path: root/rts/parallel/Global.c
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1 files changed, 1090 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rts/parallel/Global.c b/rts/parallel/Global.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b2541357e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rts/parallel/Global.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1090 @@
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Time-stamp: <Wed Mar 21 2001 16:32:23 Stardate: [-30]6363.44 hwloidl>
+ (c) The AQUA/Parade Projects, Glasgow University, 1995
+ The GdH/APART 624 Projects, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 1999
+ Global Address Manipulation.
+ The GALA and LAGA tables for mapping global addresses to local addresses
+ (i.e. heap pointers) are defined here. We use the generic hash tables
+ defined in Hash.c.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifdef PAR /* whole file */
+//* Includes::
+//* Global tables and lists::
+//* Fcts on GALA tables::
+//* Interface to taskId-PE table::
+//* Interface to LAGA table::
+//* Interface to GALA table::
+//* GC functions for GALA tables::
+//* Index::
+//@end menu
+//@node Includes, Global tables and lists, Global Address Manipulation, Global Address Manipulation
+//@subsection Includes
+#include "Rts.h"
+#include "RtsFlags.h"
+#include "RtsUtils.h"
+#include "Storage.h"
+#include "Hash.h"
+#include "HLC.h"
+#include "ParallelRts.h"
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+# include "Sanity.h"
+#include "ParallelDebug.h"
+#if defined(DIST)
+# include "Dist.h"
+ @globalAddr@ structures are allocated in chunks to reduce malloc overhead.
+//@node Global tables and lists, Fcts on GALA tables, Includes, Global Address Manipulation
+//@subsection Global tables and lists
+//@cindex thisPE
+nat thisPE;
+//* Free lists::
+//* Hash tables::
+//@end menu
+//@node Free lists, Hash tables, Global tables and lists, Global tables and lists
+//@subsubsection Free lists
+/* Free list of GALA entries */
+GALA *freeGALAList = NULL;
+/* Number of globalAddr cells to allocate in one go */
+#define GCHUNK (1024 * sizeof(StgWord) / sizeof(GALA))
+/* Free list of indirections */
+//@cindex nextIndirection
+static StgInt nextIndirection = 0;
+//@cindex freeIndirections
+GALA *freeIndirections = NULL;
+/* The list of live indirections has to be marked for GC (see makeGlobal) */
+//@cindex liveIndirections
+GALA *liveIndirections = NULL;
+/* The list of remote indirections has to be marked for GC (see setRemoteGA) */
+//@cindex liveRemoteGAs
+GALA *liveRemoteGAs = NULL;
+//@node Hash tables, , Free lists, Global tables and lists
+//@subsubsection Hash tables
+/* Mapping global task ids PEs */
+//@cindex taskIDtoPEtable
+HashTable *taskIDtoPEtable = NULL;
+static int nextPE = 0;
+/* LAGA table: StgClosure* -> globalAddr*
+ (Remember: globalAddr = (GlobalTaskId, Slot, Weight))
+ Mapping local to global addresses (see interface below)
+//@cindex LAtoGALAtable
+HashTable *LAtoGALAtable = NULL;
+/* GALA table: globalAddr* -> StgClosure*
+ (Remember: globalAddr = (GlobalTaskId, Slot, Weight))
+ Mapping global to local addresses (see interface below)
+//@cindex pGAtoGALAtable
+HashTable *pGAtoGALAtable = NULL;
+//@node Fcts on GALA tables, Interface to taskId-PE table, Global tables and lists, Global Address Manipulation
+//@subsection Fcts on GALA tables
+//@cindex allocGALA
+static GALA *
+ GALA *gl, *p;
+ if ((gl = freeGALAList) != NULL) {
+ IF_DEBUG(sanity,
+ ASSERT(gl->ga.weight==0xdead0add);
+ ASSERT(gl->la==(StgPtr)0xdead00aa));
+ freeGALAList = gl->next;
+ } else {
+ gl = (GALA *) stgMallocBytes(GCHUNK * sizeof(GALA), "allocGALA");
+ freeGALAList = gl + 1;
+ for (p = freeGALAList; p < gl + GCHUNK - 1; p++) {
+ p->next = p + 1;
+ IF_DEBUG(sanity,
+ p->ga.weight=0xdead0add;
+ p->la=(StgPtr)0xdead00aa);
+ }
+ /* last elem in the new block has NULL pointer in link field */
+ p->next = NULL;
+ IF_DEBUG(sanity,
+ p->ga.weight=0xdead0add;
+ p->la=(StgPtr)0xdead00aa);
+ }
+ IF_DEBUG(sanity,
+ gl->ga.weight=0xdead0add;
+ gl->la=(StgPtr)0xdead00aa);
+ return gl;
+//@node Interface to taskId-PE table, Interface to LAGA table, Fcts on GALA tables, Global Address Manipulation
+//@subsection Interface to taskId-PE table
+ We don't really like GLOBAL_TASK_ID, so we keep a table of TASK_ID to
+ PE mappings. The idea is that a PE identifier will fit in 16 bits, whereas
+ a TASK_ID may not.
