path: root/libraries/base/Data/Semigroup.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'libraries/base/Data/Semigroup.hs')
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 281 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/base/Data/Semigroup.hs b/libraries/base/Data/Semigroup.hs
index 8631b117be..4d06a40a6d 100644
--- a/libraries/base/Data/Semigroup.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/Data/Semigroup.hs
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ module Data.Semigroup (
, Last(..)
, WrappedMonoid(..)
-- * Re-exported monoids from Data.Monoid
- , Monoid(..)
, Dual(..)
, Endo(..)
, All(..)
@@ -69,267 +68,31 @@ module Data.Semigroup (
import Prelude hiding (foldr1)
+import GHC.Base (Semigroup(..))
+import Data.Semigroup.Internal
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Fix
-import Control.Monad.ST(ST)
import Data.Bifoldable
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Bitraversable
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Data
-import Data.Functor.Identity
-import Data.List.NonEmpty
import Data.Monoid (All (..), Any (..), Dual (..), Endo (..),
Product (..), Sum (..))
-import Data.Monoid (Alt (..))
-import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
-import Data.Ord (Down(..))
-import Data.Void
-#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
-import GHC.Event (Event, Lifetime)
+-- import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
import GHC.Generics
-infixr 6 <>
--- | The class of semigroups (types with an associative binary operation).
--- @since
-class Semigroup a where
- -- | An associative operation.
- --
- -- @
- -- (a '<>' b) '<>' c = a '<>' (b '<>' c)
- -- @
- --
- -- If @a@ is also a 'Monoid' we further require
- --
- -- @
- -- ('<>') = 'mappend'
- -- @
- (<>) :: a -> a -> a
- default (<>) :: Monoid a => a -> a -> a
- (<>) = mappend
- -- | Reduce a non-empty list with @\<\>@
- --
- -- The default definition should be sufficient, but this can be
- -- overridden for efficiency.
- --
- sconcat :: NonEmpty a -> a
- sconcat (a :| as) = go a as where
- go b (c:cs) = b <> go c cs
- go b [] = b
- -- | Repeat a value @n@ times.
- --
- -- Given that this works on a 'Semigroup' it is allowed to fail if
- -- you request 0 or fewer repetitions, and the default definition
- -- will do so.
- --
- -- By making this a member of the class, idempotent semigroups and monoids can
- -- upgrade this to execute in /O(1)/ by picking
- -- @stimes = stimesIdempotent@ or @stimes = stimesIdempotentMonoid@
- -- respectively.
- stimes :: Integral b => b -> a -> a
- stimes y0 x0
- | y0 <= 0 = errorWithoutStackTrace "stimes: positive multiplier expected"
- | otherwise = f x0 y0
- where
- f x y
- | even y = f (x <> x) (y `quot` 2)
- | y == 1 = x
- | otherwise = g (x <> x) (pred y `quot` 2) x
- g x y z
- | even y = g (x <> x) (y `quot` 2) z
- | y == 1 = x <> z
- | otherwise = g (x <> x) (pred y `quot` 2) (x <> z)
-- | A generalization of 'Data.List.cycle' to an arbitrary 'Semigroup'.
-- May fail to terminate for some values in some semigroups.
