path: root/libraries/base/jsbits/base.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'libraries/base/jsbits/base.js')
1 files changed, 839 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/base/jsbits/base.js b/libraries/base/jsbits/base.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd491bac00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/base/jsbits/base.js
@@ -0,0 +1,839 @@
+#include "HsBaseConfig.h"
+// #define GHCJS_TRACE_IO 1
+function h$logIO() { h$log.apply(h$log, arguments); }
+#define TRACE_IO(args...) h$logIO(args)
+#define TRACE_IO(args...)
+function h$base_access(file, file_off, mode, c) {
+ TRACE_IO("base_access")
+ if(h$isNode()) {
+ h$fs.stat(fd, function(err, fs) {
+ if(err) {
+ h$handleErrnoC(err, -1, 0, c);
+ } else {
+ c(mode & fs.mode); // fixme is this ok?
+ }
+ });
+ } else
+ h$unsupported(-1, c);
+function h$base_chmod(file, file_off, mode, c) {
+ TRACE_IO("base_chmod")
+ if(h$isNode()) {
+ h$fs.chmod(h$decodeUtf8z(file, file_off), mode, function(err) {
+ h$handleErrnoC(err, -1, 0, c);
+ });
+ } else
+ h$unsupported(-1, c);
+function h$base_close(fd, c) {
+ TRACE_IO("base_close fd: " + fd)
+ var fdo = h$base_fds[fd];
+ if(fdo) {
+ delete h$base_fds[fd];
+ if(--fdo.refs < 1) {
+ TRACE_IO("base_close: closing underlying fd")
+ if(fdo.close) {
+ fdo.close(fd, fdo, c);
+ } else {
+ c(0);
+ }
+ } else {
+ TRACE_IO("base_close: remaining references, not closing underlying fd")
+ c(0);
+ }
+ } else {
+ TRACE_IO("base_close: file descriptor not found, already closed?")
+ h$errno = CONST_EINVAL;
+ c(-1);
+ }
+function h$base_dup(fd, c) {
+ // h$log("h$base_dup al: " + arguments.length);
+ h$base_dup2(fd, h$base_fdN--, c);
+function h$base_dup2(fd, new_fd, c) {
+ TRACE_IO("base_dup2 " + fd + " " + new_fd)
+ // if(new_fd >= 0 && new_fd <= 2) {
+ // }
+ // h$log("h$base_dup2 al: " + arguments.length);
+ // if(fd >= 0 && fd < 2) {
+ // h$errno = CONST_EINVAL;
+ // c(-1);
+ // fixme make sure it can't be called again!
+ // return;
+ // } // && new_fd )
+ /* Fixme:
+ The two descriptors do not share file descriptor flags
+ (the close-on-exec flag). The close-on-exec flag
+ (FD_CLOEXEC; see fcntl(2)) for the duplicate descriptor is off.
+ */
+ var fdo = h$base_fds[fd];
+ if(!fdo) {
+ TRACE_IO("file descriptor not found")
+ h$errno = CONST_EINVAL;
+ c(-1);
+ } else {
+ var new_fdo = h$base_fds[new_fd];
+ function f() {
+ h$base_fds[new_fd] = fdo;
+ fdo.refs++;
+ c(new_fd);
+ }
+ if(new_fdo) {
+ TRACE_IO("closing existing fd")
+ h$base_close(new_fd, f);
+ } else {
+ f();
+ } // h$new_fdo.close();
+ }
+function h$base_fstat(fd, stat, stat_off, c) {
+ TRACE_IO("base_stat")
+ if(h$isNode()) {
+ h$fs.fstat(fd, function(err, fs) {
+ if(err) {
+ h$handleErrnoC(err, -1, 0, c);
+ } else {
+ h$base_fillStat(fs, stat, stat_off);
+ c(0);
+ }
+ });
+ } else
+ h$unsupported(-1, c);
+function h$base_isatty(fd) {
+ TRACE_IO("base_isatty " + fd)
+ // return 1; // fixme debug
+ var fdo = h$base_fds[fd];
+ if(fdo && typeof fdo.isatty !== 'undefined') {
+ if(typeof fdo.isatty === 'function') return fdo.isatty() ? 1 : 0;
+ return fdo.isatty ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+#define TWO_PWR_32_DBL_ 0x100000000
+#define TWO_PWR_63_DBL_ 0x8000000000000000
+#define CLOSEST_FLOAT_NUMBER(h,l) (((h)*TWO_PWR_32_DBL_) + ((l)>>>0))
+ * Returns a 64-bit represention of the given number.
