path: root/testsuite/driver/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/driver/')
1 files changed, 195 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/driver/ b/testsuite/driver/
index 6d80e07e12..c5d09e04db 100644
--- a/testsuite/driver/
+++ b/testsuite/driver/
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import argparse
import re
import subprocess
import time
+import sys
from collections import namedtuple
from math import ceil, trunc
@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ def is_worktree_dirty():
# The metrics (a.k.a stats) are named tuples, PerfStat, in this form:
# ( test_env : 'val', # Test environment.
-# test : 'val', # Name of the test
+# test : 'val', # Name of the test
# way : 'val',
# metric : 'val', # Metric being recorded
# value : 'val', # The statistic result e.g. runtime
@@ -73,6 +74,21 @@ def get_perf_stats(commit='HEAD', namespace='perf'):
log = [parse_perf_stat(stat_str) for stat_str in log]
return log
+# Check if a str is in a 40 character git commit hash.
+# str -> bool
+_commit_hash_re = re.compile('[0-9a-f]' * 40)
+def is_commit_hash(hash):
+ return _commit_hash_re.fullmatch(hash) != None
+# Convert a <ref> to a commit hash code.
+# str -> str
+def commit_hash(commit):
+ if is_commit_hash(commit):
+ return commit
+ return subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', commit], \
+ stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) \
+ .decode() \
+ .strip()
# Get allowed changes to performance. This is extracted from the commit message of
# the given commit in this form:
@@ -83,13 +99,20 @@ def get_perf_stats(commit='HEAD', namespace='perf'):
# 'metrics': ['metricA', 'metricB', ...],
# 'opts': {
# 'optionA': 'string value',
-# 'optionB': 'string value',
+# 'optionB': 'string value', # e.g. test_env: "x86_64-linux"
# ...
# }
# }
+_get_allowed_perf_changes_cache = {}
def get_allowed_perf_changes(commit='HEAD'):
- commitByteStr = subprocess.check_output(['git', '--no-pager', 'log', '-n1', '--format=%B', commit])
- return parse_allowed_perf_changes(commitByteStr.decode())
+ global _get_allowed_perf_changes_cache
+ commit = commit_hash(commit)
+ if not commit in _get_allowed_perf_changes_cache:
+ commitByteStr = subprocess.check_output(\
+ ['git', '--no-pager', 'log', '-n1', '--format=%B', commit])
+ _get_allowed_perf_changes_cache[commit] \
+ = parse_allowed_perf_changes(commitByteStr.decode())
+ return _get_allowed_perf_changes_cache[commit]
def parse_allowed_perf_changes(commitMsg):
# Helper regex. Non-capturing unless postfixed with Cap.
@@ -102,7 +125,7 @@ def parse_allowed_perf_changes(commitMsg):
exp = (r"^Metric"
+s+r"?("+qstr+r"|"+qstrList+r")?" # Metric or list of metrics.s..
- +s+r"?(\(" + r"(?:[^')]|"+qstr+r")*" + r"\))?" # Options surounded in parenthesis. (allow parenthases in quoted strings))
+ +s+r"?(\(" + r"(?:[^')]|"+qstr+r")*" + r"\))?" # Options surrounded in parenthesis. (allow parenthases in quoted strings)
+s+r"?:?" # Optional ":"
+s+r"?((?:(?!\n\n)(?!\n[^\s])(?:.|\n))*)" # Test names. Stop parsing on empty or non-indented new line.
@@ -213,11 +236,176 @@ def append_perf_stat(stats, commit='HEAD', namespace='perf', max_tries=5):
tries += 1
- print("\nAn error occured while writing the performance metrics to git notes.\n \
- ​ This is usually due to a lock-file existing somewhere in the git repo.")
+ print("\nAn error occurred while writing the performance metrics to git notes.\n \
+ This is usually due to a lock-file existing somewhere in the git repo.")
return False
+# Baseline calculation
+# Max number of ancestor commits to search when compiling a baseline performance metric.
+BaselineSearchDepth = 75
+# The git notes name space for local results.
+LocalNamespace = "perf"
+# The git notes name space for ci results.
+CiNamespace = "ci/" + LocalNamespace
+# (isCalculated, best fit ci test_env or None)
+BestFitCiTestEnv = (False, None)
+# test_env string or None
+def best_fit_ci_test_env():
+ global BestFitCiTestEnv
+ if not BestFitCiTestEnv[0]:
+ platform = sys.platform
+ isArch64 = sys.maxsize > 2**32
+ arch = "x86_64" if isArch64 else "i386"
+ if platform.startswith("linux"):
+ test_env = arch + "-linux-deb9"
+ elif platform.startswith("win32"):
+ # There are no windows CI test results.
+ test_env = None
+ elif isArch64 and platform.startswith("darwin"):
+ test_env = arch + "-darwin"
+ elif isArch64 and platform.startswith("freebsd"):
+ test_env = arch + "-freebsd"
+ else:
+ test_env = None
+ BestFitCiTestEnv = (True, test_env)
+ return BestFitCiTestEnv[1]
+_baseline_depth_commit_log = {}
+# Get the commit hashes for the last BaselineSearchDepth commits from and
+# including the input commit. The output commits are all commit hashes.
