path: root/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosix_mt.hi
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Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosix_mt.hi')
1 files changed, 667 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosix_mt.hi b/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosix_mt.hi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6ec46fc80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosix_mt.hi
@@ -0,0 +1,667 @@
+interface LibPosix where
+import LibDirectory(removeDirectory)
+import LibPosixDB(GroupEntry(..), UserEntry(..), getGroupEntryForID, getGroupEntryForName, getUserEntryForID, getUserEntryForName, groupID, groupMembers, groupName, homeDirectory, userGroupID, userID, userName, userShell)
+import LibPosixErr(ErrorCode(..), argumentListTooLong, badChannel, brokenPipe, directoryNotEmpty, e2BIG, eACCES, eAGAIN, eBADF, eBUSY, eCHILD, eDEADLK, eEXIST, eFBIG, eINTR, eINVAL, eIO, eISDIR, eMFILE, eMLINK, eNAMETOOLONG, eNFILE, eNODEV, eNOENT, eNOEXEC, eNOLCK, eNOMEM, eNOSPC, eNOSYS, eNOTDIR, eNOTEMPTY, eNOTTY, eNXIO, ePERM, ePIPE, eROFS, eSPIPE, eSRCH, eXDEV, execFormatError, fileAlreadyExists, fileTooLarge, filenameTooLong, getErrorCode, improperLink, inappropriateIOControlOperation, inputOutputError, interruptedOperation, invalidArgument, invalidSeek, isADirectory, noChildProcess, noError, noLocksAvailable, noSpaceLeftOnDevice, noSuchDeviceOrAddress, noSuchFileOrDirectory, noSuchOperationOnDevice, noSuchProcess, notADirectory, notEnoughMemory, operationNotImplemented, operationNotPermitted, permissionDenied, readOnlyFileSystem, resourceBusy, resourceDeadlockAvoided, resourceTemporarilyUnavailable, setErrorCode, tooManyLinks, tooManyOpenFiles, tooManyOpenFilesInSystem)
+import LibPosixFiles(DeviceID(..), DirStream(..), FileID(..), FileMode(..), FileStatus(..), OpenMode(..), PathVar(..), accessModes, accessTime, changeWorkingDirectory, closeDirStream, createDirectory, createFile, createLink, createNamedPipe, deviceID, fileGroup, fileID, fileMode, fileOwner, fileSize, getChannelStatus, getChannelVar, getFileStatus, getPathVar, getWorkingDirectory, groupExecuteMode, groupModes, groupReadMode, groupWriteMode, intersectFileModes, isBlockDevice, isCharacterDevice, isDirectory, isNamedPipe, isRegularFile, linkCount, modificationTime, nullFileMode, openChannel, openDirStream, otherExecuteMode, otherModes, otherReadMode, otherWriteMode, ownerExecuteMode, ownerModes, ownerReadMode, ownerWriteMode, queryAccess, queryFile, readDirStream, removeLink, rename, rewindDirStream, setFileCreationMask, setFileMode, setFileTimes, setGroupIDMode, setOwnerAndGroup, setUserIDMode, statusChangeTime, stdError, stdFileMode, stdInput, stdOutput, touchFile, unionFileModes)
+import LibPosixIO(ChannelOption(..), FileLock(..), LockRequest(..), closeChannel, createPipe, dupChannel, dupChannelTo, getLock, queryChannelOption, readChannel, seekChannel, setChannelOption, setLock, waitToSetLock, writeChannel)
+import LibPosixProcEnv(ProcessTimes(..), SysVar(..), SystemID(..), childSystemTime, childUserTime, createProcessGroup, createSession, elapsedTime, epochTime, getControllingTerminalName, getEffectiveGroupID, getEffectiveUserID, getEffectiveUserName, getGroups, getLoginName, getParentProcessID, getProcessGroupID, getProcessID, getProcessTimes, getRealGroupID, getRealUserID, getSysVar, getSystemID, getTerminalName, joinProcessGroup, machine, nodeName, queryTerminal, release, setGroupID, setProcessGroupID, setUserID, systemName, systemTime, userTime, version)
+import LibPosixProcPrim(Handler(..), ProcessStatus(..), Signal(..), SignalSet(..), addSignal, awaitSignal, backgroundRead, backgroundWrite, blockSignals, continueProcess, deleteSignal, emptySignalSet, executeFile, exitImmediately, floatingPointException, forkProcess, fullSignalSet, getAnyProcessStatus, getEnvVar, getEnvironment, getGroupProcessStatus, getPendingSignals, getProcessStatus, getSignalMask, illegalInstruction, inSignalSet, installHandler, internalAbort, keyboardSignal, keyboardStop, keyboardTermination, killProcess, lostConnection, nullSignal, openEndedPipe, processStatusChanged, queryStoppedChildFlag, raiseSignal, realTimeAlarm, removeEnvVar, scheduleAlarm, segmentationViolation, setEnvVar, setEnvironment, setSignalMask, setStoppedChildFlag, sigABRT, sigALRM, sigCHLD, sigCONT, sigFPE, sigHUP, sigILL, sigINT, sigKILL, sigPIPE, sigProcMask, sigQUIT, sigSEGV, sigSTOP, sigSetSize, sigTERM, sigTSTP, sigTTIN, sigTTOU, sigUSR1, sigUSR2, signalProcess, signalProcessGroup, sleep, softwareStop, softwareTermination, unBlockSignals, userDefinedSignal1, userDefinedSignal2)
+import LibPosixTTY(BaudRate(..), ControlCharacter(..), FlowAction(..), QueueSelector(..), TerminalAttributes(..), TerminalMode(..), TerminalState(..), bitsPerByte, controlChar, controlFlow, discardData, drainOutput, getTerminalAttributes, getTerminalProcessGroupID, inputSpeed, inputTime, minInput, outputSpeed, sendBreak, setTerminalAttributes, setTerminalProcessGroupID, terminalMode, withBits, withCC, withInputSpeed, withMinInput, withMode, withOutputSpeed, withTime, withoutCC, withoutMode)
+import LibPosixUtil(ByteCount(..), Channel(..), ClockTick(..), EpochTime(..), FileOffset(..), GroupID(..), Limit(..), LinkCount(..), ProcessGroupID(..), ProcessID(..), UserID(..))
+import LibSystem(ExitCode)
+import PreludeArray(_ByteArray)
+import PreludeIOError(IOError13)
+import PreludeMonadicIO(Either)
+import PreludePrimIO(_MVar)
+import PreludeStdIO(Maybe, SeekMode, _Handle)
+data GroupEntry {-# GHC_PRAGMA GE [Char] Int [[Char]] #-}
+data UserEntry {-# GHC_PRAGMA UE [Char] Int Int [Char] [Char] #-}
+type ErrorCode = Int
+type DeviceID = Int
+type DirStream = _Addr
+type FileID = Int
+type FileMode = _Word
+type FileStatus = _ByteArray ()
+data OpenMode = ReadOnly | WriteOnly | ReadWrite
+data PathVar = LinkLimit | InputLineLimit | InputQueueLimit | FileNameLimit | PathNameLimit | PipeBufferLimit | SetOwnerAndGroupIsRestricted | FileNamesAreNotTruncated
+data ChannelOption = AppendOnWrite | CloseOnExec | NonBlockingRead
+type FileLock = (LockRequest, SeekMode, Int, Int)
+data LockRequest = ReadLock | WriteLock | Unlock
+type ProcessTimes = (Int, _ByteArray ())
+data SysVar = ArgumentLimit | ChildLimit | ClockTick | GroupLimit | OpenFileLimit | PosixVersion | HasSavedIDs | HasJobControl
