path: root/libraries/base/GHC/Read.lhs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'libraries/base/GHC/Read.lhs')
1 files changed, 608 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/base/GHC/Read.lhs b/libraries/base/GHC/Read.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e66f85a96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/base/GHC/Read.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,608 @@
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% $Id: Read.lhs,v 1.1 2001/06/28 14:15:03 simonmar Exp $
+% (c) The University of Glasgow, 1994-2000
+\section[GHC.Read]{Module @GHC.Read@}
+Instances of the Read class.
+{-# OPTIONS -fno-implicit-prelude #-}
+module GHC.Read where
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Err ( error )
+import GHC.Enum ( Enum(..), maxBound )
+import GHC.Num
+import GHC.Real
+import GHC.Float
+import GHC.List
+import GHC.Maybe
+import GHC.Show -- isAlpha etc
+import GHC.Base
+%* *
+\subsection{The @Read@ class}
+%* *
+Note: if you compile this with -DNEW_READS_REP, you'll get
+a (simpler) ReadS representation that only allow one valid
+parse of a string of characters, instead of a list of
+possible ones.
+[changing the ReadS rep has implications for the deriving
+machinery for Read, a change that hasn't been made, so you
+probably won't want to compile in this new rep. except
+when in an experimental mood.]
+#ifndef NEW_READS_REP
+type ReadS a = String -> [(a,String)]
+type ReadS a = String -> Maybe (a,String)
+class Read a where
+ readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS a
+ readList :: ReadS [a]
+ readList = readList__ reads
+In this module we treat [(a,String)] as a monad in Control.MonadPlus
+But Control.MonadPlus isn't defined yet, so we simply give local
+declarations for mzero and guard suitable for this particular
+type. It would also be reasonably to move Control.MonadPlus to GHC.Base
+along with Control.Monad and Functor, but that seems overkill for one
+mzero :: [a]
+mzero = []
+guard :: Bool -> [()]
+guard True = [()]
+guard False = []
+%* *
+\subsection{Utility functions}
+%* *
+reads :: (Read a) => ReadS a
+reads = readsPrec 0
+read :: (Read a) => String -> a
+read s =
+ case read_s s of
+#ifndef NEW_READS_REP
+ [x] -> x
+ [] -> error " no parse"
+ _ -> error " ambiguous parse"
+ Just x -> x
+ Nothing -> error " no parse"
+ where
+ read_s str = do
+ (x,str1) <- reads str
+ ("","") <- lex str1
+ return x
+readParen :: Bool -> ReadS a -> ReadS a
+readParen b g = if b then mandatory else optional
+ where optional r = g r ++ mandatory r
+ mandatory r = do
+ ("(",s) <- lex r
+ (x,t) <- optional s
+ (")",u) <- lex t
+ return (x,u)
+readList__ :: ReadS a -> ReadS [a]
+readList__ readx
+ = readParen False (\r -> do
+ ("[",s) <- lex r
+ readl s)
+ where readl s =
+ (do { ("]",t) <- lex s ; return ([],t) }) ++
+ (do { (x,t) <- readx s ; (xs,u) <- readl2 t ; return (x:xs,u) })
+ readl2 s =
+ (do { ("]",t) <- lex s ; return ([],t) }) ++
+ (do { (",",t) <- lex s ; (x,u) <- readx t ; (xs,v) <- readl2 u ; return (x:xs,v) })
+%* *
+\subsection{Lexical analysis}
+%* *
+This lexer is not completely faithful to the Haskell lexical syntax.