cycle1 :: Semigroup m => m -> m
cycle1 xs = xs' where xs' = xs <> xs'
--- | @since
-instance Semigroup () where
- _ <> _ = ()
- sconcat _ = ()
- stimes _ _ = ()
--- | @since
-instance Semigroup b => Semigroup (a -> b) where
- f <> g = \a -> f a <> g a
- stimes n f e = stimes n (f e)
--- | @since
-instance Semigroup [a] where
- (<>) = (++)
- stimes n x
- | n < 0 = errorWithoutStackTrace "stimes: [], negative multiplier"
- | otherwise = rep n
- where
- rep 0 = []
- rep i = x ++ rep (i - 1)
--- | @since
-instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (Maybe a) where
- Nothing <> b = b
- a <> Nothing = a
- Just a <> Just b = Just (a <> b)
- stimes _ Nothing = Nothing
- stimes n (Just a) = case compare n 0 of
- LT -> errorWithoutStackTrace "stimes: Maybe, negative multiplier"
- EQ -> Nothing
- GT -> Just (stimes n a)
--- | @since
-instance Semigroup (Either a b) where
- Left _ <> b = b
- a <> _ = a
- stimes = stimesIdempotent
--- | @since
-instance (Semigroup a, Semigroup b) => Semigroup (a, b) where
- (a,b) <> (a',b') = (a<>a',b<>b')
- stimes n (a,b) = (stimes n a, stimes n b)
--- | @since
-instance (Semigroup a, Semigroup b, Semigroup c) => Semigroup (a, b, c) where
- (a,b,c) <> (a',b',c') = (a<>a',b<>b',c<>c')
- stimes n (a,b,c) = (stimes n a, stimes n b, stimes n c)
--- | @since
-instance (Semigroup a, Semigroup b, Semigroup c, Semigroup d)
- => Semigroup (a, b, c, d) where
- (a,b,c,d) <> (a',b',c',d') = (a<>a',b<>b',c<>c',d<>d')
- stimes n (a,b,c,d) = (stimes n a, stimes n b, stimes n c, stimes n d)
--- | @since
-instance (Semigroup a, Semigroup b, Semigroup c, Semigroup d, Semigroup e)
- => Semigroup (a, b, c, d, e) where
- (a,b,c,d,e) <> (a',b',c',d',e') = (a<>a',b<>b',c<>c',d<>d',e<>e')
- stimes n (a,b,c,d,e) =
- (stimes n a, stimes n b, stimes n c, stimes n d, stimes n e)
--- | @since
-instance Semigroup Ordering where
- LT <> _ = LT
- EQ <> y = y
- GT <> _ = GT
- stimes = stimesIdempotentMonoid
--- | @since
-instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (Dual a) where
- Dual a <> Dual b = Dual (b <> a)
- stimes n (Dual a) = Dual (stimes n a)
--- | @since
-instance Semigroup (Endo a) where
- (<>) = coerce ((.) :: (a -> a) -> (a -> a) -> (a -> a))
- stimes = stimesMonoid
--- | @since
-instance Semigroup All where
- (<>) = coerce (&&)
- stimes = stimesIdempotentMonoid
--- | @since
-instance Semigroup Any where
- (<>) = coerce (||)
- stimes = stimesIdempotentMonoid
--- | @since
-instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (Down a) where
- Down a <> Down b = Down (a <> b)
- stimes n (Down a) = Down (stimes n a)
--- | @since
-instance Num a => Semigroup (Sum a) where
- (<>) = coerce ((+) :: a -> a -> a)
- stimes n (Sum a) = Sum (fromIntegral n * a)
--- | @since
-instance Num a => Semigroup (Product a) where
- (<>) = coerce ((*) :: a -> a -> a)
- stimes n (Product a) = Product (a ^ n)
--- | This is a valid definition of 'stimes' for a 'Monoid'.
--- Unlike the default definition of 'stimes', it is defined for 0
--- and so it should be preferred where possible.
-stimesMonoid :: (Integral b, Monoid a) => b -> a -> a
-stimesMonoid n x0 = case compare n 0 of
- LT -> errorWithoutStackTrace "stimesMonoid: negative multiplier"
- EQ -> mempty
- GT -> f x0 n
- where
- f x y
- | even y = f (x `mappend` x) (y `quot` 2)
- | y == 1 = x
- | otherwise = g (x `mappend` x) (pred y `quot` 2) x
- g x y z
- | even y = g (x `mappend` x) (y `quot` 2) z
- | y == 1 = x `mappend` z
- | otherwise = g (x `mappend` x) (pred y `quot` 2) (x `mappend` z)
--- | This is a valid definition of 'stimes' for an idempotent 'Monoid'.
--- When @mappend x x = x@, this definition should be preferred, because it
--- works in /O(1)/ rather than /O(log n)/
-stimesIdempotentMonoid :: (Integral b, Monoid a) => b -> a -> a
-stimesIdempotentMonoid n x = case compare n 0 of
- LT -> errorWithoutStackTrace "stimesIdempotentMonoid: negative multiplier"
- EQ -> mempty
- GT -> x
--- | This is a valid definition of 'stimes' for an idempotent 'Semigroup'.
--- When @x <> x = x@, this definition should be preferred, because it
--- works in /O(1)/ rather than /O(log n)/.
