path: root/libraries/ghc-heap/GHC/Exts/Stack/Decode.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'libraries/ghc-heap/GHC/Exts/Stack/Decode.hs')
1 files changed, 444 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/ghc-heap/GHC/Exts/Stack/Decode.hs b/libraries/ghc-heap/GHC/Exts/Stack/Decode.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9034db6de7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/ghc-heap/GHC/Exts/Stack/Decode.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+#if MIN_TOOL_VERSION_ghc(9,7,0)
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GHCForeignImportPrim #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnliftedFFITypes #-}
+module GHC.Exts.Stack.Decode
+ ( decodeStack,
+ )
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.Maybe
+import Foreign
+import GHC.Exts
+import GHC.Exts.Heap (Box (..))
+import GHC.Exts.Heap.ClosureTypes
+import GHC.Exts.Heap.Closures
+ ( RetFunType (..),
+ StackFrame,
+ GenStackFrame (..),
+ StgStackClosure,
+ GenStgStackClosure (..),
+ StackField,
+ GenStackField(..)
+ )
+import GHC.Exts.Heap.Constants (wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS)
+import GHC.Exts.Heap.InfoTable
+import GHC.Exts.Stack.Constants
+import GHC.IO (IO (..))
+import GHC.Stack.CloneStack
+import GHC.Word
+import Prelude
+{- Note [Decoding the stack]
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+The stack is represented by a chain of StgStack closures. Each of these closures
+is subject to garbage collection. I.e. they can be moved in memory (in a
+simplified perspective) at any time.
+The array of closures inside an StgStack (that makeup the execution stack; the
+stack frames) is moved as bare memory by the garbage collector. References
+(pointers) to stack frames are not updated by the garbage collector.
+As the StgStack closure is moved as whole, the relative offsets inside it stay
+the same. (Though, the absolute addresses change!)
+Stack frames are defined by their `StackSnapshot#` (`StgStack*` in RTS) and
+their relative offset. This tuple is described by `StackFrameLocation`.
+`StackFrame` is an ADT for decoded stack frames. Regarding payload and fields we
+have to deal with three cases:
+- If the payload can only be a closure, we put it in a `Box` for later decoding
+ by the heap closure functions.
+- If the payload can either be a closure or a word-sized value (this happens for
+ bitmap-encoded payloads), we use a `StackField` which is a sum type to
+ represent either a `Word` or a `Box`.
+- Fields that are just simple (i.e. non-closure) values are decoded as such.
+The decoding happens in two phases:
+1. The whole stack is decoded into `StackFrameLocation`s.
+2. All `StackFrameLocation`s are decoded into `StackFrame`s.
+`StackSnapshot#` parameters are updated by the garbage collector and thus safe
+to hand around.
+The head of the stack frame array has offset (index) 0. To traverse the stack
+frames the latest stack frame's offset is incremented by the closure size. The
+unit of the offset is machine words (32bit or 64bit.)
+Unfortunately, ghc-heap decodes `Closure`s in `IO`. This leads to `StackFrames`
+also being decoded in `IO`, due to references to `Closure`s.
+Technical details
+- All access to StgStack/StackSnapshot# closures is made through Cmm code. This
+ keeps the closure from being moved by the garbage collector during the
+ operation.
+- As StgStacks are mainly used in Cmm and C code, much of the decoding logic is
+ implemented in Cmm and C. It's just easier to reuse existing helper macros and
+ functions, than reinventing them in Haskell.
+- Offsets and sizes of closures are imported from DerivedConstants.h via HSC.
+ This keeps the code very portable.
+foreign import prim "getUnderflowFrameNextChunkzh"
+ getUnderflowFrameNextChunk# ::
+ StackSnapshot# -> Word# -> StackSnapshot#
+getUnderflowFrameNextChunk :: StackSnapshot# -> WordOffset -> StackSnapshot
+getUnderflowFrameNextChunk stackSnapshot# index =
+ StackSnapshot (getUnderflowFrameNextChunk# stackSnapshot# (wordOffsetToWord# index))
+foreign import prim "getWordzh"
+ getWord# ::
+ StackSnapshot# -> Word# -> Word#
+getWord :: StackSnapshot# -> WordOffset -> Word
+getWord stackSnapshot# index =
+ W# (getWord# stackSnapshot# (wordOffsetToWord# index))
+foreign import prim "getRetFunTypezh" getRetFunType# :: StackSnapshot# -> Word# -> Word#
+getRetFunType :: StackSnapshot# -> WordOffset -> RetFunType
+getRetFunType stackSnapshot# index =
+ toEnum . fromInteger . toInteger $
+ W# (getRetFunType# stackSnapshot# (wordOffsetToWord# index))
+-- | Gets contents of a `LargeBitmap` (@StgLargeBitmap@)
+-- The first two arguments identify the location of the frame on the stack.
