path: root/hadrian/src/Rules.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'hadrian/src/Rules.hs')
1 files changed, 143 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Rules.hs b/hadrian/src/Rules.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..852bd5dbc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Rules.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+module Rules (buildRules, oracleRules, packageTargets, topLevelTargets) where
+import qualified Hadrian.Oracles.ArgsHash
+import qualified Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal.Rules
+import qualified Hadrian.Oracles.DirectoryContents
+import qualified Hadrian.Oracles.Path
+import qualified Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile
+import Expression
+import qualified Oracles.ModuleFiles
+import Packages
+import qualified Rules.BinaryDist
+import qualified Rules.Compile
+import qualified Rules.Configure
+import qualified Rules.Dependencies
+import qualified Rules.Documentation
+import qualified Rules.Generate
+import qualified Rules.Gmp
+import qualified Rules.Libffi
+import qualified Rules.Library
+import qualified Rules.Program
+import qualified Rules.Register
+import Settings
+import Target
+import UserSettings
+import Utilities
+allStages :: [Stage]
+allStages = [minBound .. maxBound]
+-- | This rule calls 'need' on all top-level build targets that Hadrian builds
+-- by default, respecting the 'stage1Only' flag.
+topLevelTargets :: Rules ()
+topLevelTargets = action $ do
+ verbosity <- getVerbosity
+ when (verbosity >= Loud) $ do
+ (libraries, programs) <- partition isLibrary <$> stagePackages Stage1
+ libNames <- mapM (name Stage1) libraries
+ pgmNames <- mapM (name Stage1) programs
+ putNormal . unlines $
+ [ "| Building Stage1 libraries: " ++ intercalate ", " libNames
+ , "| Building Stage1 programs : " ++ intercalate ", " pgmNames ]
+ let buildStages = [Stage0, Stage1] ++ [Stage2 | not stage1Only]
+ targets <- concatForM buildStages $ \stage -> do
+ packages <- stagePackages stage
+ mapM (path stage) packages
+ need targets
+ where
+ -- either the package database config file for libraries or
+ -- the programPath for programs. However this still does
+ -- not support multiple targets, where a cabal package has
+ -- a library /and/ a program.
+ path :: Stage -> Package -> Action FilePath
+ path stage pkg | isLibrary pkg = pkgConfFile (vanillaContext stage pkg)
+ | otherwise = programPath =<< programContext stage pkg
+ name :: Stage -> Package -> Action String
+ name stage pkg | isLibrary pkg = return (pkgName pkg)
+ | otherwise = programName (vanillaContext stage pkg)
+-- TODO: Get rid of the @includeGhciLib@ hack.
+-- | Return the list of targets associated with a given 'Stage' and 'Package'.
+-- By setting the Boolean parameter to False it is possible to exclude the GHCi
+-- library from the targets, and avoid configuring the package to determine
+-- whether GHCi library needs to be built for it. We typically want to set
+-- this parameter to True, however it is important to set it to False when
+-- computing 'topLevelTargets', as otherwise the whole build gets sequentialised
+-- because packages are configured in the order respecting their dependencies.
+packageTargets :: Bool -> Stage -> Package -> Action [FilePath]
+packageTargets includeGhciLib stage pkg = do
+ let context = vanillaContext stage pkg
+ activePackages <- stagePackages stage
+ if pkg `notElem` activePackages
+ then return [] -- Skip inactive packages.
+ else if isLibrary pkg
+ then do -- Collect all targets of a library package.
+ let pkgWays = if pkg == rts then getRtsWays else getLibraryWays
+ ways <- interpretInContext context pkgWays
+ libs <- mapM (pkgLibraryFile . Context stage pkg) ways
+ more <- libraryTargets includeGhciLib context
+ setup <- pkgSetupConfigFile context
+ return $ [setup] ++ libs ++ more
+ else do -- The only target of a program package is the executable.
+ prgContext <- programContext stage pkg
+ prgPath <- programPath prgContext
+ return [prgPath]
+packageRules :: Rules ()
+packageRules = do
+ -- We cannot register multiple GHC packages in parallel. Also we cannot run
+ -- GHC when the package database is being mutated by "ghc-pkg". This is a
+ -- classic concurrent read exclusive write (CREW) conflict.
+ let maxConcurrentReaders = 1000
+ packageDb <- newResource "package-db" maxConcurrentReaders
+ let readPackageDb = [(packageDb, 1)]
+ writePackageDb = [(packageDb, maxConcurrentReaders)]
+ let contexts = liftM3 Context allStages knownPackages allWays
+ vanillaContexts = liftM2 vanillaContext allStages knownPackages
+ -- TODO: we might want to look into converting more and more
+ -- rules to the style introduced in Rules.Library in
+ --,
+ -- where "catch-all" rules are used to "catch" the need
+ -- for library files, and we then use parsec parsers to
+ -- extract all sorts of information needed to build them, like
+ -- the package, the stage, the way, etc.
+ forM_ contexts (Rules.Compile.compilePackage readPackageDb)
+ Rules.Program.buildProgram readPackageDb
+ forM_ [Stage0 .. ] $ \stage ->
+ -- we create a dummy context, that has the correct state, but contains
+ -- @dummyPackage@ as a... dummy package. The package isn't accessed but the record
+ -- need to be set properly. @undefined@ is not an option as it ends up
+ -- being forced.
+ Rules.Register.registerPackage writePackageDb (Context stage dummyPackage vanilla)
+ forM_ vanillaContexts $ mconcat
+ [ Rules.Register.configurePackage
+ , Rules.Dependencies.buildPackageDependencies readPackageDb
+ , Rules.Documentation.buildPackageDocumentation
+ , Rules.Generate.generatePackageCode ]
+buildRules :: Rules ()
+buildRules = do
+ Rules.BinaryDist.bindistRules
+ Rules.Configure.configureRules
+ Rules.Generate.copyRules
+ Rules.Generate.generateRules
+ Rules.Gmp.gmpRules
+ Rules.Libffi.libffiRules
+ Rules.Library.libraryRules
+ packageRules
+oracleRules :: Rules ()
+oracleRules = do
+ Hadrian.Oracles.ArgsHash.argsHashOracle trackArgument getArgs
+ Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal.Rules.cabalOracle
+ Hadrian.Oracles.DirectoryContents.directoryContentsOracle
+ Hadrian.Oracles.Path.pathOracle
+ Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile.textFileOracle
+ Oracles.ModuleFiles.moduleFilesOracle