path: root/hadrian/src/Settings
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'hadrian/src/Settings')
28 files changed, 1821 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Alex.hs b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Alex.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e0ef1367f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Alex.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+module Settings.Builders.Alex (alexBuilderArgs) where
+import Settings.Builders.Common
+alexBuilderArgs :: Args
+alexBuilderArgs = builder Alex ? mconcat [ arg "-g"
+ , arg =<< getInput
+ , arg "-o", arg =<< getOutput ]
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Cabal.hs b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Cabal.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f33e9b458c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Cabal.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+module Settings.Builders.Cabal (cabalBuilderArgs) where
+import Hadrian.Builder (getBuilderPath, needBuilder)
+import Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal
+import Builder
+import Context
+import Flavour
+import Packages
+import Settings.Builders.Common
+cabalBuilderArgs :: Args
+cabalBuilderArgs = builder (Cabal Setup) ? do
+ verbosity <- expr getVerbosity
+ top <- expr topDirectory
+ path <- getContextPath
+ stage <- getStage
+ mconcat [ arg "configure"
+ -- Don't strip libraries when cross compiling.
+ -- TODO: We need to set @--with-strip=(stripCmdPath :: Action FilePath)@,
+ -- and if it's @:@ disable stripping as well. As it is now, I believe
+ -- we might have issues with stripping on Windows, as I can't see a
+ -- consumer of 'stripCmdPath'.
+ -- TODO: See
+ , flag CrossCompiling ? pure [ "--disable-executable-stripping"
+ , "--disable-library-stripping" ]
+ , arg "--cabal-file"
+ , arg =<< pkgCabalFile <$> getPackage
+ , arg "--distdir"
+ , arg $ top -/- path
+ , arg "--ipid"
+ , arg "$pkg-$version"
+ , arg "--prefix"
+ , arg "${pkgroot}/.."
+ , withStaged $ Ghc CompileHs
+ , withStaged (GhcPkg Update)
+ , withBuilderArgs (GhcPkg Update stage)
+ , bootPackageDatabaseArgs
+ , libraryArgs
+ , configureArgs
+ , bootPackageConstraints
+ , withStaged $ Cc CompileC
+ , notStage0 ? with (Ld stage)
+ , withStaged (Ar Pack)
+ , with Alex
+ , with Happy
+ , verbosity < Chatty ?
+ pure [ "-v0", "--configure-option=--quiet"
+ , "--configure-option=--disable-option-checking" ] ]
+-- TODO: Isn't vanilla always built? If yes, some conditions are redundant.
+-- TODO: Need compiler_stage1_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --disable-library-for-ghci?
+-- TODO: should `elem` be `wayUnit`?
+-- This approach still doesn't work. Previously libraries were build only in the
+-- Default flavours and not using context.
+libraryArgs :: Args
+libraryArgs = do
+ flavourWays <- getLibraryWays
+ contextWay <- getWay
+ withGhci <- expr ghcWithInterpreter
+ dynPrograms <- expr (flavour >>= dynamicGhcPrograms)
+ let ways = flavourWays ++ [contextWay]
+ pure [ if vanilla `elem` ways
+ then "--enable-library-vanilla"
+ else "--disable-library-vanilla"
+ , if vanilla `elem` ways && withGhci && not dynPrograms
+ then "--enable-library-for-ghci"
+ else "--disable-library-for-ghci"
+ , if or [Profiling `wayUnit` way | way <- ways]
+ then "--enable-library-profiling"
+ else "--disable-library-profiling"
+ , if or [Dynamic `wayUnit` way | way <- ways]
+ then "--enable-shared"
+ else "--disable-shared" ]
+configureArgs :: Args
+configureArgs = do
+ top <- expr topDirectory
+ root <- getBuildRoot
+ pkg <- getPackage
+ let conf key expr = do
+ values <- unwords <$> expr
+ not (null values) ?
+ arg ("--configure-option=" ++ key ++ "=" ++ values)
+ cFlags = mconcat [ remove ["-Werror"] cArgs
+ , getStagedSettingList ConfCcArgs
+ , arg $ "-I" ++ top -/- root -/- generatedDir
+ -- See
+ , arg $ "-I" ++ top -/- pkgPath pkg
+ , arg $ "-I" ++ top -/- "includes" ]
+ ldFlags = ldArgs <> (getStagedSettingList ConfGccLinkerArgs)
+ cppFlags = cppArgs <> (getStagedSettingList ConfCppArgs)
+ cldFlags <- unwords <$> (cFlags <> ldFlags)
+ mconcat
+ [ conf "CFLAGS" cFlags
+ , conf "LDFLAGS" ldFlags
+ , conf "CPPFLAGS" cppFlags
+ , not (null cldFlags) ? arg ("--gcc-options=" ++ cldFlags)
+ , conf "--with-iconv-includes" $ arg =<< getSetting IconvIncludeDir
+ , conf "--with-iconv-libraries" $ arg =<< getSetting IconvLibDir
+ , conf "--with-gmp-includes" $ arg =<< getSetting GmpIncludeDir
+ , conf "--with-gmp-libraries" $ arg =<< getSetting GmpLibDir
+ , conf "--with-curses-libraries" $ arg =<< getSetting CursesLibDir
+ , flag CrossCompiling ? (conf "--host" $ arg =<< getSetting TargetPlatformFull)
+ , conf "--with-cc" $ arg =<< getBuilderPath . (Cc CompileC) =<< getStage
+ , notStage0 ? (arg =<< ("--ghc-option=-ghcversion-file=" ++) <$> expr ((-/-) <$> topDirectory <*> ghcVersionH))]
+bootPackageConstraints :: Args
+bootPackageConstraints = stage0 ? do
+ bootPkgs <- expr $ stagePackages Stage0
+ let pkgs = filter (\p -> p /= compiler && isLibrary p) bootPkgs
+ constraints <- expr $ forM (sort pkgs) $ \pkg -> do
+ version <- pkgVersion pkg
+ return $ ((pkgName pkg ++ " == ") ++) version
+ pure $ concat [ ["--constraint", c] | c <- constraints ]
+cppArgs :: Args
+cppArgs = do
+ root <- getBuildRoot
+ arg $ "-I" ++ root -/- generatedDir
+withBuilderKey :: Builder -> String
+withBuilderKey b = case b of
+ Ar _ _ -> "--with-ar="
+ Ld _ -> "--with-ld="
+ Cc _ _ -> "--with-gcc="
+ Ghc _ _ -> "--with-ghc="
+ Alex -> "--with-alex="
+ Happy -> "--with-happy="
+ GhcPkg _ _ -> "--with-ghc-pkg="
+ _ -> error $ "withBuilderKey: not supported builder " ++ show b
+-- | Add arguments to builders if needed.
+withBuilderArgs :: Builder -> Args
+withBuilderArgs b = case b of
+ GhcPkg _ stage -> do
+ top <- expr topDirectory
+ pkgDb <- expr $ packageDbPath stage
+ notStage0 ? arg ("--ghc-pkg-option=--global-package-db=" ++ top -/- pkgDb)
+ _ -> return [] -- no arguments
+-- | Expression 'with Alex' appends "--with-alex=/path/to/alex" and needs Alex.
+with :: Builder -> Args
+with b = do
+ path <- getBuilderPath b
+ if null path then mempty else do
+ top <- expr topDirectory
+ expr $ needBuilder b
+ arg $ withBuilderKey b ++ unifyPath (top </> path)
+withStaged :: (Stage -> Builder) -> Args
+withStaged sb = with . sb =<< getStage
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Cc.hs b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Cc.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e0055f3e8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Cc.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+module Settings.Builders.Cc (ccBuilderArgs) where
+import Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Type
+import Settings.Builders.Common
+ccBuilderArgs :: Args
+ccBuilderArgs = do
+ way <- getWay
+ builder Cc ? mconcat
+ [ getContextData ccOpts
+ , getStagedSettingList ConfCcArgs
+ , builder (Cc CompileC) ? mconcat
+ [ arg "-Wall"
+ , cIncludeArgs
+ , Dynamic `wayUnit` way ? pure [ "-fPIC", "-DDYNAMIC" ]
+ , arg "-c", arg =<< getInput
+ , arg "-o", arg =<< getOutput ]
+ , builder (Cc FindCDependencies) ? do
+ output <- getOutput
+ mconcat [ arg "-E"
+ , arg "-MM", arg "-MG"
+ , arg "-MF", arg output
+ , arg "-MT", arg $ dropExtension output -<.> "o"
+ , cIncludeArgs
+ , arg "-x", arg "c"
+ , arg =<< getInput ] ]
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Common.hs b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Common.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6846c4bc8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Common.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+module Settings.Builders.Common (
+ module Base,
+ module Expression,
+ module Oracles.Flag,
+ module Oracles.Setting,
+ module Settings,
+ module UserSettings,
+ cIncludeArgs, ldArgs, cArgs, cWarnings,
+ packageDatabaseArgs, bootPackageDatabaseArgs
+ ) where
+import Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Type
+import Base
+import Expression
+import Oracles.Flag
+import Oracles.Setting
+import Packages
+import Settings
+import UserSettings
+cIncludeArgs :: Args
+cIncludeArgs = do
+ pkg <- getPackage
+ root <- getBuildRoot
+ path <- getBuildPath
+ incDirs <- getContextData includeDirs
+ depDirs <- getContextData depIncludeDirs
+ iconvIncludeDir <- getSetting IconvIncludeDir
+ gmpIncludeDir <- getSetting GmpIncludeDir
+ ffiIncludeDir <- getSetting FfiIncludeDir
+ mconcat [ notStage0 ||^ package compiler ? arg "-Iincludes"
+ , arg $ "-I" ++ root -/- generatedDir
+ , arg $ "-I" ++ path
+ , pure . map ("-I"++) . filter (/= "") $ [iconvIncludeDir, gmpIncludeDir]
+ , flag UseSystemFfi ? arg ("-I" ++ ffiIncludeDir)
+ -- Add @incDirs@ in the build directory, since some files generated
+ -- with @autoconf@ may end up in the build directory.
+ , pure [ "-I" ++ path -/- dir | dir <- incDirs ]
+ -- Add @incDirs@ in the package directory for include files shipped
+ -- with the package.