+ * NaN will be returned as zero.
+ * Infinity is converted to max value and
+ * -Infinity to min value.
+ * @param {f} The number in question.
+ * @param {c} the continuation taking high and low bits
+ */
+function h$long_from_number(f,c) {
+ if (f > 0) {
+ if (f >= TWO_PWR_63_DBL_) {
+ // return max value
+ return c(0x7FFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF);
+ }
+ return c(f / TWO_PWR_32_DBL_, f);
+ } else if (f < 0) {
+ if (f <= -TWO_PWR_63_DBL_) {
+ // return min value
+ return c(0x80000000,0);
+ }
+ var h = -f / TWO_PWR_32_DBL_;
+ var l = -f;
+ // negate h l
+ var nl = (~l + 1) | 0;
+ var nh = (~h + !nl) | 0;
+ return c(nh,nl);
+ } else {
+ // NaN or 0.
+ return c(0,0);
+ }
+function h$base_lseek(fd, pos_h, pos_l, whence, c) {
+ TRACE_IO("base_lseek")
+ if(h$isNode()) {
+ var p = CLOSEST_FLOAT_NUMBER(pos_h,pos_l);
+ var o = h$base_fds[fd];
+ if(!o) {
+ h$errno = CONST_BADF;
+ c(-1,-1);
+ } else {
+ switch(whence) {
+ case 0: /* SET */
+ o.pos = p;
+ c(pos_h, pos_l);
+ break;
+ case 1: /* CUR */
+ o.pos += p;
+ h$long_from_number(o.pos,c);
+ break;
+ case 2: /* END */
+ h$fs.fstat(fd, function(err, fs) {
+ if(err) {
+ h$setErrno(err);
+ c(-1,-1);
+ } else {
+ o.pos = fs.size + p;
+ h$long_from_number(o.pos,c);
+ }
+ });
+ break;
+ default:
+ h$errno = CONST_EINVAL;
+ c(-1,-1);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ h$unsupported();
+ c(-1, -1);
+ }
+function h$base_lstat(file, file_off, stat, stat_off, c) {
+ TRACE_IO("base_lstat")
+ if(h$isNode()) {
+ h$fs.lstat(h$decodeUtf8z(file, file_off), function(err, fs) {
+ if(err) {
+ h$handleErrnoC(err, -1, 0, c);
+ } else {
+ h$base_fillStat(fs, stat, stat_off);
+ c(0);
+ }
+ });
+ } else
+ h$unsupported(-1, c);
+function h$base_open(file, file_off, how, mode, c) {
+ if(h$isNode()) {
+ var flags, off;
+ var fp = h$decodeUtf8z(file, file_off);
+ TRACE_IO("base_open: " + fp)
+ var acc = how & h$base_o_accmode;
+ // passing a number lets node.js use it directly as the flags (undocumented)
+ if(acc === h$base_o_rdonly) {
+ flags = h$processConstants['fs']['O_RDONLY'];
+ } else if(acc === h$base_o_wronly) {
+ flags = h$processConstants['fs']['O_WRONLY'];
+ } else { // r+w
+ flags = h$processConstants['fs']['O_RDWR'];
+ }
+ off = (how & h$base_o_append) ? -1 : 0;
+ flags = flags | ((how & h$base_o_trunc) ? h$processConstants['fs']['O_TRUNC'] : 0)
+ | ((how & h$base_o_creat) ? h$processConstants['fs']['O_CREAT'] : 0)
+ | ((how & h$base_o_excl) ? h$processConstants['fs']['O_EXCL'] : 0)
+ | ((how & h$base_o_append) ? h$processConstants['fs']['O_APPEND'] : 0);
+ h$, flags, mode, function(err, fd) {
+ if(err) {
+ h$handleErrnoC(err, -1, 0, c);
+ } else {
+ var f = function(p) {
+ h$base_fds[fd] = { read: h$base_readFile
+ , write: h$base_writeFile
+ , close: h$base_closeFile
+ , fd: fd
+ , pos: p
+ , refs: 1
+ };
