path: root/ghc/utils
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/utils')
79 files changed, 7296 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/utils/Jmakefile b/ghc/utils/Jmakefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b0b693195
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/Jmakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#define IHaveSubdirs
+SUBDIRS = hp2ps \
+ hscpp \
+ unlit \
+ hstags \
+ mkdependHS \
+ parallel \
+ ugen \
+ stat2resid
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/AreaBelow.c b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/AreaBelow.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..741380723e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/AreaBelow.c
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "Main.h"
+#include "Defines.h"
+#include "Error.h"
+#include "HpFile.h"
+#include "Utilities.h"
+/* own stuff */
+#include "AreaBelow.h"
+extern void free();
+ * Return the area enclosed by all of the curves. The algorithm
+ * used is the same as the trapizoidal rule for integration.
+ */
+ intish i;
+ intish j;
+ intish bucket;
+ floatish value;
+ struct chunk *ch;
+ floatish area;
+ floatish trap;
+ floatish base;
+ floatish *maxima;
+ maxima = (floatish *) xmalloc(nsamples * sizeof(floatish));
+ for (i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
+ maxima[i] = 0.0;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < nidents; i++) {
+ for (ch = identtable[i]->chk; ch; ch = ch->next) {
+ for (j = 0; j < ch->nd; j++) {
+ bucket = ch->d[j].bucket;
+ value = ch->d[j].value;
+ if (bucket >= nsamples)
+ Disaster("bucket out of range");
+ maxima[ bucket ] += value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ area = 0.0;
+ for (i = 1; i < nsamples; i++) {
+ base = samplemap[i] - samplemap[i-1];
+ if (maxima[i] > maxima[i-1]) {
+ trap = base * maxima[i-1] + ((base * (maxima[i] - maxima[i-1]))/ 2.0);
+ } else {
+ trap = base * maxima[i] + ((base * (maxima[i-1] - maxima[i]))/ 2.0);
+ }
+ area += trap;
+ }
+ free(maxima);
+ return area;
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/AreaBelow.h b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/AreaBelow.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3bd9c9277b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/AreaBelow.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#ifndef AREA_BELOW_H
+#define AREA_BELOW_H
+extern floatish AreaBelow PROTO((void));
+#endif /* AREA_BELOW_H */
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/AuxFile.c b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/AuxFile.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6088ebfb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/AuxFile.c
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "Main.h"
+#include "Defines.h"
+#include "Shade.h"
+#include "Error.h"
+#include "HpFile.h"
+#include "Reorder.h"
+/* own stuff */
+#include "AuxFile.h"
+static void GetAuxLine PROTO((FILE *)); /* forward */
+static void GetAuxTok PROTO((FILE *)); /* forward */
+ FILE* auxfp;
+ ch = ' ';
+ endfile = 0;
+ linenum = 1;
+ GetAuxTok(auxfp);
+ while (endfile == 0) {
+ GetAuxLine(auxfp);
+ }
+ fclose(auxfp);
+ * Read the next line from the aux file, check the syntax, and
+ * perform the appropriate action.
+ */
+static void
+ FILE* auxfp;
+ switch (thetok) {
+ case X_RANGE_TOK:
+ GetAuxTok(auxfp);
+ if (thetok != FLOAT_TOK) {
+ Error("%s, line %d, floating point number must follow X_RANGE",
+ auxfile, linenum);
+ }
+ auxxrange = thefloatish;
+ GetAuxTok(auxfp);
+ break;
+ case Y_RANGE_TOK:
+ GetAuxTok(auxfp);
+ if (thetok != FLOAT_TOK) {
+ Error("%s, line %d, floating point number must follow Y_RANGE",
+ auxfile, linenum);
+ }
+ auxyrange = thefloatish;
+ GetAuxTok(auxfp);
+ break;
+ case ORDER_TOK:
+ GetAuxTok(auxfp);
+ if (thetok != IDENTIFIER_TOK) {
+ Error("%s, line %d: identifier must follow ORDER",
+ auxfile, linenum);
+ }
+ GetAuxTok(auxfp);
+ if (thetok != INTEGER_TOK) {
+ Error("%s, line %d: identifier and integer must follow ORDER",
+ auxfile, linenum);
+ }
+ OrderFor(theident, theinteger);
+ GetAuxTok(auxfp);
+ break;
+ case SHADE_TOK:
+ GetAuxTok(auxfp);
+ if (thetok != IDENTIFIER_TOK) {
+ Error("%s, line %d: identifier must follow SHADE",
+ auxfile, linenum);
+ }
+ GetAuxTok(auxfp);
+ if (thetok != FLOAT_TOK) {
+ Error("%s, line %d: identifier and floating point number must follow SHADE",
+ auxfile, linenum);
+ }
+ ShadeFor(theident, thefloatish);
+ GetAuxTok(auxfp);
+ break;
+ case EOF_TOK:
+ endfile = 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ Error("%s, line %d: %s unexpected", auxfile, linenum,
+ TokenToString(thetok));
+ break;
+ }
+ * Read the next token from the input and assign its value
+ * to the global variable "thetok". In the case of numbers,
+ * the corresponding value is also assigned to "thefloatish";
+ * in the case of identifiers it is assigned to "theident".
+ */
+static void GetAuxTok(auxfp)
+FILE* auxfp;
+ while (isspace(ch)) { /* skip whitespace */
+ if (ch == '\n') linenum++;
+ ch = getc(auxfp);
+ }
+ if (ch == EOF) {
+ thetok = EOF_TOK;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (isdigit(ch)) {
+ thetok = GetNumber(auxfp);
+ return;
+ } else if (IsIdChar(ch)) { /* ch can't be a digit here */
+ GetIdent(auxfp);
+ if (!isupper(theident[0])) {
+ thetok = IDENTIFIER_TOK;
+ } else if (strcmp(theident, "X_RANGE") == 0) {
+ thetok = X_RANGE_TOK;
+ } else if (strcmp(theident, "Y_RANGE") == 0) {
+ thetok = Y_RANGE_TOK;
+ } else if (strcmp(theident, "ORDER") == 0) {
+ thetok = ORDER_TOK;
+ } else if (strcmp(theident, "SHADE") == 0) {
+ thetok = SHADE_TOK;
+ } else {
+ thetok = IDENTIFIER_TOK;
+ }
+ return;
+ } else {
+ Error("%s, line %d: strange character (%c)", auxfile, linenum, ch);
+ }
+ FILE* auxfp;
+ intish i;
+ fprintf(auxfp, "X_RANGE %.2f\n", xrange);
+ fprintf(auxfp, "Y_RANGE %.2f\n", yrange);
+ for (i = 0; i < nidents; i++) {
+ fprintf(auxfp, "ORDER %s %d\n", identtable[i]->name, i+1);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < nidents; i++) {
+ fprintf(auxfp, "SHADE %s %.2f\n", identtable[i]->name,
+ ShadeOf(identtable[i]->name));
+ }
+ fclose(auxfp);
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/AuxFile.h b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/AuxFile.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1118bc8cd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/AuxFile.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#ifndef AUX_FILE_H
+#define AUX_FILE_H
+extern void PutAuxFile PROTO((FILE *));
+extern void GetAuxFile PROTO((FILE *));
+#endif /* AUX_FILE_H */
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Axes.c b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Axes.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ddd2bbfa43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Axes.c
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "Main.h"
+#include "Curves.h"
+#include "Defines.h"
+#include "Dimensions.h"
+#include "HpFile.h"
+#include "Utilities.h"
+/* own stuff */
+#include "Axes.h"
+typedef enum {MEGABYTE, KILOBYTE, BYTE} mkb;
+static void XAxis PROTO((void)); /* forward */
+static void YAxis PROTO((void)); /* forward */
+static void XAxisMark PROTO((floatish, floatish)); /* forward */
+static void YAxisMark PROTO((floatish, floatish, mkb)); /* forward */
+static floatish Round PROTO((floatish)); /* forward */
+ XAxis();
+ YAxis();
+static void
+XAxisMark(x, num)
+ floatish x; floatish num;
+ /* calibration mark */
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f %f moveto\n", xpage(x), ypage(0.0));
+ fprintf(psfp, "0 -4 rlineto\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "stroke\n");
+ /* number */
+ fprintf(psfp, "HE%d setfont\n", NORMAL_FONT);
+ fprintf(psfp, "(%.1f)\n", num);
+ fprintf(psfp, "dup stringwidth pop\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "2 div\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f exch sub\n", xpage(x));
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f moveto\n", borderspace);
+ fprintf(psfp, "show\n");
+#define N_X_MARKS 7
+#define XFUDGE 15
+extern floatish xrange;
+extern char *sampleunitstring;
+static void
+ floatish increment, i;
+ floatish t, x;
+ floatish legendlen;
+ /* draw the x axis line */
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f %f moveto\n", xpage(0.0), ypage(0.0));
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f 0 rlineto\n", graphwidth);
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f setlinewidth\n", borderthick);
+ fprintf(psfp, "stroke\n");
+ /* draw x axis legend */
+ fprintf(psfp, "HE%d setfont\n", NORMAL_FONT);
+ fprintf(psfp, "(%s)\n", sampleunitstring);
+ fprintf(psfp, "dup stringwidth pop\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f\n", xpage(0.0) + graphwidth);
+ fprintf(psfp, "exch sub\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f moveto\n", borderspace);
+ fprintf(psfp, "show\n");
+ /* draw x axis scaling */
+ increment = Round(xrange / (floatish) N_X_MARKS);
+ t = graphwidth / xrange;
+ legendlen = StringSize(sampleunitstring) + (floatish) XFUDGE;
+ for (i = samplemap[0]; i < samplemap[nsamples - 1]; i += increment) {
+ x = (i - samplemap[0]) * t;
+ if (x < (graphwidth - legendlen)) {
+ XAxisMark(x,i);
+ }
+ }
+static void
+YAxisMark(y, num, unit)
+ floatish y; floatish num; mkb unit;
+ /* calibration mark */
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f %f moveto\n", xpage(0.0), ypage(y));
+ fprintf(psfp, "-4 0 rlineto\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "stroke\n");
+ /* number */
+ fprintf(psfp, "HE%d setfont\n", NORMAL_FONT);
+ switch (unit) {
+ case MEGABYTE :
+ fprintf(psfp, "(");
+ CommaPrint(psfp, (int) (num / 1e6 + 0.5));
+ fprintf(psfp, "M)\n");
+ break;
+ case KILOBYTE :
+ fprintf(psfp, "(");
+ CommaPrint(psfp, (int) (num / 1e3 + 0.5));
+ fprintf(psfp, "k)\n");
+ break;
+ case BYTE:
+ fprintf(psfp, "(");
+ CommaPrint(psfp, (int) (num + 0.5));
+ fprintf(psfp, ")\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ fprintf(psfp, "dup stringwidth\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "2 div\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f exch sub\n", ypage(y));
+ fprintf(psfp, "exch\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f exch sub\n", graphx0 - borderspace);
+ fprintf(psfp, "exch\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "moveto\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "show\n");
+#define N_Y_MARKS 7
+#define YFUDGE 15
+extern floatish yrange;
+extern char *valueunitstring;
+static void
+ floatish increment, i;
+ floatish t, y;
+ floatish legendlen;
+ mkb unit;
+ /* draw the y axis line */
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f %f moveto\n", xpage(0.0), ypage(0.0));
+ fprintf(psfp, "0 %f rlineto\n", graphheight);
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f setlinewidth\n", borderthick);
+ fprintf(psfp, "stroke\n");
+ /* draw y axis legend */
+ fprintf(psfp, "gsave\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "HE%d setfont\n", NORMAL_FONT);
+ fprintf(psfp, "(%s)\n", valueunitstring);
+ fprintf(psfp, "dup stringwidth pop\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f\n", ypage(0.0) + graphheight);
+ fprintf(psfp, "exch sub\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f exch\n", xpage(0.0) - borderspace);
+ fprintf(psfp, "translate\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "90 rotate\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "0 0 moveto\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "show\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "grestore\n");
+ /* draw y axis scaling */
+ increment = max( yrange / (floatish) N_Y_MARKS, 1.0);
+ increment = Round(increment);
+ if (increment >= 1e6) {
+ unit = MEGABYTE;
+ } else if (increment >= 1e3) {
+ unit = KILOBYTE;
+ } else {
+ unit = BYTE;
+ }
+ t = graphheight / yrange;
+ legendlen = StringSize(valueunitstring) + (floatish) YFUDGE;
+ for (i = 0.0; i <= yrange; i += increment) {
+ y = i * t;
+ if (y < (graphheight - legendlen)) {
+ YAxisMark(y, i, unit);
+ }
+ }
+ * Find a "nice round" value to use on the axis.
+ */
+static floatish OneTwoFive PROTO((floatish)); /* forward */
+static floatish
+ floatish y;
+ int i;
+ if (y > 10.0) {
+ for (i = 0; y > 10.0; y /= 10.0, i++) ;
+ y = OneTwoFive(y);
+ for ( ; i > 0; y = y * 10.0, i--) ;
+ } else if (y < 1.0) {
+ for (i = 0; y < 1.0; y *= 10.0, i++) ;
+ y = OneTwoFive(y);
+ for ( ; i > 0; y = y / 10.0, i--) ;
+ } else {
+ y = OneTwoFive(y);
+ }
+ return (y);
+ * OneTwoFive() -- Runciman's 1,2,5 scaling rule. Argument 1.0 <= y <= 10.0.
+ */
+static floatish
+ floatish y;
+ if (y > 4.0) {
+ return (5.0);
+ } else if (y > 1.0) {
+ return (2.0);
+ } else {
+ return (1.0);
+ }
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Axes.h b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Axes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f41b9ef537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Axes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#ifndef AXES_H
+#define AXES_H
+extern void Axes PROTO((void));
+#endif /* AXES_H */
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/CHANGES b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/CHANGES
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db3b52e6d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/CHANGES
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+When generating PostScript to show strings, '(' and ')' may need to be escaped.
+These characters are now escaped when the JOB string is shown.
+Manually deleting samples from a .hp file now does what you would expect.
+The -t flag for setting the threshold percentage has been scrapped. No one
+ever used it.
+Long JOB strings cause hp2ps to use a big title box. Big and small boxes
+can be forced with -b and -s flag.
+MARKS now print as small triangles which remain below the x axis.
+There is an updated manual page.
+-m flag for setting maximum no of bands (default 20, cant be more than 20).
+-t flag for setting threshold (between 0% and 5%, default 1%).
+Axes scaling rounding errors removed.
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Curves.c b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Curves.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b7de061a84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Curves.c
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "Main.h"
+#include "Defines.h"
+#include "Dimensions.h"
+#include "HpFile.h"
+#include "Shade.h"
+#include "Utilities.h"
+/* own stuff */
+#include "Curves.h"
+static floatish *x; /* x and y values */
+static floatish *y;
+static floatish *py; /* previous y values */
+static void Curve PROTO((struct entry *)); /* forward */
+static void ShadeCurve(); /* forward */
+ intish i;
+ for (i = 0; i < nidents; i++) {
+ Curve(identtable[i]);
+ }
+ * Draw a curve, and fill the area that is below it and above
+ * the previous curve.
+ */
+static void
+ struct entry* e;
+ struct chunk* ch;
+ int j;
+ for (ch = e->chk; ch; ch = ch->next) {
+ for (j = 0; j < ch->nd; j++) {
+ y[ ch->d[j].bucket ] += ch->d[j].value;
+ }
+ }
+ ShadeCurve(x, y, py, ShadeOf(e->name));
+static void PlotCurveLeftToRight PROTO((floatish *, floatish *)); /* forward */
+static void PlotCurveRightToLeft PROTO((floatish *, floatish *)); /* forward */
+static void SaveCurve PROTO((floatish *, floatish *)); /* forward */
+ * Map virtual x coord to physical x coord
+ */
+ floatish x;
+ return (x + graphx0);
+ * Map virtual y coord to physical y coord
+ */
+ floatish y;
+ return (y + graphy0);
+ * Fill the region bounded by two splines, using the given
+ * shade.
+ */
+static void
+ShadeCurve(x, y, py, shade)
+ floatish *x; floatish *y; floatish *py; floatish shade;
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f %f moveto\n", xpage(x[0]), ypage(py[0]));
+ PlotCurveLeftToRight(x, py);
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f %f lineto\n", xpage(x[nsamples - 1]),
+ ypage(y[nsamples - 1]));
+ PlotCurveRightToLeft(x, y);
+ fprintf(psfp, "closepath\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "gsave\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f setgray\n", shade);
+ fprintf(psfp, "fill\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "grestore\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "stroke\n");
+ SaveCurve(y, py);
+static void
+ floatish *x; floatish *y;
+ intish i;
+ for (i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f %f lineto\n", xpage(x[i]), ypage(y[i]));
+ }
+static void
+ floatish *x; floatish *y;
+ intish i;
+ for (i = nsamples - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f %f lineto\n", xpage(x[i]), ypage(y[i]));
+ }
+ * Save the curve coordinates stored in y[] in py[].
+ */
+static void
+SaveCurve(y, py)
+ floatish *y; floatish* py;
+ intish i;
+ for (i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
+ py[i] = y[i];
+ }
+extern floatish xrange;
+ intish i;
+ x = (floatish*) xmalloc(nsamples * sizeof(floatish));
+ y = (floatish*) xmalloc(nsamples * sizeof(floatish));
+ py = (floatish*) xmalloc(nsamples * sizeof(floatish));
+ for (i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
+ x[i] = ((samplemap[i] - samplemap[0])/ xrange) * graphwidth;
+ y[i] = py[i] = 0.0;
+ }
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Curves.h b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Curves.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4493f2d3ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Curves.h
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#ifndef CURVES_H
+#define CURVES_H
+extern void Curves PROTO((void));
+extern void CurvesInit PROTO((void));
+extern floatish xpage PROTO((floatish));
+extern floatish ypage PROTO((floatish));
+#endif /* CURVES_H */
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Defines.h b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Defines.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d38546fec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Defines.h
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#ifndef DEFINES_H
+#define DEFINES_H
+ * Things that can be altered.
+ */
+#define THRESHOLD_PERCENT _thresh_ /* all values below 1% insignificant */
+extern floatish _thresh_;
+#define TWENTY _twenty_ /* show top 20 bands, grouping excess */
+#define DEFAULT_TWENTY 20 /* this is default and absolute maximum */
+extern int _twenty_;
+#define LARGE_FONT 12 /* Helvetica 12pt */
+#define NORMAL_FONT 10 /* Helvetica 10pt */
+#define BORDER_HEIGHT 432.0 /* page border box 432pt (6 inches high) */
+#define BORDER_WIDTH 648.0 /* page border box 648pt (9 inches wide) */
+#define BORDER_SPACE 5.0 /* page border space */
+#define BORDER_THICK 0.5 /* page border line thickness 0.5pt */
+#define TITLE_HEIGHT 20.0 /* title box is 20pt high */
+#define TITLE_TEXT_FONT LARGE_FONT /* title in large font */
+#define TITLE_TEXT_SPACE 6.0 /* space between title text and box */
+#define AXIS_THICK 0.5 /* axis thickness 0.5pt */
+#define AXIS_TEXT_SPACE 6 /* space between axis legends and axis */
+#define AXIS_TEXT_FONT NORMAL_FONT /* axis legends in normal font */
+#define AXIS_Y_TEXT_SPACE 35 /* space for y axis text */
+#define KEY_BOX_WIDTH 14 /* key boxes are 14pt high */
+#define SMALL_JOB_STRING_WIDTH 35 /* small title for 35 characters or less */
+#define BIG_JOB_STRING_WIDTH 80 /* big title for everything else */
+ * Things that should be left well alone.
+ */
+#define START_X 72 /* start 72pt (1 inch) from left (portrait) */
+#define START_Y 108 /* start 108pt (1.5 inch) from bottom (portrait) */
+#define NUMBER_LENGTH 32
+#define N_CHUNK 24
+#define VERSION "0.25" /* as of 95/03/21 */
+#define max(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y)) /* not everyone has this */
+#endif /* DEFINES_H */
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Deviation.c b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Deviation.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49e8d21d17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Deviation.c
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "Main.h"
+#include "Defines.h"
+#include "Error.h"
+#include "HpFile.h"
+#include "Utilities.h"
+extern void free();
+/* own stuff */
+#include "Deviation.h"
+ * Reorder the identifiers in the identifier table so that the
+ * ones whose data points exhibit the mininal standard deviation
+ * come first.
+ */
+ intish i;
+ intish j;
+ floatish dev;
+ struct chunk* ch;
+ int min;
+ floatish t;
+ struct entry* e;
+ floatish *averages;
+ floatish *deviations;
+ averages = (floatish*) xmalloc(nidents * sizeof(floatish));
+ deviations = (floatish*) xmalloc(nidents * sizeof(floatish));
+ /* find averages */
+ for (i = 0; i < nidents; i++) {
+ averages[i] = 0.0;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < nidents; i++) {
+ for (ch = identtable[i]->chk; ch; ch = ch->next) {
+ for (j = 0; j < ch->nd; j++) {
+ averages[i] += ch->d[j].value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < nidents; i++) {
+ averages[i] /= (floatish) nsamples;
+ }
+ /* calculate standard deviation */
+ for (i = 0; i < nidents; i++) {
+ deviations[i] = 0.0;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < nidents; i++) {
+ for (ch = identtable[i]->chk; ch; ch = ch->next) {
+ for (j = 0; j < ch->nd; j++) {
+ dev = ch->d[j].value - averages[i];
+ deviations[i] += dev * dev;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < nidents; i++) {
+ deviations[i] = (floatish) sqrt ((doublish) (deviations[i] /
+ (floatish) (nsamples - 1)));
+ }
+ /* sort on basis of standard deviation */
+ for (i = 0; i < nidents-1; i++) {
+ min = i;
+ for (j = i+1; j < nidents; j++) {
+ if (deviations[ j ] < deviations[min]) {
+ min = j;
+ }
+ }
+ t = deviations[min];
+ deviations[min] = deviations[i];
+ deviations[i] = t;
+ e = identtable[min];
+ identtable[min] = identtable[i];
+ identtable[i] = e;
+ }
+ free(averages);
+ free(deviations);
+ int iflag; /* a funny three-way flag ? WDP 95/03 */
+ int i;
+ int j;
+ int min;
+ struct entry* e;
+ /* sort on basis of ident string */
+ if (iflag > 0) {
+ /* greatest at top i.e. smallest at start */
+ for (i = 0; i < nidents-1; i++) {
+ min = i;
+ for (j = i+1; j < nidents; j++) {
+ if (strcmp(identtable[j]->name, identtable[min]->name) < 0) {
+ min = j;
+ }
+ }
+ e = identtable[min];
+ identtable[min] = identtable[i];
+ identtable[i] = e;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* smallest at top i.e. greatest at start */
+ for (i = 0; i < nidents-1; i++) {
+ min = i;
+ for (j = i+1; j < nidents; j++) {
+ if (strcmp(identtable[j]->name, identtable[min]->name) > 0) {
+ min = j;
+ }
+ }
+ e = identtable[min];
+ identtable[min] = identtable[i];
+ identtable[i] = e;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Deviation.h b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Deviation.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08bed6ea5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Deviation.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#ifndef DEVIATION_H
+#define DEVIATION_H
+extern void Deviation PROTO((void));
+extern void Identorder PROTO((int));
+#endif /* DEVIATION_H */
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Dimensions.c b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Dimensions.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0d1bd53e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Dimensions.c
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "Main.h"
+#include "Defines.h"
+#include "HpFile.h"
+#include "Scale.h"
+/* own stuff */
+#include "Dimensions.h"
+ * Get page and other dimensions before printing.
+ */
+floatish borderheight = BORDER_HEIGHT;
+floatish borderwidth = BORDER_WIDTH;
+floatish borderspace = BORDER_SPACE;
+floatish borderthick = BORDER_THICK;
+floatish titlewidth = (BORDER_WIDTH - (2 * BORDER_SPACE));
+floatish titletextspace = TITLE_TEXT_SPACE;
+floatish titleheight;
+floatish graphx0 = GRAPH_X0;
+floatish graphy0 = GRAPH_Y0;
+floatish graphheight;
+floatish graphwidth;
+static floatish KeyWidth PROTO((void)); /* forward */
+ xrange = samplemap[nsamples - 1] - samplemap[0];
+ xrange = max(xrange, auxxrange);
+ if (xrange == 0.0) xrange = 1.0; /* avoid division by 0.0 */
+ yrange = MaxCombinedHeight();
+ yrange = max(yrange, auxyrange);
+ if (yrange == 0.0) yrange = 1.0; /* avoid division by 0.0 */
+ if (!bflag && !sflag) {
+ bflag = strlen(jobstring) > SMALL_JOB_STRING_WIDTH;
+ }
+ if (bflag) {
+ titleheight = 2 * TITLE_HEIGHT;
+ } else {
+ titleheight = TITLE_HEIGHT;
+ }
+ graphwidth = titlewidth - graphx0 - (TWENTY ? KeyWidth() : 0);
+ graphheight = borderheight - titleheight - (2 * borderspace) - graphy0;
+ * Calculate the width of the key.
+ */
+static floatish
+ intish i;
+ floatish c;
+ c = 0.0;
+ for (i = 0; i < nidents; i++) {
+ c = max(c, StringSize(identtable[i]->name));
+ }
+ c += 3.0 * borderspace;
+ c += (floatish) KEY_BOX_WIDTH;
+ return c;
+ * A desperately grim solution.
