path: root/ghc
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2 files changed, 25 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
index fc018e76ca..654c101cd5 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
@@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ type ExportAccum -- The type of the accumulating parameter of
NameSet) -- The accumulated exported stuff
emptyExportAccum = ([], emptyOccEnv, emptyNameSet)
-type ExportOccMap = OccEnv (Name, IE Name)
+type ExportOccMap = OccEnv (Name, IE RdrName)
-- Tracks what a particular exported OccName
-- in an export list refers to, and which item
-- it came from. It's illegal to export two distinct things
@@ -562,9 +562,6 @@ rnExports (Just exports)
= do TcGblEnv { tcg_imports = ImportAvails { imp_env = imp_env } } <- getGblEnv
let sub_env :: NameEnv [Name] -- Classify each name by its parent
sub_env = mkSubNameEnv (foldModuleEnv unionNameSets emptyNameSet imp_env)
- inLoc fn (L span x)
- = do x' <- fn x
- return (L span x')
rnExport (IEVar rdrName)
= do name <- lookupGlobalOccRn rdrName
return (IEVar name)
@@ -574,21 +571,24 @@ rnExports (Just exports)
rnExport (IEThingAll rdrName)
= do name <- lookupGlobalOccRn rdrName
return (IEThingAll name)
- rnExport (IEThingWith rdrName rdrNames)
+ rnExport ie@(IEThingWith rdrName rdrNames)
= do name <- lookupGlobalOccRn rdrName
+ if isUnboundName name
+ then return (IEThingWith name [])
+ else do
let env = mkOccEnv [(nameOccName s, s) | s <- subNames sub_env name]
mb_names = map (lookupOccEnv env . rdrNameOcc) rdrNames
if any isNothing mb_names
- then -- The export error will be reporting in 'mkExportNameSet'
- return (IEThingWith name [])
+ then do addErr (exportItemErr ie)
+ return (IEThingWith name [])
else return (IEThingWith name (catMaybes mb_names))
rnExport (IEModuleContents mod)
= return (IEModuleContents mod)
- rn_exports <- mapM (inLoc rnExport) exports
+ rn_exports <- mapM (wrapLocM rnExport) exports
return (Just rn_exports)
mkExportNameSet :: Bool -- False => no 'module M(..) where' header at all
- -> Maybe [LIE Name] -- Nothing => no explicit export list
+ -> Maybe ([LIE Name], [LIE RdrName]) -- Nothing => no explicit export list
-> RnM NameSet
-- Complains if two distinct exports have same OccName
-- Warns about identical exports.
@@ -612,7 +612,8 @@ mkExportNameSet explicit_mod exports
-> return Nothing
| otherwise
-> do mainName <- lookupGlobalOccRn main_RDR_Unqual
- return (Just [noLoc (IEVar mainName)])
+ return (Just ([noLoc (IEVar mainName)]
+ ,[noLoc (IEVar main_RDR_Unqual)]))
-- ToDo: the 'noLoc' here is unhelpful if 'main' turns out to be out of scope
exports_from_avail real_exports rdr_env imports
@@ -625,18 +626,19 @@ exports_from_avail Nothing rdr_env imports
| gre <- globalRdrEnvElts rdr_env,
isLocalGRE gre ])
-exports_from_avail (Just items) rdr_env (ImportAvails { imp_env = imp_env })
- = do (_, _, exports) <- foldlM do_litem emptyExportAccum items
+exports_from_avail (Just (items,origItems)) rdr_env (ImportAvails { imp_env = imp_env })
+ = do (_, _, exports) <- foldlM do_litem emptyExportAccum (zip items origItems)
return exports
sub_env :: NameEnv [Name] -- Classify each name by its parent
sub_env = mkSubNameEnv (foldModuleEnv unionNameSets emptyNameSet imp_env)
- do_litem :: ExportAccum -> LIE Name -> RnM ExportAccum
- do_litem acc = addLocM (exports_from_item acc)
+ do_litem :: ExportAccum -> (LIE Name, LIE RdrName) -> RnM ExportAccum
+ do_litem acc (ieName, ieRdr)
+ = addLocM (exports_from_item acc (unLoc ieRdr)) ieName
- exports_from_item :: ExportAccum -> IE Name -> RnM ExportAccum
- exports_from_item acc@(mods, occs, exports) ie@(IEModuleContents mod)
+ exports_from_item :: ExportAccum -> IE RdrName -> IE Name -> RnM ExportAccum
+ exports_from_item acc@(mods, occs, exports) ieRdr@(IEModuleContents mod) ie
| mod `elem` mods -- Duplicate export of M
= do { warn_dup_exports <- doptM Opt_WarnDuplicateExports ;
warnIf warn_dup_exports (dupModuleExport mod) ;
@@ -652,16 +654,16 @@ exports_from_avail (Just items) rdr_env (ImportAvails { imp_env = imp_env })
-- and others, but also internally within this item. That is,
-- if 'M.x' is in scope in several ways, we'll have several
-- members of mod_avails with the same OccName.
- occs' <- check_occs ie occs (nameSetToList new_exports)
+ occs' <- check_occs ieRdr occs (nameSetToList new_exports)
return (mod:mods, occs', exports `unionNameSets` new_exports)
- exports_from_item acc@(mods, occs, exports) ie
+ exports_from_item acc@(mods, occs, exports) ieRdr ie
= if isUnboundName (ieName ie)
then return acc -- Avoid error cascade
else let new_exports = filterAvail ie sub_env in
- do checkErr (not (null new_exports)) (exportItemErr ie)
+ do -- checkErr (not (null (drop 1 new_exports))) (exportItemErr ie)
checkForDodgyExport ie new_exports
- occs' <- check_occs ie occs new_exports
+ occs' <- check_occs ieRdr occs new_exports
return (mods, occs', addListToNameSet exports new_exports)
@@ -707,7 +709,7 @@ checkForDodgyExport ie@(IEThingAll tc) [n]
checkForDodgyExport _ _ = return ()
-check_occs :: IE Name -> ExportOccMap -> [Name] -> RnM ExportOccMap
+check_occs :: IE RdrName -> ExportOccMap -> [Name] -> RnM ExportOccMap
check_occs ie occs names
= foldlM check occs names
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcRnDriver.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcRnDriver.lhs
index a9c8f98d58..4ca79d9207 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcRnDriver.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcRnDriver.lhs
@@ -230,7 +230,8 @@ tcRnModule hsc_env hsc_src save_rn_syntax
-- Process the export list
rn_exports <- rnExports export_ies ;
- exports <- mkExportNameSet (isJust maybe_mod) rn_exports ;
+ let { liftM2' fn a b = do a' <- a; b' <- b; return (fn a' b') } ;
+ exports <- mkExportNameSet (isJust maybe_mod) (liftM2' (,) rn_exports export_ies) ;
-- Check whether the entire module is deprecated
-- This happens only once per module