+ TRACE_IO("base_open: " + fp + " -> " + fd)
+ c(fd);
+ }
+ if(off === -1) {
+ h$fs.stat(fp, function(err, fs) {
+ if(err) h$handleErrnoC(err, -1, 0, c); else f(fs.size);
+ });
+ } else {
+ f(0);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ } else
+ h$unsupported(-1, c);
+function h$base_read(fd, buf, buf_off, n, c) {
+ TRACE_IO("base_read: " + fd)
+ var fdo = h$base_fds[fd];
+ if(fdo && {
+, fdo, buf, buf_off, n, c);
+ } else {
+ h$, buf.u8, buf_off, n, null, function(err, bytesRead, buf0) {
+ h$handleErrnoC(err, -1, bytesRead, c);
+ });
+ }
+function h$base_stat(file, file_off, stat, stat_off, c) {
+ TRACE_IO("base_stat")
+ if(h$isNode()) {
+ h$fs.stat(h$decodeUtf8z(file, file_off), function(err, fs) {
+ if(err) {
+ h$handleErrnoC(err, -1, 0, c);
+ } else {
+ h$base_fillStat(fs, stat, stat_off);
+ c(0);
+ }
+ });
+ } else
+ h$unsupported(-1, c);
+function h$base_umask(mode) {
+ TRACE_IO("base_umask: " + mode)
+ if(h$isNode()) return process.umask(mode);
+ return 0;
+function h$base_write(fd, buf, buf_off, n, c) {
+// fd: file descriptor number
+// buf: buffer to write
+// buf_off: offset in the buffer
+// n: number of bytes to write
+// c: continuation
+ TRACE_IO("base_write: " + fd)
+ var fdo = h$base_fds[fd];
+ if(fdo && fdo.write) {
+ fdo.write(fd, fdo, buf, buf_off, n, c);
+ } else {
+ h$fs.write(fd, buf.u8, buf_off, n, function(err, bytesWritten, buf0) {
+ h$handleErrnoC(err, -1, bytesWritten, c);
+ });
+ }
+function h$base_ftruncate(fd, pos_h, pos_l, c) {
+ TRACE_IO("base_ftruncate")
+ if(h$isNode()) {
+ h$fs.ftruncate(fd, CLOSEST_FLOAT_NUMBER(pos_h,pos_l), function(err) {
+ h$handleErrnoC(err, -1, 0, c);
+ });
+ } else
+ h$unsupported(-1, c);
+function h$base_unlink(file, file_off, c) {
+ TRACE_IO("base_unlink")
+ if(h$isNode()) {
+ h$fs.unlink(h$decodeUtf8z(file, file_off), function(err) {
+ h$handleErrnoC(err, -1, 0, c);
+ });
+ } else
+ h$unsupported(-1, c);
+function h$base_getpid() {
+ TRACE_IO("base_getpid")
+ if(h$isNode()) return;
+ return 0;
+function h$base_link(file1, file1_off, file2, file2_off, c) {
+ TRACE_IO("base_link")
+ if(h$isNode()) {
+ h$$decodeUtf8z(file1, file1_off), h$decodeUtf8z(file2, file2_off), function(err) {
+ h$handleErrnoC(err, -1, 0, c);
+ });
+ } else
+ h$unsupported(-1, c);
+function h$base_mkfifo(file, file_off, mode, c) {
+ throw "h$base_mkfifo";
+function h$base_sigemptyset(sigset, sigset_off) {
+ return 0;
+ // throw "h$base_sigemptyset";
+function h$base_sigaddset(sigset, sigset_off, sig) {
+ return 0;
+ // throw "h$base_sigaddset";
+function h$base_sigprocmask(sig, sigset1, sigset1_off, sigset2, sigset2_off) {
+ return 0;
+ // throw "h$base_sigprocmask";
+function h$base_tcgetattr(attr, termios, termios_off) {
+ return 0;
+function h$base_tcsetattr(attr, val, termios, termios_off) {
+ return 0;
+function h$base_utime(file, file_off, timbuf, timbuf_off, c) {
