path: root/testsuite/driver/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/driver/')
1 files changed, 332 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/driver/ b/testsuite/driver/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9273f0f70d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/driver/
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# (c) Jared Weakly 2017
+# This file will be a utility to help facilitate the comparison of performance
+# metrics across arbitrary commits. The file will produce a table comparing
+# metrics between measurements taken for given commits in the environment
+# (which defaults to 'local' if not given by --test-env).
+import argparse
+import re
+import subprocess
+import time
+from math import ceil, trunc
+from testutil import passed, failBecause
+# Some data access functions. A the moment this uses git notes.
+# The metrics (a.k.a stats) are dictionaries in this form:
+# { 'test_env' : 'val', # Test environment.
+# 'test' : 'val', # Name of the test
+# 'way' : 'val',
+# 'metric' : 'val', # Metric being recorded
+# 'value' : 'val', # The statistic result e.g. runtime
+# # Optionally:
+# 'commit' : 'val', # The ghc git commit
+# }
+# All the fields of a metric (no excluding commit field).
+def perf_stat_fields():
+ return ['test_env','test','way','metric','value']
+# Crete a metric dict from a list of values matching the keys in perf_stat_fields().
+def perf_stat_from_field_vals(field_vals):
+ return dict(zip(perf_stat_fields(), field_vals))
+def parse_perf_stat(stat_str, commit=None):
+ field_vals = stat_str.strip('\t').split('\t')
+ stat = perf_stat_from_field_vals(field_vals)
+ if commit:
+ stat['commit'] = commit
+ return stat
+# Get all recorded (in a git note) metrics for a given commit.
+# Returns an empty array if the note is not found.
+def get_perf_stats(commit='HEAD', namespace='perf'):
+ try:
+ log = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'notes', '--ref=' + namespace, 'show', commit], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode('utf-8')
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+ return []
+ log = log.strip('\n').split('\n')
+ log = list(filter(None, log))
+ log = [parse_perf_stat(stat_str, commit) for stat_str in log]
+ return log
+# Get allowed changes to performance. This is extracted from the commit message of
+# the given commit in this form:
+# Metric (Increase | Decrease) ['metric' | \['metrics',..\]] [\((test_env|way)='abc',...\)]: TestName01, TestName02, ...
+# Returns a *dictionary* from test name to a *list* of items of the form:
+# {
+# 'direction': either 'Increase' or 'Decrease,
+# 'metrics': ['metricA', 'metricB', ...],
+# 'opts': {
+# 'optionA': 'string value',
+# 'optionB': 'string value',
+# ...
+# }
+# }
+def get_allowed_perf_changes(commit='HEAD'):
+ commitByteStr = subprocess.check_output(['git', '--no-pager', 'log', '-n1', '--format=%B', commit])
+ return parse_allowed_perf_changes(commitByteStr.decode())
+def parse_allowed_perf_changes(commitMsg):
+ # Helper regex. Non-capturing unless postfixed with Cap.
+ s = r"(?:\s*\n?\s+)" # Space, possible new line with an indent.
+ qstr = r"(?:'(?:[^'\\]|\\.)*')" # Quoted string.
+ qstrCap = r"(?:'((?:[^'\\]|\\.)*)')" # Quoted string. Captures the string without the quotes.
+ innerQstrList = r"(?:"+qstr+r"(?:"+s+r"?,"+s+r"?"+qstr+r")*)?" # Inside of a list of
+ qstrList = r"(?:\["+s+r"?"+innerQstrList+s+r"?\])" # A list of strings (using box brackets)..
+ exp = (r"^Metric"
+ +s+r"(Increase|Decrease)"
+ +s+r"?("+qstr+r"|"+qstrList+r")?" # Metric or list of metrics.s..
+ +s+r"?(\(" + r"(?:[^')]|"+qstr+r")*" + r"\))?" # Options surounded in parenthesis. (allow parenthases in quoted strings))
+ +s+r"?:?" # Optional ":"
+ +s+r"?((?:(?!\n\n)(?!\n[^\s])(?:.|\n))*)" # Test names. Stop parsing on empty or non-indented new line.
+ )
+ matches = re.findall(exp, commitMsg, re.M)
+ changes = {}
+ for (direction, metricsStr, optsStr, testsStr) in matches:
+ tests = re.findall(r"(\w+)", testsStr)
+ for test in tests:
+ changes.setdefault(test, []).append({
+ 'direction': direction,
+ 'metrics': re.findall(qstrCap, metricsStr),
+ 'opts': dict(re.findall(r"(\w+)"+s+r"?="+s+r"?"+qstrCap, optsStr))
+ })
+ return changes
+# Appends a list of metrics to the git note of the given commit.
