path: root/libraries/ghc-heap/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'libraries/ghc-heap/tests')
4 files changed, 437 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/ghc-heap/tests/Makefile b/libraries/ghc-heap/tests/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a0abcf1cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/ghc-heap/tests/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# This Makefile runs the tests using GHC's testsuite framework. It
+# assumes the package is part of a GHC build tree with the testsuite
+# installed in ../../../testsuite.
+include $(TOP)/mk/
+include $(TOP)/mk/
diff --git a/libraries/ghc-heap/tests/all.T b/libraries/ghc-heap/tests/all.T
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a676b4971a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/ghc-heap/tests/all.T
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ [when(have_profiling(),
+ extra_ways(['prof'])),
+ # These ways produce slightly different heap representations.
+ # Currently we don't test them.
+ omit_ways(['ghci', 'hpc'])
+ ],
+ compile_and_run, [''])
diff --git a/libraries/ghc-heap/tests/heap_all.hs b/libraries/ghc-heap/tests/heap_all.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..76da037034
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/ghc-heap/tests/heap_all.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+-- The simplifier changes the shapes of closures that we expect.
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O0 #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, MagicHash, UnboxedTuples #-}
+import GHC.Exts.Heap
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar
+import Control.DeepSeq
+import Control.Monad
+import GHC.Exts
+import GHC.Int
+import GHC.IO
+import GHC.IORef
+import GHC.MVar
+import GHC.Stack
+import GHC.STRef
+import GHC.Word
+import System.Environment
+import System.Mem
+exData :: (Int,Int)
+exData = (1,2)
+exItbl :: StgInfoTable
+exItbl = StgInfoTable
+ { entry = Nothing
+ , ptrs = 0
+ , nptrs = 0
+ , tipe = toEnum 0
+ , srtlen = 0
+ , code = Nothing
+ }
+exConstrClosure :: Closure
+exConstrClosure = ConstrClosure
+ { info = exItbl{tipe=CONSTR_1_0, ptrs=1, nptrs=0}
+ , ptrArgs = []
+ , dataArgs = []
+ , pkg = "base"
+ , modl = "GHC.Base"
+ , name = "Just"
+ }
+exFunClosure :: Closure
+exFunClosure = FunClosure
+ { info = exItbl{tipe=FUN_0_1, ptrs=0, nptrs=1}
+ , ptrArgs = []
+ , dataArgs = [0]
+ }
+exThunkClosure :: Closure
+exThunkClosure = ThunkClosure
+ { info = exItbl{tipe=THUNK}
+ , ptrArgs = []
+ , dataArgs = []
+ }
+exSelectClosure :: Closure
+exSelectClosure = SelectorClosure
+ { info = exItbl
+ , selectee = asBox exData
+ }
+exPAPClosure :: Closure
+exPAPClosure = PAPClosure
+ { info = exItbl{tipe=PAP}
+ , arity = 1
+ , n_args = 1
+ , fun = asBox id
+ , payload = []
+ }
+exAPClosure :: Closure
+exAPClosure = APClosure
+ { info = exItbl{tipe=AP}
+ , arity = 0
+ , n_args = 0
+ , fun = asBox id
+ , payload = []
+ }
+exAPStackClosure :: Closure
+exAPStackClosure = APStackClosure
+ { info = exItbl{tipe=AP_STACK}
+ , fun = asBox id
+ , payload = []
+ }
+exIndClosure :: Closure
+exIndClosure = IndClosure
+ { info = exItbl{tipe=IND}
+ , indirectee = asBox []
+ }
+exBCOClosure :: Closure
+exBCOClosure = BCOClosure
+ { info = exItbl{tipe=BCO, ptrs=4}
+ , instrs = asBox []
+ , literals = asBox []
+ , bcoptrs = asBox []
+ , arity = 0
+ , size = 5
+ , bitmap = []
+ }
+exBlackholeClosure :: Closure
+exBlackholeClosure = BlackholeClosure
+ { info = exItbl{tipe=BLACKHOLE}
+ , indirectee = asBox []
+ }
+exArrWordsClosure :: Closure
+exArrWordsClosure = ArrWordsClosure
+ { info = exItbl{tipe=ARR_WORDS}
+ , bytes = 0
+ , arrWords = []
+ }
+exMutArrClosure :: Closure
+exMutArrClosure = MutArrClosure
+ { info = exItbl{tipe=MUT_ARR_PTRS_DIRTY}
+ , mccPtrs = 0
+ , mccSize = 0
+ , mccPayload = []
+ }
+exMVarClosure :: Closure
+exMVarClosure = MVarClosure
+ { info = exItbl{tipe=MVAR_DIRTY}
+ , queueHead = asBox []
+ , queueTail = asBox []
+ , value = asBox 0
+ }
+exMutVarClosure :: Closure
+exMutVarClosure = MutVarClosure
+ { info = exItbl{tipe=MUT_VAR_DIRTY}
+ , var = asBox []
+ }
+exBlockingQClosure :: Closure
+exBlockingQClosure = BlockingQueueClosure
+ { info = exItbl{tipe=BLOCKING_QUEUE}
+ , link = asBox []
