path: root/ghc/lib/prelude/PreludeIOError.lhs
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diff --git a/ghc/lib/prelude/PreludeIOError.lhs b/ghc/lib/prelude/PreludeIOError.lhs
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index 0000000000..ed4e44794a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/lib/prelude/PreludeIOError.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1994
+\section[PrelIOErr]{I/O Errors}
+Haskell 1.2 does not provide standard error values for I/O errors.
+This is unacceptable for portable implementations which indulge in
+non-trivial I/O. The $IOError$ type has therefore been extended from
+Haskell 1.2, and possible error values have been identified for all
+standard operations.
+#include "error.h"
+module PreludeIOError (IOError13(..), _constructError) where
+import Cls
+import Core
+import IChar
+import IInt
+import IList
+import List ( (++) )
+import PS
+import Prel ( (.), not )
+import PreludeGlaST
+import Text
+data IOError13 = AlreadyExists String
+ | HardwareFault String
+ | IllegalOperation String
+ | InappropriateType String
+ | Interrupted String
+ | InvalidArgument String
+ | NoSuchThing String
+ | OtherError13 String
+ | PermissionDenied String
+ | ProtocolError String
+ | ResourceBusy String
+ | ResourceExhausted String
+ | ResourceVanished String
+ | SystemError String
+ | TimeExpired String
+ | UnsatisfiedConstraints String
+ | UnsupportedOperation String
+ | UserError String
+ | EOF
+ -- not really OK: deriving (Text)
+instance Text IOError13 where -- NB: not interested in reading
+ showsPrec p (AlreadyExists s) = show2 "AlreadyExists: " s
+ showsPrec p (HardwareFault s) = show2 "HardwareFault: " s
+ showsPrec p (IllegalOperation s) = show2 "IllegalOperation: " s
+ showsPrec p (InappropriateType s) = show2 "InappropriateType: " s
+ showsPrec p (Interrupted s) = show2 "Interrupted: " s
+ showsPrec p (InvalidArgument s) = show2 "InvalidArgument: " s
+ showsPrec p (NoSuchThing s) = show2 "NoSuchThing: " s
+ showsPrec p (OtherError13 s) = show2 "OtherError13: " s
+ showsPrec p (PermissionDenied s) = show2 "PermissionDenied: " s
+ showsPrec p (ProtocolError s) = show2 "ProtocolError: " s
+ showsPrec p (ResourceBusy s) = show2 "ResourceBusy: " s
+ showsPrec p (ResourceExhausted s) = show2 "ResourceExhausted: " s
+ showsPrec p (ResourceVanished s) = show2 "ResourceVanished: " s
+ showsPrec p (SystemError s) = show2 "SystemError: " s
+ showsPrec p (TimeExpired s) = show2 "TimeExpired: " s
+ showsPrec p (UnsatisfiedConstraints s) = show2 "UnsatisfiedConstraints: " s
+ showsPrec p (UnsupportedOperation s)= show2 "UnsupportedOperation: " s
+ showsPrec p (UserError s) = showString s
+ showsPrec p EOF = showString "EOF"
+show2 x y = showString x . showString y
+_constructError :: PrimIO IOError13
+_constructError =
+ _casm_ ``%r = ghc_errtype;'' `thenPrimIO` \ (I# errtype#) ->
+ _casm_ ``%r = ghc_errstr;'' `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
+ let
+ msg = _unpackPS (_packCString str)
+ in
+ returnPrimIO (case errtype# of
+ ERR_ALREADYEXISTS# -> AlreadyExists msg
+ ERR_HARDWAREFAULT# -> HardwareFault msg
+ ERR_ILLEGALOPERATION# -> IllegalOperation msg
+ ERR_INAPPROPRIATETYPE# -> InappropriateType msg
+ ERR_INTERRUPTED# -> Interrupted msg
+ ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT# -> InvalidArgument msg
+ ERR_NOSUCHTHING# -> NoSuchThing msg
+ ERR_OTHERERROR# -> OtherError13 msg
+ ERR_PERMISSIONDENIED# -> PermissionDenied msg
+ ERR_PROTOCOLERROR# -> ProtocolError msg
+ ERR_RESOURCEBUSY# -> ResourceBusy msg
+ ERR_RESOURCEEXHAUSTED# -> ResourceExhausted msg
+ ERR_RESOURCEVANISHED# -> ResourceVanished msg
+ ERR_SYSTEMERROR# -> SystemError msg
+ ERR_TIMEEXPIRED# -> TimeExpired msg
+ ERR_UNSATISFIEDCONSTRAINTS# -> UnsatisfiedConstraints msg
+ ERR_UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION# -> UnsupportedOperation msg
+ _ -> OtherError13 "bad error construct"
+ )
+The $String$ part of an $IOError13$ is platform-dependent. However, to
+provide a uniform mechanism for distinguishing among errors within
+these broad categories, each platform-specific standard shall specify
+the exact strings to be used for particular errors. For errors not
+explicitly mentioned in the standard, any descriptive string may be