+type SystemID = _ByteArray ()
+data Handler = Default | Ignore | Catch (_State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld))
+data ProcessStatus = Exited ExitCode | Terminated Int | Stopped Int
+type Signal = Int
+type SignalSet = _ByteArray ()
+data BaudRate = B0 | B50 | B75 | B110 | B134 | B150 | B200 | B300 | B600 | B1200 | B1800 | B2400 | B4800 | B9600 | B19200 | B38400
+data ControlCharacter = EndOfFile | EndOfLine | Erase | Interrupt | Kill | Quit | Suspend | Start | Stop
+data FlowAction = SuspendOutput | RestartOutput | TransmitStop | TransmitStart
+data QueueSelector = InputQueue | OutputQueue | BothQueues
+type TerminalAttributes = _ByteArray ()
+data TerminalMode = InterruptOnBreak | MapCRtoLF | IgnoreBreak | IgnoreCR | IgnoreParityErrors | MapLFtoCR | CheckParity | StripHighBit | StartStopInput | StartStopOutput | MarkParityErrors | ProcessOutput | LocalMode | ReadEnable | TwoStopBits | HangupOnClose | EnableParity | OddParity | EnableEcho | EchoErase | EchoKill | EchoLF | ProcessInput | ExtendedFunctions | KeyboardInterrupts | NoFlushOnInterrupt | BackgroundWriteInterrupt
+data TerminalState = Immediately | WhenDrained | WhenFlushed
+type ByteCount = Int
+type Channel = Int
+type ClockTick = Int
+type EpochTime = Int
+type FileOffset = Int
+type GroupID = Int
+type Limit = Int
+type LinkCount = Int
+type ProcessGroupID = Int
+type ProcessID = Int
+type UserID = Int
+data ExitCode {-# GHC_PRAGMA ExitSuccess | ExitFailure Int #-}
+removeDirectory :: [Char] -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 21 _N_ _S_ "LU(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+getGroupEntryForID :: Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 GroupEntry, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+getGroupEntryForName :: [Char] -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 GroupEntry, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SL" _N_ _N_ #-}
+getUserEntryForID :: Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 UserEntry, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+getUserEntryForName :: [Char] -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 UserEntry, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SL" _N_ _N_ #-}
+groupID :: GroupEntry -> Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AU(P)A)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 2 \ (u0 :: Int#) -> _!_ I# [] [u0] _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 C 2 \ (u0 :: GroupEntry) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ LibPosixDB GE (u1 :: [Char]) (u2 :: Int) (u3 :: [[Char]]) -> u2; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_ #-}
+groupMembers :: GroupEntry -> [[Char]]
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AAS)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 1 \ (u0 :: [[Char]]) -> u0 _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 C 2 \ (u0 :: GroupEntry) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ LibPosixDB GE (u1 :: [Char]) (u2 :: Int) (u3 :: [[Char]]) -> u3; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_ #-}
+groupName :: GroupEntry -> [Char]
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(SAA)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 1 \ (u0 :: [Char]) -> u0 _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 C 2 \ (u0 :: GroupEntry) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ LibPosixDB GE (u1 :: [Char]) (u2 :: Int) (u3 :: [[Char]]) -> u1; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_ #-}
+homeDirectory :: UserEntry -> [Char]
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AAASA)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 1 \ (u0 :: [Char]) -> u0 _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 C 2 \ (u0 :: UserEntry) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ LibPosixDB UE (u1 :: [Char]) (u2 :: Int) (u3 :: Int) (u4 :: [Char]) (u5 :: [Char]) -> u4; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_ #-}
+argumentListTooLong :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+badChannel :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+brokenPipe :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+directoryNotEmpty :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+e2BIG :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+eACCES :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+eAGAIN :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+eBADF :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+eBUSY :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+eCHILD :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+eDEADLK :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+eEXIST :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+eFBIG :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+eINTR :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+eINVAL :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+eIO :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+eISDIR :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+eMFILE :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+eMLINK :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+eNFILE :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+eNODEV :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+eNOENT :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+eNOEXEC :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+eNOLCK :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+eNOMEM :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+eNOSPC :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+eNOSYS :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+eNOTDIR :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+eNOTTY :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+eNXIO :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+ePERM :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+ePIPE :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+eROFS :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+eSPIPE :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+eSRCH :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+eXDEV :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+execFormatError :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+fileAlreadyExists :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+fileTooLarge :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+filenameTooLong :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+getErrorCode :: _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 Int, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(P)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+improperLink :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+inappropriateIOControlOperation :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+inputOutputError :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+interruptedOperation :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+invalidArgument :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+invalidSeek :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+isADirectory :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+noChildProcess :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+noError :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 2 _!_ I# [] [0#] _N_ #-}
+noLocksAvailable :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+noSpaceLeftOnDevice :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+noSuchDeviceOrAddress :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+noSuchFileOrDirectory :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+noSuchOperationOnDevice :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+noSuchProcess :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+notADirectory :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+notEnoughMemory :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+operationNotImplemented :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+operationNotPermitted :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+permissionDenied :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+readOnlyFileSystem :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+resourceBusy :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+resourceDeadlockAvoided :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+resourceTemporarilyUnavailable :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+accessModes :: _Word
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+accessTime :: _ByteArray () -> Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+changeWorkingDirectory :: [Char] -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 21 _N_ _S_ "LU(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+closeDirStream :: _Addr -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+createDirectory :: [Char] -> _Word -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 3 _U_ 212 _N_ _S_ "SU(P)L" {_A_ 3 _U_ 222 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+createFile :: [Char] -> _Word -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 Int, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 3 _U_ 212 _N_ _S_ "SU(P)L" {_A_ 3 _U_ 222 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+createLink :: [Char] -> [Char] -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 3 _U_ 222 _N_ _S_ "SSL" _N_ _N_ #-}
+createNamedPipe :: [Char] -> _Word -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 3 _U_ 212 _N_ _S_ "SU(P)L" {_A_ 3 _U_ 222 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+deviceID :: _ByteArray () -> Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+fileGroup :: _ByteArray () -> Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+fileID :: _ByteArray () -> Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+fileMode :: _ByteArray () -> _Word
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+fileOwner :: _ByteArray () -> Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+fileSize :: _ByteArray () -> Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+getChannelStatus :: Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (_ByteArray ()), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+getChannelVar :: PathVar -> Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 Int, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 3 _U_ 111 _N_ _S_ "EU(P)U(P)" {_A_ 3 _U_ 122 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+getFileStatus :: [Char] -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (_ByteArray ()), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SL" _N_ _N_ #-}
+getPathVar :: PathVar -> [Char] -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 Int, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 3 _U_ 122 _N_ _S_ "ESL" _N_ _N_ #-}
+getWorkingDirectory :: _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 [Char], _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(P)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+groupExecuteMode :: _Word
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+groupModes :: _Word
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+groupReadMode :: _Word
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+groupWriteMode :: _Word
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+intersectFileModes :: _Word -> _Word -> _Word
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XX 3 \ (u0 :: Word#) (u1 :: Word#) -> case _#_ and# [] [u0, u1] of { _PRIM_ (u2 :: Word#) -> _!_ W# [] [u2] } _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 CC 5 \ (u0 :: _Word) (u1 :: _Word) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ W# (u2 :: Word#) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ W# (u3 :: Word#) -> case _#_ and# [] [u2, u3] of { _PRIM_ (u4 :: Word#) -> _!_ W# [] [u4] }; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_ #-}
+isBlockDevice :: _ByteArray () -> Bool
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+isCharacterDevice :: _ByteArray () -> Bool
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+isDirectory :: _ByteArray () -> Bool
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+isNamedPipe :: _ByteArray () -> Bool
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+isRegularFile :: _ByteArray () -> Bool
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+linkCount :: _ByteArray () -> Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+modificationTime :: _ByteArray () -> Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+nullFileMode :: _Word