+ */
+floatish fonttab[] = {
+ /* 20 (' ') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 21 ('!') = */ 1.0,
+ /* 22 ('"') = */ 1.0,
+ /* 23 ('#') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 24 ('$') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 25 ('%') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 26 ('&') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 27 (''') = */ 1.0,
+ /* 28 ('(') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 29 (')') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 2a ('*') = */ 2.0,
+ /* 2b ('+') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 2c (',') = */ 1.0,
+ /* 2d ('-') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 2e ('.') = */ 1.0,
+ /* 2f ('/') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 30 ('0') = */ 4.0,
+ /* 31 ('1') = */ 4.0,
+ /* 32 ('2') = */ 4.0,
+ /* 33 ('3') = */ 4.0,
+ /* 34 ('4') = */ 4.0,
+ /* 35 ('5') = */ 4.0,
+ /* 36 ('6') = */ 4.0,
+ /* 37 ('7') = */ 4.0,
+ /* 38 ('8') = */ 4.0,
+ /* 39 ('9') = */ 4.0,
+ /* 3a (':') = */ 1.0,
+ /* 3b (';') = */ 1.0,
+ /* 3c ('<') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 3d ('=') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 3e ('>') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 3f ('?') = */ 2.0,
+ /* 40 ('@') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 41 ('A') = */ 5.0,
+ /* 42 ('B') = */ 5.0,
+ /* 43 ('C') = */ 5.0,
+ /* 44 ('D') = */ 5.0,
+ /* 45 ('E') = */ 5.0,
+ /* 46 ('F') = */ 5.0,
+ /* 47 ('G') = */ 5.0,
+ /* 48 ('H') = */ 5.0,
+ /* 49 ('I') = */ 1.0,
+ /* 4a ('J') = */ 5.0,
+ /* 4b ('K') = */ 5.0,
+ /* 4c ('L') = */ 5.0,
+ /* 4d ('M') = */ 5.0,
+ /* 4e ('N') = */ 5.0,
+ /* 4f ('O') = */ 5.0,
+ /* 50 ('P') = */ 5.0,
+ /* 51 ('Q') = */ 5.0,
+ /* 52 ('R') = */ 5.0,
+ /* 53 ('S') = */ 5.0,
+ /* 54 ('T') = */ 5.0,
+ /* 55 ('U') = */ 5.0,
+ /* 56 ('V') = */ 5.0,
+ /* 57 ('W') = */ 5.0,
+ /* 58 ('X') = */ 5.0,
+ /* 59 ('Y') = */ 5.0,
+ /* 5a ('Z') = */ 5.0,
+ /* 5b ('[') = */ 2.0,
+ /* 5c ('\') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 5d (']') = */ 2.0,
+ /* 5e ('^') = */ 1.0,
+ /* 5f ('_') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 60 ('`') = */ 1.0,
+ /* 61 ('a') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 62 ('b') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 63 ('c') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 64 ('d') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 65 ('e') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 66 ('f') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 67 ('g') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 68 ('h') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 69 ('i') = */ 1.0,
+ /* 6a ('j') = */ 2.0,
+ /* 6b ('k') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 6c ('l') = */ 1.0,
+ /* 6d ('m') = */ 5.0,
+ /* 6e ('n') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 6f ('o') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 70 ('p') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 71 ('q') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 72 ('r') = */ 2.0,
+ /* 73 ('s') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 74 ('t') = */ 2.0,
+ /* 75 ('u') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 76 ('v') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 77 ('w') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 78 ('x') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 79 ('y') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 7a ('z') = */ 3.0,
+ /* 7b ('{') = */ 2.0,
+ /* 7c ('|') = */ 1.0,
+ /* 7d ('}') = */ 2.0,
+ /* 7e ('~') = */ 2.0
+ * What size is a string (in points)?
+ */
+#define FUDGE (2.834646 * 0.6)
+ char* s;
+ floatish r;
+ for (r = 0.0; *s; s++) {
+ r += fonttab[(*s) - 0x20];
+ }
+ return r * FUDGE;
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Dimensions.h b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Dimensions.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1b667125ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Dimensions.h
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+extern floatish borderheight;
+extern floatish borderwidth;
+extern floatish borderspace;
+extern floatish borderthick;
+extern floatish titleheight;
+extern floatish titlewidth;
+extern floatish titletextspace;
+extern floatish graphx0;
+extern floatish graphy0;
+extern floatish graphheight;
+extern floatish graphwidth;
+extern void Dimensions PROTO((void));
+extern floatish StringSize PROTO((char *));
+#endif /* DIMENSIONS_H */
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Error.c b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Error.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4361e0ba0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Error.c
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "Main.h"
+#include "Defines.h"
+/* own stuff */
+#include "Error.h"
+extern void exit PROTO((int));
+ char* a1; char* a2; char* a3; char* a4;
+ fflush(stdout);
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", programname);
+ fprintf(stderr, a1, a2, a3, a4);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ exit(1);
+ char* a1; char* a2; char* a3; char* a4;
+ fflush(stdout);
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", programname);
+ fprintf(stderr, " Disaster! (");
+ fprintf(stderr, a1, a2, a3, a4);
+ fprintf(stderr, ")\n");
+ exit(1);
+ char *str;
+ if (str) printf("error: %s\n", str);
+ printf("usage: %s -b -d -ef -g -i -p -mn -p -s -tf -y [file[.hp]]\n", programname);
+ printf("where -b use large title box\n");
+ printf(" -d sort by standard deviation\n");
+ printf(" -ef[in|mm|pt] produce Encapsulated PostScript f units wide\n");
+ printf(" -g produce output suitable for GHOSTSCRIPT previever\n");
+ printf(" -i[+|-] sort by identifier string (-i+ gives greatest on top) \n");
+ printf(" -mn print maximum of n bands (default & max 20)\n");
+ printf(" -m0 removes the band limit altogether\n");
+ printf(" -p use previous scaling, shading and ordering\n");
+ printf(" -s use small title box\n");
+ printf(" -tf ignore trace bands which sum below f%% (default 1%%, max 5%%)\n");
+ printf(" -y traditional\n");
+ exit(0);
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Error.h b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Error.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0febc84ab0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Error.h
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#ifndef ERROR_H
+#define ERROR_H
+extern void Error (); /*PROTO((char *, ...)); */
+extern void Disaster (); /* PROTO((char *, ...)); */
+extern void Usage (); /* PROTO((char *)); */
+#endif /* ERROR_H */
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/HpFile.c b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/HpFile.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..98b62044a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/HpFile.c
@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "Main.h"
+#include "Defines.h"
+#include "Error.h"
+#include "HpFile.h"
+#include "Utilities.h"
+#ifndef atof
+extern double atof PROTO((const char *));
+/* own stuff already included */
+#define N_MARKS 50 /* start size of the mark table */
+#define N_SAMPLES 500 /* start size of the sample table */
+char *theident;
+char *thestring;
+int theinteger;
+floatish thefloatish;
+int ch; /* last character read */
+token thetok; /* last token */
+int linenum; /* current line number */
+int endfile; /* true at end of file */
+static boolish gotjob = 0; /* "JOB" read */
+static boolish gotdate = 0; /* "DATE" read */
+static boolish gotvalueunit = 0; /* "VALUE_UNIT" read */
+static boolish gotsampleunit = 0; /* "SAMPLE_UNIT" read */
+static boolish insample = 0; /* true when in sample */
+static floatish lastsample; /* the last sample time */
+static void GetHpLine PROTO((FILE *)); /* forward */
+static void GetHpTok PROTO((FILE *)); /* forward */
+static struct entry *GetEntry PROTO((char *)); /* forward */
+static void MakeIdentTable PROTO((void)); /* forward */
+char *jobstring;
+char *datestring;
+char *sampleunitstring;
+char *valueunitstring;
+floatish *samplemap; /* sample intervals */
+floatish *markmap; /* sample marks */
+ * An extremely simple parser. The input is organised into lines of
+ * the form
+ *
+ * JOB s -- job identifier string
+ * DATE s -- date string
+ * SAMPLE_UNIT s -- sample unit eg "seconds"
+ * VALUE_UNIT s -- value unit eg "bytes"
+ * MARK i -- sample mark
+ * BEGIN_SAMPLE i -- start of ith sample
+ * identifier i -- there are i identifiers in this sample
+ * END_SAMPLE i -- end of ith sample
+ *
+ */
+ FILE *infp;
+ nsamples = 0;
+ nmarks = 0;
+ nidents = 0;
+ ch = ' ';
+ endfile = 0;
+ linenum = 1;
+ lastsample = 0.0;
+ GetHpTok(infp);
+ while (endfile == 0) {
+ GetHpLine(infp);
+ }
+ if (!gotjob) {
+ Error("%s: JOB missing", hpfile);
+ }
+ if (!gotdate) {
+ Error("%s: DATE missing", hpfile);
+ }
+ if (!gotvalueunit) {
+ Error("%s: VALUE_UNIT missing", hpfile);
+ }
+ if (!gotsampleunit) {
+ Error("%s: SAMPLE_UNIT missing", hpfile);
+ }
+ if (nsamples == 0) {
+ Error("%s: contains no samples", hpfile);
+ }
+ MakeIdentTable();
+ fclose(hpfp);
+ * Read the next line from the input, check the syntax, and perform
+ * the appropriate action.
+ */
+static void
+ FILE* infp;
+ static intish nmarkmax = 0, nsamplemax = 0;
+ switch (thetok) {
+ case JOB_TOK:
+ GetHpTok(infp);
+ if (thetok != STRING_TOK) {
+ Error("%s, line %d: string must follow JOB", hpfile, linenum);
+ }
+ jobstring = thestring;
+ gotjob = 1;
+ GetHpTok(infp);
+ break;
+ case DATE_TOK:
+ GetHpTok(infp);
+ if (thetok != STRING_TOK) {
+ Error("%s, line %d: string must follow DATE", hpfile, linenum);
+ }
+ datestring = thestring;
+ gotdate = 1;
+ GetHpTok(infp);
+ break;
+ GetHpTok(infp);
+ if (thetok != STRING_TOK) {
+ Error("%s, line %d: string must follow SAMPLE_UNIT", hpfile,
+ linenum);
+ }
+ sampleunitstring = thestring;
+ gotsampleunit = 1;
+ GetHpTok(infp);
+ break;
+ GetHpTok(infp);
+ if (thetok != STRING_TOK) {
+ Error("%s, line %d: string must follow VALUE_UNIT", hpfile,
+ linenum);
+ }
+ valueunitstring = thestring;
+ gotvalueunit = 1;
+ GetHpTok(infp);
+ break;
+ case MARK_TOK:
+ GetHpTok(infp);
+ if (thetok != FLOAT_TOK) {
+ Error("%s, line %d, floating point number must follow MARK",
+ hpfile, linenum);
+ }
+ if (insample) {
+ Error("%s, line %d, MARK occurs within sample", hpfile, linenum);
+ }
+ if (nmarks >= nmarkmax) {
+ if (!markmap) {
+ nmarkmax = N_MARKS;
+ markmap = (floatish*) xmalloc(nmarkmax * sizeof(floatish));
+ } else {
+ nmarkmax *= 2;
+ markmap = (floatish*) xrealloc(markmap, nmarkmax * sizeof(floatish));
+ }
+ }
+ markmap[ nmarks++ ] = thefloatish;
+ GetHpTok(infp);
+ break;
+ insample = 1;
+ GetHpTok(infp);
+ if (thetok != FLOAT_TOK) {
+ Error("%s, line %d, floating point number must follow BEGIN_SAMPLE", hpfile, linenum);
+ }
+ if (thefloatish < lastsample) {
+ Error("%s, line %d, samples out of sequence", hpfile, linenum);
+ } else {
+ lastsample = thefloatish;
+ }
+ if (nsamples >= nsamplemax) {
+ if (!samplemap) {
+ nsamplemax = N_SAMPLES;
+ samplemap = (floatish*) xmalloc(nsamplemax * sizeof(floatish));
+ } else {
+ nsamplemax *= 2;
+ samplemap = (floatish*) xrealloc(samplemap,
+ nsamplemax * sizeof(floatish));
+ }
+ }
+ samplemap[ nsamples ] = thefloatish;
+ GetHpTok(infp);
+ break;
+ insample = 0;
+ GetHpTok(infp);
+ if (thetok != FLOAT_TOK) {
+ Error("%s, line %d: floating point number must follow END_SAMPLE",
+ hpfile, linenum);
+ }
+ nsamples++;
+ GetHpTok(infp);
+ break;
+ GetHpTok(infp);
+ if (thetok != INTEGER_TOK) {
+ Error("%s, line %d: integer must follow identifier", hpfile,
+ linenum);
+ }
+ StoreSample(GetEntry(theident), nsamples, (floatish) theinteger);
+ GetHpTok(infp);
+ break;
+ case EOF_TOK:
+ endfile = 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ Error("%s, line %d: %s unexpected", hpfile, linenum,
+ TokenToString(thetok));
+ break;
+ }
+char *
+ token t;
+ switch (t) {
+ case EOF_TOK: return "EOF";
+ case INTEGER_TOK: return "integer";
+ case FLOAT_TOK: return "floating point number";
+ case IDENTIFIER_TOK: return "identifier";
+ case STRING_TOK: return "string";
+ case END_SAMPLE_TOK: return "END_SAMPLE";
+ case JOB_TOK: return "JOB";
+ case DATE_TOK: return "DATE";
+ case VALUE_UNIT_TOK: return "VALUE_UNIT";
+ case MARK_TOK: return "MARK";
+ case X_RANGE_TOK: return "X_RANGE";
+ case Y_RANGE_TOK: return "Y_RANGE";
+ case ORDER_TOK: return "ORDER";
+ case SHADE_TOK: return "SHADE";
+ default: return "(strange token)";
+ }
+ * Read the next token from the input and assign its value
+ * to the global variable "thetok". In the case of numbers,
+ * the corresponding value is also assigned to "theinteger"
+ * or "thefloatish" as appropriate; in the case of identifiers
+ * it is assigned to "theident".
+ */
+static void
+ FILE* infp;
+ while (isspace(ch)) { /* skip whitespace */
+ if (ch == '\n') linenum++;
+ ch = getc(infp);
+ }
+ if (ch == EOF) {
+ thetok = EOF_TOK;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (isdigit(ch)) {
+ thetok = GetNumber(infp);
+ return;
+ } else if (ch == '\"') {
+ GetString(infp);
+ thetok = STRING_TOK;
+ return;
+ } else if (IsIdChar(ch)) {
+ ASSERT(! (isdigit(ch))); /* ch can't be a digit here */
+ GetIdent(infp);
+ if (!isupper(theident[0])) {
+ thetok = IDENTIFIER_TOK;
+ } else if (strcmp(theident, "BEGIN_SAMPLE") == 0) {
+ thetok = BEGIN_SAMPLE_TOK;
+ } else if (strcmp(theident, "END_SAMPLE") == 0) {
+ thetok = END_SAMPLE_TOK;
+ } else if (strcmp(theident, "JOB") == 0) {
+ thetok = JOB_TOK;
+ } else if (strcmp(theident, "DATE") == 0) {
+ thetok = DATE_TOK;
+ } else if (strcmp(theident, "SAMPLE_UNIT") == 0) {
+ thetok = SAMPLE_UNIT_TOK;
+ } else if (strcmp(theident, "VALUE_UNIT") == 0) {
+ thetok = VALUE_UNIT_TOK;
+ } else if (strcmp(theident, "MARK") == 0) {
+ thetok = MARK_TOK;
+ } else {
+ thetok = IDENTIFIER_TOK;
+ }
+ return;
+ } else {
+ Error("%s, line %d: strange character (%c)", hpfile, linenum, ch);
+ }
+ * Read a sequence of digits and convert the result to an integer
+ * or floating point value (assigned to the "theinteger" or
+ * "thefloatish").
+ */
+static char numberstring[ NUMBER_LENGTH - 1 ];
+ FILE* infp;
+ int i;
+ int containsdot;
+ ASSERT(isdigit(ch)); /* we must have a digit to start with */
+ containsdot = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_LENGTH && (isdigit(ch) || ch == '.'); i++) {
+ numberstring[ i ] = ch;
+ containsdot |= (ch == '.');
+ ch = getc(infp);
+ }
+ ASSERT(i < NUMBER_LENGTH); /* did not overflow */
+ numberstring[ i ] = '\0';
+ if (containsdot) {
+ thefloatish = (floatish) atof(numberstring);
+ return FLOAT_TOK;
+ } else {
+ theinteger = atoi(numberstring);
+ return INTEGER_TOK;
+ }
+ * Read a sequence of identifier characters and assign the result
+ * to the string "theident".
+ */
+ FILE *infp;
+ unsigned int i;
+ char idbuffer[5000];
+ for (i = 0; i < (sizeof idbuffer)-1 && IsIdChar(ch); i++) {
+ idbuffer[ i ] = ch;
+ ch = getc(infp);
+ }
+ idbuffer[ i ] = '\0';
+ if (theident)
+ free(theident);
+ theident = copystring(idbuffer);
+ * Read a sequence of characters that make up a string and
+ * assign the result to "thestring".
+ */
+ FILE *infp;
+ unsigned int i;
+ char stringbuffer[5000];
+ ASSERT(ch == '\"');
+ ch = getc(infp); /* skip the '\"' that begins the string */
+ for (i = 0; i < (sizeof stringbuffer)-1 && ch != '\"'; i++) {
+ stringbuffer[ i ] = ch;
+ ch = getc(infp);
+ }
+ stringbuffer[i] = '\0';
+ thestring = copystring(stringbuffer);
+ ASSERT(ch == '\"');
+ ch = getc(infp); /* skip the '\"' that terminates the string */
+ int ch;
+ return (!isspace(ch));
+ * The information associated with each identifier is stored
+ * in a linked list of chunks. The table below allows the list
+ * of chunks to be retrieved given an identifier name.
+ */
+#define N_HASH 513
+static struct entry* hashtable[ N_HASH ];
+static intish
+ char *s;
+ int r;
+ for (r = 0; *s; s++) {
+ r = r + r + r + *s;
+ }
+ if (r < 0) r = -r;
+ return r % N_HASH;
+ * Get space for a new chunk. Initialise it, and return a pointer
+ * to the new chunk.
+ */
+static struct chunk*
+ struct chunk* ch;
+ struct datapoint* d;
+ ch = (struct chunk*) xmalloc( sizeof(struct chunk) );
+ d = (struct datapoint*) xmalloc (sizeof(struct datapoint) * N_CHUNK);
+ ch->nd = 0;
+ ch->d = d;
+ ch->next = 0;
+ return ch;
+ * Get space for a new entry. Initialise it, and return a pointer
+ * to the new entry.
+ */
+struct entry *
+ char *name;
+ struct entry* e;
+ e = (struct entry *) xmalloc(sizeof(struct entry));
+ e->chk = MakeChunk();
+ e->name = copystring(name);
+ return e;
+ * Get the entry associated with "name", creating a new entry if
+ * necessary.
+ */
+static struct entry *
+ char* name;
+ intish h;
+ struct entry* e;
+ h = Hash(name);
+ for (e = hashtable[ h ]; e; e = e->next) {
+ if (strcmp(e->name, name) == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (e) {
+ return (e);
+ } else {
+ nidents++;
+ e = MakeEntry(name);
+ e->next = hashtable[ h ];
+ hashtable[ h ] = e;
+ return (e);
+ }
+ * Store information from a sample.
+ */
+StoreSample(en, bucket, value)
+ struct entry* en; intish bucket; floatish value;
+ struct chunk* chk;
+ for (chk = en->chk; chk->next != 0; chk = chk->next)
+ ;
+ if (chk->nd < N_CHUNK) {
+ chk->d[ chk->nd ].bucket = bucket;
+ chk->d[ chk->nd ].value = value;
+ chk->nd += 1;
+ } else {
+ struct chunk* t;
+ t = chk->next = MakeChunk();
+ t->d[ 0 ].bucket = bucket;
+ t->d[ 0 ].value = value;
+ t->nd += 1;
+ }
+struct entry** identtable;
+ * The hash table is useful while reading the input, but it
+ * becomes a liability thereafter. The code below converts
+ * it to a more easily processed table.
+ */
+static void
+ intish i;
+ intish j;
+ struct entry* e;
+ nidents = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < N_HASH; i++) {
+ for (e = hashtable[ i ]; e; e = e->next) {
+ nidents++;
+ }
+ }
+ identtable = (struct entry**) xmalloc(nidents * sizeof(struct entry*));
+ j = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < N_HASH; i++) {
+ for (e = hashtable[ i ]; e; e = e->next, j++) {
+ identtable[ j ] = e;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/HpFile.h b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/HpFile.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..919b1b470c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/HpFile.h
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+#ifndef HP_FILE_H
+#define HP_FILE_H
+typedef enum {
+ /* These tokens are found in ".hp" files */
+ /* These extra ones are found only in ".aux" files */
+} token;
+struct datapoint {
+ int bucket;
+ floatish value;
+struct chunk {
+ struct chunk *next;
+ short nd; /* 0 .. N_CHUNK - 1 */
+ struct datapoint *d;
+struct entry {
+ struct entry *next;
+ struct chunk *chk;
+ char *name;
+extern char *theident;
+extern char *thestring;
+extern int theinteger;
+extern floatish thefloatish;
+extern int ch;
+extern token thetok;
+extern int linenum;
+extern int endfile;
+extern char *TokenToString PROTO((token));
+extern struct entry** identtable;
+extern floatish *samplemap;
+extern floatish *markmap;
+extern void GetHpFile PROTO((FILE *));
+extern void StoreSample PROTO((struct entry *, intish, floatish));
+extern struct entry *MakeEntry PROTO((char *));
+extern token GetNumber PROTO((FILE *));
+extern void GetIdent PROTO((FILE *));
+extern void GetString PROTO((FILE *));
+extern boolish IsIdChar PROTO((int)); /* int is a "char" from getc */
+extern char *jobstring;
+extern char *datestring;
+extern char *sampleunitstring;
+extern char *valueunitstring;
+#endif /* HP_FILE_H */
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Jmakefile b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Jmakefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..347c799ff5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Jmakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+SRCS_C = \
+ AuxFile.c \
+ Axes.c \
+ AreaBelow.c \
+ Curves.c \
+ Deviation.c \
+ Dimensions.c \
+ Error.c \
+ HpFile.c \
+ Key.c \
+ Main.c \
+ Marks.c \
+ TopTwenty.c \
+ TraceElement.c \
+ PsFile.c \
+ Reorder.c \
+ Scale.c \
+ Shade.c \
+ Utilities.c
+OBJS_C = \
+ AuxFile.o \
+ Axes.o \
+ AreaBelow.o \
+ Curves.o \
+ Deviation.o \
+ Dimensions.o \
+ Error.o \
+ HpFile.o \
+ Key.o \
+ Main.o \
+ Marks.o \
+ TopTwenty.o \
+ TraceElement.o \
+ PsFile.o \
+ Reorder.o \
+ Scale.o \
+ Shade.o \
+ Utilities.o
+#if DoInstallGHCSystem == YES
+MakeDirectories(install, $(INSTBINDIR_GHC))
+#endif /* DoInstall... */
+CDependTarget( $(SRCS_C) )
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Key.c b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Key.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cafb19e639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Key.c
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "Main.h"
+#include "Defines.h"
+#include "Dimensions.h"
+#include "HpFile.h"
+#include "Shade.h"
+/* own stuff */
+#include "Key.h"
+static void KeyEntry PROTO((floatish, char *, floatish));
+void Key()
+ intish i;
+ floatish c;
+ floatish dc;
+ for (i = 0; i < nidents; i++) /* count identifiers */
+ ;
+ c = graphy0;
+ dc = graphheight / (floatish) (i + 1);
+ for (i = 0; i < nidents; i++) {
+ c += dc;
+ KeyEntry(c, identtable[i]->name, ShadeOf(identtable[i]->name));
+ }
+static void
+KeyEntry(centreline, name, colour)
+ floatish centreline; char* name; floatish colour;
+ floatish namebase;
+ floatish keyboxbase;
+ floatish kstart;
+ namebase = centreline - (floatish) (NORMAL_FONT / 2);
+ keyboxbase = centreline - ((floatish) KEY_BOX_WIDTH / 2.0);
+ kstart = graphx0 + graphwidth;
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f %f moveto\n", kstart + borderspace, keyboxbase);
+ fprintf(psfp, "0 %d rlineto\n", KEY_BOX_WIDTH);
+ fprintf(psfp, "%d 0 rlineto\n", KEY_BOX_WIDTH);
+ fprintf(psfp, "0 %d rlineto\n", -KEY_BOX_WIDTH);
+ fprintf(psfp, "closepath\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "gsave\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f setgray\n", colour);
+ fprintf(psfp, "fill\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "grestore\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "stroke\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "HE%d setfont\n", NORMAL_FONT);
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f %f moveto\n", kstart + (floatish) KEY_BOX_WIDTH + 2 * borderspace, namebase);
+ fprintf(psfp, "(%s) show\n", name);
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Key.h b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Key.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..432541eead
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Key.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#ifndef KEY_H
+#define KEY_H
+extern void Key PROTO((void));
+#endif /* KEY_H */
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Main.c b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Main.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e93541165
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "Main.h"
+#include "Defines.h"
+#include "AuxFile.h"
+#include "AreaBelow.h"
+#include "Dimensions.h"
+#include "HpFile.h"
+#include "PsFile.h"
+#include "Reorder.h"
+#include "Scale.h"
+#include "TopTwenty.h"
+#include "TraceElement.h"
+#include "Deviation.h"
+#include "Error.h"
+#include "Utilities.h"
+#ifndef atof
+extern double atof PROTO((char *));
+boolish pflag = 0; /* read auxiliary file */
+boolish eflag = 0; /* scaled EPSF */
+boolish dflag = 0; /* sort by standard deviation */
+int iflag = 0; /* sort by identifier (3-way flag) */
+boolish gflag = 0; /* output suitable for previewer */
+boolish yflag = 0; /* ignore marks */
+boolish bflag = 0; /* use a big title box */
+boolish sflag = 0; /* use a small title box */
+int mflag = 0; /* max no. of bands displayed (default 20) */
+boolish tflag = 0; /* ignored threshold specified */
+boolish filter; /* true when running as a filter */
+static floatish WidthInPoints PROTO((char *)); /* forward */
+static FILE *Fp PROTO((char *, char **, char *, char *)); /* forward */
+char *hpfile;
+char *psfile;
+char *auxfile;
+char *programname;
+static char *pathName;
+static char *baseName; /* "basename" is a std C library name (sigh) */
+FILE* hpfp;
+FILE* psfp;
+FILE* auxfp;
+floatish xrange = 0.0;
+floatish yrange = 0.0;
+floatish auxxrange = 0.0;
+floatish auxyrange = 0.0;
+floatish epsfwidth;
+floatish areabelow;
+intish nsamples;
+intish nmarks;
+intish nidents;
+int main(argc, argv)
+int argc;
+char* argv[];
+ programname = copystring(Basename(argv[0]));
+ argc--, argv++;
+ while (argc && argv[0][0] == '-') {
+ while (*++*argv)
+ switch(**argv) {
+ case 'p':
+ pflag++;
+ break;
+ case 'e':
+ eflag++;
+ epsfwidth = WidthInPoints(*argv + 1);
+ goto nextarg;
+ case 'd':
+ dflag++;
+ goto nextarg;
+ case 'i':
+ switch( *(*argv + 1) ) {
+ case '-':
+ iflag = -1;
+ case '+':
+ default:
+ iflag = 1;
+ }
+ goto nextarg;
+ case 'g':
+ gflag++;
+ goto nextarg;
+ case 'y':
+ yflag++;
+ goto nextarg;
+ case 'b':
+ bflag++;
+ goto nextarg;
+ case 's':
+ sflag++;
+ goto nextarg;
+ case 'm':
+ mflag++;
+ TWENTY = atoi(*argv + 1);
+ Usage(*argv-1);
+ goto nextarg;
+ case 't':
+ tflag++;
+ THRESHOLD_PERCENT = (floatish) atof(*argv + 1);
+ Usage(*argv-1);
+ goto nextarg;
+ case '?':
+ default:
+ Usage(*argv-1);
+ }
+nextarg: ;
+ argc--, argv++;
+ }
+ hpfile = "stdin";
+ psfile = "stdout";
+ hpfp = stdin;
+ psfp = stdout;
+ filter = argc < 1;
+ if (!filter) {
+ pathName = copystring(argv[0]);
+ DropSuffix(pathName, ".hp");
+ baseName = copystring(Basename(pathName));
+ hpfp = Fp(pathName, &hpfile, ".hp", "r");
+ psfp = Fp(baseName, &psfile, ".ps", "w");
+ if (pflag) auxfp = Fp(baseName, &auxfile, ".aux", "r");
+ }
+ GetHpFile(hpfp);
+ if (!filter && pflag) GetAuxFile(auxfp);
+ TraceElement(); /* Orders on total, Removes trace elements (tflag) */
+ if (dflag) Deviation(); /* ReOrders on deviation */
+ if (iflag) Identorder(iflag); /* ReOrders on identifier */
+ if (pflag) Reorder(); /* ReOrders on aux file */
+ if (TWENTY) TopTwenty(); /* Selects top twenty (mflag) */
+ Dimensions();
+ areabelow = AreaBelow();
+ Scale();
+ PutPsFile();
+ if (!filter) {
+ auxfp = Fp(baseName, &auxfile, ".aux", "w");
+ PutAuxFile(auxfp);
+ }
+ return(0);
+typedef enum {POINTS, INCHES, MILLIMETRES} pim;
+static pim Units PROTO((char *)); /* forward */
+static floatish
+ char *wstr;
+ floatish result;
+ result = (floatish) atof(wstr);
+ switch (Units(wstr)) {
+ case INCHES:
+ result *= 72.0;
+ break;
+ result *= 2.834646;
+ break;
+ case POINTS:
+ default: ;
+ }
+ if (result <= 144) /* Minimum of 2in wide ! */
+ Usage(wstr);
+ return result;
+static pim
+ char* wstr;
+int i;
+ i = strlen(wstr) - 2;
+ if (wstr[i] == 'p' && wstr[i+1] == 't') {
+ return POINTS;
+ } else if (wstr[i] == 'i' && wstr[i+1] == 'n') {
+ return INCHES;
+ } else if (wstr[i] == 'm' && wstr[i+1] == 'm') {
+ } else {
+ return POINTS;
+ }
+static FILE *
+Fp(rootname, filename, suffix, mode)
+ char* rootname; char** filename; char* suffix; char* mode;
+ *filename = copystring2(rootname, suffix);
+ return(OpenFile(*filename, mode));
+#ifdef DEBUG
+_stgAssert (filename, linenum)
+ char *filename;
+ unsigned int linenum;
+ fflush(stdout);
+ fprintf(stderr, "ASSERTION FAILED: file %s, line %u\n", filename, linenum);
+ fflush(stderr);
+ abort();
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Main.h b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Main.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ae1dba9f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Main.h
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#ifndef MAIN_H
+#define MAIN_H
+#ifdef __STDC__
+#define PROTO(x) x
+#define PROTO(x) ()
+/* our own ASSERT macro (for C) */
+#ifndef DEBUG
+#define ASSERT(predicate) /*nothing*/
+void _ghcAssert PROTO((char *, unsigned int));
+#define ASSERT(predicate) \
+ if (predicate) \
+ /*null*/; \
+ else \
+ _ghcAssert(__FILE__, __LINE__)
+/* partain: some ubiquitous types: floatish & intish.
