path: root/hadrian/src/Rules/Compile.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'hadrian/src/Rules/Compile.hs')
1 files changed, 218 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Rules/Compile.hs b/hadrian/src/Rules/Compile.hs
index 4e85db2df6..74570a1556 100644
--- a/hadrian/src/Rules/Compile.hs
+++ b/hadrian/src/Rules/Compile.hs
@@ -1,39 +1,233 @@
module Rules.Compile (compilePackage) where
+import Hadrian.BuildPath
import Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile
import Base
import Context
import Expression
import Rules.Generate
+import Settings
+import Settings.Default
import Target
import Utilities
-compilePackage :: [(Resource, Int)] -> Context -> Rules ()
-compilePackage rs context@Context {..} = do
+import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec
+-- * Rules for building objects and Haskell interface files
+compilePackage :: [(Resource, Int)] -> Rules ()
+compilePackage rs = do
root <- buildRootRules
- let dir = root -/- buildDir context
- nonHs extension = dir -/- extension <//> "*" <.> osuf way
- compile compiler obj2src obj = do
- src <- obj2src context obj
- need [src]
- needDependencies context src $ obj <.> "d"
- buildWithResources rs $ target context (compiler stage) [src] [obj]
- compileHs = \[obj, _hi] -> do
- path <- contextPath context
- (src, deps) <- lookupDependencies (path -/- ".dependencies") obj
- need $ src : deps
- needLibrary =<< contextDependencies context
- buildWithResources rs $ target context (Ghc CompileHs stage) [src] [obj]
- priority 2.0 $ do
- nonHs "c" %> compile (Ghc CompileCWithGhc) (obj2src "c" $ const False )
- nonHs "cmm" %> compile (Ghc CompileHs) (obj2src "cmm" isGeneratedCmmFile)
- nonHs "s" %> compile (Ghc CompileHs) (obj2src "S" $ const False )
- -- TODO: Add dependencies for #include of .h and .hs-incl files (gcc -MM?).
- [ dir <//> "*" <.> suf way | suf <- [ osuf, hisuf] ] &%> compileHs
- [ dir <//> "*" <.> suf way | suf <- [obootsuf, hibootsuf] ] &%> compileHs
+ -- We match all file paths that look like:
+ -- <root>/...stuffs.../build/...stuffs.../<something>.<suffix>
+ --
+ -- where:
+ -- - the '...stuffs...' bits can be one or more path components,
+ -- - the '<suffix>' part is a way prefix (e.g thr_p_, or nothing if
+ -- vanilla) followed by an object file extension, without the dot
+ -- (o, o-boot, hi, hi-boot),
+ --
+ -- and parse the information we need (stage, package path, ...) from
+ -- the path and figure out the suitable way to produce that object file.
+ objectFilesUnder root |%> \path -> do
+ obj <- parsePath (parseBuildObject root) "<object file path parser>" path
+ compileObject rs path obj
+ where
+ objectFilesUnder r = [ r -/- ("**/build/**/*" ++ pat)
+ | pat <- extensionPats
+ ]
+ exts = [ "o", "hi", "o-boot", "hi-boot" ]
+ patternsFor e = [ "." ++ e, ".*_" ++ e ]
+ extensionPats = concatMap patternsFor exts
+-- * Object file paths types and parsers
+{- We are using a non uniform representation that separates
+ object files produced from Haskell code and from other
+ languages, because the two "groups" have to be parsed
+ differently enough that this would complicated the parser
+ significantly.
+ Indeed, non-Haskell files can only produce .o (or .thr_o, ...)
+ files while Haskell modules can produce those as well as
+ interface files, both in -boot or non-boot variants.
+ Moreover, non-Haskell object files live under:
+ <root>/stage<N>/<path/to/pkg>/build/{c,cmm,s}/
+ while Haskell object/interface files live under:
+ <root>/stage<N>/<path/to/pkg>/build/
+ So the kind of object is partially determined by
+ whether we're in c/, cmm/ or s/ but also by the
+ object file's extension, in the case of a Haskell file.
+ This could have been addressed with some knot-tying but
+ Parsec's monad doesn't give us a MonadFix instance.
+ We therefore stick to treating those two type of object
+ files non uniformly.
+-- | Non Haskell source languages that we compile to get object files.
+data SourceLang = Asm | C | Cmm
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+parseSourceLang :: Parsec.Parsec String () SourceLang
+parseSourceLang = Parsec.choice
+ [ Parsec.char 'c' *> Parsec.choice
+ [ Parsec.string "mm" *> pure Cmm
+ , pure C
+ ]
+ , Parsec.char 's' *> pure Asm
+ ]
+type Basename = String
+parseBasename :: Parsec.Parsec String () Basename
+parseBasename = Parsec.manyTill Parsec.anyChar (Parsec.try $ Parsec.char '.')
