path: root/libraries/base/GHC/Exception.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'libraries/base/GHC/Exception.hs')
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/base/GHC/Exception.hs b/libraries/base/GHC/Exception.hs
index 20b487cc9c..c31a203f9b 100644
--- a/libraries/base/GHC/Exception.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/GHC/Exception.hs
@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ import Data.Typeable (Typeable, cast)
import GHC.Base
import GHC.Show
import GHC.Stack.Types
+import GHC.OldList
+import GHC.IO.Unsafe
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Stack.CCS
{- |
The @SomeException@ type is the root of the exception type hierarchy.
@@ -180,9 +183,17 @@ errorCallException :: String -> SomeException
errorCallException s = toException (ErrorCall s)
errorCallWithCallStackException :: String -> CallStack -> SomeException
-errorCallWithCallStackException s stk
- = toException (ErrorCallWithLocation s (showCallStack (popCallStack stk)))
+errorCallWithCallStackException s stk = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ do
+ ccsStack <- currentCallStack
+ let
+ implicitParamCallStack = showCallStackLines (popCallStack stk)
+ ccsCallStack = showCCSStack ccsStack
+ stack = intercalate "\n" $ implicitParamCallStack ++ ccsCallStack
+ return $ toException (ErrorCallWithLocation s stack)
+showCCSStack :: [String] -> [String]
+showCCSStack [] = []
+showCCSStack stk = "CallStack (from -prof):" : map (" " ++) (reverse stk)
-- | Pretty print 'SrcLoc'
@@ -200,17 +211,13 @@ showSrcLoc SrcLoc {..}
-- @since
showCallStack :: CallStack -> String
-showCallStack (CallStack stk@(_:_))
- = unlines ("CallStack:" : map (indent . showCallSite) stk)
- where
- -- Data.OldList isn't available yet, so we repeat the definition here
- unlines [] = []
- unlines [l] = l
- unlines (l:ls) = l ++ '\n' : unlines ls
- indent l = " " ++ l
- showCallSite (f, loc) = f ++ ", called at " ++ showSrcLoc loc
-showCallStack _ = error "CallStack cannot be empty!"
+showCallStack = intercalate "\n" . showCallStackLines
+showCallStackLines :: CallStack -> [String]
+showCallStackLines (CallStack stk) =
+ "CallStack (from ImplicitParams):" : map ((" " ++) . showCallSite) stk
+ where
+ showCallSite (f, loc) = f ++ ", called at " ++ showSrcLoc loc
-- | Remove the most recent callsite from the 'CallStack'