+ Dubious to use float/int, but that is what it used to be...
+ (WDP 95/03)
+typedef double floatish;
+typedef double doublish; /* higher precision, if anything; little used */
+typedef long intish;
+typedef int boolish;
+extern intish nsamples;
+extern intish nmarks;
+extern intish nidents;
+extern floatish maxcombinedheight;
+extern floatish areabelow;
+extern floatish epsfwidth;
+extern floatish xrange;
+extern floatish yrange;
+extern floatish auxxrange;
+extern floatish auxyrange;
+extern boolish eflag;
+extern boolish gflag;
+extern boolish yflag;
+extern boolish bflag;
+extern boolish sflag;
+extern int mflag;
+extern boolish tflag;
+extern char *programname;
+extern char *hpfile;
+extern char *psfile;
+extern char *auxfile;
+extern FILE *hpfp;
+extern FILE *psfp;
+extern FILE *auxfp;
+#endif /* MAIN_H */
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Marks.c b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Marks.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f86cff9939
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Marks.c
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "Main.h"
+#include "Curves.h"
+#include "Dimensions.h"
+#include "HpFile.h"
+/* own stuff */
+#include "Marks.h"
+static void Caret PROTO((floatish, floatish, floatish));
+ intish i;
+ floatish m;
+ for (i = 0; i < nmarks; i++) {
+ m = (markmap[i] / xrange) * graphwidth;
+ Caret(xpage(m), ypage(0.0), 4.0);
+ }
+ * Draw a small white caret at (x,y) with width 2 * d
+ */
+static void
+ floatish x; floatish y; floatish d;
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f %f moveto\n", x - d, y);
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f %f rlineto\n", d, -d);
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f %f rlineto\n", d, d);
+ fprintf(psfp, "closepath\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "gsave\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "1.0 setgray\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "fill\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "grestore\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "stroke\n");
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Marks.h b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Marks.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..07127c988c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Marks.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#ifndef MARKS_H
+#define MARKS_H
+extern void Marks PROTO((void));
+#endif /* MARKS_H */
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/PsFile.c b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/PsFile.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b2040f1a18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/PsFile.c
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "Main.h"
+#include "Defines.h"
+#include "Dimensions.h"
+#include "Curves.h"
+#include "HpFile.h"
+#include "Axes.h"
+#include "Key.h"
+#include "Marks.h"
+#include "Utilities.h"
+/* own stuff */
+#include "PsFile.h"
+static void Prologue PROTO((void)); /* forward */
+static void Variables PROTO((void)); /* forward */
+static void BorderOutlineBox PROTO((void)); /* forward */
+static void BigTitleOutlineBox PROTO((void)); /* forward */
+static void TitleOutlineBox PROTO((void)); /* forward */
+static void BigTitleText PROTO((void)); /* forward */
+static void TitleText PROTO((void)); /* forward */
+ Prologue();
+ Variables();
+ BorderOutlineBox();
+ if (bflag) {
+ BigTitleOutlineBox();
+ BigTitleText();
+ } else {
+ TitleOutlineBox();
+ TitleText();
+ }
+ CurvesInit();
+ Axes();
+ if (TWENTY) Key();
+ Curves();
+ if (!yflag) Marks();
+ fprintf(psfp, "showpage\n");
+static void StandardSpecialComments PROTO((void)); /* forward */
+static void EPSFSpecialComments PROTO((floatish)); /* forward */
+static void Landscape PROTO((void)); /* forward */
+static void Portrait PROTO((void)); /* forward */
+static void Scaling PROTO((floatish)); /* forward */
+static void
+ floatish epsfscale;
+ if (eflag) epsfscale = epsfwidth / (floatish) borderwidth;
+ if (eflag) {
+ EPSFSpecialComments(epsfscale);
+ } else {
+ StandardSpecialComments();
+ }
+ if (eflag) {
+ Scaling(epsfscale);
+ } else if (gflag) {
+ Portrait();
+ } else {
+ Landscape();
+ }
+extern char *jobstring;
+extern char *datestring;
+static void
+ fprintf(psfp, "%%!PS-Adobe-2.0\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "%%%%Title: %s\n", jobstring);
+ fprintf(psfp, "%%%%Creator: %s (version %s)\n", programname, VERSION);
+ fprintf(psfp, "%%%%CreationDate: %s\n", datestring);
+ fprintf(psfp, "%%%%EndComments\n");
+static void
+ floatish epsfscale;
+ fprintf(psfp, "%%!PS-Adobe-2.0\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "%%%%Title: %s\n", jobstring);
+ fprintf(psfp, "%%%%Creator: %s (version %s)\n", programname, VERSION);
+ fprintf(psfp, "%%%%CreationDate: %s\n", datestring);
+ fprintf(psfp, "%%%%BoundingBox: 0 0 %d %d\n",
+ (int) (borderwidth * epsfscale + 0.5),
+ (int) (borderheight * epsfscale + 0.5) );
+ fprintf(psfp, "%%%%EndComments\n");
+static void
+ fprintf(psfp, "-90 rotate\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f %f translate\n", -(borderwidth + (floatish) START_Y),
+ (floatish) START_X);
+static void
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f %f translate\n", (floatish) START_X, (floatish) START_Y);
+static void
+ floatish epsfscale;
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f %f scale\n", epsfscale, epsfscale);
+static void
+ fprintf(psfp, "/HE%d /Helvetica findfont %d scalefont def\n",
+ fprintf(psfp, "/HE%d /Helvetica findfont %d scalefont def\n",
+static void
+ fprintf(psfp, "newpath\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "0 0 moveto\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "0 %f rlineto\n", borderheight);
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f 0 rlineto\n", borderwidth);
+ fprintf(psfp, "0 %f rlineto\n", -borderheight);
+ fprintf(psfp, "closepath\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f setlinewidth\n", borderthick);
+ fprintf(psfp, "stroke\n");
+static void
+ fprintf(psfp, "newpath\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f %f moveto\n", borderspace,
+ borderheight - titleheight - borderspace);
+ fprintf(psfp, "0 %f rlineto\n", titleheight);
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f 0 rlineto\n", titlewidth);
+ fprintf(psfp, "0 %f rlineto\n", -titleheight);
+ fprintf(psfp, "closepath\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f setlinewidth\n", borderthick);
+ fprintf(psfp, "stroke\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f %f moveto\n", borderspace,
+ borderheight - titleheight / 2 - borderspace);
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f 0 rlineto\n", titlewidth);
+ fprintf(psfp, "stroke\n");
+static void
+ fprintf(psfp, "newpath\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f %f moveto\n", borderspace,
+ borderheight - titleheight - borderspace);
+ fprintf(psfp, "0 %f rlineto\n", titleheight);
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f 0 rlineto\n", titlewidth);
+ fprintf(psfp, "0 %f rlineto\n", -titleheight);
+ fprintf(psfp, "closepath\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f setlinewidth\n", borderthick);
+ fprintf(psfp, "stroke\n");
+static void EscapePrint PROTO((char *, int)); /* forward */
+static void
+ floatish x, y;
+ x = borderspace + titletextspace;
+ y = borderheight - titleheight / 2 - borderspace + titletextspace;
+ /* job identifier goes on top at the far left */
+ fprintf(psfp, "HE%d setfont\n", TITLE_TEXT_FONT);
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f %f moveto\n", x, y);
+ fputc('(', psfp);
+ EscapePrint(jobstring, BIG_JOB_STRING_WIDTH);
+ fprintf(psfp, ") show\n");
+ y = borderheight - titleheight - borderspace + titletextspace;
+ /* area below curve gows at the botton, far left */
+ fprintf(psfp, "HE%d setfont\n", TITLE_TEXT_FONT);
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f %f moveto\n", x, y);
+ fputc('(', psfp);
+ CommaPrint(psfp, (int) areabelow);
+ fprintf(psfp, " %s x %s)\n", valueunitstring, sampleunitstring);
+ fprintf(psfp, "show\n");
+ /* date goes at far right */
+ fprintf(psfp, "HE%d setfont\n", TITLE_TEXT_FONT);
+ fprintf(psfp, "(%s)\n", datestring);
+ fprintf(psfp, "dup stringwidth pop\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f\n", (titlewidth + borderspace) - titletextspace);
+ fprintf(psfp, "exch sub\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f moveto\n", y);
+ fprintf(psfp, "show\n");
+static void
+ floatish x, y;
+ x = borderspace + titletextspace;
+ y = borderheight - titleheight - borderspace + titletextspace;
+ /* job identifier goes at far left */
+ fprintf(psfp, "HE%d setfont\n", TITLE_TEXT_FONT);
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f %f moveto\n", x, y);
+ fputc('(', psfp);
+ EscapePrint(jobstring, SMALL_JOB_STRING_WIDTH);
+ fprintf(psfp, ") show\n");
+ /* area below curve is centered */
+ fprintf(psfp, "HE%d setfont\n", TITLE_TEXT_FONT);
+ fputc('(', psfp);
+ CommaPrint(psfp, (int) areabelow);
+ fprintf(psfp, " %s x %s)\n", valueunitstring, sampleunitstring);
+ fprintf(psfp, "dup stringwidth pop\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "2 div\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f\n", titlewidth / 2);
+ fprintf(psfp, "exch sub\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f moveto\n", y);
+ fprintf(psfp, "show\n");
+ /* date goes at far right */
+ fprintf(psfp, "HE%d setfont\n", TITLE_TEXT_FONT);
+ fprintf(psfp, "(%s)\n", datestring);
+ fprintf(psfp, "dup stringwidth pop\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f\n", (titlewidth + borderspace) - titletextspace);
+ fprintf(psfp, "exch sub\n");
+ fprintf(psfp, "%f moveto\n", y);
+ fprintf(psfp, "show\n");
+ * Print a string s in width w, escaping characters where necessary.
+ */
+static void
+ char* s; int w;
+ for ( ; *s && w > 0; s++, w--) {
+ if (*s == '(') { /* escape required */
+ fputc('\\', psfp);
+ } else if (*s == ')') {
+ fputc('\\', psfp);
+ }
+ fputc(*s, psfp);
+ }
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/PsFile.h b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/PsFile.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50559d12f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/PsFile.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#ifndef PS_FILE_H
+#define PS_FILE_H
+extern void PutPsFile PROTO((void));
+#endif /* PS_FILE_H */
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/README.GHC b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/README.GHC
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a3fb21e922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/README.GHC
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+This "hp2ps" program was written and is maintained by Dave Wakeling at
+York. All I (WDP) have done is make it slot into the "make world"ery.
+We are grateful for this contribution of shared code.
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Reorder.c b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Reorder.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..94bda2c5b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Reorder.c
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "Main.h"
+#include "Defines.h"
+#include "Error.h"
+#include "HpFile.h"
+#include "Utilities.h"
+/* own stuff */
+#include "Reorder.h"
+static struct order {
+ char* ident;
+ int order;
+} *ordermap = 0;
+static int ordermapmax = 0;
+static int ordermapindex = 0;
+OrderFor(ident, order)
+ char* ident;
+ int order;
+ if (! ordermap) {
+ ordermapmax = (nidents > TWENTY ? nidents : TWENTY) * 2;
+ /* Assume nidents read is indication of the No of
+ idents in the .aux file (*2 for good luck !) */
+ ordermap = xmalloc(ordermapmax * sizeof(struct order));
+ }
+ if (ordermapindex < ordermapmax) {
+ ordermap[ ordermapindex ].ident = copystring(ident);
+ ordermap[ ordermapindex ].order = order;
+ ordermapindex++;
+ } else {
+ Disaster("order map overflow");
+ }
+ * Get the order of to be used for "ident" if there is one.
+ * Otherwise, return 0 which is the minimum ordering value.
+ */
+ char* ident;
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < ordermapindex; i++) {
+ if (strcmp(ordermap[i].ident, ident) == 0) { /* got it */
+ return(ordermap[i].order);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * Reorder on the basis of information from ".aux" file.
+ */
+ intish i;
+ intish j;
+ int min;
+ struct entry* e;
+ int o1, o2;
+ for (i = 0; i < nidents-1; i++) {
+ min = i;
+ for (j = i+1; j < nidents; j++) {
+ o1 = OrderOf(identtable[ j ]->name);
+ o2 = OrderOf(identtable[ min ]->name);
+ if (o1 < o2 ) min = j;
+ }
+ e = identtable[ min ];
+ identtable[ min ] = identtable[ i ];
+ identtable[ i ] = e;
+ }
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Reorder.h b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Reorder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..09ab3597d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Reorder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#ifndef REORDER_H
+#define REORDER_H
+extern void Reorder PROTO((void));
+extern int OrderOf PROTO((char *));
+extern void OrderFor PROTO((char *, int));
+#endif /* REORDER_H */
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Scale.c b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Scale.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..576e173c14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Scale.c
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "Main.h"
+#include "Defines.h"
+#include "Dimensions.h"
+#include "Error.h"
+#include "HpFile.h"
+#include "Utilities.h"
+/* own stuff */
+#include "Scale.h"
+ * Return the maximum combined height that all the sample
+ * curves will reach. This (absolute) figure can then be
+ * used to scale the samples automatically so that they
+ * fit on the page.
+ */
+extern void free();
+ intish i;
+ intish j;
+ floatish mx;
+ int bucket;
+ floatish value;
+ struct chunk* ch;
+ floatish *maxima;
+ maxima = (floatish*) xmalloc(nsamples * sizeof(floatish));
+ for (i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
+ maxima[ i ] = 0.0;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < nidents; i++) {
+ for (ch = identtable[i]->chk; ch; ch = ch->next) {
+ for (j = 0; j < ch->nd; j++) {
+ bucket = ch->d[j].bucket;
+ value = ch->d[j].value;
+ if (bucket >= nsamples)
+ Disaster("bucket out of range");
+ maxima[ bucket ] += value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (mx = maxima[ 0 ], i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
+ if (maxima[ i ] > mx) mx = maxima[ i ];
+ }
+ free(maxima);
+ return mx;
+ * Scale the values from the samples so that they will fit on
+ * the page.
+ */
+extern floatish xrange;
+extern floatish yrange;
+ intish i;
+ intish j;
+ floatish sf;
+ struct chunk* ch;
+ if (yrange == 0.0) /* no samples */
+ return;
+ sf = graphheight / yrange;
+ for (i = 0; i < nidents; i++) {
+ for (ch = identtable[i]->chk; ch; ch = ch->next) {
+ for (j = 0; j < ch->nd; j++) {
+ ch->d[j].value = ch->d[j].value * sf;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Scale.h b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Scale.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a1c4051c31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Scale.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#ifndef SCALE_H
+#define SCALE_H
+extern floatish MaxCombinedHeight PROTO((void));
+extern void Scale PROTO((void));
+#endif /* SCALE_H */
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Shade.c b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Shade.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a03decb95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Shade.c
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "Main.h"
+#include "Defines.h"
+#include "Error.h"
+#include "Utilities.h"
+/* own stuff */
+#include "Shade.h"
+static struct shade {
+ char* ident;
+ floatish shade;
+} *shademap;
+static int shademapmax = 0;
+static int shademapindex = 0;
+ * Set the shade to be used for "ident" to "shade".
+ */
+ShadeFor(ident, shade)
+ char* ident;
+ floatish shade;
+ if (! shademap) {
+ shademapmax = (nidents > TWENTY ? nidents : TWENTY) * 2;
+ /* Assume nidents read is indication of the No of
+ idents in the .aux file (*2 for good luck) */
+ /* NB *2 is needed as .aux and .hp elements may differ */
+ shademap = xmalloc(shademapmax * sizeof(struct shade));
+ }
+ if (shademapindex < shademapmax) {
+ shademap[ shademapindex ].ident = copystring(ident);
+ shademap[ shademapindex ].shade = shade;
+ shademapindex++;
+ } else {
+ Disaster("shade map overflow");
+ }
+ * Get the shade to be used for "ident" if there is one.
+ * Otherwise, think of a new one.
+ */
+static floatish ThinkOfAShade PROTO((void)); /* forward */
+ char* ident;
+ int i;
+ floatish shade;
+ for (i = 0; i < shademapindex; i++) {
+ if (strcmp(shademap[i].ident, ident) == 0) { /* got it */
+ return(shademap[i].shade);
+ }
+ }
+ shade = ThinkOfAShade();
+ ShadeFor(ident, shade);
+ return shade;
+#define N_SHADES 10
+static floatish shades[ N_SHADES ] = {
+ 0.00000, 0.20000, 0.60000, 0.30000, 0.90000,
+ 0.40000, 1.00000, 0.70000, 0.50000, 0.80000
+static floatish
+ static int thisshade = 0;
+ floatish x;
+ x = shades[ thisshade ];
+ thisshade = (thisshade + 1) % N_SHADES;
+ return x;
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Shade.h b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Shade.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b6dd271b64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Shade.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#ifndef SHADE_H
+#define SHADE_H
+extern floatish ShadeOf PROTO((char *));
+extern void ShadeFor PROTO((char *, floatish));
+#endif /* SHADE_H */
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/TopTwenty.c b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/TopTwenty.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9060aaf6d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/TopTwenty.c
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "Main.h"
+#include "Defines.h"
+#include "Error.h"
+#include "HpFile.h"
+#include "Utilities.h"
+/* own stuff */
+#include "TopTwenty.h"
+ * We only have room in the key for a maximum of 20 identifiers.
+ * We therefore choose to keep the top 20 bands --- these will
+ * be the most important ones, since this pass is performed after
+ * the threshold and standard deviation passes. If there are more
+ * than 20 bands, the excess are gathered together as an "OTHER" ]
+ * band which appears as band 20.
+ */
+extern void free();
+ intish i;
+ intish j;
+ intish compact;
+ intish bucket;
+ floatish value;
+ struct entry* en;
+ struct chunk* ch;
+ floatish *other;
+ i = nidents;
+ if (i <= TWENTY) return; /* nothing to do! */
+ other = (floatish*) xmalloc(nsamples * sizeof(floatish));
+ /* build a list of samples for "OTHER" */
+ compact = (i - TWENTY) + 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
+ other[ i ] = 0.0;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < compact && i < nidents; i++) {
+ for (ch = identtable[i]->chk; ch; ch = ch->next) {
+ for (j = 0; j < ch->nd; j++) {
+ bucket = ch->d[j].bucket;
+ value = ch->d[j].value;
+ if (bucket >= nsamples)
+ Disaster("bucket out of range");
+ other[ bucket ] += value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ en = MakeEntry("OTHER");
+ en->next = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
+ StoreSample(en, i, other[i]);
+ }
+ /* slide samples down */
+ for (i = compact; i < nidents; i++) {
+ identtable[i-compact+1] = identtable[i];
+ }
+ nidents = TWENTY;
+ identtable[0] = en;
+ free(other);
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/TopTwenty.h b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/TopTwenty.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4dff203b38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/TopTwenty.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#ifndef TOP_TWENTY_H
+#define TOP_TWENTY_H
+extern void TopTwenty PROTO((void));
+#endif /* TOP_TWENTY_H */
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/TraceElement.c b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/TraceElement.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..984faf5325
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/TraceElement.c
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "Main.h"
+#include "Defines.h"
+#include "HpFile.h"
+#include "Error.h"
+#include "Utilities.h"
+/* own stuff */
+#include "TraceElement.h"
+ * Compute the total volume for each identifier, and the grand
+ * total of these totals. The identifiers whose totals when
+ * added together amount to less that a threshold percentage
+ * (default 1%) of the grand total are considered to be ``trace
+ * elements'' and they are thrown away.
