path: root/hadrian/src/Rules/Install.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'hadrian/src/Rules/Install.hs')
1 files changed, 336 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Rules/Install.hs b/hadrian/src/Rules/Install.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bcdbf33e34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Rules/Install.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+module Rules.Install (installRules) where
+import Hadrian.Oracles.DirectoryContents
+import qualified System.Directory as IO
+import Base
+import Expression
+import Oracles.Setting
+import Rules
+import Rules.Generate
+import Rules.Libffi
+import Rules.Wrappers
+import Settings
+import Settings.Packages.Rts
+import Target
+import Utilities
+{- | Install the built binaries etc. to the @destDir ++ prefix@.
+The installation prefix is usually @/usr/local@ on a Unix system.
+The resulting tree structure is organized under @destDir ++ prefix@ as follows:
+* @bin@: executable wrapper scripts, installed by 'installBins', e.g. @ghc@.
+* @lib/ghc-<version>/bin@: executable binaries/scripts,
+ installed by 'installLibExecs' and 'installLibExecScripts'.
+* @lib/ghc-<version>/include@: headers etc., installed by 'installIncludes'.
+* @lib/ghc-<version>/<pkg-name>@: built packages, e.g. @base@, installed
+ by 'installPackages'.
+* @lib/ghc-<version>/settings@ etc.: other files in @lib@ directory,
+ installed by 'installCommonLibs'.
+XXX (izgzhen): Do we need @INSTALL_OPTS@ in the make scripts?
+installRules :: Rules ()
+installRules =
+ "install" ~> do
+ installIncludes
+ installPackageConf
+ installCommonLibs
+ installLibExecs
+ installLibExecScripts
+ installBins
+ installPackages
+ installDocs
+-- TODO: Get rid of hard-coded list.
+-- | Binaries to install.
+installBinPkgs :: [Package]
+installBinPkgs = [ghc, ghcPkg, ghcSplit, hp2ps, hpc, hsc2hs, runGhc, unlit]
+getLibExecDir :: Action FilePath
+getLibExecDir = (-/- "bin") <$> installGhcLibDir
+-- ref:
+-- | Install executable scripts to @prefix/lib/bin@.
+installLibExecScripts :: Action ()
+installLibExecScripts = do
+ libExecDir <- getLibExecDir
+ destDir <- getDestDir
+ installDirectory (destDir ++ libExecDir)
+ forM_ libExecScripts $ \script -> installScript script (destDir ++ libExecDir)
+ where
+ libExecScripts :: [FilePath]
+ libExecScripts = [ghcSplitPath]
+-- ref:
+-- | Install executable binaries to @prefix/lib/bin@.
+installLibExecs :: Action ()
+installLibExecs = do
+ libExecDir <- getLibExecDir
+ destDir <- getDestDir
+ installDirectory (destDir ++ libExecDir)
+ forM_ installBinPkgs $ \pkg ->
+ withInstallStage pkg $ \stage -> do
+ context <- programContext stage pkg
+ let bin = inplaceLibBinPath -/- programName context <.> exe
+ installProgram bin (destDir ++ libExecDir)
+ when (pkg == ghc) $
+ moveFile (destDir ++ libExecDir -/- programName context <.> exe)
+ (destDir ++ libExecDir -/- "ghc" <.> exe)
+-- ref:
+-- | Install executable wrapper scripts to @prefix/bin@.
+installBins :: Action ()
+installBins = do
+ binDir <- setting InstallBinDir
+ libDir <- installGhcLibDir
+ destDir <- getDestDir
+ installDirectory (destDir ++ binDir)
+ win <- windowsHost
+ when win $
+ copyDirectoryContents matchAll (destDir ++ libDir -/- "bin") (destDir ++ binDir)
+ unless win $ forM_ installBinPkgs $ \pkg ->
+ withInstallStage pkg $ \stage -> do
+ context <- programContext stage pkg
+ version <- setting ProjectVersion
+ -- Name of the binary file
+ let binName | pkg == ghc = "ghc-" ++ version <.> exe
+ | otherwise = programName context ++ "-" ++ version <.> exe
+ -- Name of the symbolic link
+ let symName | pkg == ghc = "ghc" <.> exe
+ | otherwise = programName context <.> exe
+ case lookup context installWrappers of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just wrapper -> do
+ contents <- interpretInContext context $
+ wrapper (WrappedBinary (destDir ++ libDir) symName)
+ let wrapperPath = destDir ++ binDir -/- binName
+ writeFileChanged wrapperPath contents
+ makeExecutable wrapperPath
+ unlessM windowsHost $
+ linkSymbolic (destDir ++ binDir -/- binName)
+ (destDir ++ binDir -/- symName)
+-- | Perform an action depending on the install stage or do nothing if the
+-- package is not installed.