+-- Returned is the `Addr#` of the @StgWord[]@ (bitmap) and it's size.
+type LargeBitmapGetter = StackSnapshot# -> Word# -> (# Addr#, Word# #)
+foreign import prim "getLargeBitmapzh" getLargeBitmap# :: LargeBitmapGetter
+foreign import prim "getBCOLargeBitmapzh" getBCOLargeBitmap# :: LargeBitmapGetter
+foreign import prim "getRetFunLargeBitmapzh" getRetFunLargeBitmap# :: LargeBitmapGetter
+-- | Gets contents of a small bitmap (fitting in one @StgWord@)
+-- The first two arguments identify the location of the frame on the stack.
+-- Returned is the bitmap and it's size.
+type SmallBitmapGetter = StackSnapshot# -> Word# -> (# Word#, Word# #)
+foreign import prim "getSmallBitmapzh" getSmallBitmap# :: SmallBitmapGetter
+foreign import prim "getRetFunSmallBitmapzh" getRetFunSmallBitmap# :: SmallBitmapGetter
+foreign import prim "getInfoTableAddrzh" getInfoTableAddr# :: StackSnapshot# -> Word# -> Addr#
+foreign import prim "getStackInfoTableAddrzh" getStackInfoTableAddr# :: StackSnapshot# -> Addr#
+getInfoTableOnStack :: StackSnapshot# -> WordOffset -> IO StgInfoTable
+getInfoTableOnStack stackSnapshot# index =
+ let infoTablePtr = Ptr (getInfoTableAddr# stackSnapshot# (wordOffsetToWord# index))
+ in peekItbl infoTablePtr
+getInfoTableForStack :: StackSnapshot# -> IO StgInfoTable
+getInfoTableForStack stackSnapshot# =
+ peekItbl $
+ Ptr (getStackInfoTableAddr# stackSnapshot#)
+foreign import prim "getStackClosurezh"
+ getStackClosure# ::
+ StackSnapshot# -> Word# -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Any #)
+foreign import prim "getStackFieldszh"
+ getStackFields# ::
+ StackSnapshot# -> (# Word32#, Word8#, Word8# #)
+getStackFields :: StackSnapshot# -> (Word32, Word8, Word8)
+getStackFields stackSnapshot# =
+ case getStackFields# stackSnapshot# of
+ (# sSize#, sDirty#, sMarking# #) ->
+ (W32# sSize#, W8# sDirty#, W8# sMarking#)
+-- | `StackFrameLocation` of the top-most stack frame
+stackHead :: StackSnapshot# -> StackFrameLocation
+stackHead s# = (StackSnapshot s#, 0) -- GHC stacks are never empty
+-- | Advance to the next stack frame (if any)
+-- The last `Int#` in the result tuple is meant to be treated as bool
+-- (has_next).
+foreign import prim "advanceStackFrameLocationzh"
+ advanceStackFrameLocation# ::
+ StackSnapshot# -> Word# -> (# StackSnapshot#, Word#, Int# #)
+-- | Advance to the next stack frame (if any)
+advanceStackFrameLocation :: StackFrameLocation -> Maybe StackFrameLocation
+advanceStackFrameLocation ((StackSnapshot stackSnapshot#), index) =
+ let !(# s', i', hasNext #) = advanceStackFrameLocation# stackSnapshot# (wordOffsetToWord# index)
+ in if I# hasNext > 0
+ then Just (StackSnapshot s', primWordToWordOffset i')
+ else Nothing
+ where
+ primWordToWordOffset :: Word# -> WordOffset
+ primWordToWordOffset w# = fromIntegral (W# w#)
+getClosureBox :: StackSnapshot# -> WordOffset -> IO Box
+getClosureBox stackSnapshot# index =
+ -- Beware! We have to put ptr into a Box immediately. Otherwise, the garbage
+ -- collector might move the referenced closure, without updating our reference
+ -- (pointer) to it.
+ IO $ \s ->
+ case getStackClosure#
+ stackSnapshot#
+ (wordOffsetToWord# index)
+ s of
+ (# s1, ptr #) ->
+ (# s1, Box ptr #)
+-- | Representation of @StgLargeBitmap@ (RTS)
+data LargeBitmap = LargeBitmap
+ { largeBitmapSize :: Word,
+ largebitmapWords :: Ptr Word
+ }
+-- | Is a bitmap entry a closure pointer or a primitive non-pointer?