+//@cindex taskIDtoPE
+taskIDtoPE(GlobalTaskId gtid)
+ return ((PEs) lookupHashTable(taskIDtoPEtable, gtid));
+//@cindex registerTask
+registerTask(GlobalTaskId gtid) {
+ nextPE++; //start counting from 1
+ if (gtid == mytid)
+ thisPE = nextPE;
+ insertHashTable(taskIDtoPEtable, gtid, (void *) (StgWord) nextPE);
+//@node Interface to LAGA table, Interface to GALA table, Interface to taskId-PE table, Global Address Manipulation
+//@subsection Interface to LAGA table
+ The local address to global address mapping returns a globalAddr structure
+ (pe task id, slot, weight) for any closure in the local heap which has a
+ global identity. Such closures may be copies of normal form objects with
+ a remote `master' location, @FetchMe@ nodes referencing remote objects, or
+ globally visible objects in the local heap (for which we are the master).
+//@cindex LAGAlookup
+globalAddr *
+StgClosure *addr;
+ GALA *gala;
+ /* We never look for GA's on indirections. -- unknown hacker
+ Well, in fact at the moment we do in the new RTS. -- HWL
+ ToDo: unwind INDs when entering them into the hash table
+ */
+ if ((gala = lookupHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) addr)) == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ else
+ return &(gala->ga);
+//@node Interface to GALA table, GC functions for GALA tables, Interface to LAGA table, Global Address Manipulation
+//@subsection Interface to GALA table
+ We also manage a mapping of global addresses to local addresses, so that
+ we can ``common up'' multiple references to the same object as they arrive
+ in data packets from remote PEs.
+ The global address to local address mapping is actually managed via a
+ ``packed global address'' to GALA hash table. The packed global
+ address takes the interesting part of the @globalAddr@ structure
+ (i.e. the pe and slot fields) and packs them into a single word
+ suitable for hashing.
+//@cindex GALAlookup
+StgClosure *
+globalAddr *ga;
+ StgWord pga = PackGA(taskIDtoPE(ga->payload.gc.gtid), ga->payload.gc.slot);
+ GALA *gala;
+ if ((gala = (GALA *) lookupHashTable(pGAtoGALAtable, pga)) == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ else {
+ /*
+ * Bypass any indirections when returning a local closure to
+ * the caller. Note that we do not short-circuit the entry in
+ * the GALA tables right now, because we would have to do a
+ * hash table delete and insert in the LAtoGALAtable to keep
+ * that table up-to-date for preferred GALA pairs. That's
+ * probably a bit expensive.
+ */
+ return UNWIND_IND((StgClosure *)(gala->la));
+ }
+/* ga becomes non-preferred (e.g. due to CommonUp) */
+globalAddr *ga;
+ StgWord pga = PackGA(taskIDtoPE(ga->payload.gc.gtid), ga->payload.gc.slot);
+ GALA *gala;
+ gala = (GALA *) lookupHashTable(pGAtoGALAtable, pga);
+ ASSERT(gala!=NULL);
+ ASSERT(gala->preferred==rtsTrue);
+ gala->preferred = rtsFalse;
+ External references to our globally-visible closures are managed through an
+ indirection table. The idea is that the closure may move about as the result
+ of local garbage collections, but its global identity is determined by its
+ slot in the indirection table, which never changes.
+ The indirection table is maintained implicitly as part of the global
+ address to local address table. We need only keep track of the
+ highest numbered indirection index allocated so far, along with a free
+ list of lower numbered indices no longer in use.
+ Allocate an indirection slot for the closure currently at address @addr@.
+//@cindex allocIndirection
+static GALA *
+allocIndirection(StgClosure *closure)
+ GALA *gala;
+ if ((gala = freeIndirections) != NULL) {
+ IF_DEBUG(sanity,
+ ASSERT(gala->ga.weight==0xdead0add);
+ ASSERT(gala->la==(StgPtr)0xdead00aa));
+ freeIndirections = gala->next;
+ } else {
+ gala = allocGALA();
+ IF_DEBUG(sanity,
+ ASSERT(gala->ga.weight==0xdead0add);
+ ASSERT(gala->la==(StgPtr)0xdead00aa));
+ gala->ga.payload.gc.gtid = mytid;
+ gala->ga.payload.gc.slot = nextIndirection++;
+ IF_DEBUG(sanity,
+ if (nextIndirection>=MAX_SLOTS)
+ barf("Cannot handle more than %d slots for GA in a sanity-checking setup (this is no error)"));
+ }
+ gala->ga.weight = MAX_GA_WEIGHT;
+ gala->la = (StgPtr)closure;
+ IF_DEBUG(sanity,
+ gala->next=(struct gala *)0xcccccccc);
+ return gala;
+ This is only used for sanity checking (see LOOKS_LIKE_SLOT)
+highest_slot (void) { return nextIndirection; }
+ Make a local closure globally visible.