+ , pure [ "-I" ++ pkgPath pkg -/- dir | dir <- incDirs ]
+ , pure [ "-I" ++ unifyPath dir | dir <- depDirs ] ]
+ldArgs :: Args
+ldArgs = mempty
+cArgs :: Args
+cArgs = mempty
+-- TODO: should be in a different file
+cWarnings :: Args
+cWarnings = mconcat
+ [ arg "-Wall"
+ , flag GccIsClang ? arg "-Wno-unknown-pragmas"
+ , notM (flag GccIsClang) ? notM windowsHost ? arg "-Werror=unused-but-set-variable"
+ , notM (flag GccIsClang) ? arg "-Wno-error=inline" ]
+packageDatabaseArgs :: Args
+packageDatabaseArgs = do
+ stage <- getStage
+ dbPath <- expr (packageDbPath stage)
+ expr (need [dbPath -/- packageDbStamp])
+ root <- getBuildRoot
+ prefix <- ifM (builder Ghc) (return "-package-db ") (return "--package-db=")
+ arg $ prefix ++ root -/- relativePackageDbPath stage
+bootPackageDatabaseArgs :: Args
+bootPackageDatabaseArgs = do
+ stage <- getStage
+ dbPath <- expr $ packageDbPath stage
+ expr $ need [dbPath -/- packageDbStamp]
+ stage0 ? packageDatabaseArgs
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Configure.hs b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Configure.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..068591dfbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Configure.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+module Settings.Builders.Configure (configureBuilderArgs) where
+import Packages
+import Rules.Gmp
+import Settings.Builders.Common
+configureBuilderArgs :: Args
+configureBuilderArgs = do
+ gmpPath <- expr gmpBuildPath
+ libffiPath <- expr libffiBuildPath
+ mconcat [ builder (Configure gmpPath) ? do
+ hostPlatform <- getSetting HostPlatform
+ buildPlatform <- getSetting BuildPlatform
+ pure [ "--enable-shared=no"
+ , "--host=" ++ hostPlatform
+ , "--build=" ++ buildPlatform ]
+ , builder (Configure libffiPath) ? do
+ top <- expr topDirectory
+ targetPlatform <- getSetting TargetPlatform
+ pure [ "--prefix=" ++ top -/- libffiPath -/- "inst"
+ , "--libdir=" ++ top -/- libffiPath -/- "inst/lib"
+ , "--enable-static=yes"
+ , "--enable-shared=no" -- TODO: add support for yes
+ , "--host=" ++ targetPlatform ] ]
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/DeriveConstants.hs b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/DeriveConstants.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd7511be23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/DeriveConstants.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+module Settings.Builders.DeriveConstants (deriveConstantsBuilderArgs) where
+import Builder
+import Settings.Builders.Common
+-- TODO: do we need to support `includes_CC_OPTS += -DDYNAMIC_BY_DEFAULT`?
+deriveConstantsBuilderArgs :: Args
+deriveConstantsBuilderArgs = builder DeriveConstants ? do
+ cFlags <- includeCcArgs
+ outs <- getOutputs
+ let (outputFile, tempDir) = case outs of
+ [a, b] -> (a, b)
+ _ -> error $ "DeriveConstants: expected two outputs, got " ++ show outs
+ mconcat
+ [ output "//DerivedConstants.h" ? arg "--gen-header"
+ , output "//GHCConstantsHaskellType.hs" ? arg "--gen-haskell-type"
+ , output "//platformConstants" ? arg "--gen-haskell-value"
+ , output "//GHCConstantsHaskellWrappers.hs" ? arg "--gen-haskell-wrappers"
+ , output "//GHCConstantsHaskellExports.hs" ? arg "--gen-haskell-exports"
+ , arg "-o", arg outputFile
+ , arg "--tmpdir", arg tempDir
+ , arg "--gcc-program", arg =<< getBuilderPath (Cc CompileC Stage1)
+ , pure $ concatMap (\a -> ["--gcc-flag", a]) cFlags
+ , arg "--nm-program", arg =<< getBuilderPath Nm
+ , isSpecified Objdump ? mconcat [ arg "--objdump-program"
+ , arg =<< getBuilderPath Objdump ]
+ , arg "--target-os", arg =<< getSetting TargetOs ]
+includeCcArgs :: Args
+includeCcArgs = do
+ root <- getBuildRoot
+ mconcat [ cArgs
+ , cWarnings
+ , getSettingList $ ConfCcArgs Stage1
+ , flag GhcUnregisterised ? arg "-DUSE_MINIINTERPRETER"
+ , arg "-Irts"
+ , arg "-Iincludes"
+ , arg $ "-I" ++ root -/- generatedDir
+ , notM ghcWithSMP ? arg "-DNOSMP"
+ , arg "-fcommon" ]
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/GenPrimopCode.hs b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/GenPrimopCode.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e616ed3b43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/GenPrimopCode.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+module Settings.Builders.GenPrimopCode (genPrimopCodeBuilderArgs) where
+import Settings.Builders.Common
+genPrimopCodeBuilderArgs :: Args
+genPrimopCodeBuilderArgs = builder GenPrimopCode ? mconcat
+ [ output "//PrimopWrappers.hs" ? arg "--make-haskell-wrappers"
+ , output "//Prim.hs" ? arg "--make-haskell-source"
+ , output "//primop-data-decl.hs-incl" ? arg "--data-decl"
+ , output "//primop-tag.hs-incl" ? arg "--primop-tag"
+ , output "//primop-list.hs-incl" ? arg "--primop-list"
+ , output "//primop-has-side-effects.hs-incl" ? arg "--has-side-effects"
+ , output "//primop-out-of-line.hs-incl" ? arg "--out-of-line"
+ , output "//primop-commutable.hs-incl" ? arg "--commutable"
+ , output "//primop-code-size.hs-incl" ? arg "--code-size"
+ , output "//primop-can-fail.hs-incl" ? arg "--can-fail"
+ , output "//primop-strictness.hs-incl" ? arg "--strictness"
+ , output "//primop-fixity.hs-incl" ? arg "--fixity"
+ , output "//primop-primop-info.hs-incl" ? arg "--primop-primop-info"
+ , output "//primop-vector-uniques.hs-incl" ? arg "--primop-vector-uniques"
+ , output "//primop-vector-tys.hs-incl" ? arg "--primop-vector-tys"
+ , output "//primop-vector-tys-exports.hs-incl" ? arg "--primop-vector-tys-exports"
+ , output "//primop-vector-tycons.hs-incl" ? arg "--primop-vector-tycons"
+ , output "//primop-usage.hs-incl" ? arg "--usage" ]
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Ghc.hs b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Ghc.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8212b5fbcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Ghc.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+module Settings.Builders.Ghc (ghcBuilderArgs, haddockGhcArgs) where
+import Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal
+import Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Type
+import Flavour
+import Packages
+import Settings.Builders.Common
+import Settings.Warnings
+ghcBuilderArgs :: Args
+ghcBuilderArgs = mconcat [compileAndLinkHs, compileC, findHsDependencies]
+compileAndLinkHs :: Args
+compileAndLinkHs = (builder (Ghc CompileHs) ||^ builder (Ghc LinkHs)) ? do
+ mconcat [ arg "-Wall"
+ , commonGhcArgs
+ , splitObjects <$> flavour ? arg "-split-objs"
+ , ghcLinkArgs
+ , defaultGhcWarningsArgs
+ , builder (Ghc CompileHs) ? arg "-c"
+ , getInputs
+ , arg "-o", arg =<< getOutput ]
+compileC :: Args
+compileC = builder (Ghc CompileCWithGhc) ? do
+ way <- getWay
+ let ccArgs = [ getContextData ccOpts
+ , getStagedSettingList ConfCcArgs
+ , cIncludeArgs
+ , Dynamic `wayUnit` way ? pure [ "-fPIC", "-DDYNAMIC" ] ]
+ mconcat [ arg "-Wall"
+ , ghcLinkArgs
+ , commonGhcArgs
+ , mconcat (map (map ("-optc" ++) <$>) ccArgs)
+ , defaultGhcWarningsArgs
+ , arg "-c"
+ , getInputs
+ , arg "-o"
+ , arg =<< getOutput ]
+ghcLinkArgs :: Args
+ghcLinkArgs = builder (Ghc LinkHs) ? do
+ way <- getWay
+ pkg <- getPackage
+ libs <- pkg == hp2ps ? pure ["m"]
+ intLib <- getIntegerPackage
+ gmpLibs <- notStage0 ? intLib == integerGmp ? pure ["gmp"]
+ mconcat [ (Dynamic `wayUnit` way) ?
+ pure [ "-shared", "-dynamic", "-dynload", "deploy" ]
+ , arg "-no-auto-link-packages"
+ , nonHsMainPackage pkg ? arg "-no-hs-main"
+ , not (nonHsMainPackage pkg) ? arg "-rtsopts"
+ , pure [ "-optl-l" ++ lib | lib <- libs ++ gmpLibs ]
+ ]
+findHsDependencies :: Args
+findHsDependencies = builder (Ghc FindHsDependencies) ? do
+ ways <- getLibraryWays
+ mconcat [ arg "-M"
+ , commonGhcArgs
+ , arg "-include-pkg-deps"
+ , arg "-dep-makefile", arg =<< getOutput
+ , pure $ concat [ ["-dep-suffix", wayPrefix w] | w <- ways ]
+ , getInputs ]
+haddockGhcArgs :: Args
+haddockGhcArgs = mconcat [ commonGhcArgs, getContextData hcOpts ]
+-- | Common GHC command line arguments used in 'ghcBuilderArgs',
+-- 'ghcCBuilderArgs', 'ghcMBuilderArgs' and 'haddockGhcArgs'.
+commonGhcArgs :: Args
+commonGhcArgs = do
+ way <- getWay
+ path <- getBuildPath
+ ghcVersion <- expr ghcVersionH
+ mconcat [ arg "-hisuf", arg $ hisuf way
+ , arg "-osuf" , arg $ osuf way
+ , arg "-hcsuf", arg $ hcsuf way
+ , wayGhcArgs
+ , packageGhcArgs
+ , includeGhcArgs
+ -- When compiling RTS for Stage1 or Stage2 we do not have it (yet)
+ -- in the package database. We therefore explicity supply the path
+ -- to the @ghc-version@ file, to prevent GHC from trying to open the
+ -- RTS package in the package database and failing.
+ , package rts ? notStage0 ? arg ("-ghcversion-file=" ++ ghcVersion)
+ , map ("-optc" ++) <$> getStagedSettingList ConfCcArgs
+ , map ("-optP" ++) <$> getStagedSettingList ConfCppArgs
+ , map ("-optP" ++) <$> getContextData cppOpts
+ , arg "-odir" , arg path
+ , arg "-hidir" , arg path
+ , arg "-stubdir" , arg path ]
+-- TODO: Do '-ticky' in all debug ways?