+Current limitations:
+ Qualified names are not handled properly
+ A `--' does not terminate a symbol
+ Octal and hexidecimal numerics are not recognized as a single token
+lex :: ReadS String
+lex "" = return ("","")
+lex (c:s) | isSpace c = lex (dropWhile isSpace s)
+lex ('\'':s) = do
+ (ch, '\'':t) <- lexLitChar s
+ guard (ch /= "'")
+ return ('\'':ch++"'", t)
+lex ('"':s) = do
+ (str,t) <- lexString s
+ return ('"':str, t)
+ where
+ lexString ('"':s) = return ("\"",s)
+ lexString s = do
+ (ch,t) <- lexStrItem s
+ (str,u) <- lexString t
+ return (ch++str, u)
+ lexStrItem ('\\':'&':s) = return ("\\&",s)
+ lexStrItem ('\\':c:s) | isSpace c = do
+ ('\\':t) <- return (dropWhile isSpace s)
+ return ("\\&",t)
+ lexStrItem s = lexLitChar s
+lex (c:s) | isSingle c = return ([c],s)
+ | isSym c = do
+ (sym,t) <- return (span isSym s)
+ return (c:sym,t)
+ | isAlpha c = do
+ (nam,t) <- return (span isIdChar s)
+ return (c:nam, t)
+ | isDigit c = do
+{- Removed, 13/03/2000 by SDM.
+ Doesn't work, and not required by Haskell report.
+ let
+ (pred, s', isDec) =
+ case s of
+ ('o':rs) -> (isOctDigit, rs, False)
+ ('O':rs) -> (isOctDigit, rs, False)
+ ('x':rs) -> (isHexDigit, rs, False)
+ ('X':rs) -> (isHexDigit, rs, False)
+ _ -> (isDigit, s, True)
+ (ds,s) <- return (span isDigit s)
+ (fe,t) <- lexFracExp s
+ return (c:ds++fe,t)
+ | otherwise = mzero -- bad character
+ where
+ isSingle c = c `elem` ",;()[]{}_`"
+ isSym c = c `elem` "!@#$%&*+./<=>?\\^|:-~"
+ isIdChar c = isAlphaNum c || c `elem` "_'"
+ lexFracExp ('.':c:cs) | isDigit c = do
+ (ds,t) <- lex0Digits cs
+ (e,u) <- lexExp t
+ return ('.':c:ds++e,u)
+ lexFracExp s = return ("",s)
+ lexExp (e:s) | e `elem` "eE" =
+ (do
+ (c:t) <- return s
+ guard (c `elem` "+-")
+ (ds,u) <- lexDecDigits t
+ return (e:c:ds,u)) ++
+ (do
+ (ds,t) <- lexDecDigits s
+ return (e:ds,t))
+ lexExp s = return ("",s)
+lexDigits :: ReadS String
+lexDigits = lexDecDigits
+lexDecDigits :: ReadS String
+lexDecDigits = nonnull isDigit
+lexOctDigits :: ReadS String
+lexOctDigits = nonnull isOctDigit
+lexHexDigits :: ReadS String
+lexHexDigits = nonnull isHexDigit
+-- 0 or more digits
+lex0Digits :: ReadS String
+lex0Digits s = return (span isDigit s)
+nonnull :: (Char -> Bool) -> ReadS String
+nonnull p s = do
+ (cs@(_:_),t) <- return (span p s)
+ return (cs,t)
+lexLitChar :: ReadS String
+lexLitChar ('\\':s) = do
+ (esc,t) <- lexEsc s
+ return ('\\':esc, t)
+ where
+ lexEsc (c:s) | c `elem` escChars = return ([c],s)
+ lexEsc s@(d:_) | isDigit d = checkSize 10 lexDecDigits s
+ lexEsc ('o':d:s) | isOctDigit d = checkSize 8 lexOctDigits (d:s)
+ lexEsc ('O':d:s) | isOctDigit d = checkSize 8 lexOctDigits (d:s)
+ lexEsc ('x':d:s) | isHexDigit d = checkSize 16 lexHexDigits (d:s)
+ lexEsc ('X':d:s) | isHexDigit d = checkSize 16 lexHexDigits (d:s)
+ lexEsc ('^':c:s) | c >= '@' && c <= '_' = [(['^',c],s)] -- cf. cntrl in 2.6 of H. report.
