path: root/hadrian/src/Rules/CabalReinstall.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'hadrian/src/Rules/CabalReinstall.hs')
1 files changed, 112 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Rules/CabalReinstall.hs b/hadrian/src/Rules/CabalReinstall.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c34362171a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Rules/CabalReinstall.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+module Rules.CabalReinstall where
+import Context
+import Expression
+import Oracles.Flag
+import Packages
+import Settings
+import Target
+import Utilities
+import qualified System.Directory.Extra as IO
+import Data.Either
+import Rules.BinaryDist
+import Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal (pkgIdentifier)
+Note [Testing reinstallable GHC]
+To test the reinstallable GHC configuration, we install a GHC to <build root>/stage-cabal/bin
+along with appropriate wrapper scripts.
+The libdir of the reinstalled GHC points to the libdir of the stage 2 compiler (in <build root>/stage1)
+-- | We don't support reinstalling these
+cabalExcludedPackages :: [Package]
+cabalExcludedPackages = [array, base, deepseq, filepath, ghcBignum, ghcBootTh, ghcPrim, integerGmp, integerSimple, pretty, templateHaskell]
+findCabalPackageDb :: String -> FilePath
+findCabalPackageDb env = go $ map (\l -> (words l, l)) (lines env)
+ where
+ go [] = error $ "Couldn't find installed package db in " ++ show env
+ go (("package-db":_, l):_) = drop 11 l
+ go (_:xs) = go xs
+cabalBuildRules :: Rules ()
+cabalBuildRules = do
+ root <- buildRootRules
+ root -/- "stage-cabal" -/- "cabal-packages" %> \_ -> do
+ -- Always rerun to pass onto cabal's own recompilation logic
+ alwaysRerun
+ all_pkgs <- stagePackages Stage1
+ forM_ (filter (not . (`elem` cabalExcludedPackages)) all_pkgs) $ \pkg -> do
+ withVerbosity Diagnostic $
+ buildWithCmdOptions [] $
+ target (vanillaContext Stage2 pkg) (Cabal Install Stage2) [] []
+ phony "build-cabal" $ need [root -/- "stage-cabal" -/- "bin" -/- ".stamp"]
+ root -/- "stage-cabal" -/- "bin" -/- "*" %> \_ -> need [root -/- "stage-cabal" -/- "bin" -/- ".stamp"]
+ priority 2.0 $ root -/- "stage-cabal" -/- "bin" -/- ".stamp" %> \stamp -> do
+ -- We 'need' all binaries and libraries
+ all_pkgs <- stagePackages Stage1
+ (lib_targets, bin_targets) <- partitionEithers <$> mapM pkgTarget all_pkgs
+ cross <- flag CrossCompiling
+ iserv_targets <- if cross then pure [] else iservBins
+ need (lib_targets ++ (map (\(_, p) -> p) (bin_targets ++ iserv_targets)))
+ distDir <- Context.distDir Stage1
+ rtsDir <- pkgIdentifier rts
+ let ghcBuildDir = root -/- stageString Stage1
+ rtsIncludeDir = ghcBuildDir -/- "lib" -/- distDir -/- rtsDir
+ -/- "include"
+ libdir <- liftIO . IO.makeAbsolute =<< stageLibPath Stage1
+ work_dir <- liftIO $ IO.makeAbsolute $ root -/- "stage-cabal"
+ let outputDir = work_dir -/- "bin"
+ includeDir <- liftIO $ IO.makeAbsolute rtsIncludeDir
+ createDirectory outputDir
+ need [root -/- "stage-cabal" -/- "cabal-packages"]
+ env <- liftIO $ readFile $ root -/- "stage-cabal" -/- "cabal-packages"
+ let cabal_package_db = findCabalPackageDb env
+ forM_ (filter ((/= iserv) . fst) bin_targets) $ \(bin_pkg,_bin_path) -> do
+ let pgmName pkg
+ | pkg == ghc = "ghc"
+ | pkg == hpcBin = "hpc"
+ | otherwise = pkgName pkg
+ let cabal_bin_out = work_dir -/- "cabal-bin" -/- (pgmName bin_pkg)
+ needed_wrappers <- pkgToWrappers bin_pkg
+ forM_ needed_wrappers $ \wrapper_name -> do
+ let wrapper_prefix = unlines
+ ["#!/usr/bin/env sh"
+ ,"executablename="++show cabal_bin_out
+ ,"libdir="++show libdir
+ ,"bindir="++show outputDir
+ ,"exedir="++show outputDir
+ ,"includedir="++show includeDir
+ ,"export GHC_PACKAGE_PATH="++show cabal_package_db++":"
+ ]
+ output_file = outputDir -/- wrapper_name
+ wrapper_content <- wrapper wrapper_name
+ writeFile' output_file (wrapper_prefix ++ wrapper_content)
+ makeExecutable output_file
+ pure ()
+ -- Just symlink these for now
+ -- TODO: build these with cabal as well
+ forM_ iserv_targets $ \(_bin_pkg,bin_path') -> do
+ bin_path <- liftIO $ IO.makeAbsolute bin_path'
+ let orig_filename = takeFileName bin_path
+ output_file = outputDir -/- orig_filename
+ liftIO $ do
+ IO.removeFile output_file <|> pure ()
+ IO.createFileLink bin_path output_file
+ pure ()
+ writeFile' stamp "OK"