+ Called from: GlobaliseAndPackGA
+ Args:
+ closure ... closure to be made visible
+ preferred ... should the new GA become the preferred one (normalle=y true)
+ Allocate a GALA structure and add it to the (logical) Indirections table,
+ by inserting it into the LAtoGALAtable hash table and putting it onto the
+ liveIndirections list (only if it is preferred).
+ We have to allocate an indirection slot for it, and update both the local
+ address to global address and global address to local address maps.
+//@cindex makeGlobal
+globalAddr *
+makeGlobal(closure, preferred)
+StgClosure *closure;
+rtsBool preferred;
+ /* check whether we already have a GA for this local closure */
+ GALA *oldGALA = lookupHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) closure);
+ /* create an entry in the LAGA table */
+ GALA *newGALA = allocIndirection(closure);
+ StgWord pga = PackGA(thisPE, newGALA->ga.payload.gc.slot);
+ IF_DEBUG(sanity,
+ ASSERT(newGALA->next==(struct gala *)0xcccccccc););
+ // ASSERT(HEAP_ALLOCED(closure)); // check that closure might point into the heap; might be static, though
+ ASSERT(GALAlookup(&(newGALA->ga)) == NULL);
+ /* global statistics gathering */
+ if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
+ RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
+ globalParStats.local_alloc_GA++;
+ }
+ newGALA->la = (StgPtr)closure;
+ newGALA->preferred = preferred;
+ if (preferred) {
+ /* The new GA is now the preferred GA for the LA */
+ if (oldGALA != NULL) {
+ oldGALA->preferred = rtsFalse;
+ (void) removeHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) closure, (void *) oldGALA);
+ }
+ insertHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) closure, (void *) newGALA);
+ }
+ ASSERT(!isOnLiveIndTable(&(newGALA->ga)));
+ /* put the new GALA entry on the list of live indirections */
+ newGALA->next = liveIndirections;
+ liveIndirections = newGALA;
+ insertHashTable(pGAtoGALAtable, pga, (void *) newGALA);
+ return &(newGALA->ga);
+ Assign an existing remote global address to an existing closure.
+ Called from: Unpack in Pack.c
+ Args:
+ local_closure ... a closure that has just been unpacked
+ remote_ga ... the GA that came with it, ie. the name under which the
+ closure is known while being transferred
+ preferred ... should the new GA become the preferred one (normalle=y true)
+ Allocate a GALA structure and add it to the (logical) RemoteGA table,
+ by inserting it into the LAtoGALAtable hash table and putting it onto the
+ liveRemoteGAs list (only if it is preferred).
+ We do not retain the @globalAddr@ structure that's passed in as an argument,
+ so it can be a static in the calling routine.
+//@cindex setRemoteGA
+globalAddr *
+setRemoteGA(local_closure, remote_ga, preferred)
+StgClosure *local_closure;
+globalAddr *remote_ga;
+rtsBool preferred;
+ /* old entry ie the one with the GA generated when sending off the closure */
+ GALA *oldGALA = lookupHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) local_closure);
+ /* alloc new entry and fill it with contents of the newly arrives GA */
+ GALA *newGALA = allocGALA();
+ StgWord pga = PackGA(taskIDtoPE(remote_ga->payload.gc.gtid),
+ remote_ga->payload.gc.slot);
+ ASSERT(remote_ga->payload.gc.gtid != mytid);
+ ASSERT(remote_ga->weight > 0);
+ ASSERT(GALAlookup(remote_ga) == NULL);
+ newGALA->ga = *remote_ga;
+ newGALA->la = (StgPtr)local_closure;
+ newGALA->preferred = preferred;
+ if (preferred) {
+ /* The new GA is now the preferred GA for the LA */
+ if (oldGALA != NULL) {
+ oldGALA->preferred = rtsFalse;
+ (void) removeHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) local_closure, (void *) oldGALA);
+ }
+ insertHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) local_closure, (void *) newGALA);
+ }
+ ASSERT(!isOnRemoteGATable(&(newGALA->ga)));
+ /* add new entry to the (logical) RemoteGA table */
+ newGALA->next = liveRemoteGAs;
+ liveRemoteGAs = newGALA;
+ insertHashTable(pGAtoGALAtable, pga, (void *) newGALA);
+ /*
+ The weight carried by the incoming closure is transferred to the newGALA
+ entry (via the structure assign above). Therefore, we have to give back
+ the weight to the GA on the other processor, because that indirection is
+ no longer needed.