+ lexEsc s@(c:_) | isUpper c = fromAsciiLab s
+ lexEsc _ = mzero
+ escChars = "abfnrtv\\\"'"
+ fromAsciiLab (x:y:z:ls) | isUpper y && (isUpper z || isDigit z) &&
+ [x,y,z] `elem` asciiEscTab = return ([x,y,z], ls)
+ fromAsciiLab (x:y:ls) | isUpper y &&
+ [x,y] `elem` asciiEscTab = return ([x,y], ls)
+ fromAsciiLab _ = mzero
+ asciiEscTab = "DEL" : asciiTab
+ {-
+ Check that the numerically escaped char literals are
+ within accepted boundaries.
+ Note: this allows char lits with leading zeros, i.e.,
+ \0000000000000000000000000000001.
+ -}
+ checkSize base f str = do
+ (num, res) <- f str
+ if toAnInteger base num > toInteger (ord maxBound) then
+ mzero
+ else
+ case base of
+ 8 -> return ('o':num, res)
+ 16 -> return ('x':num, res)
+ _ -> return (num, res)
+ toAnInteger base = foldl (\ acc n -> acc*base + toInteger (digitToInt n)) 0
+lexLitChar (c:s) = return ([c],s)
+lexLitChar "" = mzero
+digitToInt :: Char -> Int
+digitToInt c
+ | isDigit c = fromEnum c - fromEnum '0'
+ | c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' = fromEnum c - fromEnum 'a' + 10
+ | c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' = fromEnum c - fromEnum 'A' + 10
+ | otherwise = error ("Char.digitToInt: not a digit " ++ show c) -- sigh
+%* *
+\subsection{Instances of @Read@}
+%* *
+instance Read Char where
+ readsPrec _ = readParen False
+ (\r -> do
+ ('\'':s,t) <- lex r
+ (c,"\'") <- readLitChar s
+ return (c,t))
+ readList = readParen False (\r -> do
+ ('"':s,t) <- lex r
+ (l,_) <- readl s
+ return (l,t))
+ where readl ('"':s) = return ("",s)
+ readl ('\\':'&':s) = readl s
+ readl s = do
+ (c,t) <- readLitChar s
+ (cs,u) <- readl t
+ return (c:cs,u)
+instance Read Bool where
+ readsPrec _ = readParen False
+ (\r ->
+ lex r >>= \ lr ->
+ (do { ("True", rest) <- return lr ; return (True, rest) }) ++
+ (do { ("False", rest) <- return lr ; return (False, rest) }))
+instance Read Ordering where
+ readsPrec _ = readParen False
+ (\r ->
+ lex r >>= \ lr ->
+ (do { ("LT", rest) <- return lr ; return (LT, rest) }) ++
+ (do { ("EQ", rest) <- return lr ; return (EQ, rest) }) ++
+ (do { ("GT", rest) <- return lr ; return (GT, rest) }))
+instance Read a => Read (Maybe a) where
+ readsPrec _ = readParen False
+ (\r ->
+ lex r >>= \ lr ->
+ (do { ("Nothing", rest) <- return lr ; return (Nothing, rest)}) ++
+ (do
+ ("Just", rest1) <- return lr
+ (x, rest2) <- reads rest1
+ return (Just x, rest2)))
+instance (Read a, Read b) => Read (Either a b) where
+ readsPrec _ = readParen False
+ (\r ->
+ lex r >>= \ lr ->
+ (do
+ ("Left", rest1) <- return lr
+ (x, rest2) <- reads rest1
+ return (Left x, rest2)) ++
+ (do
+ ("Right", rest1) <- return lr
+ (x, rest2) <- reads rest1
+ return (Right x, rest2)))
+instance Read Int where
+ readsPrec _ x = readSigned readDec x
+instance Read Integer where
+ readsPrec _ x = readSigned readDec x
+instance Read Float where
+ readsPrec _ x = readSigned readFloat x
+instance Read Double where