+ */
+extern void free();
+extern floatish thresholdpercent;
+void TraceElement()
+ intish i;
+ intish j;
+ struct chunk* ch;
+ floatish grandtotal;
+ intish min;
+ floatish t;
+ floatish p;
+ struct entry* e;
+ intish *totals;
+ totals = (intish *) xmalloc(nidents * sizeof(intish));
+ /* find totals */
+ for (i = 0; i < nidents; i++) {
+ totals[ i ] = 0;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < nidents; i++) {
+ for (ch = identtable[i]->chk; ch; ch = ch->next) {
+ for (j = 0; j < ch->nd; j++) {
+ totals[ i ] += ch->d[j].value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* sort on the basis of total */
+ for (i = 0; i < nidents-1; i++) {
+ min = i;
+ for (j = i+1; j < nidents; j++) {
+ if (totals[ j ] < totals[ min ]) {
+ min = j;
+ }
+ }
+ t = totals[ min ];
+ totals[ min ] = totals[ i ];
+ totals[ i ] = t;
+ e = identtable[ min ];
+ identtable[ min ] = identtable[ i ];
+ identtable[ i ] = e;
+ }
+ /* find the grand total (NB: can get *BIG*!) */
+ grandtotal = 0.0;
+ for (i = 0; i < nidents; i++) {
+ grandtotal += (floatish) totals[ i ];
+ }
+ t = 0.0; /* cumulative percentage */
+ for (i = 0; i < nidents; i++) {
+ p = (100.0 * (floatish) totals[i]) / grandtotal;
+ t = t + p;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* identifiers from 0 to i-1 should be removed */
+ for (j = 0; i < nidents; i++, j++) {
+ identtable[j] = identtable[i];
+ }
+ nidents = j;
+ free(totals);
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/TraceElement.h b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/TraceElement.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d843392a23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/TraceElement.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+void TraceElement PROTO((void));
+#endif /* TRACE_ELEMENT_H */
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Utilities.c b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Utilities.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c6faca4ab9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Utilities.c
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "Main.h"
+#include "Error.h"
+extern void* malloc();
+ char* name;
+ char* t;
+ t = name;
+ while (*name) {
+ if (*name == '/') {
+ t = name+1;
+ }
+ name++;
+ }
+ return t;
+DropSuffix(name, suffix)
+ char* name; char* suffix;
+ char* t;
+ t = (char*) 0;
+ while (*name) {
+ if (*name == '.') {
+ t = name;
+ }
+ name++;
+ }
+ if (t != (char*) 0 && strcmp(t, suffix) == 0) {
+ *t = '\0';
+ }
+OpenFile(s, mode)
+ char* s; char* mode;
+ FILE* r;
+ if ((r = fopen(s, mode)) == NULL) {
+ Error("cannot open %s", s);
+ }
+ return r;
+#define ONETHOUSAND 1000
+ * Print a positive integer with commas
+ */
+ FILE* fp;
+ int n;
+ if (n < ONETHOUSAND) {
+ fprintf(fp, "%d", n);
+ } else {
+ CommaPrint(fp, n / ONETHOUSAND);
+ fprintf(fp, ",%03d", n % ONETHOUSAND);
+ }
+void *
+ int n;
+ void *r;
+ r = (void*) malloc(n);
+ if (!r) {
+ Disaster("%s, sorry, out of memory", hpfile);
+ }
+ return r;
+void *
+xrealloc(p, n)
+ void *p;
+ int n;
+ void *r;
+ extern void *realloc();
+ r = realloc(p, n);
+ if (!r) {
+ Disaster("%s, sorry, out of memory", hpfile);
+ }
+ return r;
+char *
+ char *s;
+ char *r;
+ r = (char*) xmalloc(strlen(s)+1);
+ strcpy(r, s);
+ return r;
+char *
+copystring2(s, t)
+ char *s, *t;
+ char *r;
+ r = (char*) xmalloc(strlen(s)+strlen(t)+1);
+ strcpy(r, s);
+ strcat(r, t);
+ return r;
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Utilities.h b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Utilities.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d8195b788a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Utilities.h
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#ifndef UTILITIES_H
+#define UTILITIES_H
+extern char* Basename PROTO((char *));
+extern void DropSuffix PROTO((char *, char *));
+extern FILE* OpenFile PROTO((char *, char *));
+extern void CommaPrint PROTO((FILE *, int));
+extern char *copystring PROTO((char *));
+extern char *copystring2 PROTO((char *, char *));
+extern void *xmalloc PROTO((int));
+extern void *xrealloc PROTO((void *, int));
+#endif /* UTILITIES_H */
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/hp2ps.1 b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/hp2ps.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa81d34a52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/hp2ps.1
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+.\" man page for hp2ps
+.ds PS P\s-2OST\s+2S\s-2CRIPT\s+2
+.\" typeset examples in fixed size font as indented paragraph Ex
+.ft C
+.. Xe
+.TH HP2PS 1 "18 April 1992"
+hp2ps \- convert a heap profile to a \*(PS graph
+.B hp2ps
+[flags] [file][.hp]
+The program
+.B hp2ps
+converts a heap profile stored in
+.IR file
+into a \*(PS graph, sending the result to
+By convention, files to be processed by
+.B hp2ps
+have a
+.I .hp
+extension. However, for compatibility with older versions of
+.B hp2ps,
+this extension can be omitted. If
+.IR file
+is omitted entirely, then the program behaves as a filter.
+The flags are:
+.IP "\fB\-d\fP"
+In order to make graphs more readable,
+.B hp2ps
+sorts the shaded bands for each identifier. The default sort ordering is for
+the bands with the largest area to be stacked on top of the smaller ones.
+.B \-d
+option causes rougher bands (those reprsenting series of values with the
+largest standard deviations) to be stacked on top of smoother ones.
+.IP "\fB\-b\fP"
+.B hp2ps
+puts the title of the graph in a small box at the top of the page. However,
+if the JOB string is too long to fit in a small box (more than 35 characters),
+.B hp2ps
+will choose to use a big box instead. The
+.B \-b
+option forces
+.B hp2ps
+to use a big box.
+.IP "\fB\-e\fP \fIfloat\fP[in|mm|pt]"
+Generate encapsulated \*(PS suitable for inclusion in LaTeX documents.
+Usually, the \*(PS graph is drawn in landscape mode in an area
+9 inches wide by 6 inches high, and
+.B hp2ps
+arranges for this area to be approximately centered on a sheet of a4
+paper. This format is convenient of studying the graph in detail, but
+it is unsuitable for inclusion in LaTeX documents. The
+.B \-e
+option causes the graph to be drawn in portrait mode, with
+.I float
+specifying the width in inches, millimetres or points (the default).
+The resulting \*(PS file conforms to the
+.I "Encapsulated Post Script"
+(EPS) convention, and it can be included in a LaTeX document using Rokicki's
+dvi-to-\*(PS converter
+.B dvips.
+.IP "\fB\-g\fP"
+Create output suitable for the
+.B gs
+\*(PS previewer (or similar). In this case the graph is printed in portrait
+mode without scaling. The output is unsuitable for a laser printer.
+.IP "\fB\-p\fP"
+Use previous parameters. By default, the \*(PS graph is automatically
+scaled both horizontally and vertically so that it fills the page.
+However, when preparing a seires of graphs for use in a presentation,
+it is often useful to draw a new graph using the same scale, shading and
+ordering as a previous one. The
+.B \-p
+flag causes the graph to be drawn using the parameters determined by
+a previous run of
+.B hp2ps
+.IR file.
+.IP "\fB\-s\fP"
+Use a small box for the title.
+.IP "\fB\-y\fP"
+Draw the graph in the traditional York style, ignoring marks.
+.IP "\fB\-?\fP"
+Print out usage information.
+The format of a heap profile is best described by example:
+JOB "a.out -p"
+DATE "Fri Apr 17 11:43:45 1992"
+SAMPLE_UNIT "seconds"
+VALUE_UNIT "bytes"
+ elim 180
+ insert 24
+ intersect 12
+ disin 60
+ main 12
+ reduce 20
+MARK 1.50
+MARK 1.75
+MARK 1.80
+ elim 192
+ insert 24
+ intersect 12
+ disin 84
+ main 12
+dvips(1), latex(1), hbchp (1), lmlchp(1)
+C. Runciman and D. Wakeling,
+Heap Profiling for Lazy Functional Languages, YCS-172, University of York, 1992
+\*(PS is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
+David Wakeling of the University of York.
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/makefile.original b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/makefile.original
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a625149552
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/makefile.original
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+OBJS= \
+ AuxFile.o \
+ Axes.o \
+ AreaBelow.o \
+ Curves.o \
+ Deviation.o \
+ Dimensions.o \
+ Error.o \
+ HpFile.o \
+ Key.o \
+ Main.o \
+ Marks.o \
+ TopTwenty.o \
+ TraceElement.o \
+ PsFile.o \
+ Reorder.o \
+ Scale.o \
+ Shade.o \
+ Utilities.o
+# Please set MATHLIB and BIN appropriately. I don't need MATHLIB on my machine,
+# but you may.
+MATHLIB = -lm
+DSTBIN = /n/Numbers/usr/lml/lml-0.997.4hp/sun3/bin
+CC= cc # gcc -Wall
+install: ${TARGET}
+ chmod 555 ${DSTBIN}/${TARGET}
+ rm -f core *.o ${TARGET}
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hscpp/Jmakefile b/ghc/utils/hscpp/Jmakefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c40e9e5e28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hscpp/Jmakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+PROGRAMS = hscpp
+all:: $(PROGRAMS)
+/* stuff to have before we get going */
+/* === BUILD STUFF (installation, etc., below) ========== */
+Makefile ::
+ $(RM) hscpp
+/* do *not* want #! script stuck on the front */
+MsubTarget(hscpp,hscpp.prl,/*no flags*/,/*Makefile*/)
+hscpp ::
+ @chmod a+x $@
+/* === INSTALLATION ======== */
+#if DoInstallGHCSystem == YES
+MakeDirectories(install, $(INSTLIBDIR_GHC))
+InstallScriptTarget(hscpp, $(INSTLIBDIR_GHC))
+#endif /* DoInstall... */
+/* === OTHER STUFF ========= */
+PerlTagsTarget( *.prl ) /* nothing for the Bourne shell scripts */
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hscpp/hscpp.prl b/ghc/utils/hscpp/hscpp.prl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a75c2de53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hscpp/hscpp.prl
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+eval "exec perl -S $0 $*"
+ if $running_under_some_random_shell;
+# reads CPP output and turns #line things into appropriate Haskell
+# pragmas
+# considered to be GHC-project specific
+# OPTIONALLY processes GENERATE_SPECS pragmas
+# when give flag -genSPECS
+# {-# GENERATE_SPECS a b #-}
+# fn :: type
+# fn :: type
+# {-# SPECIALIZE fn :: type[ a/a,u1/b] #-}
+# {-# SPECIALIZE fn :: type[ a/a,u2/b] #-}
+# {-# SPECIALIZE fn :: type[u1/a, b/b] #-}
+# {-# SPECIALIZE fn :: type[u1/a,u1/b] #-}
+# {-# SPECIALIZE fn :: type[u1/a,u2/b] #-}
+# {-# SPECIALIZE fn :: type[u2/a, b/b] #-}
+# {-# SPECIALIZE fn :: type[u2/a,u1/b] #-}
+# {-# SPECIALIZE fn :: type[u2/a,u2/b] #-}
+# where the u's are extracted from a predetermined
+# set of unboxed types $SpecingString
+# The types to substitute can be specified explicitly in { }s following
+# the type variable
+# {-# GENERATE_SPECS a{ty1,ty2...} b{+,ty1,ty2...} c{~,ty1,ty2,...} d{~,+,ty1,ty2,...} #-}
+# fn :: type
+# where
+# ~ indicates that no specialisations are to be left polymorhphic in this type variable
+# (this is required for overloaded tyvars which must have ground specialisations)
+# + indicates that the predetermined types are to be added to the list
+# Note: There must be no white space between { }s
+# Use ( )s around type names when separation is required
+$Verbose = 0;
+while ($#ARGV >= 0 && $ARGV[0] eq '-v' || $ARGV[0] =~ /^-genSPECS/) {
+ if ($ARGV[0] eq '-v') {
+ $Verbose = 1;
+ } elsif ( $ARGV[0] eq '-genSPECS0' ) { # do it, but no SpecingString
+ $SpecingString = '';
+ @SpecingTypes = ();
+ $DoGenSpecs = 1;
+ } else {
+ shift(@ARGV);
+ $SpecingString = $ARGV[0];
+ @SpecingTypes = split(/,/, $SpecingString);
+ $DoGenSpecs = 1;
+ }
+ shift(@ARGV);
+#ToDo: print a version number ?
+$OrigCpp = '$(RAWCPP)';
+if ( $OrigCpp =~ /(\S+)\s+(.*)/ ) {
+ $cmd = $1;
+ $rest = $2;
+ if ( -x $cmd ) { # cool
+ $Cpp = $OrigCpp;
+ } else { # oops; try to guess
+ $GccV = `gcc -v 2>&1`;
+ if ( $GccV =~ /Reading specs from (.*)\/specs/ ) {
+ $Cpp = "$1/cpp $rest";
+ } else {
+ die "hscpp: don't know how to run cpp: $OrigCpp\n";
+ }
+ }
+} else {
+ $Cpp = $OrigCpp;
+print STDERR "hscpp:CPP invoked: $Cpp @ARGV\n" if $Verbose;
+open(INPIPE, "$Cpp @ARGV |") || die "Can't open C pre-processor pipe\n";
+while (<INPIPE>) {
+# line directives come in flavo[u]rs:
+# s/^#\s*line\s+\d+$/\{\-# LINE \-\}/; IGNORE THIS ONE FOR NOW
+ s/^#\s*line\s+(\d+)\s+(\".+\")$/\{\-# LINE \1 \2 \-\}/;
+ s/^#\s*(\d+)\s+(\".*\").*/\{\-# LINE \1 \2 \-\}/;
+# genSPEC processing:
+ if ( /^\s*\{-#\s*GENERATE_SPECS/ ) {
+ if ( $DoGenSpecs ) {
+ $data_or_inst = 0;
+ $data_inst_str = "";
+ $remove_poly = 1;
+ if ( /^\s*\{-#\s*GENERATE_SPECS\s+(data)\s+(\S.*)\s*::(.*)#-\}\s*$/ ) {
+ $data_or_inst = 1;
+ $data_inst_str = $1;
+ $vars = $2;
+ $type = $3;
+ } elsif ( /^\s*\{-#\s*GENERATE_SPECS\s+(instance)\s+(\S.*)\s*::(.*)#-\}\s*$/ ) {
+ $data_or_inst = 1;
+ $data_inst_str = $1;
+ $vars = $2;
+ $type = $3;
+ } elsif ( /^\s*\{-#\s*GENERATE_SPECS\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)\s*#-\}\s*$/ ) {
+ $line = $_;
+ $fun = $1;
+ $vars = $2;
+ $tysig = <INPIPE>;
+ while ( $tysig =~ /^\s*$/ ) {
+ print $tysig;
+ $tysig = <INPIPE>;
+ }
+ $funpat = $fun; # quote non alphanumeric characters in pattern
+ $funpat =~ s/(\W)/\\\1/g;
+ $tysig =~ /^\s*$funpat\s*::(.*)$/ || die "Error: GENERATE_SPECS not followed by type signature for $fun:\n$line$tysig\n";
+ $type = $1;
+ $type =~ s/^(.*)=>//; # remove context from type
+ } else {
+ die "Error: invlaid GENERATE_SPECS pragma:\n $_";
+ }
+ @tyvars = split(/\s+/, $vars);
+ @tospec = ($type);
+ foreach $var (@tyvars) {
+ @specing = @tospec;
+ if ( $var =~ /^(\w+)\{(.*)\}$/ ) {
+ $var = $1;
+ @specing_types = split(/,/, $2);
+ if ($specing_types[0] eq '~') {
+ shift(@specing_types);
+ @tospec = (); # remove specs polymorphic in this tyvar
+ $remove_poly = 0;
+ }
+ if ($specing_types[0] eq '+') {
+ shift(@specing_types);
+ unshift(@specing_types, @SpecingTypes);
+ }
+ } else {
+ @specing_types = @SpecingTypes;
+ }
+ foreach $uty (@specing_types) {
+ @speced = @specing;
+ foreach $i (0..$#speced) {
+ $speced[$i] =~ s/\b$var\b/$uty/g ;
+ }
+ push(@tospec, @speced);
+ }
+ }
+ shift(@tospec) if $remove_poly; # remove fully polymorphic spec
+ if ($#tospec >= 0) {
+ $specty = shift(@tospec);
+ print ($data_or_inst ? "{-# SPECIALIZE $data_inst_str $specty #-}" : "{-# SPECIALIZE $fun :: $specty");
+ while ($#tospec >= 0) {
+ $specty = shift(@tospec);
+ print ($data_or_inst ? "; {-# SPECIALIZE $data_inst_str $specty #-}" : ", $specty");
+ }
+ print ($data_or_inst ? "\n" : " #-}\n");
+ } else {
+ print "{-# NO_SPECS_GENERATED ", $data_or_inst ? $specty : $fun, " #-}\n";
+ }
+ print $tysig if ! $data_or_inst;
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "Warning: GENERATE_SPECS pre-processing pragma ignored:\n $_";
+ print $_;
+ }
+ } else {
+ print $_;
+ }
+close(INPIPE) || exit(1); # exit is so we reflect any errors.
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hstags/Jmakefile b/ghc/utils/hstags/Jmakefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ae1d844ba9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hstags/Jmakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+PROGRAMS = hstags hstags-help
+all:: $(PROGRAMS)
+/* stuff to have before we get going */
+MsubMakefileDependentProgramScriptTarget(PerlCmd,hstags,hstags.prl,/*no flags*/,/*Makefile*/)
+#if DoInstallGHCSystem == YES
+MakeDirectories(install, $(INSTLIBDIR_GHC) $(INSTBINDIR_GHC))
+InstallBinaryTarget(hstags-help, $(INSTLIBDIR_GHC))
+#endif /* DoInstall... */
+PerlTagsTarget( hstags.prl )
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hstags/README b/ghc/utils/hstags/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..388a8e869b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hstags/README
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+"hstags" is a relatively sophisticated program to produce Emacs TAGS
+files for Glasgow-Haskell-compilable programs. (It is "sophisticated"
+only in that it uses the GHC parser to find "interesting" things in
+the source files.)
+A simpler alternative is Denis Howe's "fptags" script, which is
+distributed in the ghc/CONTRIB directory.
+Will Partain
+Sept 1994
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hstags/hstags-help.c b/ghc/utils/hstags/hstags-help.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..92604876ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hstags/hstags-help.c
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h> /* for strlen */
+/* typedef enum { False, True } Boolean; */
+#define SKIP /* Algol-68 lives */
+int argc;
+char **argv;
+ unsigned line;
+ FILE *srcf;
+ int thisline = 0, lastline = 0, linestart = 0;
+ char linebuff[1024];
+ if(argc < 2)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"usage: %s sourcefile",argv[0]);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if((srcf=fopen(argv[1],"r")) == NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"can't read %s\n",argv[1]);
+ exit(2);
+ }
+ *linebuff = '\0';
+ while(scanf("%u",&line)!=EOF)
+ {
+ if(line != lastline)
+ {
+ while(thisline < line && !feof(srcf))
+ {
+ linestart+=strlen(linebuff);
+ fgets(linebuff,1023,srcf);
+ thisline++;
+ }
+ if(thisline >= line)
+ {
+ char *chpos;
+ for(chpos = linebuff; *chpos != '=' && *chpos != '\n' && *chpos != '\0'; ++chpos)
+ putchar(*chpos);
+ if(*chpos == '=')
+ putchar('=');
+ printf("%c%d,%d\n",0177,line,linestart);
+ }
+ lastline = line;
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(srcf);
+ exit(0);
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hstags/hstags.prl b/ghc/utils/hstags/hstags.prl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..073db474ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/hstags/hstags.prl
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+$tmp = (( $ENV{'TMPDIR'} ) # to make tmp file names
+ ? ($ENV{'TMPDIR'} . "/$$.eht")
+ : "$(TMPDIR)/$$.eht" );
+# If you are adjusting paths by hand for a binary GHC distribution,
+# de-commenting the line to set GLASGOW_HASKELL_ROOT should do.
+# Or you can leave it as is, and set the environment variable externally.
+# $ENV{'GLASGOW_HASKELL_ROOT'} = '/some/absolute/path/name';
+if (! $ENV{'GLASGOW_HASKELL_ROOT'}) { # good -- death to environment variables
+ $TopPwd = '$(TOP_PWD)';
+ $InstLibDirGhc = '$(INSTLIBDIR_GHC)';
+ $InstDataDirGhc = '$(INSTDATADIR_GHC)';
+} else {
+ if ( '$(INSTLIBDIR_GHC)' =~ /\/local\/fp(\/.*)/ ) {
+ $InstLibDirGhc = $ENV{'GLASGOW_HASKELL_ROOT'} . $1;
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "GLASGOW_HASKELL_ROOT environment variable is set;\nBut can't untangle $(INSTLIBDIR_GHC).\n(Installation error)\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if ( '$(INSTDATADIR_GHC)' =~ /\/local\/fp(\/.*)/ ) {
+ $InstDataDirGhc = $ENV{'GLASGOW_HASKELL_ROOT'} . $1;
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "GLASGOW_HASKELL_ROOT environment variable is set;\nBut can't untangle $(INSTDATADIR_GHC).\n(Installation error)\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+$Unlit = ( $(INSTALLING) ) ? "$InstLibDirGhc/unlit"
+ : "$TopPwd/$(CURRENT_DIR)/$(GHC_UNLIT)";
+$HsCpp = # but this is re-set to "cat" (after options) if -cpp not seen
+ ( $(INSTALLING) ) ? "$InstLibDirGhc/hscpp"
+ : "$TopPwd/$(CURRENT_DIR)/$(GHC_HSCPP)";
+$HsP = ( $(INSTALLING) ) ? "$InstLibDirGhc/hsp"
+ : "$TopPwd/$(CURRENT_DIR)/$(GHC_HSP)";
+ = ( $(INSTALLING) ) ? "$InstLibDirGhc/hstags-help"
+ : "$TopPwd/$(CURRENT_DIR)/$(HSTAGSSRC)/hstags-help";
+$Verbose = 0;
+$Append = '>';
+$DoCpp = 0;
+$Cpp_opts = '';
+$HsP_opts = '';
+@Files = ();
+while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-./) {
+ $_ = shift(@ARGV);
+ /^--/ && last;
+ /^-v/ && ($Verbose = 1, next);
+ /^-a$/ && ($Append = '>>', next);
+ /^-fglasgow-ext/ && ($HsP_opts .= ' -N', next);
+ /^-optP(.*)/ && ($Cpp_opts .= " $1", next);
+ /^-[UDI]/ && ($Cpp_opts .= " $_", next);
+ /^-cpp/ && ($DoCpp = 1, next);
+ /^-/ && next; # ignore the rest
+ push(@Files, $_);
+$ghc_version_info = $(PROJECTVERSION) * 100;
+$DoHsCpp = ( ! $DoCpp ) ? 'cat'
+ : "$HsCpp -D__HASKELL1__=2 -D__GLASGOW_HASKELL__=$ghc_version_info $Cpp_opts";
+# to find Prelude.hi
+$HsP_opts .= ( ( $(INSTALLING) ) ? " -J$InstDataDirGhc/imports"
+ : " -J$TopPwd/$(CURRENT_DIR)/$(GHC_LIBSRC)/prelude" );
+open(STDOUT, "$Append TAGS") || die "can't create TAGS";
+foreach $f ( @ARGV ) {
+ # if file is in a dir && we are CPPing, then we add its dir to the -I list.
+ if ( $DoCpp && $f =~ /(.+)\/[^\/]+$/ ) {
+ $Idir = "-I$1";
+ } else {
+ $Idir = '';
+ }
+ if ( $f =~ /\.lhs$/ ) {
+ $ToDo = "$Unlit $f - | $DoHsCpp $Idir | $HsP -E $HsP_opts | $HsTagsHelp $f > $tmp";
+ } else {
+ $ToDo = "$DoHsCpp $Idir < $f | $HsP -E $HsP_opts | $HsTagsHelp $f > $tmp";
+ }
+ print STDERR "$ToDo\n" if $Verbose;
+ system($ToDo);
+ $return_val = $?;
+ die "Fatal error $return_val\n" if $return_val != 0;
+ $stuff = `ls -l $tmp`;
+ @size = split(/[ \t]+/,$stuff);
+ print STDOUT "\f\n$f,",$size[3],"\n";
+ print STDOUT `cat $tmp`;
+unlink $tmp;
diff --git a/ghc/utils/mkdependHS/Jmakefile b/ghc/utils/mkdependHS/Jmakefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..093861787b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/mkdependHS/Jmakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+PROGRAMS = mkdependHS
+all:: $(PROGRAMS)
+MsubMakefileDependentProgramScriptTarget(PerlCmd,mkdependHS,mkdependHS.prl,/*no flags*/,/*Makefile*/)
+#if DoInstallGHCSystem == YES
+MakeDirectories(install, $(INSTBINDIR_GHC))
+#endif /* DoInstall... */
+PerlTagsTarget( mkdependHS.prl )
diff --git a/ghc/utils/mkdependHS/mkdependHS.prl b/ghc/utils/mkdependHS/mkdependHS.prl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e915bca089
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/mkdependHS/mkdependHS.prl
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+# *** MSUB does some substitutions here ***
+# *** grep for $( ***
+# tries to work like mkdependC
+# ToDo: strip out all the .h junk
+($Pgm = $0) =~ s/.*\/([^\/]+)$/\1/;
+$Usage = "usage: $Pgm: not done yet\n";
+$Status = 0; # just used for exit() status
+$Verbose = '';
+$Dashdashes_seen = 0;
+$OrigCpp = '$(RAWCPP)';
+if ( $OrigCpp =~ /(\S+)\s+(.*)/ ) {
+ $cmd = $1;
+ $rest = $2;
+ if ( -x $cmd ) { # cool
+ $Cpp = $OrigCpp;
+ } else { # oops; try to guess
+ $GccV = `gcc -v 2>&1`;
+ if ( $GccV =~ /Reading specs from (.*)\/specs/ ) {
+ $Cpp = "$1/cpp $rest";
+ } else {
+ die "hscpp: don't know how to run cpp: $OrigCpp\n";
+ }
+ }
+} else {
+ $Cpp = $OrigCpp;
+$Tmp_prefix = (( $ENV{'TMPDIR'} ) # to make tmp file names
+ ? ($ENV{'TMPDIR'} . "/mkdependHS$$")
+ : "$(TMPDIR)/mkdependHS$$" );
+# If you are adjusting paths by hand for a binary GHC distribution,
+# de-commenting the line to set GLASGOW_HASKELL_ROOT should do.
+# Or you can leave it as is, and set the environment variable externally.
