path: root/ghc
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1 files changed, 20 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/GHCi/UI.hs b/ghc/GHCi/UI.hs
index d1e49dadd3..3bd7f0820c 100644
--- a/ghc/GHCi/UI.hs
+++ b/ghc/GHCi/UI.hs
@@ -278,6 +278,10 @@ ghciCommands = map mkCmd [
word_break_chars :: String
word_break_chars = spaces ++ specials ++ symbols
+word_break_chars_pred :: Char -> Bool
+word_break_chars_pred '.' = False
+word_break_chars_pred c = c `elem` (spaces ++ specials) || isSymbolChar c
symbols, specials, spaces :: String
symbols = "!#$%&*+/<=>?@\\^|-~"
specials = "(),;[]`{}"
@@ -3525,16 +3529,10 @@ completeIdentifier line@(left, _) =
case left of
('.':_) -> wrapCompleter (specials ++ spaces) complete line
-- operator or qualification
- (x:_) | isSymbolChar x -> wrapCompleter (specials ++ spaces)
- complete (takeOpChars line) -- operator
- _ -> wrapIdentCompleter complete (takeIdentChars line)
+ (x:_) | isSymbolChar x -> wrapCompleter' (\c -> c `elem` (specials ++ spaces) || not (isSymbolChar c))
+ complete line -- operator
+ _ -> wrapIdentCompleter complete line
- takeOpChars (l, r) = (takeWhile isSymbolChar l, r) -- #10576
- -- An operator contains only symbol characters
- takeIdentChars (l, r) = (takeWhile notOpChar l, r)
- -- An identifier doesn't contain symbol characters with the
- -- exception of a dot
- notOpChar c = (not .isSymbol ) c || c == '.'
complete w = do
rdrs <- GHC.getRdrNamesInScope
dflags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags
@@ -3610,7 +3608,7 @@ completeBreakpoint = wrapCompleter spaces $ \w -> do -- #3000
bids = nub $ declPath <$> ident_decls
pure $ map (combineModIdent mod_str) bids
-completeModule = wrapIdentCompleter $ \w -> do
+completeModule = wrapIdentCompleterMod $ \w -> do
hsc_env <- GHC.getSession
let pkg_mods = allVisibleModules (hsc_units hsc_env)
loaded_mods <- liftM (map GHC.ms_mod_name) getLoadedModules
@@ -3629,7 +3627,7 @@ completeSetModule = wrapIdentCompleterWithModifier "+-" $ \m w -> do
return $ loaded_mods ++ pkg_mods
return $ filter (w `isPrefixOf`) $ map (showPpr (hsc_dflags hsc_env)) modules
-completeHomeModule = wrapIdentCompleter listHomeModules
+completeHomeModule = wrapIdentCompleterMod listHomeModules
listHomeModules :: GHC.GhcMonad m => String -> m [String]
listHomeModules w = do
@@ -3669,11 +3667,20 @@ unionComplete f1 f2 line = do
return (cs1 ++ cs2)
wrapCompleter :: Monad m => String -> (String -> m [String]) -> CompletionFunc m
-wrapCompleter breakChars fun = completeWord Nothing breakChars
+wrapCompleter breakChars = wrapCompleter' (`elem` breakChars)
+wrapCompleter' :: Monad m => (Char -> Bool) -> (String -> m [String]) -> CompletionFunc m
+wrapCompleter' breakPred fun = completeWord' Nothing breakPred
$ fmap (map simpleCompletion . nubSort) . fun
wrapIdentCompleter :: Monad m => (String -> m [String]) -> CompletionFunc m
-wrapIdentCompleter = wrapCompleter word_break_chars
+wrapIdentCompleter = wrapCompleter' word_break_chars_pred
+wrapIdentCompleterMod :: Monad m => (String -> m [String]) -> CompletionFunc m
+wrapIdentCompleterMod = wrapCompleter' go
+ where
+ go '.' = False -- Treated specially since it is a seperator for module qualifiers
+ go c = word_break_chars_pred c
:: Monad m