+ TRACE_IO("base_utime")
+ if(h$isNode()) {
+ h$fs.fstat(h$decodeUtf8z(file, file_off), function(err, fs) {
+ if(err) {
+ h$handleErrnoC(err, 0, -1, c); // fixme
+ } else {
+ h$long_from_number(fs.atime.getTime(), (h,l) => {
+ timbuf.i3[0] = h;
+ timbuf.i3[1] = l;
+ });
+ h$long_from_number(fs.mtime.getTime(), (h,l) => {
+ timbuf.i3[2] = h;
+ timbuf.i3[3] = l;
+ });
+ h$long_from_number(fs.ctime.getTime(), (h,l) => {
+ timbuf.i3[4] = h;
+ timbuf.i3[5] = l;
+ });
+ c(0);
+ }
+ });
+ } else
+ h$unsupported(-1, c);
+function h$base_waitpid(pid, stat, stat_off, options, c) {
+ throw "h$base_waitpid";
+/** @const */ var h$base_o_rdonly = 0x00000;
+/** @const */ var h$base_o_wronly = 0x00001;
+/** @const */ var h$base_o_rdwr = 0x00002;
+/** @const */ var h$base_o_accmode = 0x00003;
+/** @const */ var h$base_o_append = 0x00008;
+/** @const */ var h$base_o_creat = 0x00200;
+/** @const */ var h$base_o_trunc = 0x00400;
+/** @const */ var h$base_o_excl = 0x00800;
+/** @const */ var h$base_o_noctty = 0x20000;
+/** @const */ var h$base_o_nonblock = 0x00004;
+/** @const */ var h$base_o_binary = 0x00000;
+function h$base_c_s_isreg(mode) {
+ return 1;
+function h$base_c_s_ischr(mode) {
+ return 0;
+function h$base_c_s_isblk(mode) {
+ return 0;
+function h$base_c_s_isdir(mode) {
+ return 0; // fixme
+function h$base_c_s_isfifo(mode) {
+ return 0;
+function h$base_fillStat(fs, b, off) {
+ if(off%4) throw "h$base_fillStat: not aligned";
+ var o = off>>2;
+ b.i3[o+0] = fs.mode;
+ h$long_from_number(fs.size, (h,l) => {
+ b.i3[o+1] = h;
+ b.i3[o+2] = l;
+ });
+ b.i3[o+3] = 0; // fixme
+ b.i3[o+4] = 0; // fixme
+ b.i3[o+5] =;
+ h$long_from_number(fs.ino, (h,l) => {
+ b.i3[o+6] = h;
+ b.i3[o+7] = l;
+ });
+ b.i3[o+8] = fs.uid;
+ b.i3[o+9] = fs.gid;
+// [mode,size1,size2,mtime1,mtime2,dev,ino1,ino2,uid,gid] all 32 bit
+/** @const */ var h$base_sizeof_stat = 40;
+function h$base_st_mtime(stat, stat_off) {
+ RETURN_UBX_TUP2(stat.i3[(stat_off>>2)+3], stat.i3[(stat_off>>2)+4]);
+function h$base_st_size(stat, stat_off) {
+ RETURN_UBX_TUP2(stat.i3[(stat_off>>2)+1], stat.i3[(stat_off>>2)+2]);
+function h$base_st_mode(stat, stat_off) {
+ return stat.i3[stat_off>>2];
+function h$base_st_dev(stat, stat_off) {
+ return stat.i3[(stat_off>>2)+5];
+function h$base_st_ino(stat, stat_off) {
+ RETURN_UBX_TUP2(stat.i3[(stat_off>>2)+6], stat.i3[(stat_off>>2)+7]);
+/** @const */ var h$base_echo = 1;
+/** @const */ var h$base_tcsanow = 2;
+/** @const */ var h$base_icanon = 4;
+/** @const */ var h$base_vmin = 8;
+/** @const */ var h$base_vtime = 16;
+/** @const */ var h$base_sigttou = 0;
+/** @const */ var h$base_sig_block = 0;
+/** @const */ var h$base_sig_setmask = 0;
+/** @const */ var h$base_f_getfl = 0;
+/** @const */ var h$base_f_setfl = 0;
+/** @const */ var h$base_f_setfd = 0;
+/** @const */ var h$base_fd_cloexec = 0;
