path: root/libraries/compact/Data/Compact/Serialized.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'libraries/compact/Data/Compact/Serialized.hs')
1 files changed, 225 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/compact/Data/Compact/Serialized.hs b/libraries/compact/Data/Compact/Serialized.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e58f9eef83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/compact/Data/Compact/Serialized.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
+-- |
+-- Module : Data.Compact.Serialized
+-- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2001-2009
+-- (c) Giovanni Campagna <> 2015
+-- License : BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
+-- Maintainer :
+-- Stability : unstable
+-- Portability : non-portable (GHC Extensions)
+-- This module provides a data structure, called a Compact, for
+-- holding fully evaluated data in a consecutive block of memory.
+-- This module contains support for serializing a Compact for network
+-- transmission and on-disk storage.
+-- /Since: 1.0.0/
+module Data.Compact.Serialized(
+ SerializedCompact(..),
+ withSerializedCompact,
+ importCompact,
+ importCompactByteStrings,
+) where
+-- Write down all GHC.Prim deps explicitly to keep them at minimum
+import GHC.Prim (Compact#,
+ compactGetFirstBlock#,
+ compactGetNextBlock#,
+ compactAllocateBlock#,
+ compactFixupPointers#,
+ touch#,
+ Addr#,
+ nullAddr#,
+ eqAddr#,
+ addrToAny#,
+ anyToAddr#,
+ State#,
+ RealWorld,
+ Word#,
+ )
+-- We need to import Word from GHC.Types to see the representation
+-- and to able to access the Word# to pass down the primops
+import GHC.Types (IO(..), Word(..), isTrue#)
+import GHC.Word (Word8)
+import GHC.Ptr (Ptr(..), plusPtr)
+import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString
+import Data.ByteString.Internal(toForeignPtr)
+import Data.IORef(newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
+import Foreign.ForeignPtr(withForeignPtr)
+import Foreign.Marshal.Utils(copyBytes)
+import Control.DeepSeq(NFData, force)
+import Data.Compact.Internal(Compact(..))
+-- |A serialized version of the 'Compact' metadata (each block with
+-- address and size and the address of the root). This structure is
+-- meant to be sent alongside the actual 'Compact' data. It can be
+-- sent out of band in advance if the data is to be sent over RDMA
+-- (which requires both sender and receiver to have pinned buffers).
+data SerializedCompact a = SerializedCompact {
+ serializedCompactBlockList :: [(Ptr a, Word)],
+ serializedCompactRoot :: Ptr a
+ }
+addrIsNull :: Addr# -> Bool
+addrIsNull addr = isTrue# (nullAddr# `eqAddr#` addr)
+compactGetFirstBlock :: Compact# -> IO (Ptr a, Word)
+compactGetFirstBlock buffer =
+ IO (\s -> case compactGetFirstBlock# buffer s of
+ (# s', addr, size #) -> (# s', (Ptr addr, W# size) #) )
+compactGetNextBlock :: Compact# -> Addr# -> IO (Ptr a, Word)
+compactGetNextBlock buffer block =
+ IO (\s -> case compactGetNextBlock# buffer block s of
+ (# s', addr, size #) -> (# s', (Ptr addr, W# size) #) )
+mkBlockList :: Compact# -> IO [(Ptr a, Word)]
+mkBlockList buffer = compactGetFirstBlock buffer >>= go
+ where
+ go :: (Ptr a, Word) -> IO [(Ptr a, Word)]
+ go (Ptr block, _) | addrIsNull block = return []
+ go item@(Ptr block, _) = do
+ next <- compactGetNextBlock buffer block
+ rest <- go next
+ return $ item : rest
+-- We MUST mark withSerializedCompact as NOINLINE
+-- Otherwise the compiler will eliminate the call to touch#
+-- causing the Compact# to be potentially GCed too eagerly,
+-- before func had a chance to copy everything into its own
+-- buffers/sockets/whatever
+-- |Serialize the 'Compact', and call the provided function with
+-- with the 'Compact' serialized representation. The resulting
+-- action will be executed synchronously before this function
+-- completes.
