path: root/libraries/base/Control
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1 files changed, 11 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/base/Control/Monad.hs b/libraries/base/Control/Monad.hs
index b4f2cc022d..dff11edf7e 100644
--- a/libraries/base/Control/Monad.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/Control/Monad.hs
@@ -167,17 +167,6 @@ f >=> g = \x -> f x >>= g
-- | Repeat an action indefinitely.
--- Using @ApplicativeDo@: \'@'forever' as@\' can be understood as the
--- pseudo-@do@ expression
--- @
--- do as
--- as
--- ..
--- @
--- with @as@ repeating.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- A common use of 'forever' is to process input from network sockets,
@@ -200,6 +189,10 @@ f >=> g = \x -> f x >>= g
-- echo client = 'forever' $
-- hGetLine client >>= hPutStrLn client
-- @
+-- Note that "forever" isn't necessarily non-terminating.
+-- If the action is in a @'MonadPlus'@ and short-circuits after some number of iterations.
+-- then @'forever'@ actually returns `mzero`, effectively short-circuiting its caller.
forever :: (Applicative f) => f a -> f b
{-# INLINE forever #-}
forever a = let a' = a *> a' in a'
@@ -287,22 +280,14 @@ For further information, see this issue comment, which includes side-by-side
--- | @'replicateM' n act@ performs the action @n@ times,
--- gathering the results.
+-- | @'replicateM' n act@ performs the action @act@ @n@ times,
+-- and then returns the list of results:
--- Using @ApplicativeDo@: \'@'replicateM' 5 as@\' can be understood as
--- the @do@ expression
--- @
--- do a1 <- as
--- a2 <- as
--- a3 <- as
--- a4 <- as
--- a5 <- as
--- pure [a1,a2,a3,a4,a5]
--- @
--- Note the @Applicative@ constraint.
+-- ==== __Examples__
+-- >>> replicateM 3 (putStrLn "a")
+-- a
+-- a
+-- a
replicateM :: (Applicative m) => Int -> m a -> m [a]
{-# INLINABLE replicateM #-}
{-# SPECIALISE replicateM :: Int -> IO a -> IO [a] #-}