+withInstallStage :: Package -> (Stage -> Action ()) -> Action ()
+withInstallStage pkg m = do
+ maybeStage <- installStage pkg
+ case maybeStage of { Just stage -> m stage; Nothing -> return () }
+pkgConfInstallPath :: Action FilePath
+pkgConfInstallPath = buildPath (vanillaContext Stage0 rts) <&> (-/- "package.conf.install")
+-- ref: rules/
+-- TODO: Should we use a temporary file instead of pkgConfInstallPath?
+-- | Install @package.conf.install@ for each package. Note that it will be
+-- recreated each time.
+installPackageConf :: Action ()
+installPackageConf = do
+ let context = vanillaContext Stage0 rts
+ confPath <- pkgConfInstallPath
+ liftIO $ IO.createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory confPath)
+ build $ target context HsCpp [ pkgPath rts -/- "" ]
+ [ confPath <.> "raw" ]
+ Stdout content <- cmd "grep" [ "-v", "^#pragma GCC"
+ , confPath <.> "raw" ]
+ withTempFile $ \tmp -> do
+ liftIO $ writeFile tmp content
+ Stdout result <- cmd "sed" [ "-e", "s/\"\"//g", "-e", "s/:[ ]*,/: /g", tmp ]
+ liftIO $ writeFile confPath result
+-- ref:
+-- | Install packages to @prefix/lib@.
+installPackages :: Action ()
+installPackages = do
+ confPath <- pkgConfInstallPath
+ need [confPath]
+ ghcLibDir <- installGhcLibDir
+ binDir <- setting InstallBinDir
+ destDir <- getDestDir
+ -- Install package.conf
+ let installedPackageConf = destDir ++ ghcLibDir -/- "package.conf.d"
+ installDirectory (destDir ++ ghcLibDir)
+ removeDirectory installedPackageConf
+ installDirectory installedPackageConf
+ -- Install RTS
+ let rtsDir = destDir ++ ghcLibDir -/- "rts"
+ installDirectory rtsDir
+ ways <- interpretInContext (vanillaContext Stage1 rts) getRtsWays
+ rtsLibs <- mapM (pkgLibraryFile . Context Stage1 rts) ways
+ ffiLibs <- mapM rtsLibffiLibrary ways
+ -- TODO: Add dynamic libraries.
+ forM_ (rtsLibs ++ ffiLibs) $ \lib -> installData [lib] rtsDir
+ -- TODO: Remove this hack required for @ghc-cabal copy@.
+ -- See
+ ghcBootPlatformHeader <-
+ buildPath (vanillaContext Stage1 compiler) <&> (-/- "ghc_boot_platform.h")
+ copyFile ghcBootPlatformHeader (pkgPath compiler -/- "ghc_boot_platform.h")
+ installPackages <- filterM ((isJust <$>) . installStage)
+ (knownPackages \\ [rts, libffi])
+ installLibPkgs <- topsortPackages (filter isLibrary installPackages)
+ -- TODO: Figure out what is the root cause of the missing ghc-gmp.h error.
+ copyFile (pkgPath integerGmp -/- "gmp/ghc-gmp.h") (pkgPath integerGmp -/- "ghc-gmp.h")
+ forM_ installLibPkgs $ \pkg ->
+ case pkgCabalFile pkg of
+ Nothing -> error $ "Non-Haskell project in installLibPkgs" ++ show pkg
+ Just cabalFile -> withInstallStage pkg $ \stage -> do
+ let context = vanillaContext stage pkg
+ top <- topDirectory
+ installDistDir <- buildPath context
+ let absInstallDistDir = top -/- installDistDir
+ need =<< packageTargets True stage pkg
+ docDir <- installDocDir
+ ghclibDir <- installGhcLibDir
+ -- Copy over packages
+ strip <- stripCmdPath
+ ways <- interpretInContext context getLibraryWays
+ -- TODO: Remove hard-coded @ghc-cabal@ path.
+ let ghcCabalInplace = inplaceBinPath -/- "ghc-cabal" <.> exe
+ need [ghcCabalInplace]
+ pkgConf <- pkgConfFile context
+ need [cabalFile, pkgConf] -- TODO: Check if we need 'pkgConf'.
+ -- TODO: Drop redundant copies required by @ghc-cabal@.
