path: root/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosixProcEnv.lhs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosixProcEnv.lhs')
1 files changed, 325 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosixProcEnv.lhs b/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosixProcEnv.lhs
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index 0000000000..76cb0ca9cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosixProcEnv.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1995
+\section[LibPosixProcEnv]{Haskell 1.3 POSIX Process Environment}
+module LibPosixProcEnv (
+ ProcessTimes(..),
+ SysVar(..),
+ SystemID(..),
+ childSystemTime,
+ childUserTime,
+ createProcessGroup,
+ createSession,
+ elapsedTime,
+ epochTime,
+ getControllingTerminalName,
+ getEffectiveGroupID,
+ getEffectiveUserID,
+ getEffectiveUserName,
+ getGroups,
+ getLoginName,
+ getParentProcessID,
+ getProcessGroupID,
+ getProcessID,
+ getProcessTimes,
+ getRealGroupID,
+ getRealUserID,
+ getSysVar,
+ getSystemID,
+ getTerminalName,
+ joinProcessGroup,
+ machine,
+ nodeName,
+ queryTerminal,
+ release,
+ setGroupID,
+ setProcessGroupID,
+ setUserID,
+ systemName,
+ systemTime,
+ userTime,
+ version
+ ) where
+import PreludeGlaST
+import PS
+import LibPosixErr
+import LibPosixUtil
+getProcessID :: IO ProcessID
+getProcessID =
+ _ccall_ getpid `thenPrimIO` \ pid ->
+ return pid
+getParentProcessID :: IO ProcessID
+getParentProcessID =
+ _ccall_ getppid `thenPrimIO` \ ppid ->
+ return ppid
+getRealUserID :: IO UserID
+getRealUserID =
+ _ccall_ getuid `thenPrimIO` \ uid ->
+ return uid
+getEffectiveUserID :: IO UserID
+getEffectiveUserID =
+ _ccall_ geteuid `thenPrimIO` \ euid ->
+ return euid
+setUserID :: UserID -> IO ()
+setUserID uid =
+ _ccall_ setuid uid `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
+ if rc == 0 then
+ return ()
+ else
+ syserr "setUserID"
+getLoginName :: IO String
+getLoginName =
+ _ccall_ getlogin `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
+ if str == ``NULL'' then
+ syserr "getLoginName"
+ else
+ strcpy str `thenPrimIO` \ name ->
+ return name
+getRealGroupID :: IO GroupID
+getRealGroupID =
+ _ccall_ getgid `thenPrimIO` \ gid ->
+ return gid
+getEffectiveGroupID :: IO GroupID
+getEffectiveGroupID =
+ _ccall_ getegid `thenPrimIO` \ egid ->
+ return egid
+setGroupID :: GroupID -> IO ()
+setGroupID gid =
+ _ccall_ setgid gid `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
+ if rc == 0 then
+ return ()
+ else
+ syserr "setGroupID"
+getGroups :: IO [GroupID]
+getGroups =
+ _ccall_ getgroups 0 (``NULL''::_Addr) `thenPrimIO` \ ngroups ->
+ allocWords ngroups `thenStrictlyST` \ words ->
+ _casm_ ``%r = getgroups(%0,(gid_t *)%1);'' ngroups words
+ `thenPrimIO` \ ngroups ->
+ if ngroups /= -1 then
+ freeze words `thenStrictlyST` \ arr ->
+ return (map (extract arr) [0..(ngroups-1)])
+ else
+ syserr "getGroups"
+ where
+ extract (_ByteArray _ barr#) (I# n#) =
+ case indexIntArray# barr# n# of
+ r# -> (I# r#)
+getEffectiveUserName :: IO String
+getEffectiveUserName =
+ _ccall_ cuserid (``NULL''::_Addr) `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
+ if str == ``NULL'' then
+ syserr "getEffectiveUserName"
+ else
+ strcpy str `thenPrimIO` \ name ->
+ return name
+getProcessGroupID :: IO ProcessGroupID
+getProcessGroupID =
+ _ccall_ getpgrp `thenPrimIO` \ pgid ->
+ return pgid
+createProcessGroup :: ProcessID -> IO ProcessGroupID
+createProcessGroup pid =
+ _ccall_ setpgid pid 0 `thenPrimIO` \ pgid ->
+ if pgid == 0 then
+ return pgid
+ else
+ syserr "createProcessGroup"
+joinProcessGroup :: ProcessGroupID -> IO ()
+joinProcessGroup pgid =
+ _ccall_ setpgid 0 pgid `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
+ if rc == 0 then
+ return ()
+ else
+ syserr "setProcessGroupID"
+setProcessGroupID :: ProcessID -> ProcessGroupID -> IO ()
+setProcessGroupID pid pgid =
+ _ccall_ setpgid pid pgid `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
+ if rc == 0 then
+ return ()
+ else
+ syserr "setProcessGroupID"
+createSession :: IO ProcessGroupID
+createSession =
+ _ccall_ setsid `thenPrimIO` \ pgid ->
+ if pgid /= -1 then
+ return pgid
+ else
+ syserr "createSession"
+type SystemID = _ByteArray ()
+systemName :: SystemID -> String
+systemName sid = unsafePerformPrimIO (
+ _casm_ ``%r = ((struct utsname *)%0)->sysname;'' sid
+ `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
+ strcpy str `thenPrimIO` \ sysname ->
+ returnPrimIO sysname)