+/** @const */ var h$base_sizeof_termios = 4;
+/** @const */ var h$base_sizeof_sigset_t = 4;
+function h$base_lflag(termios, termios_off) {
+ return 0;
+function h$base_poke_lflag(termios, termios_off, flag) {
+ return 0;
+function h$base_ptr_c_cc(termios, termios_off) {
+ RETURN_UBX_TUP2(h$newByteArray(8), 0);
+/** @const */ var h$base_default_buffer_size = 32768;
+function h$base_c_s_issock(mode) {
+ return 0; // fixme
+/** @const */ var h$base_SEEK_SET = 0;
+/** @const */ var h$base_SEEK_CUR = 1;
+/** @const */ var h$base_SEEK_END = 2;
+function h$base_set_saved_termios(a, b, c) {
+ RETURN_UBX_TUP2(null, 0);
+function h$base_get_saved_termios(r) {
+ RETURN_UBX_TUP2(null, 0);
+// fixme
+function h$lockFile(fd, dev, ino, for_writing) {
+ TRACE_IO("lockFile:" + fd)
+ return 0;
+function h$unlockFile(fd) {
+ TRACE_IO("unlockFile:" + fd)
+ return 0;
+// engine-dependent setup
+var h$base_readStdin , h$base_writeStderr, h$base_writeStdout;
+var h$base_isattyStdin = false, h$base_isattyStdout = false, h$base_isattyStderr = false;
+var h$base_closeStdin = null, h$base_closeStderr = null, h$base_closeStdout = null;
+var h$base_readFile, h$base_writeFile, h$base_closeFile;
+var h$base_stdin_waiting = new h$Queue();
+var h$base_stdin_chunk = { buf: null
+ , pos: 0
+ , processing: false
+ };
+var h$base_stdin_eof = false;
+var h$base_process_stdin = function() {
+ var c = h$base_stdin_chunk;
+ var q = h$base_stdin_waiting;
+ if(!q.length() || c.processing) return;
+ c.processing = true;
+ if(!c.buf) { c.pos = 0; c.buf =; }
+ while(c.buf && q.length()) {
+ var x = q.dequeue();
+ var n = Math.min(c.buf.length - c.pos, x.n);
+ for(var i=0;i<n;i++) {
+ x.buf.u8[] = c.buf[c.pos+i];
+ }
+ c.pos += n;
+ x.c(n);
+ if(c.pos >= c.buf.length) c.buf = null;
+ if(!c.buf && q.length()) { c.pos = 0; c.buf =; }
+ }
+ while(h$base_stdin_eof && q.length()) q.dequeue().c(0);
+ c.processing = false;
+if(h$isNode()) {
+ h$base_closeFile = function(fd, fdo, c) {
+ TRACE_IO("base_closeFile: " + fd + " (" + fdo.fd + ")")
+ var real_fd = typeof fdo.fd === 'number' ? fdo.fd : fd;
+ h$fs.close(real_fd, function(err) {
+ delete h$base_fds[fd];
+ h$handleErrnoC(err, -1, 0, c);
+ });
+ }
+ h$base_readFile = function(fd, fdo, buf, buf_offset, n, c) {
+ var pos = typeof fdo.pos === 'number' ? fdo.pos : null;
+ TRACE_IO("base_readFile: " + fd + " (" + fdo.fd + ") " + pos + " " + buf_offset + " " + n)
+ var real_fd = typeof fdo.fd === 'number' ? fdo.fd : fd;
+ h$, Buffer.alloc(n), 0, n, pos, function(err, bytesRead, nbuf) {
+ if(err) {
+ h$setErrno(err);
+ c(-1);
+ } else {
+ for(var i=bytesRead-1;i>=0;i--) buf.u8[buf_offset+i] = nbuf[i];
+ if(typeof fdo.pos === 'number') fdo.pos += bytesRead;
+ c(bytesRead);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ h$base_readStdin = function(fd, fdo, buf, buf_offset, n, c) {