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+openChannel :: [Char] -> OpenMode -> Maybe _Word -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 Int, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 9 _U_ 202111112 _N_ _S_ "SASEEEEEL" {_A_ 8 _U_ 22111112 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+openDirStream :: [Char] -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 _Addr, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SL" _N_ _N_ #-}
+otherExecuteMode :: _Word
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+otherModes :: _Word
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+otherReadMode :: _Word
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+otherWriteMode :: _Word
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+ownerExecuteMode :: _Word
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+ownerModes :: _Word
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+ownerReadMode :: _Word
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+ownerWriteMode :: _Word
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+queryAccess :: [Char] -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 Bool, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 5 _U_ 21112 _N_ _S_ "SEEEL" _N_ _N_ #-}
+queryFile :: [Char] -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 Bool, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SL" _N_ _N_ #-}
+readDirStream :: _Addr -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 [Char], _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "LU(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 12 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+removeLink :: [Char] -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SL" _N_ _N_ #-}
+rename :: [Char] -> [Char] -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 3 _U_ 222 _N_ _S_ "SSL" _N_ _N_ #-}
+rewindDirStream :: _Addr -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+closeChannel :: Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+createPipe :: _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (Int, Int), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(P)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+dupChannel :: Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 Int, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+dupChannelTo :: Int -> Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 3 _U_ 111 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 3 _U_ 222 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+getLock :: Int -> (LockRequest, SeekMode, Int, Int) -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (Maybe (Int, (LockRequest, SeekMode, Int, Int))), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 3 _U_ 111 _N_ _S_ "LU(EEU(P)U(P))U(P)" {_A_ 3 _U_ 112 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+queryChannelOption :: ChannelOption -> Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 Bool, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 3 _U_ 211 _N_ _S_ "EU(P)U(P)" {_A_ 3 _U_ 222 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+readChannel :: Int -> Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 ([Char], Int), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 3 _U_ 111 _N_ _S_ "LU(P)U(P)" {_A_ 3 _U_ 122 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+runProcess :: [Char] -> [[Char]] -> Maybe [([Char], [Char])] -> Maybe [Char] -> Maybe (_MVar _Handle) -> Maybe (_MVar _Handle) -> Maybe (_MVar _Handle) -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 8 _U_ 22111111 _N_ _S_ "LLLLLLLU(P)" _N_ _N_ #-}
+userGroupID :: UserEntry -> Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AAU(P)AA)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 2 \ (u0 :: Int#) -> _!_ I# [] [u0] _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 C 2 \ (u0 :: UserEntry) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ LibPosixDB UE (u1 :: [Char]) (u2 :: Int) (u3 :: Int) (u4 :: [Char]) (u5 :: [Char]) -> u3; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_ #-}
+userID :: UserEntry -> Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AU(P)AAA)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 2 \ (u0 :: Int#) -> _!_ I# [] [u0] _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 C 2 \ (u0 :: UserEntry) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ LibPosixDB UE (u1 :: [Char]) (u2 :: Int) (u3 :: Int) (u4 :: [Char]) (u5 :: [Char]) -> u2; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_ #-}
+userName :: UserEntry -> [Char]
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(SAAAA)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 1 \ (u0 :: [Char]) -> u0 _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 C 2 \ (u0 :: UserEntry) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ LibPosixDB UE (u1 :: [Char]) (u2 :: Int) (u3 :: Int) (u4 :: [Char]) (u5 :: [Char]) -> u1; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_ #-}
+userShell :: UserEntry -> [Char]
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AAAAS)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 1 \ (u0 :: [Char]) -> u0 _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 C 2 \ (u0 :: UserEntry) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _ORIG_ LibPosixDB UE (u1 :: [Char]) (u2 :: Int) (u3 :: Int) (u4 :: [Char]) (u5 :: [Char]) -> u5; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_ #-}
+setErrorCode :: Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+tooManyLinks :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+tooManyOpenFiles :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+tooManyOpenFilesInSystem :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+setFileCreationMask :: _Word -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 _Word, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+setFileMode :: [Char] -> _Word -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 3 _U_ 212 _N_ _S_ "SU(P)L" {_A_ 3 _U_ 222 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+setFileTimes :: [Char] -> Int -> Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 4 _U_ 2112 _N_ _S_ "SU(P)U(P)L" {_A_ 4 _U_ 2222 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+setGroupIDMode :: _Word