+-- | > <c|cmm|s>/<file>.<way prefix>_o
+data NonHsObject = NonHsObject SourceLang Basename Way
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+parseNonHsObject :: Parsec.Parsec String () NonHsObject
+parseNonHsObject = do
+ lang <- parseSourceLang
+ _ <- Parsec.char '/'
+ file <- parseBasename
+ way <- parseWayPrefix vanilla
+ _ <- Parsec.char 'o'
+ return (NonHsObject lang file way)
+-- | > <o|hi|o-boot|hi-boot>
+data SuffixType = O | Hi | OBoot | HiBoot
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+parseSuffixType :: Parsec.Parsec String () SuffixType
+parseSuffixType = Parsec.choice
+ [ Parsec.char 'o' *> Parsec.choice
+ [ Parsec.string "-boot" *> pure OBoot
+ , pure O
+ ]
+ , Parsec.string "hi" *> Parsec.choice
+ [ Parsec.string "-boot" *> pure HiBoot
+ , pure Hi
+ ]
+ ]
+-- | > <way prefix>_<o|hi|o-boot|hi-boot>
+data Extension = Extension Way SuffixType
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+parseExtension :: Parsec.Parsec String () Extension
+parseExtension =
+ Extension <$> parseWayPrefix vanilla <*> parseSuffixType
+-- | > <file>.<way prefix>_<o|hi|o-boot|hi-boot>
+data HsObject = HsObject Basename Extension
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+parseHsObject :: Parsec.Parsec String () HsObject
+parseHsObject = do
+ file <- parseBasename
+ ext <- parseExtension
+ return (HsObject file ext)
+data Object = Hs HsObject | NonHs NonHsObject
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+parseObject :: Parsec.Parsec String () Object
+parseObject = Parsec.choice
+ [ NonHs <$> parseNonHsObject
+ , Hs <$> parseHsObject
+ ]
+-- * Toplevel parsers
+parseBuildObject :: FilePath -> Parsec.Parsec String () (BuildPath Object)
+parseBuildObject root = parseBuildPath root parseObject
+-- * Getting contexts from objects
+objectContext :: BuildPath Object -> Action Context
+objectContext (BuildPath _ stage pkgpath obj) = do
+ pkg <- getPackageFromPath pkgpath
+ return (Context stage pkg way)
+ where way = case obj of
+ NonHs (NonHsObject _lang _file w) -> w
+ Hs (HsObject _file (Extension w _suf)) -> w
+ getPackageFromPath path = do
+ pkgs <- getPackages
+ case filter (\p -> pkgPath p == path) pkgs of
+ (p:_) -> return p
+ _ -> error $ "couldn't find a package with path: " ++ path
+ getPackages = do
+ pkgs <- stagePackages stage
+ testPkgs <- testsuitePackages
+ return $ pkgs ++ if stage == Stage1 then testPkgs else []
+-- * Building an object
+ :: [(Resource, Int)] -> FilePath -> BuildPath Object -> HsObject -> Action ()
+compileHsObject rs objpath b@(BuildPath _root stage _path _o) hsobj =
+ case hsobj of
+ HsObject _basename (Extension _way Hi) ->
+ need [ change "hi" "o" objpath ]
+ HsObject _basename (Extension _way HiBoot) ->
+ need [ change "hi-boot" "o-boot" objpath ]
+ HsObject _basename (Extension _way _suf) -> do
+ ctx <- objectContext b
+ ctxPath <- contextPath ctx
+ (src, deps) <- lookupDependencies (ctxPath -/- ".dependencies") objpath
+ need (src:deps)
+ needLibrary =<< contextDependencies ctx
+ buildWithResources rs $ target ctx (Ghc CompileHs stage) [src] [objpath]
+ where change oldSuffix newSuffix str
+ | not (oldSuffix `isSuffixOf` str) = error $
+ "compileHsObject.change: " ++ oldSuffix ++
+ " not a suffix of " ++ str
+ | otherwise = take (length str - length oldSuffix) str
+ ++ newSuffix
+ :: [(Resource, Int)] -> FilePath -> BuildPath Object -> NonHsObject
+ -> Action ()
+compileNonHsObject rs objpath b@(BuildPath _root stage _path _o) nonhsobj =
+ case nonhsobj of
+ NonHsObject lang _basename _way ->
+ go (builderFor lang) (toSrcFor lang)
+ where builderFor C = Ghc CompileCWithGhc
+ builderFor _ = Ghc CompileHs
+ toSrcFor Asm = obj2src "S" (const False)
+ toSrcFor C = obj2src "c" (const False)
+ toSrcFor Cmm = obj2src "cmm" isGeneratedCmmFile
+ go builder tosrc = do
+ ctx <- objectContext b
+ src <- tosrc ctx objpath
+ need [src]
+ needDependencies ctx src (objpath <.> "d")
+ buildWithResources rs $ target ctx (builder stage) [src] [objpath]
+ :: [(Resource, Int)] -> FilePath -> BuildPath Object -> Action ()
+compileObject rs objpath b@(BuildPath _root _stage _path (Hs o)) =
+ compileHsObject rs objpath b o
+compileObject rs objpath b@(BuildPath _root _stage _path (NonHs o)) =
+ compileNonHsObject rs objpath b o
+-- * Helpers
-- | Discover dependencies of a given source file by iteratively calling @gcc@
-- in the @-MM -MG@ mode and building generated dependencies if they are missing