+# $ENV{'GLASGOW_HASKELL_ROOT'} = '/some/absolute/path/name';
+if (! $ENV{'GLASGOW_HASKELL_ROOT'}) { # good -- death to environment variables
+ $TopPwd = '$(TOP_PWD)';
+ $InstLibDirGhc = '$(INSTLIBDIR_GHC)';
+ $InstDataDirGhc = '$(INSTDATADIR_GHC)';
+} else {
+ if ( '$(INSTLIBDIR_GHC)' =~ /\/local\/fp(\/.*)/ ) {
+ $InstLibDirGhc = $ENV{'GLASGOW_HASKELL_ROOT'} . $1;
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "GLASGOW_HASKELL_ROOT environment variable is set;\nBut can't untangle $(INSTLIBDIR_GHC).\n(Installation error)\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if ( '$(INSTDATADIR_GHC)' =~ /\/local\/fp(\/.*)/ ) {
+ $InstDataDirGhc = $ENV{'GLASGOW_HASKELL_ROOT'} . $1;
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "GLASGOW_HASKELL_ROOT environment variable is set;\nBut can't untangle $(INSTDATADIR_GHC).\n(Installation error)\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+$Unlit = ( $(INSTALLING) ) ? "$InstLibDirGhc/unlit"
+ : "$TopPwd/$(CURRENT_DIR)/$(GHC_UNLIT)";
+$Begin_magic_str = "# DO NOT DELETE: Beginning of Haskell dependencies\n";
+$End_magic_str = "# DO NOT DELETE: End of Haskell dependencies\n";
+$Obj_suffix = '.o';
+$ghc_version_info = $(PROJECTVERSION) * 100;
+@Defines = ('-D__HASKELL1__=2', "-D__GLASGOW_HASKELL__=$ghc_version_info");
+$Import_dirs = '.';
+%Syslibs = ();
+%StableLibs = ();
+%PreludeIfaces = ( 'Prelude', '1',
+ 'PreludeGlaST', '1',
+ 'PreludeGlaMisc', '1',
+ 'Concurrent', '1',
+ 'Parallel', '1');
+%GhcLibIfaces = ( 'Bag', '1',
+ 'BitSet', '1',
+ # CharSeq not supposed to be used by user (I think. WDP)
+ 'FiniteMap', '1',
+ 'ListSetOps', '1',
+ 'Maybes', '1',
+ 'PackedString', '1',
+ 'Regex', '1',
+ 'MatchPS', '1',
+ 'Readline', '1',
+ 'Socket', '1',
+ 'SocketPrim', '1',
+ 'BSD', '1',
+ 'Pretty', '1',
+ 'Set', '1',
+ 'Util', '1' );
+%HbcLibIfaces = ( 'Algebra', '1',
+ 'Hash', '1',
+ 'ListUtil', '1',
+ 'Miranda', '1',
+ 'NameSupply', '1',
+ 'Native', '1',
+ 'Number', '1',
+ 'Parse', '1',
+ 'Pretty', '1',
+ 'Printf', '1',
+ 'QSort', '1',
+ 'Random', '1',
+ 'SimpleLex', '1',
+ 'Time', '1',
+ 'Trace', '1',
+ 'Word', '1' );
+%IO13Ifaces = ( 'LibSystem', '1',
+ 'LibCPUTime', '1',
+ 'LibDirectory', '1',
+ 'LibPosix', '1',
+ 'LibTime', '1' );
+$Haskell_1_3 = 0; # assume Haskell 1.2, still. Changed by -fhaskell-1.3
+$Include_dirs = '-I.';
+$Col_width = 78; # ignored
+$Makefile = '';
+@Src_files = ();
+if ( ! $Makefile && -f 'makefile' ) {
+ $Makefile = 'makefile';
+} elsif ( ! $Makefile && -f 'Makefile') {
+ $Makefile = 'Makefile';
+} else {
+ die "$Pgm: no makefile or Makefile found\n";
+@Depend_lines = ();
+print STDERR "CPP defines=@Defines\n" if $Verbose;
+print STDERR "Import_dirs=$Import_dirs\n" if $Verbose;
+print STDERR "Include_dirs=$Include_dirs\n" if $Verbose;
+foreach $sf (@Src_files) {
+ # just like lit-inputter
+ # except it puts each file through CPP and
+ # a de-commenter (not implemented);
+ # builds up @Depend_lines
+ print STDERR "Here we go for source file: $sf\n" if $Verbose;
+ ($of = $sf) =~ s/\.l?hs$/$Obj_suffix/;
+ push(@Depend_lines, "$of : $sf\n");
+ # if it's a literate file, .lhs, then we de-literatize it:
+ if ( $sf !~ /\.lhs$/ ) {
+ $file_to_read = $sf;
+ } else {
+ $file_to_read = "$Tmp_prefix.hs";
+ local($to_do) = "$Unlit $sf $file_to_read";
+ &run_something($to_do, 'unlit');
+ }
+ &slurp_file_for_imports($file_to_read, $sf);
+ if ( $sf =~ /\.lhs$/ ) {
+ unlink "$Tmp_prefix.hs";
+ }
+# OK, mangle the Makefile
+# now copy Makefile.bak into Makefile, rm'ing old dependencies
+# and adding the new
+open(OMKF,"< $Makefile.bak") || die "$Pgm: can't open $Makefile.bak: $!\n";
+open(NMKF,"> $Makefile") || die "$Pgm: can't open $Makefile: $!\n";
+$_ = <OMKF>;
+while ($_ && $_ ne $Begin_magic_str) { # copy through, 'til Begin_magic_str
+ print $_;
+ $_ = <OMKF>;
+while ($_ && $_ ne $End_magic_str) { # delete 'til End_magic_str
+ $_ = <OMKF>;
+# insert dependencies
+print $Begin_magic_str;
+print @Depend_lines;
+print $End_magic_str;
+while (<OMKF>) { # copy the rest through
+ print $_;
+close(NMKF) || exit(1);
+close(OMKF) || exit(1);
+chmod 0444, 'Makefile';
+exit 0;
+sub mangle_command_line_args {
+ while($_ = $ARGV[0]) {
+ shift(@ARGV);
+ if ( /^--$/ ) {
+ $Dashdashes_seen++;
+ } elsif ( /^-D(.*)/ ) { # recognized wherever they occur
+ push(@Defines, $_);
+ } elsif ( /^-i(.*)/ ) {
+ $Import_dirs .= ":$1";
+ } elsif ( /^-I/ ) {
+ $Include_dirs .= " $_";
+ } elsif ( /^-syslib$/ ) {
+ push(@Syslibs, &grab_arg_arg($_,''));
+ } elsif ( /^-fhaskell-1\.3/ ) {
+ $Haskell_1_3 = 1;
+ } elsif ( /^-stable$/ ) {
+ # user-defined syslibs that she believes are stable.
+ push(@StableLibs, &grab_arg_arg($_,''));
+ } elsif ($Dashdashes_seen != 1) { # not between -- ... --
+ if ( /^-v$/ ) {
+ $Verbose = '-v';
+ } elsif ( /^-f(.*)/ ) {
+ $Makefile = &grab_arg_arg('-f',$1);
+ } elsif ( /^-o(.*)/ ) {
+ $Obj_suffix = &grab_arg_arg('-o',$1);
+ } elsif ( /^-bs(.*)/ ) {
+ $Begin_magic_str = &grab_arg_arg('-bs',$1) . "\n";
+ } elsif ( /^-es(.*)/ ) {
+ $End_magic_str = &grab_arg_arg('-es',$1) . "\n";
+ } elsif ( /^-w(.*)/ ) {
+ $Width = &grab_arg_arg('-w',$1);
+ } elsif ( /^-/ ) {
+ print STDERR "$Pgm: unknown option ignored: $_\n";
+ } else {
+ push(@Src_files, $_);
+ }
+ } elsif ($Dashdashes_seen == 1) { # where we ignore unknown options
+ push(@Src_files,$_) if ! /^-/;
+ }
+ }
+sub grab_arg_arg {
+ local($option, $rest_of_arg) = @_;
+ if ($rest_of_arg) {
+ return($rest_of_arg);
+ } elsif ($#ARGV >= 0) {
+ local($temp) = $ARGV[0]; shift(@ARGV);
+ return($temp);
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "$Pgm: no argument following $option option\n";
+ $Status++;
+ }
+sub slurp_file_for_imports {
+ local($file_to_read, $orig_src_file) = @_;
+ local($follow_file);
+ local($last_seen_dir) = $orig_src_file;
+ $last_seen_dir =~ s/\/[^\/]+$//; # strip to dir name
+ $last_seen_dir = '.' if ($last_seen_dir eq $orig_src_file);
+ # we mangle #include's so they will also leave something
+ # behind to indicate the dependency on _them_
+ print STDERR "sed -e '/^# *include/{p;s/^# *include/!include/;};s/'\\''//g;s/\"//g' $file_to_read | $Cpp $Include_dirs -I$last_seen_dir @Defines |\n" if $Verbose;
+ open(SRCFILE, "sed -e '/^# *include/{p;s/^# *include/!include/;};s/'\\''//g;s/\"//g' $file_to_read | $Cpp $Include_dirs -I$last_seen_dir @Defines |")
+ || die "$Pgm: Can't open $file_to_read: $!\n";
+ while (<SRCFILE>) {
+ if (/^>?\s*import\s+([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_']*)/ || /^!include\s+"(\S+)"/) {
+ $modname = $1;
+ if (/^>?\s*import/) {
+ $follow_file = &find_in_Import_dirs($orig_src_file, $modname, $last_seen_dir);
+ } else {
+ $follow_file = &find_in_Include_dirs($orig_src_file, $modname, $last_seen_dir);
+ }
+ if ($follow_file) { # it found something
+ if ($follow_file ne '__syslib__') {
+ local($int_file);
+ ($int_file = $follow_file) =~ s/\.l?hs$/\.hi/;
+ push(@Depend_lines, "$of : $int_file\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ die "$orig_src_file: Couldn't handle: $_\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close(SRCFILE) || exit(1);
+# when we see something, we cache that fact ('y').
+# also, when we get a miss, we cache that (so we don't try later); ('n')
+%FileExists = ();
+sub find_in_Import_dirs {
+ local($orig_src_file, $modname, $last_seen_dir) = @_;
+ local($import_dir);
+ local($do_magical_check) = 0;
+ local($name_to_check);
+ # hop along Import_dir list
+ foreach $import_dir (split(/:/,$Import_dirs)) {
+ # handle . magically
+ if ($import_dir eq '.') {
+ # record that we should do a SPECIAL try for a file in last_seen_dir (LAST)
+ $do_magical_check = 1;
+ }
+ $name_to_check = "$import_dir/$modname.hi";
+ if ( $FileExists{$name_to_check} ne 'n' ) { # either 'y' or nothing
+ print STDERR "trying $name_to_check...\n" if $Verbose;
+ return($name_to_check) if $FileExists{$name_to_check} eq 'y';
+ if (-f $name_to_check) {
+ $FileExists{$name_to_check} = 'y';
+ return($name_to_check) ;
+ } else {
+ $FileExists{$name_to_check} = 'n';
+ }
+ }
+ $name_to_check = "$import_dir/$modname.hs";
+ print STDERR "trying... $name_to_check\n" if $Verbose;
+ return($name_to_check) if -f $name_to_check;
+ $name_to_check = "$import_dir/$modname.lhs";
+ print STDERR "trying... $name_to_check\n" if $Verbose;
+ return($name_to_check) if -f $name_to_check;
+ }
+ if ($do_magical_check == 1) {
+ $name_to_check = "$last_seen_dir/$modname.hi";
+ if ( $FileExists{$name_to_check} ne 'n' ) { # either 'y' or nothing
+ print STDERR "trying $name_to_check...\n" if $Verbose;
+ return($name_to_check) if $FileExists{$name_to_check} eq 'y';
+ if (-f $name_to_check) {
+ $FileExists{$name_to_check} = 'y';
+ return($name_to_check) ;
+ } else {
+ $FileExists{$name_to_check} = 'n';
+ }
+ }
+ $name_to_check = "$last_seen_dir/$modname.lhs";
+ print STDERR "trying... $name_to_check\n" if $Verbose;
+ return($name_to_check) if -f $name_to_check;
+ $name_to_check = "$last_seen_dir/$modname.hs";
+ print STDERR "trying... $name_to_check\n" if $Verbose;
+ return($name_to_check) if -f $name_to_check;
+ }
+ # OK, maybe it's referring to something in a system library
+ foreach $lib ( @Syslibs ) {
+ if ( $lib eq 'ghc' ) {
+ return('__syslib__') if $GhcLibIfaces{$modname};
+ } elsif ( $lib eq 'hbc' ) {
+ return('__syslib__') if $HbcLibIfaces{$modname};
+ } else {
+ die "Unrecognised syslib: $lib\n";
+ }
+ }
+ # HACK HACK: Let the user define his own "stable" modules.
+ foreach $stableLib ( @StableLibs ) {
+ return('__syslib__') if ( $stableLib eq $modname );
+ }
+ # Might be a Haskell 1.3 Module (but only if we've said -fhaskell-1.3)
+ if ( $Haskell_1_3 == 1 ) {
+ return('__syslib__') if $IO13Ifaces{$modname};
+ }
+ # Last hope: referring to a Prelude interface
+ return('__syslib__') if $PreludeIfaces{$modname};
+ die "No file `$modname.hi', `$modname.lhs' or `$modname.hs' (reqd from file `$orig_src_file')\namong import directories:\n\t$Import_dirs\n";
+sub find_in_Include_dirs {
+ local($orig_src_file, $name, $last_seen_dir) = @_;
+ local($include_dir);
+ local($do_magical_check) = 0;
+ # no funny name guessing here
+ # hop along Include_dir list
+ foreach $include_dir (split(/\s+/,$Include_dirs)) {
+ $include_dir =~ s/^-I//;
+ # handle . magically
+ if ($include_dir eq '.') {
+ # record that we should do a SPECIAL try for a file in last_seen_dir (LAST)
+ $do_magical_check = 1;
+ }
+ print STDERR "trying $include_dir/$name...\n" if $Verbose;
+ if (-f "$include_dir/$name") {
+ return("$include_dir/$name");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($do_magical_check == 1) {
+ print STDERR "trying $last_seen_dir/$name...\n" if $Verbose;
+ if (-f "$last_seen_dir/$name") {
+ return("$last_seen_dir/$name");
+ }
+ }
+ die "No file `$name' (reqd from file `$orig_src_file') among include directories: $Include_dirs\n";
+# out of the driver, actually
+sub run_something {
+ local($str_to_do, $tidy_name) = @_;
+ print STDERR "\n$tidy_name:\n\t" if $Verbose;
+ print STDERR "$str_to_do\n" if $Verbose;
+ local($return_val) = system($str_to_do) >> 8;
+ if ($return_val != 0) {
+ local($die_msg) = "$Pgm: execution of the $tidy_name had trouble";
+ $die_msg .= " (program not found)" if $return_val == 255;
+ $die_msg .= " ($!)" if $Verbose && $! != 0;
+ $die_msg .= "\n";
+ print STDERR $die_msg;
+ exit $return_val;
+ }
diff --git a/ghc/utils/parallel/Jmakefile b/ghc/utils/parallel/Jmakefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..371785c667
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/parallel/Jmakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+PROGRAMS = grs2gr \
+ gr2ps \
+ gr2qp \
+ qp2ps \
+ ghc-fool-sort ghc-unfool-sort
+all:: $(PROGRAMS)
+/* stuff to have before we get going */
+/* === BUILD STUFF (installation, etc., below) ========== */
+/* === INSTALLATION ======== */
+/* the rest of these vary from std/useful to hackish dans le extreme */
+MakeDirectories(install, $(INSTSCRIPTDIR))
+InstallScriptTarget(grs2gr, $(INSTSCRIPTDIR))
+InstallScriptTarget(gr2ps, $(INSTSCRIPTDIR))
+InstallScriptTarget(gr2qp, $(INSTSCRIPTDIR))
+InstallScriptTarget(qp2ps, $(INSTSCRIPTDIR))
+InstallScriptTarget(ghc-fool-sort, $(INSTSCRIPTDIR))
+/* === OTHER STUFF ========= */
+PerlTagsTarget( *.pl )
diff --git a/ghc/utils/parallel/ b/ghc/utils/parallel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dfa65a1875
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/parallel/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Usage: fool-sort
+# Takes a pure (i.e. no header lines) quasi-parallel profile (a .qp file) from
+# stdin and inserts a counter as second field to force sort not to change the
+# ordering of lines with the same time stamp. The result is written to stdout.
+$last_time = 0;
+while (<STDIN>) {
+ ($time, @rest) = split;
+ if ( $time == $last_time ) {
+ $x = ++$count;
+ } else {
+ $x = $count = 0;
+ }
+ print $time, " ", $x, " ", join(' ',@rest), "\n";
+ $last_time = $time;
+exit 0;
diff --git a/ghc/utils/parallel/ b/ghc/utils/parallel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..90da222a5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/parallel/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Usage: unfool-sort
+# Reads stdin, elimininates the second field (a dummy counter that has been
+# inserted by fool-sort) of each line and writes the result to stdout.
+# See documentation of fool-sort.
+while (<STDIN>) {
+ ($time, $dummy, @rest) = split;
+ print join(' ',$time,@rest) . "\n";
+exit 0;
diff --git a/ghc/utils/parallel/gr2ps.bash b/ghc/utils/parallel/gr2ps.bash
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..28099fbff0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/parallel/gr2ps.bash
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# Usage: gr2ps [options] <gr-file>
+# Transform the log file of a GrAnSim run (a .gr file) into a quasi-parallel
+# profile (a .qp file) and then into a PostScript file, showing essentially
+# the total number of running, runnable and blocked tasks.
+# Options:
+# -o <file> ... write PS file to <file>
+# -i <int> ... info level from 1 to 7; number of queues to display
+# -m ... create mono PostScript file instead a color one.
+# -O ... optimize the produced .ps w.r.t. size
+# NB: With this option info is lost. If there are several values
+# with same x value only the first one is printed, all
+# others are dropped.
+# -s <str> ... print <str> in the top right corner of the generated graph
+# -v ... be talkative.
+# -h ... print help message (this header).
+# Internal comments:
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# This version works on both Suns and Alphas -- KH
+# Any volunteers to convert it to /bin/sh?
+# Next time somebody calls for volunteers I'd better keep my mouth shut ... HWL
+progname="`basename $0`"
+getopts "hvmDOSs:o:i:I:" name
+while [ "$name" != "?" ] ; do
+ case $name in
+ h) help=1;;
+ v) verb=1;;
+ m) mono="-m";;
+ D) debug="-D";;
+ O) optimize="-O";;
+ S) lines="-S";;
+ s) string=$OPTARG;;
+ i) info_level=$OPTARG;;
+ I) info_mask=$OPTARG;;
+ o) psfile=$OPTARG;;
+ esac
+ getopts "hvmDOSs:o:i:I:" name
+shift $[ $OPTIND - 1 ]
+if [ -z "$1" ]
+ then echo "usage: $progname [-m] file[.gr]"
+ exit 1;
+f="`basename $1 .gr`"
+if [ -z "$psfile" ]
+ then psfile="$f".ps
+if [ $help -eq 1 ]
+ then no_of_lines=`cat $0 | awk 'BEGIN { n = 0; } \
+ /^$/ { print n; \
+ exit; } \
+ { n++; }'`
+ echo "`head -$no_of_lines $0`"
+ exit
+if [ $verb -eq 1 ]
+ then echo "Input file: $grfile"
+ echo "Quasi-parallel file: $qpfile"
+ echo "PP file: $ppfile"
+ echo "PostScript file: $psfile"
+ if [ "$mono" = "-m" ]
+ then echo "Producing monochrome PS file"
+ else echo "Producing color PS file"
+ fi
+ if [ "$optimize" = "-O" ]
+ then echo "Optimization is ON"
+ else echo "Optimization is OFF"
+ fi
+ if [ "$debug" = "-D" ]
+ then echo "Debugging is turned ON"
+ else echo "Debugging is turned OFF"
+ fi
+# unset noclobber
+if [ ! -f "$grfile" ]
+ then
+ echo "$grfile does not exist"
+ exit 1
+ else
+ rm -f "$qpfile" "$psfile"
+ prog=`head -1 "$grfile" | sed -e 's/Granularity Simulation for //'`
+ echo "$prog" >| "$qpfile"
+ if [ $verb -eq 1 ]; then echo "Executed program: $prog"; fi
+ date >> "$qpfile"
+ date="`date`"
+ cat "$grfile" | gr2qp | ghc-fool-sort | sort -n +0 -1 | ghc-unfool-sort >> "$qpfile"
+ # max=`tail -2 "$qpfile" | awk '!/^Number of threads:/ { print $1; }'`
+ max=`tail -1 "$qpfile" | awk '{ print $1; }'`
+ if [ $verb -eq 1 ]; then echo "Total runtime: $max"; fi
+ opts="";
+ if [ $info_level -gt 0 ]
+ then opts="-i $info_level";
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$info_mask" ]
+ then opts="-I $info_mask";
+ fi
+ tail +3 "$qpfile" | qp2ps $debug $optimize $mono $lines "-s" "$string" $opts "$max" "$prog" "$date" >| "$psfile"
+ rm -f "$qpfile"
diff --git a/ghc/utils/parallel/ b/ghc/utils/parallel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0844622d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/parallel/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+while(<>) {
+ chop;
+ ($PE, $pe, $time, $act, $tid, $rest) = split;
+ next if $act eq 'REPLY';
+ chop($tid) if $act eq 'END';
+ $from = $queue{$tid};
+ $extra = "";
+ if ($act eq 'START') {
+ $from = '*';
+ $to = 'G';
+ } elsif ($act eq 'START(Q)') {
+ $from = '*';
+ $to = 'A';
+ } elsif ($act eq 'STEALING') {
+ $to = 'C';
+ } elsif ($act eq 'STOLEN') {
+ $to = 'G';
+ } elsif ($act eq 'STOLEN(Q)') {
+ $to = 'A';
+ } elsif ($act eq 'FETCH') {
+ $to = 'Y';
+ } elsif ($act eq 'BLOCK') {
+ $to = 'R';
+ } elsif ($act eq 'RESUME') {
+ $to = 'G';
+ $extra = " 0 0x0";
+ } elsif ($act eq 'RESUME(Q)') {
+ $to = 'A';
+ $extra = " 0 0x0";
+ } elsif ($act eq 'END') {
+ $to = '*';
+ } elsif ($act eq 'SCHEDULE') {
+ $to = 'G';
+ } elsif ($act eq 'DESCHEDULE') {
+ $to = 'A';
+ }
+ $queue{$tid} = $to;
+ if ($to ne $from) {
+ print substr($time,1,length($time)-3), " ",
+ $from, $to, " 0 0x", $tid, $extra, "\n";
+ }
+ delete $queue{$tid} if $to eq '*';
diff --git a/ghc/utils/parallel/ b/ghc/utils/parallel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d30c7777ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/parallel/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Convert several .gr files (from the same GUM run) into a single
+# .gr file with all times adjusted relative to the earliest start
+# time.
+$count = 0;
+foreach $i (@ARGV) {
+ open(GR, $i) || die "Can't read $i\n";
+ $cmd = <GR>;
+ $start = <GR>;
+ ($pe, $timestamp) = ($start =~ /PE\s+(\d+) \[(\d+)\]/);
+ die "PE $pe too high\n" if $pe > $#ARGV;
+ $proc[$count++] = $pe;
+ $prog[$pe] = $cmd;
+ $time[$pe] = $timestamp;
+ close(GR) || die "Can't close $i\n";
+$basetime = 0;
+for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
+ $pe = $proc[$i];
+ die "PE $pe missing?\n" if !defined($time[$pe]);
+ die "Mismatched .gr files\n" if $pe > 0 && $prog[$pe] ne $prog[$pe - 1];
+ $basetime = $time[$pe] if $basetime == 0 || $basetime > $time[$pe];
+print $cmd;
+for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
+ $pe = $proc[$i];
+ $delta = $time[$pe] - $basetime;
+ open(GR, $ARGV[$i]) || die "Can't read $ARGV[i]\n";
+ $cmd = <GR>;
+ $start = <GR>;
+ while(<GR>) {
+ /PE\s+(\d+) \[(\d+)\]/;
+ printf "PE %2u [%lu]%s", $1, $2 + $delta, $';
+ }
+ close(GR) || die "Can't close $ARGV[$i]\n";
diff --git a/ghc/utils/parallel/ b/ghc/utils/parallel/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d671cb8937
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/parallel/
@@ -0,0 +1,813 @@
+#! /usr/local/bin/perl
+# Usage: [options] <max-x> <prg> <date>
+# Filter that transforms a quasi-parallel profile (a .qp file) at stdin to
+# a PostScript file at stdout, showing essentially the total number of running,
+# runnable and blocked tasks.
+# Options:
+# -o <file> ... write PS file to <file>
+# -m ... create mono PostScript file instead a color one.
+# -O ... compress i.e. try to minimize the size of the .ps file
+# -s <str> ... print <str> in the top right corner of the generated graph
+# -i <int> ... info level from 1 to 7; number of queues to display
+# -v ... be talkative.
+# -h ... print help message (this header).
+require "";
+do process_options();
+if ( $opt_v ) {
+ do print_verbose_message();
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Init
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$xmin = 100;
+$xmax = 790;
+$scalex = $xmin;
+$labelx = $scalex - 45;
+$markx = $scalex - 30;
+$major = $scalex - 5;
+$majorticks = 10;
+$pmax = 1;
+$amax = 0;
+$ymin = 50;
+$ymax = 500;
+$active = 0;
+$runnable = 0;
+$blocked = 0;
+$sparks = 0;
+$fetching = 0;
+$lines_per_flush = 100; # depends on the PS implementation you use
+%color = ( "a", "green",
+ "r", "amber",
+ "b", "red",
+ "f", "cyan",
+ "m", "blue",
+ "s", "crimson" );
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+do print_prolog();
+$otime = -1;
+$last_x = -1;
+$last_y = -1;
+$in_seq = 0;
+$time_of_second_event = 0;
+while(<STDIN>) {
+ chop;
+ ($time, $event, $tid, $addr, $tid2, $addr2) = split;
+ $time_of_second_event = $time if $time_of_second_event == 0;
+ if($time != $otime) {
+ $tottime += $G[$samples] * ($time-$T[$samples]);
+ if($active > $amax) {
+ $amax = $active;
+ }
+ if ( $opt_D ) {
+ if($G[$samples] < $amax && $A[$samples] > 0) {
+ printf(stderr "%% $otime: G $G[$samples], A $A[$samples], " .
+ "R $R[$samples], B $B[$samples], " .
+ "Y $Y[$samples]\n");
+ }
+ }
+ # Reality Check
+ if($G[$samples] < 0 || $A[$samples] < 0 ||
+ $R[$samples] < 0 || $B[$samples] < 0 ||
+ $Y[$samples] < 0) {
+ printf(stderr "Error: Impossible number of tasks at time " .
+ "$T[$samples] (G $G[$samples], A $A[$samples], ".