+wayGhcArgs :: Args
+wayGhcArgs = do
+ way <- getWay
+ mconcat [ if (Dynamic `wayUnit` way)
+ then pure ["-fPIC", "-dynamic"]
+ else arg "-static"
+ , (Threaded `wayUnit` way) ? arg "-optc-DTHREADED_RTS"
+ , (Debug `wayUnit` way) ? arg "-optc-DDEBUG"
+ , (Profiling `wayUnit` way) ? arg "-prof"
+ , (Logging `wayUnit` way) ? arg "-eventlog"
+ , (way == debug || way == debugDynamic) ?
+ pure ["-ticky", "-DTICKY_TICKY"] ]
+packageGhcArgs :: Args
+packageGhcArgs = do
+ package <- getPackage
+ pkgId <- expr $ pkgIdentifier package
+ mconcat [ arg "-hide-all-packages"
+ , arg "-no-user-package-db"
+ , packageDatabaseArgs
+ , libraryPackage ? arg ("-this-unit-id " ++ pkgId)
+ , map ("-package-id " ++) <$> getContextData depIds ]
+includeGhcArgs :: Args
+includeGhcArgs = do
+ pkg <- getPackage
+ path <- getBuildPath
+ root <- getBuildRoot
+ context <- getContext
+ srcDirs <- getContextData srcDirs
+ autogen <- expr $ autogenPath context
+ mconcat [ arg "-i"
+ , arg $ "-i" ++ path
+ , arg $ "-i" ++ autogen
+ , pure [ "-i" ++ pkgPath pkg -/- dir | dir <- srcDirs ]
+ , cIncludeArgs
+ , arg $ "-I" ++ root -/- generatedDir
+ , arg $ "-optc-I" ++ root -/- generatedDir
+ , pure ["-optP-include", "-optP" ++ autogen -/- "cabal_macros.h"] ]
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/GhcPkg.hs b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/GhcPkg.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc8303f5a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/GhcPkg.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+module Settings.Builders.GhcPkg (ghcPkgBuilderArgs) where
+import Settings.Builders.Common
+ghcPkgBuilderArgs :: Args
+ghcPkgBuilderArgs = mconcat
+ [ builder (GhcPkg Init) ? mconcat [ arg "init", arg =<< getOutput ]
+ , builder (GhcPkg Copy) ? do
+ verbosity <- expr getVerbosity
+ stage <- getStage
+ pkgDb <- expr $ packageDbPath stage
+ mconcat [ arg "--global-package-db"
+ , arg pkgDb
+ , arg "register"
+ , verbosity < Chatty ? arg "-v0"
+ ]
+ , builder (GhcPkg Unregister) ? do
+ verbosity <- expr getVerbosity
+ stage <- getStage
+ pkgDb <- expr $ packageDbPath stage
+ mconcat [ arg "--global-package-db"
+ , arg pkgDb
+ , arg "unregister"
+ , arg "--force"
+ , verbosity < Chatty ? arg "-v0"
+ ]
+ , builder (GhcPkg Update) ? do
+ verbosity <- expr getVerbosity
+ context <- getContext
+ config <- expr $ pkgInplaceConfig context
+ stage <- getStage
+ pkgDb <- expr $ packageDbPath stage
+ mconcat [ notStage0 ? arg "--global-package-db"
+ , notStage0 ? arg pkgDb
+ , arg "update"
+ , arg "--force"
+ , verbosity < Chatty ? arg "-v0"
+ , bootPackageDatabaseArgs
+ , arg config ] ]
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Haddock.hs b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Haddock.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2830c209e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Haddock.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+module Settings.Builders.Haddock (haddockBuilderArgs) where
+import Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal
+import Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Type
+import Hadrian.Utilities
+import Packages
+import Rules.Documentation
+import Settings.Builders.Common
+import Settings.Builders.Ghc
+-- | Given a version string such as "2.16.2" produce an integer equivalent.
+versionToInt :: String -> Int
+versionToInt = read . dropWhile (=='0') . filter (/='.')
+haddockBuilderArgs :: Args
+haddockBuilderArgs = mconcat
+ [ builder (Haddock BuildIndex) ? do
+ output <- getOutput
+ inputs <- getInputs
+ root <- getBuildRoot
+ mconcat
+ [ arg $ "-B" ++ root -/- "stage1" -/- "lib"
+ , arg $ "--lib=" ++ root -/- "docs"
+ , arg "--gen-index"
+ , arg "--gen-contents"
+ , arg "-o", arg $ takeDirectory output
+ , arg "-t", arg "Haskell Hierarchical Libraries"
+ , arg "-p", arg "libraries/prologue.txt"
+ , pure [ "--read-interface="
+ ++ (takeFileName . takeDirectory) haddock
+ ++ "," ++ haddock | haddock <- inputs ] ]
+ , builder (Haddock BuildPackage) ? do
+ output <- getOutput
+ pkg <- getPackage
+ root <- getBuildRoot
+ path <- getBuildPath
+ context <- getContext
+ version <- expr $ pkgVersion pkg
+ synopsis <- expr $ pkgSynopsis pkg
+ deps <- getContextData depNames
+ haddocks <- expr $ haddockDependencies context
+ hVersion <- expr $ pkgVersion haddock
+ ghcOpts <- haddockGhcArgs
+ mconcat
+ [ arg "--verbosity=0"
+ , arg $ "-B" ++ root -/- "stage1" -/- "lib"
+ , arg $ "--lib=" ++ root -/- "docs"
+ , arg $ "--odir=" ++ takeDirectory output
+ , arg "--no-tmp-comp-dir"
+ , arg $ "--dump-interface=" ++ output
+ , arg "--html"
+ , arg "--hyperlinked-source"
+ , arg "--hoogle"
+ , arg "--quickjump"
+ , arg $ "--title=" ++ pkgName pkg ++ "-" ++ version
+ ++ ": " ++ synopsis
+ , arg $ "--prologue=" ++ takeDirectory output -/- "haddock-prologue.txt"
+ , arg $ "--optghc=-D__HADDOCK_VERSION__="
+ ++ show (versionToInt hVersion)
+ , map ("--hide=" ++) <$> getContextData otherModules
+ , pure [ "--read-interface=../" ++ dep
+ ++ ",../" ++ dep ++ "/src/%{MODULE}.html#%{NAME},"
+ ++ haddock | (dep, haddock) <- zip deps haddocks ]
+ , pure [ "--optghc=" ++ opt | opt <- ghcOpts, not ("--package-db" `isInfixOf` opt) ]
+ , getInputs
+ , arg "+RTS"
+ , arg $ "-t" ++ path -/- "haddock.t"
+ , arg "--machine-readable"
+ , arg "-RTS" ] ]
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Happy.hs b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Happy.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5ffb2614cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Happy.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+module Settings.Builders.Happy (happyBuilderArgs) where
+import Settings.Builders.Common
+happyBuilderArgs :: Args
+happyBuilderArgs = builder Happy ? mconcat [ arg "-agc"
+ , arg "--strict"
+ , arg =<< getInput
+ , arg "-o", arg =<< getOutput ]
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/HsCpp.hs b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/HsCpp.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e33061c9d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/HsCpp.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+module Settings.Builders.HsCpp (hsCppBuilderArgs) where
+import Packages
+import Settings.Builders.Common
+hsCppBuilderArgs :: Args
+hsCppBuilderArgs = builder HsCpp ? do
+ stage <- getStage
+ root <- getBuildRoot
+ ghcPath <- expr $ buildPath (vanillaContext stage compiler)
+ mconcat [ getSettingList HsCppArgs
+ , arg "-P"
+ , arg "-Iincludes"
+ , arg $ "-I" ++ root -/- generatedDir
+ , arg $ "-I" ++ ghcPath
+ , arg "-x", arg "c"
+ , arg =<< getInput ]
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Hsc2Hs.hs b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Hsc2Hs.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0d5363d413
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Hsc2Hs.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+module Settings.Builders.Hsc2Hs (hsc2hsBuilderArgs) where
+import Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Type
+import Builder
+import Packages
+import Settings.Builders.Common
+hsc2hsBuilderArgs :: Args
+hsc2hsBuilderArgs = builder Hsc2Hs ? do
+ stage <- getStage
+ ccPath <- getBuilderPath $ Cc CompileC stage
+ gmpDir <- getSetting GmpIncludeDir
+ top <- expr topDirectory
+ hArch <- getSetting HostArch
+ hOs <- getSetting HostOs
+ tArch <- getSetting TargetArch
+ tOs <- getSetting TargetOs
+ version <- if stage == Stage0
+ then expr ghcCanonVersion
+ else getSetting ProjectVersionInt
+ tmpl <- (top -/-) <$> expr (templateHscPath Stage0)
+ mconcat [ arg $ "--cc=" ++ ccPath
+ , arg $ "--ld=" ++ ccPath
+ , notM windowsHost ? notM (flag CrossCompiling) ? arg "--cross-safe"
+ , pure $ map ("-I" ++) (words gmpDir)
+ , map ("--cflag=" ++) <$> getCFlags
+ , map ("--lflag=" ++) <$> getLFlags
+ , notStage0 ? flag CrossCompiling ? arg "--cross-compile"
+ , stage0 ? arg ("--cflag=-D" ++ hArch ++ "_HOST_ARCH=1")
+ , stage0 ? arg ("--cflag=-D" ++ hOs ++ "_HOST_OS=1" )
+ , notStage0 ? arg ("--cflag=-D" ++ tArch ++ "_HOST_ARCH=1")
+ , notStage0 ? arg ("--cflag=-D" ++ tOs ++ "_HOST_OS=1" )
+ , arg $ "--cflag=-D__GLASGOW_HASKELL__=" ++ version
+ , arg $ "--template=" ++ tmpl
+ , arg =<< getInput
+ , arg "-o", arg =<< getOutput ]
+getCFlags :: Expr [String]
+getCFlags = do
+ context <- getContext
+ autogen <- expr $ autogenPath context
+ mconcat [ remove ["-O"] (cArgs <> getStagedSettingList ConfCcArgs)
+ , getStagedSettingList ConfCppArgs
+ , cIncludeArgs
+ , getContextData ccOpts
+ -- we might be able to leave out cppOpts, to be investigated.