+ TRACE_IO("read stdin")
+ h$base_stdin_waiting.enqueue({buf: buf, off: buf_offset, n: n, c: c});
+ h$base_process_stdin();
+ }
+ h$base_closeStdin = function(fd, fdo, c) {
+ TRACE_IO("close stdin")
+ // process.stdin.close(); fixme
+ c(0);
+ }
+ h$base_writeFile = function(fd, fdo, buf, buf_offset, n, c) {
+ var pos = typeof fdo.pos === 'number' ? fdo.pos : null;
+ TRACE_IO("base_writeFile: " + fd + " (" + fdo.fd + ") " + pos + " " + buf_offset + " " + n)
+ var nbuf = Buffer.alloc(n);
+ for(var i=0;i<n;i++) nbuf[i] = buf.u8[i+buf_offset];
+ var real_fd = typeof fdo.fd === 'number' ? fdo.fd : fd;
+ if(typeof fdo.pos === 'number') fdo.pos += n;
+ h$fs.write(real_fd, nbuf, 0, n, pos, function(err, bytesWritten) {
+ TRACE_IO("written file: " + fd + " (" + fdo.fd + ")")
+ if(err) {
+ h$setErrno(err);
+ if(typeof fdo.pos === 'number') fdo.pos -= n;
+ if(h$errno === CONST_EAGAIN)
+ setTimeout(function() { h$base_writeFile(fd, fdo, buf, buf_offset, n, c); }, 20);
+ else c(-1);
+ } else {
+ if(typeof fdo.pos === 'number') fdo.pos += bytesWritten - n;
+ c(bytesWritten);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ h$base_writeStdout = function(fd, fdo, buf, buf_offset, n, c) {
+ TRACE_IO("write stdout")
+ h$base_writeFile(1, fdo, buf, buf_offset, n, c);
+ }
+ h$base_closeStdout = function(fd, fdo, c) {
+ TRACE_IO("close stdout")
+ // not actually closed, fixme?
+ c(0);
+ }
+ h$base_writeStderr = function(fd, fdo, buf, buf_offset, n, c) {
+ TRACE_IO("write stderr")
+ h$base_writeFile(2, fdo, buf, buf_offset, n, c);
+ }
+ h$base_closeStderr = function(fd, fdo, c) {
+ TRACE_IO("close stderr")
+ // not actually closed, fixme?
+ c(0);
+ }
+ process.stdin.on('readable', h$base_process_stdin);
+ process.stdin.on('end', function() { h$base_stdin_eof = true; h$base_process_stdin(); });
+ h$base_isattyStdin = function() { return process.stdin.isTTY; };
+ h$base_isattyStdout = function() { return process.stdout.isTTY; };
+ h$base_isattyStderr = function() { return process.stderr.isTTY; };
+} else if (h$isJsShell()) {
+ h$base_readStdin = function(fd, fdo, buf, buf_offset, n, c) {
+ c(0);
+ }
+ h$base_writeStdout = function(fd, fdo, buf, buf_offset, n, c) {
+ putstr(h$decodeUtf8(buf, n, buf_offset));
+ c(n);
+ }
+ h$base_writeStderr = function(fd, fdo, buf, buf_offset, n, c) {
+ printErr(h$decodeUtf8(buf, n, buf_offset));
+ c(n);
+ }
+} else if(h$isJsCore()) {
+ h$base_readStdin = function(fd, fdo, buf, buf_offset, n, c) {
+ c(0);
+ }
+ var h$base_stdoutLeftover = { f: print, val: null };
+ var h$base_stderrLeftover = { f: debug, val: null };
+ var h$base_writeWithLeftover = function(buf, n, buf_offset, c, lo) {
+ var lines = h$decodeUtf8(buf, n, buf_offset).split(/\r?\n/);
+ if(lines.length === 1) {
+ if(lines[0].length) {
+ if(lo.val !== null) lo.val += lines[0];
+ else lo.val = lines[0];
+ }
+ } else {