+ "R $R[$samples], B $B[$samples], Y $Y[$samples])\n");
+ }
+ $samples++;
+ $otime = $time;
+ }
+ $eventfrom = substr($event,0,1);
+ $eventto = substr($event,1,1);
+ printf(stderr "$time $event $eventfrom $eventto\n") if $opt_D;
+ if ($eventfrom eq '*') {
+ }
+ elsif ($eventfrom eq 'G') {
+ --$active;
+ }
+ elsif ($eventfrom eq 'A') {
+ --$runnable;
+ }
+ elsif ($eventfrom eq 'R') {
+ --$blocked;
+ }
+ elsif ($eventfrom eq 'B') {
+ --$sparks;
+ }
+ elsif ($eventfrom eq 'C') {
+ --$migrating;
+ }
+ elsif ($eventfrom eq 'Y') {
+ --$fetching;
+ }
+ if ($eventto eq '*') {
+ }
+ elsif ($eventto eq 'G') {
+ ++$active;
+ }
+ elsif ($eventto eq 'A') {
+ ++$runnable;
+ $somerunnable = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($eventto eq 'R') {
+ ++$blocked;
+ $someblocked = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($eventto eq 'B') {
+ ++$sparks;
+ $somesparks = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($eventto eq 'C') {
+ ++$migrating;
+ $somemigratory = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($eventto eq 'Y') {
+ ++$fetching;
+ $somefetching = 1;
+ }
+ printf(stderr "%% $time: G $active, A $runnable, R $blocked, " .
+ "B $sparks, C $migrating\n") if 0;
+ $T[$samples] = $time;
+ $G[$samples] = &queue_on("a") ? $active : 0;
+ $A[$samples] = &queue_on("r") ? $runnable : 0;
+ $R[$samples] = &queue_on("b") ? $blocked : 0;
+ $Y[$samples] = &queue_on("f") ? $fetching : 0;
+ $B[$samples] = &queue_on("s") ? $sparks : 0;
+ $C[$samples] = &queue_on("m") ? $migrating : 0;
+ $all = $G[$samples] + $A[$samples] + $R[$samples] + $Y[$samples] +
+ $B[$samples] + $C[$samples] ;
+ if($all > $pmax) {
+ $pmax = $all;
+ }
+if($time != $tmax) {
+ die "Error: Calculated time ($time) does not agree with stated max. time ($tmax)\n";
+# Print optional str
+ if ( $opt_s ) {
+ print("HB16 setfont ($opt_s) dup stringwidth pop 790 exch sub 500 moveto show\n");
+ }
+# Average Parallelism
+if($time > 0) {
+ if ( 0 ) { # HACK warning; is this *always* correct -- HWL
+ $avg = ($tottime-$time_of_second_event)/($time-$time_of_second_event);
+ } else {
+ $avg = $tottime/$time;
+ }
+ $avgs=sprintf("Average Parallelism = %0.1f\n",$avg);
+ print("HE14 setfont ($avgs) dup stringwidth pop 790 exch sub 525 moveto show\n");
+ $rt_str=sprintf("Runtime = %0.0f\n",$tmax);
+ print("HE14 setfont ($rt_str) dup stringwidth pop 790 exch sub 30 moveto show\n");
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Draw axes lines etc
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+do print_y_axis();
+# if ( ! $opt_S ) {
+# Draw dashed line for orientation (startup time) -- HWL
+if ( $draw_lines ) {
+ local($x, $y);
+ $x = int((500000/$tmax) * ($xmax-$xmin) + $xmin);
+ $y = int((0/$pmax) * ($ymax-$ymin) + $ymin);
+ $h = ($ymax-$ymin);
+ print "gsave\n" .
+ "[1 3] 1 setdash\n" .
+ "$x $y moveto 0 $h rlineto stroke\n" .
+ "grestore\n";
+# and another one at the second event -- HWL
+print STDERR "Time of second event is: $time_of_second_event" if $opt_D;
+if ( $draw_lines ) {
+ local($x, $y);
+ $x = int(($time_of_second_event/$tmax) * ($xmax-$xmin) + $xmin);
+ $y = int((0/$pmax) * ($ymax-$ymin) + $ymin);
+ $h = ($ymax-$ymin);
+ print "gsave\n";
+ if ( ! $opt_m ) {
+ print "green setrgbcolor\n";
+ }
+ print "[3 5] 1 setdash\n" .
+ "$x $y moveto 0 $h rlineto stroke\n" .
+ "grestore\n";
+# }
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Draw the different kinds of tasks
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$rshow = reverse($show);
+print STDERR "\nReversed info-mask is : $rshow" if $opt_D;
+print STDERR "\nMaximal y value is $pmax" if $opt_D;
+for ($j=0; $j<length($rshow); $j++) {
+ $x = substr($rshow,$j,1);
+ print STDERR "Queue = $x i.e. " . ($color{$x}) . "\n" if $opt_D;
+ print("$xmin $ymin moveto\n");
+ for($i=1; $i <= $samples; $i++) {
+ do psout($T[$i],&count($x,$i));
+ if ($i % $lines_per_flush == 0) {
+ print($color{$x} . " flush-it\n");
+ }
+ }
+ # print("$xmax $ymin L\n");
+ if ( $opt_m ) {
+ print "closepath " . ($color{$x}) . " setgray fill\n";
+ } else {
+ print "closepath " . ($color{$x}) . " setrgbcolor fill\n";
+ }
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Logo
+print("HE14 setfont\n");
+if ( $opt_m ) {
+ print("50 530 asciilogo\n");
+} else {
+ print("50 530 logo\n");
+# Epilogue
+exit 0;
+# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Scale the (x,y) point (x is time in cycles, y is no. of tasks) s.t. the
+# x-(time-) axis fits between $xmin and $xmax (range for .ps graph).
+# In case of optimization ($opt_O):
+# If there is a sequence of (x,y) pairs with same x value, then just
+# print the first and the last pair in the seqence. To do that, $last_x
+# always contains the scaled x-val of the last point. $last_y contains
+# the y-val of the last point in the current sequence (it is 0 outside a
+# sequence!).
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub psout {
+ local($x, $y ) = @_;
+ if ( $opt_S ) {
+ $x = int(( ($x-$time_of_second_event)/($tmax-$time_of_second_event)) * ($xmax-$xmin) + $xmin);
+ } else {
+ $x = int(($x/$tmax) * ($xmax-$xmin) + $xmin);
+ }
+ $y = int(($y/$pmax) * ($ymax-$ymin) + $ymin);
+ die "Error in psout: Neg x coordinate\n" if ($x < 0) ;
+ if ( $opt_O ) {
+ if ( $last_x == $x ) { # If seq before $x that then print last pt
+ if ( ! $in_seq ) {
+ $in_seq = 1;
+ $first_y = $last_y;
+ }
+ } else { # If seq with same $x val then ignore pts
+ if ( $in_seq ) { # Seq before that -> print last in seq
+ print("$last_x $last_y L\n") if ($first_y != $last_y);
+ $in_seq = 0;
+ }
+ print("$x $y L\n");
+ }
+ $last_x = $x;
+ $last_y = $y;
+ } else {
+ print("$x $y L\n");
+ }
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub queue_on {
+ local ($queue) = @_;
+ return index($show,$queue)+1;
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub count{
+ local ($queue,$index) = @_;
+ local ($res);
+ $where = &queue_on($queue);
+ $res = ((&queue_on("a") && (&queue_on("a")<=$where)) ? $G[$index] : 0) +
+ ((&queue_on("r") && (&queue_on("r")<=$where)) ? $A[$index] : 0) +
+ ((&queue_on("b") && (&queue_on("b")<=$where)) ? $R[$index] : 0) +
+ ((&queue_on("f") && (&queue_on("f")<=$where)) ? $Y[$index] : 0) +
+ ((&queue_on("m") && (&queue_on("m")<=$where)) ? $B[$index] : 0) +
+ ((&queue_on("s") && (&queue_on("s")<=$where)) ? $C[$index] : 0);
+ return $res;
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub get_date {
+ local ($date);
+ open (DATE,"date |") || die ("$!");
+ while (<DATE>) {
+ $date = $_;
+ }
+ close (DATE);
+ return ($date);
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub print_prolog {
+ local ($date);
+ $date = do get_date();
+ print("%!PS-Adobe-2.0\n");
+ print("%%BoundingBox: 0 0 560 800\n");
+ print("%%Title: Activity Profile\n");
+ print("%%Creator:\n");
+ print("%%CreationDate: $date\n");
+ print("%%EndComments\n");
+ #print ("/greenlineto {1.0 setlinewidth lineto} def\n");
+ #print ("/amberlineto {0.5 setlinewidth lineto} def\n");
+ #print ("/redlineto {1.5 setlinewidth lineto} def\n");
+ #print ("/G {newpath moveto greenlineto stroke} def\n");
+ #print ("/A {newpath moveto amberlineto stroke} def\n");
+ #print ("/R {newpath moveto redlineto stroke} def\n");
+ if ( $opt_m ) {
+ print "/red { 0.5 } def\n";
+ print "/green { 0 } def\n";
+ print "/blue { 0.7 } def\n";
+ print "/crimson { 0.8 } def\n";
+ print "/amber { 0.9 } def\n";
+ print "/cyan { 0.3 } def\n";
+ } else {
+ print "/red { 0.8 0 0 } def\n";
+ print "/green { 0 0.9 0.1 } def\n";
+ print "/blue { 0 0.1 0.9 } def\n";
+ print "/crimson { 0.7 0.5 0 } def\n";
+ print "/amber { 0.9 0.7 0.2 } def\n";
+ print "/cyan { 0 0.6 0.9 } def\n";
+ }
+ print "/printText { 0 0 moveto (GrAnSim) show } def\n";
+ if ( $opt_m ) {
+ print "/logo { gsave \n" .
+ " translate \n" .
+ " .95 -.05 0\n" .
+ " { setgray printText 1 -.5 translate } for \n" .
+ " 1 setgray printText\n" .
+ " grestore } def\n";
+ } else {
+ print "/logo { gsave \n" .
+ " translate \n" .
+ " .95 -.05 0\n" .
+ " { dup 1 exch sub 0 exch setrgbcolor printText 1 -.5 translate } for \n" .
+ " 1 0 0 setrgbcolor printText\n" .
+ " grestore} def\n";
+ }
+ print "/asciilogo { 5 sub moveto HB16 setfont (GrAnSim) show } def\n";
+ print "/cmpx {pop exch pop eq} def % compare x-coors of 2 points\n";
+ print "/cmpy {exch pop 3 2 roll pop eq} def % compare y-coors of 2 points\n";
+ print "/cmp {2 index eq {exch pop eq} % compare 2 points\n";
+ print " {pop pop pop false} ifelse } def\n";
+ print "%/L { lineto } def\n";
+ print "%/L {2 copy pop 1 sub currentpoint exch pop lineto lineto} def\n";
+ print "/L {2 copy currentpoint cmpx not\n";
+ print " {2 copy pop currentpoint exch pop lineto} if\n";
+ print " 2 copy currentpoint cmpy \n";
+ print " {pop pop} \n";
+ print " {lineto} ifelse\n";
+ print "} def\n";
+ print "/flush-it { % draw a segment of the overall area; Arg: color\n";
+ print " currentpoint \n";
+ print " 1 index 50 lineto closepath\n";
+ if ( $opt_m ) {
+ print " 3 2 roll setgray fill \n";
+ } else {
+ print " 5 2 roll setrgbcolor fill \n";
+ }
+ print " 1 index 50 moveto lineto \n";
+ print "} def\n";
+ print "% For debugging PS uncomment this line and add the file\n";
+ print "% $brkpage begin printonly endprint \n";
+ print("/HE10 /Helvetica findfont 10 scalefont def\n");
+ print("/HE12 /Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont def\n");
+ print("/HE14 /Helvetica findfont 14 scalefont def\n");
+ print("/HB16 /Helvetica-Bold findfont 16 scalefont def\n");
+ print "% " . "-" x 77 . "\n";
+ print("-90 rotate\n");
+ print("-785 30 translate\n");
+ print("newpath\n");
+ print("0 8 moveto\n");
+ print("0 525 760 525 8 arcto\n");
+ print("4 {pop} repeat\n");
+ print("760 525 760 0 8 arcto\n");
+ print("4 {pop} repeat\n");
+ print("760 0 0 0 8 arcto\n");
+ print("4 {pop} repeat\n");
+ print("0 0 0 525 8 arcto\n");
+ print("4 {pop} repeat\n");
+ print("0.500000 setlinewidth\n");
+ print("stroke\n");
+ print("newpath\n");
+ print("4 505 moveto\n");
+ print("4 521 752 521 4 arcto\n");
+ print("4 {pop} repeat\n");
+ print("752 521 752 501 4 arcto\n");
+ print("4 {pop} repeat\n");
+ print("752 501 4 501 4 arcto\n");
+ print("4 {pop} repeat\n");
+ print("4 501 4 521 4 arcto\n");
+ print("4 {pop} repeat\n");
+ print("0.500000 setlinewidth\n");
+ print("stroke\n");
+ print("HE14 setfont\n");
+ print("100 505 moveto\n");
+ print("($pname ) show\n");
+ # print("($date) dup stringwidth pop 750 exch sub 505 moveto show\n");
+ print("4 8 moveto\n");
+ print("4 24 756 24 4 arcto\n");
+ print("4 {pop} repeat\n");
+ print("756 24 756 4 4 arcto\n");
+ print("4 {pop} repeat\n");
+ print("756 4 4 4 4 arcto\n");
+ print("4 {pop} repeat\n");
+ print("4 4 4 24 4 arcto\n");
+ print("4 {pop} repeat\n");
+ print("0.500000 setlinewidth\n");
+ print("stroke\n");
+# Labels
+# x-range: 100 - 600
+# y-value:
+ $x_begin = 100;
+ $x_end = 600;
+ $y_label = 10;
+ $no_of_labels = length($show); # $info_level;
+ $step = ($x_end-$x_begin)/($no_of_labels);
+ $x_now = $x_begin;
+ if ( &queue_on("a") ) {
+ do print_box_and_label($x_now,$y_label,"green","running");
+ }
+ if ( &queue_on("r") ) {
+ $x_now += $step;
+ do print_box_and_label($x_now,$y_label,"amber","runnable");
+ }
+ if ( &queue_on("f") ) {
+ $x_now += $step;
+ do print_box_and_label($x_now,$y_label,"cyan","fetching");
+ }
+ if ( &queue_on("b") ) {
+ $x_now += $step;
+ do print_box_and_label($x_now,$y_label,"red","blocked");
+ }
+ if ( &queue_on("m") ) {
+ $x_now += $step;
+ do print_box_and_label($x_now,$y_label,"blue","migrating");
+ }
+ if ( &queue_on("s") ) {
+ $x_now += $step;
+ do print_box_and_label($x_now,$y_label,"crimson","sparked");
+ }
+ # Print runtime of prg; this is jus a crude HACK; better: x-axis! -- HWL
+ #print("HE10 setfont\n");
+ #print("680 10 moveto\n");
+ #print("(RT: $tmax) show\n");
+ print("-40 -20 translate\n");
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub print_box_and_label {
+ local ($x,$y,$color,$label) = @_;
+ local ($z) = (15);
+ print("$x 10 moveto\n");
+ print("0 10 rlineto\n");
+ print("10 0 rlineto\n");
+ print("0 -10 rlineto\n");
+ print("closepath\n");
+ print("gsave\n");
+ if ( $opt_m ) {
+ print("$color setgray\n");
+ } else {
+ print("$color setrgbcolor\n");
+ }
+ print("fill\n");
+ print("grestore\n");
+ print("stroke\n");
+ print("HE14 setfont\n");
+ print(($x+$z) . " 10 moveto\n");
+ print("($label) show\n");
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub print_y_axis {
+ local ($i);
+# Y-axis label
+ print("gsave\n");
+ print("HE12 setfont\n");
+ print("(tasks)\n");
+ print("dup stringwidth pop\n");
+ print("$ymax\n");
+ print("exch sub\n");
+ print("$labelx exch\n");
+ print("translate\n");
+ print("90 rotate\n");
+ print("0 0 moveto\n");
+ print("show\n");
+ print("grestore\n");
+# Scale
+ if ( $opt_m ) {
+ print "0 setgray\n";
+ } else {
+ print "0 0 0 setrgbcolor\n";
+ }
+ print("HE12 setfont\n$scalex $ymin moveto\n$scalex $ymax lineto\n");
+ if ($pmax < $majorticks) {
+ $majorticks = $pmax;
+ }
+ $majormax = int($pmax/$majorticks)*$majorticks;
+ $smax = $majormax*(($ymax-$ymin)/$pmax)+$ymin;
+ $majorint = $majormax/$majorticks;
+ for($i=0; $i <= $majorticks; ++$i) {
+ $y = (($smax - $ymin)/$majorticks) * ($majorticks-$i) + $ymin;
+ $majorval = int($majorint * ($majormax/$majorint-$i));
+ print("$scalex $y moveto\n$major $y lineto\n");
+ print("$markx $y moveto\n($majorval) show\n");
+ }
+ # print("$xmin $ymax moveto\n10 0 rlineto\n10 0 rmoveto\n($pmax) show\n");
+ print " stroke\n";
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub print_verbose_message {
+ print "Prg Name: $pname Date: $date Info-str: $show\n";
+ print "Input: stdin Output: stdout\n";
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub process_options {
+ if ( $opt_h ) {
+ open(ME,$0) || die "Can't open myself ($0): $!\n";
+ $n = 0;
+ while (<ME>) {
+ last if $_ =~ /^$/;
+ print $_;
+ $n++;
+ }
+ close(ME);
+ exit ;
+ }
+ if ( $#ARGV != 2 ) {
+ print "Usage: $0 [options] <max y value> <prg name> <date> \n";
+ print "Use -h option to get details\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ $tmax = $ARGV[0];
+ $pname = $ARGV[1];
+ $date = $ARGV[2];
+ $show = "armfb";
+ if ( $opt_S ) {
+ $draw_lines = 1;
+ } else {
+ $draw_lines = 0;
+ }
+ if ( $opt_i ) {
+ $show = "a" if info_level == 1;
+ $show = "ar" if info_level == 2;
+ $show = "arb" if info_level == 3;
+ $show = "arfb" if info_level == 4;
+ $show = "armfb" if info_level == 5;
+ $show = "armfbs" if info_level == 6;
+ }
+ if ( $opt_I ) {
+ $show = $opt_I;
+ }
+ if ( $opt_v ){
+ $verbose = 1;
+ }
+# if ($#ARGV == 0) {
+# printf(stderr "usage: runtime [prog [date]]\n");
+# exit 1;
+# }
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Old way of drawing areas
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+exit 0;
+# Blocked Tasks
+if ($someblocked && ($info_level >= 3)) {
+ print("$xmin $ymin moveto\n");
+ for($i=($opt_S ? 2 : 1); $i <= $samples; $i++) {
+ do psout($T[$i],$G[$i]+$A[$i]+$C[$i]+$B[$i]+$Y[$i]+$R[$i]);
+ if ($i % $lines_per_flush == 0) {
+ print("red flush-it\n");
+ }
+ }
+ # print("$xmax $ymin L\n");
+ if ( $opt_m ) {
+ print "closepath red setgray fill\n";
+ } else {
+ print "closepath red setrgbcolor fill\n";
+ }
+# Fetching Tasks
+if ($somefetching && ($info_level >= 4)) {
+ print("$xmin $ymin moveto\n");
+ for($i=($opt_S ? 2 : 1); $i <= $samples; $i++) {
+ do psout($T[$i],$G[$i]+$A[$i]+$C[$i]+$B[$i]+$Y[$i]);
+ if ($i % $lines_per_flush == 0) {
+ print("cyan flush-it\n");
+ }
+ }
+ # print("$xmax $ymin L\n");
+ if ( $opt_m ) {
+ print "closepath cyan setgray fill\n";
+ } else {
+ print "closepath cyan setrgbcolor fill\n";
+ }
+# Sparks
+if ($somesparks && ($info_level >= 6)) {
+ print("$xmin $ymin moveto\n");
+ for($i=($opt_S ? 2 : 1); $i <= $samples; $i++) {
+ do psout($T[$i],$G[$i]+$A[$i]+$C[$i]+$B[$i]);
+ if ($i % $lines_per_flush == 0) {
+ print("crimson flush-it\n");
+ }
+ }
+ # print("$xmax $ymin L\n");
+ if ( $opt_m ) {
+ print "closepath crimson setgray fill\n";
+ } else {
+ print "closepath crimson setrgbcolor fill\n";
+ }
+# Migrating Threads
+if ($somemigratory && ($info_level >= 5)) {
+ print("$xmin $ymin moveto\n");
+ for($i=($opt_S ? 2 : 1); $i <= $samples; $i++) {
+ do psout($T[$i],$G[$i]+$A[$i]+$C[$i]);
+ if ($i % $lines_per_flush == 0) {
+ print("blue flush-it\n");
+ }
+ }
+ # print("$xmax $ymin L\n");
+ # print("closepath\ngsave\n0.9 setgray\nfill\ngrestore\nstroke\n");
+ if ( $opt_m ) {
+ print "closepath blue setgray fill\n";
+ } else {
+ print "closepath blue setrgbcolor fill\n";
+ }
+# Runnable Tasks
+if($somerunnable && ($info_level >= 2)) {
+ print("$xmin $ymin moveto\n");
+ for($i=($opt_S ? 2 : 1); $i <= $samples; $i++) {
+ do psout($T[$i],$G[$i]+$A[$i]);
+ if ($i % $lines_per_flush == 0) {
+ print("amber flush-it\n");
+ }
+ }
+ # print("$xmax $ymin L\n");
+ # print("closepath\ngsave\n0.9 setgray\nfill\ngrestore\nstroke\n");
+ if ( $opt_m ) {
+ print "closepath amber setgray fill\n";
+ } else {
+ print "closepath amber setrgbcolor fill\n";
+ }
+# Active Tasks
+if ($info_level >= 1) {
+ print("$xmin $ymin moveto\n");
+ for($i=($opt_S ? 2 : 1); $i <= $samples; $i++) {
+ do psout($T[$i],$G[$i]);
+ if ($i % $lines_per_flush == 0) {
+ print("green flush-it\n");
+ }
+ }
+ # print("$xmax $ymin L\n");
+ # print("closepath\ngsave\n0.5 setgray\nfill\ngrestore\nstroke\n");
+ if ( $opt_m ) {
+ print "closepath green setgray fill\n";
+ } else {
+ print "closepath green setrgbcolor fill\n";
+ }
diff --git a/ghc/utils/pvm/README b/ghc/utils/pvm/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a45840500a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/pvm/README
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+"debugger2" is our hacked version of the one that
+comes with PVM 3.3.7.
+Less sure about "debugger.emacs"...
+Will Partain
diff --git a/ghc/utils/pvm/debugger.emacs b/ghc/utils/pvm/debugger.emacs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee053ca7b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/pvm/debugger.emacs
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#!/bin/csh -f
+# debugger.csh
+# this script is invoked by the pvmd when a task is spawned with
+# the PvmTaskDebug flag set. it execs an xterm with script
+# debugger2 running inside.
+# 06 Apr 1993 Manchek
+if ($#argv < 1) then
+ echo "usage: debugger command [args]"
+ exit 1
+# scratch file for debugger commands
+set TEMPCMD=gdb$$.cmd
+set TEMPLISP=gdb$$.el
+# default debugger and flags
+# run the debugger
+echo run $argv[2-] > $TEMPCMD
+echo "(gdb "'"'"$argv[1] -q -x $TEMPCMD"'")' > $TEMPLISP
+emacs -l $TEMPLISP
+exit 0
diff --git a/ghc/utils/pvm/debugger2 b/ghc/utils/pvm/debugger2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7cdf8b9a1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/pvm/debugger2
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#!/bin/csh -f
+# debugger2.csh
+# this script is invoked in an xterm by the generic debugger script.
+# it starts the debugger and waits when it exits to prevent the
+# window from closing.
+# it expects the pvmd to set envar PVM_ARCH.