+ -- See
+ quietly $ copyDirectoryContentsUntracked (Not excluded)
+ installDistDir (installDistDir -/- "build")
+ pref <- setting InstallPrefix
+ unit $ cmd ghcCabalInplace [ "copy"
+ , pkgPath pkg
+ , absInstallDistDir
+ , strip
+ , destDir
+ , pref
+ , ghclibDir
+ , docDir -/- "html/libraries"
+ , unwords (map show ways) ]
+ -- Register packages
+ let installedGhcPkgReal = destDir ++ binDir -/- "ghc-pkg" <.> exe
+ installedGhcReal = destDir ++ binDir -/- "ghc" <.> exe
+ -- TODO: Extend GhcPkg builder args to support --global-package-db
+ unit $ cmd installedGhcPkgReal [ "--force", "--global-package-db"
+ , installedPackageConf, "update"
+ , confPath ]
+ forM_ installLibPkgs $ \pkg ->
+ withInstallStage pkg $ \stage -> do
+ let context = vanillaContext stage pkg
+ top <- topDirectory
+ installDistDir <- (top -/-) <$> buildPath context
+ -- TODO: better reference to the built inplace binary path
+ let ghcCabalInplace = inplaceBinPath -/- "ghc-cabal"
+ pref <- setting InstallPrefix
+ docDir <- installDocDir
+ r <- relocatableBuild
+ unit $ cmd ghcCabalInplace
+ [ "register"
+ , pkgPath pkg
+ , installDistDir
+ , installedGhcReal
+ , installedGhcPkgReal
+ , destDir ++ ghcLibDir
+ , destDir
+ , destDir ++ pref
+ , destDir ++ ghcLibDir
+ , destDir ++ docDir -/- "html/libraries"
+ , if r then "YES" else "NO" ]
+ confs <- getDirectoryContents installedPackageConf
+ forM_ confs (\f -> createData $ installedPackageConf -/- f)
+ unit $ cmd installedGhcPkgReal [ "--force", "--global-package-db"
+ , installedPackageConf, "recache" ]
+ where
+ createData f = unit $ cmd "chmod" [ "644", f ]
+ excluded = Or [ Test "//haddock-prologue.txt"
+ , Test "//"
+ , Test "//setup-config"
+ , Test "//inplace-pkg-config"
+ , Test "//build" ]
+-- ref:
+-- | Install settings etc. files to @prefix/lib@.
+installCommonLibs :: Action ()
+installCommonLibs = do
+ ghcLibDir <- installGhcLibDir
+ destDir <- getDestDir
+ installLibsTo inplaceLibCopyTargets (destDir ++ ghcLibDir)
+-- ref:
+-- | Install library files to some path.
+installLibsTo :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> Action ()
+installLibsTo libs dir = do
+ installDirectory dir
+ forM_ libs $ \lib -> case takeExtension lib of
+ ".a" -> do
+ let out = dir -/- takeFileName lib
+ installData [out] dir
+ runBuilder Ranlib [out] [out] [out]
+ _ -> installData [lib] dir
+-- ref: includes/
+-- | All header files are in includes/{one of these subdirectories}.
+includeHSubdirs :: [FilePath]
+includeHSubdirs = [".", "rts", "rts/prof", "rts/storage", "stg"]
+-- ref: includes/
+-- | Install header files to @prefix/lib/ghc-<version>/include@.
+installIncludes :: Action ()
+installIncludes = do
+ ghclibDir <- installGhcLibDir
+ destDir <- getDestDir
+ let ghcheaderDir = ghclibDir -/- "include"
+ installDirectory (destDir ++ ghcheaderDir)
+ forM_ includeHSubdirs $ \dir -> do
+ installDirectory (destDir ++ ghcheaderDir -/- dir)
+ headers <- getDirectoryFiles ("includes" -/- dir) ["*.h"]
+ installHeader (map (("includes" -/- dir) -/-) headers)
+ (destDir ++ ghcheaderDir -/- dir ++ "/")
+ root <- buildRoot
+ rtsPath <- rtsBuildPath
+ installHeader (fmap (root -/-) includesDependencies ++
+ [root -/- generatedDir -/- "DerivedConstants.h"] ++
+ fmap (rtsPath -/-) libffiDependencies)
+ (destDir ++ ghcheaderDir ++ "/")
+ where
+ installHeader = installData -- they share same arguments
+-- ref:
+-- | Install documentation to @prefix/share/doc/ghc-<version>@.
+installDocs :: Action ()
+installDocs = do
+ destDir <- getDestDir
+ docDir <- installDocDir
+ root <- buildRoot
+ installDirectory (destDir ++ docDir)
+ let usersGuide = root -/- "docs/pdfs/users_guide.pdf"
+ whenM (doesFileExist usersGuide) $
+ installData [usersGuide] (destDir ++ docDir)
+ let htmlDocDir = destDir ++ docDir -/- "html"
+ installDirectory htmlDocDir
+ installData ["docs/index.html"] htmlDocDir
+ forM_ ["Haddock", "libraries", "users_guide"] $ \dirname -> do
+ let dir = root -/- "docs/html" -/- dirname
+ whenM (doesDirectoryExist dir) $ copyDirectory dir htmlDocDir