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+setOwnerAndGroup :: [Char] -> Int -> Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 4 _U_ 2112 _N_ _S_ "SU(P)U(P)L" {_A_ 4 _U_ 2222 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+setUserIDMode :: _Word
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+statusChangeTime :: _ByteArray () -> Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+stdError :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 2 _!_ I# [] [2#] _N_ #-}
+stdFileMode :: _Word
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+stdInput :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 2 _!_ I# [] [0#] _N_ #-}
+stdOutput :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 2 _!_ I# [] [1#] _N_ #-}
+touchFile :: [Char] -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SL" _N_ _N_ #-}
+unionFileModes :: _Word -> _Word -> _Word
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 XX 3 \ (u0 :: Word#) (u1 :: Word#) -> case _#_ or# [] [u0, u1] of { _PRIM_ (u2 :: Word#) -> _!_ W# [] [u2] } _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 2 CC 5 \ (u0 :: _Word) (u1 :: _Word) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ W# (u2 :: Word#) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ W# (u3 :: Word#) -> case _#_ or# [] [u2, u3] of { _PRIM_ (u4 :: Word#) -> _!_ W# [] [u4] }; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_ #-}
+seekChannel :: Int -> SeekMode -> Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 Int, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 4 _U_ 1111 _N_ _S_ "U(P)EU(P)U(P)" {_A_ 4 _U_ 2122 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+setChannelOption :: ChannelOption -> Bool -> Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 4 _U_ 2111 _N_ _S_ "ELU(P)U(P)" {_A_ 4 _U_ 2122 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+setLock :: Int -> (LockRequest, SeekMode, Int, Int) -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 3 _U_ 111 _N_ _S_ "LU(EEU(P)U(P))U(P)" {_A_ 3 _U_ 112 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+waitToSetLock :: Int -> (LockRequest, SeekMode, Int, Int) -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 3 _U_ 111 _N_ _S_ "LU(EEU(P)U(P))U(P)" {_A_ 3 _U_ 112 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+writeChannel :: Int -> [Char] -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 Int, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 3 _U_ 122 _N_ _S_ "U(P)SL" {_A_ 3 _U_ 222 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+childSystemTime :: (Int, _ByteArray ()) -> Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AU(AP))" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+childUserTime :: (Int, _ByteArray ()) -> Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AU(AP))" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+createProcessGroup :: Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 Int, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+createSession :: _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 Int, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(P)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+elapsedTime :: (Int, _ByteArray ()) -> Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(U(P)A)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 X 2 \ (u0 :: Int#) -> _!_ I# [] [u0] _N_} _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 1 C 2 \ (u0 :: (Int, _ByteArray ())) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ _TUP_2 (u1 :: Int) (u2 :: _ByteArray ()) -> u1; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_ #-}
+epochTime :: _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 Int, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(P)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+getControllingTerminalName :: _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 [Char], _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(P)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+getEffectiveGroupID :: _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 Int, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(P)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+getEffectiveUserID :: _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 Int, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(P)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+getEffectiveUserName :: _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 [Char], _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(P)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+getGroups :: _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 [Int], _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(P)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+getLoginName :: _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 [Char], _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(P)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+getParentProcessID :: _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 Int, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(P)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+getProcessGroupID :: _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 Int, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(P)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+getProcessID :: _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 Int, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(P)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+getProcessTimes :: _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (Int, _ByteArray ()), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(P)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+getRealGroupID :: _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 Int, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(P)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+getRealUserID :: _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 Int, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(P)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+getSysVar :: SysVar -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 Int, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "EU(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 12 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+getSystemID :: _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (_ByteArray ()), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(P)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+getTerminalName :: Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 [Char], _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+joinProcessGroup :: Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+machine :: _ByteArray () -> [Char]