+# 06 Apr 1993 Manchek
+set noglob
+# scratch file for debugger commands
+set TEMPCMD=/tmp/debugger2.$$
+# default debugger and flags
+set DBCMD="gdb"
+set DBFF="-q -x $TEMPCMD"
+# try to pick the debugger by arch name
+# run the debugger
+echo run $argv[2-] > $TEMPCMD
+$DBCMD $DBFF $argv[1]
+#$DBCMD $argv[1]
+#rm -f $TEMPCMD
+# wait to go away
+#sleep 1
+rm -f $TEMPCMD
+exit 0
diff --git a/ghc/utils/stat2resid/Jmakefile b/ghc/utils/stat2resid/Jmakefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aed1c169cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/stat2resid/Jmakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+/* stuff to have before we get going */
+ parse-gcstats.prl \
+ process-gcstats.prl
+MsubMakefileDependentProgramScriptTarget(PerlCmd,stat2resid,stat2resid.prl,/*no flags*/,/*Makefile*/)
+#if DoInstallGHCSystem == YES
+MakeDirectories(install, $(INSTBINDIR_GHC) $(INSTLIBDIR_GHC))
+/* and continuing ... */
+ $(MV) $(INSTBINDIR_GHC)/stat2resid-v-temp-name $(INSTBINDIR_GHC)/stat2resid
+ $(RM) $(INSTBINDIR_GHC)/stat2resid-v-temp-name
+dyn_loadable_bits : $(DYN_LOADABLE_BITS)
+InstallMultNonExecTargets(dyn_loadable_bits, $(DYN_LOADABLE_BITS), $(INSTLIBDIR_GHC))
+install :: install_dyn_loadable_bits
+#endif /* DoInstallGHCSystem */
diff --git a/ghc/utils/stat2resid/parse-gcstats.prl b/ghc/utils/stat2resid/parse-gcstats.prl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b6e80fd9e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/stat2resid/parse-gcstats.prl
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+# Subroutines to parses a ghc Garbage Collection stats file
+#%gcstats = &parse_stats($ARGV[0]);
+#&print_stats(">-", %gcstats);
+#exit 0;
+sub to_num {
+ local ($text) = @_;
+ return($1 * 1000000000 + $2 * 1000000 + $3 * 1000 + $4)
+ if ( $text =~ /^(\d*),(\d*),(\d*),(\d*)$/ );
+ return($1 * 1000000 + $2 * 1000 + $3)
+ if ( $text =~ /^(\d*),(\d*),(\d*)$/ );
+ return($1 * 1000 + $2)
+ if ( $text =~ /^(\d*),(\d*)$/ );
+ return($1)
+ if ( $text =~ /^(\d*)$/ );
+ die "Error converting $text\n";
+sub from_num {
+ local ($num) = @_;
+ local ($b, $m, $t, $o) = (int($num/1000000000), int($num/1000000)%1000,
+ int($num/1000)%1000, $num%1000);
+ return(sprintf("%d,%03d,%03d,%03d", $b, $m, $t, $o)) if $b > 0;
+ return(sprintf("%d,%03d,%03d", $m, $t, $o)) if $m > 0;
+ return(sprintf("%d,%03d", $t, $o)) if $t > 0;
+ return(sprintf("%d", $o)) if $o > 0;
+sub parse_stats {
+ local($filename) = @_;
+ local($tot_alloc, $tot_gc_user, $tot_mut_user, $tot_user,
+ $tot_gc_elap, $tot_mut_elap, $tot_elap);
+ local($statsfile, $line, $row, $col, $val);
+ local(@stats, @hdr1, @hdr2, @line_vals);
+ local(%the_stats);
+ open($statsfile, $filename) || die "Cant open $filename \n";
+ @stats = <$statsfile>;
+ do {$line = shift(@stats);} until ($line !~ /^$/);
+ chop($line);
+ ($the_stats{"command"}, $the_stats{"args"}) = split(' ', $line, 2);
+ do {$line = shift(@stats);} until ($line !~ /^$/);
+ $line =~ /Collector:\s*([A-Z]+)\s*HeapSize:\s*([\d,]+)/;
+ $the_stats{"collector"} = $1;
+ $the_stats{"heapsize"} = &to_num($2);
+ do {$line = shift(@stats);} until ($line !~ /^$/);
+ chop($line);
+ @hdr1 = split(' ', $line);
+ $line = shift(@stats);
+ chop($line);
+ @hdr2 = split(' ', $line);
+ $row = 0;
+ $tot_alloc = 0;
+ $tot_gc_user = 0;
+ $tot_gc_elap = 0;
+ $tot_mut_user = 0;
+ $tot_mut_elap = 0;
+ $tot_user = 0;
+ $tot_elap = 0;
+ while (($line = shift(@stats)) !~ /^\s*\d+\s*$/) {
+ chop($line);
+ @line_vals = split(' ', $line);
+ $col = -1;
+ word:
+ while(++$col <= $#line_vals) {
+ $val = $line_vals[$col];
+ $_ = @hdr1[$col] . @hdr2[$col];
+ /^Allocbytes$/ && do { $tot_alloc += $val;
+ $the_stats{"alloc_$row"} = $val;
+ next word; };
+ /^Collectbytes$/ && do { $the_stats{"collect_$row"} = $val;
+ next word; };
+ /^Livebytes$/ && do { $the_stats{"live_$row"} = $val;
+ next word; };
+ /^Residency$/ && do { next word; };
+ /^GCuser$/ && do { $tot_gc_user += $val;
+ $the_stats{"gc_user_$row"} = $val;
+ next word; };
+ /^GCelap$/ && do { $tot_gc_elap += $val;
+ $the_stats{"gc_elap_$row"} = $val;
+ next word; };
+ /^TOTuser$/ && do { $the_stats{"mut_user_$row"} =
+ $val - $tot_user - $the_stats{"gc_user_$row"};
+ $tot_mut_user += $the_stats{"mut_user_$row"};
+ $tot_user = $val;
+ next word; };
+ /^TOTelap$/ && do { $the_stats{"mut_elap_$row"} =
+ $val - $tot_elap - $the_stats{"gc_elap_$row"};
+ $tot_mut_elap += $the_stats{"mut_elap_$row"};
+ $tot_elap = $val;
+ next word; };
+ /^PageGC$/ && do { $the_stats{"gc_pflts_$row"} = $val;
+ next word; };
+ /^FltsMUT$/ && do { $the_stats{"mut_pflts_$row"} = $val;
+ next word; };
+ /^Collection/ && do { $the_stats{"mode_$row"} = $val;
+ next word; };
+ /^Astkbytes$/ && do {next word; };
+ /^Bstkbytes$/ && do {next word; };
+ /^CafNo$/ && do {next word; };
+ /^Cafbytes$/ && do {next word; };
+ /^NoAstk$/ && do {next word; };
+ /^ofBstk$/ && do {next word; };
+ /^RootsReg$/ && do {next word; };
+ /^OldGen$/ && do {next word; };
+ /^RootsCaf$/ && do {next word; };
+ /^Sizebytes$/ && do {next word; };
+ /^Resid\%heap$/ && do {next word; };
+ /^$/ && do {next word; };
+ print STDERR "Unknown: $_ = $val\n";
+ };
+ $row++;
+ };
+ $tot_alloc += $line;
+ $the_stats{"alloc_$row"} = $line;
+arg: while($_ = $stats[0]) {
+ shift(@stats);
+ /^\s*([\d,]+) bytes alloc/ && do { local($a) = &to_num($1);
+ $a == $tot_alloc || die "Total $a != $tot_alloc \n";
+ $the_stats{"alloc_total"} = $tot_alloc;
+ next arg; };
+ /^\s*([\d]+) garbage/ && do { $1 == $row || die "GCNo $1 != $row \n";
+ $the_stats{"gc_no"} = $row;
+ next arg; };
+ /Total time\s+([\d\.]+)s\s+\(\s*([\d.]+)s elapsed\)/ && do {
+ $the_stats{"user_total"} = $1;
+ $the_stats{"elap_total"} = $2;
+ $the_stats{"mut_user_total"} = $1 - $tot_gc_user;
+ $the_stats{"mut_elap_total"} = $2 - $tot_gc_elap;
+ $the_stats{"mut_user_$row"} = $1 - $tot_gc_user - $tot_mut_user;
+ $the_stats{"mut_elap_$row"} = $2 - $tot_gc_elap - $tot_mut_elap;
+ next arg; };
+ /GC time\s+([\d\.]+)s\s+\(\s*([\d.]+)s elapsed\)/ && do {
+ # $1 == $tot_gc_user || die "GCuser $1 != $tot_gc_user \n";
+ # $2 == $tot_gc_elap || die "GCelap $2 != $tot_gc_elap \n";
+ $the_stats{"gc_user_total"} = $tot_gc_user;
+ $the_stats{"gc_elap_total"} = $tot_gc_elap;
+ next arg; };
+ /MUT time/ && do { next arg; };
+ /\%GC time/ && do { next arg; };
+ /Alloc rate/ && do { next arg; };
+ /Productivity/ && do { next arg; };
+ /^$/ && do { next arg; };
+ /^\#/ && do { next arg; }; # Allows comments to follow
+ print STDERR "Unmatched line: $_";
+ }
+ close($statsfile);
+ %the_stats;
+sub print_stats {
+ local ($filename, %out_stats) = @_;
+ local($statsfile, $row);
+ open($statsfile, $filename) || die "Cant open $filename \n";
+ select($statsfile);
+ print $out_stats{"command"}, " ", $out_stats{"args"}, "\n\n";
+ print "Collector: ", $out_stats{"collector"}, " HeapSize: ", &from_num($out_stats{"heapsize"}), " (bytes)\n\n";
+ $row = 0;
+ while ($row < $out_stats{"gc_no"}) {
+ printf "%7d %7d %7d %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %4d %4d %s\n",
+ $out_stats{"alloc_$row"},
+ $out_stats{"collect_$row"},
+ $out_stats{"live_$row"},
+ $out_stats{"gc_user_$row"},
+ $out_stats{"gc_elap_$row"},
+ $out_stats{"mut_user_$row"},
+ $out_stats{"mut_elap_$row"},
+ $out_stats{"gc_pflts_$row"},
+ $out_stats{"mut_pflts_$row"},
+ $out_stats{"mode_$row"};
+ $row++;
+ };
+ printf "%7d %s %5.2f %5.2f \n\n",
+ $out_stats{"alloc_$row"}, " " x 27,
+ $out_stats{"mut_user_$row"},
+ $out_stats{"mut_elap_$row"};
+ printf "Total Alloc: %s\n", &from_num($out_stats{"alloc_total"});
+ printf " GC No: %d\n\n", $out_stats{"gc_no"};
+ printf " MUT User: %6.2fs\n", $out_stats{"mut_user_total"};
+ printf " GC User: %6.2fs\n", $out_stats{"gc_user_total"};
+ printf "Total User: %6.2fs\n\n", $out_stats{"user_total"};
+ printf " MUT Elap: %6.2fs\n", $out_stats{"mut_elap_total"};
+ printf " GC Elap: %6.2fs\n", $out_stats{"gc_elap_total"};
+ printf "Total Elap: %6.2fs\n", $out_stats{"elap_total"};
+ close($statsfile);
diff --git a/ghc/utils/stat2resid/process-gcstats.prl b/ghc/utils/stat2resid/process-gcstats.prl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aff770ccf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/stat2resid/process-gcstats.prl
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Subroutines which derive information from
+# ghc garbage collection stats -- %gcstat
+sub max_residency {
+ local(%gcstats) = @_;
+ local($i, $max) = (-1, 0);
+ if ($gcstats{"collector"} eq "APPEL") {
+ die "APPEL stats: average residency not possible\n" ;
+ }
+ while(++$i < $gcstats{"gc_no"}) {
+ $max = $gcstats{"live_$i"} > $max ?
+ $gcstats{"live_$i"} : $max;
+ }
+ $max;
+sub avg_residency {
+ local(%gcstats) = @_;
+ local($i, $j, $total);
+ if ($gcstats{"collector"} eq "APPEL") {
+ die "APPEL stats: average residency not possible\n" ;
+ }
+ if ($gcstats{"gc_no"} == 0) { return(0); };
+ $i = 0; $j = 0;
+ $total = $gcstats{"live_$i"} * $gcstats{"mut_user_$i"} / 2;
+ while(++$i < $gcstats{"gc_no"}) {
+ $total += ($gcstats{"live_$i"} + $gcstats{"live_$j"})
+ * $gcstats{"mut_user_$i"} / 2;
+ $j = $i;
+ };
+ $total += $gcstats{"live_$j"} * $gcstats{"mut_user_$i"} / 2;
+ int($total / $gcstats{"mut_user_total"});
diff --git a/ghc/utils/stat2resid/stat2resid.prl b/ghc/utils/stat2resid/stat2resid.prl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..95e9e742a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/stat2resid/stat2resid.prl
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# (c) The GRASP Project, Glasgow University, 1992
+# *** MSUB does some substitutions here ***
+# *** grep for $( ***
+$debug = 0;
+$outsuffix = ""; # change as appropriate
+$tmpfile = "$(TMPDIR)/$$";
+ : '$(TOP_PWD)/$(CURRENT_DIR)' );
+require('parse-gcstats.prl') || die "Can't load parse-gcstats.prl!\n";
+require('process-gcstats.prl') || die "Can't load process-gcstats.prl!\n";
+if ($#ARGV < 0) {
+ $infile = "-";
+ $outfile = ""; # gnuplot: set output
+} elsif ($#ARGV == 0) {
+ $infile = $ARGV[0];
+ if ($infile =~ /^(.*)\.stat$/) {
+ $base = $1;
+ } else {
+ $base = $infile;
+ $infile = "$base.stat";
+ };
+ $outfile = "\"$base$outsuffix\""; # gnuplot: set output "outfile"
+} elsif ($#ARGV == 1) {
+ $infile = $ARGV[0];
+ $outfile = "\"$ARGV[1]\"";
+} else {
+ die "Usage: command [infile[.stat] [outfile]]";
+%gcstats = &parse_stats($infile);
+&print_stats(">&STDERR", %gcstats) if $debug;
+if ($gcstats{"collector"} eq "APPEL") {
+ die "APPEL stats: no residency plot possible\n";
+# stats are now loaded into %gcstats -- write out info
+open(DATAFILE, ">$tmpfile") || die "Cant open >$tmpfile \n";
+$i = -1;
+$user = 0;
+printf DATAFILE "%4.2f %d\n", $user, 0;
+while (++$i < $gcstats{"gc_no"}) {
+ $user += $gcstats{"mut_user_$i"};
+ printf DATAFILE "%4.2f %d\n", $user, $gcstats{"live_$i"};
+printf DATAFILE "%4.2f %d\n", $gcstats{"mut_user_total"}, 0;
+open(PLOTFILE, "|gnuplot") || die "Cant pipe into |gnuplot \n";
+print PLOTFILE "set data style linespoints\n";
+print PLOTFILE "set function style lines\n";
+print PLOTFILE "set nokey\n";
+print PLOTFILE "set xlabel \"Mutator Time (secs)\"\n";
+print PLOTFILE "set ylabel \"Heap Residency (bytes)\" 0,-1\n";
+print PLOTFILE "set term post eps \"Times-Roman\" 20\n";
+printf PLOTFILE "set title \"%s %s (%s)\"\n", $gcstats{"command"}, $gcstats{"args"}, $infile;
+print PLOTFILE "set output $outfile\n" ;
+print PLOTFILE "plot \"$tmpfile\"\n";
+exit 0;
diff --git a/ghc/utils/ugen/Jmakefile b/ghc/utils/ugen/Jmakefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e221781258
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/ugen/Jmakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+/* SRCS_C is for mkdependC's benefit */
+/* lex.c is from lex.l
+ is from syntax.y
+ tree.c is from tree.u (but a version is provided for bootstrapping)
+ if it tries to run "ugen tree.u" while trying to build here, then
+ you are what is technically known as "dead in the water".
+YFLAGS = -d
+SRCS_C = main.c gen.c lex.c id.c tree.c yyerror.c
+OBJS_C = main.o gen.o lex.o id.o tree.o yyerror.o
+/* InstallBinaryTarget(ugen,$(INSTBINDIR)) */
+CDependTarget( $(SRCS_C) )
+ExtraStuffToBeVeryClean( $(STD_VERY_CLEAN) lex.c )
diff --git a/ghc/utils/ugen/funs.h b/ghc/utils/ugen/funs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fc105efa1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/ugen/funs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+/* fwd decls*/
+extern void g_consels PROTO((tree, id));
+extern void g_tagfun PROTO((id));
+extern void g_typconsel PROTO((tree, id));
+extern void ge_typdef PROTO((tree));
+extern void ge_typlist PROTO((tree));
+extern void gencons PROTO((id, tree));
+extern void genmkfillin PROTO((tree));
+extern void genmkparamdekl PROTO((tree));
+extern void genmkparamlist PROTO((tree));
+extern void genmkprotodekl PROTO((tree));
+extern void gensels PROTO((id, id, tree));
+extern void gentype PROTO((tree));
+extern void gs_def PROTO((tree, id));
+extern void gs_itemlist PROTO((tree));
+extern void gs_typlist PROTO((tree, id));
+extern void hs_def PROTO((tree));
+extern void hs_itemlist PROTO((tree));
+extern void hs_typlist PROTO((tree));
+extern void gen_hs_reader PROTO((id, tree));
+extern void gen_hs_rdalts PROTO((id, tree));
+extern void gen_hs_rdalt PROTO((id, tree));
+extern void gen_hs_rdcomponents PROTO((id, id, tree));
+extern void gen_hs_retcomponents PROTO((id, id, tree));
+extern id installid PROTO((char *));
diff --git a/ghc/utils/ugen/gen.c b/ghc/utils/ugen/gen.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ba9cc342a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/ugen/gen.c
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+#ifdef __STDC__
+#define PROTO(x) x
+#define PROTO(x) ()
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "id.h"
+#include "tree.h"
+#include "funs.h"
+extern FILE *fh, *fc, *fhs;
+ tree t;
+ /*
+ ** Generate to the .h file:
+ **
+ ** typdef enum {
+ ** constructor1,
+ ** constructor2,
+ ** ...
+ ** } *Ttypename;
+ */
+ fprintf(fh, "#ifndef %s_defined\n", gtid(t));
+ fprintf(fh, "#define %s_defined\n", gtid(t));
+ fprintf(fh, "\n#include <stdio.h>\n"); /* for stderr */
+ fprintf(fh, "\n#ifndef PROTO\n");
+ fprintf(fh, "#ifdef __STDC__\n");
+ fprintf(fh, "#define PROTO(x) x\n");
+ fprintf(fh, "#else\n");
+ fprintf(fh, "#define PROTO(x) /**/\n");
+ fprintf(fh, "#endif\n");
+ fprintf(fh, "#endif\n\n");
+ fprintf(fh, "typedef enum {\n");
+ ge_typlist(gtdeflist(t));
+ fprintf(fh, "\n} T%s;\n\n", gtid(t));
+ /*
+ ** Generate to the .hs file:
+ **
+ ** data U_typename
+ ** = U_constructor1 | U_constructor2 | ...
+ */
+ /*
+ ** Generate to the .h file:
+ **
+ ** typedef struct { Ttypename tag; } *typename;
+ */
+ fprintf(fh, "typedef struct { T%s tag; } *%s;\n\n", gtid(t), gtid(t));
+ g_tagfun(gtid(t)); /* generate the tag-grabbing function */
+ /* Generate the struct definitions (to the .h file). */
+ gs_typlist(gtdeflist(t), gtid(t));
+ /* Generate a Haskell-equiv data type (to the .hs file) */
+ fprintf(fhs, "data U_%s = ", gtid(t));
+ hs_typlist(gtdeflist(t));
+ fprintf(fhs, "\n\n");
+ /* And a type with which to talk about the C-land parse tree */
+/* fprintf(fhs, "data U__%s = U__%s Addr#\n", gtid(t), gtid(t));
+ fprintf(fhs, "instance _CCallable U__%s\n", gtid(t));
+ fprintf(fhs, "instance _CReturnable U__%s\n\n", gtid(t));
+ tree t;
+ switch(ttree(t)) {
+ case deflist:
+ ge_typlist(gdeflist(t));
+ fprintf(fh, ",\n\t%s", gdid(gdef(t)));
+ break;
+ case def:
+ fprintf(fh, "\t%s", gdid(t));
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr,"ge_typlist: funny abstract syntax.\n");
+ break;
+ }
+gs_typlist(t, tid)
+ tree t;
+ id tid;
+ switch(ttree(t)) {
+ case deflist:
+ gs_typlist(gdeflist(t), tid);
+ gs_def(gdef(t), tid);
+ break;
+ case def:
+ gs_def(t, tid);
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr,"gs_typlist: funny abstract syntax.\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ tree t;
+ switch(ttree(t)) {
+ case deflist:
+ hs_typlist(gdeflist(t));
+ fprintf(fhs, "| ");
+ hs_def(gdef(t));
+ break;
+ case def:
+ hs_def(t);
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr,"hs_typlist: funny abstract syntax.\n");
+ break;
+ }
+gs_def(t, tid)
+ tree t;
+ id tid;
+ fprintf(fh, "struct S%s {\n", gdid(t));
+ fprintf(fh, "\tT%s tag;\n", tid);
+ gs_itemlist(gditemlist(t));
+ fprintf(fh, "};\n\n");
+ tree t;
+ fprintf(fhs, "U_%s ", gdid(t));
+ hs_itemlist(gditemlist(t));
+ tree t;
+ switch(ttree(t)) {
+ case emitemlist:
+ break;
+ case itemlist:
+ gs_itemlist(gitemlist(t));
+ fprintf(fh, "\t%s X%s;\n",
+ gitemtypid(gitem(t)), gitemfunid(gitem(t)) );
+ break;
+ case item:
+ fprintf(fh, "\t%s X%s;\n",
+ gitemtypid(t), gitemfunid(t));
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr,"gs_itemlist: funny abs. syntax: %d\n.", ttree(t));
+ break;
+ }
+ tree t;
+ switch(ttree(t)) {
+ case emitemlist:
+ break;
+ case itemlist:
+ hs_itemlist(gitemlist(t));
+ fprintf(fhs, "U_%s ", gitemtypid(gitem(t)));
+ break;
+ case item:
+ fprintf(fhs, "U_%s ", gitemtypid(t));
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr,"hs_itemlist: funny abs. syntax: %d\n.", ttree(t));
+ break;
+ }
+ id typid;
+ fprintf(fh, "#ifdef __GNUC__\n");
+ fprintf(fh, "extern __inline__ T%s t%s(%s t)\n{\n\treturn(t -> tag);\n}\n",
+ typid, typid, typid);
+ fprintf(fh, "#else /* ! __GNUC__ */\n");
+ fprintf(fh, "extern T%s t%s PROTO((%s));\n", typid, typid, typid);
+ fprintf(fc, "\nT%s t%s(t)\n %s t;\n{\n\treturn(t -> tag);\n}\n\n",
+ typid, typid, typid);
+ fprintf(fh, "#endif /* ! __GNUC__ */\n\n");
+g_consels(t, typid)
+ tree t;
+ id typid;
+ switch(ttree(t)) {
+ case deflist:
+ g_consels(gdeflist(t), typid);
+ g_typconsel(gdef(t), typid);
+ break;
+ case def:
+ g_typconsel(t, typid);
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr,"g_consel: funny abstract syntax.\n");
+ break;
+ }
+g_typconsel(t, typid)
+ tree t;
+ id typid;
+ fprintf(fc, "\n/************** %s ******************/\n\n", gdid(t));
+ gencons(typid, t);
+ gensels(typid, gdid(t), gditemlist(t));
+ fprintf(fh, "\n");
+gencons(typid, t)
+ id typid;
+ tree t; /* of kind 'def'. */
+ fprintf(fh, "extern %s mk%s PROTO((", typid, gdid(t));
+ genmkprotodekl(gditemlist(t));
+ fprintf(fh, "));\n");
+ fprintf(fc, "%s mk%s(", typid, gdid(t));
+ genmkparamlist(gditemlist(t));
+ fprintf(fc, ")\n");
+ genmkparamdekl(gditemlist(t));
+ fprintf(fc, "{\n\tregister struct S%s *pp =\n", gdid(t));
+ fprintf(fc, "\t\t(struct S%s *) malloc(sizeof(struct S%s));\n",
+ gdid(t), gdid(t));
+ fprintf(fc, "\tpp -> tag = %s;\n", gdid(t));
+ genmkfillin(gditemlist(t));
+ fprintf(fc, "\treturn((%s)pp);\n", typid);
+ fprintf(fc, "}\n");
+ tree t;
+ switch(ttree(t)) {
+ case emitemlist:
+ break;
+ case itemlist:
+ genmkparamlist(gitemlist(t));
+ fprintf(fc, ", ");
+ genmkparamlist(gitem(t));
+ break;
+ case item:
+ fprintf(fc, "PP%s", gitemfunid(t));
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr,"genparamlist: funny abs syntax.\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ tree t; /* of kind 'itemlist' or 'item' */
+ switch(ttree(t)) {
+ case emitemlist:
+ break;
+ case itemlist:
+ genmkparamdekl(gitemlist(t));
+ genmkparamdekl(gitem(t));
+ break;
+ case item:
+ fprintf(fc, " %s PP%s;\n", gitemtypid(t), gitemfunid(t));
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr,"genmkparamdekl: funny abs syntax.\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ tree t; /* of kind 'itemlist' or 'item' */
+ switch(ttree(t)) {
+ case emitemlist:
+ break;
+ case itemlist:
+ genmkprotodekl(gitemlist(t));
+ fprintf(fh, ", ");
+ genmkprotodekl(gitem(t));
+ break;
+ case item:
+ fprintf(fh, "%s", gitemtypid(t));
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr,"genmkprotodekl: funny abs syntax.\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ tree t;
+ switch(ttree(t)) {
+ case emitemlist:
+ break;
+ case itemlist:
+ genmkfillin(gitemlist(t));
+ genmkfillin(gitem(t));
+ break;
+ case item:
+ fprintf(fc, "\tpp -> X%s = PP%s;\n",
+ gitemfunid(t), gitemfunid(t));
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr,"genmkfillin: funny abs syntax.\n");
+ break;
+ }
+gensels(typid, variantid, t)
+ id typid;
+ id variantid;
+ tree t;
+ switch(ttree(t)) {
+ case emitemlist:
+ break;
+ case itemlist:
+ gensels(typid, variantid, gitemlist(t));
+ gensels(typid, variantid, gitem(t));
+ break;
+ case item:
+ fprintf(fh, "#ifdef __GNUC__\n");
+ fprintf(fh, "\nextern __inline__ %s *R%s(struct S%s *t)\n{\n",
+ gitemtypid(t), gitemfunid(t), variantid);
+ fprintf(fh, "#ifdef UGEN_DEBUG\n");
+ fprintf(fh, "\tif(t -> tag != %s)\n", variantid);
+ fprintf(fh, "\t\tfprintf(stderr,\"%s: illegal selection; was %%d\\n\", t -> tag);\n", gitemfunid(t));
+ fprintf(fh, "#endif /* UGEN_DEBUG */\n");
+ fprintf(fh, "\treturn(& t -> X%s);\n}\n", gitemfunid(t));
+ fprintf(fh, "#else /* ! __GNUC__ */\n");
+ fprintf(fh,
+ "extern %s *R%s PROTO((struct S%s *));\n",
+ gitemtypid(t), gitemfunid(t), variantid);
+ fprintf(fc, "\n%s *R%s(t)\n struct S%s *t;\n{\n",
+ gitemtypid(t), gitemfunid(t), variantid);
+ fprintf(fc, "#ifdef UGEN_DEBUG\n");
+ fprintf(fc, "\tif(t -> tag != %s)\n", variantid);
+ fprintf(fc, "\t\tfprintf(stderr,\"%s: illegal selection; was %%d\\n\", t -> tag);\n", gitemfunid(t));
+ fprintf(fc, "#endif /* UGEN_DEBUG */\n");
+ fprintf(fc, "\treturn(& t -> X%s);\n}\n", gitemfunid(t));
+ fprintf(fh, "#endif /* ! __GNUC__ */\n\n");
+ fprintf(fh,
+ "#define %s(xyzxyz) (*R%s((struct S%s *) (xyzxyz)))\n",
+ gitemfunid(t), gitemfunid(t), variantid);
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr,"gensels: funny abs syntax.\n");
+ break;
+ }
+gen_hs_reader(typid, deflist)
+ id typid;
+ tree deflist;
+ /* signature */
+ fprintf(fhs, "rdU_%s :: _Addr -> UgnM U_%s\n", typid, typid);
+ /* defn */
+ fprintf(fhs, "rdU_%s t\n = ioToUgnM (_ccall_ t%s t) `thenUgn` \\ tag@(I# _) ->\n", typid, typid);
+ fprintf(fhs, " if ");
+ gen_hs_rdalts(typid, deflist);
+ fprintf(fhs, " else\n\terror (\"rdU_%s: bad tag selection:\"++show tag++\"\\n\")\n", typid);
+gen_hs_rdalts(typid, t)
+ id typid;
+ tree t;
+ switch(ttree(t)) {
+ case deflist:
+ gen_hs_rdalts(typid, gdeflist(t));
+ fprintf(fhs, " else if ");
+ gen_hs_rdalt (typid, gdef(t));
+ break;
+ case def:
+ gen_hs_rdalt(typid, t);
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr,"gen_hs_rdalts: funny abstract syntax.\n");
+ break;
+ }
+gen_hs_rdalt(typid, t)
+ id typid;
+ tree t;
+ fprintf(fhs, "tag == ``%s'' then\n", gdid(t));
+ gen_hs_rdcomponents (typid, gdid(t), gditemlist(t));
+ fprintf(fhs, "\treturnUgn (U_%s ", gdid(t));
+ gen_hs_retcomponents(typid, gdid(t), gditemlist(t));
+ fprintf(fhs, ")\n"); /* end of alt */
+gen_hs_rdcomponents(typid, variantid, t)
+ id typid;
+ id variantid;
+ tree t;
+ switch(ttree(t)) {
+ case emitemlist:
+ break;
+ case itemlist:
+ gen_hs_rdcomponents(typid, variantid, gitemlist(t));
+ gen_hs_rdcomponents(typid, variantid, gitem(t));
+ break;
+ case item:
+ fprintf(fhs, "\tioToUgnM (_ccall_ %s t) `thenUgn` \\ x_%s ->\n",
+ gitemfunid(t), gitemfunid(t));
+ fprintf(fhs, "\trdU_%s x_%s `thenUgn` \\ y_%s ->\n",
+ gitemtypid(t), gitemfunid(t), gitemfunid(t));
+/* fprintf(fhs, "\tif(t -> tag != %s)\n", variantid);
+ fprintf(fhs, "\t\tfprintf(stderr,\"%s: illegal selection; was %%d\\n\", t -> tag);\n", gitemfunid(t));
+ fprintf(fhs, "\treturn(& t -> X%s);\n}\n", gitemfunid(t));
+*/ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr,"gen_hs_rdcomponents: funny abs syntax.\n");
+ break;
+ }
+gen_hs_retcomponents(typid, variantid, t)
+ id typid;
+ id variantid;
+ tree t;
+ switch(ttree(t)) {
+ case emitemlist:
+ break;
+ case itemlist:
+ gen_hs_retcomponents(typid, variantid, gitemlist(t));
+ fprintf(fhs, " ");
+ gen_hs_retcomponents(typid, variantid, gitem(t));
+ break;
+ case item:
+ fprintf(fhs, "y_%s", gitemfunid(t));
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr,"gen_hs_retcomponents: funny abs syntax.\n");
+ break;
+ }
diff --git a/ghc/utils/ugen/id.c b/ghc/utils/ugen/id.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8c02034c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/ugen/id.c
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# include "id.h"
+#define bool int
+#define true 1
+#define false 0
+char id_area[10000];
+char *id_top = &id_area[0];
+** Equalid returns true if the two identifiers are the same,
+** otherwise false.
