path: root/ghc/lib/hbc/Algebra.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/lib/hbc/Algebra.hs')
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/lib/hbc/Algebra.hs b/ghc/lib/hbc/Algebra.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4505287efe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/lib/hbc/Algebra.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+module Algebra where
+infixl 6 +. , -.
+infixl 7 *. , /.
+-- (x::A)->B is dependant functions
+-- (x = y) A is equality in type A
+-- For simplicity we may require decidable equality on the elements.
+class {-(Eq a) =>-} SemiGroup a where
+ (+.) :: a->a->a
+-- assocAdd :: (x::a)->(y::a)->(z::a)->
+-- ((a+.b)+.c = a+.(b+.c)) a
+class (SemiGroup a) => Monoid a where
+ zero :: a
+-- leftZero :: (x::a) -> (zero +. x = x) a
+class (Monoid a) => Group a where
+ neg :: a->a
+ (-.) :: a->a->a
+ x -. y = x +. neg y
+-- leftNeg :: (x::a) -> (neg x +. x = zero) a
+class (Group a) => AbelianGroup a
+-- commAdd :: (x::a)->(y::a)-> (x+.y = y+.x) a
+class (AbelianGroup a) => Ring a where
+ (*.) :: a->a->a
+-- assocMul :: (x::a)->(y::a)->(z::a)->
+-- ((a*.b)*.c = a*.(b*.c)) a
+-- distrRingL :: (x::a)->(y::a)->(z::a)->
+-- (x*.(y+.z) = x*.y +. x*.z)
+-- distrRingR :: (x::a)->(y::a)->(z::a)->
+-- ((y+.z)*.x = y*.x +. z*.x)
+class (Ring a) => UnityRing a where
+ one :: a
+-- leftOne :: (x::a)->(one *. x = x) a
+-- rightOne :: (x::a)->(x *. one = x) a
+class (Ring a) => CommutativeRing a
+-- commMul :: (x::a)->(y::a)-> (x*.y = y*.x) a
+class (CommutativeRing a, UnityRing a) => IntegralDomain a
+-- noZeroDiv :: (x::a)->(y::a)-> ( (x*.y = zero) a -> Either ((x=zero) a) ((y=zero) a) )
+class (UnityRing a) => DivisionRing a where
+ inv :: a->a
+ (/.) :: a->a->a
+ x /. y = x *. inv y
+-- leftinv :: (x::a) -> (inv x *. x = one) a
+class (DivisionRing a, CommutativeRing a) => Field a
+-- Every finite integral domain is a field.
+-- Unique Factorization Domain
+class (IntegralDomain a) => UFD a
+-- every non-zero element has a unique factorization
+-- Principal Ideal Domain
+class (IntegralDomain a) => PID a
+-- every ideal is a principal ideal
+-- [a] --
+instance SemiGroup [a] where
+ (+.) = (++)
+instance Monoid [a] where
+ zero = []
+-- Bool --
+instance SemiGroup Bool where
+ (+.) = (||)
+instance Monoid Bool where
+ zero = False
+instance Group Bool where
+ neg = not
+instance AbelianGroup Bool
+instance Ring Bool where
+ (*.) = (&&)
+instance CommutativeRing Bool
+instance UnityRing Bool where
+ one = True
+instance DivisionRing Bool where
+ inv x = x
+-- Int --
+instance SemiGroup Int where
+ (+.) = (+)
+instance Monoid Int where
+ zero = 0
+instance Group Int where
+ neg = negate
+instance AbelianGroup Int
+instance Ring Int where
+ (*.) = (*)
+instance CommutativeRing Int
+instance UnityRing Int where
+ one = 1
+-- Integer --
+instance SemiGroup Integer where
+ (+.) = (+)
+instance Monoid Integer where
+ zero = 0
+instance Group Integer where
+ neg = negate
+instance AbelianGroup Integer
+instance Ring Integer where
+ (*.) = (*)
+instance CommutativeRing Integer
+instance UnityRing Integer where
+ one = 1
+instance IntegralDomain Integer
+-- Q --
+-- A new data tupe is needed to do the instance declarations
+data Q = Q Rational {-#STRICT#-} deriving (Eq, Ord)
+instance Text Q where
+#if defined(__HBC__)
+ -- not standard
+ showsType _ = showString "Q"
+ showsPrec n (Q p) = showsPrec n p
+instance SemiGroup Q where
+ Q a +. Q b = Q (a+b)
+instance Monoid Q where
+ zero = Q 0
+instance Group Q where
+ neg (Q a) = Q (-a)
+instance AbelianGroup Q
+instance Ring Q where
+ Q a *. Q b = Q (a*b)
+instance CommutativeRing Q
+instance UnityRing Q where
+ one = Q 1
+instance IntegralDomain Q
+instance DivisionRing Q where
+ inv (Q x) = Q (recip x)
+instance Field Q