+ , getContextData cppOpts
+ , getContextData depCcOpts
+ , cWarnings
+ , arg "-include", arg $ autogen -/- "cabal_macros.h" ]
+getLFlags :: Expr [String]
+getLFlags =
+ mconcat [ getStagedSettingList ConfGccLinkerArgs
+ , ldArgs
+ , getContextData ldOpts
+ , getContextData depLdOpts ]
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Ld.hs b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Ld.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2715bbb20c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Ld.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+module Settings.Builders.Ld (ldBuilderArgs) where
+import Settings.Builders.Common
+ldBuilderArgs :: Args
+ldBuilderArgs = builder Ld ? mconcat [ getStagedSettingList ConfLdLinkerArgs
+ , arg "-r"
+ , arg "-o", arg =<< getOutput
+ , getInputs ]
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Make.hs b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Make.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..102ba54845
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Make.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+module Settings.Builders.Make (makeBuilderArgs, validateBuilderArgs) where
+import Oracles.Setting
+import Packages
+import Rules.Gmp
+import Settings.Builders.Common
+import CommandLine
+makeBuilderArgs :: Args
+makeBuilderArgs = do
+ threads <- shakeThreads <$> expr getShakeOptions
+ gmpPath <- expr gmpBuildPath
+ libffiPath <- expr libffiBuildPath
+ let t = show $ max 4 (threads - 2) -- Don't use all Shake's threads
+ mconcat
+ [ builder (Make gmpPath ) ? pure ["MAKEFLAGS=-j" ++ t]
+ , builder (Make libffiPath) ? pure ["MAKEFLAGS=-j" ++ t, "install"] ]
+validateBuilderArgs :: Args
+validateBuilderArgs = builder (Make "testsuite/tests") ? do
+ threads <- shakeThreads <$> expr getShakeOptions
+ top <- expr topDirectory
+ compiler <- expr $ fullpath ghc
+ checkPpr <- expr $ fullpath checkPpr
+ checkApiAnnotations <- expr $ fullpath checkApiAnnotations
+ args <- expr $ userSetting defaultTestArgs
+ return [ setTestSpeed $ testSpeed args
+ , "THREADS=" ++ show threads
+ , "TEST_HC=" ++ (top -/- compiler)
+ , "CHECK_PPR=" ++ (top -/- checkPpr)
+ , "CHECK_API_ANNOTATIONS=" ++ (top -/- checkApiAnnotations)
+ ]
+ where
+ fullpath :: Package -> Action FilePath
+ fullpath pkg = programPath =<< programContext Stage1 pkg
+-- | Support for speed of validation
+setTestSpeed :: TestSpeed -> String
+setTestSpeed Fast = "fasttest"
+setTestSpeed Average = "test"
+setTestSpeed Slow = "slowtest"
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/RunTest.hs b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/RunTest.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..734fecdb49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/RunTest.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+module Settings.Builders.RunTest (runTestBuilderArgs, runTestGhcFlags) where
+import Hadrian.Utilities
+import System.Environment
+import CommandLine
+import Flavour
+import Oracles.Setting (setting)
+import Oracles.TestSettings
+import Packages
+import Settings.Builders.Common
+getTestSetting :: TestSetting -> Expr String
+getTestSetting key = expr $ testSetting key
+-- | Parse the value of a Boolean test setting or report an error.
+getBooleanSetting :: TestSetting -> Expr Bool
+getBooleanSetting key = fromMaybe (error msg) <$> parseYesNo <$> getTestSetting key
+ where
+ msg = "Cannot parse test setting " ++ quote (show key)
+-- | Extra flags to send to the Haskell compiler to run tests.
+runTestGhcFlags :: Action String
+runTestGhcFlags = do
+ unregisterised <- flag GhcUnregisterised
+ let ifMinGhcVer ver opt = do v <- ghcCanonVersion
+ if ver <= v then pure opt
+ else pure ""
+ -- Read extra argument for test from command line, like `-fvectorize`.
+ ghcOpts <- fromMaybe "" <$> (liftIO $ lookupEnv "EXTRA_HC_OPTS")
+ -- See:
+ let ghcExtraFlags = if unregisterised
+ then "-optc-fno-builtin"
+ else ""
+ -- Take flags to send to the Haskell compiler from
+ -- See:
+ unwords <$> sequence
+ [ pure " -dcore-lint -dcmm-lint -no-user-package-db -rtsopts"
+ , pure ghcOpts
+ , pure ghcExtraFlags
+ , ifMinGhcVer "711" "-fno-warn-missed-specialisations"
+ , ifMinGhcVer "711" "-fshow-warning-groups"
+ , ifMinGhcVer "801" "-fdiagnostics-color=never"
+ , ifMinGhcVer "801" "-fno-diagnostics-show-caret"
+ , pure "-dno-debug-output"
+ ]
+-- Command line arguments for invoking the script. A lot of this
+-- mirrors @testsuite/mk/
+runTestBuilderArgs :: Args
+runTestBuilderArgs = builder RunTest ? do
+ pkgs <- expr $ stagePackages Stage1
+ libTests <- expr $ filterM doesDirectoryExist $ concat
+ [ [ pkgPath pkg -/- "tests", pkgPath pkg -/- "tests-ghc" ]
+ | pkg <- pkgs, isLibrary pkg, pkg /= rts, pkg /= libffi ]
+ flav <- expr flavour
+ rtsWays <- expr testRTSSettings
+ libWays <- libraryWays flav
+ let hasRtsWay w = elem w rtsWays
+ hasLibWay w = elem w libWays
+ debugged = ghcDebugged flav
+ hasDynamic <- getBooleanSetting TestGhcDynamic
+ hasDynamicByDefault <- getBooleanSetting TestGhcDynamicByDefault
+ withNativeCodeGen <- getBooleanSetting TestGhcWithNativeCodeGen
+ withInterpreter <- getBooleanSetting TestGhcWithInterpreter
+ unregisterised <- getBooleanSetting TestGhcUnregisterised
+ withSMP <- getBooleanSetting TestGhcWithSMP
+ windows <- expr windowsHost
+ darwin <- expr osxHost
+ threads <- shakeThreads <$> expr getShakeOptions
+ os <- getTestSetting TestHostOS
+ arch <- getTestSetting TestTargetARCH_CPP
+ platform <- getTestSetting TestTARGETPLATFORM
+ wordsize <- getTestSetting TestWORDSIZE
+ top <- expr $ topDirectory
+ ghcFlags <- expr runTestGhcFlags
+ timeoutProg <- expr buildRoot <&> (-/- timeoutPath)
+ let asZeroOne s b = s ++ zeroOne b
+ mconcat [ arg $ "testsuite/driver/"
+ , arg $ "--rootdir=" ++ ("testsuite" -/- "tests")
+ , pure ["--rootdir=" ++ test | test <- libTests]
+ , arg "-e", arg $ "windows=" ++ show windows
+ , arg "-e", arg $ "darwin=" ++ show darwin
+ , arg "-e", arg $ "config.local=True"
+ , arg "-e", arg $ "config.cleanup=False" -- Don't clean up.
+ , arg "-e", arg $ "config.compiler_debugged=" ++ quote (yesNo debugged)
+ , arg "-e", arg $ "ghc_debugged=" ++ quote (yesNo debugged)
+ , arg "-e", arg $ asZeroOne "ghc_with_native_codegen=" withNativeCodeGen
+ , arg "-e", arg $ "config.have_interp=" ++ show withInterpreter
+ , arg "-e", arg $ "config.unregisterised=" ++ show unregisterised
+ , arg "-e", arg $ "ghc_compiler_always_flags=" ++ quote ghcFlags
+ , arg "-e", arg $ asZeroOne "ghc_with_dynamic_rts=" (hasRtsWay "dyn")
+ , arg "-e", arg $ asZeroOne "ghc_with_threaded_rts=" (hasRtsWay "thr")
+ , arg "-e", arg $ asZeroOne "config.have_vanilla=" (hasLibWay vanilla)
+ , arg "-e", arg $ asZeroOne "config.have_dynamic=" (hasLibWay dynamic)
+ , arg "-e", arg $ asZeroOne "config.have_profiling=" (hasLibWay profiling)
+ , arg "-e", arg $ asZeroOne "ghc_with_smp=" withSMP
+ , arg "-e", arg $ "ghc_with_llvm=0" -- TODO: support LLVM
+ , arg "-e", arg $ "config.ghc_dynamic_by_default=" ++ show hasDynamicByDefault
+ , arg "-e", arg $ "config.ghc_dynamic=" ++ show hasDynamic
+ -- Use default value, see:
+ --
+ , arg "-e", arg $ "config.in_tree_compiler=True"
+ , arg "-e", arg $ "" ++ show (top -/- "testsuite")
+ , arg "-e", arg $ "config.wordsize=" ++ show wordsize
+ , arg "-e", arg $ "config.os=" ++ show os
+ , arg "-e", arg $ "config.arch=" ++ show arch
+ , arg "-e", arg $ "config.platform=" ++ show platform
+ , arg "--config", arg $ "gs=gs" -- Use the default value as in
+ , arg "--config", arg $ "timeout_prog=" ++ show (top -/- timeoutProg)
+ , arg $ "--threads=" ++ show threads
+ , getTestArgs -- User-provided arguments from command line.
+ ]
+-- | Command line arguments for running GHC's test script.
+getTestArgs :: Args
+getTestArgs = do
+ args <- expr $ userSetting defaultTestArgs
+ bindir <- expr $ setBinaryDirectory (testCompiler args)
+ compiler <- expr $ setCompiler (testCompiler args)
+ globalVerbosity <- shakeVerbosity <$> expr getShakeOptions
+ let configFileArg= ["--config-file=" ++ (testConfigFile args)]
+ testOnlyArg = case testOnly args of
+ Just cases -> map ("--only=" ++) (words cases)
+ Nothing -> []
+ onlyPerfArg = if testOnlyPerf args
+ then Just "--only-perf-tests"
+ else Nothing
+ skipPerfArg = if testSkipPerf args
+ then Just "--skip-perf-tests"
+ else Nothing
+ speedArg = ["-e", "config.speed=" ++ setTestSpeed (testSpeed args)]
+ summaryArg = case testSummary args of
+ Just filepath -> Just $ "--summary-file" ++ quote filepath
+ Nothing -> Just $ "--summary-file=testsuite_summary.txt"
+ junitArg = case testJUnit args of
+ Just filepath -> Just $ "--junit " ++ quote filepath
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ configArgs = concat [["-e", configArg] | configArg <- testConfigs args]
+ verbosityArg = case testVerbosity args of
+ Nothing -> Just $ "--verbose=" ++ show (fromEnum globalVerbosity)
+ Just verbosity -> Just $ "--verbose=" ++ verbosity
+ wayArgs = map ("--way=" ++) (testWays args)
+ compilerArg = ["--config", "compiler=" ++ show (compiler)]
+ ghcPkgArg = ["--config", "ghc_pkg=" ++ show (bindir -/- "ghc-pkg")]
+ haddockArg = ["--config", "haddock=" ++ show (bindir -/- "haddock")]
+ hp2psArg = ["--config", "hp2ps=" ++ show (bindir -/- "hp2ps")]
+ hpcArg = ["--config", "hpc=" ++ show (bindir -/- "hpc")]
+ pure $ configFileArg ++ testOnlyArg ++ speedArg
+ ++ catMaybes [ onlyPerfArg, skipPerfArg, summaryArg
+ , junitArg, verbosityArg ]
+ ++ configArgs ++ wayArgs ++ compilerArg ++ ghcPkgArg
+ ++ haddockArg ++ hp2psArg ++ hpcArg
+-- TODO: Switch to 'Stage' as the first argument instead of 'String'.