+data Pointerness = Pointer | NonPointer
+ deriving (Show)
+decodeLargeBitmap :: LargeBitmapGetter -> StackSnapshot# -> WordOffset -> WordOffset -> IO [StackField]
+decodeLargeBitmap getterFun# stackSnapshot# index relativePayloadOffset = do
+ let largeBitmap = case getterFun# stackSnapshot# (wordOffsetToWord# index) of
+ (# wordsAddr#, size# #) -> LargeBitmap (W# size#) (Ptr wordsAddr#)
+ bitmapWords <- largeBitmapToList largeBitmap
+ decodeBitmaps
+ stackSnapshot#
+ (index + relativePayloadOffset)
+ (bitmapWordsPointerness (largeBitmapSize largeBitmap) bitmapWords)
+ where
+ largeBitmapToList :: LargeBitmap -> IO [Word]
+ largeBitmapToList LargeBitmap {..} =
+ cWordArrayToList largebitmapWords $
+ (usedBitmapWords . fromIntegral) largeBitmapSize
+ cWordArrayToList :: Ptr Word -> Int -> IO [Word]
+ cWordArrayToList ptr size = mapM (peekElemOff ptr) [0 .. (size - 1)]
+ usedBitmapWords :: Int -> Int
+ usedBitmapWords 0 = error "Invalid large bitmap size 0."
+ usedBitmapWords size = (size `div` fromIntegral wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS) + 1
+ bitmapWordsPointerness :: Word -> [Word] -> [Pointerness]
+ bitmapWordsPointerness size _ | size <= 0 = []
+ bitmapWordsPointerness _ [] = []
+ bitmapWordsPointerness size (w : wds) =
+ bitmapWordPointerness (min size (fromIntegral wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS)) w
+ ++ bitmapWordsPointerness (size - fromIntegral wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS) wds
+bitmapWordPointerness :: Word -> Word -> [Pointerness]
+bitmapWordPointerness 0 _ = []
+bitmapWordPointerness bSize bitmapWord =
+ ( if (bitmapWord .&. 1) /= 0
+ then NonPointer
+ else Pointer
+ )
+ : bitmapWordPointerness
+ (bSize - 1)
+ (bitmapWord `shiftR` 1)
+decodeBitmaps :: StackSnapshot# -> WordOffset -> [Pointerness] -> IO [StackField]
+decodeBitmaps stack# index ps =
+ zipWithM toPayload ps [index ..]
+ where
+ toPayload :: Pointerness -> WordOffset -> IO StackField
+ toPayload p i = case p of
+ NonPointer ->
+ pure $ StackWord (getWord stack# i)
+ Pointer -> StackBox <$> getClosureBox stack# i
+decodeSmallBitmap :: SmallBitmapGetter -> StackSnapshot# -> WordOffset -> WordOffset -> IO [StackField]
+decodeSmallBitmap getterFun# stackSnapshot# index relativePayloadOffset =
+ let (bitmap, size) = case getterFun# stackSnapshot# (wordOffsetToWord# index) of
+ (# b#, s# #) -> (W# b#, W# s#)
+ in decodeBitmaps
+ stackSnapshot#
+ (index + relativePayloadOffset)
+ (bitmapWordPointerness size bitmap)
+unpackStackFrame :: StackFrameLocation -> IO StackFrame
+unpackStackFrame (StackSnapshot stackSnapshot#, index) = do
+ info <- getInfoTableOnStack stackSnapshot# index
+ unpackStackFrame' info
+ where
+ unpackStackFrame' :: StgInfoTable -> IO StackFrame
+ unpackStackFrame' info =
+ case tipe info of
+ RET_BCO -> do
+ bco' <- getClosureBox stackSnapshot# (index + offsetStgClosurePayload)
+ -- The arguments begin directly after the payload's one element
+ bcoArgs' <- decodeLargeBitmap getBCOLargeBitmap# stackSnapshot# index (offsetStgClosurePayload + 1)
+ pure
+ RetBCO
+ { info_tbl = info,
+ bco = bco',
+ bcoArgs = bcoArgs'
+ }
+ RET_SMALL -> do
+ payload' <- decodeSmallBitmap getSmallBitmap# stackSnapshot# index offsetStgClosurePayload
+ pure $
+ RetSmall
+ { info_tbl = info,
+ stack_payload = payload'
+ }
+ RET_BIG -> do
+ payload' <- decodeLargeBitmap getLargeBitmap# stackSnapshot# index offsetStgClosurePayload
+ pure $
+ RetBig
+ { info_tbl = info,
+ stack_payload = payload'
+ }
+ RET_FUN -> do
+ let retFunType' = getRetFunType stackSnapshot# index
+ retFunSize' = getWord stackSnapshot# (index + offsetStgRetFunFrameSize)
