path: root/rules/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rules/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 77 deletions
diff --git a/rules/ b/rules/
deleted file mode 100644
index b1e13a1ea0..0000000000
--- a/rules/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# This file is part of the GHC build system.
-# To understand how the build system works and how to modify it, see
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Add files generated by alex and happy to a source distribution.
-# Invoke like this:
-# $(eval $(call sdist-ghc-file,compiler,stage2,parser,Parser,y))
-# This adds the file 'compiler/stage2/build/Parser.hs' to the sdist, in the
-# same directory as 'compiler/GHC/Parser.y' (which is renamed).
-define sdist-ghc-file
-# $1 = dir
-# $2 = distdir
-# $3 = srcdir (can be empty)
-# $4 = filename
-# $5 = extension
-.PHONY: sdist_$1_$2_$4
-# We should do this before creating the `sdist-ghc` tarball, or when just
-# running `make sdist-ghc-prep`.
-sdist-ghc-prep : sdist_$1_$2_$4
-# But first create SRC_DIST_GHC_DIR.
-sdist_$1_$2_$4 : sdist-ghc-prep-tree
-# Generate the .hs files if they don't exist yet, then do actual copying and
-# moving.
-sdist_$1_$2_$4 : $1/$2/build/$4.hs
- "$(CP)" $1/$2/build/$4.hs $(SRC_DIST_GHC_DIR)/$1/$3/$$(dir $4)
- mv $(SRC_DIST_GHC_DIR)/$1/$3/$4.$5 $(SRC_DIST_GHC_DIR)/$1/$3/$4.$5.source
-# And make sure the rules for generating the .hs files exist, even when we
-# didn't generate all files.
-$$(eval $$(call hs-suffix-rules-srcdir,$1,$2,$3))
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Variant of sdist-ghc-file whose `$3`-argument is interpreted
-# differently in a more appropriate way for cabal-packages
-define sdist-ghc-file2
-# $1 = dir
-# $2 = distdir
-# $3 = moduledir
-# $4 = filename
-# $5 = extension
-.PHONY: sdist_$1_$2_$4
-# We should do this before creating the `sdist-ghc` tarball, or when just
-# running `make sdist-ghc-prep`.
-sdist-ghc-prep : sdist_$1_$2_$4
-# But first create SRC_DIST_GHC_DIR.
-sdist_$1_$2_$4 : sdist-ghc-prep-tree
-# Generate the .hs files if they don't exist yet, then do actual copying and
-# moving.
-sdist_$1_$2_$4 : $1/$2/build/$3/$4.hs
- "$(CP)" $1/$2/build/$3/$4.hs $(SRC_DIST_GHC_DIR)/$1/$3
- mv $(SRC_DIST_GHC_DIR)/$1/$3/$4.$5 $(SRC_DIST_GHC_DIR)/$1/$3/$4.$5.source
-# And make sure the rules for generating the .hs files exist, even when we
-# didn't generate all files.
-$$(eval $$(call hs-suffix-rules-srcdir,$1,$2,$3))