+-- | Directory to look for Binaries
+-- | We assume that required programs are present in the same binary directory
+-- | in which ghc is stored and that they have their conventional name.
+-- | QUESTION : packages can be named different from their conventional names.
+-- | For example, ghc-pkg can be named as ghc-pkg-version. In such cases, it will
+-- | be impossible to search the binary. Only possible way will be to take user
+-- | inputs for these directory also. boilerplate soes not account for this
+-- | problem, but simply returns an error. How should we handle such cases?
+setBinaryDirectory :: String -> Action FilePath
+setBinaryDirectory "stage0" = takeDirectory <$> setting SystemGhc
+setBinaryDirectory "stage1" = liftM2 (-/-) topDirectory (stageBinPath Stage0)
+setBinaryDirectory "stage2" = liftM2 (-/-) topDirectory (stageBinPath Stage1)
+setBinaryDirectory compiler = pure $ parentPath compiler
+-- TODO: Switch to 'Stage' as the first argument instead of 'String'.
+-- | Set Test Compiler.
+setCompiler :: String -> Action FilePath
+setCompiler "stage0" = setting SystemGhc
+setCompiler "stage1" = liftM2 (-/-) topDirectory (fullPath Stage0 ghc)
+setCompiler "stage2" = liftM2 (-/-) topDirectory (fullPath Stage1 ghc)
+setCompiler compiler = pure compiler
+-- | Set speed for test
+setTestSpeed :: TestSpeed -> String
+setTestSpeed Slow = "0"
+setTestSpeed Average = "1"
+setTestSpeed Fast = "2"
+-- | Returns parent path of test compiler
+-- | TODO: Is there a simpler way to find parent directory?
+parentPath :: String -> String
+parentPath path = intercalate "/" $ init $ splitOn "/" path
+-- | TODO: Move to Hadrian utilities.
+fullPath :: Stage -> Package -> Action FilePath
+fullPath stage pkg = programPath =<< programContext stage pkg
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Xelatex.hs b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Xelatex.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5623284ed5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Xelatex.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+module Settings.Builders.Xelatex (xelatexBuilderArgs) where
+import Settings.Builders.Common
+xelatexBuilderArgs :: Args
+xelatexBuilderArgs = builder Xelatex ? mconcat [ arg "-halt-on-error"
+ , arg =<< getInput ]
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Settings/Default.hs b/hadrian/src/Settings/Default.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..031bd45ace
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Settings/Default.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+module Settings.Default (
+ -- * Packages that are build by default and for the testsuite
+ defaultPackages, testsuitePackages,
+ -- * Default build ways
+ defaultLibraryWays, defaultRtsWays,
+ -- * Default command line arguments for various builders
+ SourceArgs (..), sourceArgs, defaultBuilderArgs, defaultPackageArgs,
+ defaultArgs,
+ -- * Default build flavour
+ defaultFlavour, defaultSplitObjects
+ ) where
+import qualified Hadrian.Builder.Ar
+import qualified Hadrian.Builder.Sphinx
+import qualified Hadrian.Builder.Tar
+import Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Type
+import CommandLine
+import Expression
+import Flavour
+import Oracles.Flag
+import Oracles.Setting
+import Packages
+import Settings
+import Settings.Builders.Alex
+import Settings.Builders.DeriveConstants
+import Settings.Builders.Cabal
+import Settings.Builders.Cc
+import Settings.Builders.Configure
+import Settings.Builders.GenPrimopCode
+import Settings.Builders.Ghc
+import Settings.Builders.GhcPkg
+import Settings.Builders.Haddock
+import Settings.Builders.Happy
+import Settings.Builders.Hsc2Hs
+import Settings.Builders.HsCpp
+import Settings.Builders.Ld
+import Settings.Builders.Make
+import Settings.Builders.RunTest
+import Settings.Builders.Xelatex
+import Settings.Packages
+import Settings.Warnings
+-- | Packages that are built by default. You can change this in "UserSettings".
+defaultPackages :: Stage -> Action [Package]
+defaultPackages Stage0 = stage0Packages
+defaultPackages Stage1 = stage1Packages
+defaultPackages Stage2 = stage2Packages
+defaultPackages Stage3 = return []
+-- | Packages built in 'Stage0' by default. You can change this in "UserSettings".
+stage0Packages :: Action [Package]
+stage0Packages = do
+ win <- windowsHost
+ cross <- flag CrossCompiling
+ return $ [ binary
+ , cabal
+ , compareSizes
+ , compiler
+ , deriveConstants
+ , genapply
+ , genprimopcode
+ , ghc
+ , ghcBoot
+ , ghcBootTh
+ , ghcHeap
+ , ghci
+ , ghcPkg
+ , hsc2hs
+ , hpc
+ , mtl
+ , parsec
+ , templateHaskell
+ , text
+ , transformers
+ , unlit ]
+ ++ [ terminfo | not win, not cross ]
+ ++ [ touchy | win ]
+-- | Packages built in 'Stage1' by default. You can change this in "UserSettings".
+stage1Packages :: Action [Package]
+stage1Packages = do
+ win <- windowsHost
+ intLib <- integerLibrary =<< flavour
+ libraries0 <- filter isLibrary <$> stage0Packages
+ cross <- flag CrossCompiling
+ return $ libraries0 -- Build all Stage0 libraries in Stage1
+ ++ [ array
+ , base
+ , bytestring
+ , containers
+ , deepseq
+ , directory
+ , filepath
+ , ghc
+ , ghcCompact
+ , ghcPkg
+ , ghcPrim
+ , haskeline
+ , hsc2hs
+ , intLib
+ , pretty
+ , process
+ , rts
+ , stm
+ , time
+ , unlit
+ , xhtml ]
+ ++ [ hpcBin | not cross ]
+ ++ [ iserv | not win, not cross ]
+ ++ [ libiserv | not win, not cross ]
+ ++ [ runGhc | not cross ]
+ ++ [ touchy | win ]
+ ++ [ unix | not win ]
+ ++ [ win32 | win ]
+-- | Packages built in 'Stage2' by default. You can change this in "UserSettings".
+stage2Packages :: Action [Package]
+stage2Packages = do
+ cross <- flag CrossCompiling
+ return $ [ ghcTags ]
+ ++ [ haddock | not cross ]
+-- | Packages that are built only for the testsuite.
+testsuitePackages :: Action [Package]
+testsuitePackages = do
+ win <- windowsHost
+ return $ [ checkApiAnnotations
+ , checkPpr
+ , ghci
+ , ghcCompact
+ , ghcPkg
+ , hp2ps
+ , hsc2hs
+ , iserv
+ , parallel
+ , runGhc
+ , unlit ] ++
+ [ timeout | win ]
+-- | Default build ways for library packages:
+-- * We always build 'vanilla' way.
+-- * We build 'profiling' way when stage > Stage0.
+-- * We build 'dynamic' way when stage > Stage0 and the platform supports it.
+defaultLibraryWays :: Ways
+defaultLibraryWays = mconcat
+ [ pure [vanilla]
+ , notStage0 ? pure [profiling]
+ , notStage0 ? platformSupportsSharedLibs ? pure [dynamic]
+ ]
+-- | Default build ways for the RTS.
+defaultRtsWays :: Ways
+defaultRtsWays = mconcat
+ [ pure [vanilla, threaded]
+ , notStage0 ? pure
+ [ profiling, threadedProfiling, debugProfiling, threadedDebugProfiling
+ , logging, threadedLogging
+ , debug, threadedDebug
+ ]
+ , notStage0 ? platformSupportsSharedLibs ? pure
+ [ dynamic, threadedDynamic, debugDynamic, loggingDynamic
+ , threadedDebugDynamic, threadedLoggingDynamic
+ ]
+ ]
+-- TODO: Move C source arguments here
+-- | Default and package-specific source arguments.
+data SourceArgs = SourceArgs
+ { hsDefault :: Args
+ , hsLibrary :: Args
+ , hsCompiler :: Args
+ , hsGhc :: Args }
+-- | Concatenate source arguments in appropriate order.
+sourceArgs :: SourceArgs -> Args
+sourceArgs SourceArgs {..} = builder Ghc ? mconcat
+ [ hsDefault
+ , getContextData hcOpts
+ , libraryPackage ? hsLibrary
+ , package compiler ? hsCompiler
+ , package ghc ? hsGhc ]
+-- | All default command line arguments.
+defaultArgs :: Args
+defaultArgs = mconcat
+ [ defaultBuilderArgs
+ , sourceArgs defaultSourceArgs
+ , defaultPackageArgs ]
+-- | Default source arguments, e.g. optimisation settings.
+defaultSourceArgs :: SourceArgs
+defaultSourceArgs = SourceArgs
+ { hsDefault = mconcat [ stage0 ? arg "-O"
+ , notStage0 ? arg "-O2"
+ , arg "-H32m" ]
+ , hsLibrary = mempty
+ , hsCompiler = mempty
+ , hsGhc = mempty }
+-- Please update doc/ when changing the default build flavour.
+-- | Default build flavour. Other build flavours are defined in modules
+-- @Settings.Flavours.*@. Users can add new build flavours in "UserSettings".
+defaultFlavour :: Flavour
+defaultFlavour = Flavour
+ { name = "default"
+ , args = defaultArgs
+ , packages = defaultPackages
+ , integerLibrary = (\x -> if x then integerSimple else integerGmp) <$> cmdIntegerSimple
+ , libraryWays = defaultLibraryWays
+ , rtsWays = defaultRtsWays
+ , splitObjects = defaultSplitObjects
+ , dynamicGhcPrograms = defaultDynamicGhcPrograms
+ , ghciWithDebugger = False
+ , ghcProfiled = False
+ , ghcDebugged = False }
+-- | Default logic for determining whether to build
+-- dynamic GHC programs.
