path: root/hadrian/src/Hadrian/Utilities.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'hadrian/src/Hadrian/Utilities.hs')
1 files changed, 406 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Hadrian/Utilities.hs b/hadrian/src/Hadrian/Utilities.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1cd22b1179
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Hadrian/Utilities.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+module Hadrian.Utilities (
+ -- * List manipulation
+ fromSingleton, replaceEq, minusOrd, intersectOrd, lookupAll, chunksOfSize,
+ -- * String manipulation
+ quote, yesNo,
+ -- * FilePath manipulation
+ unifyPath, (-/-),
+ -- * Accessing Shake's type-indexed map
+ insertExtra, lookupExtra, userSetting,
+ -- * Paths
+ BuildRoot (..), buildRoot, isGeneratedSource,
+ -- * File system operations
+ copyFile, copyFileUntracked, fixFile, makeExecutable, moveFile, removeFile,
+ createDirectory, copyDirectory, moveDirectory, removeDirectory,
+ -- * Diagnostic info
+ UseColour (..), putColoured, BuildProgressColour (..), putBuild,
+ SuccessColour (..), putSuccess, ProgressInfo (..),
+ putProgressInfo, renderAction, renderProgram, renderLibrary, renderBox,
+ renderUnicorn,
+ -- * Miscellaneous
+ (<&>), (%%>), cmdLineLengthLimit,
+ -- * Useful re-exports
+ Dynamic, fromDynamic, toDyn, TypeRep, typeOf
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad.Extra
+import Data.Char
+import Data.Dynamic (Dynamic, fromDynamic, toDyn)
+import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
+import Data.List.Extra
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Typeable (TypeRep, typeOf)
+import Development.Shake hiding (Normal)
+import Development.Shake.Classes
+import Development.Shake.FilePath
+import System.Console.ANSI
+import System.Info.Extra
+import qualified Control.Exception.Base as IO
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
+import qualified System.Directory.Extra as IO
+import qualified System.Info.Extra as IO
+import qualified System.IO as IO
+-- | Extract a value from a singleton list, or terminate with an error message
+-- if the list does not contain exactly one value.
+fromSingleton :: String -> [a] -> a
+fromSingleton _ [res] = res
+fromSingleton msg _ = error msg
+-- | Find and replace all occurrences of a value in a list.
+replaceEq :: Eq a => a -> a -> [a] -> [a]
+replaceEq from to = map (\cur -> if cur == from then to else cur)
+-- Explicit definition to avoid dependency on Data.List.Ordered
+-- | Difference of two ordered lists.
+minusOrd :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+minusOrd [] _ = []
+minusOrd xs [] = xs
+minusOrd (x:xs) (y:ys) = case compare x y of
+ LT -> x : minusOrd xs (y:ys)
+ EQ -> minusOrd xs ys
+ GT -> minusOrd (x:xs) ys
+-- Explicit definition to avoid dependency on Data.List.Ordered. TODO: add tests
+-- | Intersection of two ordered lists by a predicate.
+intersectOrd :: (a -> b -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [b] -> [a]
+intersectOrd cmp = loop
+ where
+ loop [] _ = []
+ loop _ [] = []
+ loop (x:xs) (y:ys) = case cmp x y of
+ LT -> loop xs (y:ys)
+ EQ -> x : loop xs (y:ys)
+ GT -> loop (x:xs) ys
+-- | Lookup all elements of a given sorted list in a given sorted dictionary.
+-- @lookupAll list dict@ is equivalent to @map (flip lookup dict) list@ but has
+-- linear complexity O(|list| + |dist|) instead of quadratic O(|list| * |dict|).
+-- > lookupAll ["b", "c"] [("a", 1), ("c", 3), ("d", 4)] == [Nothing, Just 3]
+-- > list & dict are sorted: lookupAll list dict == map (flip lookup dict) list
+lookupAll :: Ord a => [a] -> [(a, b)] -> [Maybe b]
+lookupAll [] _ = []
+lookupAll (_:xs) [] = Nothing : lookupAll xs []
+lookupAll (x:xs) (y:ys) = case compare x (fst y) of
+ LT -> Nothing : lookupAll xs (y:ys)
+ EQ -> Just (snd y) : lookupAll xs (y:ys)
+ GT -> lookupAll (x:xs) ys
+-- | @chunksOfSize size strings@ splits a given list of strings into chunks not
+-- exceeding the given @size@. If that is impossible, it uses singleton chunks.