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+nodeName :: _ByteArray () -> [Char]
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+queryTerminal :: Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 Bool, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+release :: _ByteArray () -> [Char]
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+setGroupID :: Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+setProcessGroupID :: Int -> Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 3 _U_ 111 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 3 _U_ 222 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+setUserID :: Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+systemName :: _ByteArray () -> [Char]
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+systemTime :: (Int, _ByteArray ()) -> Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AU(AP))" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+userTime :: (Int, _ByteArray ()) -> Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AU(AP))" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+version :: _ByteArray () -> [Char]
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+addSignal :: Int -> _ByteArray () -> _ByteArray ()
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(AP)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+awaitSignal :: Maybe (_ByteArray ()) -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "SU(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 12 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+backgroundRead :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+backgroundWrite :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+blockSignals :: _ByteArray () -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (_ByteArray ()), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+continueProcess :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+deleteSignal :: Int -> _ByteArray () -> _ByteArray ()
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(AP)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+emptySignalSet :: _ByteArray ()
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+executeFile :: [Char] -> Bool -> [[Char]] -> Maybe [([Char], [Char])] -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 5 _U_ 21212 _N_ _S_ "SELSL" _N_ _N_ #-}
+exitImmediately :: ExitCode -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "SU(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 12 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+floatingPointException :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+forkProcess :: _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (Maybe Int), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(P)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+fullSignalSet :: _ByteArray ()
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+getAnyProcessStatus :: Bool -> Bool -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (Maybe (Int, ProcessStatus)), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 3 _U_ 222 _N_ _S_ "EEL" _N_ _N_ #-}
+getEnvVar :: [Char] -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 [Char], _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SL" _N_ _N_ #-}
+getEnvironment :: _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 [([Char], [Char])], _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(P)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+getGroupProcessStatus :: Bool -> Bool -> Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (Maybe (Int, ProcessStatus)), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 4 _U_ 1111 _N_ _S_ "EEU(P)U(P)" {_A_ 4 _U_ 1122 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+getPendingSignals :: _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (_ByteArray ()), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(P)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+getProcessStatus :: Bool -> Bool -> Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (Maybe ProcessStatus), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 4 _U_ 1111 _N_ _S_ "EEU(P)U(P)" {_A_ 4 _U_ 1122 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+getSignalMask :: _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (_ByteArray ()), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(P)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+illegalInstruction :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+inSignalSet :: Int -> _ByteArray () -> Bool
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(AP)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+installHandler :: Int -> Handler -> Maybe (_ByteArray ()) -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 Handler, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 4 _U_ 1111 _N_ _S_ "U(P)SSU(P)" {_A_ 4 _U_ 2112 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+internalAbort :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+keyboardSignal :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+keyboardStop :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+keyboardTermination :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+killProcess :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+lostConnection :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+nullSignal :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 2 _!_ I# [] [0#] _N_ #-}
+openEndedPipe :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+processStatusChanged :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+queryStoppedChildFlag :: _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 Bool, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(P)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+raiseSignal :: Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "LU(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 12 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+realTimeAlarm :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+removeEnvVar :: [Char] -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SL" _N_ _N_ #-}