+ */
+ remote_ga->weight = 0;
+ return &(newGALA->ga);
+ Give me a bit of weight to give away on a new reference to a particular
+ global address. If we run down to nothing, we have to assign a new GA.
+//@cindex splitWeight
+#if 0
+splitWeight(to, from)
+globalAddr *to, *from;
+ /* Make sure we have enough weight to split */
+ if (from->weight!=MAX_GA_WEIGHT && from->weight<=3) // fixed by UK in Eden implementation
+ from = makeGlobal(GALAlookup(from), rtsTrue);
+ to->payload = from->payload;
+ if (from->weight == MAX_GA_WEIGHT)
+ to->weight = 1L << (BITS_IN(unsigned) - 1);
+ else
+ to->weight = from->weight / 2;
+ from->weight -= to->weight;
+splitWeight(to, from)
+globalAddr *to, *from;
+ /* Make sure we have enough weight to split */
+ /* Splitting at 2 needed, as weight 1 is not legal in packets (UK+KH) */
+ if (from->weight / 2 <= 2) /* old: weight== 1 (UK) */
+ from = makeGlobal(GALAlookup(from), rtsTrue);
+ to->payload = from->payload;
+ if (from->weight <= 1) /* old == 0 (UK) */
+ to->weight = 1L << (BITS_IN(unsigned) - 1);
+ else
+ to->weight = from->weight / 2;
+ from->weight -= to->weight;
+ Here, I am returning a bit of weight that a remote PE no longer needs.
+//@cindex addWeight
+globalAddr *
+globalAddr *ga;
+ StgWord pga;
+ GALA *gala;
+ pga = PackGA(taskIDtoPE(ga->payload.gc.gtid), ga->payload.gc.slot);
+ gala = (GALA *) lookupHashTable(pGAtoGALAtable, pga);
+ IF_PAR_DEBUG(weight,
+ fprintf(stderr, "@* Adding weight %x to ", ga->weight);
+ printGA(&(gala->ga));
+ fputc('\n', stderr));
+ gala->ga.weight += ga->weight;
+ ga->weight = 0;
+ return &(gala->ga);
+ Initialize all of the global address structures: the task ID to PE id
+ map, the local address to global address map, the global address to
+ local address map, and the indirection table.
+//@cindex initGAtables
+ taskIDtoPEtable = allocHashTable();
+ LAtoGALAtable = allocHashTable();
+ pGAtoGALAtable = allocHashTable();
+//@cindex PackGA
+PackGA (pe, slot)
+StgWord pe;
+int slot;
+ int pe_shift = (BITS_IN(StgWord)*3)/4;
+ int pe_bits = BITS_IN(StgWord) - pe_shift;
+ if ( pe_bits < 8 || slot >= (1L << pe_shift) ) { /* big trouble */
+ fflush(stdout);
+ fprintf(stderr, "PackGA: slot# too big (%d) or not enough pe_bits (%d)\n",
+ slot,pe_bits);
+ stg_exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+ return((((StgWord)(pe)) << pe_shift) | ((StgWord)(slot)));
+ /* the idea is to use 3/4 of the bits (e.g., 24) for indirection-
+ table "slot", and 1/4 for the pe# (e.g., 8).
+ We check for too many bits in "slot", and double-check (at
+ compile-time?) that we have enough bits for "pe". We *don't*
+ check for too many bits in "pe", because SysMan enforces a
+ MAX_PEs limit at the very very beginning.
+ Phil & Will 95/08
+ */
+//@node GC functions for GALA tables, Debugging routines, Interface to GALA table, Global Address Manipulation
+//@subsection GC functions for GALA tables
+ When we do a copying collection, we want to evacuate all of the local
+ entries in the GALA table for which there are outstanding remote
+ pointers (i.e. for which the weight is not MAX_GA_WEIGHT.)
+ This routine has to be run BEFORE doing the GC proper (it's a
+ ``mark roots'' thing).