+chunksOfSize :: Int -> [String] -> [[String]]
+chunksOfSize n = repeatedly f
+ where
+ f xs = splitAt (max 1 $ length $ takeWhile (<= n) $ scanl1 (+) $ map length xs) xs
+-- | Add single quotes around a String.
+quote :: String -> String
+quote s = "'" ++ s ++ "'"
+-- | Pretty-print a 'Bool' as a @"YES"@ or @"NO"@ string.
+yesNo :: Bool -> String
+yesNo True = "YES"
+yesNo False = "NO"
+-- | Normalise a path and convert all path separators to @/@, even on Windows.
+unifyPath :: FilePath -> FilePath
+unifyPath = toStandard . normaliseEx
+-- | Combine paths with a forward slash regardless of platform.
+(-/-) :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
+"" -/- b = b
+a -/- b
+ | last a == '/' = a ++ b
+ | otherwise = a ++ '/' : b
+infixr 6 -/-
+-- | Like Shake's '%>' but gives higher priority to longer patterns. Useful
+-- in situations when a family of build rules, e.g. @"//*.a"@ and @"//*_p.a"@
+-- can be matched by the same file, such as @library_p.a@. We break the tie
+-- by preferring longer matches, which correpond to longer patterns.
+(%%>) :: FilePattern -> (FilePath -> Action ()) -> Rules ()
+p %%> a = priority (fromIntegral (length p) + 1) $ p %> a
+infix 1 %%>
+-- | Build command lines can get very long; for example, when building the Cabal
+-- library, they can reach 2MB! Some operating systems do not support command
+-- lines of such length, and this function can be used to obtain a reasonable
+-- approximation of the limit. On Windows, it is theoretically 32768 characters
+-- (since Windows 7). In practice we use 31000 to leave some breathing space for
+-- the builder path & name, auxiliary flags, and other overheads. On Mac OS X,
+-- ARG_MAX is 262144, yet when using @xargs@ on OSX this is reduced by over
+-- 20000. Hence, 200000 seems like a sensible limit. On other operating systems
+-- we currently use the 4194304 setting.
+cmdLineLengthLimit :: Int
+cmdLineLengthLimit | isWindows = 31000
+ | isMac = 200000
+ | otherwise = 4194304
+-- | Insert a value into Shake's type-indexed map.
+insertExtra :: Typeable a => a -> HashMap TypeRep Dynamic -> HashMap TypeRep Dynamic
+insertExtra value = Map.insert (typeOf value) (toDyn value)
+-- | Lookup a value in Shake's type-indexed map.
+lookupExtra :: Typeable a => a -> Map.HashMap TypeRep Dynamic -> a
+lookupExtra defaultValue extra = fromMaybe defaultValue maybeValue
+ where
+ maybeValue = fromDynamic =<< Map.lookup (typeOf defaultValue) extra
+-- | Lookup a user setting in Shake's type-indexed map 'shakeExtra'. If the
+-- setting is not found, return the provided default value instead.
+userSetting :: Typeable a => a -> Action a
+userSetting defaultValue = do
+ extra <- shakeExtra <$> getShakeOptions
+ return $ lookupExtra defaultValue extra
+newtype BuildRoot = BuildRoot FilePath deriving Typeable
+-- | All build results are put into the 'buildRoot' directory.
+buildRoot :: Action FilePath
+buildRoot = do
+ BuildRoot path <- userSetting (BuildRoot "")
+ return path
+-- | A version of 'fmap' with flipped arguments. Useful for manipulating values
+-- in context, e.g. 'buildRoot', as in the example below.
+-- @
+-- buildRoot <&> (-/- "dir") == fmap (-/- "dir") buildRoot
+-- @
+(<&>) :: Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b
+(<&>) = flip fmap
+infixl 1 <&>
+-- | Given a 'FilePath' to a source file, return 'True' if it is generated.
+-- The current implementation simply assumes that a file is generated if it
+-- lives in the 'buildRoot' directory. Since most files are not generated the
+-- test is usually very fast.
+isGeneratedSource :: FilePath -> Action Bool
+isGeneratedSource file = buildRoot <&> (`isPrefixOf` file)
+-- | Copy a file tracking the source. Create the target directory if missing.
+copyFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Action ()
+copyFile source target = do
+ need [source] -- Guarantee the source is built before printing progress info.
