path: root/ghc/misc/examples/hsh/Hsh.hs
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 288 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/misc/examples/hsh/Hsh.hs b/ghc/misc/examples/hsh/Hsh.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 2102f7d08c..0000000000
--- a/ghc/misc/examples/hsh/Hsh.hs
+++ /dev/null
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-module Main (main) where
-import IO
-import Posix
-import Directory (setCurrentDirectory)
-import System ( getEnv, exitWith, ExitCode(..) )
-import Char (isSpace)
-main :: IO ()
-main =
- do
- initialize
- commandLoop
- Standard shell practice: move std descriptors out of the way so
- it's more convenient to set them up for children. Also set up an
- interrupt handler which will put us back in the main loop.
-initialize :: IO ()
-initialize =
- dupTo stdInput myStdin >>
- dupTo stdOutput myStdout >>
- dupTo stdError myStderr >>
- fdClose stdInput >>
- fdClose stdOutput >>
--- fdClose stdError >>
- installHandler sigINT (Catch intr) Nothing >>
- return ()
--- some random fd numbers...
-myStdin = intToFd 16
-myStdout = intToFd 17
-myStderr = intToFd 18
--- For user interrupts
-intr :: IO ()
-intr =
- fdWrite myStdout "\n" >>
- commandLoop
- Simple command loop: print a prompt, read a command, process the command.
- Repeat as necessary.
-commandLoop :: IO ()
-commandLoop =
- fdWrite myStdout "$ " >>
- try (readCommand myStdin) >>=
- either
- (\ err ->
- if isEOFError err then
- return ()
- else
- dieHorribly)
- (\ cmd ->
- try (processCommand cmd) >>= either (\ err -> commandLoop) (\ succ -> commandLoop))
- where
- dieHorribly :: IO ()
- dieHorribly =
- do
- errMsg "read failed"
- exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
- Read a command a character at a time (to allow for fancy processing later).
- On newline, you're done, unless the newline was escaped by a backslash.
-readCommand :: Fd -> IO String
-readCommand fd =
- accumString "" >>= \ cmd ->
- return cmd
- where
- accumString :: String -> IO String
- accumString s =
- myGetChar fd >>= \ c ->
- case c of
- '\\' ->
- myGetChar fd >>= \ c' ->
- accumString (c':c:s)
- '\n' -> return (reverse s)
- ch -> accumString (ch:s)
-myGetChar :: Fd -> IO Char
-myGetChar chan =
- do
- (s,len) <- fdRead chan 1
- case len of
- 0 -> myGetChar chan
- 1 -> return (head s)
- To process a command, first parse it into words, then do the necessary
- redirections, and finally perform the desired command. Built-ins are
- checked first, and if none match, we execute an external command.
-processCommand :: String -> IO ()
-processCommand "" = return ()
-processCommand s =
- do
- words <- parseCommand s
- (inFile, outFile, words) <- parseRedirection words
- performRedirections inFile outFile
- let
- cmd = head words
- args = tail words
- case builtin cmd of
- Just f ->
- do
- f args
- fdClose stdInput
- fdClose stdOutput
- Nothing -> exec cmd args
- Redirections are a bit of a pain, really. If none are specified, we
- dup our own file descriptors. Otherwise, we try to open the files
- as requested.
-performRedirections :: Maybe String -> Maybe String -> IO ()
-performRedirections inFile outFile =
- (case inFile of
- Nothing -> dupTo myStdin stdInput
- Just x ->
- try (openFd x ReadOnly Nothing defaultFileFlags)
- >>=
- either
- (\ err ->
- errMsg ("Can't redirect input from " ++ x) >>
- fail (userError "redirect"))
- (\ succ -> return ())) >>
- (case outFile of
- Nothing ->
- dupTo myStdout stdOutput
- Just x ->
- try (createFile x stdFileMode) >>=
- either
- (\ err ->
- do
- errMsg ("Can't redirect output to " ++ x)
- fdClose stdInput
- fail (userError "redirect"))
- (\ succ -> return ()))
- We parse a command line into words according to the following rules:
- 1) Anything inside pairs of "" or '' is parsed literally.
- 2) Anything (outside of quotes) escaped by \ is taken literally.
- 3) '<' and '>' are words all by themselves, unless escaped or quoted.