+-- It corresponds to the DYNAMIC_GHC_PROGRAMS logic implemented
+-- in @mk/
+defaultDynamicGhcPrograms :: Action Bool
+defaultDynamicGhcPrograms = do
+ win <- windowsHost
+ supportsShared <- platformSupportsSharedLibs
+ return (not win && supportsShared)
+-- | Default condition for building split objects.
+defaultSplitObjects :: Predicate
+defaultSplitObjects = do
+ goodStage <- notStage0 -- We don't split bootstrap (stage 0) packages
+ pkg <- getPackage
+ supported <- expr supportsSplitObjects
+ split <- expr cmdSplitObjects
+ let goodPackage = isLibrary pkg && pkg /= compiler && pkg /= rts
+ return $ split && goodStage && goodPackage && supported
+-- | All 'Builder'-dependent command line arguments.
+defaultBuilderArgs :: Args
+defaultBuilderArgs = mconcat
+ -- GHC-specific builders:
+ [ alexBuilderArgs
+ , cabalBuilderArgs
+ , ccBuilderArgs
+ , configureBuilderArgs
+ , deriveConstantsBuilderArgs
+ , genPrimopCodeBuilderArgs
+ , ghcBuilderArgs
+ , ghcPkgBuilderArgs
+ , haddockBuilderArgs
+ , happyBuilderArgs
+ , hsc2hsBuilderArgs
+ , hsCppBuilderArgs
+ , ldBuilderArgs
+ , makeBuilderArgs
+ , runTestBuilderArgs
+ , validateBuilderArgs
+ , xelatexBuilderArgs
+ -- Generic builders from the Hadrian library:
+ , builder (Ar Pack ) ? Hadrian.Builder.Ar.args Pack
+ , builder (Ar Unpack ) ? Hadrian.Builder.Ar.args Unpack
+ , builder (Sphinx Html ) ? Hadrian.Builder.Sphinx.args Html
+ , builder (Sphinx Latex) ? Hadrian.Builder.Sphinx.args Latex
+ , builder (Sphinx Man ) ? Hadrian.Builder.Sphinx.args Man
+ , builder (Tar Create ) ? Hadrian.Builder.Tar.args Create
+ , builder (Tar Extract ) ? Hadrian.Builder.Tar.args Extract ]
+-- | All 'Package'-dependent command line arguments.
+defaultPackageArgs :: Args
+defaultPackageArgs = mconcat [ packageArgs, warningArgs ]
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Settings/Default.hs-boot b/hadrian/src/Settings/Default.hs-boot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..30a28497e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Settings/Default.hs-boot
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+module Settings.Default (
+ SourceArgs (..), sourceArgs, defaultBuilderArgs, defaultPackageArgs,
+ defaultArgs, defaultLibraryWays, defaultRtsWays,
+ defaultFlavour, defaultSplitObjects
+ ) where
+import Flavour
+import Expression
+data SourceArgs = SourceArgs
+ { hsDefault :: Args
+ , hsLibrary :: Args
+ , hsCompiler :: Args
+ , hsGhc :: Args }
+sourceArgs :: SourceArgs -> Args
+defaultBuilderArgs, defaultPackageArgs, defaultArgs :: Args
+defaultLibraryWays, defaultRtsWays :: Ways
+defaultFlavour :: Flavour
+defaultSplitObjects :: Predicate
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Settings/Flavours/Common.hs b/hadrian/src/Settings/Flavours/Common.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a1eb2fbba9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Settings/Flavours/Common.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+module Settings.Flavours.Common where
+import Expression
+-- See and
+naturalInBaseFixArgs :: Args
+naturalInBaseFixArgs = mconcat
+ [ input "//Natural.hs" ? pure ["-fno-omit-interface-pragmas"]
+ , input "//Num.hs" ? pure ["-fno-ignore-interface-pragmas"]
+ ]
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Settings/Flavours/Development.hs b/hadrian/src/Settings/Flavours/Development.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5919026cb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Settings/Flavours/Development.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+module Settings.Flavours.Development (developmentFlavour) where
+import Expression
+import Flavour
+import {-# SOURCE #-} Settings.Default
+-- Please update doc/ when changing this file.
+developmentFlavour :: Stage -> Flavour
+developmentFlavour ghcStage = defaultFlavour
+ { name = "devel" ++ show (fromEnum ghcStage)
+ , args = defaultBuilderArgs <> developmentArgs ghcStage <> defaultPackageArgs }
+developmentArgs :: Stage -> Args
+developmentArgs ghcStage = do
+ stage <- getStage
+ sourceArgs SourceArgs
+ { hsDefault = pure ["-O", "-H64m"]
+ , hsLibrary = notStage0 ? arg "-dcore-lint"
+ , hsCompiler = succ stage == ghcStage ? pure ["-O0", "-DDEBUG"]
+ , hsGhc = succ stage == ghcStage ? pure ["-O0", "-DDEBUG"] }
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Settings/Flavours/Performance.hs b/hadrian/src/Settings/Flavours/Performance.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..64ab4bce9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Settings/Flavours/Performance.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+module Settings.Flavours.Performance (performanceFlavour) where
+import Expression
+import Flavour
+import {-# SOURCE #-} Settings.Default
+-- Please update doc/ when changing this file.
+performanceFlavour :: Flavour
+performanceFlavour = defaultFlavour
+ { name = "perf"
+ , args = defaultBuilderArgs <> performanceArgs <> defaultPackageArgs }
+performanceArgs :: Args
+performanceArgs = sourceArgs SourceArgs
+ { hsDefault = pure ["-O", "-H64m"]
+ , hsLibrary = notStage0 ? arg "-O2"
+ , hsCompiler = mconcat [stage0 ? arg "-O", notStage0 ? arg "-O2"]
+ , hsGhc = mconcat [stage0 ? arg "-O", notStage0 ? arg "-O2"] }
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Settings/Flavours/Profiled.hs b/hadrian/src/Settings/Flavours/Profiled.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..91b7f3b188
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Settings/Flavours/Profiled.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+module Settings.Flavours.Profiled (profiledFlavour) where
+import Expression
+import Flavour
+import {-# SOURCE #-} Settings.Default
+import Settings.Flavours.Common (naturalInBaseFixArgs)
+-- Please update doc/ when changing this file.
+profiledFlavour :: Flavour
+profiledFlavour = defaultFlavour
+ { name = "prof"
+ , args = defaultBuilderArgs <> profiledArgs <> defaultPackageArgs
+ , ghcProfiled = True }
+profiledArgs :: Args
+profiledArgs = sourceArgs SourceArgs
+ { hsDefault = mconcat
+ [ pure ["-O0", "-H64m"]
+ , naturalInBaseFixArgs
+ ]
+ , hsLibrary = notStage0 ? arg "-O"
+ , hsCompiler = arg "-O"
+ , hsGhc = arg "-O" }
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Settings/Flavours/Quick.hs b/hadrian/src/Settings/Flavours/Quick.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59b58eb413
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Settings/Flavours/Quick.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+module Settings.Flavours.Quick (quickFlavour) where
+import Expression
+import Flavour
+import Oracles.Flag
+import {-# SOURCE #-} Settings.Default
+import Settings.Flavours.Common
+-- Please update doc/ when changing this file.
+quickFlavour :: Flavour
+quickFlavour = defaultFlavour
+ { name = "quick"
+ , args = defaultBuilderArgs <> quickArgs <> defaultPackageArgs
+ , libraryWays = mconcat
+ [ pure [vanilla]
+ , notStage0 ? platformSupportsSharedLibs ? pure [dynamic] ]
+ , rtsWays = mconcat
+ [ pure
+ [ vanilla, threaded, logging, debug
+ , threadedDebug, threadedLogging, threaded ]
+ , notStage0 ? platformSupportsSharedLibs ? pure
+ [ dynamic, debugDynamic, threadedDynamic, loggingDynamic
+ , threadedDebugDynamic, threadedLoggingDynamic ]
+ ] }
+quickArgs :: Args
+quickArgs = sourceArgs SourceArgs
+ { hsDefault = mconcat $
+ [ pure ["-O0", "-H64m"]
+ , naturalInBaseFixArgs
+ ]
+ , hsLibrary = notStage0 ? arg "-O"
+ , hsCompiler = stage0 ? arg "-O"
+ , hsGhc = stage0 ? arg "-O" }
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Settings/Flavours/QuickCross.hs b/hadrian/src/Settings/Flavours/QuickCross.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7572be27d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Settings/Flavours/QuickCross.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+module Settings.Flavours.QuickCross (quickCrossFlavour) where
+import Expression
+import Flavour
+import Oracles.Flag
+import {-# SOURCE #-} Settings.Default
+import Settings.Flavours.Common
+-- Please update doc/ when changing this file.
+quickCrossFlavour :: Flavour
+quickCrossFlavour = defaultFlavour
+ { name = "quick-cross"
+ , args = defaultBuilderArgs <> quickCrossArgs <> defaultPackageArgs
+ , dynamicGhcPrograms = pure False
+ , libraryWays = mconcat
+ [ pure [vanilla]
+ , notStage0 ? platformSupportsSharedLibs ? pure [dynamic] ]
+ , rtsWays = mconcat
+ [ pure
+ [ vanilla, threaded, logging, debug
+ , threadedDebug, threadedLogging, threaded ]
+ , notStage0 ? platformSupportsSharedLibs ? pure
+ [ dynamic, debugDynamic, threadedDynamic, loggingDynamic
+ , threadedDebugDynamic, threadedLoggingDynamic ]
+ ] }
+quickCrossArgs :: Args
+quickCrossArgs = sourceArgs SourceArgs
+ { hsDefault = mconcat $
+ [ pure ["-O0", "-H64m"]
+ , naturalInBaseFixArgs
+ ]
+ , hsLibrary = notStage0 ? mconcat [ arg "-O", arg "-fllvm" ]
+ , hsCompiler = stage0 ? arg "-O"
+ , hsGhc = mconcat
+ [ stage0 ? arg "-O"
+ , stage1 ? mconcat [ arg "-O0", arg "-fllvm" ] ] }
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Settings/Flavours/Quickest.hs b/hadrian/src/Settings/Flavours/Quickest.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c5f944e7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Settings/Flavours/Quickest.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+module Settings.Flavours.Quickest (quickestFlavour) where
+import Expression
+import Flavour
+import {-# SOURCE #-} Settings.Default
+import Settings.Flavours.Common
+-- Please update doc/ when changing this file.