+ retFunFun' <- getClosureBox stackSnapshot# (index + offsetStgRetFunFrameFun)
+ retFunPayload' <-
+ if retFunType' == ARG_GEN_BIG
+ then decodeLargeBitmap getRetFunLargeBitmap# stackSnapshot# index offsetStgRetFunFramePayload
+ else decodeSmallBitmap getRetFunSmallBitmap# stackSnapshot# index offsetStgRetFunFramePayload
+ pure $
+ RetFun
+ { info_tbl = info,
+ retFunType = retFunType',
+ retFunSize = retFunSize',
+ retFunFun = retFunFun',
+ retFunPayload = retFunPayload'
+ }
+ updatee' <- getClosureBox stackSnapshot# (index + offsetStgUpdateFrameUpdatee)
+ pure $
+ UpdateFrame
+ { info_tbl = info,
+ updatee = updatee'
+ }
+ let exceptions_blocked' = getWord stackSnapshot# (index + offsetStgCatchFrameExceptionsBlocked)
+ handler' <- getClosureBox stackSnapshot# (index + offsetStgCatchFrameHandler)
+ pure $
+ CatchFrame
+ { info_tbl = info,
+ exceptions_blocked = exceptions_blocked',
+ handler = handler'
+ }
+ let nextChunk' = getUnderflowFrameNextChunk stackSnapshot# index
+ stackClosure <- decodeStack nextChunk'
+ pure $
+ UnderflowFrame
+ { info_tbl = info,
+ nextChunk = stackClosure
+ }
+ STOP_FRAME -> pure $ StopFrame {info_tbl = info}
+ atomicallyFrameCode' <- getClosureBox stackSnapshot# (index + offsetStgAtomicallyFrameCode)
+ result' <- getClosureBox stackSnapshot# (index + offsetStgAtomicallyFrameResult)
+ pure $
+ AtomicallyFrame
+ { info_tbl = info,
+ atomicallyFrameCode = atomicallyFrameCode',
+ result = result'
+ }
+ let running_alt_code' = getWord stackSnapshot# (index + offsetStgCatchRetryFrameRunningAltCode)
+ first_code' <- getClosureBox stackSnapshot# (index + offsetStgCatchRetryFrameRunningFirstCode)
+ alt_code' <- getClosureBox stackSnapshot# (index + offsetStgCatchRetryFrameAltCode)
+ pure $
+ CatchRetryFrame
+ { info_tbl = info,
+ running_alt_code = running_alt_code',
+ first_code = first_code',
+ alt_code = alt_code'
+ }
+ catchFrameCode' <- getClosureBox stackSnapshot# (index + offsetStgCatchSTMFrameCode)
+ handler' <- getClosureBox stackSnapshot# (index + offsetStgCatchSTMFrameHandler)
+ pure $
+ CatchStmFrame
+ { info_tbl = info,
+ catchFrameCode = catchFrameCode',
+ handler = handler'
+ }
+ x -> error $ "Unexpected closure type on stack: " ++ show x
+-- | Unbox 'Int#' from 'Int'
+toInt# :: Int -> Int#
+toInt# (I# i) = i
+-- | Convert `Int` to `Word#`
+intToWord# :: Int -> Word#
+intToWord# i = int2Word# (toInt# i)
+wordOffsetToWord# :: WordOffset -> Word#
+wordOffsetToWord# wo = intToWord# (fromIntegral wo)
+-- | Location of a stackframe on the stack
+-- It's defined by the `StackSnapshot` (@StgStack@) and the offset to the bottom
+-- of the stack.
+type StackFrameLocation = (StackSnapshot, WordOffset)
+-- | Decode `StackSnapshot` to a `StgStackClosure`
+-- The return value is the representation of the @StgStack@ itself.
+-- See /Note [Decoding the stack]/.
+decodeStack :: StackSnapshot -> IO StgStackClosure
+decodeStack (StackSnapshot stack#) = do
+ info <- getInfoTableForStack stack#
+ case tipe info of
+ STACK -> do
+ let (stack_size', stack_dirty', stack_marking') = getStackFields stack#
+ sfls = stackFrameLocations stack#
+ stack' <- mapM unpackStackFrame sfls
+ pure $
+ GenStgStackClosure
+ { ssc_info = info,
+ ssc_stack_size = stack_size',
+ ssc_stack_dirty = stack_dirty',
+ ssc_stack_marking = stack_marking',
+ ssc_stack = stack'
+ }
+ _ -> error $ "Expected STACK closure, got " ++ show info
+ where
+ stackFrameLocations :: StackSnapshot# -> [StackFrameLocation]
+ stackFrameLocations s# =
+ stackHead s#
+ : go (advanceStackFrameLocation (stackHead s#))
+ where
+ go :: Maybe StackFrameLocation -> [StackFrameLocation]
+ go Nothing = []
+ go (Just r) = r : go (advanceStackFrameLocation r)
+module GHC.Exts.Stack.Decode where