path: root/testsuite/tests/array/should_run/arr015.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/array/should_run/arr015.hs')
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/array/should_run/arr015.hs b/testsuite/tests/array/should_run/arr015.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a6e8c431a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/array/should_run/arr015.hs
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+-- !!! Array test
+-- This one fails in Hugs (Feb 2001)
+module Main where
+import Data.Array
+-- All in main is only to show the strange behaviour.
+-- arrS is the array that foo (NB (1.0,1)) shows in Hugs.
+-- But (foo (NB (1.0,1)))==arrS is False.
+-- If I write NB (f,p) -> hCMt [(p,listArray ((1,1),(1,1)) [f])] instead of line 16
+-- the bug disappears. That is also the reason why I have to keep the data declaration RD.
+-- If I put the type signature of line 18 in scope the bug also disappears.
+-- If I write hCMt po_arL = (accumArray (\a _-> a) ZM ((1,1),(1,2)) []) //
+-- (map (\(po,ar) -> ((1,po),M ar)) po_arL)
+-- instead of line 19 and 20 it also vanishes.
+data CM a = ZM | M (Array (Int,Int) a) deriving (Show,Eq)
+data RD = NB !(Double,Int)
+main = do
+ let arr = foo (NB (1.0,1))
+ -- arr = { (1,1) -> M { (1,1) -> 1.0 }, (1,2) -> ZM }
+ -- All these should return True
+ putStr ("arr==arrS "++show (arr==arrS)++"\n")
+ putStr ("arrS==arr "++show (arrS==arr)++"\n")
+ putStr ("bnds arr arrS "++show ((bounds arr)==(bounds arrS))++"\n")
+ putStr ("bnds +id arr arrS "++show ((( arr)==((bounds) arrS))++"\n")
+ putStr ("id +bnds arr arrS "++show (((id.bounds) arr)==((bounds) arrS))++"\n")
+foo :: RD -> Array (Int,Int) (CM Double)
+foo rd = case rd of
+ NB (f,p) -> h where h = hCMt [(p,listArray ((1,1),(1,1)) [f])]
+ -- h = { (1,p) -> M { (1,1) -> f }, other -> ZM }
+ where
+ --h0CMt :: Array (Int, Int) (CM Double)
+ -- h0CMt = { (1,1) -> ZM, (1,2) -> ZM }
+ h0CMt = accumArray (\a _-> a) ZM ((1,1),(1,2)) []
+ hCMt prs = h0CMt // (map (\(po,ar) -> ((1,po),M ar)) prs)
+ -- [ (1,p), M { (1,1) -> f } ]
+arrS :: Array (Int,Int) (CM Double)
+arrS = listArray ((1,1),(1,2)) [M (listArray ((1,1),(1,1)) [1.0]),ZM]