+# Tries up to max_tries times to write to git notes should it fail for some reason.
+# Each retry will wait 1 second.
+# Returns True if the note was successfully appended.
+def append_perf_stat(stats, commit='HEAD', namespace='perf', max_tries=5):
+ # If a single stat, convert to a singleton list.
+ if not isinstance(stats, list):
+ stats = [stats]
+ # Append to git note
+ print('Appending ' + str(len(stats)) + ' stats to git notes.')
+ metrics = perf_stat_fields()
+ stats_str = "\n".join(["\t".join([str(stat[metric]) for metric in metrics]) for stat in stats])
+ def try_append():
+ try:
+ return subprocess.check_output(['git', 'notes', '--ref=perf', 'append', commit, '-m', stats_str])
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+ return b'Git - fatal'
+ tries = 0
+ while tries < max_tries:
+ if not b'Git - fatal' in try_append():
+ return True
+ tries += 1
+ time.sleep(1)
+ print("\nAn error occured while writing the performance metrics to git notes.\n \
+ ​ This is usually due to a lock-file existing somewhere in the git repo.")
+ return False
+# Check test stats. This prints the results for the user.
+# test: name of the test.
+# metric: the metric to check.
+# test_env: the test environment string.
+# way
+# expected_val: the expected value (this should generally be derived from get_perf_stats()).
+# actual_val: the value observed in the current test run.
+# tolerance_dev: allowed deviation of the actual value from the expected value.
+# allowed_perf_changes: allowed changes in stats. This is a dictionary as returned by get_allowed_perf_changes().
+# force_print: Print stats even if the test stat was in the tolerance range.
+# Returns a pass/fail object. Passes if the stats are withing the expected value ranges.
+def check_stats(test, metric, test_env, way, expected_val, actual_val, tolerance_dev, allowed_perf_changes = {}, force_print = False):
+ full_name = test + ' (' + way + ')'
+ lowerBound = trunc( int(expected_val) * ((100 - float(tolerance_dev))/100))
+ upperBound = trunc(0.5 + ceil(int(expected_val) * ((100 + float(tolerance_dev))/100)))
+ actual_dev = round(((float(actual_val) * 100)/ int(expected_val)) - 100, 1)
+ allowed_change_directions = [ change['direction']
+ for change in allowed_perf_changes.get(test, [])
+ if metric in change['metrics']
+ if ((not 'way' in change['opts'].keys()) or way == change['opts']['way'])
+ if ((not 'test_env' in change['opts'].keys()) or test_env == change['opts']['test_env'])
+ ]
+ def print_help(direction):
+ print()
+ print('If this is an expected change, please add this in the git commit message:')
+ print(" Metric " + direction + " '" + metric + "' (test_env='" + test_env + "', way='" + way + "'): " + test)
+ print()
+ print_help_dir = False
+ result = passed()
+ too_low = actual_val < lowerBound and not 'Decrease' in allowed_change_directions
+ if too_low:
+ print(metric, 'value is too low:')
+ print_help_dir = 'Decrease'
+ result = failBecause('stat too good', tag='stat')
+ too_high = actual_val > upperBound and not 'Increase' in allowed_change_directions
+ if too_high:
+ print(metric, 'value is too high:')
+ print_help_dir = 'Increase'
+ result = failBecause('stat not good enough', tag='stat')
+ if too_high or too_low or force_print:
+ length = max(len(str(x)) for x in [expected_val, lowerBound, upperBound, actual_val])
+ def display(descr, val, extra):
+ print(descr, str(val).rjust(length), extra)
+ display(' Expected ' + full_name + ' ' + metric + ':', expected_val, '+/-' + str(tolerance_dev) + '%')
+ display(' Lower bound ' + full_name + ' ' + metric + ':', lowerBound, '')
+ display(' Upper bound ' + full_name + ' ' + metric + ':', upperBound, '')
+ display(' Actual ' + full_name + ' ' + metric + ':', actual_val, '')
+ if actual_val != expected_val:
+ display(' Deviation ' + full_name + ' ' + metric + ':', actual_dev, '%')
+ if print_help_dir:
+ print_help(print_help_dir)
+ return result
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument("--test-env",
+ help="The given test environment to be compared.")
+ parser.add_argument("--test-name",
+ help="If given, filters table to include only \
+ tests matching the given regular expression.")
+ parser.add_argument("--add-note", nargs=3,
+ help="Development only. --add-note N commit seed \
+ Adds N fake metrics to the given commit using the random seed.")
