByteArray# s# to#
+ | True
+ = case (readIntArray# from# cur# s#) of { StateAndInt# s1# ele ->
+ case (writeIntArray# to# cur# ele s1#) of { s2# ->
+ copy (cur# +# 1#) end# from# to# s2#
+ }}
+freezeAddrArray (_MutableByteArray ixs@(ix_start, ix_end) arr#) (S# s#)
+ = let n# = case (if null (range ixs)
+ then 0
+ else ((index ixs ix_end) + 1)) of { I# x -> x }
+ in
+ case freeze arr# n# s# of { StateAndByteArray# s2# frozen# ->
+ (_ByteArray ixs frozen#, S# s2#) }
+ where
+ freeze :: MutableByteArray# s -- the thing
+ -> Int# -- size of thing to be frozen
+ -> State# s -- the Universe and everything
+ -> StateAndByteArray# s
+ freeze arr# n# s#
+ = case (newAddrArray# n# s#) of { StateAndMutableByteArray# s2# newarr1# ->
+ case copy 0# n# arr# newarr1# s2# of { StateAndMutableByteArray# s3# newarr2# ->
+ unsafeFreezeByteArray# newarr2# s3#
+ }}
+ where
+ copy :: Int# -> Int#
+ -> MutableByteArray# s -> MutableByteArray# s
+ -> State# s
+ -> StateAndMutableByteArray# s
+ copy cur# end# from# to# s#
+ | cur# ==# end#
+ = StateAndMutableByteArray# s# to#
+ | True
+ = case (readAddrArray# from# cur# s#) of { StateAndAddr# s1# ele ->
+ case (writeAddrArray# to# cur# ele s1#) of { s2# ->
+ copy (cur# +# 1#) end# from# to# s2#
+ }}
+freezeFloatArray (_MutableByteArray ixs@(ix_start, ix_end) arr#) (S# s#)
+ = let n# = case (if null (range ixs)
+ then 0
+ else ((index ixs ix_end) + 1)) of { I# x -> x }
+ in
+ case freeze arr# n# s# of { StateAndByteArray# s2# frozen# ->
+ (_ByteArray ixs frozen#, S# s2#) }
+ where
+ freeze :: MutableByteArray# s -- the thing
+ -> Int# -- size of thing to be frozen
+ -> State# s -- the Universe and everything
+ -> StateAndByteArray# s
+ freeze arr# n# s#
+ = case (newFloatArray# n# s#) of { StateAndMutableByteArray# s2# newarr1# ->
+ case copy 0# n# arr# newarr1# s2# of { StateAndMutableByteArray# s3# newarr2# ->
+ unsafeFreezeByteArray# newarr2# s3#
+ }}
+ where
+ copy :: Int# -> Int#
+ -> MutableByteArray# s -> MutableByteArray# s
+ -> State# s
+ -> StateAndMutableByteArray# s
+ copy cur# end# from# to# s#
+ | cur# ==# end#
+ = StateAndMutableByteArray# s# to#
+ | True
+ = case (readFloatArray# from# cur# s#) of { StateAndFloat# s1# ele ->
+ case (writeFloatArray# to# cur# ele s1#) of { s2# ->
+ copy (cur# +# 1#) end# from# to# s2#
+ }}
+freezeDoubleArray (_MutableByteArray ixs@(ix_start, ix_end) arr#) (S# s#)
+ = let n# = case (if null (range ixs)
+ then 0
+ else ((index ixs ix_end) + 1)) of { I# x -> x }
+ in
+ case freeze arr# n# s# of { StateAndByteArray# s2# frozen# ->
+ (_ByteArray ixs frozen#, S# s2#) }
+ where
+ freeze :: MutableByteArray# s -- the thing
+ -> Int# -- size of thing to be frozen
+ -> State# s -- the Universe and everything
+ -> StateAndByteArray# s
+ freeze arr# n# s#
+ = case (newDoubleArray# n# s#) of { StateAndMutableByteArray# s2# newarr1# ->
+ case copy 0# n# arr# newarr1# s2# of { StateAndMutableByteArray# s3# newarr2# ->
+ unsafeFreezeByteArray# newarr2# s3#
+ }}
+ where
+ copy :: Int# -> Int#
+ -> MutableByteArray# s -> MutableByteArray# s
+ -> State# s
+ -> StateAndMutableByteArray# s
+ copy cur# end# from# to# s#
+ | cur# ==# end#
+ = StateAndMutableByteArray# s# to#
+ | True
+ = case (readDoubleArray# from# cur# s#) of { StateAndDouble# s1# ele ->
+ case (writeDoubleArray# to# cur# ele s1#) of { s2# ->
+ copy (cur# +# 1#) end# from# to# s2#
+ }}
+unsafeFreezeArray :: Ix ix => _MutableArray s ix elt -> _ST s (Array ix elt)
+unsafeFreezeByteArray :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> _ST s (_ByteArray ix)
+{-# SPECIALIZE unsafeFreezeByteArray :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> _ST s (_ByteArray Int)
+ #-}
+unsafeFreezeArray (_MutableArray ixs arr#) (S# s#)
+ = case unsafeFreezeArray# arr# s# of { StateAndArray# s2# frozen# ->
+ (_Array ixs frozen#, S# s2#) }
+unsafeFreezeByteArray (_MutableByteArray ixs arr#) (S# s#)
+ = case unsafeFreezeByteArray# arr# s# of { StateAndByteArray# s2# frozen# ->
+ (_ByteArray ixs frozen#, S# s2#) }
+sameMutableArray :: _MutableArray s ix elt -> _MutableArray s ix elt -> Bool
+sameMutableByteArray :: _MutableByteArray s ix -> _MutableByteArray s ix -> Bool
+sameMutableArray (_MutableArray _ arr1#) (_MutableArray _ arr2#)
+ = sameMutableArray# arr1# arr2#
+sameMutableByteArray (_MutableByteArray _ arr1#) (_MutableByteArray _ arr2#)
+ = sameMutableByteArray# arr1# arr2#
+%* *
+%* *
+type MutableVar s a = _MutableArray s Int a
+newVar :: a -> _ST s (MutableVar s a)
+readVar :: MutableVar s a -> _ST s a
+writeVar :: MutableVar s a -> a -> _ST s ()
+sameVar :: MutableVar s a -> MutableVar s a -> Bool
+newVar init s = newArray (0,0) init s
+readVar v s = readArray v 0 s
+writeVar v val s = writeArray v 0 val s
+sameVar v1 v2 = sameMutableArray v1 v2