path: root/hadrian/src/Rules/Test.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'hadrian/src/Rules/Test.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 72 deletions
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Rules/Test.hs b/hadrian/src/Rules/Test.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index ae37343432..0000000000
--- a/hadrian/src/Rules/Test.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-module Rules.Test (testRules) where
-import Base
-import Expression
-import Flavour
-import Oracles.Flag
-import Oracles.Setting
-import Settings
-import Target
-import Utilities
--- TODO: clean up after testing
-testRules :: Rules ()
-testRules = do
- "validate" ~> do
- need inplaceLibCopyTargets
- needBuilder $ Ghc CompileHs Stage2
- needBuilder $ GhcPkg Update Stage1
- needBuilder Hpc
- -- TODO: Figure out why @needBuilder Hsc2Hs@ doesn't work.
- -- TODO: Eliminate explicit filepaths.
- -- See
- need ["inplace/bin/hp2ps", "inplace/bin/hsc2hs"]
- build $ target (vanillaContext Stage2 compiler) (Make "testsuite/tests") [] []
- "test" ~> do
- pkgs <- stagePackages Stage1
- tests <- filterM doesDirectoryExist $ concat
- [ [ pkgPath pkg -/- "tests", pkgPath pkg -/- "tests-ghc" ]
- | pkg <- pkgs, isLibrary pkg, pkg /= rts, pkg /= libffi ]
- windows <- windowsHost
- top <- topDirectory
- compiler <- builderPath $ Ghc CompileHs Stage2
- ghcPkg <- builderPath $ GhcPkg Update Stage1
- haddock <- builderPath (Haddock BuildPackage)
- threads <- shakeThreads <$> getShakeOptions
- debugged <- ghcDebugged <$> flavour
- ghcWithNativeCodeGenInt <- fromEnum <$> ghcWithNativeCodeGen
- ghcWithInterpreterInt <- fromEnum <$> ghcWithInterpreter
- ghcUnregisterisedInt <- fromEnum <$> flag GhcUnregisterised
- quietly . cmd "python2" $
- [ "testsuite/driver/" ]
- ++ map ("--rootdir="++) tests ++
- [ "-e", "windows=" ++ show windows
- , "-e", "config.speed=2"
- , "-e", "ghc_compiler_always_flags=" ++ show "-fforce-recomp -dcore-lint -dcmm-lint -dno-debug-output -no-user-package-db -rtsopts"
- , "-e", "ghc_with_native_codegen=" ++ show ghcWithNativeCodeGenInt
- , "-e", "ghc_debugged=" ++ show (yesNo debugged)
- , "-e", "ghc_with_vanilla=1" -- TODO: do we always build vanilla?
- , "-e", "ghc_with_dynamic=0" -- TODO: support dynamic
- , "-e", "ghc_with_profiling=0" -- TODO: support profiling
- , "-e", "ghc_with_interpreter=" ++ show ghcWithInterpreterInt
- , "-e", "ghc_unregisterised=" ++ show ghcUnregisterisedInt
- , "-e", "ghc_with_threaded_rts=0" -- TODO: support threaded
- , "-e", "ghc_with_dynamic_rts=0" -- TODO: support dynamic
- , "-e", "ghc_dynamic_by_default=False" -- TODO: support dynamic
- , "-e", "ghc_dynamic=0" -- TODO: support dynamic
- , "-e", "ghc_with_llvm=0" -- TODO: support LLVM
- , "-e", "in_tree_compiler=True" -- TODO: when is it equal to False?
- , "-e", "clean_only=False" -- TODO: do we need to support True?
- , "--configfile=testsuite/config/ghc"
- , "--config", "compiler=" ++ show (top -/- compiler)
- , "--config", "ghc_pkg=" ++ show (top -/- ghcPkg)
- , "--config", "haddock=" ++ show (top -/- haddock)
- , "--summary-file", "testsuite_summary.txt"
- , "--threads=" ++ show threads
- ]
- -- , "--config", "hp2ps=" ++ quote ("hp2ps")
- -- , "--config", "hpc=" ++ quote ("hpc")
- -- , "--config", "gs=$(call quote_path,$(GS))"
- -- , "--config", "timeout_prog=$(call quote_path,$(TIMEOUT_PROGRAM))"