+ , blackHole = asBox []
+ , owner = asBox []
+ , queue = asBox []
+ }
+exIntClosure :: Closure
+exIntClosure = IntClosure
+ { ptipe = PInt, intVal = 42 }
+exWordClosure :: Closure
+exWordClosure = WordClosure
+ { ptipe = PWord, wordVal = 42 }
+exInt64Closure :: Closure
+exInt64Closure = Int64Closure
+ { ptipe = PInt64, int64Val = 42 }
+exWord64Closure :: Closure
+exWord64Closure = Word64Closure
+ { ptipe = PWord64, word64Val = 42 }
+exAddrClosure :: Closure
+exAddrClosure = AddrClosure
+ { ptipe = PAddr, addrVal = 42 }
+exFloatClosure :: Closure
+exFloatClosure = FloatClosure
+ { ptipe = PFloat, floatVal = 42.0 }
+exDoubleClosure :: Closure
+exDoubleClosure = DoubleClosure
+ { ptipe = PDouble, doubleVal = 42.0 }
+exOtherClosure :: Closure
+exOtherClosure = OtherClosure
+ { info = exItbl
+ , hvalues = []
+ , rawWords = []
+ }
+data A = A (Array# Int)
+data MA = MA (MutableArray# RealWorld Int)
+data BA = BA ByteArray#
+data MBA = MBA (MutableByteArray# RealWorld)
+data B = B BCO#
+data APC a = APC a
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ --------------------------------------------
+ -- Objects to inspect
+ MA ma <- IO $ \s ->
+ case newArray# 0# 0 s of
+ (# s1, x #) -> (# s1, MA x #)
+ A a <- IO $ \s ->
+ case freezeArray# ma 0# 0# s of
+ (# s1, x #) -> (# s1, A x #)
+ MBA mba <- IO $ \s ->
+ case newByteArray# 0# s of
+ (# s1, x #) -> (# s1, MBA x #)
+ BA ba <- IO $ \s ->
+ case newByteArray# 0# s of
+ (# s1, x #) ->
+ case unsafeFreezeByteArray# x s1 of
+ (# s2, y #) -> (# s2, BA y #)
+ B bco <- IO $ \s ->
+ case newBCO# ba ba a 0# ba s of
+ (# s1, x #) -> (# s1, B x #)
+ APC apc <- IO $ \s ->
+ case mkApUpd0# bco of
+ (# x #) -> (# s, APC x #)
+ --------------------------------------------
+ -- Closures
+ -- Constructor
+ let !con = Just 1
+ getClosureData con >>=
+ assertClosuresEq exConstrClosure
+ -- Function
+ let !fun = \x -> x + 1
+ getClosureData fun >>=
+ assertClosuresEq exFunClosure
+ -- Thunk
+ let thunk = map (+2) [1,2,3]
+ getClosureData thunk >>=
+ assertClosuresEq exThunkClosure
+ -- Selector
+ -- let sel = case exData of (a,_) -> a
+ -- getClosureData sel >>=
+ -- assertClosuresEq exSelectClosure
+ -- Partial application
+ let !f = map (+2)
+ getClosureData f >>=
+ assertClosuresEq exPAPClosure
+ -- Applied function
+ getClosureData apc >>=
+ assertClosuresEq exAPClosure
+ -- Suspended thunk evaluation
+ -- getClosureData (Just 1) >>=
+ -- assertClosuresEq exAPStackClosure
+ -- Indirection
+ -- getClosureData (Just 1) >>=
+ -- assertClosuresEq exIndClosure
+ -- ByteCode object
+ getClosureData bco >>=
+ assertClosuresEq exBCOClosure
+ -- Blackhole
+ -- getClosureData (Just 1) >>=
+ -- assertClosuresEq exBlackholeClosure
+ -- Byte array
+ getClosureData ba >>=
+ assertClosuresEq exArrWordsClosure
+ -- Mutable pointer array
+ getClosureData ma >>=
+ assertClosuresEq exMutArrClosure
+ -- MVar
+ (MVar v) <- newMVar 1
+ getClosureData (unsafeCoerce# v) >>=
+ assertClosuresEq exMVarClosure
+ -- MutVar
+ (IORef (STRef v)) <- newIORef 1
+ getClosureData v >>=
+ assertClosuresEq exMutVarClosure
+ -- Blocking queue
+ -- getClosureData (Just 1) >>=
+ -- assertClosuresEq exBlockingQClosure
+ -----------------------------------------------------
+ -- Unboxed unlifted types
+ -- Primitive Int
+ let (I# v) = 42
+ getClosureData v >>=
+ assertClosuresEq exIntClosure
+ -- Primitive Word
+ let (W# v) = 42
+ getClosureData v >>=
+ assertClosuresEq exWordClosure
+ -- Primitive Int64
+ -- FAILING: On 64-bit platforms, v is a regular Int
+ -- let (I64# v) = 42
+ -- getClosureData v >>=
+ -- assertClosuresEq exInt64Closure
+ -- Primitive Word64
+ -- FAILING: On 64-bit platforms, v is a regular Word
+ -- let (W64# v) = 42
+ -- getClosureData v >>=
+ -- assertClosuresEq exWord64Closure
+ -- Primitive Addr
+ let v = unsafeCoerce# 42# :: Addr#
+ getClosureData v >>=
+ assertClosuresEq exAddrClosure
+ -- Primitive Float
+ let (F# v) = 42.0
+ getClosureData v >>=
+ assertClosuresEq exFloatClosure
+ -- Primitive Double
+ let (D# v) = 42.0
+ getClosureData v >>=
+ assertClosuresEq exDoubleClosure
+ ------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Catch-all type
+ -- Other
+ -- getClosureData (Just 1) >>=
+ -- assertClosuresEq exOtherClosure
+ putStrLn "Done. No errors."