+//@cindex markLocalGAs
+markLocalGAs(rtsBool full)
+ GALA *gala, *next, *prev = NULL;
+ StgPtr old_la, new_la;
+ nat n=0, m=0; // debugging only
+ double start_time_GA; // stats only
+ IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
+ belch("@@%%%% markLocalGAs (full=%d): Marking LIVE INDIRECTIONS in GALA table starting with GALA at %p\n",
+ full, liveIndirections);
+ printLAGAtable());
+ for (gala = liveIndirections, m=0; gala != NULL; gala = next, m++) {
+ IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
+ fputs("@@ ",stderr);
+ printGA(&(gala->ga));
+ fprintf(stderr, ";@ %d: LA: %p (%s) ",
+ m, (void*)gala->la, info_type((StgClosure*)gala->la)));
+ next = gala->next;
+ old_la = gala->la;
+ ASSERT(gala->ga.payload.gc.gtid == mytid); /* it's supposed to be local */
+ if (gala->ga.weight != MAX_GA_WEIGHT) {
+ /* Remote references exist, so we must evacuate the local closure */
+ if (get_itbl((StgClosure *)old_la)->type == EVACUATED) {
+ /* somebody else already evacuated this closure */
+ new_la = (StgPtr)((StgEvacuated *)old_la)->evacuee;
+ IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
+ belch(" already evacuated to %p", new_la));
+ } else {
+#if 1
+ /* unwind any indirections we find */
+ StgClosure *foo = UNWIND_IND((StgClosure *)old_la) ; // debugging only
+ n++;
+ new_la = (StgPtr) MarkRoot(foo);
+ IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
+ belch(" evacuated %p to %p", foo, new_la));
+ /* ToDo: is this the right assertion to check that new_la is in to-space?
+ ASSERT(!HEAP_ALLOCED(new_la) || Bdescr(new_la)->evacuated);
+ */
+ new_la = MarkRoot(old_la); // or just evacuate(old_ga)
+ IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
+ belch(" evacuated %p to %p", old_la, new_la));
+ }
+ gala->la = new_la;
+ /* remove old LA and replace with new LA */
+ if (/* !full && */ gala->preferred && new_la != old_la) {
+ GALA *q;
+ ASSERT(lookupHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord)old_la));
+ (void) removeHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) old_la, (void *) gala);
+ if ((q = lookupHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) new_la))!=NULL) {
+ if (q->preferred && gala->preferred) {
+ q->preferred = rtsFalse;
+ IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
+ fprintf(stderr, "@@## found hash entry for closure %p (%s): deprecated GA ",
+ new_la, info_type((StgClosure*)new_la));
+ printGA(&(q->ga));
+ fputc('\n', stderr));
+ }
+ } else {
+ insertHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) new_la, (void *) gala);
+ }
+ IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
+ belch("__## Hash table update (%p --> %p): ",
+ old_la, new_la));
+ }
+ gala->next = prev;
+ prev = gala;
+ } else if(LOOKS_LIKE_STATIC_CLOSURE(gala->la)) {
+ /* to handle the CAFs, is this all?*/
+ MarkRoot(gala->la);
+ IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
+ belch(" processed static closure"));
+ n++;
+ gala->next = prev;
+ prev = gala;
+ } else {
+ /* Since we have all of the weight, this GA is no longer needed */
+ StgWord pga = PackGA(thisPE, gala->ga.payload.gc.slot);
+ IF_PAR_DEBUG(free,
+ belch("@@!! Freeing slot %d",
+ gala->ga.payload.gc.slot));
+ /* put gala on free indirections list */
+ gala->next = freeIndirections;
+ freeIndirections = gala;
+ (void) removeHashTable(pGAtoGALAtable, pga, (void *) gala);
+ if (/* !full && */ gala->preferred)
+ (void) removeHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (W_) gala->la, (void *) gala);
+ IF_DEBUG(sanity,
+ gala->ga.weight = 0xdead0add;
+ gala->la = (StgPtr) 0xdead00aa);
+ }
+ } /* for gala ... */
+ liveIndirections = prev; /* list has been reversed during the marking */
+ IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
+ belch("@@%%%% markLocalGAs: %d of %d GALAs marked on PE %x",
+ n, m, mytid));
+ Traverse the GALA table: for every live remote GA check whether it has been
+ touched during GC; if not it is not needed locally and we can free the
+ closure (i.e. let go of its heap space and send a free message to the
+ PE holding its GA).
+ This routine has to be run AFTER doing the GC proper.