+ let dir = takeDirectory target
+ liftIO $ IO.createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
+ putProgressInfo =<< renderAction "Copy file" source target
+ quietly $ copyFileChanged source target
+-- | Copy a file without tracking the source. Create the target directory if missing.
+copyFileUntracked :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Action ()
+copyFileUntracked source target = do
+ let dir = takeDirectory target
+ liftIO $ IO.createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
+ putProgressInfo =<< renderAction "Copy file (untracked)" source target
+ liftIO $ IO.copyFile source target
+-- | Transform a given file by applying a function to its contents.
+fixFile :: FilePath -> (String -> String) -> Action ()
+fixFile file f = do
+ putProgressInfo $ "| Fix " ++ file
+ contents <- liftIO $ IO.withFile file IO.ReadMode $ \h -> do
+ old <- IO.hGetContents h
+ let new = f old
+ IO.evaluate $ rnf new
+ return new
+ liftIO $ writeFile file contents
+-- | Make a given file executable by running the @chmod +x@ command.
+makeExecutable :: FilePath -> Action ()
+makeExecutable file = do
+ putProgressInfo $ "| Make " ++ quote file ++ " executable."
+ quietly $ cmd "chmod +x " [file]
+-- | Move a file. Note that we cannot track the source, because it is moved.
+moveFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Action ()
+moveFile source target = do
+ putProgressInfo =<< renderAction "Move file" source target
+ quietly $ cmd ["mv", source, target]
+-- | Remove a file that doesn't necessarily exist.
+removeFile :: FilePath -> Action ()
+removeFile file = do
+ putProgressInfo $ "| Remove file " ++ file
+ liftIO . whenM (IO.doesFileExist file) $ IO.removeFile file
+-- | Create a directory if it does not already exist.
+createDirectory :: FilePath -> Action ()
+createDirectory dir = do
+ putProgressInfo $ "| Create directory " ++ dir
+ liftIO $ IO.createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
+-- | Copy a directory. The contents of the source directory is untracked.
+copyDirectory :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Action ()
+copyDirectory source target = do
+ putProgressInfo =<< renderAction "Copy directory" source target
+ quietly $ cmd ["cp", "-r", source, target]
+-- | Move a directory. The contents of the source directory is untracked.
+moveDirectory :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Action ()
+moveDirectory source target = do
+ putProgressInfo =<< renderAction "Move directory" source target
+ quietly $ cmd ["mv", source, target]
+-- | Remove a directory that doesn't necessarily exist.
+removeDirectory :: FilePath -> Action ()
+removeDirectory dir = do
+ putProgressInfo $ "| Remove directory " ++ dir
+ liftIO . whenM (IO.doesDirectoryExist dir) $ IO.removeDirectoryRecursive dir
+data UseColour = Never | Auto | Always deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
+-- | A more colourful version of Shake's 'putNormal'.
+putColoured :: ColorIntensity -> Color -> String -> Action ()
+putColoured intensity colour msg = do
+ useColour <- userSetting Never
+ supported <- liftIO $ hSupportsANSI IO.stdout
+ let c Never = False
+ c Auto = supported || IO.isWindows -- Colours do work on Windows
+ c Always = True
+ when (c useColour) . liftIO $ setSGR [SetColor Foreground intensity colour]
+ putNormal msg
+ when (c useColour) . liftIO $ setSGR [] >> IO.hFlush IO.stdout
+newtype BuildProgressColour = BuildProgressColour (ColorIntensity, Color)
+ deriving Typeable
+-- | Default 'BuildProgressColour'.
+magenta :: BuildProgressColour
+magenta = BuildProgressColour (Dull, Magenta)
+-- | Print a build progress message (e.g. executing a build command).
+putBuild :: String -> Action ()
+putBuild msg = do
+ BuildProgressColour (intensity, colour) <- userSetting magenta
+ putColoured intensity colour msg
+newtype SuccessColour = SuccessColour (ColorIntensity, Color)
+ deriving Typeable
+-- | Default 'SuccessColour'.
+green :: SuccessColour
+green = SuccessColour (Dull, Green)
+-- | Print a success message (e.g. a package is built successfully).
+putSuccess :: String -> Action ()
+putSuccess msg = do
+ SuccessColour (intensity, colour) <- userSetting green
+ putColoured intensity colour msg
+data ProgressInfo = None | Brief | Normal | Unicorn deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
+-- | Version of 'putBuild' controlled by @--progress-info@ command line argument.