+ parser.add_argument("commits", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER,
+ help="The rest of the arguments will be the commits that will be used.")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ env = 'local'
+ name = re.compile('.*')
+ # metrics is a dictionary of the form
+ # [ {'test_env': 'local', 'test': 'T100', 'way': 'some_way', 'metric': 'some_field', 'value': '1000', 'commit': 'HEAD'} ]
+ metrics = []
+ singleton_commit = len(args.commits) == 1
+ #
+ # Main logic of the program when called from the command-line.
+ #
+ if args.commits:
+ for c in args.commits:
+ metrics += get_perf_stats(c)
+ if args.test_env:
+ metrics = [test for test in metrics if test['test_env'] == args.test_env]
+ if args.test_name:
+ nameRe = re.compile(args.test_name)
+ metrics = [test for test in metrics if'test',''))]
+ if args.add_note:
+ def note_gen(n, commit, delta=''):
+ note = []
+ # Generates simple fake data. Likely not comprehensive enough to catch all edge cases.
+ if not delta:
+ note.extend([perf_stat_from_field_vals(['local', 'T'+ str(i*100), 'some_way', 'some_field', str(i*1000)]) for i in range(1,int(int(n)/2)+1)])
+ note.extend([perf_stat_from_field_vals(['non-local', 'W'+ str(i*100), 'other_way', 'other_field', str(i*100)]) for i in range(int(int(n)/2)+1,int(n)+1)])
+ if delta:
+ hu = abs(hash(delta))
+ hv = abs(hash(hu))
+ u = int(hu % 100)
+ v = int(hv % 10)
+ note.extend([perf_stat_from_field_vals(['local', 'T'+ str(i*100), 'some_way', 'some_field', str(i*u)]) for i in range(1,int(int(n)/2)+1)])
+ note.extend([perf_stat_from_field_vals(['non-local', 'W'+ str(i*100), 'other_way', 'other_field', str(i*v)]) for i in range(int(int(n)/2)+1,int(n)+1)])
+ append_perf_stat(note, commit)
+ note_gen(args.add_note[0],args.add_note[1],args.add_note[2])
+ #
+ # String utilities for pretty-printing
+ #
+ row_fmt = '{:18}' * len(args.commits)
+ commits = row_fmt.format(*[c[:10] for c in args.commits])
+ def cmtline(insert):
+ return row_fmt.format(*[insert for c in args.commits]).strip()
+ def header(unit):
+ first_line = "{:27}{:30}".format(' ',' ') + cmtline(unit)
+ second_line = ("{:27}{:30}".format('Test','Metric') + commits).strip()
+ # Test Metric c1 c2 c3 ...
+ print("-" * (len(second_line)+1))
+ print(first_line)
+ print(second_line)
+ print("-" * (len(second_line)+1))
+ def commit_string(test, flag):
+ def delta(v1, v2):
+ return round((100 * (v1 - v2)/v2),2)
+ # TODO Is taking the average of all stats for the commit really what we want or is there a better metric?
+ # In addition, if the test environment is not set, are we combining tests from different environments?
+ averageValuesOrNones = []
+ for commit in args.commits:
+ values = [float(t['value']) for t in metrics if t['commit'] == commit and t['test'] == test]
+ if values == []:
+ averageValuesOrNones.append(None)
+ else:
+ averageValuesOrNones.append(sum(values) / len(values))
+ if flag == 'metrics':
+ strings = [str(v) if v != None else '-' for v in averageValuesOrNones]
+ if flag == 'percentages':
+ # If the baseline commit has no stats, then we can not produce any percentages.
+ baseline = averageValuesOrNones[0]
+ if baseline == None:
+ strings = ['-' for v in averageValuesOrNones]
+ else:
+ baseline = float(baseline)
+ strings = ['-' if val == None else str(delta(baseline,float(val))) + '%' for val in averageValuesOrNones]
+ return row_fmt.format(*strings).strip()
+ #
+ # The pretty-printed output
+ #
+ # TODO Sort the output by deviation. Most deviant tests are most important.
+ # Does the user want these at the bottom or top of the list?
+ # Color output?
+ # TODO We currently only group on test name..... Shouldn't we group on ALL
+ # keys: 'test_env', 'test', 'way', 'metric', 'commit'
+ header('commit')
+ # Printing out metrics.
+ all_tests = sorted(set([(stat['test'], stat['metric']) for stat in metrics]))
+ for test, metric in all_tests:
+ print("{:27}{:30}".format(test, metric) + commit_string(test,'metrics'))
+ # Has no meaningful output if there is no commit to compare to.
+ if not singleton_commit:
+ header('percent')
+ # Printing out percentages.
+ for test, metric in all_tests:
+ print("{:27}{:30}".format(test, metric) + commit_string(test,'percentages')) \ No newline at end of file