+scheduleAlarm :: Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 Int, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+segmentationViolation :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+setEnvVar :: [Char] -> [Char] -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 3 _U_ 122 _N_ _S_ "SLL" _N_ _N_ #-}
+setEnvironment :: [([Char], [Char])] -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "SU(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 12 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+setSignalMask :: _ByteArray () -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (_ByteArray ()), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+setStoppedChildFlag :: Bool -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 Bool, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "EU(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 12 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+sigABRT :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+sigALRM :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+sigCHLD :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+sigCONT :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+sigFPE :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+sigHUP :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+sigILL :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+sigINT :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+sigKILL :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+sigPIPE :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+sigProcMask :: [Char] -> Int -> _ByteArray () -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (_ByteArray ()), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 4 _U_ 2111 _N_ _S_ "LU(P)U(AP)U(P)" {_A_ 4 _U_ 2222 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+sigQUIT :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+sigSEGV :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+sigSTOP :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+sigSetSize :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+sigTERM :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+sigTSTP :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+sigTTIN :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+sigTTOU :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+sigUSR1 :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+sigUSR2 :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+signalProcess :: Int -> Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 3 _U_ 111 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 3 _U_ 222 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+signalProcessGroup :: Int -> Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 3 _U_ 111 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 3 _U_ 222 _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 3 XXX 5 \ (u0 :: Int#) (u1 :: Int#) (u2 :: State# _RealWorld) -> case _#_ negateInt# [] [u1] of { _PRIM_ (u3 :: Int#) -> _APP_ _WRKR_ _ORIG_ LibPosixProcPrim signalProcess [ u0, u3, u2 ] } _N_} _F_ _ALWAYS_ \ (u0 :: Int) (u1 :: Int) (u2 :: _State _RealWorld) -> case u0 of { _ALG_ I# (u3 :: Int#) -> case u1 of { _ALG_ I# (u4 :: Int#) -> case u2 of { _ALG_ S# (u5 :: State# _RealWorld) -> case _#_ negateInt# [] [u4] of { _PRIM_ (u6 :: Int#) -> _APP_ _WRKR_ _ORIG_ LibPosixProcPrim signalProcess [ u3, u6, u5 ] }; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ }; _NO_DEFLT_ } _N_ #-}
+sleep :: Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+softwareStop :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+softwareTermination :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+unBlockSignals :: _ByteArray () -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (_ByteArray ()), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+userDefinedSignal1 :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+userDefinedSignal2 :: Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+bitsPerByte :: _ByteArray () -> Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+controlChar :: _ByteArray () -> ControlCharacter -> Maybe Char
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)E" {_A_ 2 _U_ 21 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+controlFlow :: Int -> FlowAction -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 3 _U_ 111 _N_ _S_ "U(P)EU(P)" {_A_ 3 _U_ 212 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+discardData :: Int -> QueueSelector -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 3 _U_ 111 _N_ _S_ "U(P)EU(P)" {_A_ 3 _U_ 212 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+drainOutput :: Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+getTerminalAttributes :: Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (_ByteArray ()), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+getTerminalProcessGroupID :: Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 Int, _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+inputSpeed :: _ByteArray () -> BaudRate
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+inputTime :: _ByteArray () -> Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+minInput :: _ByteArray () -> Int
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+outputSpeed :: _ByteArray () -> BaudRate
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 1 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+sendBreak :: Int -> Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 3 _U_ 111 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 3 _U_ 222 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+setTerminalAttributes :: Int -> _ByteArray () -> TerminalState -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 4 _U_ 1111 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(AP)EU(P)" {_A_ 4 _U_ 2212 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+setTerminalProcessGroupID :: Int -> Int -> _State _RealWorld -> (Either IOError13 (), _State _RealWorld)
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 3 _U_ 111 _N_ _S_ "U(P)U(P)U(P)" {_A_ 3 _U_ 222 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+terminalMode :: TerminalMode -> _ByteArray () -> Bool