+quickestFlavour :: Flavour
+quickestFlavour = defaultFlavour
+ { name = "quickest"
+ , args = defaultBuilderArgs <> quickestArgs <> defaultPackageArgs
+ , libraryWays = pure [vanilla]
+ , rtsWays = pure [vanilla, threaded] }
+quickestArgs :: Args
+quickestArgs = sourceArgs SourceArgs
+ { hsDefault = mconcat $
+ [ pure ["-O0", "-H64m"]
+ , naturalInBaseFixArgs
+ ]
+ , hsLibrary = mempty
+ , hsCompiler = stage0 ? arg "-O"
+ , hsGhc = stage0 ? arg "-O" }
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Settings/Packages.hs b/hadrian/src/Settings/Packages.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4d75e325d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Settings/Packages.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+module Settings.Packages (packageArgs) where
+import Expression
+import Flavour
+import Oracles.Setting
+import Oracles.Flag
+import Packages
+import Rules.Gmp
+import Settings
+-- | Package-specific command-line arguments.
+packageArgs :: Args
+packageArgs = do
+ stage <- getStage
+ rtsWays <- getRtsWays
+ path <- getBuildPath
+ intLib <- getIntegerPackage
+ compilerPath <- expr $ buildPath (vanillaContext stage compiler)
+ gmpBuildPath <- expr gmpBuildPath
+ let includeGmp = "-I" ++ gmpBuildPath -/- "include"
+ mconcat
+ --------------------------------- base ---------------------------------
+ [ package base ? mconcat
+ [ builder (Cabal Flags) ? notStage0 ? arg (pkgName intLib)
+ -- This fixes the 'unknown symbol stat' issue.
+ -- See:
+ , builder (Ghc CompileCWithGhc) ? arg "-optc-O2" ]
+ ------------------------------ bytestring ------------------------------
+ , package bytestring ?
+ builder (Cabal Flags) ? intLib == integerSimple ? arg "integer-simple"
+ --------------------------------- cabal --------------------------------
+ -- Cabal is a large library and slow to compile. Moreover, we build it
+ -- for Stage0 only so we can link ghc-pkg against it, so there is little
+ -- reason to spend the effort to optimise it.
+ , package cabal ?
+ stage0 ? builder Ghc ? arg "-O0"
+ ------------------------------- compiler -------------------------------
+ , package compiler ? mconcat
+ [ builder Alex ? arg "--latin1"
+ , builder (Ghc CompileHs) ? mconcat
+ [ inputs ["//GHC.hs", "//GhcMake.hs"] ? arg "-fprof-auto"
+ , input "//Parser.hs" ?
+ pure ["-fno-ignore-interface-pragmas", "-fcmm-sink" ] ]
+ , builder (Cabal Setup) ? mconcat
+ [ arg $ "--ghc-option=-DSTAGE=" ++ show (fromEnum stage + 1)
+ , arg "--disable-library-for-ghci"
+ , anyTargetOs ["openbsd"] ? arg "--ld-options=-E"
+ , flag GhcUnregisterised ? arg "--ghc-option=-DNO_REGS"
+ , notM ghcWithSMP ? arg "--ghc-option=-DNOSMP"
+ , notM ghcWithSMP ? arg "--ghc-option=-optc-DNOSMP"
+ , (any (wayUnit Threaded) rtsWays) ?
+ notStage0 ? arg "--ghc-option=-optc-DTHREADED_RTS"
+ , ghcWithInterpreter ?
+ ghcEnableTablesNextToCode ?
+ notM (flag GhcUnregisterised) ?
+ notStage0 ? arg "--ghc-option=-DGHCI_TABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE"
+ , ghcWithInterpreter ?
+ ghciWithDebugger <$> flavour ?
+ notStage0 ? arg "--ghc-option=-DDEBUGGER"
+ , ghcProfiled <$> flavour ?
+ notStage0 ? arg "--ghc-pkg-option=--force" ]
+ , builder (Cabal Flags) ? mconcat
+ [ ghcWithNativeCodeGen ? arg "ncg"
+ , ghcWithInterpreter ? notStage0 ? arg "ghci"
+ , flag CrossCompiling ? arg "-terminfo"
+ , notStage0 ? intLib == integerGmp ?
+ arg "integer-gmp" ]
+ , builder (Haddock BuildPackage) ? arg ("--optghc=-I" ++ path) ]
+ ---------------------------------- ghc ---------------------------------
+ , package ghc ? mconcat
+ [ builder Ghc ? arg ("-I" ++ compilerPath)
+ , builder (Cabal Flags) ? mconcat
+ [ ghcWithInterpreter ? notStage0 ? arg "ghci"
+ , flag CrossCompiling ? arg "-terminfo"
+ -- the 'threaded' flag is True by default, but
+ -- let's record explicitly that we link all ghc
+ -- executables with the threaded runtime.
+ , arg "threaded" ] ]
+ -------------------------------- ghcPkg --------------------------------
+ , package ghcPkg ?
+ builder (Cabal Flags) ? flag CrossCompiling ? arg "-terminfo"
+ -------------------------------- ghcPrim -------------------------------
+ , package ghcPrim ? mconcat
+ [ builder (Cabal Flags) ? arg "include-ghc-prim"
+ , builder (Cc CompileC) ? (not <$> flag GccIsClang) ?
+ input "//cbits/atomic.c" ? arg "-Wno-sync-nand" ]
+ --------------------------------- ghci ---------------------------------
+ -- TODO: This should not be @not <$> flag CrossCompiling@. Instead we
+ -- should ensure that the bootstrap compiler has the same version as the
+ -- one we are building.
+ -- TODO: In that case we also do not need to build most of the Stage1
+ -- libraries, as we already know that the compiler comes with the most
+ -- recent versions.
+ -- TODO: The use case here is that we want to build @ghc-proxy@ for the
+ -- cross compiler. That one needs to be compiled by the bootstrap
+ -- compiler as it needs to run on the host. Hence @libiserv@ needs
+ -- @GHCi.TH@, @GHCi.Message@ and @GHCi.Run@ from @ghci@. And those are
+ -- behind the @-fghci@ flag.
+ , package ghci ? mconcat
+ [ notStage0 ? builder (Cabal Flags) ? arg "ghci"
+ , flag CrossCompiling ? stage0 ? builder (Cabal Flags) ? arg "ghci" ]
+ -------------------------------- haddock -------------------------------
+ , package haddock ?
+ builder (Cabal Flags) ? arg "in-ghc-tree"
+ ------------------------------- haskeline ------------------------------
+ , package haskeline ?
+ builder (Cabal Flags) ? flag CrossCompiling ? arg "-terminfo"
+ -------------------------------- hsc2hs --------------------------------
+ , package hsc2hs ?
+ builder (Cabal Flags) ? arg "in-ghc-tree"
+ ------------------------------ integerGmp ------------------------------
+ , package integerGmp ? mconcat
+ [ builder Cc ? arg includeGmp
+ , builder (Cabal Setup) ? mconcat
+ [ -- TODO: This should respect some settings flag "InTreeGmp".
+ -- Depending on @IncludeDir@ and @LibDir@ is bound to fail, since
+ -- these are only set if the configure script was explicilty
+ -- called with GMP include and lib dirs. Their absense as such
+ -- does not imply @in-tree-gmp@.
+ -- (null gmpIncludeDir && null gmpLibDir) ?
+ -- arg "--configure-option=--with-intree-gmp"
+ arg ("--configure-option=CFLAGS=" ++ includeGmp)
+ , arg ("--gcc-options=" ++ includeGmp) ] ]
+ ---------------------------------- rts ---------------------------------
+ , package rts ? rtsPackageArgs -- RTS deserves a separate function
+ -------------------------------- runGhc --------------------------------
+ , package runGhc ?
+ builder Ghc ? input "//Main.hs" ?
+ (\version -> ["-cpp", "-DVERSION=" ++ show version]) <$> getSetting ProjectVersion
+ --------------------------------- text ---------------------------------
+ -- The package @text@ is rather tricky. It's a boot library, and it
+ -- tries to determine on its own if it should link against @integer-gmp@
+ -- or @integer-simple@. For Stage0, we need to use the integer library
+ -- that the bootstrap compiler has (since @interger@ is not a boot
+ -- library) and therefore we copy it over into the Stage0 package-db.
+ -- Maybe we should stop doing this? And subsequently @text@ for Stage1
+ -- detects the same integer library again, even though we don't build it
+ -- in Stage1, and at that point the configuration is just wrong.
+ , package text ?
+ builder (Cabal Flags) ? notStage0 ? intLib == integerSimple ?
+ pure [ "+integer-simple", "-bytestring-builder"] ]
+-- | RTS-specific command line arguments.
+rtsPackageArgs :: Args
+rtsPackageArgs = package rts ? do
+ projectVersion <- getSetting ProjectVersion
+ hostPlatform <- getSetting HostPlatform
+ hostArch <- getSetting HostArch
+ hostOs <- getSetting HostOs
+ hostVendor <- getSetting HostVendor
+ buildPlatform <- getSetting BuildPlatform
+ buildArch <- getSetting BuildArch
+ buildOs <- getSetting BuildOs
+ buildVendor <- getSetting BuildVendor
+ targetPlatform <- getSetting TargetPlatform
+ targetArch <- getSetting TargetArch
+ targetOs <- getSetting TargetOs
+ targetVendor <- getSetting TargetVendor
+ ghcUnreg <- expr $ yesNo <$> flag GhcUnregisterised
+ ghcEnableTNC <- expr $ yesNo <$> ghcEnableTablesNextToCode
+ rtsWays <- getRtsWays
+ way <- getWay
+ path <- getBuildPath
+ top <- expr topDirectory
+ libffiName <- expr libffiLibraryName
+ ffiIncludeDir <- getSetting FfiIncludeDir
+ ffiLibraryDir <- getSetting FfiLibDir
+ let cArgs = mconcat
+ [ arg "-Irts"
+ , rtsWarnings
+ , arg $ "-I" ++ path
+ , flag UseSystemFfi ? arg ("-I" ++ ffiIncludeDir)
+ , arg $ "-DRtsWay=\"rts_" ++ show way ++ "\""
+ -- Set the namespace for the rts fs functions
+ , arg $ "-DFS_NAMESPACE=rts"
+ , arg $ "-DCOMPILING_RTS"
+ -- RTS *must* be compiled with optimisations. The INLINE_HEADER macro
+ -- requires that functions are inlined to work as expected. Inlining
+ -- only happens for optimised builds. Otherwise we can assume that
+ -- there is a non-inlined variant to use instead. But RTS does not
+ -- provide non-inlined alternatives and hence needs the function to
+ -- be inlined. See
+ , arg "-O2"
+ , arg "-fomit-frame-pointer"
+ , arg "-g"
+ , Debug `wayUnit` way ? pure [ "-DDEBUG"
+ , "-fno-omit-frame-pointer"
+ , "-g" ]
+ , way `elem` [debug, debugDynamic] ? arg "-DTICKY_TICKY"
+ , Profiling `wayUnit` way ? arg "-DPROFILING"
+ , Threaded `wayUnit` way ? arg "-DTHREADED_RTS"
+ , inputs ["//RtsMessages.c", "//Trace.c"] ?