+nodeName :: SystemID -> String
+nodeName sid = unsafePerformPrimIO (
+ _casm_ ``%r = ((struct utsname *)%0)->nodename;'' sid
+ `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
+ strcpy str `thenPrimIO` \ nodename ->
+ returnPrimIO nodename)
+release :: SystemID -> String
+release sid = unsafePerformPrimIO (
+ _casm_ ``%r = ((struct utsname *)%0)->release;'' sid
+ `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
+ strcpy str `thenPrimIO` \ releaseStr ->
+ returnPrimIO releaseStr)
+version :: SystemID -> String
+version sid = unsafePerformPrimIO (
+ _casm_ ``%r = ((struct utsname *)%0)->version;'' sid
+ `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
+ strcpy str `thenPrimIO` \ versionStr ->
+ returnPrimIO versionStr)
+machine :: SystemID -> String
+machine sid = unsafePerformPrimIO (
+ _casm_ ``%r = ((struct utsname *)%0)->machine;'' sid
+ `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
+ strcpy str `thenPrimIO` \ machine ->
+ returnPrimIO machine)
+getSystemID :: IO SystemID
+getSystemID =
+ allocChars (``sizeof(struct utsname)''::Int) `thenStrictlyST` \ bytes ->
+ _casm_ ``%r = uname((struct utsname *)%0);'' bytes
+ `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
+ if rc /= -1 then
+ freeze bytes `thenStrictlyST` \ sid ->
+ return sid
+ else
+ syserr "getSystemID"
+epochTime :: IO EpochTime
+epochTime =
+ _ccall_ time (``NULL''::_Addr) `thenPrimIO` \ secs ->
+ if secs /= -1 then
+ return secs
+ else
+ syserr "epochTime"
+-- All times in clock ticks (see getClockTick)
+type ProcessTimes = (ClockTick, _ByteArray ())
+elapsedTime :: ProcessTimes -> ClockTick
+elapsedTime (realtime, _) = realtime
+userTime :: ProcessTimes -> ClockTick
+userTime (_, times) = unsafePerformPrimIO (
+ _casm_ ``%r = ((struct tms *)%0)->tms_utime;'' times
+ `thenStrictlyST` \ utime ->
+ returnPrimIO utime)
+systemTime :: ProcessTimes -> ClockTick
+systemTime (_, times) = unsafePerformPrimIO (
+ _casm_ ``%r = ((struct tms *)%0)->tms_stime;'' times
+ `thenStrictlyST` \ stime ->
+ returnPrimIO stime)
+childUserTime :: ProcessTimes -> ClockTick
+childUserTime (_, times) = unsafePerformPrimIO (
+ _casm_ ``%r = ((struct tms *)%0)->tms_cutime;'' times
+ `thenStrictlyST` \ cutime ->
+ returnPrimIO cutime)
+childSystemTime :: ProcessTimes -> ClockTick
+childSystemTime (_, times) = unsafePerformPrimIO (
+ _casm_ ``%r = ((struct tms *)%0)->tms_cstime;'' times
+ `thenStrictlyST` \ cstime ->
+ returnPrimIO cstime)
+getProcessTimes :: IO ProcessTimes
+getProcessTimes =
+ allocChars (``sizeof(struct tms)''::Int) `thenStrictlyST` \ bytes ->
+ _casm_ ``%r = times((struct tms *)%0);'' bytes `thenPrimIO` \ elapsed ->
+ if elapsed /= -1 then
+ freeze bytes `thenStrictlyST` \ times ->
+ return (elapsed, times)
+ else
+ syserr "getProcessTimes"
+getControllingTerminalName :: IO FilePath
+getControllingTerminalName =
+ _ccall_ ctermid (``NULL''::_Addr) `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
+ if str == ``NULL'' then
+ failWith (NoSuchThing "no controlling terminal")
+ else
+ strcpy str `thenPrimIO` \ name ->
+ return name
+getTerminalName :: Channel -> IO FilePath
+getTerminalName fd =
+ _ccall_ ttyname fd `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
+ if str == ``NULL'' then
+ try (queryTerminal fd) >>=
+ either (\err -> syserr "getTerminalName")
+ (\succ -> if succ then failWith (NoSuchThing "terminal name")
+ else failWith (InappropriateType "not a terminal"))
+ else
+ strcpy str `thenPrimIO` \ name ->
+ return name
+queryTerminal :: Channel -> IO Bool
+queryTerminal fd =
+ _ccall_ isatty fd `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
+ case rc of
+ -1 -> syserr "queryTerminal"
+ 0 -> return False
+ 1 -> return True
+data SysVar = ArgumentLimit
+ | ChildLimit
+ | ClockTick
+ | GroupLimit
+ | OpenFileLimit
+ | PosixVersion
+ | HasSavedIDs
+ | HasJobControl
+getSysVar :: SysVar -> IO Limit
+getSysVar v =
+ case v of
+ ArgumentLimit -> sysconf ``_SC_ARG_MAX''
+ ChildLimit -> sysconf ``_SC_CHILD_MAX''
+ ClockTick -> sysconf ``_SC_CLK_TCK''
+ GroupLimit -> sysconf ``_SC_NGROUPS_MAX''
+ OpenFileLimit -> sysconf ``_SC_OPEN_MAX''
+ PosixVersion -> sysconf ``_SC_VERSION''
+ HasSavedIDs -> sysconf ``_SC_SAVED_IDS''
+ HasJobControl -> sysconf ``_SC_JOB_CONTROL''
+ where
+ sysconf :: Int -> IO Limit
+ sysconf n =
+ _ccall_ sysconf n `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
+ if rc /= -1 then
+ return rc
+ else
+ failWith (NoSuchThing "no such system limit or option")