+rebuildGAtables(rtsBool full)
+ GALA *gala, *next, *prev;
+ StgClosure *closure;
+ nat n = 0, size_GA = 0; // stats only (no. of GAs, and their heap size in bytes)
+ IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
+ belch("@@%%%% rebuildGAtables (full=%d): rebuilding LIVE REMOTE GAs in GALA table starting with GALA at %p\n",
+ full, liveRemoteGAs));
+ prepareFreeMsgBuffers();
+ for (gala = liveRemoteGAs, prev = NULL; gala != NULL; gala = next) {
+ IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
+ printGA(&(gala->ga)));
+ next = gala->next;
+ ASSERT(gala->ga.payload.gc.gtid != mytid); /* it's supposed to be remote */
+ closure = (StgClosure *) (gala->la);
+ IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
+ fprintf(stderr, " %p (%s) ",
+ (StgClosure *)closure, info_type(closure)));
+ if (/* !full && */ gala->preferred)
+ (void) removeHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) gala->la, (void *) gala);
+ /* Follow indirection chains to the end, just in case */
+ // should conform with unwinding in markLocalGAs
+ closure = UNWIND_IND(closure);
+ /*
+ If closure has been evacuated it is live; otherwise it's dead and we
+ can nuke the GA attached to it in the LAGA table.
+ This approach also drops global aliases for PLCs.
+ */
+ //ASSERT(!HEAP_ALLOCED(closure) || !(Bdescr((StgPtr)closure)->evacuated));
+ if (get_itbl(closure)->type == EVACUATED) {
+ closure = ((StgEvacuated *)closure)->evacuee;
+ IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
+ fprintf(stderr, " EVAC %p (%s)\n",
+ closure, info_type(closure)));
+ } else {
+ /* closure is not alive any more, thus remove GA and send free msg */
+ int pe = taskIDtoPE(gala->ga.payload.gc.gtid);
+ StgWord pga = PackGA(pe, gala->ga.payload.gc.slot);
+ /* check that the block containing this closure is not in to-space */
+ IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
+ fprintf(stderr, " !EVAC %p (%s); sending free to PE %d\n",
+ closure, info_type(closure), pe));
+ (void) removeHashTable(pGAtoGALAtable, pga, (void *) gala);
+ freeRemoteGA(pe-1, &(gala->ga)); //-1 cause ids start at 1... not 0
+ gala->next = freeGALAList;
+ freeGALAList = gala;
+ IF_DEBUG(sanity,
+ gala->ga.weight = 0xdead0add;
+ gala->la = (StgPtr)0xdead00aa);
+ continue;
+ }
+ gala->la = (StgPtr)closure;
+ if (/* !full && */ gala->preferred) {
+ GALA *q;
+ if ((q = lookupHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) gala->la))!=NULL) {
+ if (q->preferred && gala->preferred) {
+ q->preferred = rtsFalse;
+ IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
+ fprintf(stderr, "@@## found hash entry for closure %p (%s): deprecated GA ",
+ gala->la, info_type((StgClosure*)gala->la));
+ printGA(&(q->ga));
+ fputc('\n', stderr));
+ }
+ } else {
+ insertHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) gala->la, (void *) gala);
+ }
+ }
+ gala->next = prev;
+ prev = gala;
+ /* Global statistics: count GAs and total size
+ if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global &&
+ RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) {
+ StgInfoTable *info;
+ nat size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs, i;
+ char str[80];
+ info = get_closure_info(closure, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str);
+ size_GA += size ;
+ n++; // stats: count number of GAs we add to the new table
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ liveRemoteGAs = prev; /* list is reversed during marking */
+ /* If we have any remaining FREE messages to send off, do so now */
+ sendFreeMessages();
+ IF_DEBUG(sanity,
+ checkFreeGALAList();
+ checkFreeIndirectionsList());
+ rebuildLAGAtable();
+#if defined(PAR_TICKY)
+ getLAGAtableSize(&n, &size_GA); // determine no of GAs and global heap
+ PAR_TICKY_REBUILD_GA_TABLES_END(n, size_GA); // record these values
+ IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
+ belch("@#%%%% rebuildGAtables: After ReBuilding GALA table starting with GALA at %p",
+ liveRemoteGAs);
+ printLAGAtable());
+ Rebuild the LA->GA table, assuming that the addresses in the GALAs are
+ correct.
+ A word on the lookupHashTable check in both loops:
+ After GC we may end up with 2 preferred GAs for the same LA! For example,
+ if we received a closure whose GA already exists on this PE we CommonUp
+ both closures, making one an indirection to the other. Before GC everything
+ is fine: one preferred GA refers to the IND, the other preferred GA refers
+ to the closure it points to. After GC, however, we have short cutted the
+ IND and suddenly we have 2 preferred GAs for the same closure. We detect
+ this case in the loop below and deprecate one GA, so that we always just
+ have one preferred GA per LA.