+ readsPrec _ x = readSigned readFloat x
+instance (Integral a, Read a) => Read (Ratio a) where
+ readsPrec p = readParen (p > ratio_prec)
+ (\r -> do
+ (x,s) <- reads r
+ ("%",t) <- lex s
+ (y,u) <- reads t
+ return (x%y,u))
+instance (Read a) => Read [a] where
+ readsPrec _ = readList
+instance Read () where
+ readsPrec _ = readParen False
+ (\r -> do
+ ("(",s) <- lex r
+ (")",t) <- lex s
+ return ((),t))
+instance (Read a, Read b) => Read (a,b) where
+ readsPrec _ = readParen False
+ (\r -> do
+ ("(",s) <- lex r
+ (x,t) <- readsPrec 0 s
+ (",",u) <- lex t
+ (y,v) <- readsPrec 0 u
+ (")",w) <- lex v
+ return ((x,y), w))
+instance (Read a, Read b, Read c) => Read (a, b, c) where
+ readsPrec _ = readParen False
+ (\a -> do
+ ("(",b) <- lex a
+ (x,c) <- readsPrec 0 b
+ (",",d) <- lex c
+ (y,e) <- readsPrec 0 d
+ (",",f) <- lex e
+ (z,g) <- readsPrec 0 f
+ (")",h) <- lex g
+ return ((x,y,z), h))
+instance (Read a, Read b, Read c, Read d) => Read (a, b, c, d) where
+ readsPrec _ = readParen False
+ (\a -> do
+ ("(",b) <- lex a
+ (w,c) <- readsPrec 0 b
+ (",",d) <- lex c
+ (x,e) <- readsPrec 0 d
+ (",",f) <- lex e
+ (y,g) <- readsPrec 0 f
+ (",",h) <- lex g
+ (z,h) <- readsPrec 0 h
+ (")",i) <- lex h
+ return ((w,x,y,z), i))
+instance (Read a, Read b, Read c, Read d, Read e) => Read (a, b, c, d, e) where
+ readsPrec _ = readParen False
+ (\a -> do
+ ("(",b) <- lex a
+ (v,c) <- readsPrec 0 b
+ (",",d) <- lex c
+ (w,e) <- readsPrec 0 d
+ (",",f) <- lex e
+ (x,g) <- readsPrec 0 f
+ (",",h) <- lex g
+ (y,i) <- readsPrec 0 h
+ (",",j) <- lex i
+ (z,k) <- readsPrec 0 j
+ (")",l) <- lex k
+ return ((v,w,x,y,z), l))
+%* *
+\subsection{Reading characters}
+%* *
+readLitChar :: ReadS Char
+readLitChar [] = mzero
+readLitChar ('\\':s) = readEsc s
+ where
+ readEsc ('a':s) = return ('\a',s)
+ readEsc ('b':s) = return ('\b',s)
+ readEsc ('f':s) = return ('\f',s)
+ readEsc ('n':s) = return ('\n',s)
+ readEsc ('r':s) = return ('\r',s)
+ readEsc ('t':s) = return ('\t',s)
+ readEsc ('v':s) = return ('\v',s)
+ readEsc ('\\':s) = return ('\\',s)
+ readEsc ('"':s) = return ('"',s)
+ readEsc ('\'':s) = return ('\'',s)
+ readEsc ('^':c:s) | c >= '@' && c <= '_'
+ = return (chr (ord c - ord '@'), s)
+ readEsc s@(d:_) | isDigit d
+ = do
+ (n,t) <- readDec s
+ return (chr n,t)
+ readEsc ('o':s) = do
+ (n,t) <- readOct s
+ return (chr n,t)
+ readEsc ('x':s) = do
+ (n,t) <- readHex s
+ return (chr n,t)
+ readEsc s@(c:_) | isUpper c
+ = let table = ('\DEL', "DEL") : zip ['\NUL'..] asciiTab
+ in case [(c,s') | (c, mne) <- table,
+ ([],s') <- [match mne s]]
+ of (pr:_) -> return pr
+ [] -> mzero
+ readEsc _ = mzero
+readLitChar (c:s) = return (c,s)
+match :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> ([a],[a])
+match (x:xs) (y:ys) | x == y = match xs ys
+match xs ys = (xs,ys)
+%* *
+\subsection{Reading numbers}
+%* *
+Note: reading numbers at bases different than 10, does not
+include lexing common prefixes such as '0x' or '0o' etc.