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 12 _N_ _S_ "E" _N_ _N_ #-}
+withBits :: _ByteArray () -> Int -> _ByteArray ()
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+withCC :: _ByteArray () -> (ControlCharacter, Char) -> _ByteArray ()
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)U(EU(P))" {_A_ 3 _U_ 212 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+withInputSpeed :: _ByteArray () -> BaudRate -> _ByteArray ()
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)E" {_A_ 2 _U_ 21 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+withMinInput :: _ByteArray () -> Int -> _ByteArray ()
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+withMode :: _ByteArray () -> TerminalMode -> _ByteArray ()
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)E" {_A_ 2 _U_ 21 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+withOutputSpeed :: _ByteArray () -> BaudRate -> _ByteArray ()
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)E" {_A_ 2 _U_ 21 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+withTime :: _ByteArray () -> Int -> _ByteArray ()
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)U(P)" {_A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+withoutCC :: _ByteArray () -> ControlCharacter -> _ByteArray ()
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)E" {_A_ 2 _U_ 21 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+withoutMode :: _ByteArray () -> TerminalMode -> _ByteArray ()
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "U(AP)E" {_A_ 2 _U_ 21 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Eq ProcessStatus
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ LibPosixProcPrim {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 3 _!_ _TUP_2 [(ProcessStatus -> ProcessStatus -> Bool), (ProcessStatus -> ProcessStatus -> Bool)] [_CONSTM_ Eq (==) (ProcessStatus), _CONSTM_ Eq (/=) (ProcessStatus)] _N_
+ (==) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ (/=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 11 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Eq ExitCode
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ LibSystem {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 3 _!_ _TUP_2 [(ExitCode -> ExitCode -> Bool), (ExitCode -> ExitCode -> Bool)] [_CONSTM_ Eq (==) (ExitCode), _CONSTM_ Eq (/=) (ExitCode)] _N_
+ (==) = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ (/=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Ord ProcessStatus
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ LibPosixProcPrim {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 9 _!_ _TUP_8 [{{Eq ProcessStatus}}, (ProcessStatus -> ProcessStatus -> Bool), (ProcessStatus -> ProcessStatus -> Bool), (ProcessStatus -> ProcessStatus -> Bool), (ProcessStatus -> ProcessStatus -> Bool), (ProcessStatus -> ProcessStatus -> ProcessStatus), (ProcessStatus -> ProcessStatus -> ProcessStatus), (ProcessStatus -> ProcessStatus -> _CMP_TAG)] [_DFUN_ Eq (ProcessStatus), _CONSTM_ Ord (<) (ProcessStatus), _CONSTM_ Ord (<=) (ProcessStatus), _CONSTM_ Ord (>=) (ProcessStatus), _CONSTM_ Ord (>) (ProcessStatus), _CONSTM_ Ord max (ProcessStatus), _CONSTM_ Ord min (ProcessStatus), _CONSTM_ Ord _tagCmp (ProcessStatus)] _N_
+ (<) = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ (<=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ (>=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ (>) = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ max = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ min = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ _tagCmp = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Ord ExitCode
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ LibSystem {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 9 _!_ _TUP_8 [{{Eq ExitCode}}, (ExitCode -> ExitCode -> Bool), (ExitCode -> ExitCode -> Bool), (ExitCode -> ExitCode -> Bool), (ExitCode -> ExitCode -> Bool), (ExitCode -> ExitCode -> ExitCode), (ExitCode -> ExitCode -> ExitCode), (ExitCode -> ExitCode -> _CMP_TAG)] [_DFUN_ Eq (ExitCode), _CONSTM_ Ord (<) (ExitCode), _CONSTM_ Ord (<=) (ExitCode), _CONSTM_ Ord (>=) (ExitCode), _CONSTM_ Ord (>) (ExitCode), _CONSTM_ Ord max (ExitCode), _CONSTM_ Ord min (ExitCode), _CONSTM_ Ord _tagCmp (ExitCode)] _N_
+ (<) = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ (<=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ (>=) = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ (>) = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ max = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ min = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_,
+ _tagCmp = _A_ 2 _U_ 22 _N_ _S_ "SS" _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Text ProcessStatus
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ LibPosixProcPrim {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 5 _!_ _TUP_4 [(Int -> [Char] -> [(ProcessStatus, [Char])]), (Int -> ProcessStatus -> [Char] -> [Char]), ([Char] -> [([ProcessStatus], [Char])]), ([ProcessStatus] -> [Char] -> [Char])] [_CONSTM_ Text readsPrec (ProcessStatus), _CONSTM_ Text showsPrec (ProcessStatus), _CONSTM_ Text readList (ProcessStatus), _CONSTM_ Text showList (ProcessStatus)] _N_
+ readsPrec = _A_ 1 _U_ 12 _N_ _S_ "U(P)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_,
+ showsPrec = _A_ 2 _U_ 112 _N_ _S_ "LS" _N_ _N_,
+ readList = _A_ 0 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_,
+ showList = _A_ 0 _U_ 12 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}
+instance Text ExitCode
+ {-# GHC_PRAGMA _M_ LibSystem {-dfun-} _A_ 0 _N_ _N_ _N_ _F_ _IF_ARGS_ 0 0 X 5 _!_ _TUP_4 [(Int -> [Char] -> [(ExitCode, [Char])]), (Int -> ExitCode -> [Char] -> [Char]), ([Char] -> [([ExitCode], [Char])]), ([ExitCode] -> [Char] -> [Char])] [_CONSTM_ Text readsPrec (ExitCode), _CONSTM_ Text showsPrec (ExitCode), _CONSTM_ Text readList (ExitCode), _CONSTM_ Text showList (ExitCode)] _N_
+ readsPrec = _A_ 1 _U_ 12 _N_ _S_ "U(P)" {_A_ 1 _U_ 22 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_} _N_ _N_,
+ showsPrec = _A_ 2 _U_ 112 _N_ _S_ "LS" _N_ _N_,
+ readList = _A_ 0 _U_ 2 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_,
+ showList = _A_ 0 _U_ 12 _N_ _N_ _N_ _N_ #-}