path: root/includes/rts/OSThreads.h
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1 files changed, 209 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/includes/rts/OSThreads.h b/includes/rts/OSThreads.h
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index 0000000000..2d32136379
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/rts/OSThreads.h
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+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * (c) The GHC Team, 2001-2005
+ *
+ * Accessing OS threads functionality in a (mostly) OS-independent
+ * manner.
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#if defined(THREADED_RTS) /* to the end */
+# if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_H) && !defined(WANT_NATIVE_WIN32_THREADS)
+#define ACQUIRE_LOCK(mutex) foreign "C" pthread_mutex_lock(mutex)
+#define RELEASE_LOCK(mutex) foreign "C" pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex)
+#define ASSERT_LOCK_HELD(mutex) /* nothing */
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+typedef pthread_cond_t Condition;
+typedef pthread_mutex_t Mutex;
+typedef pthread_t OSThreadId;
+typedef pthread_key_t ThreadLocalKey;
+#define OSThreadProcAttr /* nothing */
+#ifdef LOCK_DEBUG
+#define LOCK_DEBUG_BELCH(what, mutex) \
+ debugBelch("%s(0x%p) %s %d\n", what, mutex, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define LOCK_DEBUG_BELCH(what, mutex) /* nothing */
+/* Always check the result of lock and unlock. */
+#define ACQUIRE_LOCK(mutex) \
+ if (pthread_mutex_lock(mutex) == EDEADLK) { \
+ barf("multiple ACQUIRE_LOCK: %s %d", __FILE__,__LINE__); \
+ }
+#define RELEASE_LOCK(mutex) \
+ if (pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex) != 0) { \
+ barf("RELEASE_LOCK: I do not own this lock: %s %d", __FILE__,__LINE__); \
+ }
+// Note: this assertion calls pthread_mutex_lock() on a mutex that
+// is already held by the calling thread. The mutex should therefore
+// have been created with PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK, otherwise this
+// assertion will hang. We always initialise mutexes with
+// PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK when DEBUG is on (see rts/posix/OSThreads.h).
+#define ASSERT_LOCK_HELD(mutex) ASSERT(pthread_mutex_lock(mutex) == EDEADLK)
+#endif // CMINUSMINUS
+# elif defined(HAVE_WINDOWS_H)
+/* We jump through a hoop here to get a CCall EnterCriticalSection
+ and LeaveCriticalSection, as that's what C-- wants. */
+#define ACQUIRE_LOCK(mutex) foreign "stdcall" EnterCriticalSection(mutex)
+#define RELEASE_LOCK(mutex) foreign "stdcall" LeaveCriticalSection(mutex)
+#define ASSERT_LOCK_HELD(mutex) /* nothing */
+#include <windows.h>
+typedef HANDLE Condition;
+typedef DWORD OSThreadId;
+// don't be tempted to use HANDLE as the OSThreadId: there can be
+// many HANDLES to a given thread, so comparison would not work.
+typedef DWORD ThreadLocalKey;
+#define OSThreadProcAttr __stdcall
+#define INIT_COND_VAR 0
+// We have a choice for implementing Mutexes on Windows. Standard
+// Mutexes are kernel objects that require kernel calls to
+// acquire/release, whereas CriticalSections are spin-locks that block
+// in the kernel after spinning for a configurable number of times.
+// CriticalSections are *much* faster, so we use those. The Mutex
+// implementation is left here for posterity.
+typedef CRITICAL_SECTION Mutex;
+#ifdef LOCK_DEBUG
+#define ACQUIRE_LOCK(mutex) \
+ debugBelch("ACQUIRE_LOCK(0x%p) %s %d\n", mutex,__FILE__,__LINE__); \
+ EnterCriticalSection(mutex)
+#define RELEASE_LOCK(mutex) \
+ debugBelch("RELEASE_LOCK(0x%p) %s %d\n", mutex,__FILE__,__LINE__); \
+ LeaveCriticalSection(mutex)
+#define ASSERT_LOCK_HELD(mutex) /* nothing */
+#define ACQUIRE_LOCK(mutex) EnterCriticalSection(mutex)
+#define RELEASE_LOCK(mutex) LeaveCriticalSection(mutex)
+// I don't know how to do this. TryEnterCriticalSection() doesn't do
+// the right thing.
+#define ASSERT_LOCK_HELD(mutex) /* nothing */
+typedef HANDLE Mutex;
+// casting to (Mutex *) here required due to use in .cmm files where
+// the argument has (void *) type.
+#define ACQUIRE_LOCK(mutex) \
+ if (WaitForSingleObject(*((Mutex *)mutex),INFINITE) == WAIT_FAILED) { \
+ barf("WaitForSingleObject: %d", GetLastError()); \
+ }
+#define RELEASE_LOCK(mutex) \
+ if (ReleaseMutex(*((Mutex *)mutex)) == 0) { \
+ barf("ReleaseMutex: %d", GetLastError()); \
+ }
+#define ASSERT_LOCK_HELD(mutex) /* nothing */
+#endif // CMINUSMINUS
+# else
+# error "Threads not supported"
+# endif
+// General thread operations
+extern OSThreadId osThreadId ( void );
+extern void shutdownThread ( void ) GNUC3_ATTRIBUTE(__noreturn__);
+extern void yieldThread ( void );
+typedef void OSThreadProcAttr OSThreadProc(void *);
+extern int createOSThread ( OSThreadId* tid,
+ OSThreadProc *startProc, void *param);
+extern rtsBool osThreadIsAlive ( OSThreadId id );
+// Condition Variables
+extern void initCondition ( Condition* pCond );
+extern void closeCondition ( Condition* pCond );
+extern rtsBool broadcastCondition ( Condition* pCond );
+extern rtsBool signalCondition ( Condition* pCond );
+extern rtsBool waitCondition ( Condition* pCond,
+ Mutex* pMut );
+// Mutexes
+extern void initMutex ( Mutex* pMut );
+extern void closeMutex ( Mutex* pMut );
+// Thread-local storage
+void newThreadLocalKey (ThreadLocalKey *key);
+void *getThreadLocalVar (ThreadLocalKey *key);
+void setThreadLocalVar (ThreadLocalKey *key, void *value);
+void freeThreadLocalKey (ThreadLocalKey *key);
+// Processors and affinity
+nat getNumberOfProcessors (void);
+void setThreadAffinity (nat n, nat m);
+#endif // !CMINUSMINUS
+#define ACQUIRE_LOCK(l)
+#define RELEASE_LOCK(l)
+#define ASSERT_LOCK_HELD(l)
+#endif /* defined(THREADED_RTS) */
+// Support for forkOS (defined regardless of THREADED_RTS, but does
+// nothing when !THREADED_RTS).
+int forkOS_createThread ( HsStablePtr entry );
+#endif /* RTS_OSTHREADS_H */