+-- | Attempt to compare two closures
+compareClosures :: Closure -> Closure -> Bool
+compareClosures expected actual =
+ -- Determine which fields to compare based
+ -- upon expected closure type
+ let funcs = case expected of
+ ConstrClosure{} -> [ sEq (tipe . info)
+ , sEq (ptrs . info)
+ , sEq (nptrs . info)
+ , sEq dataArgs
+ , sEq name ]
+ FunClosure{} -> [ sEq (tipe . info)
+ , sEq (ptrs . info)
+ , sEq (nptrs . info)
+ , sEq dataArgs ]
+ ThunkClosure{} -> [ sEq (tipe . info)
+ , sEq (ptrs . info)
+ , sEq (nptrs . info)
+ , sEq dataArgs ]
+ SelectorClosure{} -> [ sEq (tipe . info) ]
+ PAPClosure{} -> [ sEq (tipe . info)
+ , sEq arity
+ , sEq n_args ]
+ APClosure{} -> [ sEq (tipe . info)
+ , sEq arity
+ , sEq n_args ]
+ APStackClosure{} -> [ sEq (tipe . info) ]
+ IndClosure{} -> [ sEq (tipe . info) ]
+ BCOClosure{} -> [ sEq (tipe . info)
+ , sEq arity
+ , sEq bitmap ]
+ BlackholeClosure{} -> [ sEq (tipe . info) ]
+ ArrWordsClosure{} -> [ sEq (tipe . info)
+ , sEq bytes
+ , sEq arrWords ]
+ MutArrClosure{} -> [ sEq (tipe . info)
+ , sEq mccPtrs
+ , sEq mccSize ]
+ MVarClosure{} -> [ sEq (tipe . info) ]
+ MutVarClosure{} -> [ sEq (tipe . info) ]
+ BlockingQueueClosure{} -> [ sEq (tipe . info) ]
+ IntClosure{} -> [ sEq ptipe
+ , sEq intVal ]
+ WordClosure{} -> [ sEq ptipe
+ , sEq wordVal ]
+ Int64Closure{} -> [ sEq ptipe
+ , sEq int64Val ]
+ Word64Closure{} -> [ sEq ptipe
+ , sEq word64Val ]
+ AddrClosure{} -> [ sEq ptipe
+ , sEq addrVal ]
+ FloatClosure{} -> [ sEq ptipe
+ , sEq floatVal ]
+ DoubleClosure{} -> [ sEq ptipe
+ , sEq doubleVal ]
+ _ -> error $ "Don't know how to compare expected closure: "
+ ++ show expected
+ in compareWith funcs expected actual
+ where
+ -- Take a list of closure comparisons and check all
+ compareWith :: [Closure -> Closure -> Bool] -> Closure -> Closure -> Bool
+ compareWith funcs c1 c2 = all (\f -> f c1 c2) funcs
+ -- Create a comparison function from a selector
+ sEq :: Eq a => (Closure -> a) -> Closure -> Closure -> Bool
+ sEq select c1 c2 = select c1 == select c2
+-- | Assert two closures are equal, checking depending on closure type
+assertClosuresEq :: HasCallStack => Closure -> Closure -> IO ()
+assertClosuresEq _ c@UnsupportedClosure{} =
+ fail $ unlines [ "Unsupported closure returned: " ++ show c
+ , ""
+ , prettyCallStack callStack
+ ]
+assertClosuresEq expected actual =
+ unless (compareClosures expected actual) $ fail $ unlines
+ [ "assertClosuresEq: Closures do not match"
+ , "Expected: " ++ show expected
+ , "Actual: " ++ show actual
+ , ""
+ , prettyCallStack callStack
+ ]
diff --git a/libraries/ghc-heap/tests/heap_all.stdout b/libraries/ghc-heap/tests/heap_all.stdout
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b747b9bd7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/ghc-heap/tests/heap_all.stdout
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Done. No errors.