-stimesIdempotent :: Integral b => b -> a -> a
-stimesIdempotent n x
- | n <= 0 = errorWithoutStackTrace "stimesIdempotent: positive multiplier expected"
- | otherwise = x
--- | @since
-instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (Identity a) where
- (<>) = coerce ((<>) :: a -> a -> a)
- stimes n (Identity a) = Identity (stimes n a)
--- | @since
-instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (Const a b) where
- (<>) = coerce ((<>) :: a -> a -> a)
- stimes n (Const a) = Const (stimes n a)
--- | @since
-instance Semigroup (Monoid.First a) where
- Monoid.First Nothing <> b = b
- a <> _ = a
- stimes = stimesIdempotentMonoid
--- | @since
-instance Semigroup (Monoid.Last a) where
- a <> Monoid.Last Nothing = a
- _ <> b = b
- stimes = stimesIdempotentMonoid
--- | @since
-instance Alternative f => Semigroup (Alt f a) where
- (<>) = coerce ((<|>) :: f a -> f a -> f a)
- stimes = stimesMonoid
--- | @since
-instance Semigroup Void where
- a <> _ = a
- stimes = stimesIdempotent
--- | @since
-instance Semigroup (NonEmpty a) where
- (a :| as) <> ~(b :| bs) = a :| (as ++ b : bs)
+-- | This lets you use a difference list of a 'Semigroup' as a 'Monoid'.
+diff :: Semigroup m => m -> Endo m
+diff = Endo . (<>)
newtype Min a = Min { getMin :: a }
deriving (Bounded, Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Data, Generic, Generic1)
@@ -354,7 +117,6 @@ instance Ord a => Semigroup (Min a) where
-- | @since
instance (Ord a, Bounded a) => Monoid (Min a) where
mempty = maxBound
- mappend = (<>)
-- | @since
instance Functor Min where
@@ -417,7 +179,6 @@ instance Ord a => Semigroup (Max a) where
-- | @since
instance (Ord a, Bounded a) => Monoid (Max a) where
mempty = minBound
- mappend = (<>)
-- | @since
instance Functor Max where
@@ -498,7 +259,7 @@ instance Bifunctor Arg where
-- | @since
instance Bifoldable Arg where
- bifoldMap f g (Arg a b) = f a `mappend` g b
+ bifoldMap f g (Arg a b) = f a <> g b
-- | @since
instance Bitraversable Arg where
@@ -606,6 +367,9 @@ instance MonadFix Last where
mfix f = fix (f . getLast)
-- | Provide a Semigroup for an arbitrary Monoid.
+-- __NOTE__: This is not needed anymore since 'Semigroup' became a superclass of
+-- 'Monoid' in /base-4.11/ and this newtype be deprecated at some point in the future.
newtype WrappedMonoid m = WrapMonoid { unwrapMonoid :: m }
deriving (Bounded, Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Data, Generic, Generic1)
@@ -616,7 +380,6 @@ instance Monoid m => Semigroup (WrappedMonoid m) where
-- | @since
instance Monoid m => Monoid (WrappedMonoid m) where
mempty = WrapMonoid mempty
- mappend = (<>)
-- | @since
instance Enum a => Enum (WrappedMonoid a) where
@@ -700,44 +463,15 @@ option n j (Option m) = maybe n j m
-- | @since
instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (Option a) where
(<>) = coerce ((<>) :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a)
+#if !defined(__HADDOCK_VERSION__)
+ -- workaround
stimes _ (Option Nothing) = Option Nothing
stimes n (Option (Just a)) = case compare n 0 of
LT -> errorWithoutStackTrace "stimes: Option, negative multiplier"
EQ -> Option Nothing
GT -> Option (Just (stimes n a))
-- | @since
instance Semigroup a => Monoid (Option a) where
mempty = Option Nothing
- mappend = (<>)
--- | This lets you use a difference list of a 'Semigroup' as a 'Monoid'.
-diff :: Semigroup m => m -> Endo m
-diff = Endo . (<>)
--- | @since
-instance Semigroup (Proxy s) where
- _ <> _ = Proxy
- sconcat _ = Proxy
- stimes _ _ = Proxy
--- | @since
-instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (IO a) where
- (<>) = liftA2 (<>)
--- | @since
-instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (ST s a) where
- (<>) = liftA2 (<>)
-#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
--- | @since
-instance Semigroup Event where
- (<>) = mappend
- stimes = stimesMonoid
--- | @since
-instance Semigroup Lifetime where
- (<>) = mappend
- stimes = stimesMonoid