path: root/linters/linters-common/Linters/Common.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'linters/linters-common/Linters/Common.hs')
1 files changed, 197 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/linters/linters-common/Linters/Common.hs b/linters/linters-common/Linters/Common.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d92a87787
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linters/linters-common/Linters/Common.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+module Linters.Common where
+-- base
+import Control.Monad
+ ( liftM, unless )
+import Data.Function
+ ( on )
+import Data.List
+ ( groupBy )
+import Data.Maybe
+ ( fromMaybe )
+import GHC.IO.Encoding
+ ( utf8, setLocaleEncoding, getLocaleEncoding, textEncodingName )
+-- deepseq
+import Control.DeepSeq
+ ( NFData(rnf), force, ($!!) )
+-- process
+import System.Process
+ ( readProcess )
+-- text
+import Data.Text
+ ( Text )
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+data LintMsg = LintMsg !LintLvl !Int !Text !Text
+ deriving stock Show
+data LintLvl = LintLvlWarn | LintLvlErr
+ deriving stock ( Show, Eq, Ord )
+type GitRef = Text
+type Sh = IO
+silently :: a -> a
+silently = id
+runGit :: FilePath -> Text -> [Text] -> Sh Text
+runGit fp t ts = runGitStdin fp t ts ""
+-- | Run @git@ operation
+runGitStdin :: FilePath -> Text -> [Text] -> Text -> Sh Text
+runGitStdin d op args std_in = do
+ d' <- return $ T.pack d
+ out <- withUtf8 $ silently $ readProcess "git" (map T.unpack ("-C" : d' : op : args)) (T.unpack std_in)
+ return (T.pack out)
+-- | WARNING: non-reentrant Hack!
+withUtf8 :: Sh a -> Sh a
+withUtf8 act = do
+ oldloc <- getLocaleEncoding
+ if (textEncodingName oldloc == textEncodingName utf8)
+ then act
+ else do
+ setLocaleEncoding utf8
+ r <- act
+ setLocaleEncoding oldloc
+ return r
+-- | wrapper around @git cat-file commit@
+-- Returns (commit-header, commit-body)
+gitCatCommit :: FilePath -> GitRef -> Sh (Text,Text)
+gitCatCommit d ref = do
+ tmp <- runGit d "cat-file" ["commit", ref ]
+ return (fmap (T.drop 2) $ T.breakOn "\n\n" tmp)
+-- | wrapper around @git cat-file commit@
+gitCatBlob :: FilePath -> GitRef -> Sh Text
+gitCatBlob d ref = do
+ tmpl <- liftM tread $ runGit d "cat-file" ["-s", ref] -- workaround shelly adding EOLs
+ tmp <- runGit d "cat-file" ["blob", ref]
+ return (T.take tmpl tmp)
+ where
+ tread = read . T.unpack
+-- | Wrapper around @git rev-parse --verify@
+-- Normalise git ref to commit sha1
+gitNormCid :: FilePath -> GitRef -> Sh GitRef
+gitNormCid d ref = do
+ tmp <- runGit d "rev-parse" ["-q", "--verify", ref <> "^{commit}" ]
+ return (T.strip tmp)
+-- | wrapper around @git branch --contains@
+gitBranchesContain :: FilePath -> GitRef -> Sh [Text]
+gitBranchesContain d ref = do
+ tmp <- liftM T.lines $
+ --errExit False $ print_stderr False $
+ runGit d "branch" ["--contains", ref, "-r"]
+ unless (all (\s -> T.take 2 s `elem` [" ","* "]) tmp) $
+ fail "gitBranchesContain: internal error"
+ return $!! map (T.drop 2) tmp
+-- | returns @[(path, (url, key))]@
+-- may throw exception
+getModules :: FilePath -> GitRef -> Sh [(Text, (Text, Text))]
+getModules d ref = do
+ tmp <- runGit d "show" [ref <> ":.gitmodules"]
+ res <- liftM T.lines $ runGitStdin d "config" [ "--file", "/dev/stdin", "-l" ] tmp
+ let ms = [ (T.tail key1,(key2, T.tail val))
+ | r <- res, "submodule." `T.isPrefixOf` r
+ , let (key,val) = T.break (=='=') r
+ , let (key',key2) = T.breakOnEnd "." key
+ , let (_,key1) = T.break (=='.') (T.init key')
+ ]
+ ms' = [ (path', (url, k))
+ | es@((k,_):_) <- groupBy ((==) `on` fst) ms
+ , let props = map snd es
+ , let url = fromMaybe (error "getModules1") (lookup "url" props)
+ , let path' = fromMaybe (error "getModules2") (lookup "path" props)
+ ]
+ return $!! ms'
+{- |
+Possible meanings of the 'Char' value:
+ * Added (A),
+ * Copied (C),
+ * Deleted (D),
+ * Modified (M),
+ * Renamed (R),
+ * have their type (i.e. regular file, symlink, submodule, ...) changed (T),
+ * are Unmerged (U),
+ * are Unknown (X),
+ * or have had their pairing Broken (B).
+gitDiffTree :: FilePath -> GitRef -> Sh (Text, [([(GitType, Text, Char)], (GitType, Text), Text)])
+gitDiffTree d ref = do
+ tmp <- liftM T.lines $ runGit d "diff-tree" ["--root","-c", "-r", ref]
+ case tmp of
+ cid:deltas -> return $!! (cid, map parseDtLine deltas)
+ [] -> return ("", [])
+ where
+ parseDtLine :: Text -> ([(GitType, Text, Char)], (GitType, Text), Text)
+ parseDtLine l
+ | sanityCheck = force (zip3 (map cvtMode mode') oid' (T.unpack k),(cvtMode mode,oid),fp)
+ | otherwise = error "in parseDtLine"
+ where
+ sanityCheck = n > 0 && T.length k == n
+ n = T.length cols
+ (mode',mode:tmp') = splitAt n $ T.split (==' ') l''
+ (oid',[oid,k]) = splitAt n tmp'
+ [l'',fp] = T.split (=='\t') l'
+ (cols,l') = T.span (==':') l
+gitDiffTreePatch :: FilePath -> GitRef -> Text -> Sh Text
+gitDiffTreePatch d ref fname = runGit d "diff-tree" ["--root", "--cc", "-r", ref, "--", fname]
+z40 :: GitRef
+z40 = T.pack (replicate 40 '0')
+data GitType
+ = GitTypeVoid
+ | GitTypeRegFile
+ | GitTypeExeFile
+ | GitTypeTree
+ | GitTypeSymLink
+ | GitTypeGitLink
+ deriving stock (Show,Eq,Ord,Enum)
+instance NFData GitType where rnf !_ = ()
+cvtMode :: Text -> GitType
+cvtMode "000000" = GitTypeVoid
+cvtMode "040000" = GitTypeSymLink
+cvtMode "100644" = GitTypeRegFile
+cvtMode "100755" = GitTypeExeFile
+cvtMode "120000" = GitTypeSymLink
+cvtMode "160000" = GitTypeGitLink
+cvtMode x = error ("cvtMode: " ++ show x)
+tshow :: Show a => a -> Text
+tshow = T.pack . show