+putProgressInfo :: String -> Action ()
+putProgressInfo msg = do
+ progressInfo <- userSetting None
+ when (progressInfo /= None) $ putBuild msg
+-- | Render an action.
+renderAction :: String -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Action String
+renderAction what input output = do
+ progressInfo <- userSetting Brief
+ return $ case progressInfo of
+ None -> ""
+ Brief -> "| " ++ what ++ ": " ++ i ++ " => " ++ o
+ Normal -> renderBox [ what, " input: " ++ i, " => output: " ++ o ]
+ Unicorn -> renderUnicorn [ what, " input: " ++ i, " => output: " ++ o ]
+ where
+ i = unifyPath input
+ o = unifyPath output
+-- | Render the successful build of a program.
+renderProgram :: String -> String -> Maybe String -> String
+renderProgram name bin synopsis = renderBox $
+ [ "Successfully built program " ++ name
+ , "Executable: " ++ bin ] ++
+ [ "Program synopsis: " ++ prettySynopsis synopsis | isJust synopsis ]
+-- | Render the successful build of a library.
+renderLibrary :: String -> String -> Maybe String -> String
+renderLibrary name lib synopsis = renderBox $
+ [ "Successfully built library " ++ name
+ , "Library: " ++ lib ] ++
+ [ "Library synopsis: " ++ prettySynopsis synopsis | isJust synopsis ]
+prettySynopsis :: Maybe String -> String
+prettySynopsis Nothing = ""
+prettySynopsis (Just s) = dropWhileEnd isPunctuation s ++ "."
+-- | Render the given set of lines in an ASCII box. The minimum width and
+-- whether to use Unicode symbols are hardcoded in the function's body.
+-- >>> renderBox (words "lorem ipsum")
+-- /----------\
+-- | lorem |
+-- | ipsum |
+-- \----------/
+renderBox :: [String] -> String
+renderBox ls = tail $ concatMap ('\n' :) (boxTop : map renderLine ls ++ [boxBot])
+ where
+ -- Minimum total width of the box in characters
+ minimumBoxWidth = 32
+ -- TODO: Make this setting configurable? Setting to True by default seems
+ -- to work poorly with many fonts.
+ useUnicode = False
+ -- Characters to draw the box
+ (dash, pipe, topLeft, topRight, botLeft, botRight, padding)
+ | useUnicode = ('─', '│', '╭', '╮', '╰', '╯', ' ')
+ | otherwise = ('-', '|', '/', '\\', '\\', '/', ' ')
+ -- Box width, taking minimum desired length and content into account.
+ -- The -4 is for the beginning and end pipe/padding symbols, as
+ -- in "| xxx |".
+ boxContentWidth = (minimumBoxWidth - 4) `max` maxContentLength
+ where
+ maxContentLength = maximum (map length ls)
+ renderLine l = concat
+ [ [pipe, padding]
+ , padToLengthWith boxContentWidth padding l
+ , [padding, pipe] ]
+ where
+ padToLengthWith n filler x = x ++ replicate (n - length x) filler
+ (boxTop, boxBot) = ( topLeft : dashes ++ [topRight]
+ , botLeft : dashes ++ [botRight] )
+ where
+ -- +1 for each non-dash (= corner) char
+ dashes = replicate (boxContentWidth + 2) dash
+-- | Render the given set of lines next to our favorite unicorn Robert.
+renderUnicorn :: [String] -> String
+renderUnicorn ls =
+ unlines $ take (max (length ponyLines) (length boxLines)) $
+ zipWith (++) (ponyLines ++ repeat ponyPadding) (boxLines ++ repeat "")
+ where
+ ponyLines :: [String]
+ ponyLines = [ " ,;,,;'"
+ , " ,;;'( Robert the spitting unicorn"
+ , " __ ,;;' ' \\ wants you to know"
+ , " /' '\\'~~'~' \\ /'\\.) that a task "
+ , " ,;( ) / |. / just finished! "
+ , " ,;' \\ /-.,,( ) \\ "
+ , " ^ ) / ) / )| Almost there! "
+ , " || || \\) "
+ , " (_\\ (_\\ " ]
+ ponyPadding :: String
+ ponyPadding = " "
+ boxLines :: [String]
+ boxLines = ["", "", ""] ++ (lines . renderBox $ ls)