+//@cindex rebuildLAGAtable
+ GALA *gala;
+ nat n=0, m=0; // debugging
+ /* The old LA->GA table is worthless */
+ freeHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, NULL);
+ LAtoGALAtable = allocHashTable();
+ IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
+ belch("@@%%%% rebuildLAGAtable: new LAGA table at %p",
+ LAtoGALAtable));
+ for (gala = liveIndirections; gala != NULL; gala = gala->next) {
+ n++;
+ if (gala->preferred) {
+ GALA *q;
+ if ((q = lookupHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) gala->la))!=NULL) {
+ if (q->preferred && gala->preferred) {
+ /* this deprecates q (see also GALAdeprecate) */
+ q->preferred = rtsFalse;
+ (void) removeHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) gala->la, (void *)q);
+ IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
+ fprintf(stderr, "@@## found hash entry for closure %p (%s): deprecated GA ",
+ gala->la, info_type((StgClosure*)gala->la));
+ printGA(&(q->ga));
+ fputc('\n', stderr));
+ }
+ }
+ insertHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) gala->la, (void *) gala);
+ }
+ }
+ for (gala = liveRemoteGAs; gala != NULL; gala = gala->next) {
+ m++;
+ if (gala->preferred) {
+ GALA *q;
+ if ((q = lookupHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) gala->la))!=NULL) {
+ if (q->preferred && gala->preferred) {
+ /* this deprecates q (see also GALAdeprecate) */
+ q->preferred = rtsFalse;
+ (void) removeHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) gala->la, (void *)q);
+ IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
+ fprintf(stderr, "@@## found hash entry for closure %p (%s): deprecated GA ",
+ (StgClosure*)gala->la, info_type((StgClosure*)gala->la));
+ printGA(&(q->ga));
+ fputc('\n', stderr));
+ }
+ }
+ insertHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord) gala->la, (void *) gala);
+ }
+ }
+ IF_PAR_DEBUG(tables,
+ belch("@@%%%% rebuildLAGAtable: inserted %d entries from liveIndirections and %d entries from liveRemoteGAs",
+ n,m));
+ Determine the size of the LAGA and GALA tables.
+ Has to be done after rebuilding the tables.
+ Only used for global statistics gathering.
+//@cindex getLAGAtableSize
+getLAGAtableSize(nat *nP, nat *sizeP)
+ GALA *gala;
+ // nat n=0, tot_size=0;
+ StgClosure *closure;
+ StgInfoTable *info;
+ nat size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs, i;
+ char str[80];
+ /* IN order to avoid counting closures twice we maintain a hash table
+ of all closures seen so far.
+ ToDo: collect this data while rebuilding the GALA table and make use
+ of the existing hash tables;
+ */
+ HashTable *closureTable; // hash table for closures encountered already
+ closureTable = allocHashTable();
+ (*nP) = (*sizeP) = 0;
+ for (gala = liveIndirections; gala != NULL; gala = gala->next) {
+ closure = (StgClosure*) gala->la;
+ if (lookupHashTable(closureTable, (StgWord)closure)==NULL) { // not seen yet
+ insertHashTable(closureTable, (StgWord)closure, (void *)1);
+ info = get_closure_info(closure, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str);
+ (*sizeP) += size ; // stats: measure total heap size of global closures
+ (*nP)++; // stats: count number of GAs
+ }
+ }
+ for (gala = liveRemoteGAs; gala != NULL; gala = gala->next) {
+ closure = (StgClosure*) gala->la;
+ if (lookupHashTable(closureTable, (StgWord)closure)==NULL) { // not seen yet
+ insertHashTable(closureTable, (StgWord)closure, (void *)1);
+ info = get_closure_info(closure, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str);
+ (*sizeP) += size ; // stats: measure total heap size of global closures
+ (*nP)++; // stats: count number of GAs
+ }
+ }
+ freeHashTable(closureTable, NULL);
+//@node Debugging routines, Index, GC functions for GALA tables, Global Address Manipulation
+//@subsection Debugging routines
+//@cindex printGA
+printGA (globalAddr *ga)
+ fprintf(stderr, "((%x, %d, %x))",
+ ga->payload.gc.gtid,
+ ga->payload.gc.slot,
+ ga->weight);
+//@cindex printGALA
+printGALA (GALA *gala)
+ printGA(&(gala->ga));
+ fprintf(stderr, " -> %p (%s)",
+ (StgClosure*)gala->la, info_type((StgClosure*)gala->la));
+ fprintf(stderr, " %s",
+ (gala->preferred) ? "PREF" : "____");
+ Printing the LA->GA table.