+ lo.f(((lo.val !== null) ? lo.val : '') + lines[0]);
+ for(var i=1;i<lines.length-1;i++) lo.f(lines[i]);
+ if(lines[lines.length-1].length) lo.val = lines[lines.length-1];
+ else lo.val = null;
+ }
+ c(n);
+ }
+ h$base_writeStdout = function(fd, fdo, buf, buf_offset, n, c) {
+ h$base_writeWithLeftover(buf, n, buf_offset, c, h$base_stdoutLeftover);
+ }
+ h$base_writeStderr = function(fd, fdo, buf, buf_offset, n, c) {
+ // writing to stderr not supported, write to stdout
+ h$base_writeWithLeftover(buf, n, buf_offset, c, h$base_stderrLeftover);
+ }
+} else { // browser / fallback
+ h$base_readStdin = function(fd, fdo, buf, buf_offset, n, c) {
+ c(0);
+ }
+ h$base_writeStdout = function(fd, fdo, buf, buf_offset, n, c) {
+ console.log(h$decodeUtf8(buf, n, buf_offset));
+ c(n);
+ }
+ h$base_writeStderr = function(fd, fdo, buf, buf_offset, n, c) {
+ console.log(h$decodeUtf8(buf, n, buf_offset));
+ c(n);
+ }
+var h$base_stdin_fd =
+ { read: h$base_readStdin
+ , close: h$base_closeStdin
+ , isatty: h$base_isattyStdin
+ , refs: 1
+ };
+var h$base_stdout_fd =
+ { write: h$base_writeStdout
+ , close: h$base_closeStdout
+ , isatty: h$base_isattyStdout
+ , refs: 1
+ };
+var h$base_stderr_fd =
+ { write: h$base_writeStderr
+ , close: h$base_closeStderr
+ , isatty: h$base_isattyStderr
+ , refs: 1
+ };
+var h$base_fdN = -2; // negative file descriptors are 'virtual', -1 is already used to indicated error
+var h$base_fds = [h$base_stdin_fd, h$base_stdout_fd, h$base_stderr_fd];
+function h$shutdownHaskellAndExit(code, fast) {
+ if(h$isNode()) console.log(h$logBuffer);
+ if(h$isJsShell() || h$isJsCore()) print(h$logBuffer);
+ h$exitProcess(code);
+// RAND_MAX = 32767
+function h$rand() {
+ return (32768 * Math.random()) & 32767;
+// returns old action code
+function h$stg_sig_install(sigNo, actionCode, sigSet_d, sigSet_o) {
+ // XXX dummy implementation
+ return 0;
+const h$putchar_buf = h$newByteArray(1);
+function h$putchar(c) {
+ h$putchar_buf.u8[0] = c;
+ h$base_write(1, h$putchar_buf, 0, 1, null);
+ return h$errno;
+function h$__hscore_set_errno(n) {
+ h$errno = n;
+ * Directory API
+ *******************************************/
+function h$opendir(path) {
+ if(!h$isNode()) {
+ throw "h$opendir unsupported";
+ }
+ const d = fs.opendirSync(h$decodeUtf8z(path,0));
+function h$closedir(d,o) {
+ if(!h$isNode()) {
+ throw "h$closedir unsupported";
+ }
+ d.closeSync();
+ return 0;
+function h$readdir(d,o) {
+ if(!h$isNode()) {
+ throw "h$readdir unsupported";
+ }
+ const c = d.readSync();
+function h$__hscore_readdir(d,o,dst_a,dst_o) {
+ if(!h$isNode()) {
+ throw "h$readdir unsupported";
+ }
+ const e = d.readSync();
+ if (!dst_a.arr) dst_a.arr = [];
+ dst_a.arr[dst_o*2] = [e,0];
+ return 0;
+function h$__hscore_free_dirent(a,o) {
+function h$__hscore_d_name(a,o) {
+ RETURN_UBX_TUP2(h$encodeModifiedUtf8(,0);