+bool equalid(i1, i2)
+ id i1, i2;
+ return(i1 == i2);
+** Installid installs an identifier into the id_area.
+id installid(string)
+ char *string;
+ char *startofid, *search, *s;
+ for(search = id_area; search < id_top;) {
+ startofid = search;
+ s = string;
+ while(*search++ == *s++) {
+ if(*search == 0 && *s == 0) {
+ return(startofid);
+ }
+ }
+ while(*search != 0)
+ search++;
+ search++;
+ }
+ startofid = id_top;
+ for(s = string; *s != 0;) {
+ *id_top++ = *s++;
+ }
+ *id_top++ = 0;
+ return(startofid);
diff --git a/ghc/utils/ugen/id.h b/ghc/utils/ugen/id.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c17446194
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/ugen/id.h
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+typedef char *id;
diff --git a/ghc/utils/ugen/lex.l b/ghc/utils/ugen/lex.l
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3d0e95eb68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/ugen/lex.l
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#define YYSTYPE long
+#ifdef __STDC__
+#define PROTO(x) x
+#define PROTO(x) ()
+# include ""
+# include <stdio.h>
+# include "id.h"
+# include "tree.h"
+# include "funs.h"
+extern YYSTYPE yylval;
+extern FILE *fc, *fhs;
+#undef ECHO /* partain */
+#define ECHO /*fprintf(stderr, "%s", yytext)*/
+";" { ECHO; return(SEMICOL); }
+":" { ECHO; return(COLON); }
+"<" { ECHO; return(STDEF); }
+">" { ECHO; return(ENDDEF); }
+"type" { ECHO; return(TYPE); }
+"end" { ECHO; return(END); }
+[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]* {
+ yylval = (YYSTYPE) installid(yytext);
+ return(ID);
+ }
+. ECHO;
+"\n" ECHO;
+"/*"([^*]|"*"[^/]|\n)*"*/" ECHO;
+"%{{"([^%]|"%"[^}]|\n)*"%}}" { /* partain: for Haskell includes */
+ yytext[yyleng-3] = '\0';
+ fprintf(fhs, "\n%s", &yytext[3]);
+ }
+"%{"([^%]|"%"[^}]|\n)*"%}" {
+ yytext[yyleng-2] = '\0';
+ fprintf(fc, "\n%s", &yytext[2]);
+ }
+ return(1);
diff --git a/ghc/utils/ugen/main.c b/ghc/utils/ugen/main.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..324ed5052b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/ugen/main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#ifdef __STDC__
+#define PROTO(x) x
+#define PROTO(x) ()
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "id.h"
+#include "tree.h"
+#include "funs.h"
+FILE *fh, *fc, *fhs;
+tree root; /* The root of the built syntax tree. */
+main(argc, argv)
+ int argc;
+ char **argv;
+ int i = 0;
+ if(argc != 2) {
+ printf("Missing input file.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if(freopen(argv[1], "r", stdin) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s.\n", argv[1]);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ while(argv[1][i+1] != 0)
+ i++;
+ if(! (argv[1][i-3] == '.' &&
+ argv[1][i-2] == 'u' &&
+ argv[1][i-1] == 'g' &&
+ argv[1][i] == 'n')) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Not a .ugn file\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ argv[1][i-2] = 'c';
+ argv[1][i-1] = '\0';
+ fc = fopen(argv[1], "w"); /* .c file */
+ argv[1][i-2] = 'h';
+ fh = fopen(argv[1], "w"); /* .h file */
+ argv[1][i-1] = 's';
+ argv[1][i] = '\0';
+ fhs = fopen(argv[1], "w"); /* .hs file */
+ argv[1][i-1] = '\0';
+ if(yyparse() == 0) {
+ /* No syntax errors. */
+ fprintf(fc, "#include \"%s\"\n", argv[1]);
+ gentype(root);
+ exit(0);
+ } else {
+ /* There was a syntax error. */
+/* ToDo: this stuff is now *WWRROONNGG* (WDP 94/10) */
+ unlink(argv[1][i]);
+ argv[i][i] = 'c';
+ unlink(argv[1][i]);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Nothing generated.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ tree t;
+ ge_typdef(t); /* Generate the .h - file. */
+ /* Generate the struct definitions. */
+/*partain:moved gs_typlist(gtdeflist(t), gtid(t));
+ /* Generate constructors and selectors. */
+ g_consels(gtdeflist(t), gtid(t));
+ fprintf(fh, "#endif\n"); /* for .h multi-slurp protector */
+ /* Generate Haskell reader */
+ gen_hs_reader(gtid(t), gtdeflist(t));
diff --git a/ghc/utils/ugen/ b/ghc/utils/ugen/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c64fdcb6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/ugen/
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ N 1 L 72 /usr/lib/tmac/tmac.m
+.SA 1
+\fIRecursive Data Types Made Simple with Ugen\fR
+Thomas Johnsson
+.sp 2
+.sp 2
+.H 1 "Introduction"
+Recursive datatypes in an important class of data structures
+we often use in, for instance, abstract syntax trees in compilers.
+An example of a recursive data type is shown below
+(written in some hypothetical language):
+ \fItype\fR bintree =
+ \fIunion\fR
+ interior: (bintree, bintree);
+ leaf: (int );
+ \fIend union\fR;
+The type bintree is a union of two variants: 'interior' which consists
+of two bintrees, and 'leaf' which has an integer value associated to it.
+The program \fIugen\fR is yet another tool which relieves the
+the C-programmer from the burden of implementing the
+constructor-, selector- and variant test functions associated to
+such a type.
+.H 1 "How to use ugen"
+Suppose the specification below is in a file called 'treedef.u'.
+ type bintree;
+ interior : < getleft: bintree; getright: bintree; >;
+ leaf : < getint: int; >;
+ end;
+The command
+ ugen treedef.u
+creates two files: 'treedef.c' and 'treedef.h'.
+The file 'treedef.h' will contain the following definitions:
+ typedef enum{ interior, leaf } Tbintree;
+ typedef .... *bintree;
+The type 'Tbintree' is an enumerated type with the same identifiers as
+the variants of the recursive data type,
+the type 'bintree' is implemented as a pointer to something.
+This file must be included in all files where the type 'bintree'
+is used.
+Furthermore, the file treedef.h also contains macro definitions for
+the selector functions; these macroes simply use the corresponding function
+in treedefs.c that returns a pointer to that intended field.
+In this manner, updating of a field can be done by simple assignment,
+by for example
+ getleft(x) = .....
+The file 'treedef.c' will contain the following definitions.
+.sp +4
+#include "treedef.h"
+/* The function tbintree returns the variant of the
+ * bintree parameter.
+ */
+Tbintree tbintree(t) bintree t; { ... }
+/* Constructor function for variant interior.
+ */
+bintree mkinterior(t1, t2) bintree t1, t2; { ... }
+/* Its selector functions, returns pointers to a field in the node.
+ */
+bintree *Xgetleft(t) bintree t; { ... }
+bintree *Xgetright(t) bintree t; { ... }
+/* Constructor function for variant leaf.
+ */
+bintree mkleaf(i) int i; { ... }
+/* Its selector function.
+ */
+int getint(t) bintree t; { ... } -4
+The pointers returned by the constructor functions are
+returned by the memory allocation function \fImalloc\fR,
+so one may use \fIfree\fR to reclaim storage, if that is desired.
+The appendix contains the file listings of a complete program
+that reads an expression on normal infix form and prints
+it in prefix form, eg:
+ input: 12 + 3 * 5
+ output: +(12, *(3, 5))
+Lex and yacc has been used for lexical- and syntax analysis,
+ugen for the intermediate tree form, and make maintains it all.
+.HU "Appendix - Example of use of ugen"
+syntax.y: +4
+#include "tree.h"
+extern tree root;
+%left PLUS
+%right TIMES
+%start top
+top : expr { root = $1; }
+expr : expr PLUS expr { $$ = mkplus($1, $3); } |
+ expr TIMES expr { $$ = mktimes($1, $3); } |
+ LPAR expr RPAR { $$ = $2; } |
+ INT { $$ = mkinteger($1);}
+yyerror(s) char *s; {
+ printf("%s\n", s);
+.sp -4
+lexicals.l: +4
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include ""
+extern int yylval;
+"*" return(TIMES);
+"+" return(PLUS);
+"(" return(LPAR);
+")" return(RPAR);
+[0-9]+ { sscanf(yytext, "%d", &yylval);
+ return(INT);
+ }
+. ;
+"\\n" ;
+int yywrap(){ return(1); }
+.sp -4
+main.c: +4
+#include "tree.h"
+tree root;
+main() {
+ if(! yyparse()) /* if no syntax errors .. */
+ prefixprint(root);
+ tree t;
+ switch(ttree(t)) {
+ case plus:
+ printf("+(");
+ prefixprint(gplusleft(t));
+ printf(", ");
+ prefixprint(gplusright(t));
+ printf(")");
+ break;
+ case times:
+ printf("*(");
+ prefixprint(gtimesleft(t));
+ printf(", ");
+ prefixprint(gtimesright(t));
+ printf(")");
+ break;
+ case integer:
+ printf("%d", getint(t));
+ break;
+ }
+.sp -4
+.sp +4
+type tree;
+ plus :< gplusleft : tree;
+ gplusright : tree;
+ >;
+ times :< gtimesleft : tree;
+ gtimesright : tree;
+ >;
+ integer :< getint : int;
+ >;
+.sp -4
+.sp +4
+pre : main.o lex.yy.o tree.o
+ cc main.o lex.yy.o tree.o -o pre
+main.o : main.c tree.h
+ cc -c main.c :
+ cc -c
+lex.yy.o: lex.yy.c
+ cc -c lex.yy.c
+tree.o : tree.c tree.h
+ cc -c tree.c : syntax.y
+ yacc -d syntax.y
+lex.yy.c: lexicals.l
+ lex lexicals.l
+tree.c tree.h : tree.u
+ ugen tree.u
diff --git a/ghc/utils/ugen/syntax.y b/ghc/utils/ugen/syntax.y
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2b14823764
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/ugen/syntax.y
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#define YYSTYPE long
+# include "id.h"
+# include "tree.h"
+extern tree root;
+typdef :
+ {
+ root = mktypdef($2, $4);
+ };
+deflist :
+ def =
+ {
+ $$ = $1;
+ } |
+ deflist def =
+ {
+ $$ = (long) mkdeflist($1, $2);
+ };
+def :
+ {
+ $$ = (long) mkdef($1, $4);
+ } |
+ {
+ $$ = (long) mkdef($1, mkemitemlist());
+ };
+ item =
+ {
+ $$ = $1;
+ } |
+ itemlist item =
+ {
+ $$ = (long) mkitemlist($1, $2);
+ };
+item :
+ {
+ $$ = (long) mkitem($1, $3);
+ };
diff --git a/ghc/utils/ugen/tree.ugn b/ghc/utils/ugen/tree.ugn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..758aabae49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/ugen/tree.ugn
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#include "id.h"
+type tree;
+ typdef : <
+ gtid : id;
+ gtdeflist : tree;
+ >;
+ deflist : <
+ gdeflist : tree;
+ gdef : tree;
+ >;
+ def : <
+ gdid : id;
+ gditemlist : tree;
+ >;
+ itemlist : <
+ gitemlist : tree;
+ gitem : tree;
+ >;
+ emitemlist: < >;
+ item : <
+ gitemfunid : id;
+ gitemtypid : id;
+ >;
diff --git a/ghc/utils/ugen/yyerror.c b/ghc/utils/ugen/yyerror.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b9a0380d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/ugen/yyerror.c
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+extern int yylineno;
+ char *s;
+ extern int yychar;
+ extern char yytext[1];
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n%s", s);
+ if(yylineno)
+ fprintf(stderr, ", line %d, ", yylineno);
+ fprintf(stderr, "on input: ");
+ if( yychar >= 0400 )
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", &yytext[0]);
+ else
+ switch(yychar) {
+ case '\t' : fprintf(stderr, "\\t\n"); break;
+ case '\n' : fprintf(stderr, "\\n\n"); break;
+ case '\0' : fprintf(stderr, "$end\n"); break;
+ default : fprintf(stderr, "%c\n", yychar); break;
+ }
diff --git a/ghc/utils/unlit/Jmakefile b/ghc/utils/unlit/Jmakefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83502b5247
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/unlit/Jmakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#if DoInstallGHCSystem == YES
+MakeDirectories(install, $(INSTLIBDIR_GHC))
+InstallBinaryTarget(unlit, $(INSTLIBDIR_GHC))
+#endif /* DoInstall... */
+CDependTarget( $(SRCS_C) )
diff --git a/ghc/utils/unlit/README b/ghc/utils/unlit/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4dd2ef5132
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/unlit/README
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+This "unlit" program, used by the GHC driver, is originally by Mark
+Jones (then at Oxford). It is taken in its present form *directly*
+from the LML/HBC distribution (from Chalmers).
+We are grateful for this piece of shared code.
+For more "powerful" swizzling of literate scripts, please see the
+"literate" stuff from Glasgow.
diff --git a/ghc/utils/unlit/unlit.c b/ghc/utils/unlit/unlit.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff9c6781aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/unlit/unlit.c
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+/* unlit.c Wed Dec 5 17:16:24 GMT 1990
+ *
+ * Literate script filter. In contrast with the format used by most
+ * programming languages, a literate script is a program in which
+ * comments are given the leading role, whilst program text must be
+ * explicitly flagged as such by placing a `>' character in the first
+ * column on each line. It is hoped that this style of programming will
+ * encourage the writing of accurate and clearly documented programs
+ * in which the writer may include motivating arguments, examples
+ * and explanations.
+ *
+ * Unlit is a filter that can be used to strip all of the comment lines
+ * out of a literate script file. The command format for unlit is:
+ * unlit [-n] [-q] ifile ofile
+ * where ifile and ofile are the names of the input (literate script) and
+ * output (raw program) files respectively. Either of these names may
+ * be `-' representing the standard input or the standard output resp.
+ * A number of rules are used in an attempt to guard against the most
+ * common errors that are made when writing literate scripts:
+ * 1) Empty script files are not permitted. A file in which no lines
+ * begin with `>' usually indicates a file in which the programmer
+ * has forgotten about the literate script convention.
+ * 2) A line containing part of program definition (i.e. preceeded by `>')
+ * cannot be used immediately before or after a comment line unless
+ * the comment line is blank. This error usually indicates that
+ * the `>' character has been omitted from a line in a section of
+ * program spread over a number of lines.
+ * Using the -q (quiet) flag suppresses the signalling of these error
+ * conditions. The default behaviour can be selected explicitly using
+ * the -n (noisy) option so that any potential errors in the script file
+ * are reported.
+ *
+ * The original idea for the use of literate scripts is due to Richard
+ * Bird of the programming Research Group, Oxford and was initially
+ * adopted for use in the implementation of the functional programming
+ * language Orwell used for teaching in Oxford. This idea has subsequently
+ * been borrowed in a number of other language implementations.
+ *
+ * Modified to understand \begin{code} ... \end{code} used in Glasgow. -- LA
+ * And \begin{pseudocode} ... \end{pseudocode}. -- LA
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#define NULLSTR ((char *)0)
+#define DEFNCHAR '>'
+#define MISSINGBLANK "unlit: Program line next to comment"
+#define EMPTYSCRIPT "unlit: No definitions in file (perhaps you forgot the '>'s?)"
+#define USAGE "usage: unlit [-q] [-n] [-c] file1 file2\n"
+#define CANNOTOPEN "unlit: cannot open \"%s\"\n"
+#define DISTINCTNAMES "unlit: input and output filenames must differ\n"
+#define MISSINGCODE "unlit: missing %s\n"
+#define BEGINCODE "\\begin{code}"
+#define LENBEGINCODE 12
+#define ENDCODE "\\end{code}"
+#define LENENDCODE 10
+/* According to Will Partain, the inventor of pseudocode, this gone now. */
+#define BEGINPSEUDOCODE "\\begin{pseudocode}"
+#define ENDPSEUDOCODE "\\end{pseudocode}"
+typedef enum { START, BLANK, TEXT, DEFN, BEGIN, /*PSEUDO,*/ END, HASH } line;
+#define isWhitespace(c) (c==' ' || c=='\t')
+#define isLineTerm(c) (c=='\n' || c==EOF)
+static int noisy = 1; /* 0 => keep quiet about errors, 1 => report errors */
+static int errors = 0; /* count the number of errors reported */
+static int crunchnl = 0; /* don't print \n for removed lines */
+static int leavecpp = 1; /* leave preprocessor lines */
+/* complain(file,line,what)
+ *
+ * print error message `what' for `file' at `line'. The error is suppressed
+ * if noisy is not set.
+ */
+complain(file, lin, what)
+char *file;
+char *what;
+int lin; {
+ if (noisy) {
+ if (file)
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s ", file);
+ fprintf(stderr,"line %d: %s\n",lin,what);
+ errors++;
+ }
+#define TABPOS 8
+/* As getc, but does TAB expansion */
+FILE *istream;
+ static int spleft = 0;
+ static int linepos = 0;
+ int c;
+ if (spleft > 0) {
+ spleft--;
+ linepos++;
+ return ' ';
+ }
+ c = getc(istream);
+ if (c == EOF)
+ return c;
+ else if (c == '\n' || c == '\f') {
+ linepos = 0;
+ return c;
+ } else if (c == '\t') {
+ spleft = TABPOS - linepos % TABPOS;
+ spleft--;
+ linepos++;
+ return ' ';
+ } else {
+ linepos++;
+ return c;
+ }
+/* readline(istream, ostream)
+ *
+ * Read a line from the input stream `istream', and return a value
+ * indicating whether that line was:
+ * BLANK (whitespace only),
+ * DEFN (first character is DEFNCHAR),
+ * TEXT (a line of text)
+ * BEGIN (a \begin{code} line)
+ * PSEUDO (a \begin{pseodocode} line)
+ * HASH (a preprocessor line)
+ * or END (indicating an EOF).
+ * Lines of type DEFN are copied to the output stream `ostream'
+ * (without the leading DEFNCHAR). BLANK and TEXT lines are
+ * replaced by empty (i.e. blank lines) in the output stream, so
+ * that error messages refering to line numbers in the output file
+ * can also be used to locate the corresponding line in the input
+ * stream.
+ */
+line readline(istream,ostream)
+FILE *istream, *ostream; {
+ int c = egetc(istream);
+ char buf[100];
+ int i;
+ if (c==EOF)
+ return END;
+ if (leavecpp && c=='#') {
+ putc(c, ostream);
+ while (c=egetc(istream), !isLineTerm(c))
+ putc(c,ostream);
+ putc('\n',ostream);
+ return HASH;
+ }
+ if (c==DEFNCHAR) {
+/* putc(' ',ostream);*/
+ while (c=egetc(istream), !isLineTerm(c))
+ putc(c,ostream);
+ putc('\n',ostream);
+ return DEFN;
+ }
+ if (!crunchnl)
+ putc('\n',ostream);
+ while (isWhitespace(c))
+ c=egetc(istream);
+ if (isLineTerm(c))
+ return BLANK;
+ i = 0;
+ buf[i++] = c;
+ while (c=egetc(istream), !isLineTerm(c))
+ if (i < sizeof buf - 1)
+ buf[i++] = c;
+ while(i > 0 && isspace(buf[i-1]))
+ i--;
+ buf[i] = 0;
+ if (strcmp(buf, BEGINCODE) == 0)
+ return BEGIN;
+ else if (strcmp(buf, BEGINPSEUDOCODE) == 0)
+ return PSEUDO;
+ else
+ return TEXT;
+/* unlit(file,istream,ostream)
+ *
+ * Copy the file named `file', accessed using the input stream `istream'
+ * to the output stream `ostream', removing any comments and checking
+ * for bad use of literate script features:
+ * - there should be at least one BLANK line between a DEFN and TEXT
+ * - there should be at least one DEFN line in a script.
+ */
+unlit(file, istream, ostream)
+char *file;
+FILE *istream;
+FILE *ostream; {
+ line last, this=START;
+ int linesread=0;
+ int defnsread=0;
+ do {
+ last = this;
+ this = readline(istream, ostream);
+ linesread++;
+ if (this==DEFN)
+ defnsread++;
+ if (last==DEFN && this==TEXT)
+ complain(file, linesread-1, MISSINGBLANK);
+ if (last==TEXT && this==DEFN)
+ complain(file, linesread, MISSINGBLANK);
+ if (this == BEGIN) {
+ /* start of code, copy to end */
+ char lineb[1000];
+ for(;;) {
+ if (fgets(lineb, sizeof lineb, istream) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, MISSINGCODE, ENDCODE);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ linesread++;
+ if (strncmp(lineb,ENDCODE,LENENDCODE) == 0) {
+ putc('\n', ostream);
+ break;
+ }
+ fputs(lineb, ostream);
+ }
+ defnsread++;
+ }
+ if (this == PSEUDO) {
+ char lineb[1000];
+ for(;;) {
+ if (fgets(lineb, sizeof lineb, istream) == NULL) {
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ linesread++;
+ putc('\n', ostream);
+ if (strncmp(lineb,ENDPSEUDOCODE,LENENDPSEUDOCODE) == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } while(this!=END);
+ if (defnsread==0)
+ complain(file,linesread,EMPTYSCRIPT);
+/* main(argc, argv)
+ *
+ * Main program. Processes command line arguments, looking for leading:
+ * -q quiet mode - do not complain about bad literate script files
+ * -n noisy mpde - complain about bad literate script files.
+ * Expects two additional arguments, a file name for the input and a file
+ * name for the output file. These two names must normally be distinct.
+ * An exception is made for the special name "-" which can be used in either
+ * position to specify the standard input or the standard output respectively.
+ */
+int argc;
+char **argv; {
+ FILE *istream, *ostream;
+ char *file;
+ for (argc--, argv++; argc > 0; argc--, argv++)
+ if (strcmp(*argv,"-n")==0)
+ noisy = 1;
+ else if (strcmp(*argv,"-q")==0)
+ noisy = 0;
+ else if (strcmp(*argv,"-c")==0)
+ crunchnl = 1;
+ else
+ break;
+ if (argc!=2) {
+ fprintf(stderr, USAGE);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (strcmp(argv[0],argv[1])==0 && strcmp(argv[0],"-")!=0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, DISTINCTNAMES);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ file = argv[0];
+ if (strcmp(argv[0], "-")==0) {
+ istream = stdin;
+ file = "stdin";
+ }
+ else
+ if ((istream=fopen(argv[0], "r")) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, CANNOTOPEN, argv[0]);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (strcmp(argv[1], "-")==0)
+ ostream = stdout;
+ else
+ if ((ostream=fopen(argv[1], "w")) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, CANNOTOPEN, argv[1]);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ unlit(file, istream, ostream);
+ fclose(istream);
+ fclose(ostream);
+ exit(errors==0 ? 0 : 1);