+# str -> [str]
+def baseline_commit_log(commit):
+ global _baseline_depth_commit_log
+ commit = commit_hash(commit)
+ if not commit in _baseline_depth_commit_log:
+ _baseline_depth_commit_log[commit] = \
+ subprocess.check_output(['git', 'log', '--format=%H', \
+ '-n' + str(BaselineSearchDepth)]) \
+ .decode().split('\n')
+ return _baseline_depth_commit_log[commit]
+# Cache of baseline values. This is a dict of dicts indexed on:
+# (useCiNamespace, commit) -> (test_env, test, metric, way) -> baseline
+# (bool , str ) -> (str , str , str , str) -> float
+_commit_metric_cache = {}
+# Get the baseline (expected value) of a test at a given commit. This searches
+# git notes from older commits for recorded metrics (locally and from ci). More
+# recent commits are favoured, then local results over ci results are favoured.
+# commit: str - must be a commit hash (see commit_has())
+# name: str - test name
+# test_env: str - test environment (note a best fit test_env will be used
+# instead when looking for ci results)
+# metric: str - test metric
+# way: str - test way
+# returns: the baseline float or None if no metric was found within
+# BaselineSearchDepth commits and since the last expected change.
+def baseline_metric(commit, name, test_env, metric, way):
+ # For performance reasons (in order to avoid calling commit_hash), we assert
+ # commit is already a commit hash.
+ assert is_commit_hash(commit)
+ # Get all recent commit hashes.
+ commit_hashes = baseline_commit_log(commit)
+ # TODO PERF use git log to get hashes of all BaselineSearchDepth commits
+ def depth_to_commit(depth):
+ return commit_hashes[depth]
+ def has_expected_change(commit):
+ return get_allowed_perf_changes(commit).get(name) \
+ != None
+ # Bool -> String
+ def namespace(useCiNamespace):
+ return CiNamespace if useCiNamespace else LocalNamespace
+ ci_test_env = best_fit_ci_test_env()
+ # gets the metric of a given commit
+ # (Bool, Int) -> (float | None)
+ def commit_metric(useCiNamespace, currentCommit):
+ global _commit_metric_cache
+ # Get test environment.
+ effective_test_env = ci_test_env if useCiNamespace else test_env
+ if effective_test_env == None:
+ # This can happen when no best fit ci test is found.
+ return None
+ # Check for cached value.
+ cacheKeyA = (useCiNamespace, currentCommit)
+ cacheKeyB = (effective_test_env, name, metric, way)
+ if cacheKeyA in _commit_metric_cache:
+ return _commit_metric_cache[cacheKeyA].get(cacheKeyB)
+ # Cache miss.
+ # Calculate baselines from the current commit's git note.
+ # Note that the git note may contain data for other tests. All tests'
+ # baselines will be collected and cached for future use.
+ allCommitMetrics = get_perf_stats(
+ currentCommit,
+ namespace(useCiNamespace))
+ # Collect recorded values by cacheKeyB.
+ values_by_cache_key_b = {}
+ for perfStat in allCommitMetrics:
+ currentCacheKey = (perfStat.test_env, perfStat.test, \
+ perfStat.metric, perfStat.way)
+ currentValues = values_by_cache_key_b.setdefault(currentCacheKey, [])
+ currentValues.append(float(perfStat.value))
+ # Calculate and baseline (average of values) by cacheKeyB.
+ baseline_by_cache_key_b = {}
+ for currentCacheKey, currentValues in values_by_cache_key_b.items():
+ baseline_by_cache_key_b[currentCacheKey] = \
+ sum(currentValues) / len(currentValues)
+ # Save baselines to the cache.
+ _commit_metric_cache[cacheKeyA] = baseline_by_cache_key_b
+ return baseline_by_cache_key_b.get(cacheKeyB)
+ # Searches through previous commits trying local then ci for each commit in.
+ def search(useCiNamespace, depth):
+ # Stop if reached the max search depth, or if
+ # there is an expected change at the child commit (depth-1). This is a
+ # subtlety: Metrics recorded on commit x incorporate the expected
+ # changes for commit x. Hence metrics from x are still a valid baseline,
+ # while older commits are not. This is why we check for expected changes
+ # on depth-1 rather than depth.
+ if depth >= BaselineSearchDepth or has_expected_change( \
+ depth_to_commit(depth - 1)):
+ return None
+ # Check for a metric on this commit.
+ current_metric = commit_metric(useCiNamespace, depth_to_commit(depth))
+ if current_metric != None:
+ return current_metric
+ # Metric is not available.
+ # If tried local, now try CI. Else move to the parent commit.
+ if not useCiNamespace:
+ return search(True, depth)
+ else:
+ return search(False, depth + 1)
+ # Start search from parent commit using local name space.
+ return search(False, 1)
# Check test stats. This prints the results for the user.
# actual: the PerfStat with actual value.
# expected_val: the expected value (this should generally be derived from get_perf_stats())