+ arg ("-DProjectVersion=" ++ show projectVersion)
+ , input "//RtsUtils.c" ? pure
+ [ "-DProjectVersion=" ++ show projectVersion
+ , "-DHostPlatform=" ++ show hostPlatform
+ , "-DHostArch=" ++ show hostArch
+ , "-DHostOS=" ++ show hostOs
+ , "-DHostVendor=" ++ show hostVendor
+ , "-DBuildPlatform=" ++ show buildPlatform
+ , "-DBuildArch=" ++ show buildArch
+ , "-DBuildOS=" ++ show buildOs
+ , "-DBuildVendor=" ++ show buildVendor
+ , "-DTargetPlatform=" ++ show targetPlatform
+ , "-DTargetArch=" ++ show targetArch
+ , "-DTargetOS=" ++ show targetOs
+ , "-DTargetVendor=" ++ show targetVendor
+ , "-DGhcUnregisterised=" ++ show ghcUnreg
+ , "-DGhcEnableTablesNextToCode=" ++ show ghcEnableTNC ]
+ -- We're after pur performance here. So make sure fast math and
+ -- vectorization is enabled.
+ , input "//xxhash.c" ? pure
+ [ "-O3"
+ , "-ffast-math"
+ , "-ftree-vectorize" ]
+ , inputs ["//Evac.c", "//Evac_thr.c"] ? arg "-funroll-loops"
+ , speedHack ?
+ inputs [ "//Evac.c", "//Evac_thr.c"
+ , "//Scav.c", "//Scav_thr.c"
+ , "//Compact.c", "//GC.c" ] ? arg "-fno-PIC"
+ -- @-static@ is necessary for these bits, as otherwise the NCG
+ -- generates dynamic references.
+ , speedHack ?
+ inputs [ "//Updates.c", "//StgMiscClosures.c"
+ , "//PrimOps.c", "//Apply.c"
+ , "//AutoApply.c" ] ? pure ["-fno-PIC", "-static"]
+ -- inlining warnings happen in Compact
+ , inputs ["//Compact.c"] ? arg "-Wno-inline"
+ -- emits warnings about call-clobbered registers on x86_64
+ , inputs [ "//RetainerProfile.c", "//StgCRun.c"
+ , "//win32/ConsoleHandler.c", "//win32/ThrIOManager.c"] ? arg "-w"
+ -- The above warning suppression flags are a temporary kludge.
+ -- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and fix
+ -- any warnings in the module. See:
+ --
+ , (not <$> flag GccIsClang) ?
+ inputs ["//Compact.c"] ? arg "-finline-limit=2500"
+ , input "//RetainerProfile.c" ? flag GccIsClang ?
+ arg "-Wno-incompatible-pointer-types"
+ , windowsHost ? arg ("-DWINVER=" ++ windowsVersion)
+ -- libffi's ffi.h triggers various warnings
+ , inputs [ "//Interpreter.c", "//Storage.c", "//Adjustor.c" ] ?
+ arg "-Wno-strict-prototypes"
+ , inputs ["//Interpreter.c", "//Adjustor.c", "//sm/Storage.c"] ?
+ anyTargetArch ["powerpc"] ? arg "-Wno-undef" ]
+ mconcat
+ [ builder (Cabal Flags) ? mconcat
+ [ any (wayUnit Profiling) rtsWays ? arg "profiling"
+ , any (wayUnit Debug) rtsWays ? arg "debug"
+ , any (wayUnit Logging) rtsWays ? arg "logging"
+ ]
+ , builder (Cc FindCDependencies) ? cArgs
+ , builder (Ghc CompileCWithGhc) ? map ("-optc" ++) <$> cArgs
+ , builder Ghc ? arg "-Irts"
+ , builder HsCpp ? pure
+ [ "-DTOP=" ++ show top
+ , "-DFFI_INCLUDE_DIR=" ++ show ffiIncludeDir
+ , "-DFFI_LIB_DIR=" ++ show ffiLibraryDir
+ , "-DFFI_LIB=" ++ show libffiName ]
+ , builder HsCpp ? flag HaveLibMingwEx ? arg "-DHAVE_LIBMINGWEX" ]
+-- Compile various performance-critical pieces *without* -fPIC -dynamic
+-- even when building a shared library. If we don't do this, then the
+-- GC runs about 50% slower on x86 due to the overheads of PIC. The
+-- cost of doing this is a little runtime linking and less sharing, but
+-- not much.
+-- On x86_64 this doesn't work, because all objects in a shared library
+-- must be compiled with -fPIC (since the 32-bit relocations generated
+-- by the default small memory can't be resolved at runtime). So we
+-- only do this on i386.
+-- This apparently doesn't work on OS X (Darwin) nor on Solaris.
+-- On Darwin we get errors of the form
+-- ld: absolute addressing (perhaps -mdynamic-no-pic) used in _stg_ap_0_fast
+-- from rts/dist/build/Apply.dyn_o not allowed in slidable image
+-- and lots of these warnings:
+-- ld: warning codegen in _stg_ap_pppv_fast (offset 0x0000005E) prevents image
+-- from loading in dyld shared cache
+-- On Solaris we get errors like:
+-- Text relocation remains referenced
+-- against symbol offset in file
+-- .rodata (section) 0x11 rts/dist/build/Apply.dyn_o
+-- ...
+-- ld: fatal: relocations remain against allocatable but non-writable sections
+-- collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
+speedHack :: Action Bool
+speedHack = do
+ i386 <- anyTargetArch ["i386"]
+ goodOS <- not <$> anyTargetOs ["darwin", "solaris2"]
+ return $ i386 && goodOS
+-- See @rts/
+rtsWarnings :: Args
+rtsWarnings = mconcat
+ [ arg "-Wall"
+ , arg "-Wextra"
+ , arg "-Wstrict-prototypes"
+ , arg "-Wmissing-prototypes"
+ , arg "-Wmissing-declarations"
+ , arg "-Winline"
+ , arg "-Waggregate-return"
+ , arg "-Wpointer-arith"
+ , arg "-Wmissing-noreturn"
+ , arg "-Wnested-externs"
+ , arg "-Wredundant-decls"
+ , arg "-Wundef"
+ , arg "-fno-strict-aliasing" ]
+-- These numbers can be found at:
+-- If we're compiling on windows, enforce that we only support Vista SP1+
+-- Adding this here means it doesn't have to be done in individual .c files
+-- and also centralizes the versioning.
+-- | Minimum supported Windows version.
+windowsVersion :: String
+windowsVersion = "0x06000100"
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Settings/Warnings.hs b/hadrian/src/Settings/Warnings.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a9e8311db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Settings/Warnings.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+module Settings.Warnings (defaultGhcWarningsArgs, warningArgs) where
+import Expression
+import Oracles.Flag
+import Oracles.Setting
+import Packages
+import Settings
+-- See @mk/ for warning-related arguments in the Make build system.
+-- | Default Haskell warning-related arguments.
+defaultGhcWarningsArgs :: Args
+defaultGhcWarningsArgs = mconcat
+ [ notStage0 ? arg "-Wnoncanonical-monad-instances"
+ , (not <$> flag GccIsClang) ? mconcat
+ [ (not <$> windowsHost ) ? arg "-optc-Werror=unused-but-set-variable"
+ , arg "-optc-Wno-error=inline" ]
+ , flag GccIsClang ? arg "-optc-Wno-unknown-pragmas" ]
+-- | Package-specific warnings-related arguments, mostly suppressing various warnings.
+warningArgs :: Args
+warningArgs = builder Ghc ? do
+ isIntegerSimple <- (== integerSimple) <$> getIntegerPackage
+ mconcat
+ [ stage0 ? mconcat
+ [ libraryPackage ? pure [ "-fno-warn-deprecated-flags" ]
+ , package terminfo ? pure [ "-fno-warn-unused-imports" ]
+ , package transformers ? pure [ "-fno-warn-unused-matches"
+ , "-fno-warn-unused-imports" ] ]
+ , notStage0 ? mconcat
+ [ libraryPackage ? pure [ "-Wno-deprecated-flags" ]
+ , package base ? pure [ "-Wno-trustworthy-safe" ]
+ , package binary ? pure [ "-Wno-deprecations" ]
+ , package bytestring ? pure [ "-Wno-inline-rule-shadowing" ]
+ , package compiler ? pure [ "-Wcpp-undef" ]
+ , package directory ? pure [ "-Wno-unused-imports" ]
+ , package ghc ? pure [ "-Wcpp-undef" ]
+ , package ghcPrim ? pure [ "-Wno-trustworthy-safe" ]
+ , package haddock ? pure [ "-Wno-unused-imports"
+ , "-Wno-deprecations" ]
+ , package haskeline ? pure [ "-Wno-deprecations"
+ , "-Wno-unused-imports"
+ , "-Wno-redundant-constraints"
+ , "-Wno-simplifiable-class-constraints" ]
+ , package pretty ? pure [ "-Wno-unused-imports" ]
+ , package primitive ? pure [ "-Wno-unused-imports"
+ , "-Wno-deprecations" ]
+ , package rts ? pure [ "-Wcpp-undef" ]
+ , package terminfo ? pure [ "-Wno-unused-imports" ]
+ , isIntegerSimple ?
+ package text ? pure [ "-Wno-unused-imports" ]
+ , package transformers ? pure [ "-Wno-unused-matches"
+ , "-Wno-unused-imports"
+ , "-Wno-redundant-constraints"
+ , "-Wno-orphans" ]
+ , package win32 ? pure [ "-Wno-trustworthy-safe" ]
+ , package xhtml ? pure [ "-Wno-unused-imports" ] ] ]