+//@cindex printLiveIndTable
+ GALA *gala, *q;
+ nat n=0; // debugging
+ belch("@@%%%%:: logical LiveIndTable (%p) (liveIndirections=%p):",
+ LAtoGALAtable, liveIndirections);
+ for (gala = liveIndirections; gala != NULL; gala = gala->next) {
+ n++;
+ printGALA(gala);
+ /* check whether this gala->la is hashed into the LAGA table */
+ q = lookupHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord)(gala->la));
+ fprintf(stderr, "\t%s\n", (q==NULL) ? "...." : (q==gala) ? "====" : "####");
+ //ASSERT(lookupHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord)(gala->la)));
+ }
+ belch("@@%%%%:: %d live indirections",
+ n);
+ GALA *gala, *q;
+ nat m=0; // debugging
+ belch("@@%%%%:: logical RemoteGATable (%p) (liveRemoteGAs=%p):",
+ LAtoGALAtable, liveRemoteGAs);
+ for (gala = liveRemoteGAs; gala != NULL; gala = gala->next) {
+ m++;
+ printGALA(gala);
+ /* check whether this gala->la is hashed into the LAGA table */
+ q = lookupHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord)(gala->la));
+ fprintf(stderr, "\t%s\n", (q==NULL) ? "...." : (q==gala) ? "====" : "####");
+ // ASSERT(lookupHashTable(LAtoGALAtable, (StgWord)(gala->la)));
+ }
+ belch("@@%%%%:: %d remote GAs",
+ m);
+//@cindex printLAGAtable
+ belch("@@%%: LAGAtable (%p) with liveIndirections=%p, liveRemoteGAs=%p:",
+ LAtoGALAtable, liveIndirections, liveRemoteGAs);
+ printLiveIndTable();
+ printRemoteGATable();
+ Check whether a GA is already in a list.
+isOnLiveIndTable(globalAddr *ga)
+ GALA *gala;
+ for (gala = liveIndirections; gala != NULL; gala = gala->next)
+ if (gala->ga.weight==ga->weight &&
+ gala->ga.payload.gc.slot==ga->payload.gc.slot &&
+ gala->ga.payload.gc.gtid==ga->payload.gc.gtid)
+ return rtsTrue;
+ return rtsFalse;
+isOnRemoteGATable(globalAddr *ga)
+ GALA *gala;
+ for (gala = liveRemoteGAs; gala != NULL; gala = gala->next)
+ if (gala->ga.weight==ga->weight &&
+ gala->ga.payload.gc.slot==ga->payload.gc.slot &&
+ gala->ga.payload.gc.gtid==ga->payload.gc.gtid)
+ return rtsTrue;
+ return rtsFalse;
+ Sanity check for free lists.
+checkFreeGALAList(void) {
+ GALA *gl;
+ for (gl=freeGALAList; gl != NULL; gl=gl->next) {
+ ASSERT(gl->ga.weight==0xdead0add);
+ ASSERT(gl->la==(StgPtr)0xdead00aa);
+ }
+checkFreeIndirectionsList(void) {
+ GALA *gl;
+ for (gl=freeIndirections; gl != NULL; gl=gl->next) {
+ ASSERT(gl->ga.weight==0xdead0add);
+ ASSERT(gl->la==(StgPtr)0xdead00aa);
+ }
+#endif /* PAR -- whole file */
+//@node Index, , Debugging routines, Global Address Manipulation
+//@subsection Index
+//* DebugPrintLAGAtable:: @cindex\s-+DebugPrintLAGAtable
+//* GALAlookup:: @cindex\s-+GALAlookup
+//* LAGAlookup:: @cindex\s-+LAGAlookup
+//* LAtoGALAtable:: @cindex\s-+LAtoGALAtable
+//* PackGA:: @cindex\s-+PackGA
+//* addWeight:: @cindex\s-+addWeight
+//* allocGALA:: @cindex\s-+allocGALA
+//* allocIndirection:: @cindex\s-+allocIndirection
+//* freeIndirections:: @cindex\s-+freeIndirections
+//* initGAtables:: @cindex\s-+initGAtables
+//* liveIndirections:: @cindex\s-+liveIndirections
+//* liveRemoteGAs:: @cindex\s-+liveRemoteGAs
+//* makeGlobal:: @cindex\s-+makeGlobal
+//* markLocalGAs:: @cindex\s-+markLocalGAs
+//* nextIndirection:: @cindex\s-+nextIndirection
+//* pGAtoGALAtable:: @cindex\s-+pGAtoGALAtable
+//* printGA:: @cindex\s-+printGA
+//* printGALA:: @cindex\s-+printGALA
+//* rebuildLAGAtable:: @cindex\s-+rebuildLAGAtable
+//* registerTask:: @cindex\s-+registerTask
+//* setRemoteGA:: @cindex\s-+setRemoteGA
+//* splitWeight:: @cindex\s-+splitWeight
+//* taskIDtoPE:: @cindex\s-+taskIDtoPE
+//* taskIDtoPEtable:: @cindex\s-+taskIDtoPEtable
+//* thisPE:: @cindex\s-+thisPE
+//@end index