+{-# NOINLINE withSerializedCompact #-}
+withSerializedCompact :: NFData c => Compact a ->
+ (SerializedCompact a -> IO c) -> IO c
+withSerializedCompact (Compact buffer root) func = do
+ rootPtr <- IO (\s -> case anyToAddr# root s of
+ (# s', rootAddr #) -> (# s', Ptr rootAddr #) )
+ blockList <- mkBlockList buffer
+ let serialized = SerializedCompact blockList rootPtr
+ -- we must be strict, to avoid smart uses of ByteStrict.Lazy that
+ -- return a thunk instead of a ByteString (but the thunk references
+ -- the Ptr, not the Compact#, so it will point to garbage if GC
+ -- happens)
+ !r <- fmap force $ func serialized
+ IO (\s -> case touch# buffer s of
+ s' -> (# s', r #) )
+fixupPointers :: Addr# -> Addr# -> State# RealWorld ->
+ (# State# RealWorld, Maybe (Compact a) #)
+fixupPointers firstBlock rootAddr s =
+ case compactFixupPointers# firstBlock rootAddr s of
+ (# s', buffer, adjustedRoot #) ->
+ if addrIsNull adjustedRoot then (# s', Nothing #)
+ else case addrToAny# adjustedRoot of
+ (# root #) -> (# s', Just $ Compact buffer root #)
+-- |Deserialize a 'SerializedCompact' into a in-memory 'Compact'. The
+-- provided function will be called with the address and size of each
+-- newly allocated block in succession, and should fill the memory
+-- from the external source (eg. by reading from a socket or from disk)
+-- 'importCompact' can return Nothing if the 'Compact' was corrupt
+-- or it had pointers that could not be adjusted.
+importCompact :: SerializedCompact a -> (Ptr b -> Word -> IO ()) ->
+ IO (Maybe (Compact a))
+-- what we would like is
+ importCompactPtrs ((firstAddr, firstSize):rest) = do
+ (firstBlock, compact) <- compactAllocateAt firstAddr firstSize
+ #nullAddr
+ fillBlock firstBlock firstAddr firstSize
+ let go prev [] = return ()
+ go prev ((addr, size):rest) = do
+ (block, _) <- compactAllocateAt addr size prev
+ fillBlock block addr size
+ go block rest
+ go firstBlock rest
+ if isTrue# (compactFixupPointers compact) then
+ return $ Just compact
+ else
+ return Nothing
+But we can't do that because IO Addr# is not valid (kind mismatch)
+This check exists to prevent a polymorphic data constructor from using
+an unlifted type (which would break GC) - it would not a problem for IO
+because IO stores a function, not a value, but the kind check is there
+Note that by the reasoning, we cannot do IO (# Addr#, Word# #), nor
+we can do IO (Addr#, Word#) (that would break the GC for real!)
+And therefore we need to do everything with State# explicitly.
+-- just do shut up GHC
+importCompact (SerializedCompact [] _) _ = return Nothing
+importCompact (SerializedCompact blocks root) filler = do
+ -- I'm not sure why we need a bang pattern here, given that
+ -- these are obviously strict lets, but ghc complains otherwise
+ let !((_, W# firstSize):otherBlocks) = blocks
+ let !(Ptr rootAddr) = root
+ IO (\s0 -> case compactAllocateBlock# firstSize nullAddr# s0 of
+ (# s1, firstBlock #) ->
+ case fillBlock firstBlock firstSize s1 of
+ s2 -> case go firstBlock otherBlocks s2 of
+ s3-> fixupPointers firstBlock rootAddr s3 )
+ where
+ -- note that the case statements above are strict even though
+ -- they don't seem to inspect their argument because State#
+ -- is an unlifted type
+ fillBlock :: Addr# -> Word# -> State# RealWorld -> State# RealWorld
+ fillBlock addr size s = case filler (Ptr addr) (W# size) of
+ IO action -> case action s of
+ (# s', _ #) -> s'
+ go :: Addr# -> [(Ptr a, Word)] -> State# RealWorld -> State# RealWorld
+ go _ [] s = s
+ go previous ((_, W# size):rest) s =
+ case compactAllocateBlock# size previous s of
+ (# s', block #) -> case fillBlock block size s' of
+ s'' -> go block rest s''
+sanityCheckByteStrings :: SerializedCompact a -> [ByteString.ByteString] -> Bool
+sanityCheckByteStrings (SerializedCompact scl _) bsl = go scl bsl
+ where
+ go [] [] = True
+ go (_:_) [] = False
+ go [] (_:_) = False
+ go ((_, size):scs) (bs:bss) =
+ fromIntegral size == ByteString.length bs && go scs bss
+importCompactByteStrings :: SerializedCompact a -> [ByteString.ByteString] ->
+ IO (Maybe (Compact a))
+importCompactByteStrings serialized stringList =
+ -- sanity check stringList first - if we throw an exception later we leak
+ -- memory!
+ if not (sanityCheckByteStrings serialized stringList) then
+ return Nothing
+ else do
+ state <- newIORef stringList
+ let filler :: Ptr Word8 -> Word -> IO ()
+ filler to size = do
+ -- this pattern match will never fail
+ (next:rest) <- readIORef state
+ let (fp, off, _) = toForeignPtr next
+ withForeignPtr fp $ \from -> do
+ copyBytes to (from `plusPtr` off) (fromIntegral size)
+ writeIORef state rest
+ importCompact serialized filler