path: root/testsuite/tests/arrows/should_run/arrowrun004.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/arrows/should_run/arrowrun004.hs')
1 files changed, 128 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/arrows/should_run/arrowrun004.hs b/testsuite/tests/arrows/should_run/arrowrun004.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0275065f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/arrows/should_run/arrowrun004.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE Arrows, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-}
+-- Simple expression parser
+-- (uses do-notation and operators)
+module Main(main) where
+import Control.Arrow
+import Control.Category
+import Data.Char
+import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
+-- Parsers
+class (Eq s, Show s, ArrowPlus a) => ArrowParser s a where
+ symbol :: s -> a b String
+data Sym s = Sym { token :: s, value :: String }
+-- Simple backtracking instance
+newtype BTParser s a b = BTParser (a -> [Sym s] -> [(b, [Sym s])])
+instance Category (BTParser s) where
+ id = BTParser $ \a ss -> [(a, ss)]
+ BTParser f . BTParser g = BTParser $ \b ss ->
+ [(d, ss'') | (c, ss') <- g b ss, (d, ss'') <- f c ss']
+instance Arrow (BTParser s) where
+ arr f = BTParser $ \a ss -> [(f a, ss)]
+ first (BTParser f) = BTParser $ \(b,d) ss ->
+ [((c,d), ss') | (c,ss') <- f b ss]
+instance ArrowZero (BTParser s) where
+ zeroArrow = BTParser $ \b ss -> []
+instance ArrowPlus (BTParser s) where
+ BTParser f <+> BTParser g = BTParser $ \b ss -> f b ss ++ g b ss
+instance (Eq s, Show s) => ArrowParser s (BTParser s) where
+ symbol s = BTParser $ \b ss ->
+ case ss of
+ Sym s' v:ss' | s' == s -> [(v, ss')]
+ _ -> []
+runBTParser :: BTParser s () c -> [Sym s] -> c
+runBTParser (BTParser parser) syms =
+ head [c | (c, []) <- parser () syms]
+-- Expressions
+data ESym = LPar | RPar | Plus | Minus | Mult | Div | Number | Unknown
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+type ExprParser = BTParser ESym
+type ExprSym = Sym ESym
+-- The grammar
+expr :: ExprParser () Int
+expr = proc () -> do
+ x <- term -< ()
+ expr' -< x
+expr' :: ExprParser Int Int
+expr' = proc x -> do
+ returnA -< x
+ <+> do
+ (|(symbol Plus)|)
+ y <- term -< ()
+ expr' -< x + y
+ <+> do
+ (|(symbol Minus)|)
+ y <- term -< ()
+ expr' -< x - y
+term :: ExprParser () Int
+term = proc () -> do
+ x <- factor -< ()
+ term' -< x
+term' :: ExprParser Int Int
+term' = proc x -> do
+ returnA -< x
+ <+> do
+ (|(symbol Mult)|)
+ y <- factor -< ()
+ term' -< x * y
+ <+> do
+ (|(symbol Div)|)
+ y <- factor -< ()
+ term' -< x `div` y
+factor :: ExprParser () Int
+factor = proc () -> do
+ v <- (|(symbol Number)|)
+ returnA -< read v::Int
+ <+> do
+ (|(symbol Minus)|)
+ v <- factor -< ()
+ returnA -< -v
+ <+> do
+ (|(symbol LPar)|)
+ v <- expr -< ()
+ (|(symbol RPar)|)
+ returnA -< v
+-- Lexical analysis
+lexer :: String -> [ExprSym]
+lexer [] = []
+lexer ('(':cs) = Sym LPar "(":lexer cs
+lexer (')':cs) = Sym RPar ")":lexer cs
+lexer ('+':cs) = Sym Plus "+":lexer cs
+lexer ('-':cs) = Sym Minus "-":lexer cs
+lexer ('*':cs) = Sym Mult "*":lexer cs
+lexer ('/':cs) = Sym Div "/":lexer cs
+lexer (c:cs)
+ | isSpace c = lexer cs
+ | isDigit c = Sym Number (c:w):lexer cs'
+ | otherwise = Sym Unknown [c]:lexer cs
+ where (w,cs') = span isDigit cs
+parse = runBTParser expr . lexer
+main = do
+ print (parse "1+2*(3+4)")
+ print (parse "3*5-17/3+4")