- 4) Whitespace separates words
-parseCommand :: String -> IO [String]
-parseCommand = getTokens []
- where
- getTokens :: [String] -> String -> IO [String]
- getTokens ts "" = return (reverse ts)
- getTokens ts (c:cs) | isSpace c = getTokens ts cs
- getTokens ts s =
- getToken s >>= \ (t, s') ->
- getTokens (t:ts) s'
- getToken :: String -> IO (String, String)
- getToken (c:cs)
- | c == '<' || c == '>' = return ([c], cs)
- | c == '"' || c == '\'' = accumQuote c "" cs
- | otherwise = accumToken [c] cs
- accumToken :: [Char] -> String -> IO (String, String)
- accumToken cs "" = return (reverse cs, "")
- accumToken cs ('\\':c:s) = accumToken (c:cs) s
- accumToken cs x@(c:s)
- | isSpace c || c == '<' || c == '>' = return (reverse cs, x)
- | c == '"' || c == '\'' = accumQuote c cs s
- | otherwise = accumToken (c:cs) s
- accumQuote :: Char -> [Char] -> String -> IO (String, String)
- accumQuote q cs "" =
- errMsg ("Unmatched " ++ [q]) >>
- fail (userError "unmatched quote")
- accumQuote q cs (c:s)
- | c == q = accumToken cs s
- | otherwise = accumQuote q (c:cs) s
- Here we look for "<" and ">". When we find one, we remove it and the
- following word from the word list. The arguments following the redirection
- symbols and the remaining words are returned to our caller. However, it's
- an error to end a word list with a redirection or for the same redirection
- to appear twice.
-parseRedirection :: [String] -> IO (Maybe String, Maybe String, [String])
-parseRedirection = redirect Nothing Nothing []
- where
- redirect inFile outFile args [] =
- return (inFile, outFile, reverse args)
- redirect inFile outFile args [arg]
- | arg == "<" || arg == ">" =
- errMsg "Missing name for redirect" >>
- fail (userError "parse redirect")
- | otherwise =
- return (inFile, outFile, reverse (arg:args))
- redirect inFile outFile args ("<":name:more)
- | inFile == Nothing =
- redirect (Just name) outFile args more
- | otherwise =
- errMsg "Ambiguous input redirect" >>
- fail (userError "parse redirect")
- redirect inFile outFile args (">":name:more)
- | outFile == Nothing =
- redirect inFile (Just name) args more
- | otherwise =
- errMsg "Ambiguous output redirect" >>
- fail (userError "parse redirect")
- redirect inFile outFile args (arg:more) =
- redirect inFile outFile (arg:args) more
- Executing an external command is pretty simple, but what if it fails?
- Fortunately, we don't have any way to redirect stdError just yet,
- so we let it complain and then exit.
-exec :: String -> [String] -> IO ()
-exec cmd args =
- forkProcess >>= \ maybe_pid ->
- case maybe_pid of
- Nothing ->
- do
- dupTo myStderr stdError
- fdClose myStdin
- fdClose myStdout
- fdClose myStderr
- executeFile cmd True args Nothing
- `catch`
- (\ err ->
- fdWrite stdError ("command not found: " ++ cmd ++ ".\n") >>
- exitImmediately (ExitFailure 1))
- Just pid ->
- do
- fdClose stdInput
- fdClose stdOutput
--- fdClose stdError
- getProcessStatus True False pid
- return ()
- Builtins:
- cd [arg] -> change directory (default to HOME)
- exit ... -> exit successfully
- Builtins must provide their own error messages, since the main command
- loop ignores any errors.
-builtin :: String -> Maybe ([String] -> IO ())
-builtin "cd" = Just chdir
-builtin "exit" = Just exit
-builtin _ = Nothing
-chdir :: [String] -> IO ()
-chdir [] =
- do
- home <- getEnv "HOME"
- setCurrentDirectory home `catch` \ err -> errMsg "cd: can't go home"
-chdir [dir] =
- do
- setCurrentDirectory dir `catch` \ err -> errMsg ("cd: can't chdir to " ++ dir)
-chdir _ = errMsg "cd: too many arguments"
-exit :: [String] -> IO ()
-exit _ = exitWith ExitSuccess
--- Print an error message to my std error.
-errMsg :: String -> IO ()
-errMsg msg =
- fdWrite myStderr ("hsh: " ++ msg ++ ".\n") >>
- return ()