path: root/hadrian/bindist/Makefile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'hadrian/bindist/Makefile')
1 files changed, 146 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hadrian/bindist/Makefile b/hadrian/bindist/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..79f9a9f2f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/bindist/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+MAKEFLAGS += --no-builtin-rules
+include mk/
+include mk/
+.PHONY: default
+ @echo 'Run "make install" to install'
+ @false
+# Hacky function to check equality of two strings
+# TODO : find if a better function exists
+eq=$(and $(findstring $(1),$(2)),$(findstring $(2),$(1)))
+define installscript
+# $1 = package name
+# $2 = wrapper path
+# $3 = bindir
+# $4 = ghcbindir
+# $5 = Executable binary path
+# $6 = Library Directory
+# $7 = Docs Directory
+# $8 = Includes Directory
+# We are installing wrappers to programs by searching corresponding
+# wrappers. If wrapper is not found, we are attaching the common wrapper
+# to it. This implementation is a bit hacky and depends on consistency
+# of program names. For hadrian build this will work as programs have a
+# consistent naming procedure.
+ rm -f '$2'
+ @echo "#!$(SHELL)" >> '$2'
+ @echo "exedir=\"$4\"" >> '$2'
+ @echo "exeprog=\"$1\"" >> '$2'
+ @echo "executablename=\"$5\"" >> '$2'
+ @echo "bindir=\"$3\"" >> '$2'
+ @echo "libdir=\"$6\"" >> '$2'
+ @echo "docdir=\"$7\"" >> '$2'
+ @echo "includedir=\"$8\"" >> '$2'
+ @echo "" >> '$2'
+ cat wrappers/$1 >> '$2'
+# Hacky function to patch up the 'haddock-interfaces' and 'haddock-html'
+# fields in the package .conf files
+define patchpackageconf
+# $1 = package name (ex: 'bytestring')
+# $2 = path to .conf file
+# $3 = Docs Directory
+# $4 = (relative) path from $${pkgroot} to docs directory ($3)
+# We fix the paths to haddock files by using the relative path from the pkgroot
+# to the doc files.
+ cat '$2' | sed 's|haddock-interfaces.*|haddock-interfaces: "$${pkgroot}/$4/html/libraries/$1/$1.haddock"|' \
+ | sed 's|haddock-html.*|haddock-html: "$${pkgroot}/$4/html/libraries/$1"|' \
+ | sed 's| $${pkgroot}/../../docs/html/.*||' \
+ > '$2.copy'
+# The rts package doesn't actually supply haddocks, so we stop advertising them
+# altogether.
+ ((echo "$1" | grep rts) && (cat '$2.copy' | sed 's|haddock-.*||' > '$2.copy.copy')) || (cat '$2.copy' > '$2.copy.copy')
+# We finally replace the original file.
+ mv '$2.copy.copy' '$2'
+# QUESTION : should we use shell commands?
+.PHONY: install
+install: install_lib install_bin install_includes
+install: install_docs install_wrappers install_ghci
+install: install_mingw update_package_db
+# We need to install binaries relative to libraries.
+BINARIES = $(wildcard ./bin/*)
+ @echo "Copying binaries to $(ActualBinsDir)"
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) "$(ActualBinsDir)"
+ for i in $(BINARIES); do \
+ cp -R $$i "$(ActualBinsDir)"; \
+ done
+ @echo "Copying and installing ghci"
+ $(CREATE_SCRIPT) '$(WrapperBinsDir)/ghci'
+ @echo "#!$(SHELL)" >> '$(WrapperBinsDir)/ghci'
+ cat wrappers/ghci-script >> '$(WrapperBinsDir)/ghci'
+ $(EXECUTABLE_FILE) '$(WrapperBinsDir)/ghci'
+LIBRARIES = $(wildcard ./lib/*)
+ @echo "Copying libraries to $(ActualLibsDir)"
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) "$(ActualLibsDir)"
+ for i in $(LIBRARIES); do \
+ cp -R $$i "$(ActualLibsDir)/"; \
+ done
+INCLUDES = $(wildcard ./include/*)
+ @echo "Copying libraries to $(includedir)"
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) "$(includedir)"
+ for i in $(INCLUDES); do \
+ cp -R $$i "$(includedir)/"; \
+ done
+DOCS = $(wildcard ./docs/*)
+ @echo "Copying libraries to $(docdir)"
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) "$(docdir)"
+ for i in $(DOCS); do \
+ cp -R $$i "$(docdir)/"; \
+ done
+BINARY_NAMES=$(shell ls ./wrappers/)
+ @echo "Installing Wrapper scripts"
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) "$(WrapperBinsDir)"
+ $(foreach p, $(BINARY_NAMES),\
+ $(call installscript,$p,$(WrapperBinsDir)/$p,$(WrapperBinsDir),$(ActualBinsDir),$(ActualBinsDir)/$p,$(ActualLibsDir),$(docdir),$(includedir)))
+PKG_CONFS = $(shell find "$(ActualLibsDir)/package.conf.d" -name '*.conf' | sed 's: :xxx:g')
+ @echo "$(PKG_CONFS)"
+ @echo "Updating the package DB"
+ $(foreach p, $(PKG_CONFS),\
+ $(call patchpackageconf,$(shell echo $(notdir $p) | sed 's/-\([0-9]*[0-9]\.\)*conf//g'),$(shell echo "$p" | sed 's:xxx: :g'),$(docdir),$(shell realpath --relative-to="$(libdir)" "$(docdir)")))
+ '$(WrapperBinsDir)/ghc-pkg' recache
+# The 'foreach' that copies the mingw directory will only trigger a copy
+# when the wildcard matches, therefore only on Windows.
+MINGW = $(wildcard ./mingw)
+ @echo "Installing MingGW"
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) "$(prefix)/mingw"
+ $(foreach d, $(MINGW),\
+ cp -R ./mingw "$(prefix)")
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------