+{-# SPECIALISE readDec ::
+ ReadS Int,
+ ReadS Integer #-}
+readDec :: (Integral a) => ReadS a
+readDec = readInt 10 isDigit (\d -> ord d - ord '0')
+{-# SPECIALISE readOct ::
+ ReadS Int,
+ ReadS Integer #-}
+readOct :: (Integral a) => ReadS a
+readOct = readInt 8 isOctDigit (\d -> ord d - ord '0')
+{-# SPECIALISE readHex ::
+ ReadS Int,
+ ReadS Integer #-}
+readHex :: (Integral a) => ReadS a
+readHex = readInt 16 isHexDigit hex
+ where hex d = ord d - (if isDigit d then ord '0'
+ else ord (if isUpper d then 'A' else 'a') - 10)
+readInt :: (Integral a) => a -> (Char -> Bool) -> (Char -> Int) -> ReadS a
+readInt radix isDig digToInt s = do
+ (ds,r) <- nonnull isDig s
+ return (foldl1 (\n d -> n * radix + d)
+ (map (fromInteger . toInteger . digToInt) ds), r)
+{-# SPECIALISE readSigned ::
+ ReadS Int -> ReadS Int,
+ ReadS Integer -> ReadS Integer,
+ ReadS Double -> ReadS Double #-}
+readSigned :: (Real a) => ReadS a -> ReadS a
+readSigned readPos = readParen False read'
+ where read' r = read'' r ++
+ (do
+ ("-",s) <- lex r
+ (x,t) <- read'' s
+ return (-x,t))
+ read'' r = do
+ (str,s) <- lex r
+ (n,"") <- readPos str
+ return (n,s)
+The functions readFloat below uses rational arithmetic
+to ensure correct conversion between the floating-point radix and
+decimal. It is often possible to use a higher-precision floating-
+point type to obtain the same results.
+{-# SPECIALISE readFloat ::
+ ReadS Double,
+ ReadS Float #-}
+readFloat :: (RealFloat a) => ReadS a
+readFloat r = do
+ (x,t) <- readRational r
+ return (fromRational x,t)
+readRational :: ReadS Rational -- NB: doesn't handle leading "-"
+readRational r =
+ (do
+ (n,d,s) <- readFix r
+ (k,t) <- readExp s
+ return ((n%1)*10^^(k-d), t )) ++
+ (do
+ ("NaN",t) <- lex r
+ return (0/0,t) ) ++
+ (do
+ ("Infinity",t) <- lex r
+ return (1/0,t) )
+ where
+ readFix r = do
+ (ds,s) <- lexDecDigits r
+ (ds',t) <- lexDotDigits s
+ return (read (ds++ds'), length ds', t)
+ readExp (e:s) | e `elem` "eE" = readExp' s
+ readExp s = return (0,s)
+ readExp' ('+':s) = readDec s
+ readExp' ('-':s) = do
+ (k,t) <- readDec s
+ return (-k,t)
+ readExp' s = readDec s
+ lexDotDigits ('.':s) = lex0Digits s
+ lexDotDigits s = return ("",s)
+readRational__ :: String -> Rational -- we export this one (non-std)
+ -- NB: *does* handle a leading "-"
+readRational__ top_s
+ = case top_s of
+ '-' : xs -> - (read_me xs)
+ xs -> read_me xs
+ where
+ read_me s
+ = case (do { (x,t) <- readRational s ; ("","") <- lex t ; return x }) of
+#ifndef NEW_READS_REP
+ [x] -> x
+ [] -> error ("readRational__: no parse:" ++ top_s)
+ _ -> error ("readRational__: ambiguous parse:" ++ top_s)
+ Just x -> x
+ Nothing -> error ("readRational__: no parse:" ++ top_s)